The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Foreign Affairs Archives
Foreign Affairs •ï¿½80 Years, 335 Issues, 7,959 Articles, 69,189pp
In Again, Out Again
Foreign Affairs, April 1931, pp. 496-500
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1920s = 8 Years, 29 Issues, 694 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1922 = 2 Issues, 45 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1923 = 4 Issues, 89 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1924 = 4 Issues, 86 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1925 = 3 Issues, 70 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1926 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1927 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1928 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1929 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
                  2. [+]
                    Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 1,051 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1930 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1931 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          January 1931 Issue = 27 Articles
                          1. The Permanent Bases of German Foreign Policy by Richard von Kuhlmann, pp. 179-194
                          2. The Gold Problem by Edwin F. Gay, pp. 195-203
                          3. Revolution, Recognition and Intervention by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 204-221
                          4. France and Italy by Louis Aubert, pp. 222-242
                          5. Lessons of the World Depression by Gustav Stolper, pp. 243-253
                          6. Japan in the Modern World by Yusuke Tsurumi, pp. 254-265
                          7. The Pros and Cons of Soviet Recognition by Paul D. Cravath, pp. 266-276
                          8. Revolution in South America by Clarence H. Haring, pp. 277-296
                          9. The Aftermath of the Spanish Dictatorship by R.T. Desmond, pp. 297-309
                          10. Communism in China by P., pp. 310-316
                          11. The Coming of the War by Harold Temperley, pp. 317-338
                          12. General Tasker H. Bliss by H.F.A., pp. 339-340
                          13. The Revision of the Statute of the World Court by Manley O. Hudson, pp. 341-345
                          14. The Passing of Extraterritoriality in China by Walter H. Mallory, pp. 346-349
                          15. Dutch Problems in the West Indies by Amry Vandenbosch, pp. 350-352
                          16. [+]
                            Some Recent Books on International Relations by William L. Langer, p. 353 - 9 Reviews
                            1. Problems of Peace
                            2. The Path to Peace by Nicholas Murray Butler
                            3. The British Year-Book of International Law, 1930
                            4. Educating for Peace by Elizabeth E. Miller Lobingier and John L. Lobingier, ...
                            5. That Next War? by Major Karl A. Bratt
                            6. Mars, or the Truth About War by Alain
                            7. The Problem of the Twentieth Century by David Davies
                            8. Maritime Trade in War by Lord Eustace Percy
                            9. The Territorial Sea by Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante y Sirven
                          17. [+]
                            International Relations of the United States The American Public Mind, by Peter H. Odegard, p. 354 - 4 Reviews
                            1. The American Public Mind by Peter H. Odegard
                            2. Civic Attitudes in American School Textbooks by Bessie Louise Pierce
                            3. In the Senate by George Wharton Pepper
                            4. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
                          18. [+]
                            The World War The Coming of the War, 1914, by Bernadotte E. ..., pp. 355-356 - 8 Reviews
                            1. The Coming of the War, 1914 by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
                            2. A Refutation of the Versailles War Guilt Thesis by Alfred von Wegerer
                            3. Europe, The World's Banker, 1870-1914 by Herbert Feis
                            4. The Great War of 1914-1918 by George Aston
                            5. Colossal Blunders of the War by William Seaver Woods
                            6. Behind the Scenes in Many Wars by George F. MacMunn
                            7. Liaison, 1914 by Edward L. Spears
                            8. With Beatty at Jutland by T.C. Bridges
                          19. [+]
                            Western Europe The United States of Europe, by Edouard Herriot, pp. 357-360 - 11 Reviews
                            1. The United States of Europe by Edouard Herriot
                            2. An Ambassador of Peace by Edgar V. D'Abernon
                            3. The Political Consequences of the Great War by Ramsay Muir
                            4. Some Economic Consequences of the Great War by Arthur Lyon Bowley
                            5. The World's Economic Dilemma by Ernest Minor Patterson
                            6. French Parties and Politics, 1871-1930 by Roger H. Soltau
                            7. Germany in the Post-War Period by Erich Koch-Weser
                            8. The Eastern Frontiers of Germany by Rene Martel
                            9. Poland, Germany and the Corridor by Casimir Smogorzewski
                            10. The Collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by Edmund von Glaise-Horstenau
                            11. Civic Training in Switzerland by Robert C. Brooks
                          20. [+]
                            Eastern Europe The Ochrana, by A.T. Vassilyev and Rene Fulop-..., pp. 361-362 - 9 Reviews
                            1. The Ochrana by A.T. Vassilyev and Rene Fulop-Miller
                            2. Russian Local Government During the War and the Union of Zemstvos by Tikhon I. Polner
                            3. Agricultural Russia on the Eve of the Revolution by Georgii Alekseevich Pavlovsky
                            4. The White Army by A.I. Denikin
                            5. Memories of Lenin, 1893-1917 by Nadezhda K. Krupskaya
                            6. The Soviets in World Affairs by Louis Fischer
                            7. The Experiment of Bolshevism by Arthur Feiler
                            8. The Economic Policy of Soviet Russia by Paul Haensel
                            9. The Five-Year Plan of the Soviet Union by Grigory F. Grinko
                          21. [+]
                            The British Commonwealth of Nations Economic Prosperity in the British Empire, by ..., p. 363 - 11 Reviews
                            1. Economic Prosperity in the British Empire by Stephen Leacock
                            2. Philip Snowden by Andreas Michael Andreades
                            3. Impressions and Recollections by Frank P. Crozier
                            4. The Failure of Federalism in Australia by Arthur P. Canaway
                            5. India and the Simon Report by John A. Simon
                            6. India and the Simon Report by C.F. Andrews
                            7. The Growth and Development of National Thought in India by Nath Topa Ishwara
                            8. Reconstructing India by Edward J. Thompson
                            9. Disillusioned India by Dhan Gopal Mukerji
                            10. Indian States and British India by Gurmukh Nihal Singh
                            11. Population Problem of India by Bhalchandra T. Ranadive
                          22. [+]
                            The Near East Near East Politics and the Bible, by The Rever..., p. 364 - 4 Reviews
                            1. Near East Politics and the Bible by The Reverend J.H. Burridge
                            2. Towards Disaster by Prince Andrew of Greece
                            3. Arabia by H.St.J.B. Philby
                            4. Arabian Peak and Desert by Ameen F. Rihani
                          23. [+]
                            Africa Report on African Affairs, 1929, by Owen Clough, p. 365 - 1 Review
                            1. Report on African Affairs, 1929 by Owen Clough
                          24. [+]
                            The Far East China: The Collapse of a Civilization, by Nath..., p. 365 - 7 Reviews
                            1. China: The Collapse of a Civilization by Nathaniel Peffer
                            2. The Inner History of the Chinese Revolution by Leang-Li T'ang
                            3. The Spirit of the Chinese Revolution by Arthur N. Holcombe
                            4. International Aspect of the Missionary Movement in China by Chao-Kwang Wu
                            5. The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilization of Japan by Yosoburo Takekoshi
                            6. Realism in Romantic Japan by Miriam Beard
                            7. Korea of the Japanese by H.B. Drake
                          25. [+]
                            Latin America The People and Politics of Latin America, by M..., p. 366 - 2 Reviews
                            1. The People and Politics of Latin America by Mary Wilhelmine Williams
                            2. Mexico and Her Foreign Creditors by Edgar Willis Turlington
                          26. [+]
                            Miscellaneous God in Freedom, by Luigi Luzzatti, p. 366 - 1 Review
                            1. God in Freedom by Luigi Luzzatti
                          27. Source Material by Denys P. Myers, pp. 367-372
                        2. [+]
                          April 1931 Issue = 26 Articles
                          1. Immediate Problems of Naval Reduction by Admiral Sir Herbert W. Richmond, pp. 371-388
                          2. Labor Under the Soviets by Paul Haensel, pp. 389-397
                          3. After Tariffs, Embargoes by Herbert Feis, pp. 398-408
                          4. The Palestine Situation Restated by Felix Frankfurter, pp. 409-434
                          5. Radical Forces in Germany by Erich Koch-Weser, pp. 435-440
                          6. The Silver Problem by Herbert B. Elliston, pp. 441-456
                          7. Lloyd George by Henry W. Nevinson, pp. 457-468
                          8. The Chinese as a Fighting Man by John Magruder, pp. 469-476
                          9. The Australian Crisis by Q., pp. 477-486
                          10. Greece and Her Neighbors by William Miller, pp. 487-495
                          11. Nicaragua by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 496-500
                          12. Privy Council vs. Cabinet in Japan by Harold S. Quigley, pp. 501-505
                          13. The Passport Question by Egidio Reale, pp. 506-509
                          14. A Soviet Satellite by I.I. Serebrennikov, pp. 510-515
                          15. [+]
                            Some Recent Books on International Relations by William L. Langer, pp. 516-517 - 11 Reviews
                            1. Tne Years of World Co-Operation
                            2. Political Handbook of the World, 1931 by Walter H. Mallory
                            3. Survey of International Relations, 1929 by Arnold J. Toynbee and V.M. Boulter
                            4. Documents on International Affairs, 1929 by John W. Wheeler-Bennett
                            5. International Understanding by John Eugene Harley
                            6. The Fight for Peace by Devere Allen
                            7. International Control of Aviation by Kenneth W. Colegrove
                            8. The Mandates System by Norman Bentwich
                            9. Reparation Reviewed by Andrew McFadyean
                            10. Information on the Reparation Settlement by John W. Wheeler-Bennett and Hugh Latimer
                            11. Problems of the German-American Claims Commission by Wilhelm Kiesselbach
                          16. [+]
                            International Relations of the United States Survey of American Foreign Relations, 1930, by..., p. 518 - 6 Reviews
                            1. Survey of American Foreign Relations, 1930 by Charles P. Howland
                            2. The American Leviathan by Charles A. Beard and William Beard
                            3. Interpretations of American Foreign Policy by Quincy Wright
                            4. Henry White: Thirty Years of American Diplomacy by Allan Nevins
                            5. That Man Dawes by Paul Roscoe Leach
                            6. Americans by Salvador de Madariaga
                          17. [+]
                            The World War Breaking the Silence, by Thomas St. John Gaffney, pp. 519-521 - 8 Reviews
                            1. Breaking the Silence by Thomas St. John Gaffney
                            2. Secret Service by George Grey Aston
                            3. Military Operations in Egypt and Palestine by George MacMunn, Cyril Falls, and G.M. Bayliss
                            4. Loyalties: Mesopotamia, 1914-1917 by Arnold T. Wilson
                            5. The Silence of Sarrail by Paul Coblentz
                            6. A Soldier's Notebook by General A.A. Brussilov
                            7. Traitor or Patriot by Denis Gwynn
                            8. The Question of the Belgian Franc-Tireurs by Raf Verhulst
                          18. [+]
                            Western Europe Since Then, by Philip Gibbs, pp. 522-524 - 7 Reviews
                            1. Since Then by Philip Gibbs
                            2. Dictatorship On Trial by Otto Forst de Battaglia
                            3. The Revolver Republic by George E.R. Gedye
                            4. Essays and Speeches on Various Subjects by Gustav Stresemann
                            5. Stresemann by Antonina Vallentin
                            6. The German Reichsbank and Economic Germany by Salomon J. Flink
                            7. Life of the Emperor Karl by Arthur Polzer-Hoditz
                          19. [+]
                            Eastern Europe The Fourth Seal, by Samuel J.G. Hoare, pp. 525-526 - 9 Reviews
                            1. The Fourth Seal by Samuel J.G. Hoare
                            2. These Russians by William C. White
                            3. The Challenge of Russia by Sherwood Eddy
                            4. The Russian Paradox by Bernard Edelhertz
                            5. The Economic Life of Soviet Russia by Calvin B. Hoover
                            6. Educational Policy in Soviet Russia by Nicholas A. Hans and Sergei Hessen
                            7. Russia's Productive System by Emile Burns
                            8. The Methods of the OGPU by Vladimir K. Brunovsky
                            9. Bulgaria's Economic Position by Leo Pasvolsky
                          20. [+]
                            The British Commonwealth of nations New Imperial Ideas, by Robert Stokes, p. 527 - 12 Reviews
                            1. New Imperial Ideas by Robert Stokes
                            2. The Malta Crisis by Enrico Dandria
                            3. An Economic History of Australia by Edward O.G. Shann
                            4. Dawn in India by Francis Younghusband
                            5. An Indian Diary by Edwin Samuel Montagu
                            6. The Indian Crisis by Fenner Brockway
                            7. The Case for India by William J. Durant
                            8. Stark India by Trevor J. Pinch
                            9. The Power of India by Michael Pym
                            10. Federal India by K.N. Haksar and K.M. Panikkar
                            11. The Key of Progress by Annie Rose Caton
                            12. Voiceless India by Gertrude Emerson
                          21. [+]
                            The Near East Story of Near East Relief, 1915-1930, by James..., p. 528 - 7 Reviews
                            1. Story of Near East Relief, 1915-1930 by James L. Barton
                            2. Turkey: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Telford Waugh
                            3. On the Rim of the Wilderness by Maurice Samuel
                            4. The Great Betrayal by Stephen S. Wise and Jacob de Haas
                            5. Land Settlement in Palestine by A. Granovsky
                            6. The Persians by E. Denison Ross
                            7. The Mixed Courts of Egypt by Jasper Yeates Brinton
                          22. [+]
                            Africa The International City of Tangier, by Graham H..., p. 529 - 3 Reviews
                            1. The International City of Tangier by Graham H. Stuart
                            2. The East African Problem by J.H. Driberg
                            3. The African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo by Richard P. Strong
                          23. [+]
                            The Far East Tortured China, by Hallett E. Abend, p. 529 - 4 Reviews
                            1. Tortured China by Hallett E. Abend
                            2. In the Chinese Customs Service by Paul Henry King
                            3. Japan's Economic Position by John E. Orchard and Dorothy Johnson Orchard
                            4. Food Supply and Raw Materials in Japan by E.F. Penrose
                          24. [+]
                            Latin America Latin American Relations with the League of Na..., p. 530 - 1 Review
                            1. Latin American Relations with the League of Nations by Warren H. Kelchner
                          25. [+]
                            Miscellaneous Contemporary Social Movements, by Jerome Davis, p. 530 - 3 Reviews
                            1. Contemporary Social Movements by Jerome Davis
                            2. World Minerals and World Politics by Charles K. Leith
                            3. A Picture of World Economic Conditions in the Early Fall of 1930
                          26. Source Material by Denys P. Myers, pp. 531-548
                        3. [+]
                          July 1931 Issue = 26 Articles
                          1. The Permanent Bases of British Foreign Policy by Sir Austen Chamberlain, pp. 535-546
                          2. Wanted: A Consistent Latin American Policy by Norman H. Davis, pp. 547-568
                          3. The Mother of Parliaments by Harold J. Laski, pp. 569-579
                          4. Constructive Functions of the International Bank by Shepard Morgan, pp. 580-591
                          5. General Pershing and the A.E.F. by Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice, pp. 592-604
                          6. The Disarmament Puzzle by Allen Welsh Dulles, pp. 605-616
                          7. Germany and Austria by Friedrich W. Foerster, pp. 617-623
                          8. India Between the Conferences by L.F. Rushbrook Williams, pp. 624-637
                          9. The Farmer and Foreign Trade by Arthur Capper, pp. 638-645
                          10. Fallacies About Overpopulation by A.M. Carr-Saunders, pp. 646-656
                          11. Siam in the Modern World by Eldon R. James, pp. 657-664
                          12. Oil, Great Britain and the United States by Arthur C. Veatch, pp. 665-673
                          13. Minorities: A Problem of Eastern Europe by C.A. Macartney, pp. 674-682
                          14. War Loans Versus Subsidies by C.P.H., pp. 683-685
                          15. [+]
                            Some Recent Books on International Relations by William L. Langer, pp. 686-687 - 10 Reviews
                            1. The Study of International Relations by Alfred E. Zimmern
                            2. The Evolution of International Public Law in Europe Since Grotius by Walter Simons#2
                            3. International Law by Ellery C. Stowell
                            4. The History of Peace by Arthur C.F. Beales
                            5. Problems of Peace
                            6. Alternatives to War by Florence G. Tuttle
                            7. The World - Our Neighbor by Vernon Bartlett
                            8. International Government by Edmund C. Mower
                            9. The Working of the Minorities System Under the League of Nations by Joseph S. Roucek
                            10. Economy and Naval Security by Herbert W. Richmond
                          16. [+]
                            International Relations of the United States Directory of American Agencies Concerned with ..., p. 688 - 6 Reviews
                            1. Directory of American Agencies Concerned with the Study of International Affairs by Ruth Savord
                            2. Good Neighbourhood by Vincent Massey
                            3. Why Recognize Russia? by Louis Fischer
                            4. Wilson, the Unknown by Wells Wells
                            5. Drifting Sands of Party Politics by Oscar W. Underwood
                            6. Filipino Immigration to Continental United States and to Hawaii by Bruno Lasker
                          17. [+]
                            The World War The Concert of Europe, by Robert B. Mowat, pp. 689-690 - 7 Reviews
                            1. The Concert of Europe by Robert B. Mowat
                            2. My Experiences in the World War by John J. Pershing
                            3. The Memoirs of Marshal Foch by Ferdinand Foch
                            4. First Athenian Memories by Compton Mackenzie
                            5. The Allied Secret Service in Greece by Basil Thomson
                            6. By Guess and by God by William Guy Carr
                            7. The Eighteenth Decisive Battle of the World by Edgar V. D'Abernon
                          18. [+]
                            Western Europe The Little Entente, by John O. Crane, pp. 691-693 - 5 Reviews
                            1. The Little Entente by John O. Crane
                            2. Breaking Down the Tariff Walls by Wilhelm Grotkopp
                            3. Men and Forces of Our Time by Valeriu Marcu
                            4. Germany and the Germans by Eugen Diesel
                            5. Rationalization of German Industry
                          19. [+]
                            Eastern Europe Russia: A Social History, by D.S. Mirsky and C..., pp. 694-696 - 17 Reviews
                            1. Russia: A Social History by D.S. Mirsky and C.G. Seligman
                            2. Glimpses of High Politics Through War and Peace, 1855-1929 by Nikolai V. Charykov
                            3. The End of the Russian Empire by Michael T. Florinsky
                            4. My Russian Memoirs by Bernard Pares
                            5. One Hundred Red Days by Edgar G. Sisson
                            6. Lenin, Red Dictator by George Vernadsky
                            7. Lenin by D.S. Mirsky
                            8. Pan-Sovietism by Bruce C. Hopper
                            9. Making Bolsheviks by Samuel N. Harper
                            10. The X-Y-Z of Communism by Ethan T. Colton
                            11. Soviet Foreign Trade: Menace or Promise by J.M. Budish and Samuel S. Shipman
                            12. The Soviet Challenge to America by George S. Counts
                            13. The Red Trade Menace by H.R. Knickerbocker
                            14. The Last Stand by Edmund A. Walsh
                            15. The Memoirs of a Polish Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Pilsudski
                            16. A Short History of the Hungarian People by Ferenc Eckhart
                            17. The Balkan Road by Archibald Lyall
                          20. [+]
                            The British Commonwealth of Nations The Real Stanley Baldwin, by Henry Wickham Steed, p. 697 - 15 Reviews
                            1. The Real Stanley Baldwin by Henry Wickham Steed
                            2. David Lloyd George by J. Hugh Edwards
                            3. Britain and World Trade by A. Loveday
                            4. England: Her Treatment of America by George Henry Payne
                            5. Sea Power by Geoffrey Drage
                            6. The Navies of Today and Tomorrow by Bernard Acworth
                            7. A History of Ireland and Her People by Eleanor Hull
                            8. Economic Power for Canada by J. Alexander Aiken
                            9. New Zealand Affairs
                            10. India: A Warning by Joseph M. Kenworthy Strabolgi
                            11. Bridging the Gulf by An Indian
                            12. India on the Brink by A British-Indian Merchant
                            13. A Farewell to India by Edward J. Thompson
                            14. Life of Sayaji Rao III, Maharaja of Baroda by Stanley Rice
                            15. Sovereignty and Paramountcy in India by Julian A.B. Palmer
                          21. [+]
                            The Near East The Question of the Straits, by Philip Perceva..., p. 698 - 6 Reviews
                            1. The Question of the Straits by Philip Perceval Graves
                            2. Mustapha Kemal of Turkey by Hugh E. Wortham
                            3. The History of Palestine by Angelo S. Rappoport
                            4. Eastward to Persia by Ikbal Ali Shah
                            5. Conflict: Angora to Afghanistan by Rosita Forbes
                            6. The Road to the Grey Pamir by Anna Louise Strong
                          22. [+]
                            Africa Africa View, by Julian Huxley, p. 699 - 1 Review
                            1. Africa View by Julian Huxley
                          23. [+]
                            The Far East A Journey to China, by Arnold J. Toynbee, p. 699 - 6 Reviews
                            1. A Journey to China by Arnold J. Toynbee
                            2. Two Years of Nationalist China by Min-Ch'ien T.Z. Tyau
                            3. The Constitution of Japan by Niichiro Matsunami
                            4. Problems of the Japanese Exchange, 1914-1926 by Junnosuke Inoue
                            5. The Grass Roof by Younghill Kang
                            6. Viet Nam by Louis Roubaud
                          24. [+]
                            Latin America The Genius of Mexico, by Hubert C. Herring and..., p. 700 - 3 Reviews
                            1. The Genius of Mexico by Hubert C. Herring and Katherine Terrill
                            2. A History of the Argentine Republic by Frederick A. Kirkpatrick
                            3. Tacna and Arica by William Jefferson Dennis
                          25. [+]
                            Miscellaneous Changes in the Structure of World Economics Si..., p. 700 - 2 Reviews
                            1. Changes in the Structure of World Economics Since the War by Felix Somary
                            2. The Fight for Financial Supremacy by Paul Einzig
                          26. Source Material by Denys P. Myers, pp. 701-714
                        4. [+]
                          October 1931 Issue = 24 Articles
                          1. The Permanent Bases of American Foreign Policy by John W. Davis, pp. 1-12
                          2. Facing the World Disarmament Conference by Viscount Cecil, pp. 13-22
                          3. France and the Hoover Plan by Hamilton Fish Armstrong, pp. 23-33
                          4. Cartels and the Business Crisis by Louis Domeratzky, pp. 34-53
                          5. Hindenburg by Karl Tschuppik, pp. 54-69
                          6. The Indian Village and Indian Unrest by C.F. Strickland, pp. 70-80
                          7. The Foreign Stake in China by George H. Blakeslee, pp. 81-91
                          8. Italy's Entrance into the War by Sidney B. Fay, pp. 92-103
                          9. Stalemate and Reconstruction in Australia by Edward Shann, pp. 104-119
                          10. The Baltic States, Germany and Russia by Otto Hoetzsch, pp. 120-133
                          11. Tibet's Position in Asia Today by Sir Charles Bell, pp. 134-144
                          12. The Feetham Report on Shanghai by Joseph P. Chamberlain, pp. 145-153
                          13. [+]
                            Some Recent Books on International Relations by William L. Langer, pp. 154-156 - 10 Reviews
                            1. The Background of International Relations by Charles Hodges
                            2. Building the World Society by Laura W. McMullen
                            3. The Problem of the Twentieth Century by David Davies
                            4. Can War Be Averted? by Leo G. Chiozza Money
                            5. The League Committees and World Order by H.R.G. Greaves
                            6. International Administration by Norman L. Hill
                            7. Post-War Treaties for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes by Max Habicht
                            8. Scientific Disarmament by Victor Lefebure
                            9. Economic Disarmament by J. Henry Richardson
                            10. The International Institute of Agriculture by Asher Hobson
                          14. [+]
                            International Relations of the United States The Foreign Relations of the Federal State, by..., p. 157 - 2 Reviews
                            1. The Foreign Relations of the Federal State by Harold W. Stoke
                            2. America, the Menace by Georges Duhamel
                          15. [+]
                            The World War Speeches on Foreign Affairs, 1904-1914, by Vis..., pp. 157-158 - 9 Reviews
                            1. Speeches on Foreign Affairs, 1904-1914 by Viscount Edward Grey and Paul Knaplund
                            2. The Life of Field-Marshal Sir John French, First Earl of Ypres by Gerald French
                            3. Naval Operations, Vol. V by Henry Newbolt
                            4. The Mystery of the Casement Ship by Karl Spindler
                            5. Loyalties: Mesopotamia, 1914-1917 by Arnold T. Wilson
                            6. Troublous Times by Alf H. Brun
                            7. In Lawrence's Bodyguard by Gurney Slade
                            8. Britmis by Phelps Hodges
                            9. Memories of the World War, 1917-1918 by Major General Robert Alexander
                          16. [+]
                            Western Europe Thunder Over Europe, by E. Alexander Powell, pp. 159-160 - 8 Reviews
                            1. Thunder Over Europe by E. Alexander Powell
                            2. European Alliances and Alignments, 1871-1890 by William L. Langer
                            3. French Public Opinion and Foreign Affairs, 1870-1914 by Eber Malcolm Carroll
                            4. Fascism by James Strachey Barnes
                            5. Fascism in Italy by Bolton King
                            6. Italy and the Jugoslav Minority Within Her Borders
                            7. The Economic Aspect of the Austro-German Customs Union by "Argus"
                            8. Hitler by Wyndham Lewis
                          17. [+]
                            Eastern Europe Joseph Pilsudski, by D.R. Gillie, pp. 161-162 - 12 Reviews
                            1. Joseph Pilsudski by D.R. Gillie
                            2. A Bulwark of Democracy by Vladimir Poliakoff
                            3. Through War to Revolution by Arno W. Dosch-Fleurot
                            4. Stalin by Isaac Don Levine
                            5. Underworld and Soviet by Vladimir G. Orlov
                            6. The Soviet Planned Economic Order by William Henry Chamberlin
                            7. The Success of the Five Year Plan by V.M. Molotov
                            8. Bolshevism at a Deadlock by Karl Kautsky
                            9. Agriculture in Soviet Russia by Joan Beauchamp
                            10. Red Villages by Y.A. Yakovlev
                            11. The Political Status of Bessarabia by Andrei Popovici
                            12. Refugees by C.A. Macartney
                          18. [+]
                            The British Commonwealth of Nations England's Crisis, by Andre Siegfried, p. 163 - 12 Reviews
                            1. England's Crisis by Andre Siegfried
                            2. England, the Unknown Isle by Paul Cohen-Portheim
                            3. Schemes for the Federation of the British Empire by Seymour Ching-Yuan Cheng
                            4. The Surrender of an Empire by Nesta H. Webster
                            5. The New Newfoundland by Joseph Roberts Smallwood
                            6. South Africa by Jan H. Hofmeyr
                            7. The Crisis in Australian Finance, 1929-1931 by E.O.G. Shann and D.B. Copland
                            8. The Indian Civil Service, 1601-1930 by L.S.S. O'Malley
                            9. India by Winston S. Churchill
                            10. Stark India by Trevor J. Pinch
                            11. An Essay on India by Robert Byron
                            12. Volume Two: Mother India's Little Daughters by Katherine Mayo
                          19. [+]
                            The Near East The Holy Land Under Mandate, by Fannie Fern An..., p. 164 - 3 Reviews
                            1. The Holy Land Under Mandate by Fannie Fern Andrews
                            2. Alarms and Excursions in Arabia by Bertram Thomas
                            3. Blood and Oil in the Orient by Mohammed Essad-Bey
                          20. [+]
                            Africa The Race Problem in Africa, by Charles R. Buxton, p. 165 - 5 Reviews
                            1. The Race Problem in Africa by Charles R. Buxton
                            2. Land Problems and Policies in the African Mandates of the British Commonwealth by Nicholas Pendleton Mitchell, Jr.
                            3. Kenya Without Prejudice by Henry O. Weller
                            4. The Story of Sierra Leone by Francis A.J. Utting
                            5. Zanzibar by W.H. Ingrams
                          21. [+]
                            The Far East Asia's Teeming Millions, by Etienne Dennery, p. 166 - 9 Reviews
                            1. Asia's Teeming Millions by Etienne Dennery
                            2. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance by Chung-Fu Chang
                            3. Manchuria Today by Henry W. Kinney
                            4. Korea: The Old and the New by Ellasue Canter Wagner
                            5. New Lamps for Old by Anatol M. Kotenev
                            6. Facets of the Chinese Question by E.M. Gull
                            7. Two Years of Nationalist China by Min-Ch'ien T.Z. Tyau
                            8. Silver and China by A.W. Pinnick
                            9. The Japanese Population Problem by Walter R. Crocker
                          22. [+]
                            Latin America Caribbean Backgrounds and Prospects, by Cheste..., p. 167 - 3 Reviews
                            1. Caribbean Backgrounds and Prospects by Chester Lloyd Jones
                            2. Mexican Maze by Carleton Beals
                            3. Liberalism in Mexico, 1857-1929 by Wilfrid Hardy Callcott
                          23. [+]
                            Miscellaneous The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism..., p. 168 - 5 Reviews
                            1. The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism by Carlton J.H. Hayes
                            2. The Way to Recovery by George Paish
                            3. The End of Reparations by Hjalmar H.G. Schacht
                            4. Reparation by Raoul Plus
                            5. International Migrations, Vol. II: Interpretations by Walter F. Willcox
                          24. Source Material by Denys P. Myers, pp. 169-172
                      2. [+]
                        Issues of 1932 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
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