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Francis P. Miller Archives
Francis P. Miller •ï¿½10 Items / 4 Articles, 4 Books, 2 Reviews
The Giant of the Western World (1930)
America and Europe in a North-Atlantic Civilisation
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Giant of the Western World, by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    1. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    American Political Science Review, February 1931, p. 209
  2. [+]
    A Varied Shelf (Review)
    The Giant of the Western World, by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    1. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    The Bookman, November 1930, p. 334
  3. [+]
    An Empire of the Future (Review)
    The Giant of the Western World, by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    1. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    The New Republic, March 11, 1931, p. 105
  4. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The Giant of the Western World, by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    1. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1931, p. 293
  5. [+]
    The North-Atlantic Area (Review)
    The Giant of the Western World, by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    1. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    The Saturday Review, November 29, 1930, p. 386
  6. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations (4 Reviews)
    International Relations of the United States
    1. The American Public Mind by Peter H. Odegard
    2. Civic Attitudes in American School Textbooks by Bessie Louise Pierce
    3. In the Senate by George Wharton Pepper
    4. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    Foreign Affairs, January 1931, p. 354
  7. [+]
    Books in Brief (6 Reviews)
    Camera Obscura, by William Bolitho
    1. Camera Obscura by William Bolitho
    2. Seven Days' Darkness by Gunnar Gunnarsson
    3. The Story of San Michele by Axel Munthe
    4. Memories and Vagaries by Axel Munthe
    5. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    6. A River Goes with Heaven by Howell Vines
    The Nation, December 31, 1930, p. 740
  8. [+]
    Our Most Recent Revolution (9 Reviews)
    Our Times, Vol. III: Pre-War America, by Mark Sullivan
    1. Our Times, Vol. III: Pre-War America by Mark Sullivan
    2. Roosevelt: His Mind in Action by Lewis Einstein
    3. Nelson W. Aldrich: A Leader in American Politics by Nathaniel Wright Stephenson
    4. America Moves West by Robert E. Riegel
    5. An American Epoch by Howard W. Odum
    6. The Growth of the American Republic by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager, ...
    7. The Great Crusade and After, 1914-1928 by Preston William Slosson
    8. The Giant of the Western World by Francis Pickens Miller and Helen Hill
    9. Survey of American Foreign Relations, 1930 by Charles P. Howland
    The Outlook, December 17, 1930, p. 628