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Leo Pasvolsky Archives
Leo Pasvolsky •ï¿½25 Items / 8 Books, 14 Articles, 3 Reviews
Bulgaria's Economic Position (1930)
With Special Reference to the Reparation Problem and the Work of the League o...
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Political Theory and Miscellaneous (Review)
    Bulgaria's Economic Position, by Leo Pasvolsky
    1. Bulgaria's Economic Position by Leo Pasvolsky
    American Political Science Review, February 1931, p. 238
  2. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations (9 Reviews)
    Eastern Europe
    1. The Fourth Seal by Samuel J.G. Hoare
    2. These Russians by William C. White
    3. The Challenge of Russia by Sherwood Eddy
    4. The Russian Paradox by Bernard Edelhertz
    5. The Economic Life of Soviet Russia by Calvin B. Hoover
    6. Educational Policy in Soviet Russia by Nicholas A. Hans and Sergei Hessen
    7. Russia's Productive System by Emile Burns
    8. The Methods of the OGPU by Vladimir K. Brunovsky
    9. Bulgaria's Economic Position by Leo Pasvolsky
    Foreign Affairs, April 1931, pp. 525-526