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Hacking attribution is always a joke. Even proving a hack happened is effectively impossible, especially if nothing is even leaked. Even if something is leaked, the people claiming to have been hacked might have just hacked it themselves. Insofar as hacking does occur, governments simply should not talk about it. Obviously, the US hacks every... Read More
Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and Medecins Sans Frontieres are all agreed. But the Gaza genocide is now just another routine news item, buried on the inside pages Three separate reports published this month by leading international human rights and medical groups have detailed the same horrifying story: that Israel is well advanced in its genocide... Read More
Alex Jones is really looking like some kind of apocalypse general. I’m thinking of like, someone who leads a faction in one of the Fallout games, you know? RT: [image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/medvedev-3
In the English-language media markets it is impossible for any journalist, editor, publisher or owner to be more corrupt, more of a liar, more of a fraud, and more of a success at selling all three than Rupert Murdoch. That was until the mass media at which Murdoch excelled were superseded and outread by the... Read More
I do not know anyone who was not shocked by the lightning speed with which Damascus fell to expensively armed jihadist militias last weekend. I know very few people who do not understand that another domino has just fallen in the “seven-front war” Benjamin Netanyahu has boasted this year of waging across West Asia. I... Read More
Last week I published an article discussing former Ambassador Chas Freeman, one of America's most highly-regarded professional diplomats of the last half-century. Very early in his career, Freeman had been the personal interpreter for President Richard Nixon during his historic 1972 trip to China and meetings with Mao, and that country remained one of his... Read More
Sexists on the internet have described Clarissa Ward as having an “odious visage.” The US/Israel/Turkey backed terrorists who took over Syria last week freed everyone from all of the prisons, declaring that none of them deserved to be there. It was a general amnesty for the entire country. But there was one single guy who... Read More
Anyone who believed this “Kuh-Hamas base under the hospital” bullshit should be sent to live in Gaza to scour places full of innocent people for Hamas bases. This was the most ridiculous thing imaginable. Israel was just bombing every single place that large groups of innocent people were congregated and saying “there was a Kuh-Hamas... Read More
RFK is continuing to go hard on everything other than Israel. RT: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is lobbying for his daughter-in law to become deputy CIA director so she can get to the bottom of the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy, the Washington outlet Axios has claimed. President Kennedy was fatally shot in... Read More
Dear Refaat, We are not silent. We are being silenced. The students who, during the last academic year set up encampments, occupied halls, went on hunger strikes and spoke out against the genocide, were met this fall with a series of rules that have turned university campuses into academic gulags. Among the minority of academics... Read More
Suddenly, after years of misrepresenting Hamas, western politicians and media are desperate to clarify – if only in Syria – the difference between jihadists and Islamic nationalists Here is a very strange thing. For years, western media outlets and politicians have been recklessly indifferent to the fact that Hamas is not a jihadist movement, like... Read More
Although his public service career stretches back for nearly sixty years and he probably ranks as one of our most distinguished professional diplomats, until the last year or so I was only dimly aware of Charles W. "Chas" Freeman, Jr. I had occasionally read some of his opinion columns and perhaps one or two of... Read More
Don’t you think it is strange that humanity faces the possibility of extinction and there is no peace movement? Does our insouciance extend so far that we are indifferent to our existence? Even alternative media sites such as Simplicius downplay the threat On November 18, 2024, the US and NATO fired from Ukrainian soil missiles... Read More
Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes: The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being “liquidated” (as remarked on October 31). Israel's methodology there is that ofthe Nazi death squads, who were said... Read More
Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane. Dear readers, you tell me... Read More
LONDON—There is an old, often-told story about a front-page article one of the big dailies here once ran as severe weather hit in these parts. “Storm in Channel, Continent Cut Off,” the headline read. Nobody is certain any newspaper ever published any such story with any such headline. The majority view is that it is... Read More
Whatever media you read, you read that “Russia invaded Ukraine.” The lie is not limited to official narrative-controllers, such as the NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, AP, Bloomberg, CNN. Wikipedia, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, Telegraph, Guardian. It appears in alternative media, such as the Epoch Times and Breitbart. Indeed, the lie is repeated as... Read More
Tucker Carlson finally did a long-form interview with Glenn Greenwald. It’s good and worth watching, but in the interview, he falsely claims that the US is a “fascist country.” This is a stupid lie he’s told several times. The US is what it says it is: it is a democracy. That’s what this system is... Read More
For decades the British journalist Piers Morgan has been a fully mainstream media figure, though having a career with the ups and downs typical of the tabloid wing of that profession. According to his very extensive 11,000 word Wikipedia article, he was born in 1965, started at Rupert Murdoch's The Sun in 1988, then at... Read More
Donald J. Trump’s second four years in the White House are shaping up to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys, as the old saying goes. I have it from several sources, who cannot be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter, as the old saying at The New York Times goes, that... Read More
Western NGOs have sent the Georgian opposition political parties that they finance into the streets to protest the Georgian Dream Party’s sweep of the legislative elections. The Georgian Dream Party favors pragmatic relations with Russia, whereas the collection of small parties financed by the West want to create another Maidan Revolution to open a second... Read More
Who would even believe this story? The New York Times no longer has the credibility to say “sources say” and have anyone believe what they are saying is true. They did this “sources say” bullshit to claim Russians were putting bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan. That was a massive piece of... Read More
When Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper discussed the Second World War in September, Cooper named Winston Churchill as the “chief villain”, condemned the legacy of the war and attributed the present state of Britain to it. Pro-Churchill historians reacted: Niall Ferguson and Victor Davis Hanson (and the author and columnist Sohrab Amari) at Bari Weiss’... Read More
News outlets didn’t make a mistake. They knowingly aired disinformation and peddled fake news. Admitting that requires a troubling recalibration of perspective if we’re ever to make sense of the world The media’s role in peddling disinformation over last week’s violence in Amsterdam just keeps getting darker. Owen Jones has interviewed a Dutch woman who... Read More
Reporting from Israel in the aftermath of October 7th demands guts and courage. Censorship, rouge military personnel and an entire state hellbent on their goals of national security and ethnic cleansing spells a nightmare for journalists seeking to expose the truth. This nightmare became a reality for Grayzone reporter Jeremy Loffredo, who was detained in... Read More
What happened in one Dutch city is the world since the Zionist regime began its limitlessly barbaric assault on Gaza: Western powers blessed it, and Western media determined to hide it from view. In the annals of “anti–Semitism,” if not anti–Semitism in its un-weaponized form, the events before, during, and since an ill-fated soccer match... Read More
If the West was really worried about Europe’s Nazi past, it would be better advised to stop stoking an all-too-real new antisemitism: incitement against Arab and Muslim minorities There has never been a harder time to do political and media analysis than right now. Each day, the western establishment unmoors itself further from reality. Its... Read More
“Ajax are the Spurs of Holland.” Millions of expert English-speakers will be baffled by that short sentence. It’s a linguistic iceberg, with the words as the tip of the berg riding on a submerged mass of implicit culture. If you’re baffled by it yourself, the sentence means that the soccer-club Ajax (EYE-acks) in Amsterdam are... Read More
The Post article quotes Peskov multiple times and yet failed to update the article to include his statements saying this conversation did not happen the way they reported it. Typical fake news – they won’t even print the statements of the people they lie about. Trump did call Putin, but they did not talk about... Read More
Oh my, the elites of the Democratic Party, their clerks in media and “the donor class” began gasping as election night wore on and it came clear that they had once again mistaken what we call liberal America for America. America has shifted rightward, The New York Times reported Wednesday with evident surprise. We are... Read More
Whoa, hey! Theo’s going hard. He said “left wing media, which is mostly Jewish, is always attacking white people,” and Joe said “did you just say that?” I thought doing the “early life” check on the Sackler family and calling for them to be deported to Poland could have been a fluke. But that was... Read More
MIGA, a hilarious meme I promoted as far back as 2018 when Trump was refusing to build a wall while doing everything for Israel, has become real. These billboards are all over Israel. I wrote earlier today about the Jewish plan to create Ukraine style leftist sentiment for a war with Iran, which is currently... Read More
Previously: Amnesty Demands Iranians Release Stupid Bitch Arrested for Walking Around in Her Undergarments This is totally goofy. The Iranians said that this woman was mentally ill, which makes a lot of sense. The Western media constantly promotes mentally ill people as brave defenders of human rights and democracy values. The Guardian: Human rights organisations... Read More
Zionist hooligans stormed through the streets of Amsterdam on Thursday tearing down Palestinian flags and intimidating passers by. The scene resembled the incidents that occur regularly in the West Bank where fanatical settlers bully and brutalize the sheep herders and olive growers who live on the land. According to an early report from the Middle... Read More
Although the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was not one of the awards originally established by Alfred Nobel, most of the world's population and media treat it as such, with that impression strengthened because it is announced around the same time. Just as with the Nobel Prizes in Physics or Medicine, the award in... Read More
Of course, a victory narrative was too valuable to be foregone. Yet nonetheless, unexplained events matter. On Saturday, an Israeli force of some 100 aircraft attacked Iran from a stand-off position in Iraq, some 70 kilometres outside the Iranian border. A Wall Street Journal author, Walter Russell Meade, Distinguished Fellow at the Hudson Institute, wrote:... Read More
Related: Blinken Claims Russia Deploying 8,000 Koreans Because He’s So Weak He Needs 8,000 Guys I read about a theory that the reason the US is pumping up this idea of North Korea being in the Ukraine is because they have wanted to send South Koreans to fly bomber jets against Russia. Now the South... Read More
During a CNN shouting match TV show, conservative (and I assume Jewish) commentator Ryan Girdusky said he hoped Islamic commentator Mehdi Hasan was blown up with a pager by the Jews. Hasan said he was used to being called an antisemite because he “supports the Palestinians.” Girdusky replied: “Well, I hope your pager doesn’t go... Read More
Major massacre as Israel attacks last functioning hospital in Gaza � “The attack on the Kamal Adwan hospital, located in Beit Lahia northwest of Jabalia, was launched around 2 a.m. local time Friday, shortly after a World Health Organization delegation left the hospital. “It began with airstrikes targeting the hospital and its courtyards, including the... Read More
If bullshit was fungible, both Israel and Ukraine would be rolling in dough and not need another dime of foreign aid. The nonsense spilling out of Tel Aviv and Kiev is legendary and much of the Western public is slurping it up like a ravenous dog eating a bowl of rabbit stew. Let’s start with... Read More
There are some 4,000 foreign reporters accredited in Israel to cover the war. They stay in luxury hotels. They go on dog and pony shows orchestrated by the Israeli military. They can, on rare occasions, be escorted by Israeli soldiers on lightning visits to Gaza, where they are shown alleged weapons caches or tunnels the... Read More
Western publics are being subjected to a campaign of psychological warfare, where genocide is classed as ‘self-defence’ and opposition to it ‘terrorism’ Israel knew that, if it could stop foreign correspondents from reporting directly from Gaza, those journalists would end up covering events in ways far more to its liking. They would hedge every report... Read More
The Jews are doing a total “shock and awe” campaign, not only on the Arabs, but on white people. You’re supposed to be so shocked by their behavior that you become either desensitized or so psychologically and emotionally disturbed that you just can’t even think about it anymore. That’s why they show the film of... Read More
I've often suggested that our media functions as a powerful tool of mind-control, not too dissimilar from what might be found in the plotlines of classic science fiction. After spending weeks or months immersed in such a controlling narrative, thinking independent thoughts let alone completely breaking free becomes a very difficult undertaking. For most individuals,... Read More
Kim should do this. It’s fun and awesome and it’s great for his troops to get war experience. However, I’m not going to believe it is actually happening just because the disreputable rebels in the south of Korea are claiming it is happening. The rebels want aid in their fight against the legitimate government of... Read More
The media aren’t failing us. Journalism is not what the media are there to do. They are propagandists for their governments. And their governments are enabling a genocide Over on social media, @zei_squirrel has another of his excellent threads on the western media’s use of deceptive language to manipulate how readers think about what has... Read More
One year after Oct. 7 attacks, Netanyahu is on a winning streak.” So reads the title of a recent Axios article describing the Israeli prime minister riding on an unbeatable wave of triumphs. These stunning military “successes,” its author Barak Ravid notes, include the bombing of Yemen, the assassinations of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and... Read More
The psychopathic genocidal criminal organization that calls itself “Israel” announced a few hours ago that it had killed Yahyah Sinwar, the heroic resistance fighter who masterminded and led the historic anti-terrorist anti-genocide operation a year ago. Whether or not the news is true, this is a good time to celebrate the astonishing courage and genius... Read More
This is a report. It’s been going around on the blogs and the shows. I don’t put much in such reports, necessarily. Jews and intelligence officials push fake reports constantly, either because they want the thing to happen or they want it to not happen. In this case, it seems more likely that people against... Read More
That Israel is now attacking United Nations peacekeepers in south Lebanon might well be decisive in turning its few remaining “friends” against it. Spain, France, Ireland and Italy, all of which contribute to the peacekeepers force (UNIFIL), and which continued to look the other way when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of war... Read More