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In the latest False Flag Weekly News (watch it above) Cat McGuire and I discussed a long list of stories mainstream media label “conspiracy theories.” We began with the 9/11-anthrax false flag (with references to Graeme MacQueen, Seymour Hersh, Tucker Carlson, and RFK Jr.), moved on to COVID origins and biological warfare, traversed various color... Read More
Nearly as suspenseful as the Taliban’s meteoric return to power after the final withdrawal of American armed forces from Afghanistan is the uncertainty over what will come next amid the fallout. Many have predicted that Russia and China will step in to fill the power vacuum and convince the facelift Taliban to negotiate a power-sharing... Read More
Virtue is its own reward, intransigence is infinitely satisfying, and masturbation is an end in itself. That’s my feeling about the “three stage” negotiation process for North Korea, that requires a meeting of the minds between Lee Myung-bak and Kim Jung-Il. Going nowhere, is my prognosis. And that’s why my piece for Asia Times is... Read More
The story of Jimmy Carter's possible breakthrough with Hamas is predictably already disappearing from the media. It should have been good news that Hamas might be willing to consider recognizing the existence of an Israeli state and that Syria, desperate for peace, believes that 85% of outstanding differences with Tel Aviv have already been resolved,... Read More
Suppose the movers and shakers in the Israel lobby here -- Abe Foxman, Alan Dershowitz and the rest of the crew -- had simply decided to leave Jimmy Carter’s Palestine Peace Not Apartheid alone. How long before the book would have been gathering dust on the remainder shelves? Suppose even that Dershowitz had rounded up... Read More
Now they've given Jimmy Carter the Nobel Peace Prize. Looking at the present, wretched incumbent, Democrats feel smug about their paladin of peace. But there's continuity in Empire. Presidents come and Presidents go. There are differences, but over much vital terrain the line of march adopted by the Commander in Chief doesn't deviate down the... Read More