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Oh, man. The “Voodoo Massacre.” That’s what I call Chicago. The Guardian: Don’t the voodoo people also believe they are capable of sending such a spell? Is there any evidence that they can’t do this? [image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-10-at-08.34.17.png=https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-10-a
Birthright citizenship is repealed. Special agents round up illegal immigrants at construction and agricultural work sites to be instantly sent home. A concrete wall is constructed and garrisoned with soldiers surveilling the border with drones and radars. These are not the empty promises of Donald Trump, Giorgia Meloni or the British Tories, they are the... Read More
Miami – Haiti, today the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, was once the richest back in 1800. How did this happen? In those long distant days, the West indies was the equivalent of today’s Mideast – a vast treasure trove of resources. The western powers – Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and Holland – battled... Read More
The earthquake that devastated Haiti on 12 January 2010, killing 220,000 people, produced a terrible and disgusting failure by those who came from abroad to help the survivors. Among these were UN soldiers from Nepal, which was then in the middle of a cholera epidemic, who brought the disease with them and allowed it to... Read More
Jean-Claude Duvalier, Haiti’s former president, known to one and all as “Baby Doc,” died of a heart attack last week in Port-au-Prince, aged only 63. He was not mourned. Rumor in Haiti had it that the son of “Papa Doc,” the fearsome late dictator, Francois Duvalier, had died as a result of a deadly curse... Read More
The last thing earthquake and poverty ravaged Haiti needs is "Baby Doc," aka Jean-Claude Duvalier. But he's back! Being the son of an iron-fisted dictator would be tough for anyone – especially when your father was Haiti's fearsome "Papa Doc." But "Baby Doc" is no "Papa Doc." I met Haiti's "President for Life," Dr. Francois... Read More
The Haitian earthquake is an enormous tragedy made worse by politicians and the media. I note with dismay that relief supplies are backed up because of the terrible destruction in the port and also at the international airport, which has only one operating runway. Nevertheless, US pols like Hillary Clinton and the major TV networks... Read More
The US-run aid effort for Haiti is beginning to look chillingly similar to the criminally slow and disorganized US government support for New Orleans after it was devastated by hurricane Katrina in 2005. Four years ago President Bush was famously mute and detached when the levies broke in Louisiana. By way of contrast President Obama... Read More
Today the acid test for all democrats in North and South America is the issue of the military occupation of Haiti ,the economic pillage and denial of elementary political and human rights of the Haitian people. In 2004 a US-led invasion force overthrew the democratically elected government of Jean Bertrand Aristide and subsequently promoted and... Read More
The most extraordinary part of the coup in Haiti was not the fact that the Bush Administration was directly involved in the deposing of a democratically elected leader. No, that type of criminal behavior is almost a requirement of the office at this point in time. The real surprise is that not one major newspaper... Read More
This long-simmering crisis is largely of Mr. Aristide's making. His failure to adhere to democratic principles has contributed to the deep polarization and violent unrest that we are witnessing in Haiti today." Press Secretary, Scott McClellan The Bush Administration's response to the rebellion in Haiti is the most explicit example of contempt for democracy we've... Read More