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This week’s terrorist attacks on Lebanon using exploding pagers and walkie-talkies (as well as, reportedly, other exploding electronic devices, including solar panels) has opened a whole new front of international Jewish terrorism. More than that, it appears to be an entirely new form of terrorism, which opens a Pandora’s box of the potential mass weaponization... Read More
I’ll tell you, AOC is really looking good for her age. This spicy latina can blow the brains out of my children any time she wants, if you catch my drift. She can open fire on me while I’m starving and waiting in line for flour any day of the week, if you understand my... Read More
Once upon a time the Israel Lobby destroyed critics of the Jewish state and its behavior by stealth. If a Congressman or Senator were speaking honestly about the lopsided relationship with Israel which required suppressing, it was done by making sure that individual was not reelected. This was normally accomplished by vetting an attractive opposition... Read More
Sometimes what comes out of Congress is so revolting that it begs for a response. Here is a link to Congressman Ron DeSantis of Florida, currently running for state governor, taking down Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whom he refers to “this girl Ocasio-Cortez or whatever she is.” You note that it is all... Read More
I have just spent a couple of days in New York City. Returning to Virginia on Wednesday morning, I had a somewhat strange experience. I cleared through my emails before leaving the hotel and also read through a number of the featured news articles. One, in particular, caught my eye. It described how the Democratic... Read More