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I’m supposed to be on break, but… Literal Maximum Overdrive. For people who don’t know, this was a film directed by Stephen King, apparently when he was on serious drugs. It’s about cars rising up and attacking people. It’s sort of a “camp classic,” and is a pretty fun movie, but it is probably best... Read More
Angela Merkel might have been a horrible terrorist, but she was surely a very handsome woman. They say even while she was flooding the country with “refugees,” people couldn’t stop supporting her because they were so mesmerized by her good looks. The US demanded Germany end their trade relationship with Russia, and then to make... Read More
It’s not clear if this is a trend, but at some point, the immigrants are going to be too much for Europe to handle, in the same way they became too much for the US to handle. If the goal of mass immigration is to abolish white people – and believe it, that is the... Read More
The wheels of justice turn slow in Germany. So slow, that you might murder 3,300 people, and not be charged with a crime for 80 years. But the wheels turn, and after those 80 years, you will eventually pay for killing those 3,300 people. You can’t just get away with it. The German authorities will... Read More
Previously: Germany Preparing App for People to Find Bunkers, Encouraging Creation of Home Shelters NATO Official Tells People to Get Ready for “Wartime Scenario” Apparently, doing a world war is a really popular idea in Europe. At least, that is what I can observe. There are a lot of people who publicly support this war,... Read More
Ursula Haverbeck (11/8/1928 - 11/20/2024) recently passed at the ripe old age of ninety-six. She was known or “notorious” in Germany because she dared to challenge the Jewish Holocaust ‘narrative’ of six million. Time after time, she got into trouble with the German authorities for ‘Holocaust denial’ and ‘incitement to hatred,’ a crime that often... Read More
Hans Vogel dismantles the European Union’s pretense of democracy, condemning its bureaucratic incompetence, economic decay, and the authoritarian grip of its delusional elite, who accelerate the EU’s collapse while silencing dissent. The European Union has twenty-seven member-states, a population of 450 million and a gross national product of over eighteen trillion dollars. Somehow, the EU... Read More
This same cunt would have arrested you for posting about “Arab crime” on Facebook a few months ago. Now she’s doing pressers about it. Because Jews. Is multicultural liberal society imploding in on itself? Whites will maybe never fight back, but the people whites bring into their countries will fight one another. Is this a... Read More
The moron, Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, has threatened China for supporting Russia. What is it with Western politicians that they think they have authority over the foreign policy of sovereign countries and threaten powerful countries that can blow them off the face of the earth? Why do they so cavalierly stir up powerful enemies... Read More
This week we observe the end of the `War to End All Wars,’ also known as World War I. The memorial week will be filled with the usual platitudes and patriotic guff designed to benefit the politicians who sent millions of young men to their deaths in this most stupid of all wars. I consider... Read More
Mercedes is making EVs, so this is in theory an opposition to banning the competition. Xinhua: It’s very easy for Germany to whine, because it doesn’t mean anything, because they apparently have no control of EU law. But this does look very bad for them, especially given that they are the biggest of the moron... Read More
What follows is an interview with Ukrainian journalist and TV host Diana Panchenko. Panchenko graduated from Kiev Polytechnic Institute with a degree in publishing and editing, and then from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev with a law degree. She has been nominated for the UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize for her contributions to the... Read More
The US is demanding that all of their vassals implode their own economies in order to punish the Chinese. Many in Europe are not interested in doing this. Surely Germany is not particularly interested, after the US “war for my gay anus” in the Ukraine destroyed their production capacity which they are now trying to... Read More
She is always making this face like “hey, you blew up my pipes, didn’t you? I know you did so don’t even try to lie.” Far leftist fake politician Sahra Wagenknecht – which is German for “Sarah the Car Slave” – is lashing out at the sickening murderous Ukrainians again, demanding that they pay up... Read More
There is sort of a trap built into the Ukraine war. The West can in theory keep it going indefinitely, or at least as long as there are people left in the Ukraine (if they run out of men, the EU can start deporting men who fled to go fight). They can’t win, but they... Read More
These errors seem to go only one way. It turns out that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party did not win enough seats in Saxony to block legislation or appointments that require a two-thirds majority. “Saxony’s electoral commission said on Monday morning that a software error was to blame for the incorrect calculation of seats... Read More
Thumbnail credit: Nicola, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0 This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. There was an election in Germany over the weekend that terrified our rulers. This headline from CNN sets the tone: “AfD – that’s the Alternative for Germany – becomes first far-right party to win German state election since... Read More
The city of Solingen, Germany recently celebrated its 650th anniversary, something of almost unbelievable antiquity to Americans. However, instead of promoting the city’s history, it was a “Festival of Diversity.” The result: “[T]he evening began as a festival of diversity and ended after a bloody knife attack that left shocked and grieving residents asking why... Read More
Germany lies in the center of Europe in more ways than one. Not only is it the geographical center, but all of European history seems to revolve around it. In German there is the term Mitteleuropa, which aptly conveys Germany’s pivotal role in Europe. To be honest, to some extent France and Italy also need... Read More
So you’re not even allowed to want the foreigners out. You have to want the foreigners everywhere, and you have to want them to continue to flood in. It is against the law to have a different opinion than the government on this issue. Otherwise, you would be allowed to say “foreigners out.” European Conservative:... Read More
Just so you understand, this witch hunt is exactly what they did to Donald Trump with “America First,” which was the name of an antisemitic and pro-Hitler organization run by aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh in the 1930s. It’s just a good slogan and it’s very simple. “America First.” The fact that someone who was supposedly... Read More
France was the last European nation to lose its sovereignty, and France might be the first to recover its sovereignty. In the 1960s France was still a nation of ethnic French as contrasted with the tower of babel and a geographical entity that it is today. During the ten-year presidency of Charles De Gaulle (1959-69)... Read More
In 2020 a 15-year old ethnic German female was raped by nine Immigrant-invaders in Hamburg, Germany. In response, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law. The rapist was... Read More
America’s foreign troop deployments are yet again causing international incidents. Citizens in nations hosting these bases are increasingly demanding US soldiers out of their country, but their leadership is unresponsive. Soldiers typically engage in elevated levels of criminal activity during war, but what makes US military personnel unusual is their long and sordid history of... Read More
Ah, those elections last week to the European Parliament, in which voters across the European Union administered a sound whack to the technocrats, market fundamentalists, and liberal authoritarians who now hold power across much of the Continent: Let us attempt what we are not supposed ever to undertake. Let us try to understand them. The... Read More
European voters revolted against their political leaders in last week’s continent-wide parliamentary votes. The result was a bombshell: right-wing parties made huge gains, shaking the existing order to its foundations and sending warning signals to voters in the US, Britain, and Canada. France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, called a surprise election in the hope of undoing... Read More
Alex Jones and Donald Trump are retards. Russia exists. It’s there. You can go there. They will let you in, as long as you have a good excuse. You can just live there. It’s a pretty normal country. By modern standards, you might even call it “ultra-normal.” RT: Hamburg MP Olga Petersen has sought refuge... Read More
A month ago I wrote about the Shieldmaiden, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young female Dutch lawyer, who has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as... Read More
Petr Bystron is second on the AfD’s list for the EU parliament elections. The guy in the first spot, Maximilian Krah, is under investigation for having an alleged Chinese spy working for him. They government happened to discover all this right before the election. Purely by coincidence, of course. If they’re all ideological Nazis, as... Read More
France is like 30% Arab. Somehow, they are just as extreme as the United States when it comes to banning people from complaining about Jews slaughtering tens of thousands of children. It’s almost like Jews control the entire Western world. Just for anyone keeping score: both Russia and China – the two countries that we... Read More
Don’t forget that China is the real aggressor. Let’s just keep saying that, while top US officials issue nigh daily threats against the Chinese. Jew Blinken’s latest threats come just two days after four-eyed closeted faggot Mike Johnson called Chinese people “evil” and declared he was sending money to support a war in Taiwan. RT:... Read More
The dismantling of German industry since 2022 is collateral damage in America’s geopolitical war to isolate China, Russia and allied countries whose rising prosperity and self-sufficiency is viewed as an unacceptable challenge to U.S. hegemony. To prepare for what promises to be a long and costly fight, U.S. strategists made a pre-emptive move in 2022... Read More
The Four Stooges saga of Bundeswehr officers plotting to blow up the Kerch bridge in Crimea with Taurus missiles and getting away with it is a gift that keeps on giving. President Putin, in his comprehensive interview to Dmitry Kiselev for Russia 1/RIA Novosti, did not fail to address it: “They are fantasizing, encouraging themselves,... Read More
A little bird has materialized to sing that the record of the German generals discussing their plan to attack Russian targets with the Taurus missile was intercepted and leaked to the Russians by the Americans. A big bird, actually. The telephone conference of German Luftwaffe chief General Ingo Gerhartz (lead image, left), one of his... Read More
Ingo Gerhartz, (lead images), 58, was once a conscript in the German Luftwaffe who turned his ambition to be a fighter pilot into a Pentagon-supervised career to the very top of the German Air Force for the past six years. The skinheaded Gerhartz has never faced combat in the air or even hostile fire from... Read More
This has now been confirmed, after it was rumored a couple days ago. It was obvious in the first place. I’m pro-Hitler. I’m also not anti-Stalin, so I have a complicated view on these issues. Well, it’s maybe not that complicated. Historically, Russia and Germany got along with each other, and World War II was... Read More
There is a fraction of the Germans who, when speaking or writing in public, consider themselves the good Germans. Good Germans are to Germany as propaganda is to truth – negligibly fractional; sometimes truth-telling; always irrelevant to the outcome of the wars which Germany wages. The political comprehension of the Germans — to adapt Mao... Read More
Many years ago, another time and place, I had a German friend who hailed from Hamburg. Christophe was a cultivated sort—well-read, impressive art on the walls of his apartment. I remember how inordinately fond he was of his collection of those elegant, sought-after pipes made by Peterson of Dublin. It was a year or so... Read More
This is how the war in the Ukraine doesn’t end, not for the Germans and the Poles. So long as they can, they plan to steal or destroy Russian assets west of what used to be Kievan Ukraine; and mobilize the US military bases in both countries to reinforce and defend their larcenies. The German... Read More
They’re still doing that protesting the opposition thing This was not a secret meeting. It was also not “high treason.” The German government has gone completely insane. Frankly, they’ve gone beyond the lunacy of the Americans or even the British. This situation is now totally out of control. Remix: This is the code of law... Read More
I forget what year it was that the New York Times ceased being a newspaper and became a shill for the military/security complex. Now the former newspaper has teamed up with German war minister Boris Pistorius and two presstitutes to hype German rearmament to counter the Russian Threat. In one of the silliest articles I... Read More
It seems democracy is not a process, but an outcome. Certain policies — even if citizens want them, even if previous generations took them for granted — aren’t allowed. Many people say that a true liberal democracy must protect certain liberties no matter what, for fear of tyranny. However, much of the world has no... Read More
Björn Höcke (AfD, Der Flügel) Alice Weidel (Chairwoman, AfD) Each time an aspiring nationalist party scores some parliamentary gains, let alone enters the corridors of power, its followers assume that the System faces imminent death, announcing the dawn of a shining nationalist future. Over the last seventy years, such a self-serving delusion has framed the... Read More
Germans are PRO genocide, okay? It just has to be the genocide of the enemies of the Jews. Anyone who’s against that, well… you’ve got another thing coming, buddy. We’ll beat you in the streets. It’s funny. When Angela Merkel invited those millions of Arabs to come live on welfare in Germany, she should have... Read More
Few people even know the name ‘Gehlen’, yet Reinhart Gehlen and his SS men not only shaped politically the newborn OSS and CIA, but also, to a significant extent, determined post-war American attitudes toward Russia. A zeitgeist that has remained largely intact to this day, Gehlen – ‘man of light and dark’; both Führer loyalist... Read More
Some geopolitical strategists fear that China’s rise in the 21st century will mirror the dramatic rises of Germany and Japan in the late 19th century that came to plague the first half of the 20th century, though for reasons not entirely their own. Perhaps, it’s a misplaced fear. Such assurance may seem counterintuitive because China... Read More
The unelected European Commission, committed to uphold “Western Values,” has issued a decree prohibiting Russians to bring personal items when they enter the EU. Although Europeans like the French, Germans, Italians, Poles and Hungarians, Russians can no longer come to an EU member state driving their own car, and they have to leave behind their... Read More
No longer is it a matter of speculation whether or not the “West” is in free fall. It clearly is, and it is clearly intentional. The Great Covid Show, brought to you by the usual suspects, seems to have created the right conditions for the “Great Reset.” There were some hiccups, because an operation so... Read More
The Kiev Junta has spent a week sending German Leopard tanks to get blown up in fields for no reason. Now, they are demanding more of these tanks. RT: Uhhhh. Literally? I don’t think anyone is going to send 70 tons of gold into a field to get blown up. Also, if you sent 70... Read More