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People who thought the customers were doing the hacking themselves do not understand the way these things work at all. The Israelis are not just going to pass around their 1337 haxx0rs, and people wouldn’t know how to use them anyway. Obviously, the actual processing of the exploit is done on the side of the... Read More
Few Americans are aware of the fact that no U.S. government official, to include congressmen, can in any way mention or discuss Israel’s nuclear arsenal, which is estimated by some observers to consist of as many as 200 tactical nuclear weapons which can be delivered on target by air, land or sea. The prohibition is... Read More
By overwhelming margins the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives voted on September 28th to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). Obama had noted that the Act would have negative consequences for U.S. officials overseas as it establishes the principle that governments can be held accountable in... Read More