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Bernard at Moon of Alabama has a most timely and interesting post on the fate of Jose Bustani, the Brazilian diplomat who ran the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons , recently awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. Bernard relates how Bustani was subjected to the unwelcome attentions of John Bolton, the abusive ass... Read More
Putting Korean Lipstick on the “Pivot” Pig [revised and expanded April 9, 2013] This piece appeared in somewhat different and more decorous, somewhat desnarked form at Asia Times Online on April 10, 2013 as "China: Pivot Partner or Pinata?".�� For readers outside the Americas who are unfamiliar with what a pinata is, the ATOl editors... Read More
My post on the competing strategies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar received a considerable amount of thoughtful comment and pushback by e-mail and on the Web, more than I’m accustomed to receive for a non-China post from somebody who has only an informed layman’s interest in the Middle East. Maybe I came up with something... Read More