Learn about some important changes for the upcoming 2025 season.

Temptress Synergystic (corn, hybrid, bicolor)

Latin Name: Zea mays

Item #: 1030137T

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CAD $16.17
/ 250 seeds
250 Seeds
1M = 1,000 Seeds


70 Days



70 days. QuadSweet™ brand with high eating quality. Early, sweet bicolor with strong emergence and vigor. This large, 8 in/20 cm long, 16 row corn has good snap and ear height. 

70 days. QuadSweet™ brand with high eating quality. Early, sweet bicolor with strong emergence and vigor. This large, 8 in/20 cm long, 16 row corn has good snap and ear height. Sturdy, clean 6.5 ft/2 m plant. Good disease resistance to RpGDJ Rust and IR to NCLB.

HYBRID SWEET CORN for canning, fresh market and freezing

10-12 lbs./5-5.4 kg. per acre; lb.-/454 g sows 800-1,000 ft./244-305 m of row, 
2 oz-/57g sows 75-100 ft./23-31 m

CULTURE: Apply fertilizer at 10 lbs./5 kg. of 5-10-5 per 1,000 sq ft/93 sq m., to the soil before sowing, or side dress in bands 2 in/5 cm wide and 4 in/ 10 cm deep - at least 2 in/5 cm away from the seeded row when seeding. Corn is a tough plant and will survive in many types of soil. Weather and fertilizer play a large part in the shape, and length of the cob. Checks in growth caused by cold nights in late June will shorten the cob considerably and disrupt any planting schedule. To assure a continuous supply of fresh corn throughout the season, sow every week from early May till July 1st. Early May sowings should be treated with an insecticide when ground temps. are around 50°F/10°C. Our fungicide (treatments only protect the seed from rotting - not from corn maggots. Minimum soil temp. for most early varieties is 50°F/10°C - optimum temp. is about 65°F/18°C degrees for normal germination. The use of an insecticide treatment is not needed after June 5th., when soil temps. reach normal levels and maggots are no longer a problem. Sow seed 1/2 in/13 mm deep, cover and firm. Plant at least 4 rows of each variety -side by side, 2.5 ft/76 cm apart - to assure proper wind pollination. Space seeds in groups of 4 - 8 in/20 cm apart (early varieties) and 10 in/25 cm apart (late varieties). Single rows, and group plantings of different maturing varieties cause poor looking cobs with lots of gaps in the rows, due to improper pollination. Check the soil surface for un-planted seed - it encourages birds to dig for more. Thin groups of seedlings to 2 sprouts per hill or group. Any additional fertilizer should be applied before corn is 12 in/31 cm high. Apply Sevin XLR insecticide in 5 day intervals, after corn is 18 in/46 cm high - direct spray into the axis of the leaves for corn borers. As "silks" appear, make 5 more applications of Sevin XLR in 2 or 3 day intervals for ear worm control. Organic gardeners can use BUG BAIT (attracts carnivorous insects) for corn borers and apply mineral oil to corn silks for ear worm control. Home gardeners can control bird damage by slipping small 16 in/41 cm bags over ears a week before picking. Do not remove suckers (small ears) from the bottom of the plant - it will retard maturity. For use of an insecticide treatment contact your local government control agency for advice.

HARVESTING: It is best to have a large pot of boiling water ready when harvesting - to retain the natural sugars and sweetness. These natural sugars start to change to starch a few hours after you pick corn. Strip the leaves off before boiling.

FREEZING: Use slightly immature cobs with well developed kernels. Husk and de-silk. For corn on the cob - blanch 5 to 8 min; cool, drain, package in freezer bags or individually with freezer wrap. For niblet corn - blanch for 1.5 min on the cob. Chill thoroughly, strip kernels from cob and pack - then quick freeze.

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