Dill Diana
Latin Name: A. graveolens
Item #: 1500125
70 Days
Open Pollinated
Suitable for Containers:
Suitable for Small Pots
70 days. Very upright, stable selection. Dark green, very leafy compact plants are tolerant to bolting.
DILL - popular herb used in Pickling
CULTURE: Sow in rows 2-5 ft apart @ 2 seeds per in/25 mm, about May 15th 0.25 in/6 mm deep, cover with fine soil and firm. Seeds germinate slowly but rather well at soil temps between 60-70°F/16-21°C. Choose a nice sunny piece of land that is fairly well drained. Soil type is not critical, dill is almost weed-like in its ability to adapt to soil and climate conditions. Thin seedlings 4-6 in/10-15 cm apart in the row when they are 2-3 in/5-8 cm high. Seedlings do not transplant easily, so do not try to sow them in flats. For a consistent supply of dill throughout the season (it matures in about 70 days) sow seeds several times - about 2 or 3 weeks apart from May until June 30th.
HARVEST: Mature plants average 3-4 ft/91-122 cm in height and resemble wild carrot, with feathery leaves and wide flat clusters of flowers. Stalks are dark blue green and have a very strong pungent flavor. Cut in bunches @ about 2 ft/61 cm from the soil. Use the top half of the plant particularly the seeds and the fresh or dried flower heads and leaves in making dill pickles.