Your Portfolio Value:: Contact Information
Your Portfolio Value:: Contact Information
Your Portfolio Value:: Contact Information
* Appreciation or depreciation of your holdings due to price changes plus any distribution and income
earned during the statement period.
** Excludes unpriced securities.
Contact Information
FAST sm Automated Telephone (800) 544-5555
Private Client Group (800) 544-5704
Brokerage services provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (FBS), Member NYSE, SIPC (800) 544-6666. Brokerage accounts carried with National Financial Services LLC (NFS), Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Portfolio Summary
23 Mr. John Doe - Traditional IRA 222-222222 137,232.44 142,413.12
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Top Holdings
Percent of
Description Value Account
Apple Inc (AAPL) 13,132.75 12%
Doubleline Total Return Bond (DBLTX) 11,361.52 11
New York NY City Indl Dev Agy Rev 10,744.20 10
Spdr Sertr Barclays Cap High Yield (JNK) 10,165.00 9
Federal Natl Mtg Assn 10,000.00 9
Total $55,403.47 51%
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Core Account
Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Price Ending Value Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
FDIC INSURED DEPOSIT AT FIFTH THIRD BANK IRA 3,500.500 $1.000 $3,500.50 N/A — — —
— Interest rate: 0.010% h
Total Core Account (3% of account holdings) $3,500.50
Mutual Funds
Price Ending Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Per Unit Market Value Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
Bond Funds
DOUBLELINE TOTAL RETURN BOND FD CL I 1,015.328 $11.190 $11,361.52 $7,536.91c $3,824.61 $531.72 4.68%
— 30-day yield: 4.83%
Short-term Funds
FIDELITY INSTL MMKT PORT CL I (FMPXX) 5,025.810 $1.000 $5,025.81 N/A N/A —
— 7-day yield: 0.01%
Total Mutual Funds (12% of account holdings) $16,387.33 $7,536.91 $3,824.61 $531.72
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Price Ending Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Per Unit Market Value Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
Common Stocks
APPLE INC (AAPL) 25.00 525.31 $13,132.75 $9,350.12 c $3,782.63 $304.68 2.32%
AMERCO COM (UHAL) 30.00 203.15A 6,094.50 4,149.75 c 1,944.75 —
ENSTAR GROUP LIMITED COM STKUSD 1.00 -100.00 137.10 -13,710.00 -14,510.99 c 800.99 —
Total Common Stock (24% of account holdings) $5,517.25 $-1,011.12 $6,528.37 $304.68 $5,517.25
Preferred Stocks
BANK AMER CORP DEP SHS REPSTG 1/1200TH 150.00 $20.230 $3,034.50 $2,470.16 $564.34
CITIGROUP INC DEP SH REP STG 1/100TH INT 300.00 25.843 7,752.90 6,895.40 857.50
ISIN: US1729675561
Total Preferred Stock (8% of account holdings) $10,787.40 $9,365.56 $1,421.84 $10,787.40
Total Stocks (32% of account holdings) $43,724.65 $37,376.42 $6,348.23 $304.68 $43,724.65
Price Ending Market Value Total Unrealized Est. Annual Coupon
Description Maturity Quantity Per Unit Accrued Interest (AI) Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) Rate
Asset Backed Securities
FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 12/17/13 10,000.00 $100.00 $10,000.00 $10,250.00t -$250.00 $125.00 1.25%
Int. Semi-Annually
Total Asset Backed Securities (7% of account holdings) $10,000.00 $10,250.00 -$250.00 $125.00
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Bonds (continued)
Price Ending Market Value Total Unrealized Est. Annual Coupon
Description Maturity Quantity Per Unit Accrued Interest (AI) Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) Rate
Corporate Bonds
SABRATEK CORP NT CV 12/15/13 5,000.00 $101.250 $5,062.50 $10,000.00t -$4,937.50 $300.00 6.00
CUSIP: 78571UAA6
Int. Semi-Annually
CALPINE CORP ESCROW 4 131347BD7 11/15/13 10,000.000 99.500 9,950.00 10,000.00 -50.00 125.00 4.50
Fixed Coupon; Unrated; At Maturity
Total Corporate Bonds (11% of account holdings) $15,012.50 $20,000.00 -$4,987.50 $750.00
Municipal Bonds
NEW YORK N Y CITY INDL DEV AGY REV 3/1/14 10,000.000 $107.442 $10,744.20 $10,000.00B $744.20 $500.00 5.000%
CUSIP: 64971PEN1
Fixed Coupon; MBIA Insured; Moodys BAA1; S&P BBB; Int. Semi-Annually
Total Municipal Bonds (8% of account holdings) $10,744.20 $10,000.00 $744.20 $500.00
Other Bonds
TXU SR NT-P 11/15/14 5,000.00 $100.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 -$5,000.00 $227.50 5.55%
CUSIP: 873168AL2
Fixed Coupon
Total Other Bonds (4% of account holdings) $5,000.00 $10,000.00 -$5,000.00 $227.50
US Treasury/Agency Securities
UNITED STATES TREAS BILLS 11/21/13 10,000.00 $99.00 $9,900.00 $10,000.00 -$100.00 — 0.00%
CUSIP: 912796BL2
Fixed Coupon
Total US Treasury/Agency Securities (7% of account holdings) $9,900.00 $10,000.00 -$100.00 —
Total Bonds (37% of account holdings) $50,656.70 $60,250.00 -$9,593.30 $1,652.50 $50,656.70
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Price Ending Market Value Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Per Unit Accrued Interest (AI) Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
ADI NET LEASE INC & GROWTH LP XIX UNIT 5.000 $291.000A $1,455.00 unknown unknown — —
M VENTAS INC (VTR) 500.000 10.57 5,285.00 unknownc unknown — —
Total Other (5% of account holdings) $6,740.00 — — —
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
A Investments such as direct participation program securities (e.g., partnerships, limited liability EAI Estimated Annual Income (EAI) & Estimated Yield (EY) EAI is an estimate of annual income
companies, and real estate investment trusts which are not listed on any exchange), commodity & for a specific security position over the next rolling 12 months. EY is calculated by dividing the
EY current EAI for a security position by its statement closing date market value. EY reflects only the
pools, private equity, private debt and hedge funds are generally illiquid investments and their
income generated by an investment; it does not reflect changes in its price, which may fluctuate.
current values may be different from the purchase price. Unless otherwise indicated, the values For certain types of securities, EAI and EY could include the return of principal or capital gains
shown in this statement for such investments have been provided by the management, which would render them overstated. EAI and EY are estimates provided for informational
administrator or sponsor of each program or a third-party vendor without independent verification purposes only and should not be relied on for making investment, trading, or tax decisions. There
by Fidelity Brokerage Services (FBS) and represent their estimate of the value of the investor’s is no guarantee that your investments will actually generate the EAI or EY presented. Actual
participation in the program, as of a date no greater than 18 months from the date of this income and yield might be lower or higher. EAI and EY should not be confused with a security's
statement. Therefore, the estimated values shown herein may not necessarily reflect actual 30-day Yield or 7-day Yield, if provided, as such yield quotations reflect the actual historical
performance of a security. For additional information, including calculation details, refer to
market values or be realized upon liquidation. If an estimated value is not provided, valuation
the "Additional Information and Endnotes" section at the end of your statement.
information is not available.
AI Accrued Interest Presented for domestic fixed income securities and represents interest h The stated Interest Rate is the interest rate effective for Cash Balances in your FDIC-Insured
accumulated since the last coupon date, but not yet paid by the issuer or received by NFS. AI is Deposit Sweep on the last day of the statement period.
calculated for the following securities: fixed rate bonds and Certificates of Deposit (CDs). There
is no guarantee that AI will be paid by the issuer. AI for treasury and GNMA securities,
M Customers are responsible for monitoring their total assets at the Program Bank to determine the
however, is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. AI totals
extent of available FDIC insurance. Subject to the terms of the customer agreement, customers
represent accruals for only those securities with listed AI in the Holdings section of this
q are reminded that funds are swept to a Program Bank on the business day following the date that
statement. Please refer to the Help/Glossary section of for additional information.
funds are credited to your account and until swept to a Program Bank, funds are covered by
B See Cost Basis Information and Endnotes for important information about the adjusted cost basis
SIPC. For additional information, please see the FDIC-Insured Deposit Sweep Disclosures on
information provided.
c Cost basis information (or proceeds from short sales) has been provided by you and has not t Third party provided.
been adjusted except as otherwise indicated. When positions are transferred between accounts,
in certain cases, cost basis information may be automatically transferred and deemed to be
E Includes exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs), and other exchange-
traded vehicles
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Securities Transferred In
Settlement Symbol/ Cost Basis Transaction
Date Security Name CUSIP Transaction Description Quantity Unit Price of Close Amount
7/31 Z70-666580-1 Trans. from account 222-222222 100 $37.179 $39,508.64
7/31 ENSTAR GROUP LIMITED COM STK USD1.00 ESGR Trans. from account 222-222222 100.000 $102.960 10,296.00
Total Securities Transferred In $49,804.64
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Margin Activity
Interest Average Interest Average
Period Period Balance Rate Daily Balance Interest Paid Period Period Balance Rate Daily Balance Interest Paid
7/1–7/31 999,047 2.000% $1,004,247 −$1,673.75 Total this period −$1,637.75
Total year-to-date −19,670.87
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Other Activity
Settlement Security Name Symbol/ Transaction Description Quantity Price Cost Basis Transaction Transaction Total
Date CUSIP of Close Cost
7/30 REFCO INC COM RFX Merger -4000 unknown $594.10
7/30 REFCO INC COM RFX Merger 4000 0.00
Total Other Activity $594.10
Date Reference Transaction Description Transaction Total Date Reference Transaction Description Transaction Total
7/1 Wire transfer from bank $5,000.00 7/18 Wire transfer from bank 300.00
7/2 Deposit received 15.00 7/19 Wire transfer from bank 250.00
7/3 Wire transfer from bank 400.00 7/25 Wire transfer from bank 500.00
7/12 Wire transfer from bank 1,000.00 7/26 Wire transfer from bank 500.00
7/16 Wire transfer from bank 1,500.00 Total Deposits & EFT In $9,465.00
Date Reference Transaction Description Transaction Total Date Reference Transaction Description Transaction Total
7/2 Wire transfer to bank -$3,000.00 7/17 Wire transfer to bank -$1,000.00
7/3 Wire transfer to bank -750.00 7/29 Electronic remit Debit American Express -210.00
7/8 Wire transfer to bank -25.00 7/30 Wire transfer to bank -500.00
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Fees 0.00 Trans. Date Post Date Location Reference/ Description Transaction Total
Total Purchases −1,173.71 8/1 8/4 ATM0058 1224 JONES RD, HOUSTON, TX, 7425612ZF6JW2BKA −$304.00
Other Card Activity 86.58 8/11 8/15 POS6600 TARGET T2066 W, HOUSTON, TX, 24251312ZF6JW2JQK −528.12
Total Payments 1,594.13 8/11 8/15 STARBUCKS CORP00064139, SPRING, TX,24161312ZF6JW2QJE −639.56
Ending Balance $0.00 VISA® Platinum Check Card (...9999) Subtotal −$1,471.68
* Please refer to the Platinum Card Rewards Program Terms & Conditions for additional information about your Rewards Points, including information on expiration.
Rewards Points have no cash or dollar value. Ending point balance shown is the most current value available on the closing date of this statement. Please call
800-323-5353 for the most up to date balance information as amount may have changed.
Bill Payments
Post Payee Post Payee
Date Payee Account Amount YTD Payments Date Payee Account Amount YTD Payments
7/10 American Express* **********9999 -$1,231.12 -$2,455.86 7/18 Citi Visa **********7777 -4,609.15 -8,897.60
7/15 FIA Card Service **********8888 -504.78 -3,605.16 Total Bill Payments -$6,345.05 -$14,958.62
* recurring payment
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Checking Activity
Check Num. Post Date Code Description Transaction Total Check Num. Post Date Code Description Transaction Total
1076 7/30 13 Check paid −$430.72 1549 7/30 01 Check paid −17,165.00
1542 * 7/05 04 Check paid −1,984.21 Total Checking Activity −$24,432.10
1548 * 7/23 01 Check paid −846.50 * Check number has been skipped.
Taxes Withheld
Date Security Description Amount Date Security Description Amount
7/11 TRANSOCEAN LIMITED COM CHF157 Foreign tax paid -$440.12 7/15 SPDR SER TR BARCLAYS CAP HIGH YIELD BD ETF Federal tax paid -399.11
7/15 SPDR SER TR BARCLAYS CAP HIGH YIELD BD ETF State tax paid -123.78 Total Federal Taxes Withheld -$399.11
Total State Taxes Withheld -$123.78
Total Foreign Taxes Withheld -$440.12
Total Taxes Withheld -$963.01
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
f FIFO (First In, First Out) B See Cost Basis Information and Endnotes for important information about the adjusted cost basis
information provided.
Cost basis and gain/loss information is provided as a service to our customers and is based on nExercise for a stock option. Stock Option Exercise. Please see your exercise transaction confirmation
standards for filing US Federal Tax Returns as determined by Fidelity. This information is not statement and specific plan section of this statement for your total cost, tax withholding and any
intended to address tax law or reporting requirements applicable in your country of tax residence. applicable fees.
17 of 28
Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Total Est.
Month Bond & CD Income Bond & CD Principal Stock Income Mutual Fund Income Cash Flow
August 2015 — — $76 $44 $120
September $413 — 193 44 650
October — — — 44 44
November — — 76 44 120
December 413 — 193 44 650
January 2016 — — — 44 44
February — — 76 44 120
March 413 — 193 44 650
April — — — 44 44
May — — 76 44 120
June 413 — 193 44 650
July — — — 44 44
Total $1,653 — $1,075 $532 $3,259
The table above presents the estimated monthly interest and dividend income and return of principal that your current holdings may generate over the next rolling 12 months. The
cash flows displayed are estimates provided for informational purposes only and there is no guarantee that you will actually receive any of the amounts displayed. These estimates
should not be relied upon for making investment, trading or tax decisions. The estimates for fixed rate domestic bond and CD income are calculated using the security's coupon rate.
The estimates for domestic common stock and mutual fund income are calculated using an indicated annual dividend (IAD). The IAD is an estimate of a security's dividend payments
for the next 12 months calculated based on prior and/or declared dividends for that security. IADs are sourced from third party vendors believed to be reliable, but no assurance can
be made as to accuracy. There are circumstances in which these estimates will not be presented for a specific security you hold.
Please refer to the Help/Glossary section of for additional information on these calculations.
Bond & CD Income includes interest payments for fixed rate bonds and Certificates of Deposit (CDs).
Bond & CD Principal includes maturing principal payments for CDs and the following bonds: fixed rate, floating rate, variable rate, discount, and zero coupon.
Stock Income includes estimated dividend payments for common stock, ADR's, and REITs.
Mutual Fund Income includes estimated dividend payments for Fidelity and non-Fidelity mutual funds.
The table above does not include cash flow from the following securities: preferred stocks, international stocks, exchange trade products (ETF's & ETN's), UITs, variable rate
bonds, and international bonds, but may be included in future enhancements.
18 of 28
Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Top Holdings
Percent of
Description Market Value Account
Johnson and Johnsn (JNJ) $47,113.80 33%
Apple Inc (AAPL) 15,759.30 11
Delphi Corp Jr Sb Nt 15,375.00 11
Slm Corp Spi Lkd Nt (Osm) 13,859.10 10
Gen Motors Corp Bond 10,100.00 7
Total $102,207.20 72%
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Core Account
Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Price Ending Value Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
FIDELITY CASH RESERVES (FDRXX) 2,070.880 $1.000 $2,070.88 N/A — — 0.010%
— 7-day yield: 0.010%
Total Core Account (1% of account holdings) $2,070.88
Price Ending Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Per Unit Market Value Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
APPLE INC (AAPL) h30.00 $525.31 $15,759.30 $8,247.50t $7,511.80 $365.62 2.32%
EXXON MOBILE (XOM) 50.00 87.96 4,398.00 4,149.75t 248.25 125.78 2.86
FACEBOOK (FB) 60.00 25.16 1,509.60 1,848.95t -339.35
GENERAL MOTORS CO USD0.01 (GM) 209.00 35.56 7,432.04 unknown unknown
ISIN: US37045V1008
SLM CORP CPI LKD NT FLTG RATE 0.00% 590.00 23.49 13,859.10 9,090.70 4,768.40
03/15/2017 (OSM)
STANDARD PACIFIC CORP (SPF) 5,100.00 9.238 47,113.80 61,354.44 863.47 1,352.17 2.87
WESTMORELAND COAL CO DEP SHS EACH 300.00 30.48 9,144.00 5,088.40t 4,055.60
Total Stocks (70% of account holdings) $99,215.84 $89,779.74 $17,108.17 $1,843.57
Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
21 of 28
Price Ending Market Value Total Unrealized Est. Annual Coupon
Description Maturity Quantity Per Unit Accrued Interest (AI) Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) Rate
SABRATEK CORP NT CV 4/15/15 10000.00 100.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 t — 600.00 6.00%
CUSIP: 78571UAA6
Semi-Annual Interest
DELPHI CORP JR SB NT 10/15/33 15000.00 102.50 15,375.00 15,025.00 350.00 1,237.50 8.250
CUSIP: 247126AF2
Fixed Coupon; Quarterly Interest
ESCROW GEN MOTORS CORP BOND 3/15/36 10000.00 101.00 10,100.00 9,900.00 999,999.99 999,999.99 7.750
Fixed Coupon; Semi-Annual Interest;
Total Bonds (25% of account holdings) $35,475.00 $34,925.00 $550.00 $2,612.50
Price Ending Total Unrealized Est. Annual Est. Yield
Description Quantity Per Unit Market Value Cost Basis Gain/Loss Income (EAI) (EY)
GENERAL MTRS CO WTS EXP 07/10/2016 190.000 $15.290 $2,905.10 unknown unknown —
GENERAL MTRS CO WTS EXP 07/10/2019 190.000 10.570 2,008.30 unknown unknown —
SOUTHWEST ROYALTIES INSTITUTIONAL INCOME 6.000 123.000A 738.00 unknown unknown —
Based on an independent appraisal
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
23 of 28
Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Total Est.
Month Bond & CD Income Bond & CD Principal Stock Income Mutual Fund Income
Cash Flow
August 2015 — — $767 — $767
September $326 — — — 326
October — — — — —
November 653 — 767 — 1,420
December 326 — — — 326
January 2016 — — — — —
February — — 767 — 767
March 326 — — — 326
April — — — — —
May 653 — 767 — 1,420
June 326 — — — 326
July — — — — —
Total $2,612 — $3,069 — $5,682
The table above presents the estimated monthly interest and dividend income and return of principal that your current holdings may generate over the next rolling 12 months. The
cash flows displayed are estimates provided for informational purposes only and there is no guarantee that you will actually receive any of the amounts displayed. These estimates
should not be relied upon for making investment, trading or tax decisions. The estimates for fixed rate domestic bond and CD income are calculated using the security's coupon rate.
The estimates for domestic common stock and mutual fund income are calculated using an indicated annual dividend (IAD). The IAD is an estimate of a security's dividend payments
for the next 12 months calculated based on prior and/or declared dividends for that security. IADs are sourced from third party vendors believed to be reliable, but no assurance can
be made as to accuracy. There are circumstances in which these estimates will not be presented for a specific security you hold.
Please refer to the Help/Glossary section of for additional information on these calculations.
Bond & CD Income includes interest payments for fixed rate bonds and Certificates of Deposit (CDs).
Bond & CD Principal includes maturing principal payments for CDs and the following bonds: fixed rate, floating rate, variable rate, discount, and zero coupon.
Stock Income includes estimated dividend payments for common stock, ADR's, and REITs.
Mutual Fund Income includes estimated dividend payments for Fidelity and non-Fidelity mutual funds.
The table above does not include cash flow from the following securities: preferred stocks, international stocks, exchange trade products (ETF's & ETN's), UITs, variable rate
bonds, and international bonds, but may be included in future enhancements.
24 of 28
Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Contribution Elections
Description Percent of
Percent of
Description Total Value Quantity Unit Price Ending Value
NH Portfolio 2019 (Fidelity Funds) 50% 1,200.291 $17.680 $21,221.14
NH Moderate Growth Port (Fidelity Funds) 25% 463.301 15.620 7,236.76
Total Value 28,457.90
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Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Generally, deposits at a bank held in nonretirement and qualified retirement Amortization, accretion and similar adjustments to cost basis are provided for many
accounts such as traditional or Roth IRAs are eligible for up to $250,000 fixed income securities (and some bond-like equities), however they are not provided
coverage per account owner, per depository institution. Certain holdings at for certain fixed income securities, such as short-term instruments, Unit Investment
Fidelity are eligible for "passthrough" FDIC insurance coverage subject to Trusts, foreign fixed income securities, or those that are subject to early prepayment
these same limits. Eligible positions include: 1) Certificates of deposit (CDs) of principal (pay downs).
- Brokered CDs that are issued by an FDIC insured institution, 2) Core B Adjusted cost basis information is shown where this indicator is displayed.
balances in the Fidelity(R) Cash Management Account, eligible Fidelity Adjusted cost basis reflects any cumulative original issue discount, premium, or
IRAs or Fidelity Health Savings Accounts(1), and 3) Any 529 Bank Deposit acquisition premium (including any year-to-date amount). It assumes such
Portfolio investments. amounts were amortized or accrued for tax purposes from the acquisition date
through the disposition date. Premium amortization was calculated using the
You are responsible for monitoring your FDIC coverage. Generally, all the yield-to-maturity method. Acquisition premium was calculated using the ratable
assets you hold at a depository institution are counted toward the FDIC accrual method. Any market discount accretion for this position was calculated
coverage limit. Therefore, when considering whether your holdings will be using the straight-line method and, if applicable, recognized upon disposition.
FDIC insured, you must take into consideration both the combined balance Gain/loss displayed for this transaction is calculated using the cost basis
of all bank deposits (including bank CDs) made directly through a particular adjustments, as described above. The adjusted cost basis used here may not
institution as well as those deposits coming about indirectly through Fidelity reflect all adjustments necessary for tax purposes (such as wash sale
or another brokerage firm. For more information about FDIC insurance adjustments) and may not apply if you are using an alternative amortization
coverage, please visit the FDIC Web site at calculation method. Refer to IRS Publication 550, Investment Income and
Expenses, for additional information.
* Cash Balances in an account with the FDIC-Insured Deposit Sweep
Program are swept to an FDIC-insured account at a Program Bank. Funds If total cost basis information is provided for multiple tax lots, that total cost basis
are swept to the Program Bank on the business day following the date that information (and any associated gain/loss displayed) may have been calculated using
funds are credited to your account and, until swept to the Program Bank, a combination of adjusted cost basis information (as described above) and non-
funds are covered by SIPC. Once at the Program Bank, the deposit is not adjusted cost basis information. Total cost basis information (and any associated
covered by SIPC; however, the deposit is eligible for FDIC insurance gain/loss displayed) is calculated using adjusted cost basis for lots for which adjusted
coverage subject to the applicable coverage limits. All assets of the account cost basis is provided and non-adjusted cost basis for lots for which adjusted cost
holder at the Program Bank will generally be counted toward the aggregate basis is not provided or not applicable.
limit. For additional information, please see the FDIC-Insured Deposit
Sweep Program Disclosure document that can be found at
26 of 28
Jan 10, – Dec 11, 2019
Each year your annual MRD estimate is calculated on or after January 1 using your
prior year-end account balance divided by the applicable life expectancy factor. The
life expectancy factor used is based on both your date of birth and the beneficiary
information we have on file as of December 31st of the prior year.
Please contact Fidelity if there is a change in your beneficiary information as this
calculation will not be updated until the calendar year following the year in which you
change your beneficiary designation.
Year-to-Date distributions include any distributions taken after January 1st of the
current year through midnight of the statement end date.
EAI and EY are not provided for: preferred stocks, exchange traded products (ETFs
& ETNs), UITs, variable rate bonds, and international stocks & bonds, but may be
included in the future. EAI is not displayed for amounts less than $10.
For more information about your statement, please refer to our Frequently Asked
Questions document at
27 of 28
Information About Your Fidelity Statement
TDD Service for the Hearing-Impaired Call 800-544-0118, 9 am - 9 pm ET, 7 days a week.
using the FIFO method if shares were purchased at different times or prices. Statement Mailing We deliver statements at least four times during the calendar year for any account with a balance.
Statement Discrepancies Please review your statement and report any inaccuracies or discrepancies.
Lost or Stolen Cards For 24-Hour worldwide customer service, call 800-529-2164 for American Express or Inquiries, concerns or questions regarding your brokerage account or the activity therein should be 800-323-5353 for VISA® Gold
Check Card. directed to FBS by calling 800-544-6666, and NFS, who carries your brokerage accounts, by calling Additional
Investments with Fidelity Make checks payable to Fidelity Investments. Include your account 866-408-1138. Any oral communications regarding inaccuracies or discrepancies should be reconfirmed in number on the check. For retirement and health
savings accounts (HSA), designate in the memo field whether writing to protect your rights, including those under the Securities Investor Protection Act (SIPA).
your contribution is for the current or prior year. Mail checks or other inquiries to: Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box Material Changes Please advise us of material changes in your investment objectives or financial situation
770001, Cincinnati, OH 45277-0003. related to your brokerage account(s).
Income Summary Shows income by tax status for the statement and year-to-date periods. Except for interest Mutual Funds and Performance An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by income earned on, or
distributed by, tax-exempt securities, Fidelity reports dividends and capital gains held in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. Although the fund taxable accounts as taxable income. A portion of
income reported as tax-exempt income may be subject to seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by alternative minimum taxes and/or state and local taxes. In Traditional IRAs, Rollover
IRAs, SEP-IRAs, SIMPLE investing in the fund. Before investing, consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and IRAs and Keoghs, earnings are reported as tax-deferred income. In Roth IRAs and HSAs, earnings are reported
expenses. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus containing this information. Read it carefully. Performance as tax-exempt income as they may be federally tax-exempt if certain conditions are met. data shown represents past performance and
is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and Cost Basis, Gain/Loss, and Holding Period Information NFS is required to report certain cost basis and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are
sold. Current holding period information to the IRS on Form 1099-B. Unless otherwise specified, NFS applies the average performance may be higher or lower than that quoted. Visit for most recent cost method for
open-end mutual funds and the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method for all other securities. Cost month-end performance.
basis is adjusted for wash sales on securities with the same CUSIP held in the same account (unless your Sales Loads & Fees Each fund reserves the right to terminate or modify its exchange privilege in the future. In account receives mark-to-market
reporting). Your statement may not reflect all adjustments required for tax connection with access to, purchase of, and/or maintenance of positions in mutual fund and other investment purposes. Customers should consult their tax advisors for further
information. products ("funds") or platforms, some funds, or their investment affiliates, pay FBS or NFS sales loads and Cost Fidelity
provides purchase cost information for securities held in retirement and HSA accounts. Such 12b-1 fees described in the prospectus as well as program participation and maintenance fees. Additional information may be adjusted for certain transactions
and does not reflect dividends or capital gains information about the source(s) and amount(s) of compensation as well as other remuneration received by FBS reinvestments. Fidelity reports transaction profit or loss information when securities are sold
within a retirement or NFS will be furnished to you upon written request. At the time you purchase shares of funds those shares will or HSA account. Transaction profit or loss is calculated by subtracting purchase cost from sales proceeds be assigned
either a load, transaction fee (TF) or no transaction fee (NTF) status. When you subsequently sell
those shares, any fees applicable to your transaction will be assessed based on the status assigned to the shares at the time of purchase.
Additional Information About Your Brokerage Account, If Applicable Executing Orders on the Floor of the NYSE The Floor broker may permit the specialist to trade on parity with
the order for some or all of the executions associated with filling that order, where such permission would not
Customer Free Credit Balance You are entitled to your free credit balance in your brokerage account, subject be inconsistent with the broker's best execution obligations.
to open commitments in your cash accounts. Free credit balances are not segregated and may be used by NFS Agency Trades Individual securities trades placed for your Fidelity® Personalized Portfolios account are in accordance with federal
securities law. There is no free credit balance in a retirement account or HSA. completed on an agency basis by FBS.
Assets Separate from Your Brokerage Account Only securities in the margin portion of your brokerage SIPC Securities in accounts carried by NFS, a Fidelity Investments company, are protected in accordance with account contribute to margin and
maintenance requirements. Other Assets, which may be reported on your the SIPC up to $500,000 (including cash claims limited to $250,000). For details, including the SIPC brochure, statement, including insurance products that are distributed by
FBS and Fidelity Insurance Agency, Inc. and please see or call 1-202-371-8300. NFS has arranged for additional protection for cash and mutual fund only accounts held directly with the fund (Fidelity Mutual Fund Accounts) are not
carried by NFS, covered securities to supplement its SIPC coverage. Neither coverage protects against a decline in the market not covered by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) and do not count toward your margin and value of
maintenance requirements. Assets held in brokerage accounts managed by Strategic Advisers, Inc. (SAI) are Fidelity Investments Fidelity Distributors Corporation (FDC) is the distributor for Fidelity Funds with marketing carried by NFS and covered
by SIPC but do not contribute to your margin and maintenance requirements. and shareholder services provided by FBS or NFS. Brokerage services are provided by FBS, which clears
Short Account Balances Securities sold short are held in a segregated short account. These securities are all transactions through its affiliate, NFS. NFS carries all brokerage accounts. FBS and NFS are marked-to- market for margin purposes,
and any increase or decrease from the previous week's value is members of the NYSE and SIPC. FBS, NFS, and FDC are direct or indirect subsidiaries of FMR LLC. Upon transferred weekly to your margin account. Fidelity represents your short
account balance as of the last weekly written request, Fidelity will mail an NFS financial statement, which is also available for inspection at its office.
mark-to-market, not as of the statement end date. Fidelity Investments (with pyramid logo) is a trademark of FMR LLC.
Information About Your Option Transactions Each transaction confirmation previously delivered to you SAI Services Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Service®, Fidelity® Strategic Disciplines, Fidelity Wealth Management contains full information about
commissions and other charges, and such information is available promptly AdvisorySM, and BlackRock® Diversified Income Portfolio are services offered through SAI, a registered upon request. Assignments of American and European-style options
are allocated among customer short investment adviser and a Fidelity Investments company. Fidelity® Personalized Portfolios may be offered positions pursuant to a random allocation procedure, a description is available upon request. Short positions
in through the following Fidelity Investments companies: SAI, Fidelity Personal Trust Company, FSB (FPTC), American-style options are liable for assignment anytime. The writer of a European-style option is subject to a federal savings bank, or Fidelity
Management Trust Company (FMTC). Non-deposit investment products exercise assignment only during the exercise period. For more information, please call Fidelity at and trust services offered through FPTC and FMTC and their affiliates are not
insured or guaranteed by the
800-544-6666. FDIC or any other government agency, are not obligations of any bank, and are subject to risk, including
Equity Dividend Reinvestment Shares credited to your account from resulted from transactions by FBS possible loss of principal. These advisory services are provided for a fee.
acting as agent for your account, or the Depository Trust Company (DTC). Ratings Information from Standard & Poors ("S&P") may not be reproduced. S&P credit ratings are
Price Information/Total Market Value The Total Market Value has been calculated out to 9 decimal places; statements of opinion and are not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell securities, however, the individual unit
price is displayed in 5 decimal places. The Total Market Value represents prices nor do they address the suitability of securities for investment purposes, and should not be relied on as obtained from various sources, may be impacted by the frequency
with which such prices are reported and investment advice. S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any such prices are not guaranteed. Prices received from pricing vendors are generally based on current
market information, including ratings, and is not responsible for errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise). S&P gives quotes, but when such quotes are not available the pricing vendors use a variety of techniques to estimate no express or implied
warranties, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a value. These estimates, particularly for fixed income securities, may be based on certain minimum principal particular purpose or use. S&P shall not be liable for any
direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, amounts (e.g. $1 million) and may not reflect all of the factors that affect the value of the security, including punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses
(including lost income or liquidity risk. The prices provided are not firm bids or offers. Certain securities may reflect N/A or unavailable profits and opportunity costs) in connection with any use of ratings.
where the price for such security is generally not available from a pricing source. The Market Value of a Miscellaneous Mutual fund shares, other securities held in your account, and insurance products are neither security, including those priced at
par value, may differ from its purchase price and may not closely reflect the deposits nor obligations of, nor endorsed or guaranteed by, any bank or other depositing institution, nor are they value at which the security may be sold or purchased based on
various market factors. The sale or redemption federally insured by the FDIC or any other agency. If you request a reprint of your statement, the disclosure of any fixed income security prior to maturity may result in a loss. Prices for Certificates of
Deposits (CDs) on information may not be the same as the information originally provided. To confirm that an authorized, direct your statement are generally estimates and are not based on actual market prices. The secondary market for deposit has
been made to your Fidelity Account or Fidelity Mutual Fund Account, call Fidelity at CDs is generally illiquid. You should always request a current valuation for your securities prior to making a 1-800-544-5555.
financial decision or placing an order.
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