The Denoir Blood is an alacryan highblood family led by its highlord, Corbett Denoir.
They are stripped of their status after Seris' Rebellion and most members are killed. The only survivors are Caera, Corbett, Lenora and Melitta.
- Corbett Denoir
- Caera Denoir
- Lenora Denoir (Wife to Corbett Denoir)
- Lauden Denoir
- Sevren Denoir
- Arden Denoir
- Melitta Denoir (Wife to Arden Denoir)
- Colm Denoir
- Arno Denoir
- Justus Denoir
- Gemma Denoir (Sister to Lenora Denoir, adopted into the family)
- Taegen (Guard)
- Arian (Guard)
- Nessa (Nanny to Caera Denoir)