Osage Rose Cottage

Friday, April 19, 2024

Took a walk the other day

Hello friends!  I'm so glad you stopped by.  I took a short walk around our place, the other day, just to see what I could see!  I saw so much life going on all around!  The house finches have babies in the nest, the hummingbirds are back and hungry, and so many little flowers and other growing things!  Y'all know I'm an old fairy loving hippie so it shouldn't surprise you that I got all giddy when I saw this growing in an old rotted out tree stump.

Isn't it pretty!?  I checked but the Frog King wasn't home!  Oh but look at these...

Pretty little flowers!  Even the bird seed I throw out, for the doves, made a pretty background.  

I love the tiny things and saw even more little flowers.

The wild onions has been blooming like crazy!

Of course, the Dandelions are always pretty!

The first bloom on my rose bushes!  It's such a pretty color but the camera never captures it!  There were so many buds on all of the bushes!  A few days later, it looked like they just exploded with color!  If we don't get some rain, though, I won't see another flower until Autumn.  It gets mighty dry around here so I enjoys the wild things and the roses when I can! 

Mentioning Wild Things!  My sweet granddaughter turned 14 today!  We did her birthday, at our house, last weekend.  Isn't this the prettiest little cake?  Of course, once again, the camera didn't pick up the beauty of it!  Anyhow, I can't believe I have been blessed with the free spirited hippie child, that is my granddaughter, for that long!  Y'all!  How do these things happen so fast!?  Anyways... Happy birthday, Beautiful Soul!  I can't wait to see how God uses you!

I am so proud of my grandson for drawing this picture of their new house on the mountain!  He put a lot of thought into it!  Look at the lake below the mountain and the pine trees!  They have lots of woods to play in and his house is just like that on the top of their mountain.  He gifted it to me and I had to put it in a frame!  I am so proud of him!

Well, Friends, I do hope I haven't bored you too terribly bad!  I sure am grateful that you took time to visit!  

Grace & Peace,

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What is that? Wishes and funnies!

 Hello Friends!

I hope y'all are having a good week.  Today has been soggy and cold.  I wish the weather would make a decision and stick with it!  We have been enjoying such beautiful weather and then - BAM! - cold front!  I'll not complain too loudly because I know, within a matter of weeks, I will be turning on the A/C and it will run until December!  

One day, last week, I was out cleaning out my raised garden beds and found the strangest looking thing.

What in the name of Peter, Paul & Mary is that?  LoL  It is a fungus of some sort.  I looked it up but I've forgotten what the name of it is.  It was nasty to the touch but I wanted to put it where my dogs would get it and I wanted to show this thing to my Mister.  It was the size of a saucer and bowl shaped.  Absolutely disgusting but equally interesting.  Anyhow, thought y'all would like to know what weirdness comes from wintered over garden soil.  

I want you to know, the dandelions have gone crazy this year!  I told my husband not to mow, last year!  LoL  Apparently he scattered enough seeds to fill a pasture!  I'm ok with them because I can pick and sneak in a few dandelion greens into a salad anytime I want to.  Plus the bees love them and we all need to make sure the bees are happy!  Some people see weeds, I see nourishing edibles and beneficial bee food!  And wishes... 

Just look at all those wishes!  Makes you want to sit down and blow your wishes to the wind, doesn't it?  

I looked at the pictures my Mister had taken at Easter and came across this one.  I laughed so hard.

This is my daughter, myself and granddaughter on Easter.  After we got into some comfy clothes, we were getting the food set up and my Mister asked if it was ready.  We, apparently, all three turned around and looked at him at the same time.  Do Not Ask If It Is Ready!!!  

LoL...We didn't plan it... we never plan stuff like this...we just happen!  They are my girls, for sure...sass and all!  BTW, that is NOT a knife in my hand, like the Mister says.  It is cooking tongs!  I just laugh every time I look at this picture.  I think it is my favorite from the day!

Grace & Peace,



Friday, April 5, 2024

Happy Friday!


Hello Friends!  Doesn't this image make you want to smile?  It's certainly a happy pic, anyway!

I thought I would jump in and say hello!  I haven't been doing much so the news is a bit lacking, today.

I spent all day, yesterday, sitting on a bleacher at my granddaughter's track meet.  I haven't done that in awhile!  That may sound quite boring to most but I had a blast and got to spend some quality time with my Mister and a good bit of time with my granddaughter.  PLUS!!!  I enjoyed the heck out of watching those kids run and jump!  They give it all they've got!

Yesterday was also my son's 41st birthday.  Y'all!!!  How do these things happen?  Why, I'm just barely over 40 myself!?  LoL...sure I am!  I tell you what though, I raised a good, hard working man and he is still my rock that keeps me grounded!  I don't know what would have become of me if I hadn't had him so young.  Oopsey babies are the best and God certainly knows what he was doing by blessing me with one...make that two!

Well, not all is happy news.  My sweet grandson has the flu...AGAIN!  This is the second time in less than two months!  He seems to be getting over it now but darn it, that's just not fun!  Bless his heart!  

I have been working on more cards for my stockpile so I can continue sending cards to the senior centers, nursing homes and such, after I have my hand surgery.  I finally got my date.  It will be in early May so I am starting to put meals in the freezer and get things in order.  Apparently, I won't be able to use my hand for at least three months and then only light stuff for another three.  That sure sounds like a long time to me but I am looking to the other side when I am pain free and can get back to what I love.  

Well, friends, I think that is all I have for now.  Thank you for sticking around if you are still visiting.  

Grace & Peace,
