Osage Rose Cottage

Monday, April 21, 2014

My Grand-daughter's big day was Saturday.  She turned 4 years old, which is next to impossible for me to believe!  We began the party, with a special blessing prayed over her, by my Pastor's.  I appreciate them so much and they love her as if she was theirs.  

She was so excited, I had to grab her so she would not go head first into the table!  It looked like a bottle of Pepto Bismol, exploded!  I spent several weeks gathering all that pink!  The "Table TuTu" was quite a bit of work but came together rather quickly.  I opted to use pink/white polka dot duct tape instead of sewing all of that tulle together.  I love the new duct tape!

You really can't tell but the cake was about a 5" layer cake and cupcakes.  I added a tiara to the cake for the "Princess" effect.

The children all hunted Easter eggs before eating cake.

She received lots of nice gifts and loved all that pink, but as you can see, the "Dino Dig" was by far the most popular...even for my big kids!

Thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated with Princess Sparkles.

Special thanks to Paw-Paw, for "insuring" we got the park shelter and for making sure there were lots of streamers.  Also thanks goes to Uncle Bubba, for hiding Easter eggs and Miss Heather, for adding sand and rocks to the table decorations so the wind wouldn't keep knocking them over!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Do you have a doodle journal?  I do and it is for those times that I have nothing else to do but feel myself becoming antsy.  I'm never sure what will end up on the page.  I love to be surprised by my mind and hand.  Chances are, whatever I end up with, it is something that is on my mind or heart.  This week is all about my grand daughter turning four years old and this doodle is all about her.  It is her initial, dome random doodling, and words that describe what she is to me.  Doodling relaxes me, just a bit, and I usually end up with something that speaks from my soul. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Seriously!!!???  28* tonight!!!???  UGH!!!  This weather is going to do me in.  I've had to drag all my container plants, back inside after dragging them out just a few days ago.  Even the tomato plants!  My lilac bush is blooming for the first time and this freeze is likely to kill it if I don't get out to cover it up and my rose bushes look so pretty.  Better try covering those as well, especially the ones I just transplanted to a different location.  Crazy Oklahoma weather!  Thank goodness, I haven't planted too much, just yet.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Kitchen - Cozy Little House

I had the distinct honor and extreme pleasure of meeting Brenda from Cozy Little House, today.  Such a delight.  Of course, I had to see "The Kitchen" !  I tell you, Brenda is a decorating genius!  Who would have ever thought to do what she did in that room.  It is awesome enough that she is featured in "Country Woman" magazine, this month.  Please, if you don't already follow her blog, stop in and say hello.  I know you will love it!  I hope to get to know Brenda a little more, over coffee, or lunch, one day soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bright Side Of Going To The Old Folks Home...

The one thing that irritates me most, about my disability, is not being able to do things I used to do.  Something as simple as laying down weed guard, in my flower beds, is more than I can do.  It should be easy.  I started working in my raised container garden and that quickly got to be to much so I decided to spread the weed guard out, instead.  What you see in the picture is all I managed before the back spasms began.  I had to wait until my Mister got home from work so he could finish it for me.  It just really frustrates me.  I think when a person is deemed disabled, they should automatically get a gardener...

...and a housekeeper.  Even sweeping the floors is difficult and forget about scrubbing them.  I had to buy one of those Shark Steam Mop things.  I hate it!  I don't think it gets the floors clean and especially not like a good old fashioned mop...

...well, I guess the bright side of going to the old folks home, in a few years, is that there will be a gardener and a housekeeper.  

Grace & Peace,