My Grand-daughter's big day was Saturday. She turned 4 years old, which is next to impossible for me to believe! We began the party, with a special blessing prayed over her, by my Pastor's. I appreciate them so much and they love her as if she was theirs.
She was so excited, I had to grab her so she would not go head first into the table! It looked like a bottle of Pepto Bismol, exploded! I spent several weeks gathering all that pink! The "Table TuTu" was quite a bit of work but came together rather quickly. I opted to use pink/white polka dot duct tape instead of sewing all of that tulle together. I love the new duct tape!
You really can't tell but the cake was about a 5" layer cake and cupcakes. I added a tiara to the cake for the "Princess" effect.
The children all hunted Easter eggs before eating cake.
She received lots of nice gifts and loved all that pink, but as you can see, the "Dino Dig" was by far the most popular...even for my big kids!
Thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated with Princess Sparkles.
Special thanks to Paw-Paw, for "insuring" we got the park shelter and for making sure there were lots of streamers. Also thanks goes to Uncle Bubba, for hiding Easter eggs and Miss Heather, for adding sand and rocks to the table decorations so the wind wouldn't keep knocking them over!