mm has written 217 reviews for films during 2018.
Roe v. Wade 2019
The cinematic event of a generation as it's the biggest collection of dumbfucks since the 2016 republican national convention.
Jon Voight
Jamie Kennedy?This is the avengers of fucking morons.
Here's the synopsis, which is the funniest thing I have ever read:
"The 2019 film Roe v. Wade is based on the American landmark decision of the same name, issued in 1973 by the U.S. Supreme Court on the issue of the constitutionality of laws that criminalized or…
Zodiac 2007
- Killing people = bad imo.
- With a culture as self-absorbed, violent and narcissistic as ours can be, I'm genuinely surprised we haven't had another Zodiac-like serial killer.
- Jake Gyllenhaal is both way too handsome to believe as a dork and also way too dorky to be as handsome as he is.
- Mark Ruffalo's voice sounds like a 35-year smoker who just sucked on a bag o helium
- Arthur Leigh Allen probs wasn't Zodiac,…
The Truman Show 1998
Christened my first apartment with one of the best movies ever made.
Grade: 10/10
The Dark Knight 2008
If I have the time and means to see this movie in 70mm IMAX again, how am I supposed to to resist the urge to do so?
Pretty good film IMO.
Grade: 11/10
The Dark Knight 2008
Seeing this and 2001 back-to-back was...... something.
This movie still slaps hard. Seeing it in what I assume was a true IMAX format was one hell of an experience.
I'm still amazed at how anyone could say this isn't the best capekino by a country mile.
Grade: 11/10
Batman 1989
Batman is flawed, has an occasionally frustrating script, and is inconsistent with its characters and yet... I adore every second of it.
Seeing this on the big screen was a total delight and swept me up into the experience like it did however many years ago when I first saw it.
Grade: 9.5/10
Steve Jobs 2015
Never before has a movie existed that makes me more and less motivated to write than Steve Jobs does.
On the one hand, it motivates me to write by showing just how words can be just as powerful as gunshots, fight sequences or explosions.
On the other, it makes any writing not done by Aaron Sorkin feel unnecessary. He has the best words. I am stupid and have bad words.
Grade: 10/10
The Godfather Part II 1974
I fast forwarded through the young Vito scenes this time. The movie is, dare I say, better without them?
As cute as it is to see young versions of everyone, I just don’t care or need to know anything about Vito’s backstory. Yeah, seeing him immigrate to America ties in well with the narrative, but I think that point came across in the present day scenes just fine.
Speaking of the present day narrative, it all finally came together for…