So vidding season has begun.
Every single freaking year,
arduinna and I swear to ourselves "We will not stop vidding just because Vividcon is over. We will vid year round. We will be vidding machines, remastering, creating, TAKING OVER THE WORLD WITH THE SHEER VOLUME OF OUR VIDS. WATCH US."
And then we flop down exhausted and somewhat hung over on the nearest sofa, and if it's a good weekend, maybe we get most of our laundry done.
So, vidding season starts when we realize if we don't get our asses in gear, we won't have a premieres vid, or Club Vivid vid, or whatever.
Last year, we vidded Once Upon a Time, and this was unique in that it was the first year we were able to use wonderful, glorious, 1080p HD source from iTunes. Since then, the OTW and the EFF have kicked all sorts of ass, and officially carved out an Exception for vidders to do exactly this -- rip the DRM digital downloads (iTunes, and others), in order to vid with those downloads.
Since vidding season has begun, we start, as always, with collecting our source. And since there are probably others of you like us out there getting started here are the steps we used last year, and plan to use again this year, to get us the beautiful source in question.
( One method for vidding with iTunes episodes on a Mac )
Every single freaking year,
![[personal profile]](
And then we flop down exhausted and somewhat hung over on the nearest sofa, and if it's a good weekend, maybe we get most of our laundry done.
So, vidding season starts when we realize if we don't get our asses in gear, we won't have a premieres vid, or Club Vivid vid, or whatever.
Last year, we vidded Once Upon a Time, and this was unique in that it was the first year we were able to use wonderful, glorious, 1080p HD source from iTunes. Since then, the OTW and the EFF have kicked all sorts of ass, and officially carved out an Exception for vidders to do exactly this -- rip the DRM digital downloads (iTunes, and others), in order to vid with those downloads.
Since vidding season has begun, we start, as always, with collecting our source. And since there are probably others of you like us out there getting started here are the steps we used last year, and plan to use again this year, to get us the beautiful source in question.
( One method for vidding with iTunes episodes on a Mac )