
ジョン・クイギンが、ここで紹介した執筆中の本「世界で二番目にシンプルな経済学(Economics in Two Lessons)」の草稿の新たな箇所を公開している(Crooked Timber、自ブログï¼›H/T Economist's View)。今回公開した箇所では、フリードマンやハインラインによって有名になった「フリーランチなどというもの存在しない(TANSTAAFL=There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)」という経済学の決まり文句に疑問を投げ掛けている。

If TANSTAAFL were literally true, however, humanity could never have risen above a subsistence level of existence. Every technological advance since people first learned how to make flint tools and control fire has provided a potential free lunch, literally and metaphorically, for humanity as a whole. The same is true of improvements in social and economic organization that have allowed larger and larger groups to co-operate in mutually beneficial ways.
TANSTAAFL holds if and only if there are no free lunches left on the table, which in turn will only happen if all options for technological progress have been exhausted and, in addition, the economic system is functioning perfectly. So, if outcomes can be improved for everyone, the correct statement is TISATAAFL, that is, There Is Such A Thing As A Free Lunch’.
Economists have understood this point ever since Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, the first serious study of economic growth, in the 18th century. Even the poorest person in a modern developed economy enjoys a range of goods and services that were unavailable to our ancestors, with less effort and toil and, at least potentially, with less use of resources and damage to the environment.
The improvements in living standards generated by a modern economy are, for us, a free lunch. In fact, economics tells us about two kinds of free lunch, technological innovations and improved allocation of resources.
TANSTAAFLが成立するのは、テーブルにフリーランチが残されていない場合であり、かつ、その場合に限られる。そうした状況に至るのは、技術進歩に関するすべてのオプションが使い尽くされ、加えて経済システムが完璧に機能している場合に限られる。従って、誰にとっても結果が改善することが可能ならば、正しい文言はTISATAAFL、即ち「There Is Such A Thing As A Free Lunch(フリーランチなどというものは存在する)」となる。