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Seagulls are animals and a form of collectible in the episodes The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony DLCs for Grand Theft Auto IV. They are later found as controllable creatures in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


Seagulls are similar to the main game's pigeons in which they are "collected" by shooting them. They are much easier to locate because of their louder sounds, and all of them can be found in easier-to-reach places. There are fifty seagulls total in both games.

Seagulls in The Lost and Damned[]


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-1875pxThe collectibles map of TLAD (Seagulls)


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-BohanThe collectibles map of Bohan.


  • Boulevard 1
  • Boulevard 2
  • Boulevard 3
  • Fortside 1
  • Little Bay 1
  • Northern Gardens 1
  • South Bohan 1


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-DukesWestThe collectibles map of Dukes. (without Francis International Airport)
CollectiblesMap-TLAD-DukesFIAThe collectibles map of Dukes' Francis International Airport.


  • Cerveza Heights 1
  • Cerveza Heights 2
  • Meadows Park 1
  • Steinway 1
  • Willis 1
  • Francis International Airport 1
  • Francis International Airport 2


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-BrokerThe collectibles map of Broker.


  • Firefly Projects 1
  • Hove Beach
  • Rotterdam Hill 1
  • Schottler 1


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-AlgonquinNorthThe collectibles map of northern Algonquin (Uptown Algonquin).


Algonquin, Uptown

  • Middle Park 1
  • Middle Park 2
  • Middle Park West 1
  • North Holland 1
  • Northwood 1
  • Northwood 2


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-AlgonquinSouthThe collectibles map of southern Algonquin (Midtown Algonquin & Downtown Algonquin).

Algonquin, Midtown

  • Easton 1
  • Lancet 1
  • The Meat Quarter 1
  • Purgatory 1
  • Star Junction 1

Algonquin, Downtown

  • Chinatown 1
  • The Exchange 1
  • Suffolk 1


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-AlderneyNorthThe collectibles map of northern Alderney.


Northern Alderney

  • Alderney City 1
  • Alderney City 2
  • Alderney City 3
  • Berchem 1
  • Leftwood 1
  • Leftwood 2
  • Normandy 1
  • Westdyke 1
  • Westdyke 2


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-AlderneySouthThe collectibles map of southern Alderney.

Southern Alderney

  • Acter 1
  • Acter 2
  • Acter Industrial Park 1
  • Acter Industrial Park 2
  • Acter Industrial Park 3
  • Normandy 1
  • Tudor 1
  • Tudor 2


CollectiblesMap-TLAD-HumboldtRiverThe collectibles map of Humboldt River (Charge Island & Colony Island).

Humboldt River[]

  • Charge Island 1
  • Colony Island 1


In TLAD, collecting all of the seagulls will reward you with an Innovation, both at your safehouse and deliverable by Clay.

Seagulls in The Ballad of Gay Tony[]

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In TBoGT, the reward for collecting all of the seagulls is an APC at Yusuf Amir's construction site, after completing For the Man Who Has Everything.

Seagulls in Grand Theft Auto V and Online[]

Seagulls are one of the many birds found in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. They can be seen flying in the air at coastline areas such as Vespucci Beach, however, they are not required to be found or killed. They may occasionally land on the ground or on structures, and they will always fly away from the player if he approaches.

In the enhanced versions, the player can consume a Peyote Plant and begin hallucinating that he is a random bird. One of these birds is a Seagull, as seen here.

Peyote Plants were also added to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the continuation of the The Diamond Casino & Resort update. The player has a chance of turning into a seagull when the plant is consumed.


Video Walkthroughs[]



Grand Theft Auto V[]

  • While in flight, seagulls are completely immune to helicopter or plane blades/propellers, however, they can can be killed with blades/propellers as they are taking off.
    • Seagulls are not immune to impact with the aircraft's bodywork itself.

See Also[]

External Links[]


[ ve ]The Lost and Damned
LocationsAlderney | Liberty City (Algonquin | Bohan | Broker | Dukes)
CharactersCharacters | Johnny Klebitz | Jim Fitzgerald | Thomas Stubbs | Billy Grey | Ashley Butler | Terry Thorpe | Clay Simons | Brian Jeremy | Jason Michaels | Elizabeta Torres | Malc | DeSean
ContentRadio Stations | Trailers | TV Shows | Vehicles | Websites | Weapons
Gameplay100% Completion | Cheats | Missions | Multiplayer | Seagulls
CrossoversDiamonds | Heroin | Impossible Trinity (Museum Piece, Collector's Item, and Not So Fast)
[ ve ]The Ballad of Gay Tony
LocationsLiberty City (Algonquin | Bohan | Broker | Dukes) | Alderney
CharactersCharacters | Luis Lopez | Tony Prince | Yusuf Amir | Ray Bulgarin | Rocco Pelosi | Mori Kibbutz | Adriana Yanira Lopez | Armando Torres | Henrique Bardas
ContentFeatures | Safehouses | Trailers | Vehicles | Weapons
Gameplay100% Completion | Achievements and Trophies | Cheats | Mission | Nightclubs (Maisonette 9 and Hercules) | Seagulls
CrossoversDiamonds | Heroin | Impossible Trinity (Museum Piece, Collector's Item, and Not So Fast)
[ ve ]Collectibles
Grand Theft AutoKill Frenzies | Power-ups
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969Kill Frenzies | Power-ups (1969) | Power-ups (1961)
Grand Theft Auto 2Special Tokens | Kill Frenzies | GT-A1 (Wang Cars List) | Power-ups
Grand Theft Auto IIIHidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Jumps
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityHidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Jumps
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasTags | Snapshots | Horseshoes | Oysters | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceHidden Packages | Rampages
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesHidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesRed Balloons | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps
Grand Theft Auto IVFlying Rats | Stunt Jumps
Episodes from Liberty CitySeagulls
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsSecurity Cameras | Riding Shotgun | Stunt Jumps | Lions of Fo
Grand Theft Auto VHidden Packages | Knife Flights | Letter Scraps | Monkey Mosaics | Nuclear Waste | Peyote Plants | Spaceship Parts | Stunt Jumps | Submarine Pieces | Under the Bridge | Epsilon Tracts
Grand Theft Auto OnlineAction Figures | Playing Cards | Peyote Plants | Signal Jammers | Stunt Jumps | Movie Props | Hidden Caches | Treasure Chests | Media Sticks | Shipwrecks | Buried Stashes | Weapon Components | LD Organics Product | Jack O’ Lanterns | Snowmen | G's Caches | Ghosts Exposed | Junk Energy Skydives | Shoot Animals Photography | LS Tags | Yuanbao
[ ve ]Animals in Grand Theft Auto V
Land animalsBoars | Cats | Chimpanzees | Cougars | Cows | Coyotes | Deer | Dogs | Monkeys | Pigs | Rabbits | Rats | Snakes
Aquatic animalsDolphins | Fish | Humpback Whales | Killer Whales | Sharks | Starfish | Stingrays | Hammerhead Sharks
BirdsChickens | Crows | Great Cormorants | Hawks | Pigeons | Seagulls
PetsChop | Dexie | Ghost Dog
InsectsButterflies | Cockroaches | Fireflies | Flies
Beta animalsHorses
Enhanced version only
[ ve ]Animals in Grand Theft Auto Online
Land animalsBoar | Cat | Cougar | Cow | Coyote | Deer | Dogs | Panther | Pig | Rabbit | Snake
Aquatic animalsDolphin | Fish | Humpback Whale | Killer Whale | Loch Santos Monster | Shark | Starfish | Stingrays | Hammerhead Shark
BirdsChicken | Crow | Great Cormorant | Hawk | Pigeon | Seagull
InsectsButterflies | Cockroaches | Fireflies | Flies
Controllable via Peyote Plants