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Wikipedia has an article on: Wild boar

Boars are a type of animal appearing in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


Boars appear in all versions of GTA V, but in GTA Online, they are only available in the enhanced version; they were added in The Diamond Casino & Resort update for GTA Online, where they are available only when spawned via Peyote Plants. They also spawn in ambience in the expanded and enhanced version of GTA Online.

The model itself appears to be based on the species found in Eastern Europe; this makes sense, as the boars introduced into California (the state San Andreas is based on) are descended from the European wild boar. The model only spawns with protruding tusks, indicating it is male.

The animal only spawns in rural areas of San Andreas. They are particularly common around the higher areas of Blaine County, such as Galilee, Grapeseed and the dense areas of Paleto Forest.

As with most animals, they are passive creatures and will flee from the player when approached. They can be killed with a single bullet from any weapon.



  • The player may spawn as a Boar when eating a "land" Peyote Plant.
  • Can usually be found in the wild region of Blaine County on the high and abrupt mountains.
  • Can sometimes spawn on the main street of Grapeseed.
  • Can sometimes be found near a tree on the dirt track and cul-de-sac of the Sonar Collections Dock.
  • Can be found drinking water by the longest creek in Tongva Hills.
  • Can be seen inside the abandoned motel in Sandy Shores.

Prominent Appearances in Gameplay[]

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Expanded and Enhanced version[]


  • Boars Baseball Club is named after the animal. Members of the Ballas can be seen wearing T-shirts with the baseball club's branding on it, complete with an image of a boar.

See Also[]


[ ve ]Animals in Grand Theft Auto V
Land animalsBoars | Cats | Chimpanzees | Cougars | Cows | Coyotes | Deer | Dogs | Monkeys | Pigs | Rabbits | Rats | Snakes
Aquatic animalsDolphins | Fish | Humpback Whales | Killer Whales | Sharks | Starfish | Stingrays | Hammerhead Sharks
BirdsChickens | Crows | Great Cormorants | Hawks | Pigeons | Seagulls
PetsChop | Dexie | Ghost Dog
InsectsButterflies | Cockroaches | Fireflies | Flies
Beta animalsHorses
Enhanced version only
[ ve ]Animals in Grand Theft Auto Online
Land animalsBoar | Cat | Cougar | Cow | Coyote | Deer | Dogs | Panther | Pig | Rabbit | Snake
Aquatic animalsDolphin | Fish | Humpback Whale | Killer Whale | Loch Santos Monster | Shark | Starfish | Stingrays | Hammerhead Shark
BirdsChicken | Crow | Great Cormorant | Hawk | Pigeon | Seagull
InsectsButterflies | Cockroaches | Fireflies | Flies
Controllable via Peyote Plants