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A reward for crushing a vehicle in Grand Theft Auto 2.

Car Crusher Bonuses are a feature available in Grand Theft Auto 2.


Similar to the Crane Bonuses from the original Grand Theft Auto, delivering a vehicle to the crane is certain to award the player money as it explodes when crushed (its amount depends on the score multiplier, as well as the vehicle); In addition, having certain vehicles crushed may also award the player with weapons, power-ups and other benefits, such as Respect.

After a car is crushed, the crushed remains of the car will be lifted onto a moving conveyor belt that leads into a building; in exchange, the reward will be dispensed out onto a second adjoining conveyor belt and will be made available for only a period of time before it enters another building and becomes unavailable. For this reason, the player must hurry onto the conveyor belt to obtain their prize.


Vehicle Reward
(Downtown District)
(Residential District)
(Industrial District)
A-Type Fast Reload
Aniston BD4 Get Outta Jail Free Card
Arachnid Shotgun S-Uzi Machine Gun
Armed Land Roamer S-Uzi Machine Gun S-Uzi Machine Gun S-Uzi Machine Gun
B-Type Invulnerability Invisibility Invisibility
Beamer Flamethrower
Benson ElectroFingers
Big Bug S-Uzi Machine Gun Armor Armor
Box Truck
Bug S-Uzi Machine Gun S-Uzi Machine Gun
Bulwark Shotgun
Cop Car Cop Bribe Cop Bribe Cop Bribe
Dementia Invisibility
Dementia Limousine
Eddy S-Uzi Machine Gun S-Uzi Machine Gun
Fire Truck
Furore GT Fast Reload
G4 Bank Van
Garbage Truck
GT-A1 S-Uzi Machine Gun
Hachura Rocket Launcher
Hot Dog Van
Ice-Cream Van
Jagular XK ElectroGun
Jefferson Get Outta Jail Free Card
Karma Bus
Land Roamer Invulnerability Invulnerability Invulnerability
Maurice S-Uzi Machine Gun Health
Meteor Invulnerability
Miara Rocket Launcher
Michelli Roadster S-Uzi Machine Gun
Minx ElectroFingers Flamethrower
Morton Get Outta Jail Free Card
Panto Grenades Grenades
Pickup Health
Romero Armor Molotov Cocktails
Rumbler Fast Reload
Schmidt Health S-Uzi Machine Gun
Shark Molotov Cocktails Rocket Launcher
Special Agent Car Respect Respect Respect
Sports Limousine
Spritzer Molotov Cocktails
Stinger ElectroFingers
Stretch Limousine
T-Rex ElectroGun
Taxi Double Damage
Taxi Xpress Double Damage Double Damage
Tow Truck
Trance AM Flamethrower
Truck Cab
Truck Cab SX
TV Van
U-Jerk Truck S-Uzi Machine Gun S-Uzi Machine Gun S-Uzi Machine Gun
Wellard Respect
Z-Type Silenced Machine Gun Silenced Machine Gun Silenced Machine Gun

See Also[]


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto 2
LocationsAnywhere City (Downtown District | Residential District | Industrial District)
CharactersClaude Speed | Johnny Zoo | Trey Welsh | Elmo | Billy Bob Bean | Dr. LaBrat | Red Valdez | Jerkov | Sunbeam | Uno Carb
GangsZaibatsu | Yakuza | Loonies | Rednecks | Scientists | Hare Krishna | Russian Mafia
ContentRespect | Missions | Kill Frenzies | Car Crusher Bonuses | Vehicles | Weapons | Power-ups | Radio Stations | Garages | Wang Cars
InformationGTA 2: The Movie | Screenshots | Cheats | Wanted Level