Genshin Impact Wiki
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One of the mighty and illuminated adepti guarding Liyue, also heralded as the "Vigilant Yaksha."
Despite his youthful appearance, tales of his exploits have been documented for millennia.
He is especially fond of Wangshu Inn's Almond Tofu.
This is because it tastes just like the sweet dreams he used to devour.

—Description from the Official Website[1]


A yaksha adeptus who defends Liyue. Also heralded as the "Conqueror of Demons" and "Vigilant Yaksha."

—In-game character attributes and profile page text

Xiao is a yaksha who has fought in the Archon War and holds a high level of seniority among adepti. He has a reserved demeanor and has little intention of getting close to mortals. He does not want sympathy for his past and believes his fellow Yakshas would also find it insulting.[2]

He is immensely grateful to Morax for saving him, dedicating his life to protecting Liyue as payment. He does not take lightly to those who speak ill of the Geo Archon regardless of whoever they are.[3] Despite suffering from constant karmic debt, Xiao is highly resilient towards its alluring corruption, as his fellow yaksha have either succumbed or died to it. Due to this debt, he prefers being alone and rarely involves himself in mortal affairs; in the few times he does have to, he asks they get to the point for their own sake.

Xiao is unfamiliar with many human customs and societal norms, often finding them strange, childish, or pointless. To others, he can come off as distant and intimidating. After meeting the Traveler, he becomes slightly more relaxed, willing to learn customs and visit Liyue Harbor with them for their sake despite his reservations with mortal life.[4][5] He is also revealed to be a strict yet effective teacher when acting as a mentor figure for Ganyu, but he believes that as a soul-slaughtering yaksha, he is not a suitable teacher for her.[6]

Unlike most of the adepti, Xiao is not particularly fond of most human foods, although he makes exceptions to Almond Tofu and later Grilled Tiger Fish, the former reminding him of the dreams he used to consume and the latter to honor Pervases' memory.


For information on Xiao's design process, see Xiao/Design.

Xiao uses the medium male model. He has dark medium-length hair with teal undertones, pale skin, golden irises with avian pupils, and red eyeshadow. Xiao also has a purple diamond marking on his forehead and a green tattoo around his right arm.

Xiao's illuminated beast form has not been seen yet outside of certain stylized merchandise, but it has been teased in his character design, his constellation, and his yaksha alias Alatus. It is implied that he takes on the form of Garuda, a Hindu demigod, or Peng (a part of his true name in Chinese: 金鹏 Jīnpéng), a creature present in both Chinese and Buddhist mythos. Xiao has been called the 'Golden-Winged King,' which may be another reference to the Golden-Winged Great Peng, a guardian deity in Mahayana Buddhism.

In some lines of Genshin Impact merchandise, stylized depictions of Xiao's avian form has been shown. The bird form appears to be a finch-like, though this is inconclusive due to stylization. Its plumage features multiple shades of teal, reddish eyes and Xiao's purple diamond symbol on its forehead.


Xiao is an illuminated beast who has lived for around four thousand years[Note 1]. In his youth, he was enslaved by an ancient god who learned his weakness and forced to perform cruel, violent acts on the god's behalf, including devouring the dreams of his victims. The god's bloodthirsty path came to an end at Morax's hand during the Archon War; Xiao was freed and Morax bestowed him with the name "Xiao" for his own protection. Xiao became deeply loyal to the Geo God as a result, a trait that continues to the present day.

When Morax rallied the yakshas to help him suppress the lingering hatred and grudges of fallen gods, Xiao was among those who responded.[Note 2] Xiao, under the name Alatus, was one of the five foremost Yakshas alongside Bonanus, Bosacius, Indarias, and Menogias.[7] He also fought alongside many other junior yakshas such as Pervases.

However, over the ages, the yakshas' task wore away their numbers: Not only did they have to fight against the lingering power of ancient gods, the hatred that they had to suppress tainted their own souls and mired them in karmic debt, which incurred enormous physical and psychological pain. Between battle casualties, madness, and desertion, the number of yakshas eventually dwindled to Bosacius and Xiao.[7] Bosacius, too, eventually disappeared and left his belongings behind in Minlin,[8] leaving Xiao as the last Yaksha Guardian. Xiao nearly succumbed to his karmic debt himself at one point, but was saved by the music Venti played during one of the Anemo Archon's visits to Liyue.[9]

While Xiao's callous exterior can make him appear intimidating, much of his outward personality stems from his reservations about the violent deeds he has performed[10][11] and the loss of his allies over the course of the years.[12] Deep down, Xiao is a gentle soul who is curious about humanity, but is hesitant to show that side of himself due to his past experiences and his karma-ridden constitution.[13]

Due to the nature of his work, Xiao typically avoids humans. Not only does he think his bloody past makes him incapable of fitting in,[10] human souls are less robust than adepti's and his karmic debt taints his surroundings.[2] As a result, few people even in Liyue know much about him or his role in protecting Liyue. Those who do know, as well as other adepti, call him the Conqueror of Demons (Chinese: 降魔大圣 Xiángmó Dàshèng, "Great Sage who Subdues Demons") out of respect.

The Liyue Qixing built the Wangshu Inn at Dihua Marsh, run by their agents Verr Goldet and Huai'an, to give Xiao a place to stay and rest as he carries out his duty. He appears to get along relatively well with the two agents: He entrusted Dusky Ming to them,[14] while they cover for his unintended destructive tendencies[Note 3] and express their concern for him during Lantern Rite.[15]

In the Traveler's presence, Xiao is more willing to indulge his curiosity about humanity, even if their ways perplex him, and offers to visit Liyue Harbor with the Traveler for the purposes of bonding and learning.[4][5] With Liyue's citizens beginning to self-govern and other adepti withdrawing their presence, Xiao continues defending Liyue and also makes more attempts to understand the people.

Official Introduction

By honoring his oath as a yaksha, one hopes that our fellow adeptus has now finally gained some respite from the grievances that have burdened him all these millennia.

Adeptus Streetward Rambler comments ruefully during a game of chess

The people of Liyue Harbor greatly revere the mighty and illuminated adepti who dwell in Jueyun Karst.

During the festival seasons, they will offer up incense and pray to the adepti for their protection.

But none pray to Xiao.

For Xiao is no lucky star that promises fame and fortune — he is a demon-hunting Yaksha.

After the lantern lights of Liyue have faded, the thankless battle to protect the city goes on unseen. It is an endless battle, and there can be no victor.

Still, none of this fazes Xiao, for as the Vigilant Yaksha, he must protect Liyue to honor his contract.

This is simply the way it is.

Character Stories

Character Details

Xiao may have the appearance of a young man, but his true age is something over two thousand years.

Fortunately, people do not tend to underestimate him on the basis of his appearance — one only needs to spend a short time with Xiao to clarify that he is not someone to be trifled with.

Xiao is a man of few words. He is highly dangerous, and has the most piercing gaze you've ever seen.

He enjoys a formidable reputation and high level of seniority among the adepti, but is relatively unknown in the mortal realm.

This is inevitable. Xiao is not one of those popular deities to whom people pray for wealth and protection, nor is he a mystical sage of Jueyun Karst to whom pilgrims flock in search of divine wisdom.

No... If any mortal witnesses Xiao unleashing his true power, it is certain to be under the direst of circumstances — and they will be extremely lucky if they survive the ordeal.

This is not because Xiao seeks to harm people. Rather, since Xiao wages a constant war against dark forces powerful enough to devour Liyue in its entirety, any bystanders who witness him in the heat of battle are likely to end up as collateral damage.

Not that this is a secret worth going around silencing witnesses for.

Character Story 1

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 2

What exactly is Xiao wrestling with?

The tactful answer would be old grudges, unfulfilled dreams, the lamentations of the vanquished...

The unmitigated truth is that Xiao fights against the remnants of the defeated gods from the Archon War, which took place prior to the rise of The Seven.

Morax defeated those gods and buried their remains beneath the rocks of the earth.

However, gods are immortal. Their consciousness may diminish, but their power and hatred will always remain and spread like poison, relentlessly stirring up chaos for the world and its inhabitants.

Liyue's rulers, who are aware of the truth regarding Xiao, refer to him in his millennia-long experience as the "Bane of All Evil."

The war he fights can never be won, and will never come to an end.

It is also an invisible war that no one will ever witness or thank him for.

Character Story 2

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 3

Xiao is not this yaksha's true name, but a name given to him in the interests of his own protection.

Back in a younger, more naive time, a god had gotten a hold of Xiao's weakness and forced him to serve as their bloodhound, in which capacity he was forced to perform cruel and violent acts.

Many died at his hand, many hopes were crushed, and he was even forced into devouring his victims' dreams. As much as it pained him to do this, he was helpless to resist.

Finally, on the battlefield of the Archon War, Morax, the Geo Archon,[Note 4] had a fateful encounter with the yaksha's master.

The current state of the world has already revealed the results of that battle.

Rex Lapis liberated the yaksha and gave him the name "Xiao."

"In the fables of another land, the name Xiao is that of a spirit who encountered great suffering and hardship. He endured much suffering, as you have. Use this name from now on."

Character Story 3

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4

To repay his debt of gratitude to the Geo Archon, Xiao shouldered the burden of protecting Liyue in the millennia that followed.

His past of service under the evil god had rid Xiao of his innocence and gentleness. All that remained within him was the means to kill and the weight of his sins.

The only way he could be of service to mortals was in doing battle.

But what could people do for him in return?

No ordinary person would ever stop to ask such a question. The sight of Xiao, even far off in the distance, was intimidating enough to send people instantly running for their lives.

That said... if ever someone did want to show some appreciation for Xiao, there is perhaps one thing they could try.

There is a certain secret agent of the Qixing who is tasked with supporting Xiao in subduing demons. That secret agent runs a front organization called the Wangshu Inn.

Occasionally, Xiao stops by the inn for a bowl of Almond Tofu, and if you could see the look on his face when he eats it... there's no mistaking it — he clearly loves the stuff.

Nonetheless, it is not the sweet taste that Xiao hankers after. It's the texture he finds irresistible — apparently, it's very similar to that of the dreams he used to devour.

Character Story 4

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 5

What exactly is Xiao wrestling with?

To those in Liyue's corridors of power, Xiao's battle is against the evil manifestations produced by the remnants of defeated gods.

However, if you asked Xiao the same question, he may well give you an entirely different answer.

Xiao was once enslaved by an evil god and suffered immensely under his rule until finally regaining his freedom at Rex Lapis' hand.

Xiao's powers were highly regarded by the adepti and he seemed to vanquish all manner of evil demons with consummate ease.

But the evil gods also held immense power, and their lust for revenge ran deeper than mere mortals could ever contemplate. Xiao relentlessly slaughtered the endless, impure manifestations of their vengeful souls, but in doing so, he caused them to fracture. Eventually, these fragments of their hatred were able to taint Xiao's own soul.

The only way to eradicate such hatred is to accept the karmic debt it brings. The magnitude of the bad karma Xiao has accumulated over the years is enough to consume flesh, bone, and soul alike.

And yet, Xiao does not feel any hatred. Having lived for over two thousand years, no single karmic debt constitutes anything more than a fleeting memory.

No grudge can last a thousand years, nor is any debt so great that it cannot be paid off in this time.

Xiao has spent many long years alone.

But his battles have never been in vain.

Because ultimately, the one with whom Xiao wrestles is himself.

Character Story 5

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6

What does Xiao fight against?

The Traveler understands very well that Xiao fights against the darkness that threatens Liyue. He fights to defend Liyue.

But who will defend him?

There was once when most of Xiao's strength was spent fighting from dusk till dawn, with him emerging victorious by a mere hair.

The reeds in the fields had been sliced to ribbons in the fierce fighting. Plucking his spear from where it had been planted in the ground, Xiao began the trek home.

Well, one says "home" — yet, where did Xiao have to return to? He was merely leaving the battlefield.

Long exhausted, Xiao felt the divine hatred that tainted his body take effect.

Limitless hate flooded his senses, and he fell to the ground in agony.

But it was also at that moment that the pain vanished without warning.

This was not by Xiao's own strength, for he had been rescued by the sound of a flute.

The clear, lovely sound of the flute came over the mountains and rivers, carried on the wind to where he lay.

And clear it continued to ring till the first light of dawn brought with it the startled flight of distant birds.

It protected Xiao, massaging his wild senses, and giving him a moment's peace.

Who was playing this music? Xiao was curious but did not pursue the matter. For he already had something approaching an answer.

The last person who could help him was one of The Seven themselves. So this person, too, must be—

Ode to Windborne Wraith

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4

A scholar of the Sumeru Akademiya once did folklore studies in Liyue, the result of which was a book called "Tour of the Land of Liyue," with separate editions being available in Sumeru and Liyue.

"Hidden Diamond and Cloudy Moon: Wonders and Folklores of Liyue" is the version available in Liyue, and has had many mystical and magical portions removed.

The "Ode to Windborne Wraith" is one of the mystical chapters that remain recorded within the complete version at the Akademiya.

The document mentions that though the yaksha were mighty and upright among the adepti, they were bound by their own karma to suffer great horrors and tribulations. As such, they wandered the land in a state of unending suffering.

The chapter lists many methods of comforting the yaksha, such as food offerings, holy chants, and the like. These would appease the yaksha and help them to continue defending the peace.

As noble warriors among adepti, the yaksha would often descend upon the battlefield in person. However, as conflicts grew over the millennia, they have almost been wiped out. Today, large statues of the yaksha subduing demons remain within Liyue's borders, but they have had their features destroyed.

By the by, the language used in that text was so meandering, and its contents so dense, that it sold far fewer copies than the Teyvat Travel Guide and the international cultural summaries written by El Musk.


Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6

All adepti are known as the "mighty and illuminated" adepti, and this "illumination" refers to the light of a third "eye" that they possess: a Vision.

But do adepti receive their Visions as a form of acknowledgment from Celestia, like humans do?

Xiao no longer remembers the moment he received his Vision. To humans, this would be an unforgettable event. But for him, this was just the beginning of his endless battle.

The thing that Xiao truly cannot forget is something different.

There are a great many human festivals, and few remember the stories behind them.

The greater part of these days coincide with occasions where man-eating monsters were defeated by the adepti host. People imitated their deeds and staged exorcism rituals to remember their ancient heroism, with these practices eventually evolving into celebratory festivals.

The hatred and residual might of many of the gods defeated by Morax throughout Liyue will sometimes erupt with abnormal force amid their half-awake, half-dreaming state. Among them, the eruption that takes place during the Lantern Rite is the most extreme in scale.

Xiao has his mission to perform the time-honored "Nuo Dance of Evil Conquering," and so he fights night and day during the Lantern Rite. Thus, he has come to hate it.

Now, Xiao did not consider battle dangerous. It was due to his hard work that Liyue was kept safe. People lit their lanterns, and the blessed lights shone across the night sky and the nearshore.

At that moment, another special feeling blossomed in Xiao's heart. Loneliness? Peace? Or was it his fears for the future? The young-seeming adeptus searched his heart, only to find no answers.


Xiao: Mask
Item Xiao: Mask Obtain:
Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xiao
He longs for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers.


Alatus Nemeseos
Alatus NemeseosStory Chapter:
Alatus Nemeseos
Winged Nemesis

Quests and Events

Archon Quests

Story Quests

World Quests



Web Events

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Quest Domains


Test Run Events

Character Mentions

Character Voice-Overs

  • About Onikabuto 
    Paimon: Those Onikabuto bugs look so scary! The patterns on their backs are terrifying!
    (TravelerTraveler): Do you mean those demonic patterns? It's because they don't like to fight, so they purposely evolved their patterns in a way that scares their enemies away.
    Paimon: That's really smart. We should try to learn a thing or two from them!
    Paimon: We could borrow Xiao's mask. If a hilichurl saw you wearing it, do you think they'd run in fear?
    (TravelerTraveler): Uh... I don't think Xiao would agree to that...
    Paimon: Yeah... Hmm, how about we ask Sayu to steal his mask for us?
    Paimon: She knows ninjutsu that allows her to vanish into thin air. She can steal it for sure! Problem solved!
    Paimon: Uh... If we are afraid of Xiao evening the score with us, how about we steal Childe's mask? We've kicked his butt many times before!
    (TravelerTraveler): I don't think stealing other people's belongings is a good idea. Also, what if Sayu doesn't agree to all of this?
    Paimon: Th—Then let's... Let's visit Albedo first.
    Paimon: If Albedo can develop a growth serum for Sayu, she'll help us for sure!
    (TravelerTraveler): Brilliant, now we just need you to come up with a way to make Albedo help us.
    Paimon: Ugh! Paimon's head is going to explode. Let's stick to festival masks for now.



  • He was playable during Closed Beta Test 2 in 2020, but was not released in Genshin Impact until Version 1.3.
  • In the Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti trailer, Venti cameos as the player of the Dihua flute, implying that his music kept Xiao from succumbing to karmic debt.[16]
    • Xiao also has a voice-over regarding Venti, being aware that he's Barbatos but cuts himself off.
  • Xiao is the "demon-conquering young man" mentioned in Lustrous Stone from Guyun's description.
  • On the Wangshu Inn Bulletin Board, one message inquires about a "youth standing on the top floor," referring to Xiao.
  • Xiao is Ganyu's teacher / mentor figure, however he believes that he would not be suitable for her long term.
  • Xiao's signature Nuo Dance of Evil Conquering refers to his Elemental Burst Bane of All Evil, when he dons a yaksha mask similar in style to those used in Nuo opera.
  • In the Chinese voice-over, Xiao shares his voice actor, kinsen, with Chongyun.
    • Chongyun, as an exorcist, is familiar with Xiao and mentions his deep respect for the yaksha in his Voice-Over lines and Chongyun's Hangout Event: Act I - Signs of Evil. However, Chongyun cannot accept that Xiao disparages the methods of exorcists.
  • Xiao is the first playable Liyue character released to have a single-character name (). All other Liyue characters have two-character names.
  • Xiao's Story Quest, Alatus Chapter: Act I - Butterfly's Dream perhaps refers to his Yaksha name Alatus (explained in Etymology below).
  • Xiao mentions that Morax was the one who gave him his new name (Xiao) and also helped relieved him of his pain, similar to Venti.
    • In Zhongli's voiceovers, Zhongli asks the Traveler to deliver some painkillers to Xiao to cure his agony, indicating that deep down Zhongli cares about Xiao.
    • In the Yakshas Story Teaser, which is narrated by Zhongli, it is stated that Morax summoned the Yakshas including Xiao to vanquish the demons of the world and restore order to Liyue.
  • Xiao was the first character to be able to perform a mid-air Elemental Skill.
  • Xiao generally avoids mortal affairs but he does find a few people notable, such as Hu Tao for her "interesting" (yet "irritating") humor, and Beidou for defeating a leviathan by herself.
  • The reason Xiao enjoys Almond Tofu is due to its texture, resembling that of the dreams he once consumed.
  • Xiao says that he has no need for sleep.[17]
  • In multiple dialogue scenes, he is seen to be capable of teleporting, leaving behind a puff of black, white and green smoke.
  • Xiao is seen wielding the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear in his portrait art.
  • Xiao is known by these aliases or titles:
    • Guardian Yaksha
    • Nuo Dancer of Evil Conquering
    • Alatus, the Golden-Winged King
    • Conqueror of Demons
  • Xiao is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:


  • The name Xiao (Chinese: Xiāo) means "demon" and more specifically refers to a single-legged, mountain-dwelling demon.[18]
  • Xiao's Yaksha name, Alatus, is Latin for "winged."
    • In Chinese, it is 金鹏 Jīnpéng, in reference to the Golden Winged Great Peng (Chinese: 翅大), a mythological figure in Chinese Buddhist works such as Journey to the West.[19] The Golden Winged Great Peng was derived from Garuda, the Golden-Winged Eagle and a Yaksha in Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain mythology.
      • Xiao's Anemo element may derive from a pun on the word / Péng. In some ancient Chinese texts, 鵬 was used as a variant character for Fèng, from which the modern character for Wind (Chinese: 风/風 Fēng) is derived.
    • During Turning Point, he mentions that his name means "swiftness." Based on the Chinese version of this line 夜叉之名,意为「轻捷」。 "My Yaksha name, it means 'nimbleness.'" he is referring to his Yaksha name, which is Latin for "winged."
  • His constellation, Alatus Nemeseos, is Latin for "winged nemesis."
  • The Chinese version of his title "Conqueror of Demons" is 降魔大圣 Xiángmó Dàshèng, "Great Sage who Subdues Demons."
    • Dàshèng ("Great Sage") is also a title used by the seven great demon kings in the Chinese classic Journey to the West (16th century), notably by its main character Sun Wukong the Monkey King, who stylized himself as the Qítiān Dàshèng (Chinese: 齐天大圣), meaning the "Great Sage, Heaven's Equal."


  1. Though only mentioned to be over 2000 years old in his character stories, Xiao was present at the sealing of Guizhong's remains after her death 3700 years ago. In the Story Teaser: Echoes of the Heart video, he can be seen at the 1:45 time stamp.
  2. It is unclear whether yakshas were a pre-existing subset of illuminated beasts, or if these illuminated beasts became collectively referred to as yakshas after responding to Morax's call.
  3. In the Commissions Business in a Marsh and Guest from Afar, the "young gentleman" Huai'an and Verr Goldet refer to is Xiao. The "guests" that break things around the inn when night sets in really refers to Xiao; while purging demons, the power he releases affects the inn as well.
  4. In Chinese, the phrase used here is 岩之神, which the English version usually translates as "God of Geo." The term "Geo Archon," meanwhile, is typically reserved for 岩神. There is no significant difference between the two phrases in Chinese (they directly translate as "God of Rock" and "Rock God," respectively), but it lends to confusion in the English translation as the terms "god" and "Archon" are not completely interchangeable.

Other Languages

Character Title: Vigilant Yaksha

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishVigilant Yaksha
Hùfǎ Yèchā
Dharmapāla Yaksha
Hùfǎ Yèchā
Gohou Yasha
Dharmapāla Yaksha‍[※][※]
Dharmapāla Yaksha‍[※][※]
SpanishEl Guardián YakshaThe Guardian Yaksha
FrenchGardien YakshaGuardian Yaksha
RussianЗащитник Якса
Zashchitnik Yaksa
Guardian Yaksha
Yaksha Phu Phi-thak
Guardian Yaksha
VietnameseHộ Pháp Dạ XoaHộ Pháp Dạ XoaDharmapāla Yaksha‍[※][※]
GermanSchützender YakshaProtecting Yaksha
IndonesianVigilant Yaksha
PortugueseGuardião YakshaGuardian Yaksha
TurkishBekçi YakshaWatcher Yaksha
ItalianCustode YakshaKeeper Yaksha


  1. Official Genshin Impact Website: Xiao
  2. 2.0 2.1 Story Quest, Xiao, Alatus Chapter: Act I - Butterfly's Dream, Part 3: The Purging of Evil
  3. Xiao's Voice-Over: More About Xiao: IV
  4. 4.0 4.1 Xiao's Voice-Overs
  5. 5.0 5.1 Serenitea Pot, Companion Dialogue: Xiao
  6. Xiao's Voice-Over: About Ganyu
  7. 7.0 7.1 Book: Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti
  8. World Quest: The Yaksha's Wish
  9. Story Teaser: Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti
  10. 10.0 10.1 Event Lantern Rite Quest: Part III: Light Upon the Sea
  11. Xiao's Voice-Over: About Ganyu
    You believe a Yaksha who knows nothing more than how to massacre countless souls and emerge unscathed is a suitable mentor for such an individual?
  12. Ganyu's Voice-Over: About Xiao
    I mean... all the people he's ever agreed to team up with are no longer with us...
  13. HoYoLAB: Developer Insight #4: Character Stories (I) - "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao (Part II)
  14. Archon Quest, Chapter I, Act I - Of the Land Amidst Monoliths, Part 3: Wangshu
  15. Event Lantern Rite Quest: Part I: The Origin of the Lanterns
  16. Namecard: Xiao: Mask
  17. Web Event: Hilidream Camp
  18. Baike Baidu:
  19. HoYoverse News: Developer Insight #4: Character Stories (I) - "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao

