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Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers is an Event Quest during the Fleeting Colors in Flight event.


  1. Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 12:00 the next day)
  2. Head to the designated location to look for Keqing
  3. Go to Yujing Terrace to pay Madame Ping a visit
  4. Go to Mt. Aocang to pay Cloud Retainer a visit
  5. Go to Wangshu Inn to pay Xiao a visit
  6. Talk to Qiqi
  7. Talk to Verr Goldet
  8. Go to the roof to check
  9. Go to Qingce Village and ask about the situation
  10. Go to the fireworks storage
  11. Look for clues
  12. Continue following the road to look for clues


  • After the end of this quest, there are Millelith soldiers stationed at the archways leading to the eastern teleport of Qingce Village.


UI Quest Quest Description

At Keqing's request, you accompany her to look into the matter of festive gift-giving...
(Talk to Keqing at the Jade Chamber)
Media:vo eqhdj102 1 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Ah, you've arrived. I've made all the necessary preparations and even packed some handmade snacks.
Media:vo eqhdj102 1 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: Oh, that reminds me, I've also prepared some launch tubes made by Pengyi. I hope the adepti will like them. Is there anything else I should bring?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think that should be everything.
Media:vo eqhdj102 1 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: Good. In that case, let's first pay Madame Ping a visit in the city before heading out to Jueyun Karst.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

At Keqing's request, you accompany her to look into the matter of festive gift-giving. You travail across the land, delivering gifts and presents to various places in Liyue...
(Approach Madame Ping near Yujing Terrace)
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 01.ogg Madame Ping: The festive season is upon us. This is no time to be running hither and thither. You should relax and enjoy the season.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: I get it Granny, but you know, having lots of clients is a good thing!
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 02.ogg Madame Ping: Hehe, I'm sure it is... But really, child, who could be seeking your help during the Lantern Rite?
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 02.ogg Yanfei: You'd be surprised...
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Madame Ping! Happy Lantern Rite!
Icon Dialogue Talk Happy Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: It's a pleasure to see you again, Madame Ping. How are you?
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 03.ogg Madame Ping: Oh dear, well look who's here. I am so glad to see you all in time for the festival.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: Hello, Traveler, long time no see.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 04.ogg Yanfei: Oh, and Lady Keqing is here, too.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: The Qixing have prepared some small gifts for you to celebrate this festive occasion. There are some seasonal goods, two bolts of fine silk, and some exotic flower seeds which I picked specifically for you, Madame Ping.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: I've brought all the lighter gifts with me, but the silks are still on the way. I just submitted them for delivery, so I'm sure they'll arrive in good time.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 09.ogg Keqing: Please accept our humble gifts, I hope you'll find them to your liking.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 11.ogg Yanfei: Wow, those gifts sound marvelous! Please be sure to thank the Qixing on our behalf.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 04.ogg Madame Ping: Yes, how very nice of you. I'm sure the flowers will be most beautiful if you personally selected the seeds. Thank you very much, Keqing.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: Please enjoy them. We intend to visit the other adepti as well, so I'm afraid we must be going now.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 05.ogg Madame Ping: I presume you mean Cloud Retainer and the others? Yes, they should be over in Jueyun Karst.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 06.ogg Madame Ping: By the way, I've heard that you designed all the street decorations yourself, Keqing. You decorated the city so beautifully, yet you don't even have the time to go and see it for yourself. What a pity...
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 07.ogg Madame Ping: Yanfei really enjoys spending time at the festival, you'll find her wandering around there whenever she can spare a moment.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 05.ogg Yanfei: C'mon, Granny, I wasn't wandering around. I was providing essential consultation to my clients.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 madameping 08.ogg Madame Ping: Oh, is that so? Were you also holding consultations with clients while you stood in front of the Grilled Tiger Fish stand for all that time?
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 06.ogg Yanfei: As a matter of fact, I was helping them calculate the prices. It's not easy, you know. I had to check a lot of different items.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you're working during Lantern Rite, too?
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 07.ogg Yanfei: That's right. There are no holidays in my line of work. I have to be ready whenever my clients need me.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That sounds exhausting! Paimon can't imagine a life without holidays!
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 08.ogg Yanfei: Well, though there are no set holidays, I do get to decide on my own schedule. I can always budget some time to relax.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 09.ogg Yanfei: Otherwise, I would always look exhausted in front of potential clients. It'd be hard to land new cases after leaving a terrible first impression.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 yanfei 10.ogg Yanfei: Besides, what's the saying... Ah yes, "A rested worker is an efficient worker!"
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you been to the festival yet, Keqing?
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 05.ogg Keqing: I was there many times when I was supervising the festival construction, but I haven't been there since.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 06.ogg Keqing: I was planning to go after I finish my work, but the work keeps piling up... I ended up completely forgetting about it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go together once you're finished with your work.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 07.ogg Keqing: Yes, I should take the opportunity to show you around while you're here.
Media:vo eqhdj102 2 keqing 08.ogg Keqing: But first, we should head to Jueyun Karst. If you'll excuse us, Madame Ping, we'll be leaving now.
(After conversation with Madame Ping ends)
Media:vo eqhdj102 5 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Let's see... which adeptus shall we visit first?
Media:vo eqhdj102 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmm. Oh, why don't we visit Cloud Retainer at Mt. Aocang first?
Media:vo eqhdj102 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: She usually stays inside her abode, so she'll be super easy to find.
Media:vo eqhdj102 5 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: Alright, Cloud Retainer it is.
(Talk to Yanfei again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj102 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: Lady Keqing is so hard-working. Maybe I should take a leaf out of her book...
(Talk to Madame Ping again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj102 madameping 01.ogg Madame Ping: I know that you must be busy, but please take care of yourself. Sacrificing your health is never wise.

(Head to Mt. Aocang and approach Ganyu and Cloud Retainer)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: The festive season is fast approaching. What brings you to one's abode? Has the Ministry of Civil Affairs simply run out of work for you to do?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Well, with Lantern Rite just around the corner, I decided it was a good time to take leave and pay you a visit.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: But, um... where are Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: Them? Hmph! Don't even get one started...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: Oh? Is that not the Traveler? And the Yuheng too. A rare visitor, indeed.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Happy Lantern Rite, everybody!
Icon Dialogue Talk Happy Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Greetings, venerable adeptus. And greetings, Ganyu.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 11.ogg Ganyu: Huh, Lady Keqing? I didn't expect to see you here.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 44.ogg Cloud Retainer: (The Yuheng of the Qixing? Here? Most fascinating...)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmm... Most courteous of you to travel hither and pay your respects. What is the purpose of your visit, if one may ask?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: It's the festive season and on behalf of the Qixing, I'd like to give you our regards. Please accept our humble gifts.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: As the governing body of Liyue, the Qixing must be busy with a myriad of affairs. And yet, you still take the time to visit one in this mountain abode. Eminently considerate of you.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 06.ogg Cloud Retainer: Oh? What an amusing cylindrical device. I wonder what that could be...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: This is a new type of firework which has been modified by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I've heard that you are fond of gadgets, so I've brought one for your amusement.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 11.ogg Keqing: (Cloud Retainer... although she is not outwardly opposed to us, she is still skeptical of Liyue being ruled by humans.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 12.ogg Keqing: (Maybe she thinks humans are still too young to handle it. Hmm, no matter, with time, our strength will become apparent enough. Before then, we should try to give her a good impression.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 13.ogg Keqing: (Hehe... Good thing I came prepared! Cloud Retainer has a great interest in gadgets, so she will certainly appreciate this gift.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 14.ogg Keqing: (Ganyu has said that Cloud Retainer is very picky about food, so I made sure not to bring any snacks to avoid upsetting her. I've given everything thorough consideration, it should all go well.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 45.ogg Cloud Retainer: (Goodness me, whoever would have thought... Oh? My, how very interesting.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 07.ogg Cloud Retainer: It is intricate, with ingenious design... And is aesthetically agreeable...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 12.ogg Ganyu: (Yes, judging from Cloud Retainer's expression, it seems this gift was a success.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 46.ogg Cloud Retainer: Very good, one shall gladly accept this device.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 08.ogg Cloud Retainer: One surmises from Ganyu's words that you also wish to see Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper. Pity, your timing is most unfortunate.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh? Are they not home? We wanted to see them, too.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 09.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph. Those two old fossils...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 10.ogg Cloud Retainer: Moon Carver has been most anxious to see how Liyue Harbor fares. But the agreement was clear. Liyue is now in the hands of the Qixing, and he cannot simply roam into the city and begin supervising others' work as he pleases.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 11.ogg Cloud Retainer: So, one tried to persuade him otherwise, proposing that if he could not be placated, he could go to the city disguised as a human, and take a brief look around. Alas, he is too stubborn, too proud. He would have none of it.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 12.ogg Cloud Retainer: Thereafter, he left, claiming to have gone traveling. He has not returned since.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 13.ogg Cloud Retainer: Mountain Shaper, however, is more open-minded. But he said he wished to look for something new with which to defend the tranquility of his mountain.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 14.ogg Cloud Retainer: He told one that he was leaving in search of treasures, and one has not heard from him since... Wait! Surely this is not a case of two old coots in cahoots, rusing to excuse themselves that they might venture behind one's back to scurry away and go traveling together!?
Icon Dialogue Talk (Seems possible...)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 01.ogg ???: Huh? What's everybody doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 15.ogg Cloud Retainer: This voice... Is it Shenhe?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 15.ogg Keqing: Oh?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh? So Shenhe's here, too. Is she also here to visit Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: Is she the one that you mentioned before?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: Hello, everyone.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 16.ogg Cloud Retainer: Shenhe, this is Ganyu. You have most likely heard of her.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Oh— Hello, I'm Ganyu. I work at Yujing Terrace. I've heard that you've returned to Liyue Harbor recently, so if you need anything, please feel free to come to me.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: I will. Thank you.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: I brought some food from the city. I heard that during Lantern Rite, people in Liyue bring food to share with their friends, so here I am.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 19.ogg Keqing: (Oh no! I intentionally refrained from bringing any snacks. Is... Is this going to be okay?)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 17.ogg Cloud Retainer: Oh? And you even brought food for those two old fossils?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: That's right.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 47.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 16.ogg Keqing: Ahem...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 18.ogg Cloud Retainer: After barely a few days in the city, you have learned so much. Thank you for these delectable edibles, Shenhe.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 17.ogg Keqing: Phew...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 13.ogg Ganyu: Huh?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 19.ogg Cloud Retainer: Everyone, you shall all be staying in Liyue Harbor in the future. One should like to think that you will all look out for each other. Is that understood?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Will do.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Yes, understood.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 18.ogg Keqing: This place is much livelier than I'd imagined...
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like it's time we change the topic!
Icon Dialogue Talk Speaking of which, have you seen Xiao?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 20.ogg Cloud Retainer: The Conqueror of Demons? One has not seen him of late.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, then he's probably not in Jueyun Karst. Let's go look for him in his usual spot at Wangshu Inn.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 21.ogg Cloud Retainer: In short, one is the only adeptus who has elected to remain in Jueyun Karst for the festival.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 22.ogg Cloud Retainer: Had Ganyu not come to visit, one would likely have stayed firmly put in one's abode to resume research of gadgets and mechanics.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please accept my profuse apologies.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 23.ogg Cloud Retainer: Haha, why the sudden solemnity? It would certainly not be the first time one has been interrupted on your account.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 24.ogg Cloud Retainer: As a youngling, you did so love to scurry around the place whilst one's attention was monopolized by mechanisms... You were especially drawn to a certain implement one had made. Oh, what was it...?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh?
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: (Oh no, here she goes again! This could spell trouble for Ganyu.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Huh!? Oh—uh, I'm sorry, Cloud Retainer! I—I just remembered there's something I must attend to. I should be going!
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 25.ogg Cloud Retainer: Oh? Why the sudden haste? With the Yuheng present, why not settle this matter here and now?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: Uh, n—no, it's something very important. In fact, I—I must see Lady Ningguang about it immediately...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 26.ogg Cloud Retainer: A matter so pressing that you must find Ningguang in person?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 05.ogg Keqing: Ahem... Ah, yes, Ningguang and I have different scopes of work, you see, and Ganyu has to report to both of us respectively. It's indeed not easy for her.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 09.ogg Ganyu: (Lady Keqing is trying to help me!)
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 ganyu 10.ogg Ganyu: Yes, that's right! I'm very sorry, everyone. I will take my leave!
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 27.ogg Cloud Retainer: Huh, gone already... That child... She has always been easily ruffled.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 28.ogg Cloud Retainer: One can sympathize, however. It is no simple thing to be a secretary. Nearly every matter in Liyue Harbor, momentous or trivial, passes through Ganyu's diligent hands.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 29.ogg Cloud Retainer: But even as an adeptus, she must never neglect her own health, lest she fall prone to exhaustion.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 30.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ganyu is an assiduous worker, apt to foregoing food and rest once she is busy. Please make sure she eats and sleeps properly whenever you see her.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 06.ogg Keqing: I will, Ganyu has always been a great asset to us. Her health is a priority, so I will take good care of her.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 31.ogg Cloud Retainer: The Yuheng, reliable as ever, hehe.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 32.ogg Cloud Retainer: It was indeed a wise decision to leave Liyue Harbor to you.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 07.ogg Keqing: We will certainly strive to live up to your expectations.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 33.ogg Cloud Retainer: As for these edibles... Hmm, they do look delectable indeed.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 34.ogg Cloud Retainer: You may leave them here. Shenhe shall bring these into one's abode, and one shall pass them on to Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper once they have made their return.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 35.ogg Cloud Retainer: This firework has an intriguing design. One must conduct a thorough study of it. And one also wants to hear what Shenhe has learned in Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: Yes, I have many interesting stories to tell.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 36.ogg Cloud Retainer: Let us chat whilst one scrutinizes this device.
Icon Dialogue Talk You'll continue your research even during Lantern Rite?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yeah, don't you rest during the holidays? This is a festive season, after all!
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 37.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hah, one has long been living secluded in the mountains and no longer observes the holidays. Worry not, one shall take appropriate care of oneself.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 38.ogg Cloud Retainer: Rest is crucial. If one is too devoted to one's research and falls ill, one shall be in no fit state to test the devices personally.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Is it really that important to test it yourself?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 39.ogg Cloud Retainer: Of course. As one sows, so do they reap, and the joy of reaping is what one yearns for.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 40.ogg Cloud Retainer: If one spends all that time working on a machine, yet forgets to test the outcome...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 41.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph, that would be akin to a chef who never tries his own food, no?
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 42.ogg Cloud Retainer: It is unwise to put the cart before the horse.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 cloudretainer 43.ogg Cloud Retainer: Enough idle chatter, everyone. One must go and continue one's research. Come, Shenhe, this way.
Cloud Retainer leaves with Shenhe...
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: A chef who doesn't get to try their own food... Hmm, that would be kinda weird.
Icon Dialogue Talk You sure caught on to that one quickly.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Cloud Retainer sure does know a lot about gadgets and cooking! Though she can be a bit strange sometimes... but then again, she is an adeptus!
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 08.ogg Keqing: That's the wisdom of an adeptus. She takes good care of those around her. Though she lives in seclusion, she also manages to bring everyone together.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 09.ogg Keqing: A hermit who's more social than most living in society. Hmm, what an interesting character.
Media:vo eqhdj102 6 keqing 10.ogg Keqing: Traveler, Paimon, let's head to Wangshu Inn. Perhaps we'll find the Conqueror of Demons there.

(Approach Wangshu Inn)
Media:vo eqhdj102 7 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Let's ask Verr Goldet where the Conqueror of Demons may be.
Media:vo eqhdj102 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? Hold on, isn't that...
Media:vo eqhdj102 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Qiqi! Oh, and the weird guy with the snake around his neck!
(Approach Qiqi and Baizhu)
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu, here are the herbs... I've picked lots of them.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Splendid. Let me pack up and then we can be on our way.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey you guys! What are you doing?
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu wanted herbs. So, I came to collect herbs, lots of them. And... Dr. Baizhu came too.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: Traveler, Paimon... Oh! And Lady Keqing! It's a pleasure to see you all. We're here stocking up more herbs.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Bubu Pharmacy always runs out of digestive herbs during the festival seasons. With Lantern Rite just around the corner, I thought we should get prepared.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: We came all this way to collect some herbs, and we've picked quite the assortment. We'll be on our way back to the pharmacy once the herbs are sorted.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: I certainly didn't expect to see the Yuheng all the way out here.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: I have some business to attend to here.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: Ah, I see.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: It's nearly time to celebrate Lantern Rite and you're still running errands... hardworking as always!
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: I appreciate the sentiment, Dr. Baizhu. I'm just doing my job.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 qiqi 03.ogg Qiqi: Keqing and the Traveler are very busy... And we are busy too.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 qiqi 04.ogg Qiqi: Everyone... keep it up.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, keep it up, everyone!
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: Right, thank you, Qiqi.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: We shouldn't tarry here any longer. Take care, you two... Ahem! Three.
Media:vo eqhdj102 8 keqing 05.ogg Keqing: Traveler, let's go find Verr Goldet.
(Talk to Qiqi or Baizhu again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj102 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu, are we done yet?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj102 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Yes, almost. But don't rush me, just give me a moment...
(Talk to Verr Goldet)
Media:vo eqhdj102 10 verrgoldet 01.ogg Verr Goldet: Ah, Lady Keqing, what a surprise! Is there anything I can help you with?
Media:vo eqhdj102 10 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: No, thank you. I'm just wondering if you might know where the Conqueror of Demons is?
Media:vo eqhdj102 10 verrgoldet 02.ogg Verr Goldet: Oh, we never inquire about Xiao's whereabouts. But if he's here, he would be up on the rooftop terrace. Please feel free to go up and have a look.
(Talk to Verr Goldet again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj102 verrgoldet 01.ogg Verr Goldet: If you're looking for Xiao, you can check the rooftop terrace upstairs.
(Approach the roof terrace)
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Hmm, he doesn't seem to be here. Perhaps we came at the wrong time?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Maybe he's out battling somewhere again...
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's leave the gifts with the owner and ask her to...
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: How can I help?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Aaaah!!!
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wh—Where did you come from? You scared Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk Were you here the whole time, Xiao?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: Yes.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: Hello, I am Keqing, Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: The Yuheng... Yes, I saw you when we battled Osial. You are fierce with your blade.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh anyway, we're here to give you some Lantern Rite presents! See, there's lots of tasty food!
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: Hmph, don't waste your delicacies on me.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Qixing specifically prepared them for you.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: Hmph...
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: Eradicating demons is my duty. You don't have to thank me.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 11.ogg Xiao: Karma is harmful to humans. Even though your constitution surpasses that of ordinary mortals... It would be best if you didn't approach me so casually.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hey, wait! Are you leaving?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: C'mon, Lantern Rite is almost here! Don't you want to take a break?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't we go watch the fireworks in the city together?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 07.ogg Xiao: Like I said before, I have no liking for crowds.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 08.ogg Xiao: I must remain vigilant of evil attacks, especially during the holidays. I will continue my patrol as usual.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 09.ogg Xiao: You should also exercise caution. And if there's any danger...
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, we know.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 xiao 10.ogg Xiao: Good.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: And he's gone...
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Well, Xiao hasn't changed a bit. Wonder if he'll come and watch the fireworks this year, though.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe.
Icon Dialogue Talk Only if he wants to.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: Alright, we've completed our visits with all the adepti. Let's take a break downstairs before we head back into the city.
After a short break, everyone gathers on the ground floor of the inn.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 01.ogg Pengyi: Oh no! What should we do!?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 02.ogg Pengyi: Huh? Oh, Lady Keqing, Lady Keqing! I'm so glad to see you here!
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: Pengyi? What's wrong? What are you doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 03.ogg Pengyi: Lady Keqing, let me explain...
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 04.ogg Pengyi: I had rearranged the fireworks layout and expanded the range to Qingce Village, just like you requested.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 05.ogg Pengyi: My people finished setting up the fireworks and we left someone in charge to launch them for the show.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 06.ogg Pengyi: But... *sigh* the person we left in charge came back shortly after, and reported that all the fireworks in Qingce Village have been stolen!
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 07.ogg Pengyi: I immediately reported the situation to the Millelith, and had another batch of fireworks made to be transported to Qingce Village under escort.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 08.ogg Pengyi: However, everyone's short-handed during Lantern Rite. The Millelith are already stretched thin and don't even have enough people to fill their regular patrols. They can't spare anyone to look after the fireworks for us.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 09.ogg Pengyi: We don’t [sic] have many materials left, so if the second batch of fireworks gets stolen as well, we're done for... So, I was thinking to go to Qingce Village and have a look first.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 pengyi 10.ogg Pengyi: Which is when I bumped into you. Lady Keqing, what should we do?
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 05.ogg Keqing: According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the number of guards on patrol has to be doubled and rotated continuously during Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 06.ogg Keqing: They must perform these extra measures in addition to their standard daily affairs. The only manpower they can muster during the festival would be the emergency response units.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 07.ogg Keqing: But, those special units are intended only for backup. There are not many of them, and they cannot perform prolonged guard duty. If we wish to make use of them, we'll need to resolve the problem quickly.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Hmm, maybe we could ask the adepti for help...
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: This would be a piece of cake for someone like Cloud Retainer or Xiao!
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 08.ogg Keqing: *sigh* No, that would only make us look incompetent. I'll handle this, Pengyi.
Icon Dialogue Talk (We can't let Keqing do this all by herself.)
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 12a.ogg Paimon: We can help too, Keqing!
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, let us help you.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 paimon 12b.ogg Paimon: That's right, we can take care of this together!
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 09.ogg Keqing: Thanks, you two. Actually, I have an idea. Let me make some arrangements.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 10.ogg Keqing: Pengyi, go back to Liyue Harbor and get the fireworks ready, then meet me in Qingce Village.
Media:vo eqhdj102 12 keqing 11.ogg Keqing: Traveler, come with me. Let's ask around to see what happened.

(Approach Granny Ruoxin in Qingce Village)
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 01.ogg Granny Ruoxin: *sigh* How could a whole batch of fireworks just vanish like that?
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Hello, Granny Ruoxin. We'd like to know more about the recent fireworks theft.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 02.ogg Granny Ruoxin: Ah, Lady Keqing! I can hardly believe you came personally to investigate.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: It's no trouble at all. Please, tell us what happened.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 03.ogg Granny Ruoxin: Well, when they brought the fireworks, the children in the village were very excited, they were all gathered around watching the area for a long time.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 04.ogg Granny Ruoxin: The workers piled up the fireworks and said they would go confirm the locations to set them off. That's when they left the village.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 05.ogg Granny Ruoxin: Now let me remember... Ah yes, I recall that they left the fireworks in an open area, just next to a house down the old road.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 06.ogg Granny Ruoxin: But, the very next day, all the fireworks were nowhere to be seen. The person in charge of the fireworks was so anxious that they went straight back to the city to find a solution.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 07.ogg Granny Ruoxin: *sigh* The villagers here are worried too. The fireworks missing can only mean that there are thieves about. There are elderly and kids in the village, you know...
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 grannyruoxin 08.ogg Granny Ruoxin: Although the Millelith are stationed here, no one dares to go out anymore.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: I understand. Please help reassure the people in the village and tell them everything's going to be fine with the Millelith standing guard.
Media:vo eqhdj102 13 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: Traveler, let's go investigate the place where the fireworks were stolen.
(Talk to Granny Ruoxin again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj102 grannyruoxin 01.ogg Granny Ruoxin: *sigh* How could such a terrible thing happen during a festival?
(Approach the fireworks storage)
Media:vo eqhdj102 15 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This is the place... The fireworks were stolen here.
Media:vo eqhdj102 15 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: The thieves must think there are mostly elderly and children living in Qingce Village, all too weak to defend themselves. Otherwise, they would never dare commit such a blatant crime.
Media:vo eqhdj102 15 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: This is absolutely awful. We cannot let such a matter go unpunished.
Media:vo eqhdj102 15 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: Let's see if we can find any clues here before we plan our next step.
(Examining the clue)
Media:vo eqhdj102 16 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Hmm? Are these footprints?
Media:vo eqhdj102 16 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: Let's see where they lead.
(Examining subsequent footprints)
Media:vo eqhdj102 17 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: The footprints continue here. Let's keep following them!
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 treasurehoardera 01.ogg ???: Sir! Please, this is all just a big misunderstanding!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 01.ogg ???: A misunderstanding, you say? If so, then tell me, why are you hiding here?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 treasurehoardera 02.ogg ???: Please, good sir! This really is just a misunderstanding! I would never dream of getting anywhere near the Feiyun Commerce Guild's shipment!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Something's happening over there. Let's go have a look.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, the Feiyun Commerce Guild? It must be...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 02.ogg Xingqiu: Please, save your breath.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 03.ogg Xingqiu: Restrain this fellow! Tightly now, we mustn't let him get away.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 servant 01.ogg Hongxing: Yes, young master!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 01.ogg Chongyun: I was sure it was an evil spirit... Turns out it's the Treasure Hoarders again.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Xingqiu and Chongyun! Hello!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you guys doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 04.ogg Xingqiu: Well, hello, dear Traveler! Our fates cross once again. What brings you here?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: Excuse me, please tell me what is happening here.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 05.ogg Xingqiu: Ah yes, allow me to explain. It so happens that every year during the Lantern Rite, the Feiyun Commerce Guild transports supplies to various villages outside of Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 06.ogg Xingqiu: Family rules stipulate that the supplies must be personally escorted by a family member. Because my older brother went last year, the duties have fallen to me this time around.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, so what's Chongyun doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 07.ogg Xingqiu: Chongyun happened to be visiting, so I cordially invited him to join us for the journey.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, I see. But why did Chongyun say he thought there was an evil spirit?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 08.ogg Xingqiu: I see that you are not familiar with the story of old. It is said that fireworks were once called firecrackers, and were used to ward off evil spirits and the like.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 09.ogg Xingqiu: In ancient times, Liyue was plagued by evil spirits. As people gathered together to celebrate the annual festival, the yang energy would intensify, and evil spirits were thus attracted to the fringes of the city by the strong scent.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 10.ogg Xingqiu: Liyue Harbor was under the gracious protection of Rex Lapis, so the spirits dared not enter the city. However, they still lingered near the city gates and pestered the passersby.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 11.ogg Xingqiu: In order to drive the spirits away, people made firecrackers and lit them near the city gates. The flashes of light and loud noise successfully drove the spirits whence they came.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 12.ogg Xingqiu: This festival is now known as the Lantern Rite. It was my intention to travel around to see if there are any malicious spirits lying in wait for passersby.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 13.ogg Xingqiu: Since I happened to have a shipment of goods to deliver and our course was through the mountains, I naturally thought it best to have my thaumaturge friend traveling alongside me.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 02.ogg Chongyun: Xingqiu said he learned the story about evil spirits from an ancient text.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 03.ogg Chongyun: The text vividly describes the appearance and even the whereabouts of the spirits.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Xingqiu must be leading Chongyun along.)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Chongyun never got to see the book, did he?)
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 14.ogg Xingqiu: Anyway, when we arrived at the area, Chongyun sensed an ambush about to take place.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 15.ogg Xingqiu: Upon searching the area, we found a group of Treasure Hoarders. They tried to flee the moment we were upon them.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 16.ogg Xingqiu: Fortunately, I was swift enough to catch one of them. Your timing couldn't have been more fortunate, we were just preparing to send them to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 17.ogg Xingqiu: He insists the matter is merely a misunderstanding. But things seem quite clear as I see it...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 treasurehoardera 03.ogg Kangsheng: Good sir, just hear me out! Everyone knows the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Had we known it was your merchant caravan, we never would have dared to attack!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 treasurehoardera 04.ogg Kangsheng: The master of the Feiyun Commerce Guild is famous for his generosity and noble deeds. A true hero of the people...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 treasurehoardera 05.ogg Kangsheng: So, you see, this is nothing but a big misunderstanding! W—We didn't want any trouble with the guild!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: What you mean to say is that you were targeting someone else, then. Well, who was it?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 treasurehoardera 06.ogg Kangsheng: I... uh, well... Just trust me, we were definitely not trying to steal your goods, please... please believe me!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: Master Xingqiu, I would like to borrow a few of your staff to escort the thief to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. As for the bounty, we will pay you afterward.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 18.ogg Xingqiu: It is my humble duty to uphold justice. No remuneration shall be necessary.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 19.ogg Xingqiu: Come then, see that this thief to taken to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 servant 02.ogg Hongxing: Yes, young master, leave it to us! You heard him, take this man over there and make sure he is secured. Tie each of his fingers separately if you have to, he's not gonna pull anything under our watch.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 05.ogg Keqing: Wait a second.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 06.ogg Keqing: Please also deliver this message to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 07.ogg Keqing: It's very likely that this thief is related to the recent fireworks theft in Qingce Village. Make sure they have someone question him thoroughly.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 20.ogg Xingqiu: Haha, so the plot thickens.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 21.ogg Xingqiu: Is your task clear? We mustn't disappoint the Yuheng.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 servant 03.ogg Hongxing: Yes, young master, I understand. We'll be on our way!
The guards take the Treasure Hoarder away...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 08.ogg Keqing: I've heard many good things about you, Master Xingqiu. Thank you for your assistance.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 22.ogg Xingqiu: I hardly lifted a finger. Think nothing of it.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 04.ogg Chongyun: Everyone, my intuition tells me that there could be more than one group of Treasure Hoarders in this area.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 09.ogg Keqing: More than one group?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 23.ogg Xingqiu: Oh! You've got quite a keen eye, too, Chongyun!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 05.ogg Chongyun: During our search, I found scattered sets of footprints differing from those on the road. There may still be other Treasure Hoarders waiting to ambush passersby.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 06.ogg Chongyun: When I was chasing the Treasure Hoarders earlier, I noticed that they were nearly unarmed and very few in numbers. If they truly intended to ambush the Feiyun Commerce Guild, they must've overestimated themselves.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 07.ogg Chongyun: If you ask me, they didn't seem to be staging an ambush, but rather, it appeared as if they were waiting for someone.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 10.ogg Keqing: It appears they may be the thief's accomplices. They were probably hiding here to wait for the stolen goods.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 24.ogg Xingqiu: What exactly are the stolen goods, if I may ask?
Keqing tells them about the fireworks theft in Qingce Village...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 25.ogg Xingqiu: Taking advantage of the elderly and children, what a loathsome group of criminals.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 26.ogg Xingqiu: Lady Keqing, don't fret about manpower. Chongyun, let's go lend them a hand in Qingce Village, shall we?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 chongyun 08.ogg Chongyun: Yeah, just leave it to us! We can handle a bunch of thieves.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 11.ogg Keqing: Thank you, that will help alleviate the crisis in Qingce Village. Unfortunately, the footprints we were following end here. I don't know where we should go next.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 12.ogg Keqing: It seems we were only a moment away from catching all the Treasure Hoarders...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Keqing...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll find a way to catch them.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 13.ogg Keqing: Thank you.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 14.ogg Keqing: Master Xingqiu, I'll leave Qingce Village under your watch.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 xingqiu 27.ogg Xingqiu: Most assuredly, Lady Keqing.
Chongyun and Xingqiu leave for Qingce Village.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 15.ogg Keqing: Phew, it's fortunate our paths crossed with those two.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's always good to have some help.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: It's so cool to fight for justice!
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 16.ogg Keqing: The thieves who stole the fireworks haven't revealed themselves yet.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 17.ogg Keqing: I'll go have a look around. Traveler, please go take a rest in Qingce Village.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 18.ogg Keqing: I've troubled you enough already. I can handle the rest of this matter myself.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Uh, Keqing... Are you planning to look for clues all by yourself? Somehow, that doesn't sound like a very good idea.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Oh, wait! You're in the Liyue Qixing! Why don't you ask some of your subordinates to help?
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: At least it'll be safer than investigating on your own.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon's right.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 19.ogg Keqing: Yes, I agree, but we are short-handed at the moment. I can handle these trivial matters myself.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 20.ogg Keqing: The fireworks that were transported to Qingce Village were quite bulky. They couldn't have gone far.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 21.ogg Keqing: Way I see it, if they were clever enough, they would conceal the stolen goods somewhere and then come pick them up later.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 22.ogg Keqing: All I have to do is find out where they hid the fireworks, and then return to the location with reinforcements.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 23.ogg Keqing: Don't worry, I am not reckless, and I won't carelessly alert the thieves. You can certainly trust me by now.
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Well, when you put it that way...
Media:vo eqhdj102 18 keqing 24.ogg Keqing: It's settled, then. Traveler and Paimon, please go get some rest. I'll go find you in Qingce Village when I'm done.

Post-Quest Dialogue[]

After having completed Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, Baizhu, Ganyu, Shenhe, Qiqi, Yanfei and Xiao can be found in the open world.

Baizhu and Qiqi[]

(Talk to Baizhu or Qiqi in front of the house north of the Teleport Waypoint in Qingce Village)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Baizhu. I want to go on the roof. To watch the fireworks.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: It's high up there. I don't wanna disturb the Finches down on the ground.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Don't worry, Qiqi, Finches just fly away as a precaution whenever they hear footsteps approaching. It's not because they're scared.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: We can't stay here for too long, I'm afraid. We still have patients to visit...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 qiqi 03.ogg Qiqi: Hmm... Okay. Patients are more important. Don't mind Qiqi.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: The busy period will die down after the festival ends, and then, I'll take you wherever you want to go — promise. Okay, Qiqi?
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 qiqi 04.ogg Qiqi: Let me write that down. In my notebook.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 8 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: Alright, here's your pen...


(Talk to Ganyu near the Teleport Waypoint at Mt. Aocang)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Happy Lantern Rite, (TravelerTraveler). How have you been recently?
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: I hope everything's going well for you. Don't be like me, worrying all the time...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: Oh, uh... it's nothing though, just... as you can see, there's a lot going on during the Lantern Rite, and I was originally supposed to head back to Yujing Terrace to assist with the preparations...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: However, Lady Ningguang urged me to take a proper vacation. She said that there's nothing so urgent that it can't wait, and that this festival is a time to reconnect with friends and family...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: But if I really spent this vacation with Cloud Retainer, it wouldn't be long before she started asking me "How has your career developed this year?" "Any new crushes one should know about?"...
Icon Dialogue Talk Oof, I can imagine...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 06a.ogg Ganyu: Yes... I can handle overtime, but not that...
Icon Dialogue Talk Seriously though... Got a crush on anyone at the moment?
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 06b.ogg Ganyu: What the— Don't you start that as well!
Media:vo eqhdj talk 7 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Besides that... I do feel better getting some of this off my chest. So... thank you for being here and listening to me.


(Talk to Shenhe next to Jiangzhou on the docks in Liyue Harbor)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Liyue Harbor by night is even brighter than Mt. Aocang by day.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: I couldn't get used to this view at first. But I'm told this is how it always looks at the Lantern Rite. I guess everyone likes brightly lit places, because every time you mention Lantern Rite, people can't help but smile.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: Like this, look.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, that's the Lantern Rite smile.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: Will you be staying here for good now, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Just for the festival.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: ...Oh, I see.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Well... it's nice to see you.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 11 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: If Lantern Rite could continue indefinitely... that would be even better.


(Talk to Xiao near the Teleport Waypoint west of Jade Chamber.)
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: ...(TravelerTraveler).
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: You're here.
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: I'm guessing this Lantern Rite is the same as every year.
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: The demons have retreated and the humans are safe and well. If Pervases knew... it would be a lifelong wish come true for him.
Icon Dialogue Talk Xiao...
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: I trust you're not here to invite me to watch the fireworks in the city?
Icon Dialogue Talk Guilty as charged.
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: I think I'll be fine right here.
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 07.ogg Xiao: As long as the fireworks fly high enough, you can see them from wherever you are. Besides, if anyone wishes to see me, I know they'll come and find me.
Media:Vo eqhdj talk 9 xiao 08.ogg Xiao: So whether I'm here or in the city... it makes no difference.


(Talk to Yanfei on the eastern side of the Yujing Terrace)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 6 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: Perfect timing, (TravelerTraveler)! Lemme make some space for you... There! Look, isn't that an amazing view? I can never get tired of it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you have time off for the festival?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you off work today?
Media:vo eqhdj talk 6 yanfei 02.ogg Yanfei: Yep! I got a letter from my dad — he said all is well with him and mom on their travels, and wished me and Granny a Happy Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 6 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: So typical of my dad. He wrote the exact same thing last year — it's like his go-to Lantern Rite greeting!
Media:vo eqhdj talk 6 yanfei 04.ogg Yanfei: But hey, I guess he doesn't overthink these things, and that's where I get my carefree side from, too. Look at me, I've taken a few days vacation just so I can enjoy the view.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 6 yanfei 05.ogg Yanfei: Oh, this reminds me — I should mention you when I write back! When you meet interesting new people, you've gotta share it with your family.

Other Open World Characters[]

These characters were already available in the open world after having completed the previous quest, The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune.

After having completed The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune, Xiangling, Hu Tao, and Ningguang can be found in the open world.


(Talk to Xiangling inside Wanmin Restaurant)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 5 xiangling 01.ogg Xiangling: Okay, so we have one group booked for two tables for a banquet tomorrow night... and another group who needs their order delivered around the same time... Phew...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 5 xiangling 02.ogg Xiangling: Oh! Hey, (TravelerTraveler)! Happy Lantern Rite!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Are you alright?
Media:vo eqhdj talk 5 xiangling 03a.ogg Xiangling: Could be worse, could be worse! Festivals are always a little busy, you know how it is.
Icon Dialogue Talk How's Guoba these days?
Media:vo eqhdj talk 5 xiangling 03b.ogg Xiangling: Hehe, aw, thanks for asking! Well, neither the stove nor the atmosphere are dying down any time soon, so Guoba's as happy as can be.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 5 xiangling 04.ogg Xiangling: If you're craving anything off the Wanmin menu, don't worry about being a burden. However busy it gets, I'll always make time to cook for you.

Hu Tao[]

(Talk to Hu Tao outside Wangsheng Funeral Parlor)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 4 hutao 01.ogg Hu Tao: Well hello there, (TravelerTraveler)! A happy and healthy Lantern Rite to you!
Media:vo eqhdj talk 4 hutao 02.ogg Hu Tao: And what brings you here on this finest of days? Not business, I presume? So what is it? Need my help?
Icon Dialogue Talk Just came here to see you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just here to chat with you.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 4 hutao 03.ogg Hu Tao: Oh, I see! So you just missed me all of a sudden? Oh, you — why'd you have to go and be so thoughtful, hmm? I couldn't possibly bring myself to scare you with a ghost story now!
Media:vo eqhdj talk 4 hutao 04.ogg Hu Tao: To tell the truth, this Lantern Rite's been a busy one for me. I got Xiangling to give me a few recipes and I've been trying my hand at them. Since you're here, why don't you have a taste...
Media:vo eqhdj talk 4 hutao 05.ogg Hu Tao: Wh—What's that look for!? ...You're not leaving already are you? C'mon, don't go — I promise they don't taste that bad! And I promise, it's not a prank!


Ningguang can be found in the Jade Chamber after completing both The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune and Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon.

(Talk to Ningguang inside the Jade Chamber)
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 01.ogg Ningguang: Another Lantern Rite is upon us.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 02.ogg Ningguang: Traveler, it seems Liyue has a way of drawing you back every once in a while. Do you miss it here?
Icon Dialogue Talk I miss it all the time.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 03a.ogg Ningguang: Is that so? I am delighted to hear it.
Icon Dialogue Talk My focus is on my mission, my journey.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 03b.ogg Ningguang: Ah, naturally.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 04.ogg Ningguang: Times change. Suddenly, the Lantern Rite of today is a wholly different affair from the past.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 05.ogg Ningguang: The preparations were very lengthy this time. I don't know if it is to everyone's tastes, but I, for one, am most satisfied with the way it has turned out.
Media:vo eqhdj talk 1 ningguang 06.ogg Ningguang: I hope that it might be a highlight of your journey. If you ever grow weary in your travels, know that you can always come back and visit Liyue.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Perilous PathCity of Winds and IdyllsShadow Over Mondstadt, Kaeya's Gain, Mondstadt Glider, Justice, for Books' Sake, The Fond Farewell, Festering Desire (Quest), Archon's Rival, Involuntary Sacrifice, Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage, To Hear Mortal Hearts, The Snowy Past, The Oni's Pride, Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, A Centuries-Long Dream, As by a God's Side, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Fragmented Testimony, Shade Upon Red Silk, The Truth Shrouded in Shadow, An Opportunity for Rebirth, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest), Memories That Should Not Exist, Switcheroo, Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame (Quest), Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity
Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSky-Gazers, Land-Walkers
Pǐn Xīng Guān Yuè, Biàn Tà Shān Hé
Pǐn Xīng Guān Yuè, Biàn Tà Shān Hé
Hoshi to Tsuki wo Aogi, Sanga wo Kumanaku Aruku
Look Up at the Stars and Moon, Walk All Over the Mountains and Rivers
Korean고개를 들어 달을 보고, 산과 들을 거니네
Gogae-reul Deureo Dal-eul Bogo, Sangwa Deul-eul Geonine
Raise Head and Look at the Moon, Walk through the Mountains and Fields
SpanishCon los ojos en el cielo y los pies en el sueloWith the Eyes on the Sky and the Feet on the Ground
FrenchUne promenade pour contempler les étoilesA Stroll to Contemplate the Stars
RussianВ путь за звёздами
V put' za zvyozdami
Going After Stars
Thaiชมแสงแห่งเดือนและดาว ท่องไปตามป่าเขาลำเนาไพร
Chom Saeng Haeng Duean Lae Dao Thong Pai Tam Pa Khao Lamnao Phrai
See The Light of Moon and Stars, Travel through The Mountains and Forests
VietnamesePhẩm Tinh Quan Nguyệt, Trải Khắp Sơn Hà
GermanLass uns wandern gehen und den Mond und die Sterne bewundernLet us go Hiking and Admire the Moon and the Stars
IndonesianPengamat Angkasa, Pengembara DaratanSky Observer, Land Wanderer
PortugueseObservando as Maravilhas do MundoObserving the Wonders of the World

Change History[]
