Future Fight Wiki
"You can't stop my magic."
― Nico Minoru

SisterGrimmIcon Nico Minoru

Sister Grimm (Secret Wars A-Force)
Real Name Nico Minoru
Type Blast Blast
Base Tier Tier-1
Allies Human
Gender Female
Side Hero
Instinct Justice
Biometrics Support Shop
Uniform Secret Wars: A-Force
Base Stats (Max Stats)
Rank RankStar (MasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStar / Tier 2)
Level 1 (60)
Energy Atk 22 (5413 / 6534)
Physical Def 13 (3046 / 3157)
Energy Def 15 (3687 / 4252)

89 (12023 / 13621)

Sister Grimm Uniform I Nico Minoru

Sister Grimm (All-New, All-Different)
Real Name Nico Minoru
Type Blast Blast
Base Tier Tier-1
Allies Human
Gender Female
Side Hero
Instinct Justice
Biometrics Support Shop
Uniform All-New, All-Different
Base Stats (Max Stats)
Rank RankStar (MasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStar / Tier 2)
Level 1 (60)
Energy Atk 22 (5413 / 6534)
Physical Def 13 (3046 / 3157)
Energy Def 15 (3687 / 4252)

89 (12023 / 13621)

Sister Grimm Uniform II Nico Minoru

File:Sister Grimm (Runaways).png
Real Name Nico Minoru
Type Blast Blast
Base Tier Tier-1
Allies Human
Gender Female
Side Hero
Instinct Justice
Biometrics Support Shop
Uniform Runaways
Base Stats (Max Stats)
Rank RankStar (MasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStar / Tier 2)
Level 1 (60)
Energy Atk 22 (5413 / 6534)
Physical Def 13 (3046 / 3157)
Energy Def 15 (3687 / 4252)

89 (12023 / 13621)

5'4" (162.6 cm)
102 lbs. (46.3 kg)
Apply to: Self

Energy Attack +4%

At a young age, Nico Minoru discovered she had magical powers and the ability to summon the powerful Staff of One. As Sister Grimm, she was formerly a member of The Runaways, and is now a member of the A-Force where she has quickly bonded with the being known as Singularity.

Gear Info
The Staff of One
Energy Attack (+20: 744)

Ignore Defense (+20: 585)

All Attacks (+20: 875)

Black Dress Sister Grimm Icon / Arcane Garb Sister Grimm Uniform I
Energy Defense (+20: 645)

HP (+20: 1260)

All Defenses (+20: 776)

Witch Arm
Critical Damage (+20: 1074)

Critical Rate (+20: 513)

HP (+20: 3116)

Blood Offering
Skill Cooldown (+20: 1086)

Dodge (+20: 537)

"Bonus Option" (+20: 1180)

Activate Ratio: while getting hit with 10% rate.

Apply to: All team members
Generate a shield with 10% of Maximum Health. (10 Sec.)

Cooldown Time: 40 seconds

Energy Drain
Activate Ratio: while attacking

Apply to: Enemy
Energy Defense -30%↓ (10 Sec.)

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStarRankStar

Blood Magic
Activate Ratio: when Rock and Roll skill is used

Apply to: Self
MAX HP Recovery 10%
Guard 3 Hits (6 Sec.)
37% increase to Skill Damage, 28% increase to bonus damage (10 Sec.)

Requires Hero Advancement

Float On (Energy Attack)
180% Energy Damage, Add Energy Damage 135

Jumps to target, 1 Hit, Small AOE, Pushback.

Sister Grimm Uniform I:
Also inflicts 10% Burn damage every 1 sec (3 Sec.)

Cooldown Time: 7 seconds

Punish (Energy Attack)
128% Energy Damage, Add Energy Damage 135

Ranged, 5 Hit spread.

Sister Grimm Uniform I:
Also inflicts 10% Burn damage every 1 sec (3 Sec.)

Cooldown Time: 8 seconds

Angry Like a Wolf (Energy Attack)
125% Energy Damage, Add Energy Damage 68

Ranged, 2 Hit, Split.

Sister Grimm Uniform I:
Changes to Avian Fury.
67% Energy Damage, Add Energy Damage 68
Apply to: Enemy
Deals 10% Burn damage every 1 sec (3 Sec.)
Ranged, 7 Hit, Split.

Cooldown Time: 8 seconds

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStar

Now You See Me...
Apply to: Self

Summon an illusion that has 50% of a summoner's stats. (10 Sec.)

Summons 2 illusions. Jumps away from target.

Cooldown Time: 15 seconds

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStarRankStarRankStar

Rock and Roll (Energy Attack)
54% Energy Damage, Add Energy Damage 34

Ranged, 4 Hit, Large AOE.
Ranged, 1 Hit.

Cooldown Time: 15 seconds

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStarRankStarRankStarRankStar

SisterGrimmIcon CaptainMarvelIcon AmericaChavezIcon

All Attack ↑ +5.3%
Dodge ↑ +4.8%
Ignore Defense 4.7%

Masters of Magic
SisterGrimmIcon MalekithIcon LokiIcon

All Defense ↑ +5.2%
Critical Damage ↑ +4.8%
Cooldown Duration ↓ 4.8%

A-Force, Assemble!
SisterGrimmIcon SheHulkIcon SingularityIcon

All Attack ↑ +5.5%
Critical Rate ↑ +5.2%
Dodge ↑ +4.8%

X 2 Bonuses:

Matching Armament
SisterGrimmIcon MistyKnightIcon

Attack Speed ↑ +4.9%
Cooldown Duration ↓ 4.9%

SisterGrimmIcon AngelaIcon

Critical Rate ↑ +4.8%
Critical Damage ↑ +4.7%

SisterGrimmIcon WinterSoldierIcon

All Attack ↑ +5.2%
Dodge ↑ +4.7%

Accidental Encounter
SisterGrimmIcon SingularityIcon

Critical Damage ↑ +4.8%
Ignore Defense 4.7%

CaptainAmericaIcon Captain America 13% chance to appear when attacked.
HulkIcon Hulk 16% chance to appear when attacked.
GhostRiderIcon Ghost Rider 12% chance to appear when attacking.
BladeIcon Blade 14% chance to appear when attacking.
BlackWidowIcon Black Widow 17% chance to appear when attacking.
ThorIcon Thor 10% chance to appear when attacking.
BlackCatIcon Black Cat 18% chance to appear when attacked.
SpidermanIcon Spider-Man 13% chance to appear when attacked.
LokiIcon Loki 16% chance to appear when attacking.
DaredevilIcon Vision 16% chance to appear when attacked.
MalekithIcon Malekith 17% chance to appear when attacking.
VisionIcon Vision 19% chance to appear when attacked.
FalconIcon Falcon 15% chance to appear when attacking.
PunisherIcon Punisher 14% chance to appear when attacked.
BlackPantherIcon Black Panther 16% chance to appear when attacking.
BlackBoltIcon Black Bolt 16% chance to appear when attacked.
AngelaIcon Angela 11% chance to appear when attacking.
Agent13Icon Agent 13 18% chance to appear when attacked.
CaptainMarvelIcon Captain Marvel 11% chance to appear when attacking.
StarLordIcon Star-Lord 11% chance to appear when attacked.
RocketRaccoonIcon Rocket Raccoon 12% chance to appear when attacking.
GrootIcon Groot 19% chance to appear when attacked.
GamoraIcon Gamora 13% chance to appear when attacking.
GiantManIcon Giant-Man 20% chance to appear when attacking.
WaspIcon Wasp 16% chance to appear when attacked.
SheHulkIcon She-Hulk 16% chance to appear when attacked.
SingularityIcon Singularity 17% chance to appear when attacked.
DaisyJohnsonIcon Daisy Johnson 18% chance to appear when attacked.
PhilCoulsonIcon Phil Coulson 19% chance to appear when attacking.
SifIcon Sif 16% chance to appear when attacked.
WarwolfIcon Warwolf 18% chance to appear when attacking.
ElsaBloodstoneIcon Elsa Bloodstone 18% chance to appear when attacked.
SilkIcon Silk 18% chance to appear when attacking.
MsMarvelKamalaKhanIcon Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) 19% chance to appear when attacked.
WiccanIcon Wiccan 22% chance to appear when attacking.
MistyKnightIcon Misty 18% chance to appear when attacked.
DoctorStrangeIcon Doctor Strange 12% chance to appear when attacking.
BaronMordoIcon Baron Mordo 19% chance to appear when attacked.
AncientOneIcon Ancient One 20% chance to appear when attacking.
HellstormIcon Hellstorm 16% chance to appear when attacked.
SatanaIcon Satana 21% chance to appear when attacking.
MedusaIcon Medusa 19% chance to appear when attacking.
AmericaChavezIcon America Chavez 21% chance to appear when attacked.
NegasonicTeenageWarheadIcon Negasonic Teenage Warhead 16% chance to appear when attacked.
DazzlerIcon Dazzler 16% chance to appear when attacked.
SpectrumIcon Spectrum 16% chance to appear when attacking.
