Future Fight Wiki


Story is where you can enjoy the main story of the game. You'll fight using Characters such as Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow to help stop the destruction of the world.

In Story, you can battle with specified characters. Material for Captain America, Black Widow, Iron Man can be acquired based on the stage cleared.


There are three modes to do story missions in: Campaign, Alternate Normal, Alternate Ultimate. They differ in several factors, time taken, protagonists, rewards, and energy cost.

Mode Time Taken* Protagonists Rewards/mission* Energy Cost
Alternate Normal Fast to momentary Any Bios, avg 4 4
Alternate Ultimate Slower T3/Awakened Bios, avg 8 + type materials 8

* Estimates


How often you do Alternate Ultimate will vary based on your need for type materials compared to your need for bios. The opportunities to get puzzle pieces should at least be considered each day. It may be worth killing the app to stop a run in which you've lost a character, as that reduces the chance of getting a piece of the puzzle and you only get one shot at each piece from each mission each day.

How often you use Alternate Normal will depend on how you value your time, as though it is inefficient (see below), it is ridiculously fast: if you don't need specific bios then Alternate Normal 7-3 can be completed in just a few clicks (a suitably powerful character permitting), not only saving a lot of time, but a lot of effort too.

There are two other methods that compete with Story Mode missions for the most bios for your energy:

  • Deluxe Epic missions easily beat Story, providing roughly 55% more bios for your energy.
  • World Boss Invasion may, if your roster is very strong, be more efficient.

The major downside to Story Mode Ultimate is the time taken playing manually. Dimension Clash normal can be completed in around 45-50 minutes per day and, with a good team, Ultimate doesn't take much longer. To put it into context, in a day you'll get roughly 60 from Dimension Missions, 20 or so from Item Shop, 76 from all the four Epic Missions, and let's say 10 from the Processor and another 30 from the Support Shop. The 160 from Ultimate Mode is another 80% or so bios daily. Whether or not it's worth it to get roughly that many more bios plus some puzzle fragments daily will depend on whether you have characters the bios can be sunk into. While non-mutants have a distinct bottleneck in Black Anti-Matter supply that makes them unsuitable bio sinks on an ongoing basis, Phoenix Feathers are considerably easier to come by. Accordingly, if you're going to get the 160 per day, it would make sense to work on at least some of your mutants. The other Stories involve less missions and, with the right team, can be done fairly quickly.


Dimension Clash[]


Chapter 1 - The New Menace

Mission Name Rewards Available Daily Reward
Emergency Dispatch Biometric: Captain America, Norn Stone of Strength Story Fragment (Normal: Dimensional Clash #1

Mission Name Rewards Available Daily Reward
An Unexpected Encounter Biometric: Black Widow, Norn Stone of Energy Story Fragment (Normal: Dimensional Clash #1

Mission Name Rewards Available Daily Reward
An Unexpected Encounter Biometric: Iron Man, Norn Stone of Brilliance Story Fragment (Normal: Dimensional Clash #1

Chapter 2 - The Darkness Beyond Dimensions

Chapter 3 - The Calm before the Storm

Chapter 4 - Raging Red Storm

Chapter 5 - A World Gone Berserk

Chapter 6 - Cut Off One Head

Chapter 7 - A Disharmonious Threat

The All-War[]

The True S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

The Future Ends Here[]
