Future Fight Wiki

HulklingIcon Hulkling

Hulkling (New Avengers)
Real Name Theodore "Teddy" Rufus Altman
Type Combat Combat
Base Tier Tier-1
Allies Alien
Gender Male
Side Hero
Instinct Order
Biometrics Special: A Green Monster in Shanghai
Uniform New Avengers
Base Stats (Max Stats)
Rank RankStar (MasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStarMasteryStar)
Level 1 (60)
Physical Atk 21 (5285)
Physical Def 13 (3440)
Energy Def 12 (3096)

114 (15724)

170 lbs (77 kg)
Apply to: Self

Physical Attack +3%

Apply to: Self

All Defense +5%

Alien teenager Hulkling was raised as a human and joined the Young Avengers when he realized the full potential of his incredible shapeshifting powers. He later joined the New Avengers, along with his partner Wiccan.

Gear Info
Physical Attack (+20: 784)

Critical Rate (+20: 597)

Black Sleeveless Shirt
Physical Defense (+20: 687)

Attack Speed (+20: 597)

Enhanced Skin
Dodge (+20: 1098)

Movement Speed (+20: 573)

Defense Penetration (+20: 1074)

HP (+20: 1401)

Metamorphic Adaptation
Apply to: All team members

Physical Defense +5%

Passive Skill
Kree Ancestry
Apply to: Self

Physical Attack +10%

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStarRankStar

Skrull Skin
Activation Rate: 25% rate when hit

Apply to: Self
Immune to all damage (2 Sec.)
Remove all debuffs (5 Sec.)

Requires Hero Advancement

Active Skills
Shape-shift Slam (Physical Attack)
115% Physical Damage, Add Physical Damage 135

Melee, 2 Hit, Pushback.

Cooldown Time: 6 seconds

Excelsior (Physical Attack)
112% Physical Damage, Add Physical Damage 135

Melee, 1 Hit, Jumps into air.
Ranged, 2 Hit, Small AOE.

Cooldown Time: 8 seconds

Shape-shift Scrape
111% Physical Damage, Add Physical Damage 45

Melee, 6 Hit, Line AOE.

Cooldown Time: 9 seconds

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStar

Sky-Dive Swoop (Physical Attack)
264% Physical Damage, Add Physical Damage 135

Apply to: Enemy
Stun (3 Sec.)

Melee, 1 Hit, Jumps to target.
Melee, 3 Hit.

Cooldown Time: 10 seconds

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStarRankStarRankStar

Ruler of the Sword (Physical Attack)
181% Physical Damage, Add Physical Damage 135

Melee, 2 Hit, Pushback.
Ranged, 1 Hit.
Melee, 1 Hit, Small AOE, Pushback.

Cooldown Time: 12 seconds

Required Rank: RankStarRankStarRankStarRankStarRankStarRankStar

Young Avengers #4
HulklingIcon WiccanIcon CassieLangIcon

All Attack ↑ +5.4%
All Defense ↑ +5.1%
Crowd Control Time ↓ 4.8%

X 2 Bonuses:

Young Avengers #2
HulklingIcon WiccanIcon HawkeyeKateBishopIcon

All Attack ↑ +5.2%
Max HP ↑ +5.2%
Crowd Control Time ↓ 4.8%

X 2 Bonuses:

Momma's Boys
HulklingIcon WiccanIcon LokiIcon

Attack Speed ↑ +4.9%
Cooldown Duration ↓ 4.8%
Movement Speed ↑ +4.7%

X 2 Bonuses:

Chaperone Date
HulklingIcon WiccanIcon CaptainMarvelIcon

Movement Speed ↑ +4.9%
Attack Speed ↑ +4.8%
All Defense ↑ +5.0%

X 2 Bonuses:

Young Avengers #1
HulklingIcon WiccanIcon VisionIcon

Physical Defense ↑ +5.2%
Energy Defense ↑ +5.1%
Critical Rate ↑ +4.7%

X 2 Bonuses:

Curious Skrull
HulklingIcon MinnErvaIcon

Physical Attack ↑ +5.4%
Ignore Defense 4.8%

Magic Weapon Wielders
HulklingIcon ThorIcon

Energy Defense ↑ +5.2%
All Attack ↑ +5.1%

Cosmic Kings
HulklingIcon StarLordIcon

Cooldown Duration ↓ 4.9%
Dodge ↑ +4.8%

HulklingIcon MsMarvelKamalaKhanIcon

Crowd Control Time ↓ 4.9%
Recovery Rate ↑ +4.8%

Doppelganger Team-up
HulklingIcon GiantManIcon

Critical Rate ↑ +4.9%
Critical Damage ↑ +4.8%

HulklingIcon HulkIcon

Physical Attack ↑ +5.2%
Physical Defense ↑ +5.1%

Fated Love
HulklingIcon WiccanIcon

Dodge ↑ +4.9%
Critical Damage ↑ +4.8%

HulkIcon Hulk 16% chance to appear when attacking.
HulkbusterIcon Hulkbuster (Iron Man Mark 44) 14% chance to appear when attacked.
ThorIcon Thor 10% chance to appear when attacking.
DaredevilIcon Daredevil 16% chance to appear when attacked.
HawkeyeIcon Hawkeye 17% chance to appear when attacking.
FalconIcon Falcon 15% chance to appear when attacking.
PunisherIcon Punisher 12% chance to appear when attacking.
LukeCageIcon Luke Cage 16% chance to appear when attacking.
IronFistIcon Iron Fist 11% chance to appear when attacking.
StarLordIcon Star-Lord 16% chance to appear when attacking.
GiantManIcon Giant-Man 15% chance to appear when attacked.
RedHulkIcon Red Hulk 10% chance to appear when attacking.
SheHulkIcon She-Hulk 16% chance to appear when attacked.
SingularityIcon Singularity 17% chance to appear when attacked.
MsMarvelKamalaKhanIcon Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) 19% chance to appear when attacked.
WhiteTigerIcon White Tiger 20% chance to appear when attacking.
WiccanIcon Wiccan 17% chance to appear when attacked.
SongbirdIcon Songbird 18% chance to appear when attacked.
SquirrelGirlIcon Squirrel Girl 20% chance to appear when attacking.
HawkeyeKateBishopIcon Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 18% chance to appear when attacking.
AmericaChavezIcon America Chavez 21% chance to appear when attacked.
MinnErvaIcon Minn-Erva 19% chance to appear when attacking.
JuggernautIcon Juggernaut 16% chance to appear when attacking.
GorillaManIcon Gorilla-Man 16% chance to appear when attacked.
WarTigerIcon War Tiger 16% chance to appear when attacked.
NovaRichardRiderIcon Nova (Richard Rider) 16% chance to appear when attacked.
RedSheHulkIcon Red She-Hulk 16% chance to appear when attacking.
AbominationIcon Abomination 20% chance to appear when attacked.
ThaneIcon Thane 16% chance to appear when attacked.
DakenIcon Daken 16% chance to appear when attacked.
MephistoIcon Mephisto 19% chance to appear when attacking.
SpectrumIcon Spectrum 16% chance to appear when attacking.
CassieLangIcon Cassie Lang 16% chance to appear when attacked.
