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Time and Weather Events

The in-game weather, time, and season can influence the catch rate of some fish. Totems can be used to control weather conditions or accelerate the flow of time.


Day and night cycle

The day and night cycle refers to the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon, which can affect catch rates of Diurnal Fish or Nocturnal Fish.

  • A day lasts approximately 25 minutes, with 12.5 minutes of day and 12.5 minutes of night.
    • Certain factors, such as server lag, may slightly extend this duration.
  • A Sundial Totem can be used to speed up the celestial cycle.
  • When outside of a fish's preferred time, assuming it has one, its spawn rate will be reduced by 90%.

Some Events depend on the day/night cycle to manifest (e.g., Night of the Fireflies).


Many fish have higher chances of being caught depending on the weather. All weather conditions other than Clear can be summoned immediately with their respective Totem item. There is no particular order for Weather to come in, as they are chosen at random at the start of every new day or night; thus a weather condition can seem 'extended' when it is rolled twice in a row. During a fish's preferred weather, its spawn rate will be increased by 35%. Weather Conditions

Icon Weather Notes
Clear The absence of weather.
Foggy Can be summoned via the Smokescreen Totem.
Windy Can be summoned via the Windset Totem.
Rain Can be summoned via the Tempest Totem.


Seasons are universal across all servers. Each season lasts 576 real-life minutes, or approximately 9.6 hours.

  • During a fish's preferred season, its spawn rate will be increased by 25%.
  • The Seasons Rod further increases this by a multiplicative 20%, up to a total boost of 50%.
  • Otherwise, its spawn rate will be reduced by 15% - even if it doesn't have a preferred season at all.

Seasons & Other:


Earth and Space Events


  • The Eclipse occurs rarely as the day begins, or can be summoned via an Eclipse Totem (250,000C$). When it happens, the server becomes darker and in the sky there is a golden/orange ring in the sky representing the eclipse. Other things that happen during an Eclipse are:
  • A boosted chance to catch fish/items with the Solarblaze mutation
  • Allows the Solar Fragment to be collected (top of the mountain of Ancient Isle).
  • Only time when a Phantom Megalodon can spawn.
  • Needed to turn the statues to open the Ancient Archives door (in a hidden cave behind the waterfall).

Aurora Borealis

  • The Aurora Borealis is a night exclusive event that provides a server-wide x7 (+600% (additive luck)) universal luck boost.
  • The chances of an Aurora Borealis happening naturally is 0.01%. It may also increase appraisal luck for the whole night.
  • Can be spawned using the Aurora Totem.


The Meteor event happens randomly and naturally at Ancient Isle, but can be forced using a Meteor Totem. They can strike at any time. Once taking place, a meteor falls from the sky and crashes into a fixed location on the island, forming a crater.



Mutation Events

Shiny Surge

Mutation Surge

  • +15% increased chances for mutations when fishing anywhere or appraising at the Appraiser.

Night of the Fireflies

  • Throughout the night, the catch rates of nocturnal fishes are doubled.

Night of the Luminous

  • Throughout the night, Sparkling catch rates are increased by 10%.
  • Increased chances of getting the Sparkling attribute when appraising a fish at the Appraiser.

Moonlit Mirage

  • The Moonlit Mirage is a night exclusive event where if a player catches a fish with the Mutation, they will get a Moonlit Bonus that lasts till morning.
  • The Moonlit Bonus makes all subsequent catches a player makes have +5% weight and value.
  • Moonlit Bonuses can stack with each Lunar fish caught.

High Weight Fish

  • Increases luck for catching high weight fish.

Zeus's Storm

  • Zeus's Storm takes place in Atlantis, and can be activated using the Zeus Storm Totem.
  • It lasts for roughly 5 minutes, during which anything caught has a 10% chance to have a Lightning mutation applied.
    • Anything caught with the Lightning mutation applied also have a chance for their weight to be increased.
  • When struck by lighting during the event, the player is awarded the title Chosen by Zeus.

Lucky Pool

  • The lucky pool spawns randomly and gives a 55% luck boost.
  • The lucky pool takes the appearance of shiny sparks of light shooting out from the area

Abundance Events

Fish Abundance

  • An event that spawns a specific area (abundance) with a higher chance of catching a specific fish. The area is highlighted for all players without requiring a Fish Radar. The Fish Radar however can be used to see all abundances.

Orca Migration

An Orca Migration occurs hourly and lasts for 15 minutes. During the event, 5 Orcas spawn in an abundance moving across the map. Their route can be found behind Moosewood.

Albine Orca Migration

An Orca Migration has a low chance of being an Albine Orca Migration or known as an Ancient Orca Migration. They last 15 minutes. During the event, 5 Ancient Orcas spawn in an abundance moving across the map. Their route can be found behind Moosewood.

Whale Migration

A Whale Migration has a 20% chance to occur every time rain begins and lasts for 15 minutes. During the event, 2 Blue Whales spawn in an abundance moving across the map, similarly to an Orca Migration. Their route can be found behind Sunstone Island or Mushgrove Swamp.

Shark Hunt

Absolute Darkness

Absolute Darkness is an event that occurs exclusively in The Depths. Once taking place, The Depths gets significantly darker, making it nearly impossible to see. During the event, a small, yellow pool spawns at a random location, Ancient Depth Serpents can be caught inside the pool.

  • Takes place anytime. (Meaning sundial totems have no effect.)
  • The event lasts for 15 minutes before The Depths brighten back up and the yellow pool disappears.
    • (Can sometimes stay even after the event ends due to a bug.)
  • Recommended to use the Fish Radar as it highlights where the pool would be in the dark and through walls.
  • More than one Ancient Depth Serpent can be caught during the event.

Megalodon Hunt

Megalodon Hunt Portal

Megalodon Hunt Portal

A server-wide notification appears once a Megalodon Hunt begins, and a Megalodon's abundance spawns behind Ancient Isle (marked by a big black and red swirling storm in the sky).

The audio played when any type of Megalodon spawns.

Kraken Hunt

The Kraken Hunt is a naturally occurring event in Atlantis, it has the same mechanics as the Megalodon Hunt. During the event, an abundance of The Kraken appears in Kraken Pool, covering the entire location, allowing for one The Kraken to be caught.

Ancient Kraken Hunt

The Ancient Kraken Hunt is an event that can be triggered by using Poseidon's Wrath Totem to trigger Poseidon's Wrath during a Kraken Hunt, increase the chances of Ancient Kraken to be caught.

  • The Ancient Kraken Hunt will return to the normal Kraken Hunt 6 minutes after using the totem.

Scylla Hunt

The Scylla Hunt is a naturally occurring event in Veil of the Forsaken, it has the same mechanics as the Megalodon Hunt. During the event, an abundance of Scylla appears in Veil of the Forsaken, covering the entire location, allowing for one Scylla to be caught.

Miscellaneous Events

Strange Whirlpool

  • The Strange Whirlpool physical event where a few Whirlpools will spawn in an open body of water for 15 minutes. Entering the whirlpool takes the player to Vertigo, where they can obtain the Nocturnal Rod, Aurora Rod & Rod of the Depths.
  • Strange Whirlpools can be differentiated from normal whirlpools by the spout of light that it shoots up constantly.
  • The Isonade can only be fished around active Strange Whirlpools.
  • Unlike the other fishes in Vertigo, it is possible to fish out the Depths Key around the whirlpool without having to enter the whirlpool.


Sunken Chests

Sunken Chests spawn at a random location an hour after server creation and each time they despawn, they contain various rewards and last for 10 minutes. When Sunken Chests spawn, a notification appears on the player's screen and in the chat.


The Nuke event happens when a player fails the nuke balancing minigame. Failing the minigame causes the nuke to be set off, flying upwards and hitting the island (or area) the player is in, creating a pool.

  • A notification will show up on top of the player's hotbar indicating where the nuke was set off.
  • All fish caught inside the pool are guaranteed to have the Nuclear mutation, multiplying the sell value by 4x.
  • If you successfully balance the Nuke, you get to keep it in your inventory, To set it off, Hold it out and click it to redo the minigame, and fail the minigame.

NPC Spawn Events

Lantern Keeper

  • The Lantern Keeper spawns around the lighthouse in Moosewood, teleporting and changing spots every so often.
  • Players gain the chance to spin for a Lantern, with a slim chance to pull the Fairy Lantern (1 in 50).
  • The Lantern Keeper is a frowning, line eyed muscular man with a halo over his head. He wears black trousers that have straps going over his shoulders.

Travelling Merchant

Limited Events

Ingredient Hunt

  • The Ingredient Hunt was avaliable from the 18th of October 2024 - 3rd of November 2024 during the FischFright 2024 event.
  • Every 15 minutes, 3 Ingredients would spawn on a random island.
  • Any amount could be collected and returned to the Witch in Moosewood for rewards.

Frightful Pool

Golden Tide Pools

  • The Golden Tide Pool is an event that spawns a specific area with a higher chance of catching specific fish. The area is highlighted by a golden wispy column that ascends into the sky for all players without requiring a Fish Radar. The Fish Radar however can be used to see its abundances.

Lovestorm Event

Lucky Event

  • The Lucky Event is a limited time event available during the Lucky Quest Event which lasted from March 15th 2025 - March 22nd, 2025.
  • This event occured every 10 minutes globally (including Private Servers).

  • Only one player can catch one of the limited fish similar to the Golden Tide Pool except only 1 player can catch the fish in the abundance.


Events Navigation
Events Lantern KeeperAurora BorealisTravelling MerchantLucky PoolNight of the FirefliesNight of the LuminousShiny SurgeMutation SurgeShark HuntStrange WhirlpoolFish AbundanceAbsolute DarknessMoonlit MirageWeather BuffsMegalodon HuntEclipseMeteorNukeAvalancheAurora Borealis
Seasonal Events Ingredient HuntFrightful Pool