"The Phantom Meg is a spectral version of the ancient Megalodon, haunting the waters with an ethereal glow. Its serrated teeth remain just as fearsome, tearing through anything in its way. Though extinct for millions of years, this ghostly apex predator dominates the Ancient Isle and will challenge any angler brave enough to hook it."
- Bestiary Entry
The Phantom Megalodon is a Limited fish that can be caught near Ancient Isle more commonly during an Eclipse event. Due to its super high rarity, it is challenging to catch, as it inflicts a whole -85% Progress Speed on the player when doing the minigame.
When hooked, a will pop above the player's head, and a bell sound is played - as with all Limited fish. This Phantom Megalodon can only be caught in weekends where the Eclipse starts.
Note: Players summoning an eclipse with an Eclipse Totem will not raise the chances of a megalodon hunt having a Phantom Megalodon, the eclipse must happen naturally on the same day cycle the Megalodon Hunt Server Event appears.
Alongside this, the Phantom Megalodon plays a unique catch cutscene as with other Megalodons.
Gives 12,000XP when fished (Base).
This fish can be caught during a special event that takes place near Ancient Isle. The Phantom meg is ONLY OBTAINABLE during the weekends in real life. This makes it a limited. This event is very similar to a Shark Hunt Event, as only 1 player can catch the Megalodon, before it is gone. Unlike the Megalodon and the Ancient Meg.
This variation of the Megalodon is ten times as rare as the base form!
Megalodons were updated to have a minimum weight of 50,000kg, now rods with a max weight of 50,000kg or over are needed. Such as (the following rods are listed from easiest to hardest to obtain): Reinforced Rod, Arctic Rod, Avalanche Rod, Ice Warpers Rod, King's Rod, Summit Rod, Voyagers Rod, Krampus Rod, Heaven's Rod, No-life Rod, Celestial Rod, Rod Of The Eternal King, and Rod Of The Forgotten Fang.
Catching Cutscene
Once the player has successfully caught the Phantom Megalodon, this cutscene will play:
Catch Quips
- Many people had seen a Phantom Megalodon be caught outside of weekends but is unknown on how it was happening (this has since been patched).
- Megalodons were updated to have a minimum weight of 50,000kg when trying to catch it. Hence the Rod of The Depths could no longer catch a Megalodon and its different types, now rods with a max weight of 50,000kg or over are needed.