Endless Space 2 Wiki

UnfallenIcon An ancient race who have lived simple, harmonious lives for millennia, the Unfallen seek peace with the other races of the galaxy.


Endless Space 2 - The Unfallen - Prologue

The Unfallen have only ever known their homeworld of Koyasil, preferring to peacefully study what is near rather than discover what is far. They were content with this slow development that they refer to as the "Long Sleep" - the period from their rise to sentience to the modern era. The modern era was rudely thrust upon them by a galactic skirmish in the skies above, and the debris it rained upon their planet. Seeing fire fall from the skies, and viewing the violence of other species firsthand changed their image of their role in the galaxy. Having an intimate relationship with fire as both Fire-That-Destroys and Fire-That-Renews, they view themselves as guardians of peace and harmony in a galaxy that seems to badly be in need of both.



The current leader of the Unfallen was thrust into the role by popular consent. With little sense of ambition, like the rest of his people, Arasch, First of the Seconds seeks harmony and strives for a galaxy that learns to live together like the biosphere of a giant, intertwined forest. Realistically he is aware that this is a difficult dream, but encouraged by the murmurs of the Heart, the spirit within Koyasil that nurtures and guides them, he will do what he can to realize this goal. As with all Unfallen he will think slowly and deeply, and will generally err to the side of peace and optimism.


Koyasil, The Unfallen's homeworld


An ancient world, its origin lost to the mists of time, Koyasil's entire landmass is now one vast, primeval forest. How long ago the Unfallen rose from the gloomy, silent woodlands is uncertain, but most historians who have studied the species of the galaxy place them as one of the oldest. In the depths of the forest, a sense of timelessness reigns


First battle on Koyasil between other warring races, that inspired Unfallen to spread Harmony

supreme, and it is said a fallen tree will lay undisturbed for millennia, its very fabric becoming another layer of the forest. The Unfallen strive for little, content in their ageless world, but the stirring of younger races across the galaxy has awoken something in Koyasil... something ancient, mysterious, and powerful.


Unfallen sceintist

Unfallen scientist

Unfallen society is rather unusual. They reproduce through seeds, resembling giant acorns that are heavily covered in resin. This is a defensive mechanism from the past, when terrible fires known as the "Scorchings" ravaged the planet and threatened their existence. This has however created an interesting relationship with fire, as the heat of fire —the Fire-that-Renews— is necessary to melt the resins and open the nuts.

The saplings that grow from these are immobile and known as Firsts; their role is solely to listen and absorb knowledge and grow. Upon adulthood, they become mobile and are able to move —if not rapidly— on their long legs. These Unfallen are known as Seconds, and they are what 99% of the galaxy thinks of when they hear "Unfallen" for they are the travelers, diplomats, and soldiers. After a certain age, however, the Seconds start to succumb to the desire to find a place, dig their roots deep, and return to the Long Sleep, taking the slumbering, ageless form they call "Thirds".


  • Surprisingly, The Viceroy acknowledges Guardians as beings non-native to Endless Galaxy.
  • The Unfallen were created by Community Members DevildogFF and Koradji for the Faction Creation Contest



Major SophonsSophons CraversCravers United EmpireUnited Empire HoratioHoratio RiftbornRiftborn UnfallenUnfallen VodyaniVodyani LumerisLumeris VaultersVaulters HisshoHissho Umbral ChoirUmbral Choir NakalimNakalim
Minor AmoebaAmoeba KalgerosKalgeros EpistisEpistis DeuyivansDeuyivans HaroshemHaroshem YuushoYuusho MavrosMavros PilgrimsPilgrims Z'valiZ'vali TikananTikanan GnashastGnashast EyderEyder NirisNiris BhagabaBhagaba RemnantRemnant PulsosPulsos BasryxoBasryxo Sisters of MercySisters of Mercy IlloIllo KalmatKalmat XirmisalaXirmisala SowersSowers Kal'Tik'MaKal'Tik'Ma SefalorosSefaloros GalvranGalvran HarmonyHarmony
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