I found out that I was limited to 6 arks when I played them for the first time.
Is this right or a giltch?
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I found out that I was limited to 6 arks when I played them for the first time.
Is this right or a giltch?
Hello there, just an announcement about a current overhaul of the wiki. I've been talking to the Amplitude community manager about redoing this to be more helpful, much like the Endless Legend Gamepedia. As such, expect a lot of organization changes, icons, etc.
As of writing this, I've been focusing on uploading high quality versions of all of the icons, and adding them as official icons (see here for complete list)
Current plans include:
Adding more navigation elements to the Faction / Game Mechanics pages
Updating the navigation bar with links to things that are actually useful
Updating the Front Page with new factions and links to commonly sought out things
Adding tabs to certain pages to make it easy to access the information you want quickly.
I'm currently listening to any suggestions you all might have.
Let's make this Wiki as great as the game it is about!
Is there any way I can see a list of all icons used in this Wiki? And/or how can I create new ones? We have icons for things like Food, Industry, Militarists, Manpower... but we're missing some that I'd like to see, such as Defense, FIDSI, population, etc. Also, the Approval Icon is outdated. It uses an old, ugly one.
So the food consumptions seems intent on not making any sense. It is like it is trying to make me go mad. The more I look, the wierder the values seem to get.
I have yet an issue to identify what even happens if you "finish growing" a System (i.e no more growth will be tracked afterwards).
My two guesses are that:
a) You get the Consumption for the next higher population count ahead of time (so a fully grown 8 planet eats like a 9 planet).
b) Something really odd happens with the math.
Frankly I am no longer certain if a (partially) filled growth gauge affects consumption or not. Or if it might only affect it after a certain pop count/there is actually 2 different formulas.
There could even be different consumption between Primary Species pops and any secondary species pops. I would not be surprised at something as insane and counter-intuitive as that.