"The First Day of Galactic School" is the first segment of the thirty-eighth episode of Miles from Tomorrowland. It premiered on September 24, 2016 alongside "Miles Underwater", and is the first segment of the eighth episode in the second season.
Miles wakes up at seven o'clock am and remembers that today is the first day of school. Knowing he cannot be late, he gets out of bed quickly, eats breakfast with Loretta and M.E.R.C., brushes his teeth, gets dressed, and puts on his backpack. Stella informs Miles that he has a holo-call from Blodger Blopp. Miles asks him if he is ready for Galactic School, but Blodger is unsure about school since he has been taking classes on his starship and has never been to school before. Miles assures him that he will love school since he and Loretta went to school back on Earth and promises Blodger that he will be with him. Miles and Loretta go to the hangar where they meet their parents, who give them their lunch boxes. M.E.R.C. wanted to go with them but Phoebe tells him that robot-pets do not go to Galactic School. This makes him sad, but Miles assures him that he will be fine. After a long family hug, Miles and Loretta leave the Stellosphere.
The Solar Express arrives to pick up Miles and Loretta and they meet up with two of their friends, Haruna and Mirandos, who are also excited for Galactic School. Miles then notices Blodger hiding as he is still nervous about school. The train then stops to pick up another alien named Darrah. When Blodger meets him, Darrah is amazed by him. He tells him he is "squishy", which causes Blodger to turn blue as what Darrah said hurt his feelings. Upon arriving, the kids are amazed by the Galactic School. As they exit the train, Miles notices Blodger hiding again, still unsure about school. Miles tells him to at least give school a chance. The kids then meet Mr. Cooney, a robot who works in the school, who shows them to their classroom. They are then introduced by their teacher, Dr. Consilium, who welcomes them to Galactic School. He tells them that the classroom they are in is called the Idea Lander, a place to get, share, and create ideas. Blodger, who is amazed by the teacher, decides that school might not be bad. When the kids take their seats, Darrah, who was not listening to the teacher, is reminded by Haruna to sit down.
Dr. Consilium then starts off today's lesson about wildlife. They will learn why it is important to not disturb wild creatures in their natural environments. He then tells the class they will be taking a field trip to the planet Pericles to observe a very rare species of alien called Synocks. Since only a few starships go to the planet every year as it has a challenging terrain, they will use the Idea Lander to get around the planet due to its advanced technology. As the Idea Lander takes off Dr. Consilium then tells the class they have special tech to help them out, one of them being hover-desks. Blodger stretches himself as he is flying on the desk, to which an amazed Darrah calls "weird", causing Blodger to go blue again. Miles hovers to Blodger, who tells him what Darrah said and decided that he does not like school.
Mirandos sees that they are landing on planet Pericles, and everyone is amazed by the sight of it as the Idea Lander uses its robotic legs to move through the branches. Blodger is the first to see a Synock. Dr. Consilium explains that while they are cute, they can also be mischievous, and tells the class that it is extremely important to stay inside the Idea Lander so they will not disturb the Synocks. Darrah, who was not listening, leaves the Idea Lander to see them. When Blodger asks Dr. Consilium if Synocks are okay to pet, the class realizes that Darrah is outside the Idea Lander. The teacher assures them that Darrah will be fine since the Synocks are playing catch with him. Dr. Consilium leaves the classroom to get him and puts Mr. Cooney in charge. Dr. Consilium finds Darrah in a valley but gets caught by the aliens too and they take his boots and his communicator. Miles tells Mr. Cooney that he, Loretta, and Haruna can get them by using their Blastboards, but the robot forbids any student to leave the Idea Lander without a teacher's permission. Forced to come up with another plan, Miles then decides that if they cannot leave the Idea Lander, they will bring it to them. He uses his father's plan to figure out how to pilot the Idea Lander and Mr. Cooney gives him permission since there is no rule against it.
Miles activates the robotic legs, as it would be hard to fly through the trees and heads to where Dr. Consilium and Darrah are. Loretta reads on her Bracelex that it would be hard to distract the Synocks when they are playing catch unless they are attracted by bright colors. That gives Miles an idea to have Blodger stretch out and use his ability to change colors to distract the aliens. Blodger puts the plan into action, which gives Dr. Consilium the chance to grab his boots and fly Darrah back to the Idea Lander. Dr. Consilium is impressed by their ideas for saving him and Darrah, and pointed out they learned at first hand why it is important not to disturb creatures in the wild. Darrah apologizes for not listening to the teacher, thanks Miles for saving him, and tells Blodger that his abilities to turn colors and stretch is weird but amazing. Dr. Consilium points out to him that it is not nice to call someone weird even if he means it as a compliment. Darrah apologizes to Blodger and asks if he would like to be his friend, to which he says yes. As the school day ends, Dr. Consilium has an idea to help make the rest of the year amazing.
- Justin Felbinger as Miles Callisto
- LeVar Burton as Dr. Consilium
- Ivy Bishop as Mirandos
- Sam Lavagnino as Blodger Blopp
- Issac Ryan Brown as Haruna Kitumba
- Fiona Bishop as Loretta Callisto
- Lyons Mathias as Darrah
- Tom Kenny as Leo Callisto/Rocket Clock
- Olivia Munn as Phoebe Callisto
- Dee Bradley Baker as M.E.R.C./Synocks
- Grey DeLisle as Stella/Synocks
- Diedrich Bader as Mr. Cooney
- Leo designed the galactic school Miles and his friends go to.