The Robo-Penguins are a group of robotic penguins who appear in the Disney Jr. animated series, Miles from Tomorrowland. They are designed and programmed to collect weather data for the Tomorrowland Transit Authority.
The Robo-Penguins are so named is because they look like penguins. Under their wings are their battery life indicators. Because they are not built for speed the Robo-Penquins are known to be very slow, but they are fast when they slide down hills or when they are being chased. While all Robo-Penguins look the same, one in particular is nicknamed "Bowtie" because he wears a blue bow tie on his chest and is a friend to Mirandos.
The Robo-Penguins are stationed on the Polar Icecap at the top of planet Tempestoro, which is where their charging station is based. During big storms, the Robo-Penguins are programmed to go into their charging station. Recharging their power supply is essential for the Robo-Penguins, because if they run out of power they will lose all of their data.
Robo-Penguins also have a heat mode of their own, which turns their black coloration to bright orange; while in heat mode, the Robo-Penguins are able to melt away thick layers of ice via touch.