"I Believe We Can" is a song performed in the special "Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You!" by Clay Aiken with backing vocals by Chaka Khan, acting as musical "stunt doubles" for Phineas and Ferb.
Clay Aiken: What is a summer really
But a tepid month or three?
Ferb: Clay Aiken?
Phineas: Yeah. I hired a stunt singer, what do you think?
The demo was a rough songwriting demo for "This Is Our Inspirational Song", the first version of the opening song in the special "Summer Belongs To You." (This first version, a satire of inspirational songs, was cut and the beginning part was rewritten by Dan and Martin as the song seen above.)
What is this back yard
It's just grass and dirt and tree
And if you believe in Buford
That's all it will ever be
But if you can dream be on our team
And here's a song to help you along
Every musical needs an inspirational song
Where the trumpets unfurl
And the orchestra swirls
And because it's intense it needn't be too long
If it's a little brassy it's OK if it's classy
With a chorus that makes you feel strong
And it helps if you sing along
This is our inspirational song
With a melody that rises
Without too many surprises
Which explains why we sing
The same note for so long
To amp up the emotion
As we ramp up to the end of our song
Inspirational song
We sing it loud and strong
It helps if you sing along
Inspirational song
When you sing as a throng
It makes you feel you belong
And so it doesn't get moldy
Like a broadway oldie
It helps if you bang a gong
And end our inspirational song
Inspirational song (4x)
That was so inspiring!
Background information[]
On the soundtrack album, the line "or at least that's the plan" is sung by Clay Aiken.
This song is not translated to any other language (but subtitled in some broadcasts), as any other song sung by a guest star that appears in an episode.
This song originally was to have been a more satirical and self-aware inspirational song This is Our Inspirational Song, with which this song shares only an intro (slightly rewritten).
This is the first time a guest star says, "Hey, where's Perry?"
The speaking lines and "Hey! Where Perry?" line are not in the soundtrack version.
Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan are wearing Phineas and Ferb's "Summer all the time" collection. ("Run Away Runway")
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