Gimmelshtump is a town in Drusselstein where Heinz Doofenshmirtz, his family, and his neighbor, Kenny, grew up. It is also the place where Heinz created Balloony. It has been hinted that Dr. Gevaarlijk, Heinz's Evil Science 101 teacher, is also living here. It seems to be a rather poor, semi-rural area, located in Europe. ("Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror", "Oil on Candace", "The Chronicles of Meap") It is also where Dr. Phineastein and Ferbgor lived many years ago. Love Handel appeared to have played a concert there too (although this can't be seen as realistic, as they were the same age as in "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" - it was more likely retroactively added by Doofenshmirtz during his flashback). Gimmelschtump life was very negative to Heinz Doofensmirtz, thus, making him evil. It might have been positive to Heinz Doofenshmirtz (2nd Dimension), because the only bad thing that happened was that he lost his toy train, "Choo-Choo".
Young Doofenshmirtz invests his fortune (one three-cent coin) here in an attempt to win his mother's love, but Roger merely adds to his own love bounty ("Make Play").
Doofenshmirtz family home[]
The Doofenshmirtz household is at least two stories tall and includes some parapets. We learn that before Roger is born, Heinz does have toys to play with. He even seems happy ("Gaming the System").
Gimmelshtump Public Wetness Maker[]
Not actually a swimming pool, and it only contains water on alternating Thursdays. Doofenshmirtz learns here from his father and all the other kids who pass the high-dive right of passage that he is a schnitzel ("Split Personality").
Gunther Goat Cheese's[]
Gimmelshtump party palace for kids. Doofenshmirtz reserves a big table there, but no one celebrates with him ("Raging Bully").
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