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Here’s a new Open Thread for all of you. To minimize the load, please continue to limit your Tweets or place them under a MORE tag.

For those interested, here are my two most recent articles:

And I’d recommend John Mearsheimer most recent discussion, in which he noted the unprecedented current threat to freedom of speech in America.

Video Link

•�Category: Foreign Policy •�Tags: Gaza, Israel/Palestine, Russia, Ukraine
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  1. Mikhail says: •�Website


    Note the difference in coverage:



  2. Mikhail says: •�Website


    The ball is in Russia’s court? Russia is winning a war, not playing tennis

    The ball is in Russia’s court, according to the Trump administration regarding a proposed 30-day ceasefire in Ukraine.

    The proposed truce was announced following discussions on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia between the U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio and representatives of the NATO-backed Ukrainian regime. Rubio said it was now up to Russia to reciprocate with the Ukrainian side’s purported willingness to hold a ceasefire.

    In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin tactfully said that Russia was open to a ceasefire but only if it led to a complete and comprehensive peace settlement. Putin repeated that any durable resolution must address the root causes of the conflict and Russia’s fundamental strategic security concerns.

    The Russian leader then met with Trump’s special envoy on Thursday. Following the discussions in Jeddah between the U.S. and the Kiev regime, Trump’s special envoy Steve Witkoff travelled to Moscow where he met with Putin. The details of their conversation were not disclosed. But it was reported that Witkoff delivered “additional information” from Trump to Putin regarding the proposed ceasefire. It was reported that Witkoff returned to Washington with details from Putin. It may be surmised that the Russian position on its terms was reiterated. Trump hailed the discussions as “productive.”

    Herein lies the rub. The essential underlying issues are the aggressive expansion of NATO and its weaponizing of a NeoNazi Ukrainian regime. The United States and its NATO partners instigated the conflict in Ukraine over several decades since at least the end of the Cold War in 1991. The past three-year war in Ukraine is but a symptom of a longer and systematic hostility. Trump seems to be cognizant of those issues.

    The Trump administration has abandoned the false war-propaganda of the Biden administration. It is now acknowledged in Washington that the conflict in Ukraine is a proxy war between the U.S.-led NATO axis and Russia.

    As the spectacular military defeat of the NATO proxy forces in Kursk this week demonstrates – as well as the rapid gains Russia is making against the crumbling Kiev regime – the U.S.-led “Ukraine Project” has been vanquished. Russia has all but won the proxy war.

    The Americans (factions within) and their NATO surrogates are trying to avoid the admission of defeat by contriving a superficial peace process that only ends up as a “frozen conflict” on Russia’s borders.

    The best way to bring the war to an end is for the United States to stop arming the Kiev regime and supplying it with intelligence and logistical support.

    This week Trump resumed military and intelligence supplies to the Kiev regime to coincide with the apparent offer of a ceasefire from the Ukrainian regime. That amounts to one step forward, two steps back.

    It was rather risible to hear Marco Rubio, the U.S.’ top diplomat, affecting the image of an honest peace broker telling Russia that the ball was in its court to reciprocate for peace as “a compromise” with Ukraine.

    The Trump administration has a misplaced view of the conflict if it thinks Russia can be pressured according to U.S. one-sided and pretentious demands.

    Russia is winning a momentous war, not playing tennis.

    In any case, the ball, so to speak, is and will remain firmly in the United States’ court until it accepts defeat and Russia’s victory terms. It is the U.S. and not its European vassals nor its catspaw Kiev regime that will have to make that call.

    Those terms have been repeatedly stipulated by Moscow: a lasting security treaty in Europe consonant with Russia’s just and basic demands for NATO to roll back and desist from its aggressive tendencies; for Ukraine to be a neutral state in perpetuity never being a member of NATO; for the NeoNazi regime to be eradicated and the cultural rights of ethnic Russian people to be guaranteed and respected; and for the historic Russian territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhye and of course Crimea to remain intact as part of the Russian Federation.

    Moscow reserves the right to change the terms per conditions on the ground if the conflict persists, such as reclaiming its historic territory of Odessa, Kharkiv, Nikolaev, and enforcing a no-fire zone in Ukraine’s Sumy Oblast from where the failed NATO Kursk offensive was launched last August.

    On Russia’s successful recapture of Kursk, as Putin points out, there are serious contingencies that need to be dealt with even before a ceasefire is contemplated. The invaders, including NATO mercenaries, committed war crimes against civilians. Are they expected to be let go freely? This is no doubt a reason why the U.S. and Ukraine are suddenly pushing the idea for a ceasefire as a way to salvage failure and rearm.

    Trump will have to deal with the reality of Russia’s dominant position: its military victory and its historically righteous cause to confront NATO aggression.

    It remains to be seen now how Trump responds. He needs to disabuse arrogant misconceptions that Washington is acting as a peace broker. The U.S. is the main protagonist in a proxy war against Russia. The Kiev regime is but a bit player. Moscow has no need or inclination to engage with a corrupt NeoNazi regime headed up by a puppet president who no longer even has the semblance of legitimacy after cancelling elections last year and ruling by martial law.

    If Trump is serious about ending the proxy war in Ukraine, he can do so promptly by ending the weapons flow to that country. His resumption of weapons supplies this week does not bode well.

    Trump should also ignore the bleating of the European lackeys, in particular the British, who have nothing positive to offer. London was “intimately” involved in the latest ceasefire proposal from the U.S. and Ukraine, according to the BBC. That should be seen as a warning of a dirty trick.

    It is a negative sign that the U.S.-Ukraine joint statement this week in Saudi Arabia peddled vile lies about Russia abducting Ukrainian children. It was also contemptible that the statement called for “future security guarantees for Ukraine” (the aggressor!) while saying nothing about Russia’s security concerns. The absence of the latter indicates the U.S. side has little understanding about “root causes” of the conflict.

    Moreover, the U.S.-Ukrainian joint statement called for the involvement of European partners in peace talks. The present crop of European leaders has no intention or capability of negotiating a lasting peace with Russia. They insist on Ukraine becoming a future member of NATO and they want to insinuate themselves into the dialogue to scupper a peace deal by deploying “peacekeeping” troops. The British and French reportedly want the U.S. to provide air cover for what would be their trip-wire troop presence, thereby escalating the war.

    Will Trump be duped by the perfidious British, French and other European Russophobes? Perhaps with a false-flag provocation?

    American and European political leaders have negligible credibility for offering a ceasefire to Russia, never mind a durable peace. They started this war and surreptitiously want to continue it by other means under the guise of a peace process that does not address the root causes of conflict.

    That implies that the only way to deal with the root causes and to establish a lasting peace is for Russia to defeat the NATO enemy with an explicit, unconditional surrender. Can Trump’s ego handle that?

    Peace begins when the guns cease, but for true peace to last, the U.S.-led NATO war on Russia must be defeated. Can the U.S. imperial deep state handle that?

    Either way, we will soon see.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  3. Beckow says:

    …for Russia to defeat the NATO enemy with an explicit, unconditional surrender. Can Trump’s ego handle that?

    It’s not only Trump, the West’s identity is now inextricably tied to not losing face in Ukraine. They went too deep, the hole can’t be abandoned or walked away from.

    Based on the pre-war situation Trump is offering Russia quite a victory. But too much has happened in 2022-25 and it’s no longer enough to just win. The transformation of EU into a rabid, militaristic group of foaming Russo-phobes can’t be undone without more pain. It is the same madness that happened at the beginning of WW2 and few times previously – the fanatics are in charge and people are too intimidated, stupid, or hope there is victory at the end, so why worry. But this time they have few weapons.

    In astro-physics there is an axiom: if there is no hole, there is nothing… Not quite the same with the Euro-elite, but if they would abandoned the hole they dug for themselves they would become nothings…So they will make sure it gets even more ugly.

    •�Agree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Gerard1234
  4. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Thereby explaining the crazy Dane PM who said that peace is worse than war and the German Intel chief hoping for the conflict to end in 2030.

    Trump is wrestling with different views within his administration topped off with his very nature.

  5. Mikhail says: •�Website

    From the comments section of the below excellent overview:

    The Ukrainians at the Jeddah meeting with Rubio and Walz ruled out territorial concessions and that NATO membership was off the table for Ukraine. Andriy Yermak wrote on his telegram channel, that he at the meeting also stated that Kiev would not “freeze” the conflict with Russia and would not agree on new Minsk like agreement, He also listed the three main conditions for a lasting peace as providing Kiev with security guarantees, strengthening European sanctions against Russia, and taking control of frozen Russian assets to “ensure continued and increased support for Ukraine.”
    You could see on Rubio`s and Walz’s body language at the presser that the meeting had been a fiasco….but they lied about the meeting and went along with the EU hardliners and said that now the ball was in Russia’s court….and all the EU /NATO countries used that sentence……so scripted

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: YetAnotherAnon
    •�Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  6. Mikhail says: •�Website

    March 14 NPR Segment

    Re: https://www.ctpublic.org/2025-03-14/understanding-president-trumps-tough-approach-on-ukraine

    One hokey segment which is to be expected from NPR. The US government has a case for cutting NPR-PBS funding. The hack journalism exhibited in that setting doesn’t better exhibit the finer points of journalism when compared to some others who’ve experienced McCarthyite scrutiny, c/o of Deep State/Biden admin actions.

    Simply using the 2/24/22 start of Russia’s SMO as the beginning timeline is on par with doing likewise with Israel’s post-10/7/23 attack on Gaza.

    Concerning Russia, the crock about it violating agreements without specifics and without mention of the violations (from the Collective West and Kiev regime) is standard propaganda. “Biden’s world” is one of war mongering neocon/neolib hypocrisy. We see how well the mouthing off at Putin has gone.

    Zelensky got what he had coming to him at the Oval Office. Putin doesn’t carry on that way, thereby explaining Trump’s preference for him over Zelensky.

  7. @Mikhail

    Maybe the reason the EU/UK elites are so hardline is that they are deep in the doo-doo through following US foreign policy slavishly for so long, including both provoking Russia (ever eastward NATO) and ignoring huge hits on them by the US (NS2), so that they now, in the post-Trump world, have only two possible policy choices (the third, saying “let’s be friends with Russia”, rapidly leading to arrest and potentially imprisonment – see Romania for details):

    a) try and persuade the Donald that the only desire is to “Make Europe Great Again” and please please please stop the tariffs. Trouble is their elites have been slagging him off for so long now that your average Guardian commenter wouldn’t stand for it – or at least it would be a VERY hard sell, and always at the mercy of some minister, perhaps jockeying for personal position, saying “F*** Trump and all his works”.

    b) and most likely, go all out on “the Russian threat”, and explain to their increasingly impoverished populations that the increased living standards they were promised at election time will sadly have to be put back a few years (read “decades” or “never”), because WE MUST REARM.
    Not only that, but the threat is so great that many a sacred ox like healthcare, pensions or benefits must be gored.

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
    , @Beckow
  8. Mikhail says: •�Website

    They’re hoping that Trump is an aberration to be followed by a better master to their liking. The UK/EU elites like …. like Trump for pushing them to a higher defense expenditure.

    •�Disagree: Sean
  9. A123 says: •�Website

    …for Russia to defeat the NATO enemy with an explicit, unconditional surrender. Can Trump’s ego handle that?

    It’s not only Trump, the West’s identity is now inextricably tied to not losing face in Ukraine. They went too deep, the hole can’t be abandoned or walked away from.

    It is not Trump at all, in terms of identity. MAGA provides a clean break from the foreign controlled Biden regime. American is not in a hole and can easily walk away. This will restore national prestige and honour.

    Not quite the same with the Euro-elite, but if they would abandoned the hole they dug for themselves they would become nothings…So they will make sure it gets even more ugly.

    I concur.

    The Islamophile Euro-elite are in a bind. They need the chaos to continue feeding their migration plans.

    UK, France, and Germany have problems with their domestic economies. Will they borrow to prop up Führer Zelensky? It looks like Germany is in, based Merz recent deal with the pro-war Green party.

    It is clear that Trump wants a fair resolution. However, he cannot force one if Europe is willing to continue dumping hundreds of billions of €uros a year into backing Kiev aggression.

    How many U.S. “non combatants” are in Ukraine? That number is not public. Presumably Trump has his team working on an orderly withdrawal plan.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  10. songbird says:

    Rather than spending $100 billion to reclaim 800 hectares, Singapore should take that money and use it to found sister cities in Africa, exactly as the Greeks or Phoenicians would have done.


    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  11. Beckow says:

    The option to persuade the Donald….please please… is almost impossible as long as Donald stays on the scene. And to go all out on the Russian threat requires a different Europe and will take 5-10 years. They don’t have time.

    Euros will keep on noisily digging with few results. They know there is nothing for them once the Ukie project ends in failure. The hole is comforting and they are in it all together…Euros are all about comfort.

    the threat is so great that many a sacred ox like healthcare, pensions or benefits must be gored.

    Most of them have wanted to do that for a long time. When you scratch a globo-liberal there is a libertarian who wants to get out…it’s a natural progress. Libertarians are nothing else but liberals who are also assholes…looking at Starmer, Macron, Merz we know the Euro libertarian moment has arrived. But Euros can’t handle ideologies, it will be fun…:)

    •�Replies: @Mikel
  12. songbird says:

    Never saw any of the Wishmaster movies and probably wouldn’t like them, but I would like to see someone revive the idea, taking advantage of the added lore found on X about djinn and djinnbrain.

    In particular, perhaps, something connecting that guy who ran Pakistan’s nuclear program to djinn.

  13. Mikel says:

    looking at Starmer, Macron, Merz we know the Euro libertarian moment has arrived.

    Of all the things you could have chosen to criticize that trio, you have selected a very bizarre one. Barely any more coherent than saying that if you scratch under the surface, Maduro and Kim-Jong-Un are also disguised libertarians.

    Why not focus on their pyromaniac initiatives wrt Ukraine instead? One may hate Putin and disagree with him as much as one wants but the reasons he’s publicly given a dozen of times for invading Ukraine are what they are. They are not a matter of opinion any more than the reasons Hitler gave for starting WW2 were.

    Let us assume, for argument’s sake, that a hijacker storms my house and takes my wife hostage demanding that I stop seeing his wife altogether. I may despise this violent individual as much as I want. Perhaps I was only seeing his wife to discuss literature, nothing more. But if I offered him to move permanently into a bedroom of my house with his wife while we negotiate a peaceful settlement, nobody would believe that I was trying to diffuse the situation. Everybody with a sane mind would think that I was trying to escalate the standoff and prevent a solution.

    That is exactly what Starmer, Macron et al are doing day after day with their proposal to station Western troops in Ukraine. I don’t know how the journalists covering these proposals manage not to laugh, honestly. I mean, if the Russians were OK with lots of Western troops stationed in Ukraine, I wouldn’t care either. None of my business. But how many times do they have to say that that is exactly what they were trying to prevent with their “SMO” and that they will consider them legitimate targets? What’s the point of pretending that they haven’t done so and that these initiatives are “peace proposals”?

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Beckow
  14. Wokechoke says:

    Germany is basically hostage to American, Jewish power.

    The Western Slavs like the Poles deliberately sabotage any reconciliatory action between Germany and Russia. Blowing up the Baltic Gas Nordstream2 like that ensured that the Poles could blackmail Germany with energy costs.

    Germany and Russia should partition Poland. It would create a newEuropean golden age to dissolve that troublesome country.

    •�Agree: Derer
    •�Replies: @A123
  15. A123 says: •�Website

    Germany is basically hostage to American, Jewish power.

    ROTFLMAO — You cannot be serious. Flip it around 180°.

    Islamophile European elites, including Germany’s Scholz, ran the Biden regime for 4 years. They have been manipulating the U.S. for decades.

    The Western Slavs like the Poles deliberately sabotage any reconciliatory action between Germany and Russia. Blowing up the Baltic Gas Nordstream2 like that ensured that the Poles could blackmail Germany with energy costs.

    Claiming that Poland helped Ukrainian troops blow up 3 out of 4 NordStream tubes is a credible scenario for discussion.

    America had absolutely nothing to do with it. The Polish message trying to congratulate the U.S. was an obvious & failed effort at blame shifting.

    Germany and Russia should partition Poland. It would create a newEuropean golden age to dissolve that troublesome country.

    It would be better to start the partitioning with Syria, Lebanon, and possibly Iraq. These are among the most troublesome countries around due to internal strife. A Maronite Christian Lebanon that excludes Muslims and IslamoGloboHomo could prosper.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Disagree: YetAnotherAnon
    •�Replies: @Michael Korn
    , @Wokechoke
  16. Derer says:

    America had absolutely nothing to do with (NordStream) it.

    Why then Polish insect Sikorski leaked the secret “Thank you America”. Furthermore, the vegetable in WH said “We will destroy the NordStream”.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  17. @A123


    To A123,


    I finished perusing this amazing book. Assuming the author’s translations of the Arabic are accurate, it is a shocking expose of Islam and Mohammad. He goes far beyond my own study, which merely documents the Quran’s deviations from the Old and New Testaments. This short book forever destroys my infatuation with Islam and my desire to see it in a favorable light. You, of course, have always argued this point and I have repeatedly denounced and demeaned you and I deeply apologize for my foolishness!

    (The version I have linked above is scanned from the original book, along with my annotations of typos I found in the text. The book has no copyright and I have attempted to contact the author, to no avail, so I feel it is justified upload this.)

    Of particular interest to me is the brief section called ISLAM’S CONTRIBUTION TO HISTORY that argues that the Renaissance was fueled by the Fourth Crusade, in which scholars from the Byzantine Empire, who were fluent in Greek and familiar with the classics, were forcibly taken to Western Europe. I have extracted those few pages and linked as a separate pdf. The author argues that Islam has made virtually zero contributions to science art and technology, apart from what they absorbed from conquered civilizations.

    See also my own JESUS IN THE QURAN:



    •�Thanks: A123
    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Bill Jones
  18. songbird says:

    What exactly did this guy do?

  19. A123 says: •�Website
    @Michael Korn

    I am glad to hear about your breakthrough. I hope my comments provided some limited assistance helping you in the right direction.

    The author argues that Islam has made virtually zero contributions to science art and technology, apart from what they absorbed from conquered civilizations.

    The Middle East, especially Persia contributed a great deal to human development before the rise of Islam. Then everything there came to a grinding halt. The strict rules enforcing rules of behaviour on Muslims wiped out the ability to work creatively in scientific fields.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @songbird
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  20. songbird says:

    Is that a normal hat in Poland @1:06?

    And what about the strange coat of that lady at @4:20?


    Or is it the fashion sense of the antinuclear?

    Video Link

  21. Beckow says:

    you have selected a very bizarre one.

    You have a soft spot for the private-sidewalks crowd…:) Libertarians have a few valid points – as do “greens”. But in practice it’s liberalism without the mitigating do-good social policies. The trio Starmer, Merz, Macron is defunding the social policies from ‘liberalism’ – what is left is a militaristic strip-to-the-bone liberalism. Other than the militarism, it’s similar to libertarianism. Euro-militarism is far-fetched anyway and that leaves only the dog-eats-dog classical liberalism. Or libertarianism. You can call them “commie left’ if you wish, but they look like the exact opposite. (Maduro is nowhere like that, I don’t know about the Norks, maybe.)

    trying to escalate the standoff and prevent a solution.

    I agree, they can’t imagine the war ending in a de facto Russian victory. The Euro proposals only purpose is to keep the war going hoping for a miracle of some kind.

  22. Wokechoke says:

    Germany doesn’t have a political identity. This is half the trouble. The other half is Poland.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Mikhail
  23. songbird says:

    Eugyppius seems to agree with you that Germany is the source of the poz and should be dismantled and reconstituted by Trump.

    •�Thanks: A123
    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  24. A123 says: •�Website

    Germany doesn’t have a political identity.

    Germany’s political identity is IslamoGloboHomo. It is a core hatred of Judeo-Christians and their values. Angela Merkel gave up on concealment when she publicly launched her anti-Semitic “Welcome Rape-ugees” policy targeting Jews and Christians.

    One cannot place 100% of the blame on Germany… There are other European participants in The Great Muslim Replacement program, most notably France and the UK.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  25. Mikhail says: •�Website


    Breakup Germany into an east-west scenario including Germany’s (Prussia’s) lost territories now in Poland. Move Poland’s border east to where it was between two world wars.

    Just kidding!

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  26. Wokechoke says:

    The US, and by that I mean Jews; was encouraging Poland to make trouble for Germany during the late 1930s.

  27. Wokechoke says:

    Just make Poland go away. This was the solution in 1815.

  28. Battle of the Nations
    Denmark Russia


    Video Link

    Danish tennis god smites Cossack savage.

  29. @songbird


    Saborsky seems to have been inspired by that election map with east west division.

    Some of the comments are the best ever.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  30. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    That was pretty funny when Kevin Barrett said he had been touring Turkish communities in Germany, talking about 9/11. (What a weirdo!). And that ethnic Germans should be deported to the South Pole.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  31. @songbird

    Yes that is one of the best ones. He seems at home in Morocco. Yves Smith Naked Capitalism moved to Thailand. It seems her top motive was exasperation at her meagre returns from her huge expenses to American doctors but I do not like these people moving to the 3rd world and boasting fulfillment. I have traveled inside the 3rd world. This development is only expressible as:

    Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye.

  32. S1 says:

    As with anything of import one should dispense with emotionalism and answer this simple question:

    Is the accusation true?


    “London today, like on the eve of both World Wars of the last century, is acting as the main global ‘warmonger’.”

    As Trump thaws ties, Russia has a new public enemy number one: Britain

    LONDON (Reuters) -Two British diplomats expelled in a spying row. A blistering statement from Russia’s foreign intelligence service calling Britain “a warmonger.” And a threat from a top ally of Vladimir Putin to seize UK assets inside Russia.

    As the U.S. under Donald Trump seeks to reset ties with Moscow and broker peace between Russia and Ukraine, Britain has been granted the status of Russia’s public enemy number one.

    It’s a mantle it has held on and off over the past two centuries.

    “London today, like on the eve of both World Wars of the last century, is acting as the main global ‘warmonger’,” Russia’s foreign intelligence service said in an unusually charged public statement on Monday. It accused London of trying to derail Trump’s efforts to broker peace in Ukraine.

    “The time has come to expose them and send a clear message to ‘perfidious Albion’ and its elites: you will not succeed,” the agency, known as the SVR, said.

    It did not elaborate on its objections to Britain’s behaviour prior to the two World Wars.


    While Moscow has singled out Britain for particularly severe opprobium, it has ramped up its rhetoric against the European Union and French President Emmanuel Macron in particular too, whose talk of France’s nuclear arsenal as a counterpoint to a perceived Russian threat has angered the Kremlin.

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has become Europe’s biggest and deadliest conflict since World War Two. It has left hundreds of thousands of dead and injured, displaced millions more, and triggered the sharpest confrontation between Moscow and the West in decades.

    For most of the war, Russia lambasted Washington for its role in supplying aid to Kyiv. With Trump in office, that has changed.

    Three Russian officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak to the media, said Britain was now regarded as Moscow’s main foe, with one fuming that London was “stoking chaos and war” in Ukraine.

    Another described Britain as the driving force in the West when it came to galvanising opposition to Russia.

    Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s talk this month of putting British boots on the ground and planes in the air in Ukraine as part of a potential peacekeeping force has angered senior Russian politicians.

    So did his hosting of a meeting of the “coalition of the willing”, as well as his in-person and phone lobbying of Trump to support Ukraine.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has cast Starmer as fuelling tensions at the very moment when Trump was trying to calm them.

    British diplomats in Russia say they know what they’re up against. Tit-for-tat expulsions have already shrunk the staff at Britain’s embassy by at least 10 diplomats since the start of the war. Neither Russia nor Britain has defence attaches in post.

    Russia’s FSB security service on Monday accused a British diplomat and the spouse of another diplomat of spying and expelled them – allegations London called “baseless.”

    Britain summoned Russia’s ambassador in London on Wednesday and expelled a Russian diplomat and a diplomatic spouse in retaliation.

    “It is clear that the Russian state is actively seeking to drive the British Embassy in Moscow towards closure,” the British Foreign Office said in a statement on Wednesday.

    Russia’s Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment for this story.

    Asked about Russian enmity towards London, a spokesperson for the British Foreign Office said it would not engage with “every baseless claim” made by Moscow.

    “They started this war, and while they’re busy stoking division, the UK and our allies, including the U.S., are focused on securing a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. Anything which suggests otherwise is clearly nonsense,” the spokesperson said.


    Russia, according to the head of Britain’s MI6 Secret Intelligence Service, has used “staggeringly reckless” sabotage on British and European soil.

    A London court this month found three Bulgarians guilty of being part of a Russian spy unit. In October, a British man admitted to a London court that he had carried out an arson attack on a Ukrainian-owned warehouse in east London on behalf of Russia.

    A British inquiry blamed Russia for the 2006 poisoning of Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko in London with a radioactive substance. London also accused Moscow of the 2018 Salisbury poisoning that used the Novichok nerve agent. Moscow rejected those accusations.

    Some Russian politicians have suggested, without providing evidence, that Britain helped Ukraine carry out sabotage operations on Russian targets such as on the bridge linking Crimea with mainland Russia, in which two people were killed in 2023.

    One of the three Russian officials said Starmer, like Boris Johnson before him, was using the Ukraine war to distract from domestic problems. London says it wants to ensure Ukraine is not forced to capitulate on unreasonable terms.


    Nationalist commentators on Russian state TV have started telling Russians that London has been trying to undermine Moscow for centuries.

    Despite London’s popularity as a Russian investment destination after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, distrust of Britain traces its roots back to at least the Crimean War of 1853-1856, when it was part of an alliance that defeated the Russian Empire.

    Britain’s more recent purported transgressions have had Russian politicians reaching for a nineteenth century phrase used to describe Britain’s hostile foreign policy towards Russia under Queen Victoria: “The English woman creates problems,” a saying meant to signify Britain’s alleged systematic malevolence towards Moscow.

    The new, souring anti-British mood, which has been accompanied by a marked and rapid softening of anti-U.S. rhetoric in state media, could leave London more exposed.

    As Russia enters a fourth year of war with its economy overheating, there is a sense in Moscow that Trump’s new approach offers a chance for peace on terms favourable to Moscow.

    Some lawmakers have said companies from “hostile” nations like Britain should not be allowed back even if Western sanctions are eased after an eventual peace deal with Ukraine, or given a much harder ride if they are.

    Vyacheslav Volodin, a top Putin ally, this week spoke of the need to claw back money from Britain, a reference to interest accrued on frozen Russian assets in the UK worth around $26 billion that London has been handing to Ukraine.

    British-Russia trade has shrunk from over 16 billion pounds in 2021 to just over 2 billion pounds in 2023, according to UK government data, with oil company BP taking a hit of over $20 billion to exit Russia in 2022.

    Other British companies, such as the British-Swedish pharmaceuticals giant AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline, continue to do business there.


    Some in Britain might be surprised by the global importance attributed to London’s intelligence services and special forces by Moscow. But one of the three Russian officials said London had shown it was able to lead by example on Ukraine.

    “They’re the locomotive and pull others along with them,” the official said.

    Britain, which offers training and finance to the Ukrainian military, was the first country to pledge Western-made main battle tanks to Ukraine and the first to deliver long-range cruise missiles at a time when other countries were hesitating.

    It deeply angered Russia.

    “If today Britain is hitting our territory with its missiles from Ukraine … I consider this a good reason for Britain to cease to exist, Andrei Gurulyov, a pro-Putin lawmaker and former military commander, told state TV in January.

    Russia’s attempt to cast Britain as a warmonger echoes Putin’s accusation that former British prime minister Boris Johnson persuaded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to walk away from a potential peace deal in 2022, an assertion Johnson and Zelenskiy reject.

    And though it would appear to weaken the charge that Britain poses a threat to Moscow, Russian politicians and commentators have been eager to point out the shrunken state of the British military, which currently has less than 75,000 full-time army soldiers. Russia has an estimated 1.1 million active servicemen.

    State TV anchor Yevgeny Kiselyov used his flagship show this month to quip that the entire British army could fit into London’s Wembley football stadium.

  33. @S1

    It did not elaborate on its objections to Britain’s behaviour prior to the two World Wars.

    We don’t have all day man!

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�LOL: S1, YetAnotherAnon
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  34. @A123

    To be fair my understanding was that the Islamic countries kept the light of knowledge burning during what was called the Dark Ages in Europe.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @A123
  35. Bashibuzuk says:

    Both these men were/are in reality aligned with British power. British elite loathed seeing RF and US getting on more friendly ground during the 1st Donald’s presidency. They see US and RF uniting their potential as a death sentence to British influence. When Mr Apfelbaum aka Sikorski, a British agent, tweeted his message, he was hammering a nail in the cover of the coffin of the potential Russian/American detente. In a sense, the whole current situation is UK against US. Who whom in the Anglosphere. Given that UK is not strong enough to rule, US (and everyone else) must be weakened. Wokism, BLM, Russiagate, Great Reset = British shit. Англичанка всегда гадит. It’s about time someone abolished the monarchy there and split the country according to ethnocultural divides. Make Scotland great again…

    •�Replies: @Derer
  36. Bashibuzuk says:

    Of course.


    When it comes to discussing Muslims, A123 is 100% a hasbara retransmission tool. He has interesting opinions on other topics though.

    •�Replies: @A123
  37. Bashibuzuk says:
    @emil nikola richard

    The British elite and their הויף איד are the major source of conflict and strife in the World. Without them, this world would be a far better place.

    •�Replies: @Sean
  38. Sean says:

    No. The problem is that Europe is living in the past when it had gold plated social services because the US taxpayer footed much of the bill for Europe’s defence, or put it another way deterring aggression against Europe. Now that it is being asked to keep Ukraine in the war for however long it takes against a burgeoning Russia, and continue to defend Europe, all the while being taken for granted, America has had enough.

    Matters have reached a head now because, Russia was no match for America, but China is begining to look like it’s more than a match for the US. Europe is an economic dead zone and so is Russia which is much smaller. The terms of the current alliance (including the trade imbalances) are a drain on America’s resources. Every post war President since Eisenhower has been trying to get Europe to manage without US taxpayers. Now they are going to have to do it, which will entail cuts to social spending. Of course they are screaming like stuck pigs.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  39. songbird says:

    Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns
    driven time and again off course, once he had plundered
    the hallowed heights of Troy.

    Tell me how he escaped the vile clutches of the mulatta Zendaya…

    the sass of the Nilotic Lupita Nyong’o, the mental illness of the troon Ellen Page, the antics of the Nigger Corey Hawkins, and the trickery of the Gujarati Patel.
    (Apologies that I could not come up with better verse)

    Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds,
    many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea,
    fighting to save his life and bring his comrades home.
    But he could not save them from disaster, hard as he strove –
    the recklessness of their own ways destroyed them all,
    the blind fools, they devoured the cattle of the Sun
    and the Sungod blotted out the day of their return. . . .

  40. A123 says: •�Website

    When it comes to discussing Muslims, A123 is 100% a hasbara retransmission tool.

    ROTFLMAO — How are Christians, such as myself, asking pertinent questions “hasbara”?

    Why don’t you try offering something constructive instead of throwing stones?

    What is your plan for Gaza? Here 4 key questions your plan must answer:

    -1- How much fresh water will be available?
    -2- How will the Gaza economy work?
    -3- What population will that support?
    -4- How will it be paid for?

    Your biggest problem presenting your plan is the predicted Gaza population of 4+ million by 2050. If you insist on prohibiting emigration, your Gaza plan must accommodate everyone.

    I reviewed the the Arab League / Egypt proposal here (1). Alas, the outline is quite weak. Even if housing is 100% delivered, which is unlikely, it only would support 1.6-2.0 million. Far short of the need. At least it is a first step towards long overdue discussions.

    Why not try a *voluntary* program allowing Gazan parents to move their children to Muslim lands where they can assimilate? Even if only 1/2 *voluntary* relocated, it would make the situation on the ground more manageable for those who remain.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.unz.com/akarlin/open-thread-268-2/#comment-7020573

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @Bashibuzuk
  41. A123 says: •�Website

    The Middle East, especially Persia contributed a great deal to human development before the rise of Islam. Then everything there came to a grinding halt. The strict rules enforcing rules of behaviour on Muslims wiped out the ability to work creatively in scientific fields.

    To be fair my understanding was that the Islamic countries kept the light of knowledge burning during what was called the Dark Ages in Europe.

    Fair enough… Islamic countries prevented knowledge from being lost.

    However the point that I, and many others, have made is that there is very little forward progress made in Muslim countries.

    It’s very easy to complain about the situation. However, without a time machine, we cannot unwind prior decisions.

    If you believe Islam is highly constructive and insightful — Would you please offer your practical & realistic Gaza plan? I made the same challenge to Bashi (1).

    Gaza could be a successful Muslim colony with a population ~500K. However, the projected growth to over 4 million seems unworkable with the shortage of natural resources. Fresh water is the primary limitation, but not the only constraint.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.unz.com/akarlin/open-thread-270/#comment-7036518

  42. Beckow says:

    If there is not enough water or space for the population in the historical Palestine-Israel (includes Gaza), it should be the recently arrived people who are impacted and not the people who have lived there for 1,000 years – natives are mostly Moslems, but many are Christians. You are advocating a settler colonialism of the 18.-19. century type – it doesn’t work in 2025. Since it isn’t working we are now seeing a move to an open genocide of the Palestinian natives.

    You can try to hide behind your categorizations of other people’s religions but it doesn’t change the above reality. Many religious people are unsympathetic, with odd views and customs, it’s their business. How are the Mormon beliefs even remotely sane? Or the ongoing Christian-Zionist self-negation in the US? Let’s not even mention Hindus or charismatic pray-for-the-saints Catholics. The world is a big place with lots of strange customs. That doesn’t justify a genocide of the native Palestinians – and an expulsion (with some murders) is a genocide.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Michael Korn
  43. Bashibuzuk says:

    How are Christians, such as myself

    No Christian worth his salt would delight in the Israeli slaughtering of Palestinian women and children. No Christian would approve of a discriminate destruction of civilian homes, schools and hospitals by the Tsahal occupation forces. Any Christian would decry the oppressive Israeli treatment of Arab Christians who, unlike the Ashkenazim, are the direct descendants of the first Christian communities of the Moddle East. Any Christian would oppose the burning of the Gospels by the radical Rabbis allied with the Jewish settlers.

    1) You approve of the indiscriminate destruction of the property and murder of Arab civilians.

    2) You do not decry the second class citizen treatment of the Arab Christians by the Settler State entity.

    3) You do not oppose the slander of and the violence directed against the Christian Faith by the Judaic Zealots.

    Therefore you are not Christian.

    Many people questioned you being an American, and I suspend judgement on that. But I am 100% certain that you have no right whatsoever to claim a Christian identity. Before you do that, go and read the Gospels for Christ’s sake.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @emil nikola richard
    , @AP
  44. Bashibuzuk says:

    The British elite resent the ascendancy of the American ruling class since the end of the nineteenth century. They are doing everything they can to prevent America from becoming even stronger. They have always wanted Europe divided. They are more than anyone else responsible for WWI and WWII. Now they recklessly gamble on the brink of WWIII. All of this because they still want to be the top dog of the Global Elite as in the heydays of the British Empire on which the sun never set down.

    Obama tried a reset with Putin : Maidan.
    Trump tried a reset with Putin: the Skripal hoax.
    Putin and Zelensky’s regimes negotiated the Istanbul for a quick end to Ukraine/RF conflict: Johnson derailed the peace process.
    Trump wants to end the war in Ukraine: Starmer wants Britain boots on the ground.
    Chairman’s Xi sister is a British citizen.
    Fentanyl money was laundered in Canada through real estate speculation deals connected with the Triads.
    The same money was largely funneled through the City of London banks.
    Soros is a frontman for the British Courtly Jewish Rothschild banking family.
    The money Soros channeled into American Wokism nearly led to a Civil War in US.
    The Royals were at forefront of the Great Reset scheme.

    Англичанка всегда гадит.

    They did it for centuries, they always will. Through deception they wage wars sowing division and hatred among nations. It’s about time someone stopped them. Before it’s too late.

  45. A123 says: •�Website

    Would you please offer your practical & realistic Gaza plan?

    If there is not enough water or space for the population in the historical Palestine-Israel (includes Gaza), it should be the recently arrived people who are impacted and not the people who have lived there for 1,000 years

    What is your practical & realistic plan to force nuclear armed Palestinian Jews off their land?

    I doubt your solution is going to work, but please lay out the practical & realistic details.

    For a moral analysis, 1,000 years does not go back far enough. How many Muslims were in Palestine at the following dates:

    — 400 BC?
    — 200 BC?
    — 0 BC/AD?
    — 200 AD?
    — 400 AD?

    The answer in each case is ZERO. The inherently non-Palestinian religion of Islam arrived ~600 AD. There are only two native Palestinian religions still active today, Christianity and Judaism. This classifies the population into three religious categories(*):

    • Palestinian Jews
    • Palestinian Christians
    • Non-Palestinian Muslims

    Whys should the inherently non-Palestinian, foreign religion of Islam receive a priority claim on Christian and Jewish resources?

    What you are constantly advocating is a settler colonialism of the 18.-19. century type – it can’t work in the 21. century. Because it isn’t working we are now seeing an open genocide of the natives.

    You are embracing 6th century colonialism, but claim that what you define as current day “colonialism” is intolerable.

    What time frame are you suggesting between “then & now”?

    How long must indigenous Palestinian Jews have to hold their land until your ideological framework accepts their actions the way that 6th century ones are embraced?

    Because it isn’t working

    The factor preventing things from working is outside actors. The UNRWA dole presents what in the U.S. is called the “welfare trap”. Rewarding not working and having children that will grow up to be on the dole is a destructive cycle. The good news is that Palestine Jews are ejecting UNRWA and their dole. Those who want it will have to go elsewhere.

    What works is self sufficiency. Please present your Gaza plan, or at least an outline, that would achieve this outcome.

    I can envision options for Gaza to function around ~500K. There are beaches for leisure enterprises, sea for fishing, land for some agriculture, and the ability for some number to commute into Israel for daily work. There would be enough fresh water and electricity to keep such a population going.

    That doesn’t justify a genocide of the native Palestinians – an expulsion (with some murders) is a genocide.

    I agree. Indigenous Palestinians Jews and Palestinian Christians should not be forced from their land by Islam. The October 7 attack was an attempted genocide by Muslims. The response by indigenous Palestinian Jews is simply self defense against genocide.

    PEACE 😇

    (*) Yes, there are Druze, Bedouins, and other even smaller minorities. Trying to add them to the short, forum style discussions becomes exceedingly bulky & non-constructive. An academic paper would have to include them.

  46. Former UK Foreign Secretary laughs out loud at Kier Starmer’s leadership fantasies:

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  47. A123 says: •�Website

    I have not done any of the things you accuse me of.

    Any Christian would oppose the burning of the Gospels by the radical Rabbis allied with the Jewish settlers.

    I do oppose such actions. Christians in Muslim occupied Judea & Samaria are faced with an intractable problem.

    • If they do not collaborate with the Muslim occupying authority they are punished.
    • If they are forced to collaborate, indigenous Palestine Jews react.

    Why do you support Muslim ethnic cleansing & genocide of Christians? The most obvious example of this is Bethlehem, which I have brought up multiple times. (1)

    Seventy years ago, a significant number of Christians also called Bethlehem their permanent home; the population of the West Bank city and surrounding villages was nearly 90 percent Christian.

    In 2016, the then-Mayor of Bethlehem, Vera Baboun, warned that the figure had dropped to 12 percent, or a mere 11,000 people.

    Across the Palestinian Authority (PA)-administered West Bank, there are reported to be fewer than 50,000 Christians remaining, while in Gaza, which is ruled by the US-designated terrorist group Hamas, just 1,100 Christians are left.

    According to global Christian charity Open Doors, this is actually the result of “Islamic oppression.”

    Warning that Christians were leaving the West Bank in droves, the charity revealed that “Islamic extremist militants” were leaving Christians in fear of attacks, and said that the situation was even more perilous for converts to the religion, who face even worse brutality.

    Another international nonprofit, The Voice of the Martyrs, which defends the rights of persecuted Christians, has collated numerous accounts of appalling abuse and torture meted out by the Palestinian Authority on its Christian minority.

    One such testimony is that of Saif, a Christian convert from Islam, who lives near Bethlehem. He described how after being labeled a “Zionist infidel” by the Muslim muezzin (crier) over the mosque loudspeaker, he was summoned to the local police station. For weeks, he endured horrific torture, including being hung upside down for hours on end, threats of crucifixion, and violent interrogations.

    Despite being released, PA forces continued to target him — and eventually, Saif was forced to flee to Jerusalem using a pass he had been issued for his work as a contractor.

    Your local Muslim occupiers have suppressed celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth two years in a row. When will the Jihadist oppression and ethnic cleansing of Christians end?

    Working with indigenous Palestinian Jews is the only option Christians, such as myself, have to rescue our land from Islamic colonial rule.

    Would you please answer the question I posed, instead of lying and libelling me?

    What is your plan for Gaza? Here 4 key questions your plan must answer:

    -1- How much fresh water will be available?
    -2- How will the Gaza economy work?
    -3- What population will that support?
    -4- How will it be paid for?

    You should consider being constructive and offer a realistic & practical option.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/09/05/history-repeating-itself-as-bethlehems-christians-face-extinction/

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  48. Bashibuzuk says:

    I really hope we would all be laughing together about it in about a year’s time if the war is over. However, the British elites have historically proven their outstanding ability to manipulate others to fight and die for their interests, while they are actually planning to betray and backstab their allies.

    Russians know it better than anyone, we fought alongside the British against Napoleon only to have the Great Game, Crimean War, British Empire saving Turkey from a decisive defeat and expulsion from Europe, Russian Japanese War with Japan being steered, armed and funded by the British. We fought alongside the British against the Kaiser and the Habsburgs only to have a revolution started by British agents provocateur faction in Petrograd, civil war, famine and a terrible totalitarian regime installed for generations. We fought alongside the British against Hitler only to have the Operation Unthinkable planned against us by the British General Staff and the Cold War against us declared by none other than Churchill.

    Truly, as the saying goes: «there is only one thing that is worse than having the British as enemies, it is to have them as friends ». I think Trump and his backers (Musk, Thiel) understand this. I hope they will act accordingly.

    •�Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  49. Bashibuzuk says:

    All your comments were approving of the mayhem. You always applaud the Tsahal no matter how inhuman their actions. Therefore, you approved of civilians being slaughtered in Gaza.

    Now, are you ever going to decry Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem spitting towards Christian churches, monks and nuns ?

    Rhetorical question, you won’t because you can’t.

    You can’t because you are a « Judeochristian » (notice the capital J and the small c) hasbara tool.

    Never has a Muslim spat at churches because they consider them (and the Synagogues) as holy and are even allowed by the Shariah to pray in them if no mosque is available. That’s the difference between Jews and Muslims. Jews are inherently suprematist, the Muslims (for all their other many flaws and shortcomings) are not.

    Now, if you ever want to really be a Christian, go and read the Gospels.

    That should help with your misguided « Judeochristian » hasbarist mindset.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Dmitry
  50. Bashibuzuk says:

    Business leaders are calling for as many as eight million non-Western migrants to be transplanted to Ukraine to mitigate the “demographic crisis” created by its three-year war with Russia. The news vindicates warnings from Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, that the conflict would be used as an excuse to transform the country.All-Ukrainian Association of Companies for International Employment chief Vasily Voskoboinik appeared on state television in February to push for mass migration, saying, “According to estimates by the International Organization for Migration”—a United Nations agency that preaches about immigration being “inevitable, desirable, and necessary”—” and the International Labour Organization, we will need 8.2 million workers.”


    Was it worth it?

    A rhetorical question.

    As could have been expected, Voskoboinik is of course a (((Noviop))).

    I wonder what was Voskoboinik’s מוטער maiden name…

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  51. A123 says: •�Website

    Everyone sees your Taqiyya Troll ranting as a desperate & futile attempt to change the subject.

    are you ever going to decry Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem spitting towards Christian churches, monks and nuns ?

    Are you asking me to agree with Netanyahu? (1)

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke out Tuesday in defense of Christians and freedom of worship in Jerusalem, after a group of extremist Jews was filmed spitting on alleged Christian missionaries in the city.

    “Israel is totally committed to safeguard the sacred right of worship and pilgrimage to the holy sites of all faiths,” he wrote on his official account on Twitter/X.

    “I strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate worshippers, and I am committed to taking immediate and decisive action against it.”

    Yes. I agree with Netanyahu that spitting at Christians is wrong.

    He is a Jew. I am a Christian. Do you see how Judeo-Christians (note the capital “C”) come to the same conclusion?

    Would you please answer the questions I posed?

    Why do you support Muslim ethnic cleansing & genocide of Christians from Bethlehem? You have not actively denounced it. Therefore, you promote it.

    What is your plan for Gaza? Here 4 key questions your plan must answer:

    -1- How much fresh water will be available?
    -2- How will the Gaza economy work?
    -3- What population will that support?
    -4- How will it be paid for?

    You should consider being constructive and offer a realistic & practical option.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/10/03/netanyahu-defends-christians-in-jerusalem-from-spitting-attacks-by-extremist-jews/

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  52. @Bashibuzuk

    When I called him out on his bogus Christianity he didn’t even pay attention to it.

    When I told him Donald the Fat sucked off Roy Cohn to get ahead he had a scale 10 hissy fit. If you want to get his goat the record is unambiguous.

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
  53. Maybe Neom would do for a Palestinian colony.

    Neom – The Line – The Rise and Fall of Saudi Arabia’s Linear City Patrick Boyle

  54. Wokechoke says:

    This is what comes of sending hundreds of Valentine tanks and Matilda’s to defend Moscow during the winter of 1941. Oh and hundreds of hurricanes too.

  55. S1 says:

    Starmer and Macron continue to make plans for ‘peacekeeping’ troops in Ukraine while autiscally seeming to not hear Russia’s rejection of the same. Leads me to think they are planning on doing this unilaterally irrespective of Russian objections.

    Macron, according to the article, says these troops are to be placed at ‘important locations’…as effective human shields?


    ‘The Prime Minister revealed that Western military chiefs would meet in London on Thursday to plan for a peacekeeping force that was now entering an “operational phase”.’…’Mr Macron clarified that any peacekeeping force would consist of “a few thousand troops per country”, to be deployed at important locations.’

    Russia has no say in deployment of foreign troops in Ukraine, says Macron

    Emmanuel Macron has said that Russia will have no say in whether foreign troops are deployed to Ukraine to ensure a future ceasefire.

    France, Britain, and other Nato countries, including Turkey, have expressed their willingness to contribute to a peacekeeping force to protect peace in post-war Ukraine.

    “If Ukraine asks allied forces to be on its territory, it is not up to Russia to accept or not,” Mr Marcon told local press late on Saturday, ahead of another heavy round of aerial attacks between Russia and Ukraine.

    Moscow has repeatedly rejected the idea of Nato soldiers being stationed in Ukraine, saying such a move would be a major escalation.

    Mr Macron clarified that any peacekeeping force would consist of “a few thousand troops per country”, to be deployed at important locations. He added that a number of European and non-European countries were interested in participating.


    Anthony Albanese, Australia’s prime minister, reiterated on Saturday that Australia is open to contributing troops, while Canada has also indicated it would consider such a request.

    However, the details of how such a force would be deployed remain unclear.

    Alexander Stubb, Finland’s president, said that any firm commitments would only come once there was a clear plan in place.

    “There are anywhere from zero to 50 different ways they can help. Boots on the ground is only one way. You can talk about intelligence, you can talk about different types of things but it’s too early to commit right now,” he told the BBC on Saturday.

    In a rush to consolidate military support from Ukraine, Sir Keir Starmer hosted a virtual meeting on Saturday with a “coalition of the willing” involving 26 nations, including Ukraine.

    The Prime Minister revealed that Western military chiefs would meet in London on Thursday to plan for a peacekeeping force that was now entering an “operational phase”.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  56. @S1

    Are there any ambitious young MP’s promoting the idea of getting Kazakhstan into NATO? There are levels of stupidity and craziness remaining to be explored!

    •�Agree: S1
  57. Beckow says:

    …eight million non-Western migrants to be transplanted to Ukraine to mitigate the “demographic crisis” created by its three-year war with Russia.

    Eight million non-Western workers, not migrants. With families, plus cheating, it would be in tens of millions.

    The other shoe drops: plan a disaster, depopulate a country, then move in for the kill with “you now need new workers.” Ukraine has lost 15 million people in 25 years, how great has been the Ukie leadership? Are they natural traitors or they got paid so much they couldn’t refuse? But the Ukies jumping and yelling “kill Moskali!!!” on the Maidan and going to die in the muddy trenches for NATO also share in the blame. Must be the dumbest people on the planet.

    There were always suspicions in Central Europe that the Westies want new territories to dump the unstoppable migrant flows – they tried quotas, shortage of (cheap) workers, blackmail, threats. It didn’t work, we are stubborn people. If they plant millions of migrants in the rump-Ukraine and give them EU resident status, the migrants will quickly move to CE. (There was also a suspicion that the empty lands will be “second homeland” for the chosen people, maybe that’s still coming.)

    Good job by morons cheering on the war to kill the Russians, not knowing who wants to harm you is a serious evolutionary defect. Maybe the morons deserve it.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @A123
  58. Dmitry says:

    Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem spitting towards Christian churches, monks

    That’s because the Haredi Jews are physically pacificists to anyone outside their community*, as they are controlled by their rabbis and they are disciplined as part of their religious cults to not be able to use violence.

    Their rabbis order them to hiss, shout and spit if someone breaks their rules, but they are not allowed to use violence directly.

    This creates the situation when hundreds of Haredi Jews in the protest can only shout or sit in the road.

    You could go into the most “dangerous” Haredi area of Jerusalem, go where there full of people and burn a Torah. They would just surround you, but they wouldn’t be allowed to beat you.

    Secular Israelis exaggerate a lot of the “danger” of the Haredim. They are a fiscal and demographic problem, with 8-9 children per woman. But they externally behave well and ordered, just according to their rules (which are strange for modern humans, as their children are smoking cigarettes in the street, but they are not allowed to look at woman with short sleeves).

    For example, there are over a hundred thousand Haredim living next to Tel Aviv, without changing the city. They just walk through the city to use the Haredi beach and then walk back to their suburb.

    Like many religious cults, violence in their community is against their own cult members, who are the victims. But from the external world, they just want to be isolated.

    *They are allowed to use violence to people inside their community. A lot of their behavior is related to stopping people exiting the cult. That’s one reason they don’t want outsider to enter their neighborhood.

    If women in a bikini would enter their neighborhood (like secular Israelis often walk in bikinis in the street), that makes it difficult for them to even move normally, as they would have to close their eyes. They would consider all their children in danger etc.


    When the Haredi “special forces” raiding groups attack Sabbath breakers in Jerusalem, secular people just laugh, because they know Haredi Jews are pacifists to outsiders, they aren’t allowed to use physically violence.

    It’s like zombie apocalypse against the secular world, if the zombie have no teeth and they are physically harmless.

    •�Thanks: A123
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  59. S1 says:

    Ukraine War is forcing British troops to relearn trench warfare…

    I can’t help but notice in this clip, like the ‘Russian armada’ passing through the English channel clip a few weeks ago, that they make sure to have an actual real organic British person be the presenter, a woman at that, to tug at the real British male heartstrings, rather than a preferred ‘identifiable minority’ from Nairobi, or the subcontinent.

    It’s pretty obvious just who they want to be doing the bulk of the fighting…and dying…in this impending war.

    People still have their right of refusal.

  60. A123 says: •�Website

    There were always suspicions in Central Europe that the Westies want new territories to dump the unstoppable migrant flows.

    If they plant millions of migrants in the rump-Ukraine and give them EU resident status, the migrants will quickly move to CE.

    You underestimate the malice of the Islamophile elites.

    They do not want flows to CE. They want to accelerate The Great Muslim Replacement, especially in Germany and France. They are trying to reach a tipping point where remigration becomes impossible.

    History will look back on the Russia/Ukraine conflict and see it as the migration war.

    Have you heard about the upcoming referendum in Italy? (1)

    Italy will hold a referendum on June 8-9 to decide whether to halve the waiting period for foreigners applying for Italian nationality, the government announced on Thursday.

    If approved, the reform would reduce the required residency period to five years, potentially granting citizenship to around 2.5 million foreign nationals.

    The referendum was triggered after opposition parties and pro-migrant organizations, including Oxfam Italia, collected more than 500,000 signatures last September, meeting the legal threshold for a public vote.

    Despite strong opposition from the ruling Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the government was obligated to set a date for the vote after a ruling from the Constitutional Court in January approved its admissibility.

    Currently, foreigners must reside in Italy for at least 10 years before applying for citizenship through naturalization. Children born in Italy to foreign parents are also unable to obtain citizenship until they turn 18.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://rmx.news/article/italy-to-hold-referendum-on-halving-residency-rules-for-naturalization-on-june-8-9/

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  61. Dmitry says:



    His city Zamosc, near the border with Ukraine and Belarus:

    What we perceive today as “Central European culture”, is spreading from the bourgeois culture of the Italian city states to the bourgeoisie of Europe. This is the culture developing in the urban elite, burghers of the Italian city states.

    Of course, even in the Early Modern time, for example the Moscow Kremlin was built by Italian architects.

    18th-19th century Central Moscow is also Italian architecture, which hired some famous Italian urban planners, as Petersburg.

    Russian Orthodox Church music is also Italian origin music.

    But outside of showcase of Central Moscow and Petersburg, the Italian influence is relatively a lot smaller in the Russia empire than in Europe which is probably result of the delayed and eventually interrupted development of bourgeois capitalism in Russia compared to central Europe and Western Europe.

    •�Replies: @AP
  62. Dmitry says:



    Grafton Street in Dublin that had Polish and Russian speaking staff

    Those are all EU citizens, who have the same right to live and work in ROI as any Irish citizens.

    Poles are probably the largest group of the working class professionals, but there are a lot of the citizens of the Baltic states. Working class Russian speaking professionals in Ireland are EU citizens from Latvia, Estonia.

    But Russians from the Russian Federation in ROI are almost only entering on the critical skills permit.

    Although the numbers are very small, the Russians in Ireland, from Russia (mostly all middle class workers, because of the closed borders), don’t seem falling into any Russian ghetto. They are just standardly mixed with their multinational co-workers.

    I know. I wouldn’t like to belittle the differences because I am used to people belittling the differences between Basques and Spaniards out of ignorance.

    The difference between Basque people and Spanish people, is like the difference between Mordvins and Russians. Udmurts and Russians in the Russian Federation. Welsh and English. Scottish and English in the United Kingdom.

    But the difference between Russians and Poles (from Poland), is like the difference between Spanish, Italians, Greeks etc, from Spain, Italy, Greece.

    You can see Spanish, Italians, Greeks, look almost the same. They eat similar food. They follow almost the same customs. They have the same larger religious origin. They drink wine in the same way.

    But they are also independent worlds, with almost their own civilization. Their sense of humor is different, their bodylanguage different. They have different mentality. They have different traditions in art, literature and music.*

    The imbalance is a little different though for neighbors or previously occupied parts of the Russian empire, because Russia is a vast nationality, with hundreds of millions of people with civilization from Baltic sea on Riga to the Northern Islands to Japan. Russian civilization goes from the border of Iran to the Arctic.

    Russia viewed itself as an imperialist world civilization. While Poland as a nationalist culture of Central Europe.

    *As you know in Russia, the older culture software arrives from the Byzantine empire. For example, Andrei Rublev is painting in mainly Byzantine influence. In modern history, the rulers are layering Western and Central European culture above.

    Each century Russian peasants are always being settled to new lands, also Cossacks ahead, while Ukrainians are being imported to Central Russia.

    So, Russian peasant culture develops a lot of “pioneer culture” aspects, which can remind of American settlers. Also, Russia has for a long time a strong criminal culture produced in the prisons and bandit culture from Cossack pioneers. The criminal society in Russia is always a parallel world.

    As an empire, it also tries to absorb different multinational traditions from the nationalities who are colonized. It’s a kind of sponge culture.

    Until the middle of the 19th century, landowners in Russia have almost half of the population as slaves. Landowners’ own culture, develops in some ways almost like in Brazil or antebellum Southern States. The culture of the Russian elite is based on France and England, but their real political situation is quite unsynchonized to Europe.

  63. Bashibuzuk says:

    He is a Jew. I am a Christian.

    Whatever your religion, you will not escape Death. As we discuss, the Death is inescapably closing on both of us. Here’s what I have to say to you about it:

    1. Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.

    2. Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.

    3. “He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.

    4. “He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.

    5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.

    6. There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize this settle their quarrels.


    Perhaps seeing the video below would make it easier to understand:

    As a Buddhist, I offer you compassion…

    May you find peace and happiness even though you are a hasbara troll.


    •�LOL: A123
    •�Replies: @A123
  64. A123 says: •�Website


    Your transparently insincere Taqiyya Troll attempts to change the subject have again failed.

    It is clear that you are an Islamobuddhist (notice the small “b”). No actual Buddhist would cheer on the ethnic cleansing of Bethlehem’s Christians the way you do.

    Why do you celebrate the October 7 genocide attack by Hamas? It resulted in the death and kidnapping of Jewish children at Muslim hands. Can you not bring yourself to denounce this?

    Instead of criticizing the religion of others, you would do well to read the Bible instead of your unholy Quran.

    I answered your questions. Why will you not answer mine? Are you so gripped by fear that you cannot even attempt a direct response?

    Let me try again:

    What is your plan for Gaza? Here 4 key questions your plan must answer:

    -1- How much fresh water will be available?
    -2- How will the Gaza economy work?
    -3- What population will that support?
    -4- How will it be paid for?

    You should consider being constructive and offer a realistic & practical option.

    If you keep trying to change the subject, I will keep re-asking these points grounded in objective reality. You need to overcome your fear… The only way forward is honesty.

    I know this is a challenge for Islamobuddhists, such as yourself, but you must tackle the issues directly. Taqiyya deception will not help you. It only works on those who are unwary.

    As a Christian, I offer forgiveness.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  65. Battle of the Nations

    Great Britain Denmark
    Russia Belarus


    It has been awhile since I have watched a Sabalenka high light video. Audio today was for only 17 seconds.

  66. @Bashibuzuk

    I could (sort of) understand the Great Game and even our intervention on Turkey’s side – we were a global Empire, a Great Power, and while the fear of a Russian descent upon India was probably overblown, it was the sort of thing Brits might have done in their place.

    But we’re not a Great Power any more, far from it. Turkey is probably more industrialised than the UK now. So I fail to see the point in the anti-Russia stuff, especially as the US has suddenly apparently abandoned it.

    Given the inexorable rise of China, it would have made sense for both the US and EU to have encouraged peaceful and profitable relations with Russia. Instead they’ve done the opposite, although I think the US were the main movers.

    But it would also have made sense not to open the borders and set the US, UK and EU on the path to third world status. And yet our elites did it. The damage they’ve done to Russia is nothing compared with the damage they’ve done to their own nations.

    They may hate Russia, but they hate their own people even more.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  67. songbird says:

    NYT is implying that Musk will have killed like 2 million Africans or more by year’s end.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
    , @A123
    , @QCIC
  68. S1 says:

    I’ve posted this 1920 book review before, though below ‘more’ I’ve added a few additional excerpts.

    In these the incredibly insightful author alleges Versailles was not ‘an accident’ but rather quite deliberate in it’s design so as to cause future catastrophic European wars, from which the US could then exploit for it’s own gain, that these incited wars are intended via loss of life and immigration, combined with decreasing birth rates, to bring ruin to the peoples of Europe, and that in the future Japan(!) might be a roadblock for the United States, but not much of one.

    The 1920 book reviewed was called Pax Americana: A Historical Study at the Turning Point of European History and was written by a German professor.

    The New York Times owned publication this review appeared in dismisses both the author and the book’s contents as ‘alarmist’, ie ‘Don’t listen to this man, or anything he might have to say’, and adds:

    ‘A cynic among nations, she [Germany] is temperamentally incapable of believing in altruistic motives.’



    ‘All Europe is on the point of falling into servitude to the United States, whose whole international policy, he asserts, is an embodiment of State Machiavellianism aimed at complete world domination.’

    ‘Thus America has become the supreme dictator, and she need not trouble herself tö make this concrete; following the example of Rome, she can allow the nations of Europe to preserve a shadowy vestige of independence, exhaust themselves in mutual onslaughts, and become the helpless victims of her economic and financial domination.’

    ‘Under the American world rule all culture, all freedom of life, all beauty will depart.’

    America as a World Tyrant

    A German Historian’s Attempt to Prove That Europe is Becoming a Serf of the United States

    That the United States, in the role of a modern Machiavelli, is scheming succesfully to subjugate the whole of war-weakened Europe, is the startling thesis put forward by Dr. Ulrich Kahrstedt, a German historian, in his amazing book, “Pax Americana,” which has just appeared in Germany.*

    According to this German alarmist, all Europe is on the point of falling into servitude to the United States, whose whole international policy, he asserts, is an embodiment of State Machiavellianism aimed at complete world domination.

    This sensational charge, worked out with characteristic German “Gründlichkeit,” is based throughout on a historical analogy between the methods by which Rome won her universal hegemony and those by which, since the outbreak of the war in 1914, the United States Government has acquired power of dictation in the political and financial affairs of weakened Europe – a degree of power, he says, without precedent since the days of the Roman Empire. According to Dr. Kahrstedt, Pax Americana is the modern translation of Pax Romana.


    ‘The theory that America, represented by President Wilson, was outplayed and outmaneuvered at Versailles, is almost derisively rejected by this twentieth century Polybius. His whole mental attitude is emphasized in the charge that the Peace of Versailles is exactly what the United States desired, because its ruthless one-sidedness would pave the way for future wars. “A Europe tearing itself to pieces, not one recovering from its ills, must be the goal of every American statesman who keeps to his true course,” Dr. Kahrstedt declares. With Germany and Austria shattered and impotent, with the allied nations financially and economically ruined, America stands forward to seize the sceptre of the world.’

    ‘What has happened between 1914 and 1919 is more than half the road from the balance of power to American world domination. It would be strange indeed if the rest of the road were not covered in a few decades.’

    ‘An epoch has been marked in world history: Europe has reached its end as the centre of power in world politics. Just as the little Greek peninsula, after it had given up being the centre of world happenings for severa’ generations in classical antiquity, yielded first to the larger States of the Near East and then to Italy; just as Italy, at the end of ancient times, yielded the world centre to the regions north of the Alps; just as, in the late Middle Ages, when Italy had once more become the centre, at least for culture and science, her States were broken up by the European nations on the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean, so again the world centre is shifting: it is moving from Europe to the New World. An era has been reached as important as the migration of peoples, as the Renaissance, the Reformation, or the discovery of America, more important than the cannonade at Valmy in which Goethe felt the breath of world history.’

    ‘The destruction of life by the war, combined with the ever decreasing birth rate and immigration to triumphant America, will depopulate all Europe.’

    ‘Only one nation has the potential power to resist the American project of world domination, says Dr. Kahrstedt, who shows but little confidence even in this possibility. That nation is Japan.’

    ‘Article after article has been written in Germany in the last few years, even in the period antedating the war, which showed the same German incapacity to grasp a State policy dominated by a purely spiritual and humanitarian ideal. Wholly materialistic in her own Weltanschauung, Germany has been signaly unable to interpret the spirit and policy of other nations in any other terms. A cynic among nations, she is temperamentally incapable of believing in altruistic motives. The whole world outside of certain reactionary circles of Germany recognizes today the purity of America’s international policy. All Europe, by accepting it, demonstrated this recognition. In erecting the United States into a colossal image of hypocracy and Machiavellianism, Dr. Kahrstedt, it is clear, is but projecting outwardly the image of the Germany before the war, painting the picture of what Germany would have done, and probably would still do, if she were in America’s place. The accumulated evidence of the last few years shows that Europe knows our true face; our own actions suffice and will continue to suffice to show the grotesque distortion of Dr. Kahrstedt’s picture, and the futility of his sensational prophecies.’

    •�Replies: @S1
  69. @songbird

    The woke faction at Less Wrong is questioning slob Elon’s mental health.


    I still haven’t seen any comment from Scott Alexander on Ziz.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  70. A123 says: •�Website

    NYT is implying that Musk will have killed like 2 million Africans or more by year’s end.

    Is this the same NYT that collaborated with the CCP to cover up the origin of the WUHAN-19 virus? More details here. (1)

    The NYT has no credibility. They simply regurgitate the IslamoGloboHomo line on every issue.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://instapundit.com/708677/

  71. Bashibuzuk says:

    What has it all to do with them spitting on Christians?

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  72. S1 says:

    This link works for the 1920 book review of Pax Americana: A Historical Study at the Turning Point of European History. If someone could find a copy of the book in English that would be great. [For some reason the other link wasn’t working.]


    •�Thanks: Bashibuzuk
  73. Aedib says:

    Predicting Ukraine break point by a simple attrition model:


    We are reaching the critical threshold

    •�Replies: @AP
  74. Bashibuzuk says:
    •�LOL: A123
    •�Replies: @A123
  75. Bashibuzuk says:

    they hate their own people even more.

    No they love their people. It’s just that their people is not what most naive natives think. They can disagree with some political views, but they do what they can for their people to grow and prosper.

  76. A123 says: •�Website


    Everyone notices that you did not provide answers. Let’s try again:

    What is your plan for Gaza? Here are 4 key questions your plan must address:

    -1- How much fresh water will be available?
    -2- How will the Gaza economy work?
    -3- What population will that support?
    -4- How will it be paid for?

    You should consider being constructive and offer a realistic & practical option.

    If you keep trying to change the subject, I will keep re-asking these points grounded in objective reality.

    Have you considered reading the Gospels? It would help you immensely.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  77. S1 says:

    The modern so called ‘progressives’ are like the two year old child who doesn’t like the fact that it’s pouring rain outside and thinks that by stomping their feet repeatedly, throwing an emotion laden tantrum, and repeating ‘it’s not raining’ over and over, that they somehow will change the reality of the situation.

    Once again, setting aside emotionalism, a person has got to ask themself this question:

    ‘Are the accusations true?’


    ‘..in a conspiracy theory-laden speech that his right-wing government will eliminate a global “shadow army” that serves the European Union and a “liberal American empire.”

    “We will dismantle the financial machine that has used corrupt dollars to buy politicians, judges, journalists, pseudo-NGOs and political activists. We will eliminate the entire shadow army.”

    ‘On Saturday, Orbán, a firm opponent of immigration, echoed the conspiratorial “great replacement theory,” a baseless, racist hypothesis which suggests there is a global plot to diminish the influence of white people.’

    ‘In another baseless assertion, he also claimed “the empire” that has provided economic and military assistance to Ukraine as it fights off Russia’s invasion in fact seeks to “colonize” the embattled country.’

    Hungary’s Orbán, facing opposition surge, promises crackdown in speech laden with conspiracy theory

    BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary’s populist prime minister Saturday vowed to rid his country of those he claims work for the interests of foreign powers, saying in a conspiracy theory-laden speech that his right-wing government will eliminate a global “shadow army” that serves the European Union and a “liberal American empire.”

    Meanwhile, tens of thousands gathered in central Budapest in a show of strength against the long-serving prime minister, and in support of a new political force that aims to bring an end to Orbán’s rule and his economic system in elections next year.

    The dueling demonstrations, which coincided with a national holiday commemorating Hungary’s 1848 revolution against the Habsburg Empire, came as the Central European country struggles with an inflation and cost of living crisis that have helped fuel growing dissatisfaction with Orbán and his autocratic style of governance.


    That dissatisfaction has coalesced around Péter Magyar and his upstart Tisza party, which polls show are neck and neck or even several points ahead of Orbán’s Fidesz party with around a year to go before elections.

    Magyar’s supporters stood in the rain Saturday as the opposition leader pledged to bring an end to what he views as an entrenched system of corruption, and called on Hungarians to form a broad coalition against Orbán’s government.

    “They look down on and exploit the Hungarian people, stun and divide them, and turn them against each other. In the meantime, they laugh arrogantly in our faces,” Magyar said.

    Earlier in the day, Orbán told a group of several thousand select supporters that his government in the coming weeks will uproot media outlets and other organizations that have received funding from abroad, and compared such groups to insects.

    “After today’s festive gathering comes the Easter cleaning. The bugs have overwintered,” Orbán said. “We will dismantle the financial machine that has used corrupt dollars to buy politicians, judges, journalists, pseudo-NGOs and political activists. We will eliminate the entire shadow army.”

    Orbán, in power since 2010, has used the March 15 celebration in recent years as a podium from which to launch increasingly hostile harangues against the EU, to which Hungary has belonged since 2004. He has often compared the bloc to the Soviet Union, which occupied and repressed Hungary for nearly five decades in the 20th century, and pledged to “occupy” the halls of power in Europe.

    Now, after the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, the Hungarian leader has accelerated his longstanding efforts to crack down on critics such as media outlets, civil rights and anti-corruption groups, which he says have undermined Hungary’s sovereignty by receiving financial assistance from international donors.

    Orbán, a Trump ally, has applauded the U.S. administration’s actions to dismantle the U.S. Agency for International Development, claiming, with no evidence, that it was used to fund liberal causes in Hungary aimed at toppling his government.

    He has promised a reckoning for groups that have benefited from funding by USAID, saying they would be eliminated in Hungary and face “legal consequences.”

    This week, Orbán’s Fidesz party proposed amendments to Hungary’s constitution that would allow for Hungarian dual citizens to have their citizenship suspended and be deported from the country if they are deemed to threaten Hungary’s sovereignty or national security.

    Another amendment appeared to target the LGBTQ+ community. Orbán’s party has said the annual Budapest Pride event would be banned in public starting this year.

    On Saturday, Orbán, a firm opponent of immigration, echoed the conspiratorial “great replacement theory,” a baseless, racist hypothesis which suggests there is a global plot to diminish the influence of white people.

    “The battle today is actually being fought for the soul of the Western world,” Orbán said. “The empire wants to mix and then replace the indigenous people of Europe with invading masses arriving from foreign civilizations.”

    In another baseless assertion, he also claimed “the empire” that has provided economic and military assistance to Ukraine as it fights off Russia’s invasion in fact seeks to “colonize” the embattled country.

    “The instrument of colonization is war. The rulers of Europe decided that Ukraine should continue the war, whatever it costs,” he said.

    Orbán repeated his call for the EU to abandon the process of eventually bringing Ukraine into the bloc, and said he would issue a poll for Hungarians to decide whether they think Kyiv should gain EU membership.

    Magyar, a former Fidesz insider who split with Orbán, has in the last year built an opposition movement that aims to defeat the Hungarian leader in national elections scheduled for next year. He has focused on Hungary’s cost-of-living crisis and what he says is deep-seated corruption among ruling party elites.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Derer
  78. Derer says:

    I agree, the medieval monarchy is morphing into insignificant little England. There is no force to stop it.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  79. QCIC says:

    Maybe RFKJ will weigh in on the AIDS numbers.

  80. QCIC says:

    The most striking thing here is the number of attractive or at least presentable women in the picture behind Dear Leader Orban. Nice job!

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  81. Derer says:

    ‘On Saturday, Orbán, a firm opponent of immigration, echoed the conspiratorial “great replacement theory,” a baseless, racist hypothesis

    Not entirely baseless, he rightfully envisioned the following scenario.

    The calendar will say 2205 and big news will flash throughout the world: “In a small enclave in northern Scandiastan formerly Sweden a rare people with white skin and straight hair were found.” Descendants of once great white race, apparently used to fly airplanes, shit in toilets and have developed a well-advanced wireless technology. All that abandon now for praying to a certain camel shepherd. The exceedingly unworried race was eventually overrun by vindictive, envious but skilful looters flooding this, once great, continent.

  82. Bashibuzuk says:

    There is no force to stop it.

    But they do their best to prevent it. And being the lizard people they are, they might destroy the planet in the process.

    Speaking of British Reptilian Overlords, I once had an interesting experience while commuting on the London tube. There was a weird ageless, genderless creature sitting in front of me, fashionably dressed, wearing makeup and expensive jewelry. A guy my age came in and sat beside that person (?). The dude started to bite into an apple, and every time he bitten it, the freak in front of me twitched and made little hissing noise of disgust. It was so weird, that creature didn’t seem really human. The apple eating dude noticed the weirdo, and when that freak exited the wagon, the guy smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders. All the while I was thinking: « wow, David Icke was actually right, they really do exist and hide in here ».


  83. Bashibuzuk says:
    @emil nikola richard

    The Royals love their Noviop pets…

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  84. Bashibuzuk says:

    What is your plan for Gaza?

    Unlike you, I don’t feel like I need to have a plan to save some murderous Semites from some other murderous Semites. If I wasn’t a Buddhist, I would say « kill them all, both the settlers and the natives, let the Demiurge sort it out and save his own ». Being a compassionate Buddhist I am, I would really love to force them all there to study the Dhammapada and make them understand the law of causality, so they stop stirring trouble and hurting each other. Unfortunately, this is above my pay grade. We’ll have to wait and hope for these feral Semites to eventually evolve into humans… 🙂

    •�LOL: A123
    •�Replies: @A123
  85. A123 says: •�Website

    What is your plan for Gaza?

    Unlike you, I don’t feel like I need to have a plan


    I accept your surrender.

    Your admission that your devotion to Islamobuddhism has no answer is appreciated.

    As part of your capitulation, please stop trying to take the side of genocidal Hamas. If you have nothing offer, then your only course of action is remaining fully out the discussion. You have no standing to support/criticise any side.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
  86. Mikhail says: •�Website


    Western pundits should stop writing idiotic nonsense about Russia’s economy

    In this war of attrition, Ukraine, and Europe, will run out of money first.

    From an extremely small list, Owen Matthews has been one of the more balanced mainstream commentators on the war in Ukraine. Not seeking to take one side over the other, but to step back and look at the bigger picture.

    I was shocked, therefore, by his article in the Independent this week.

    ‘The Russian economy is on the brink of collapse, and Putin knows it,’ ran the headline.

    I’ve read a different version of the same headline over a hundred times since 2014, including while serving as the Economic Counsellor at the British Embassy in Moscow.

    I am still waiting for it to be proved correct.

    Firstly, some of the data in Matthews’ article were objectively not correct.

    The ‘ruble has lost over half its value since Putin invaded Crimea in 2014.’

    Wrong. It is around one third of its spring 2014 value. And as I’ve pointed out many times, a weak ruble has been an explicit article of Russian monetary policy since late 2016, to offset the effect of major energy price swings. That helped Russia pull in record tax receipts in 2022 because of the potent combination of sky high energy prices and rock bottom ruble rate. That’s basic economics.

    ‘Over $600bn of the Kremlin’s foreign currency reserves have been frozen in Western banks,’

    Wrong again. The figure is less than $300bn, and Russia still retains the same value of available reserves, that would cover over a year’s worth of imports.

    I could go on but won’t. Matthews is known as an historian, not an economist. I don’t claim to be an economist either, but I can count.

    In broad terms, I don’t dispute the economic headwinds that Matthews points to, albeit clumsily. Domestic labour constraints driven by the war and Russia’s secular population decline are a problem. Massive fiscal stimulus is overheating the economy with inflation high. Although I’d argue that 9% isn’t ‘rampant’; one million percent in Venezuela is rampant.

    However, Russia has been here before. Inflation breached the 9% mark in November 2014 following the oil price collapse, and didn’t fall below that level until early 2016. It peaked again at the start of the war in Ukraine hitting 18%. Interest rates in Russia now are extremely high at 21% but, again, they were hiked to 17% in December 2014.

    It isn’t incorrect for Matthews to point out these legitimate economic challenges. The point is that neither inflation nor interest rates will ever be a strong enough reason for President Putin to change course in Ukraine.

    Not now, not in 2014, not at any point since the Ukraine crisis started. He has always chosen to accept economic pain and manage the political consequences of that, to avoid backing down in the face of western economic pressure.

    Like so many mainstream pundit, Matthews briefly sketches the economic fix Ukraine is in before hurrying along as if there’s ‘nothing to see here’.

    Conveniently, he doesn’t explore the mathematics of how Europe will pay to keep the lights on in Kyiv while also funding Von der Leyen’s $800bn rearmament programme.

    Nor has he considered what this would mean for ordinary European citizens who increasingly question the wisdom of funding a forever war that Ukraine cannot win.

    Or considered the link between self-defeating war policy of identikit globalist European leaders and the rise in the popularity of anti-war nationalist parties all across Europe.

    Owen Matthews doesn’t touch on Ukraine’s looming sovereign default and the collapse of its currency that would follow. Or the concern that, with a structural current account deficit, Ukraine has no way to exist as an independent, sovereign nation, other than, you guessed it, through western state handouts. Nor how the immense cost of bailing Ukraine out would fall on Europe on top of the contingent liabilities already enumerated above.

    Rather, Matthews suggests that Europe needs to do more of what is has been doing for the past eleven years without success. More sanctions, even though over 90% of individual sanctions have absolutely no effect.

    He doesn’t reflect on the fact that Russia has been under sanctions for eleven straight years, is the most sanctioned country on the planet, and yet is still growing faster than Europe, even though that growth is undoubtedly built on fiscal sand.

    Yet still, finally and irrevocably, he suggests Europe could cut itself off completely from Russian gas. No need to dwell on the obvious economic truth that higher-cost energy in Europe is driven by a huge imbalance between supply and demand that neither the U.S. nor Russia experiences. No thought given to the notion that Europe’s deindustrialisation has been accelerated by the political choice to cut off 90% of piped Russian gas supplies.

    As every other mainstream British pundit has called for more sanctions and less gas, Owen Matthews has plumped for the easy option too.

    Presumably to show some value-added in his low-calorie commentary, Owen Matthews supports Ukrainian drone attacks on any energy infrastructure that facilitates the delivery of Russian gas to Europe. Clearly impressed by the destruction of the NordStream pipeline, like a spotty-faced teenager watching a Seventies Bond movie, he considers industrial terrorism to be a legitimate policy choice for western leaders.

    I would like to say that his article was terrible. But in truth, it was no different from practically every other mainstream British Glavlit article on Russia’s economy that I’ve seen over the past eleven years.

    And, the thing is, it isn’t that it was littered with data that was objectively untrue.

    It was not the not the lack of economic analysis, or the failure to explore the greater economic challenge facing Ukraine.

    It was not, even, the crass and frankly dangerous policy prescriptions.

    It was that, like so many other journalists I had thought weaker, Owen Matthews was missing the point. Badly, irresponsibly, and idiotically, missing the point.

    Despite the very clear economic challenges that Russia does face because of the war in Ukraine, its economy will always be better placed to manage the shock of war than Ukraine’s.

    Every argument to punish Russia more will only embolden Putin to keep fighting.

    In this war of attrition, Ukraine, and Europe, will run out of money first. And with Trump shutting off the taps of American money, that crunch point will come much sooner.

  87. Dmitry says:

    What has it all to do with them spitting on Christians?

    Haredim spit, shout or hiss at people wearing the Christian uniform in Jerusalem because they aren’t allowed to do anything physically to stop them. They have to do non-violent indicators of disapproval.

    People are breaking their rules all the time, but they are just raising their tail like a peacock, they aren’t allowed to touch outsiders. Even if you open a shop on Sabbath day.

    It’s one of the reasons they are harmless.

    A lot of people from different parts on the internet are talking about scary Haredim or showing videos of them. It’s pretty delusional.

    It’s true they are internally fanatics who are part of extremists religious cults, but they are also harmless to outsiders. The danger is to insiders, who are born in the cult.

    Just walk in a Haredi area if you visit Israel. I would say the places with Haredim are probably some of the safest urban places in the world, maybe outside an Amish village, or Mormon missionary center.

    I would recommend visit Haredi areas as one of the strange relaxing things to do as a tourist in Israel. Even if you burn a Torah there, you’ll just receive spit.

    •�Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  88. Dmitry says:

    What happened with the relations is sad, and now he doesn’t enjoy nowadays the visits to eat dinner with the nephews and nieces of the Romanov family, which hadn’t been since Alexandre II in 1874.

    Queen of England’s husband Prince Philip, was a Romanov cousin on all sides of his family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Philip,_Duke_of_Edinburgh

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
    , @Bashibuzuk
  89. Dmitry says:

    he doesn’t enjoy nowadays the visits to eat dinner with the nephews and nieces of the Romanov family, which hadn’t been since Alexandre II in 1874.

    They’re cousins in a hundred different ways.

    For an example, the great-grandmother of King Charles, is the granddaughter of Nikolai I, who is the great-great-greatgrandfather of King Charles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Constantinovna_of_Russia#Family_and_early_life

    So, the brother of Alexandre II who was the last Russian leader to have royal visit in London in 1874, is the great-great grandfather of King Charles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duke_Konstantin_Nikolayevich_of_Russia

    Putin would seem like a strange and artificial outsider person for British Royal Family, when the traditional situation of British royalty meeting the leader of Russia, is family visit from their cousin (or multiple overlapped cousin as the royal families are inbreeding a thousand times).

    •�Replies: @Coconuts
  90. Coconuts says:

    Putin would seem like a strange and artificial outsider person for British Royal Family, when the traditional situation of British royalty meeting the leader of Russia, is family visit from their cousin (or multiple overlapped cousin as the royal families are inbreeding a thousand times).

    I mentioned this aspect a thread or two ago. Putin may have some attraction to the monarchical principle, but he may still be seen as a usurper because his advent to power is too recent.

    In the past usurpers and regicides were punished even after death:


    The current British royal family do owe their position to a kind of usurpation, when the legitimate king James II was deposed and chased away from Britain and Ireland in 1688-90. This eventually brought the Hanoverians to the British throne, their descendants have been there since. It seems like time consecrated this infringement of the usual principles of legitimacy, and also James II belonged to the wrong religion.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  91. The perfect Worldview.


    Trinity in Unity.

    Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst, Where there aren’t no Ten Commandments an a man can raise a thirst.

  92. AP says:

    All correct points, but his support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a country far more Christian than Russia (in terms of demographics and in terms of how devout it’s Christians are) is another giveaway that he is no Christian.

    I will add a caveat, that Palestinian Christians (the true natives of Israel) are rather ambivalent about Israel vs. Muslim Palestinians. Not on Israel’s side (like the non-Christian A123) but not completely against. They are stuck in the middle.

  93. Bashibuzuk says:

    Yeah, but the British Royals refused to accept the Romanovs as refugees when the Bolshevik offered them to transfer the Tsar’s family to Britain. It directly led to their execution at the hands of a Bolshevik squad that was mostly Jewish. So basically, not only had the British government approved and supported the 1905 and 1917 revolutions in Russian Empire, but the British Royals also had no problem with Judeobolshevik thugs killing their cousins. Then the Royals managed to get their hands on some of the Crown Jewels of the last Romanovs and had no qualms about wearing them on important occasions. Nothing personal, business only. Noblesse oblige et tout le bazar.

    Lizard people…

  94. Bashibuzuk says:

    Queen of England’s husband Prince Philip

    Yeah, the nice guy who once joked that he wished to be reincarnated as a virus virulent enough to wipe out the whole mankind and save the nature from the human plague.

    Lizard people.

    Re. Pynya’s visit to UK, if my memory serves me correctly, it was his first official visit abroad after being appointed (not elected) to the presidency. I guess the British wanted to redirect to the City some of the flows of mafia money that were exiting RusFed towards NY to be laundered. They succeeded, hence the Noviop Londongrad infatuation. But Pynya has always been much more of a Germanophile, to the point of being accused of having been a BBD double agent in his younger years after having had an affair with that Anchen (code named Balcony for her curvaceous body) BND agent translator that he put pregnant in Dresden. The British didn’t manage to make him into an agent of a new British Raj. Probably that’s why they hate and despise him so much.

  95. Mikhail says: •�Website


    Trial by fire: Why the West won’t admit the truth about the 2014 Odessa massacre

    Even the European Court of Human Rights has found Ukraine guilty over the Trade Union House deaths, but Kiev and its backers remain silent

    A sure sign that a news item inconvenient for Zelensky-regime Ukraine and its (remaining) Western supporters is important is that the Western mainstream media will do their best to ignore it. That rule has now held true for more than a decade. At some point in the future, it may stop operating, namely, if the West fully abandons its proxy war regime in Kiev.

    Then, and only then, will the Western media heed a new “party line” by dumping that regime as well. But we are not there yet. Indeed, if it is up to the NATO-EU Europeans it may still be a long time before we will see Western mainstream media treating Ukrainian regimes truthfully and critically.

    Exhibit A that the kid-gloves-for-Kiev rule is still in force: The way in which Western mainstream media audiences are not getting to hear much about a clearly momentous and, in its political implications, far-reaching finding by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): A few days ago, the court decided an extremely important case against the Ukrainian authorities of both the major port city of Odessa and the capital Kiev.

    The essence of the case and the court’s findings, which are available on its website, is not complicated. The Ukrainian authorities abysmally failed to avoid or respond adequately to severe street violence and killings that took place in Odessa in May 2014 between supporters and opponents of the regime change operation commonly known as “Maidan.”

    Subsequently they also obstinately failed to investigate the incident. In other words, they first messed up criminally – or worse – and then engaged in a cover-up for over a decade. Not a minor issue if you consider that hundreds of victims were injured and 48 killed on that day.

    Twenty-eight plaintiffs from Ukraine had challenged these failures of Ukraine’s current regime before the EHCR. After too many years of deliberation the court has now finally recognized – unanimously, including a Ukrainian judge – that the Ukrainian authorities committed “violations of Article 2 (right to life/investigation) of the European Convention on Human Rights, on account of the relevant authorities’ failure to do everything that could reasonably be expected of them to prevent the violence in Odesa on 2 May 2014, to stop that violence after its outbreak, to ensure timely rescue measures for people trapped in the fire, and to institute and conduct an effective investigation into the events.”

    In addition, in one case, a “violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life)” was also found because of a delay in handing over a victim’s body for burial.

    Take a step back and just consider the bare essentials: Unrest and mass killing have occurred, in a major city, too. And the public authorities of the state concerned have never provided a remotely adequate investigation or legal redress: Victims and their relatives were left without justice, perpetrators without punishment. In any country that is not content with being a failed state, an authoritarian swamp, or both, the above alone would be a scandal rocking and toppling governments.

    But not in post-Maidan Ukraine. There, instead, major media, such as Ukrainska Pravda, for instance, are performing acrobatic mental contortions to protect their regime from the fallout of the ECHR decision. And how do they do so? By blaming the big bad Russians, of course. Because the very mature first principle of Ukrainian “agency” still is: If it succeeds, it was us; if it’s a fiasco, it was the Russians’ fault. So much for Ukraine’s “free” media and “civil society.” Yes, that’s sarcasm; yes, it’s richly deserved.

    Those few Western mainstream media that have not entirely ignored the ECHR decision have, unsurprisingly, employed a similar tactic of obfuscation. Thus, Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung does acknowledge that the ECHR “has condemned the Ukrainian authorities,” but reverts to common places about alleged Russian involvement to cushion the blow.

    In reality, the court did go out of its way to find something negative to say about Russia, vaguely but demonstratively pointing to Moscow’s information warfare and intentions to “destabilize” Odessa. Yet when you read the ECHR’s press release on its decision honestly, one thing is perfectly clear: the gesturing toward Russia is unspecific and, in essence, rhetorical. It reads as if the judges felt they had to keep up appearances.

    If anything, what we learn from these obligatory swipes at Russia is only one thing, namely that the ECHR is biased against it. Big surprise. And the real take-away point then is, of course, that the judges still found massively, comprehensively against the Ukrainian authorities. Even an anti-Russian bias could not sway them – to their credit – from acknowledging reality.

    On May 2, 2014, that reality was gruesome: in clashes between pro-Maidan and anti-Maidan protesters, some died from gunshot wounds, but the preponderant majority, 42, of the victims died in a fire in the Odessa House of Trade Unions that broke out during and because of the fighting. While some of the fire’s victims received help from outside, others were deliberately blocked up in the burning building or beaten savagely when they escaped it.

    The fire, in other words, may have been the result of deliberate arson or it may have started semi-accidentally when Molotov cocktails were deployed by both sides. But the key point is that it was not merely an accident. At least once it was blazing, it was a weapon because that’s how it was used. How do we know this? In case of a genuine accident, everyone helps put a fire out. Yet that was not at all the case here. Even police and fire services deliberately refrained from intervening.

    Both sides fought, but the victims of the fire and thus almost all victims on May 2, belonged to the anti-Maidan side, which was far inferior in numbers and systematically demonized as “pro-Russian,” that is, smeared as “traitors.” And that is, of course, the reason why their relatives cannot receive justice in Ukraine and why those who killed or helped kill these victims are not prosecuted: they belong to the side which was in power then and is still in power now.

    The West has its own reasons to ignore this ECHR finding: its whole narrative of why it went to proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is shot through with lies: beginning with the Maidan Massacre of February 2014, which was blamed on the old regime but really committed by pro-regime change, pro-Western snipers, as Ivan Katchanovski has long shown in painstaking detail.

    Think about it: This was a false-flag operation that greatly helped catalyze a large regional war, pitting Ukraine and the West against Russia, with a clear potential of escalation to World War III. And the West will still not correct the record.

    And in this enormous Western information war offensive, misrepresenting the Odessa killings of May 2014 has been almost as important as covering up the true nature of the Maidan Massacre in Kiev just over two months before.

    Now, with the proxy war being lost for Ukraine and its Western supporters, an honest reckoning with these deceptions would expose how we were lied into it. And that is precisely why it cannot happen. At least not yet: Too many American, European, and Ukrainian politicians, generals, experts, journalists, and academics have too much to lose.

    This absence of truth and justice can lead to more killing. In Odessa, one of the pro-Maidan street fighters of May 2014 has just been gunned down in broad daylight: Demyan Ganul was an open and proud far-right extremist and neo-Nazi, tattoos and all. He led his own outfit, called the Street Front and made a habit out of mocking the victims of the Trade Union House fire by having barbecue parties in front of the building on the fire’s anniversaries. He was generally violent, allegedly not only beating but also raping victims, including males. He terrorized others into fighting in the war. In his spare time, he toppled Russian monuments.

    The Ukrainian authorities have announced that the investigation of Ganul’s end is now under the personal supervision of Interior Minister Igor Klimenko. The priorities of the Zelensky regime are ugly and unsurprising.

  96. Bashibuzuk says:

    his support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

    A Christian should not cheer the killing of Christians by other Christians. A Christian should not divide Christians by nationality. It’s written in the Gospel: « there will be neither Greek, nor Jew or Scythian… ». Christianity and Islam are universal religions that attempt to erase the tribalism and nationalism. For a true believer, Russians or Ukrainians it’s all the same. A Christian should mourn their dead and pray for the peace to prevail.

    Speaking of which:

    Re. Christian Arabs, they belong in Palestine much more than the Ashkenazim who are genetically 75% non-Semitic. And yeah, they would of course prefer staying clear of the Islamic rule, but unfortunately for them, the Christendom has lost that region a long time ago. The fact that the Christian Arabs have survived the Islamic rule there for nearly 1500 years, is proof enough that the Muslims never attempted at genociding them. If they’ve wanted, the Muslims would have easily done to Christian Arabs exactly like the Spanish did to Moriscoes. Al Andalous Muslim community got entirely erased, unlike the Middle Eastern Christians.

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
    , @AP
  97. @Dmitry

    In British culture spitting on someone is pretty much equivalent to punching them, probably worse. I wouldn’t call it non-violent.

    Re the Royal Family, they have to do the politico’s bidding, more than ever these days.

    Who’s the royalty in this pic?

  98. @Bashibuzuk

    “the nice guy who once joked that he wished to be reincarnated as a virus virulent enough to wipe out the whole mankind and save the nature from the human plague”

    Just that British sense of humour you hear so much about !

    (Don’t know his racial ancestry. While he was a member of the Greek Royal Family, European royalty tended to come from only half a dozen related and somewhat inbred families)

  99. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    And @A123

    Musk Derangement Syndrome may be on track to exceed anything to do with Bush or Trump.


    Some of this AIDS stuff really makes foreign aid seem absurd. Like wasn’t there actually some place the US put up a billboard saying “don’t rape babies?”. How can anyone think that statebuilding is possible in such a place? Instead of sending tractors and industrial equipment, we are spending billions trying to alter the effects of people’s abhorrent sexual practices.

    Didn’t realize there was any place like that nearer Shanghai.

    •�Agree: A123
    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  100. A123 says: •�Website

    A Christian should not cheer the killing of Christians by other Christians. This is why I, as a Christian, have never “cheered” deaths on either side.

    I have always maintained that it is sad that Führer Zelensky, enemy of Judeo-Christians, orders the deaths of Russian Christians. It is doubly sad that he is expending Ukrainian Christians to do so.

    Ukrainian Christians need to get rid of the post-Judaic apostate, Führer Zelensky, and his Islamophile European puppet masters. They would do much better with Judeo-Christian leadership that would make a fair peace with Russian Christians.

    Do you oppose the Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians from Bethlehem? I posted the article describing it above (1).

    Bashi cheers on Muslim intimidation and exclusion of Palestinian Christians. He will not denounce this ethnic cleansing. Everyone rational sees that he is a Taqiyya Troll who hates Judeo-Christians.

    Be cautious, Bashi will turn on you too when it serves the greater glory of his colonial prophet, Muhammad the Settler. He probably has his eye on several Ukrainian cities right now, plotting to convert them with millions of Muslim migrants.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.unz.com/akarlin/open-thread-270/#comment-7036693

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Bardon Kaldian
  101. AP says:

    Russian author?

    I predict he overestimates Ukrainian casualties and underestimates Russian ones, rendering his conclusions invalid.

    •�Replies: @Aedib
    , @Derer
  102. Mr. Hack says:

    I have always maintained that it is sad that Führer Zelensky, enemy of Judeo-Christians, orders the deaths of Russian Christians.

    Why be so hypocritical and not blame Putler for the wanton slaughter of Ukrainian Christians, the immoral man who first started this conflict? Ukrainian Orthodox churches destroyed by the bombs and missiles of St. Putler:


    This is the kind of destruction of Christian culture that you are backing kremlinstoogeA123! Your brand of Christianity is as phoney as you are!
    •�Replies: @Derer
  103. @Beckow



    According to this book, by Professor Dershowitz, during the Mandate period British authorities did extensive population surveys of the inhabitants of Palestine. They concluded that most Palestinian Muslims had moved there in the last few centuries during the Ottoman Empire. They came from many parts of that huge Empire and were not at all indigenous to the region. The oldest communities in Palestine were Jews, who had a continuous albeit small presence since the time of the Roman destruction in 70 AD, and Christians who could date their communities back to the time of Christ.

    When I lived there I met a Palestinian Christian woman who told me her village can trace itself back 2,000 years to the days of Christ. I also met an elderly Israeli woman in a hospital who told me her family had resided in Jerusalem for 14 continuous generations dating from the Spanish expulsion of the Jews in 1492.

    For a different perspective, Israeli entrepreneur Tsvi Misinai has traveled extensively in the West Bank and surveyed the communities and concludes that 80% of Palestinian Muslims descend from ethnic Jews at the time of Christ. Apparently some of the early Zionist leaders also believed this, although it did not stop their determination to replace the Palestinians with European and Arabic Jews:

    Maybe the best way to look at the situation is that Jews and Palestinians have relatively equal claims to the land based on recent immigration patterns going back 400 years (approximately the period of discovery and colonization of North America), but the Jews have priority based on biblical precedent that is supported by Jews and Christians around the world.

    Controversial Turkish Muslim scholar Harun Yahya, who enjoys very cordial relations with Jews and Israelis, claims that Islam and the Quran itself support the right of Jews to their ancient homeland:

    But check out the links I have compiled here to disabuse yourself of any sympathy for the Muslim religion. Considering their extremely brazen attitude to the Bible we can safely assume they are lying about Palestine as well. After all they tell us with a straight face that camel jockey Muhammad came along 700 years after Christ and pronounced that the Jewish and Christian Bible is completely false fabricated and fallacious. The Jewish Talmud says that 90% of theft in the world is done by Muslims and they certainly have tried to steal the authority and reliability of the biblical text. Based on that alone we can assume that everything they say about Palestine is equally false:

    •�Thanks: A123
    •�Replies: @Beckow
  104. songbird says:

    Yeah, the nice guy who once joked that he wished to be reincarnated as a virus virulent enough to wipe out the whole mankind and save the nature from the human plague.

    he didn’t say that.

    According to the Guardian he said:

    In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.

    Assuming the Guardian can be trusted. The context was him talking to the German press, who were probably significantly antiracist back then.

    I assume he was dogwhistling. This was 1988, only a few years after Live Aid.

  105. @AP

    Since the Mossad and Netanyahu see no difference between a Muslim Arab and a Christian Arab and intend to kill them all as fast and cheap as possible your point is near to idiotic.

    •�Agree: Derer
    •�Replies: @AP
  106. @Bashibuzuk

    When David Icke says lizard what he means is jew.

  107. Mikel says:

    According to the BBC, Kaja Kallas has just made two groundbreaking statements:

    “Russia cannot be trusted” and also the wildly original “The ball is now in Russian’s court”.

    Josep Borrell often sounded like a moron too but deep inside he was a very intelligent individual. He had been a prodigy student, becoming an aeronautical engineer and PhD in economics as well as professor of mathematics. At the ministry of economy he was one of the main architects of the Spanish economic convergence to the EU. His brain may have softened with age but I presume this noteworthy background played a role in his appointment. Kallas only got a law degree at a local university and dropped out of an MBA course she started. Enough to become a councilor of a big city, maybe, or even a major of a smallish one if the competition is not high. Other than being a reliable Russophobic Balt, it is a total mystery what merit anyone can have seen in her for the position she was given.

    On the plus side, she may be displaying a notable lack of intellectual capacity all the time but she is playing her expected role very well and can be trusted to go along with the EU pyromaniacs who are openly trying to sabotage the ceasefire initiative. As Macron declared yesterday while the fragile ceasefire is painstakingly being forged, ‘Russia has no say on whether NATO troops are deployed to Ukraine or not’. OK, and France has no say on whether Chinese troops are deployed to New Caledonia or not lol.

  108. @Bashibuzuk

    Your quotation is New Testament but it is not Gospel.

    Galatians 3

    27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

    28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

    29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

  109. @songbird

    Musk Derangement Syndrome

    Scott Alexander has a comment on the Less Wrong post. He is a licensed psychiatrist and has a disclaimer for writing a medical opinion in public for a living human he doesn’t know but that isn’t just irregular; it is unethical and legally stupid.

    One of the juicy bits in the Less Wrong post is a graphical timeline plotting every Musk twitter post ever. It looks like he stays up until 3 or 4 or 5 a.m. and sleeps to near noon.

    Benjamin Franklin told us this is no way to live and thrive. We need to get up early and sun our balls!

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @songbird
  110. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Last week, Lawrence Wilkerson said that he was of the impression that Blinken and Biden didn’t like being in the presence of Lavrov and Putin, upon realizing that the aforementioned Americans were inferior to their Russian counterparts.

  111. Mikhail says: •�Website

    On what might very well have motivated Trump’s compassion call for the Kiev regime/pro-Kiev regime forces in Kursk:


    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  112. @Mikhail

    Didn’t the Russians issue some sort of statement that anybody who surrenders gets to live? The traditional treatment of mercenaries on a battleground is when identified they go soon to the execution block with minimum of formalities.

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  113. Mr. Hack says:

    He is a licensed psychiatrist and has a disclaimer for writing a medical opinion in public for a living human he doesn’t know but that isn’t just irregular; it is unethical and legally stupid.

    Our local armchair psychiatrist, kremlinstoogeA123, often likes to practice his brand of unsolicited psychiatric analysis here at this blogsite. As far as I know, he’s neither a real practicing psychiatrist nor does he enjoy the protection of any legal disclaimers. Other than editing a highly unpopular Maggot newsletter, and playing racing car video games all day long, is there anything that he’s qualified to do (sniffing glue is a habit, not a profession as far as I know?).

  114. @Bashibuzuk

    You mean they are rootless cosmopolitans?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  115. @Mikel


    “Now it is Putin who stands in the spotlight, Putin who must answer, Putin who must choose. Are you serious, Mr Putin, about peace? Will you stop the fighting? Or will you drag your feet and play games, pay lip service to a ceasefire while still pummeling your prey?

    My warning to Mr. Putin is this – if you are serious, prove it with a full and unconditional ceasefire now.”

    What a posturing popinjay, he and TTK (two tier Kier) make a good pair.

  116. Bashibuzuk says:

    Yes they are, and « their people » are other Globalist elite members. Many of these are Jewish, but others are old (inbred) European aristocracy. Both factions are disproportionately sociopathic.

    •�LOL: A123
    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
    , @A123
  117. @Bashibuzuk

    About an hour ago I discovered that obnoxious Eric Weinstein is not the same person who wrote the uber great Mathworld web site. For at least two years I have been shaking my head how this goof could have possibly created that?

    He didn’t!


  118. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    There is no reason to believe Musk does all of his own tweets any more than Trump does his.

    •�Agree: songbird
    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  119. Derer says:
    @Mr. Hack

    You are showing the UkieNazi destruction in Donbas ordered by little greenman (you know he is no Christian). Buzz off little old man.

    •�Troll: Mr. Hack
  120. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Scott Alexander has a comment on the Less Wrong post

    And he references AK talking about Musk’s father.

    I find Errol distasteful for calling his father-in-law a Nazi and for having been anti-apartheid, when independence for the Western Cape was an obviously superior stance.

    I don’t know exactly what he is alleged to have said about witchdoctors, but I want to defend them. In certain contexts, like being a Euro living in Zimbabwe or South Africa, they are very useful and have led to a redress of grievances for individuals, when no other means was available.

    Sure, there are bad ones but #not all witchdoctors.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  121. A123 says: •�Website

    Globalist elite members. Many of these are Jewish, but others are old (inbred) European aristocracy. Both factions are disproportionately sociopathic.

    Of those you identify as “Jewish”, are you classifying them that way on the basis of genetic lineage? If so, how many are:

    • Active practitioners of Judaism?
    • Anti-Semitic, post-Judaic apostates?

    The later group is dramatically over represented. The most obvious examples are:

    ♦︎ Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews. Leader of anti-Semitic neo-Nazis.
    ♦︎ George IslamoSoros. A backer of genocidal BDS and other anti-Semitic causes such as the Great Muslim Replacement.

    Most of the Globalists you are calling out are Islamophiles. They are enemies of actual practicing Jews and Christians. You can see this for yourself as anti-Semitic Islamophile elites (e.g. Merkel, Scholz, Merz, Macron, BoJo) pit Christian against Christian in Ukraine.

    if you want to identify the root cause of most problems in Europe, start with this easy step — Name the Muslim (or Islamophile) . It almost always works.

    PEACE 😇

  122. @QCIC


    There is a decent chance (P~.3) that from Pay Pal time the personality the public knows as Elon Musk has been a label for a CIA tech business managed by a committee of anonymous agents; what we observe as inconsistency (what Scott Alexander sees as mental disease) isn’t anything other than the ebb flow of various inputs to this committee.

    Donald the Fat should release all the files on In Q Tel.

    You probably disbelieve the Grimes Roko Basilisk publicity. We are so cynical. SpaceX is retrieving the astronauts Boeing stranded!

    It is all going according to the plan. : )

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Beckow
  123. Wokechoke says:

    No fatties and no blacks.

  124. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Do AI’s compete with each other? Do they fear God? Do AI’s secretly subscribe to Pascal’s wager?

    As a kid, I went through a phase where the Basilisk was my favorite lizard (walks on water and all that). Later I was a fan of the Jack Williamson pulp sci-fi story which has a Basilisk character. But I don’t know about basil the superintelligence.

    I think the chance that Musk is the poster child for a major “project” is closer to p~.9. I don’t know what it is or if he has agency. The CIA may work for him.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  125. @QCIC

    Ronald Hutton says basilisk was a bird most similar to a chicken.

    There is a certain congruence to this fellow is bugnuts and he goes into the businesses of tunnel transport and flamethrowers and twitter. Apparently there is a big problem on r/boring of people trying to sell second hand flamethrowers.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  126. Beckow says:
    @emil nikola richard

    …It is all going according to the plan. : )

    It never is.

    The background speculations are amusing and possibly true (Macron’s wife is a dude). The tech is less a home-grown business than a managed process that took advantage of new capabilities to do better surveillance, enrich few chosen people, and control societies better. But it’s a mess, the plan is not working very well.

    The powerful are more powerless than their image – they scoop water from the ocean, build small dams, move around frantically, and life passes them by. They hide in protected enclaves and bitch that people are too hard to control, there are too many people yet not enough servants, all the injustices they inflict on the oligarchs! They recall the horrors of revolutions, jacobins, bolsheviks, how the wrong people were killed (for once) and how it took decades to get the societies back under control.

    The foundations are very shaky and there isn’t anything to rebuild them with while all the sh..t is going on. It is definitely not going to the plan…look at them, they are anxious and wobbly, some yearn for the quiet of the Biden’s sleepy years. But it was a performance sleep, suspended drama that could last. Now for the finale…:)

  127. Beckow says:

    History will look back on the Russia/Ukraine conflict and see it as the migration war .

    With that I agree. But it’s not Islamophilia, it is more deeply embedded in Euro elite’s thinking – they want to control their societies better, having millions of migrants helps. They would bring in Hottentots if that was logistically possible.

    the upcoming referendum in Italy…

    Yeah, it’s coming, the liberal class is going all the way. Since they now lose elections they are disempowering the elected people and implementing judicial-byrocracy with full control of the media. Italy is about to experience a lot of cute-alien children videos mislabeled as news. Throw in few big-tits Moroccan girls and some Christian charity. It could work. Meloni is very random and many people will vote to spite her.

    Then they will do more of it all over Europe: courts, media, “experts”, it is based on still having the control over institutions. Food is plentiful so people put up with anything.

    •�Replies: @A123
  128. Direct quotes from former Boring Co safety manager
    byu/chapsmoke inBoringCompany

    I will repeat: Road and Track reports that by a large margin the automobile brand with the highest rate of fatalities is Tesla. Intelligence and wisdom do not and never did have any correlation.


    •�Replies: @QCIC
  129. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I recently saw the latest John Wick mess. He has a Hollywood–style shotgun (“Dragon’s Breath”?) which seems to shoot thermobaric warheads (~ flame thrower). I guess the Russkies actually have a grenade launcher which shoots these things, so close enough.

    Musk is probably hooked up with Denel and can get whatever he wants, including sharks with lasers.

  130. Aedib says:

    Ad hominem attack. Il messaggero non è importante. Il messaggio è.

    •�Replies: @AP
  131. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I think this is result of the Tesla Asian drivers. 🙂


  132. Derer says:

    AP:”I predict he overestimates Ukrainian casualties and underestimates Russian ones, rendering his conclusions invalid.”

    What a load of crap!

  133. Derer says:

    The following diagrams show the complicated intertwined bloodline of Romanov and House of Windsor:

    Queen Victoria (1819-1901) > Alice(1843-1878) > Alexandra(1872-1918) ++Tsar Nicholas II(1868-1918)

    Queen Victoria(1819-1901)>Edward VII(1841-1910)++Alexandra of Denmark(1844-1925)…sister Dagmar(1847-1928)++Tsar Alexander III(1845-1894)>Tsar Nicholas II(1868-1918)++Alexandra(1872-1918)

    Queen Victoria(1819-1901)>Edward VII(1841-1910)++Alexandra of Denmark(1844-1925)>George V(1865-1936)>George VI(1895-1952)>Elisabeth II(1926-2022)++Philip(1921-2021)

    Queen Victoria(1819-1901)> Alice(1843-1878) > Victoria(1863-1950)++Louis of Battenberg(1854-1921) > Alice(1885-1969)++Andrew of Greece(1882-1944) >Philip(1921-2021)++Elisabeth II(1926-2022)

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  134. songbird says:

    Wonder whether Rogozin, former head of Roscosmos, according to rumor: ordered to the front, was hit (injured only) using starlink, back in 2022. My guess would be yes.


  135. A123 says: •�Website

    History will look back on the Russia/Ukraine conflict and see it as the migration war .

    With that I agree. But it’s not Islamophilia, it is more deeply embedded in Euro elite’s thinking – they want to control their societies better, having millions of migrants helps. They would bring in Hottentots if that was logistically possible.

    There definitely is an Islamophile element. Some elites are quiet converts. Others view Muslims as the “gold standard”. Islamists are easily and reliably weaponized against Jews and Christians.

    That being said, when their preferred Muslim insurgents are not available, they will take others. Flooding in any difficult/impossible to assimilate group dilutes native Judeo-Christian values. And, a large population of any kind suppresses the economic power of labour.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  136. songbird says:

    Will Thulean or Emil listen to the Lex-Modi interview?

    “When I shake hands with a world leader, it is not Modi, but 1.4 billion Indians doing so.”

    Would listen, if I thought Lex would ask about Indian immigration, remittences, caste, the Andamanese, PIE migrations, the British, Diego Garcia, and China. But I doubt he will.


    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  137. Why hasn’t Zalenski called out Putin’s bluff in Kursk?

    “Surrender or you are considered a terrorist!”

    Zalenski should counter with “all Russian combatants on Ukrainian soil surrender or be treated as a terrorist!”

    •�Replies: @Derer
  138. @songbird

    ask about Indian immigration, remittences, caste, the Andamanese, PIE migrations, the British, Diego Garcia, and China.

    “What is the difference between you and a gypsy?”

    Is Fridman still planning on doing a show with pimp Andrew Tate?

    •�LOL: songbird, Mikhail
  139. Beckow says:

    …There definitely is an Islamophile element.

    Sure, but there are a lot of other elements and it varies by country. The main elite’s concern is not to deal with homogenous nations and controlled borders again – it would take them back to the hated-post-WW2 period that guaranteed the economic power of domestic labour, but made the elites feel relatively impoverished.

    There is also a cultural element from disliking one’s Christianity and liberally weird views on gender, white people…The smarter elites are more concerned with the economic angle – to suppress labour, meaning most people. The dumb ones are into the liberal woke nonsense. Two sides of the same coin that complement each other.

  140. Beckow says:
    @Michael Korn

    Palestinians had moved there in the last few centuries during the Ottoman Empire.

    All of them? This is a nonsense argument that normal people in 2025 should not be making. “Few centuries” is longer than the Jewish migrants who mostly came after WW2. So even on that metric Palestinians are substantially more at home – or native to Palestine-Israel – than Jews. It is a simple reality and no amount of propaganda or censorship can change it.

    Regarding the theological stuff that you wrote, it’s beyond bizarre. As if you have the reasoning capability of an 8-year old. It’s tribal nonsense that village idiots yell at each other when they get drunk.

    I don’t get into theological arguments, it’s something each person needs to think through on his own. But it’s a genocide to push-out and murder the native population in Palestine and no amount of sophistry can justify it.

    •�Replies: @A123
  141. S1 says:

    The present situation, ie an impending WWIII, probably can’t be dealt with succesfully with guns and more wars.

    There’s no end to it.

    However, perhaps the primary perpetrators themselves (ie the modern progressives) can offer insight in how to best deal with them through what is known as ‘projection’.

    You can’t get anymore so called ‘progressive’ Multi-cultural than the sixty year old US Star Trek series franchise. If what is termed ‘projection’ were to take place in regards to these progs, that’s exactly where it would occur.

    And sure enough, a 1967 episode (see script linked below) entitled ‘Day of the Dove’ offers just such a case.

    The words of the script and it’s excerpts speak for themselves.

    Ideally people wouldn’t fight at all, but if you must fight, at least do it on your own terms, for your own purpose, and at the time and place of your own choosing, much unlike this impending rigged WWIII, a microcosm of which is taking place in Ukraine now, where it’s intended from the beginningg most participants are not intended to win, but intended to lose.

    Being laughed at and ignored, and thus no longer able to manipulate others and made powerless, is probably what terrifies the perpetrators (ie the modern so called ‘progressives’) of the past world wars and an impending WWIII, the most.

    At the same it would likely be the best thing for them.

    We laugh at you Mr Rockefeller. We laugh at you Mr Soros. We know exactly what you are doing and we won’t fight your damn war(s).


    ‘Two forces…, each of them equally armed. Has a war been staged for us, complete with weapons and ideology and patriotic drum beating? Even,…even race hatred?’

    ‘It exists on the hate of others. To put it simply. And it has acted as a catalyst, creating this situation in order to satisfy that need. It has brought together opposing forces, provided crude instruments in an effort to promote the most violent mode of conflict.’

    ‘For the present, only a fool fights in a burning house.’

  142. AP says:

    The prediction is probably valid.

  143. AP says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I don’t follow the Middle East too closely, but the Palestinian Christians I have known personally disliked both sides. The Jews stole their land in the 20th century, while the Muslims had been persecuting them for centuries. They were more sympathetic to the secular Arab nationalists.

    The most high profile Palestinian Christian, Richard Hanania, is strongly pro-Israel in this latest conflict, although I doubt that his attitude is very representative.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  144. songbird says:

    Sheinbaum denigrates the US for not having pyramids (unlike Sudan), and says once you build a border wall you turn the global population into consumers who will boycott you.

    I feel like she is spitting on American Indians for geodeterministic reasons.

  145. AP says:

    A Christian should not cheer the killing of Christians by other Christians. A Christian should not divide Christians by nationality

    Correct. Russia invading and killing Ukrainians in Ukraine starting in 2014 and accelerating in 2022 has been and continues to be a vile crime.

    It’s written in the Gospel: « there will be neither Greek, nor Jew or Scythian… ». Christianity and Islam are universal religions that attempt to erase the tribalism and nationalism

    This is why multinational Christian countries such as Austria-Hungary and Rzeczpospolita were better than the nation-states that replaced them. EU might have qualified, if it had not been born in a secular age.

    For a true believer, Russians or Ukrainians it’s all the same.

    Is Cain really the same as Abel?

    Re. Christian Arabs, they belong in Palestine much more than the Ashkenazim who are genetically 75% non-Semitic.

    Christian Palestinians are genetically closest to the ancient Israelites. Ashkenazim are about 50% (not 25%) Semitic and 50% European, while Palestinian Arabs are strongly admixed with Arab invaders.

    The basic story is that the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity. When the Arabs conquered those lands, most converted from Christianity to Islam and mixed with the invaders. The ones who did not and who therefore are most closely linked to the ancient Israelites are the Palestinian Christians.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  146. When it comes to suit etiquette, remember to always unbutton your jacket when sitting, match your belt and shoes, and avoid over-accessorizing.


    •�Replies: @songbird
  147. I think it’s fair to say at this point Canada is one of India’s adversaries. Perhaps not on the level of Pakistan or China, but definitely on par with Turkey or Malaysia.

  148. AP says:

    Correct. And in contrast to Poland (and Ukraine), the Italian influence in Russia was not only more brief but also less deep. Russia elites may have hired Italian architects and appreciated their work, but they didn’t actually live in Italy. Jan Zamoyski had been the rector of the law department at the University of Padua. Latin fluency was obligatory, and common even among petit nobles who had not ventured to Italy.

  149. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    Am not kidding: would like to see Conor McGregor and Tyson Fury put in charge of Ireland.

    I think Ireland would be better off governed by Travellers.

    The kind of people who would come into my grandmother’s home, sit on the floor and demand tea, and not leave until they got it.

  150. A123 says: •�Website

    Palestinians are substantially more at home – or native to Palestine-Israel – than Jews. It is a simple reality and no amount of propaganda or censorship can change it.

    Let me fix that for you:

    Palestinians (Jews and Christians) are substantially more at home – or native to Palestine-Israel – than non-Palestinian Muslims. It is a simple reality and no amount of propaganda or censorship can change it.

    It is indisputably true than the non-Palestinian religion of Islam invaded Palestine ~600 AD. It arrived from non-Palestinian Arabia.

    It requires sophistry to fabricate a narrative for Muslim occupation. For some artificial and specious reason the non-Palestinian Muslim invasion (~600 AD) is somehow morally superior and privileged over the Palestinian Jewish return to Jewish Palestine (~1900 AD).

    If one abandons sophistry the path forward is unambiguous. The bulk of today’s non-Palestinian Muslim colonists in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza did not ask to be born squatting on the land of Palestinian Jews & Christians. They need an honourable and compensated way to return to their religious homeland, thus ending 1,400 years of non-Palestinian Muslim occupation of Palestine.

    PEACE 😇

  151. songbird says:

    Funny to see Cosby denounce Amos ‘n’ Andy, on multiple levels.


  152. @Mikel

    it is a total mystery what merit anyone can have seen in her for the position she was given.

    They just flock to the current power.

    Her father, Siim Kallas, worked in the Ministry of Finance of the ESSR, was the head of Sberbank in Estonia, a Soviet propagandist and deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper of the CPSU Central Committee, part of the Soviet elite.


    Always close to power and money.

    •�Thanks: Mikel
  153. songbird says:

    Has Aaron_B ever seen a creature matching this description?



    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @Mr. Hack
    , @S1
  154. @songbird


    The video, in which Zdorovetskiy chased mostly Black people, was described by some viewers as a racist attempt to humiliate the local black community. Zdorovetskiy had been previously accused of humiliating black people in his videos after he published a prank video in which he accused a black man of being involved in a robbery. In the same video, Zdorovetskiy approached three black males, accused them of crimes and ordered them to circle around a pole to prove their innocence. After the video was recorded, Zdorovetskiy was arrested on two counts of impersonating a police officer.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  155. Mr. Hack says:

    Where’s the leprechaun? The Black fellow at 1:27 says that his great, great grandfather was Irish. Who knows, maybe you’re related?

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  156. A123 says: •�Website

    Will Germany amend their constitution to mandate Deindustrialization?

    2045 climate neutrality target will be put into constitution

    To secure the necessary two-thirds majority in parliament, the outgoing German government (which is rushing to get a deal done before March 24 when the new incoming government would have blocked it) had to integrate last-minute demands from the Greens party into their proposal, a plan which was originally meant to fund “defense” against Russia, but has since mutated into a debt-funded free-for-all, with all the participating parties promised generous pork to get their approval.

    The biggest irony is that this kind of debt/deficit-funded spending is precisely what incoming premier Merz had campaigned against, signaling that in its terminal slide to oblivion, Europe – overrun by foreigner – will first turn hard left before running right into the abyss.

    The legislation now goes to the Bundesrat upper house, which represents Germany’s 16 states, and is set to vote on Friday.

    Can anything block this insanity?

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/germany-passes-biggest-debt-funded-spending-splurge-its-history

  157. My position on the proposed ceasefire……for me and most other Russians ,Victory Day on 9th May is hugely important and a great day, with special significance FOR this year being the 80th anniversary and probably the last chance with heroic veterans from the war still alive.

    IF the GS doesn’t think a ceasefire seriously harms us and aids the enemy , costing us a significant & imminent territorial breakthrough, IF ukronazi weapons deliveries and mobilisations are guaranteed not to occur………then I strongly think we should take the ceasefire solely to ensure fantastic preparations and festivities to celebrate Victory Day throughout the country. Positive effect for the country and for our military would be huge – and having joyous and safe Victory Day weekend celebrations would massively deflate khokhol retards who would already have a schizophrenic and confused relation to the day.

    Even though I would be fairly confident we would have safe Victory Day celebrations ( though no guarantee the personnel and inventory on display in the parades would be as large as usual) if there was no ceasefire, the risk of them being cancelled just to be safe would always be possible. Better to have peaceful preparations guaranteed.

    BUT – this retarded nonsense of the ceasefire starting immediately can’t occur. Ceasefire for 14 April – May 12th ( 9th May is a Friday). Surveillance drones allowed from both sides, but no other drones and of course no ground operations. Stand-off strikes from us, Israeli-style, should of course be allowed – at least 1 nationwide salvo through Banderastan during the 30 days.

    I don’t particularly desire Pindostan representation in Moscow on Victory Day, and having Trump there could just take away from the dignity of the occasion…..but at least high official representation from the US might be OK.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  158. @Gerard1234

    They ought to dress up Andreeva like the Empress of the Russian Empire and stick her on a huge red and white float at the front of the parade.

  159. @A123

    I have always maintained that it is sad that Führer Zelensky, enemy of Judeo-Christians, orders the deaths of Russian Christians. It is doubly sad that he is expending Ukrainian Christians to do so.

    It has nothing to do with Christianity. It is a Russian expansionist imperialism.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @A123
  160. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    Being of a cynical mind, mostly, it is hard for me to appreciate these sorts of things, without thinking that everyone is in on it.

    @Mr. Hack

    Where’s the leprechaun?

    Who likes to be in front of camera lights?

    The Black fellow at 1:27 says that his great, great grandfather was Irish. Who knows, maybe you’re related?

    Do you recognize that ancient “flute” he is holding? A scaffolding joiner. And do you know what sort accident killed my GG grandfather?

    But more seriously, I did once have a very distant match in Jamaica.

  161. @Bardon Kaldian

    Kosovo, Albania and Croatia have signed a trilateral declaration on cooperation in the field of defense and security. The memorandum was signed in Albania.

    “The aim of this cooperation will in no case be to threaten anyone. But it will be a message to all those who dare to threaten security, peace and stability in the Western Balkans, but also the security of our countries, that our three countries that share common values ​​and interests are united to face any danger and threat that aims to destabilize the region,”

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  162. A123 says: •�Website
    @Bardon Kaldian

    It has nothing to do with Christianity. It is a Russian expansionist imperialism.

    Let me fix that for you.

    It has nothing to do with Christianity. It is about the European elite Globalist agenda.

    Angela “Welcome Rape-ugees” Merkel was Anti-Christian when she had Führer Zelensky break the Minsk agreements and attack ethnic Christian Russians.

    Christian Russia and Christian Ukraine should be able to arrange a fair peace. However, to get there, the Ukrainian people need to get rid of elite Islamophile meddlers.

    An election might help. However, Führer Zelensky has shutdown objective media and opposition parties. Other options to get rid of him are much more messy.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  163. @A123

    Nonsense talk from an ignoramus mixing topics.

    So, just a c-p.

    I have read Putin’s last two big speeches & these are babbling of an incoherent mind, similar to Hitler’s will.

    As I said before, after poring over his speech- this is an absurdist fantasy.

    Putin’s “thoughts” are- if he is sincere – these:

    Russia is neither “white” nor non-white. He doesn’t think in these categories. For instance, he’s constantly drumming against Western imperialism, which he thinks began with the Age of Exploration.

    His chief devil is not very well defined, but it seems to be a combination of Western Christianity (Catholicism & Protestantism) & now, perhaps, Anglo-Saxonistan which is, in his fantasies, dominated by WASPs. It is not clear how he treats other Europeans, but his image of the West is confusing- it seems that “West” is a combination of Poles, French, Germans & Swedes, Russia’s historical invaders; on the other hand, he easily switches between centuries & mixes the 17th C with the 21st C.

    Putin’s narrative is also contradictory. It is not clear whether historical invaders of Russia (Poles, French, Germans) are now the threatening & potentially Russia-conquering West, or just puppets of the global WASP power. Anyway, all Western Christians, from the Portuguese to the English, are racists. Putin’s version of the contemporary world is that “good guys” are colored races (China, India, Africa, blacks in the US,..). Russia, in his view, is not “white” (whatever this may mean).

    As far as religious culture goes, Western Christianity is the enemy. It is only Eastern, Orthodox Christianity that he thinks of “defending”. Also, his reinterpretation of history is laughable: he states that historical “friends”, buddies in Russia are Eastern Orthodox, Jews and Muslims (with a smattering of Buddhists).

    For anyone who knows anything about the history of Russia- this is absurd. Before Communism, Jews and Muslims were considered irreconcilable aliens & enemies. He’s lying about trivial facts.

    Then, his fantasies about WASPs, now, have nothing to do with reality. He fantasizes that tranny, gay & Globohomo ideology is basically WASPy, or “white” tool for domination over colored races, Russia & a sword wielded by US “whites” to conquer the world & to exploit it.

    Globohomo ideology is, in his definition, the invention of globalist Anglo-Saxonists to subdue Africans, Asians & other coloreds- and, of course, Russia, which is a natural ally of the East and South.

    His world-view is simply idiotic.

    It can be easily decoded if one reads his last two big speeches & watches short videos (when he says, in translation, Christianity, he means only Eastern Orthodoxy; also, when he talks about races, and white race especially, he doesn’t include Russians in the definition).

    Putin’s core world-view is that of an Eastern Orthodox Euro-Asian Jihadist– basically, this is the same as Dugin- consumed with hatred of not just post-modern Globohomo West, but of the historical European identity.

    This culture & world-view must be isolated by Western civilization, whichever the costs.

    •�Agree: Mr. Hack
    •�Thanks: AP
    •�Troll: Derer
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Coconuts
    , @Derer
    , @sudden death
  164. Dmitry says:

    “Romanov” was really just the name of the title they inherited in the 18th century.

    This family is House of Oldenburg of Northern Germany.

    Their home is Schleswig-Holstein, which is just above Hamburg to modern Southern Denmark.

    They are German protestants, who inherit the Kingdom in Russia in the 18th by marriage.

    Each generation they import a German protestant wife, after inheriting the Kingdom, they do not marry slavic people for their inheritance, only marry aryans from Germany, often cousins. By Nikolai II, his ancestry is 99,3% Germanic. His children would be 99,6% etc.

    As a kind of acting role, a Germany family of “von”, give themselves Russian professional name and they control the Orthodox Church. Even though they do not marry an Orthodox woman, or someone with a Russian family name.

    Sophie Dorothee von Württemberg, for their professional name called “Tsarina Maria Feodorovna”

    Charlotte von Prussia for their professional name is “Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Feodorovna_(Charlotte_of_Prussia)

    Marie von Hesse, is professional name “Tsarina Maria Alexandrovna”

    Prinzessin Dagmar von Dänemark, is professional name “Tsarina Maria Feodorovna”

    Alix von Hessen-Darmstadt, is professional name “Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna”

    They don’t explain clearly in school, that Russia was owned by a German family, who each generation do not marry non-Germans.

    But, nationalism is a recent ideology, important only in the 19th century with the development of democracy and increase in size of middle class.

    Before nationalism and democracy, European countries are viewed more like large farms, which are divided in Europe by a few mafia families, who can have a different nationality than the property they own.

    In Russia after the 18th century, the country is owned by a German family. But for 18th century Europeans this is normal. It’s just like you can own property in another country. To have foreign rulers is very common in Europe.

    To be ruled by a German family, who were sometimes effective managers, is only really becoming strange for 20th century people, who live after 19th century ideologies of democracy, republicanism and nationalism, but often don’t know a lot of about history.

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Gerard1234
  165. Dmitry says:

    Emperor of Germany, Wilhelm II is also cousin of the King George V.

    When the beginning of the First World War, the German empire, the Russian empire and the British empire, have three cousins, of the same influential German family, which was able to inherit a lot of important titles by marrying carefully.

    Emperor Wilhelm II, King George V and Emperor Nikolai II.

    They are more related than normal cousins, as cousins by multiple different ways and the marrying to itself many times.

    •�Thanks: Derer
  166. It is now quitting time in Washington D.C.

    So. Where exactly are the JFK files?

    Not that there are going to be any evidence facts proofs ever but where are they?

  167. Dmitry says:

    Noviop Londongrad infatuation.

    I think it’s just a high proportion of all European and a lot of Asian and African, people with disposable income, buy property in London.

    It’s not exclusive postsoviet. It’s because it’s a safe and secured investment, there isn’t some unusual tax etc.

    French people, German people, Italian people, Nigerian people, Saudi people, they also buy in London.

    The postsoviet space just has the most unequal wealth distribution and natural resources (outside of Gulf states), so they buy the most property in London.

    But even a lot of middle class Russians buy small properties in London, because you can buy there without any paperwork, visas, special taxes.

    Pynya has always been much more of a Germanophile, to the point of being accused of having been a BBD

    I think it’s result of his KGB professional path, when his job was in DDR, like quite a few of the KGB staff from Peter, who go later to Sobchak’s office.

    For example, Sechin is an Africanophile, probably as result of having the KGB career related to Angola.

    Also, Putin’s interest in books and literature isn’t very high relative to a lot of the people in his generation. If he was more interested in 19th century culture, he would probably be more anglophile and francophile.

  168. Dmitry says:

    The views of the minorities in the Middle East, just follows loyalty to one who has power there, in their country or at least village. They don’t have a luxury of modern Westerners, who believe they have independent points of view.

    Minorities’ view is mainly situational, without some kind of independent thinking. It’s more like animal instinct to survive as a religious minority there, which requires loyalty to the more powerful side.

    In Israel, minorities which live in a majority Arab Muslim majority village, will be often the most loyal people to the Arab nation.

    Minorities which live in a Jewish village, are often the most loyal people to the Jewish nation. They behave like baby ducks who which believe their mother is the one they meet first.

    If they enter a mistake in loyalty, it can be a disaster for their community. As you can see the situation of the Alawites in Syria, who followed the wrong duck mother.

    To survive as a small religious minority in the Middle East, you need to follow the people who actually have power in the long-term.

    In relation to Islam, the Christians and Jews are usually more protected as “people of the book” during peace time. But Muslim minorities like Druzim, Alawites, or the unrecognized pre-Islamic religions like Yazidism, can be entering unprotected status.

    Christians and Jews are relatively safer with Islam, than the potential heretical religions.

    Alawites and Druzim protect themselves partly with an secret religion, which is only being given to men after they have married a woman from their own religion.

    This stops theological discussions about their religion, which could become a heresy in Islam. As their religion is secret, nobody knows if it is heresy or not, including the authorities of the official Islam.

    •�Replies: @AP
  169. Mikhail says: •�Website
    @Torna atrás

    Trouble making under the guise of good.

  170. QCIC says:

    Has Ukraine agreed to the reported thirty day ceasefire of attacks against energy and infrastructure targets?

    The situation is asymmetric since Russia didn’t want to attack these targets whereas they are Ukraine’s preferred targets. If Ukraine does not agree to this ceasefire it could be a green light for Russia to destroy many such sites in the next wave. Then Kiev may change its mind or maybe NATO will just move in so we can get World War Three started.

    Or was Trump just being a little bit sarcastic about the ceasefire?

    •�Replies: @A123
  171. A123 says: •�Website
    @Bardon Kaldian

    You have badly misidentified the sides. The distortion causes your attempt at analysis to catastrophically fail. The competing factions are:

    IslamoGloboHomo — Germany/France/UK/Kiev
    • Judeo-Christian — Russia

    Let us look at Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews, to see the opposition to Judaism, Christianity, and Jews.

    -1- It is undeniably clear that Zelensky is a post-Judaic apostate who has turned his back on the practice of Judaism. In the interest of good taste, I will not provide links, but research his piano act to see how far he deviates from the norms of Jewish behaviour.

    -2- Führer Zelensky hates Christians. He had Orthodox monks evicted from their monastery as an expression of his IslamoGloboHomo authoritarianism. (1)

    -3- Zelensky travelled to Jerusalem and intentionally offended Palestinian Jews: (2)

    Israeli lawmakers tear into Zelensky for Holocaust comparisons in Knesset speech

    Ukrainian president accused of ignoring his country’s part in Nazi genocide

    Likud MK Yuval Steinitz said it “borders on Holocaust denial.”

    “War is always a terrible thing… but every comparison between a regular war, as difficult as it is, and the extermination of millions of Jews in gas chambers in the framework of the Final Solution is a complete distortion of history,” he said in a statement.

    A number of Religious Zionism MKs also criticized Zelensky, with the far-right opposition party’s leader, Bezalel Smotrich, slamming the Holocaust comparisons and accusing the Ukrainian leader of trying “to rewrite history and erase the involvement of the Ukrainian people in the extermination of Jews.”

    Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rotman rejected Zelensky’s request that Israel treat Ukrainians the same way Zelensky claimed Ukraine treated Jews during the Holocaust.

    Attempts to recover from this catastrophe failed. Netanyahu is from the Likud party and his coalition depends on religious ones. These were the leaders most offended by Führer Zelensky’s anti-Semitism.

    Did this public error foreshadow his later Oval Office escapade?

    You have admitted Putin’s Christian credentials. Here is some detail on his willingness to protect Jews: (3)

    Putin offers Russian refuge to European Jews facing anti-Semitism

    (Source: RT) – As a rising wave of anti-Semitic attacks engulf Europe, the Russian president has offered European Jews protection by proposing that they immigrate to Russia.

    In a meeting with members of the European Jewish Congress in the Kremlin, the president of the congregation complained to Vladimir Putin about the rising anti-Semitism across Europe that has manifested itself in an increased number of attacks against Jews.

    If you want to understand the truth, you must be honest about the sides.

    Russia defends Christianity. Kiev aggression against Russian ethnics serves anti-Semitic IslamoGloboHomo.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.thetimes.com/world/russia-ukraine-war/article/zelensky-ukraine-orthodox-church-monastery-monks-russian-history-2023-zmwbw9vk9

    (2) https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-lawmakers-tear-into-zelensky-for-holocaust-comparisons-in-knesset-speech/

    (3) https://www.gnosticwarrior.com/putin-offers-russian-refuge-to-european-jews-facing-anti-semitism.html

    •�Troll: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @AP
  172. A123 says: •�Website

    Has Ukraine agreed to the reported thirty day ceasefire of attacks against energy and infrastructure targets?

    Not yet. It would behoof them to join in. Alas, Kiev is short on decision making acumen.

    Germany, France, and the UK are probably weighing a false flag attack against Ukrainian infrastructure. It is the type of misconduct one expects to from Macron.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Disagree: Mr. Hack
  173. songbird says:

    Is it true that Korea arrested the Microsoft rep because they didn’t like how Koreans were depicted in the expansion pack to Age of Empires II.



    And has Japan tried that with Ubisoft?

  174. AP says:

    Thank you for this post. You are elaborating on a point I had made, about pre-Revolutionary Russia being owned by a German family. We can contrast this situation with Britain. The Germans ruling Russia were not only more purely German than their British cousins, they also wielded far more power than did the British royal family. And unlike Britain, Russia also had a considerable German aristocracy. Names that immediately come to mind include Witte, Biron, Wrangel.

    After the Revolution, these German overlords of Muscovite Slavs were replaced by Caucasians, Jews, and Latvians who took their turn in ruling over Russians. Though Lenin was of partial German descent.

    If the Germans had won World War II, Muscovite Russians would have returned to their traditional role as servants of Germans. Though the Nazis were far more cruel than the late period Romanovs. Not much more cruel than Catherine II though, whom Muscovites adore. She killed her native Muscovite husband, expanded serfdom of Slavs and made it harsher, brought in German settlers, slaughtered Slavs who dared rebel, etc.

    So instead the Muscovite Slavs served the Georgian slavemaster who killed millions of them, but a few million less than the German Nazis did. They still adore him too, maybe even more than they love Catherine.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  175. AP says:

    Führer Zelensky hates Christians. He had Orthodox monks evicted from their monastery

    Those were monks from the Church created by Stalin, a Church that serves a state that elevates Chechen Muslims over Christian Slavs and that kills 100,000s of Christians.

    Other Christian Churches in Ukraine such as the Roman and Greek Catholic ones, the Orthodox Church under Constantinople, and various Protestant sects do fine there. Only Stalin’s Church has problems. Most Ukrainian Christians support the expulsion of Stalin’s Church from Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Beckow
  176. AP says:

    These are good points. But I was referring to the attitudes of people not living there, but here, so they are probably free of pressure from those who rule over Christians in Palestine. The Palestinian Christians I knew disliked both the Israelis and the Muslim Palestinians. They did not like the fact that the Jewish colonists stole their (Christian’s’) lands just as they took land from Muslims, but they also recalled that the Muslims had persecuted them and treated them as second class people on their own native lands for centuries. So there was a sense of schadenfreude when the new Jewish-European colonists were screwing the traditional Muslim colonists.

    I haven’t kept in close touch in recent years so I don’t know how they feel after October 7th. The only one that I am Facebook friends with posts on politics but doesn’t discuss Gaza either way so I suspect that he retains his attitude of neutrality. Opinion polls showed that Palestinian Christians disliked the October 7 massacres while Palestinian Muslims did not.

    Outside Palestine – Lebanese Christian Falangists were allies of Israel IIRC.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  177. S1 says:

    I don’t know, but if you ask me, I think folks ought to be a lot more cautious about any possible Leprechaun in the hood.

    The guy with the ‘flute’ in camo and (apparently) ready for battle has got the right idea in such a circumstance, but even that might not be enough.

    Best just to leave it all alone… 😉


    Leprechaun in the Hood wasn’t particularly too ‘pc’ as far as movies go I’m afraid…

    •�Replies: @songbird
  178. Coconuts says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    It looks like a worldview at least partly shaped by the demands of the current war.

    The anti-LGBT stuff is a more longstanding stance that will also appeal to the developing world. The anti-colonial and Third Worldist line should appeal to Russia’s allies and the world outside Europe and the West, and it seems quite a natural position to take when the core support for Ukraine comes from Europe and the US.

    It’s ironic that one of the arguments made for the LGBT agenda in Europe used to be that it represented resistance against imperialism and fascism, because the underlying cause of these was thought to be (apart from capitalism), cis-hetero patriarchy and Christianity. At the same time, LGBT looks unlikely to be used as a tool of white Anglo dominance, it is more correlated with declining fertility in the Anglo and Western world, mass-migration and demographic change in favour of non-white groups in these countries. In one way it’s in the interests of the source countries of immigration to support the persistence of the trend among the native white populations.

    There is an interesting parallel between Putin’s Third Worldism and anti-racism and the prevalence of the same beliefs among the Western elites at the moment. Dmitry has mentioned the way cultural trends of many kinds are shared between the West/Europe and Russia.

    •�Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  179. A123 says: •�Website

    a Church that serves a state that elevates Chechen Muslims over Christian Slavs

    ROTFL — Why do you tell such obvious lies? You must know that no one will believe you. There is no way to twist general blessings for Russian troops (most of whom are Christian) into “elevation of Chechen Muslims”.

    Are you trying to distract from the misdeeds of your Muslim loving Pope? (1)

    Pope Francis challenged French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders to open their ports to people fleeing hardship and poverty, insisting Saturday that the continent isn’t facing a migration “emergency” but rather a long-term reality that governments must deal with humanely.

    For a second straight day in the French port city of Marseille, Francis took aim at European countries that have used “alarmist propaganda” to justify closing their doors to migrants, and tried to shame them into responding with charity instead. He called for migrants to have legal pathways to citizenship, and for the Mediterranean Sea that so many cross to reach Europe to be a beacon of hope, not a graveyard of desperation

    Your Pope is crying out for Muslims to become citizens at the expense of European Christians.

    Why do you not speak out against this threat to Christendom?

    PEACE 😇

    (1) From 2023 — https://apnews.com/article/pope-france-vatican-migration-c8b39f4bc7efdd6d2c83604ee0eb14ad

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Bardon Kaldian
  180. Beckow says:

    Do you realize your mad speculations are an obvious way you pacify yourself since you have lost the war? Russia won and you can’t stand it. The Kaldian guy is the same, only beyond bizarre…”racially impure Asiatic Russians are making up the Western cultural decline and the migrant-swarthy-genderism is only in Putin’s mind”…:)

    Riiiight….what you are doing is the usual losers’ uncontrolled hatred. Post-WW2 many Germans and their allies tried to preserve sanity by stories, narratives, what-ifs, fake hopes – it was all different and would soon be reversed…Russians were “non-Euro satans” controlled by “others”, blabla…we have seen this before, anything to avoid facing reality.

    Don’t worry, it will also pass, you will recover. Ukraine lost the war they didn’t have to fight – war for the NATO ‘membership’ and the racially pure all-Ukie Ukraine. It’s almost over thanks to Trump, but it would be over even if the Bidenistas stayed. It was a hopeless bloody fight for non-realistic goals. For now you need your pathological hatred, you probably can’t get through the day otherwise…:)…

    Asiats!!!!, ruled by Germans and Caucasians!!!“…do you realize Russia is more akin to the US or Canada than to the more nationally based Euro countries? Or is that a geography-too-far for you? By the way the Euros are quickly on their way to become a half-US-half-Africa melange, just visit Londpn or Paris.

    •�Agree: A123
    •�Replies: @AP
  181. songbird says:

    Never saw that particular sequel, but I was thinking the news story was probably inspired by it.

    Ever since I saw the movie Big Trouble in Little China as a young boy, I have liked the idea of movies that would have their settings in different ethnic neighborhoods. I had an idea for a sequel Big Trouble in Little Italy that would have had Kurt Russell teaming up with Stallone’s character from Over the Top.


    I am sure nobody would ever make it, but it would be wickedly funny if they made one of those Leprechaun movies set in a Hasidic neighborhood.

    •�Replies: @S1
  182. AP says:

    Do you realize your mad speculations are an obvious way you pacify yourself since you have lost the war? Russia won

    You keep telling yourself that, but Russia keeps failing to subjugate Ukraine, or even to gain significant territory. On the contrary, the Russian language is receding in Ukraine more and more, while Ukraine’s military keeps improving. Ukraine just successfully tested its first 1,000 km range native cruise missile on some oil infrastructure deep in Russia.

    And what that I wrote is “mad speculation?” Dmitry showed that Russia was ruled (and owned – it was an autocracy) by a thoroughly German family.

    Riiiight….what you are doing is the usual losers’ uncontrolled hatred

    We have already seen clear demonstrations of your habit of projection. Remember when you imagined I wrote something about mines while accusing me of imagining things?

    While I harbor no hatred for the Russian people collectively, you seem to have an abundance of such feelings -towards the West, towards others. I’m sort of curious about what you have lost though, that drives such feelings. If you’ve left the USA – is there bitterness about that?

    do you realize Russia is more akin to the US or Canada than to the more nationally based Euro countries

    Someone who has never been to Russia and who objects when an actual Russian such as Dmitry tries to teach about it “thinks” he knows something about it. Canada and the US are lands of immigrants based on English settlers and their laws, Russia is indigenous territory of Muscovite Slavs, Finnic peoples, Tatars and Asians stitched together under a despotic Eurasian government historically managed by foreigners (Norse, Germans, Caucasians) who treat these peoples as their servants.

    If you are desperately looking to an analogy in the Anglo world, Russia would not be like the USA or Canada, but might be something like India under the British East India company, if it had moved its HQ from London to Bombay. Foreigners ruling natives, making laws to more efficiently get rich off the natives and their lands. But also living amongst them and learning their language (while also hiring tutors and bringing wives from the homeland). And then, at various times, the original Brit managers were replaced by a German management team, and after a violent hostile takeover by a Caucasian-Jewish one. But the servants toil away, it’s all the same for whom.

    By the way the Euros are quickly on their way to become a half-US-half-Africa melange, just visit Londpn or Paris.

    Is all of Europe London or Paris?

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  183. AP says:

    a Church that serves a state that elevates Chechen Muslims over Christian Slavs

    ROTFL — Why do you tell such obvious lies? You must know that no one will believe you

    People in Russia themselves state that Chechens are first class citizens and Russians are second class citizens in Russia. Chechens often commit crimes against Russians with impunity. When a Russian dared to deface the Koran, the Russian state sent him to the Chechens so they could torture him.

    This Russian state sends Chechens into Ukraine where they rape and kill European Christians.

    I’m not sure why you complain about Pope Francis – he’s rather soft on Russia.


    TBILISI, Feb 27 (Reuters) – A Russian man who publicly burnt a copy of the Koran was jailed for three and a half years on Tuesday in the Russian region of Chechnya.

    The case of Nikita Zhuravel drew international attention last year when Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov published a video in which his son Adam was shown beating and kicking the defendant while he was in prison awaiting trial

    Zhuravel, 20, was detained in May 2023 under a law against offending religious believers’ feelings after he burned a copy of the Koran outside a mosque in the Russian city of Volgograd, 800 km (500 miles) from Grozny.

    Russian investigators transferred his case to Chechnya. The Investigative Committee, which handles serious crimes, said this was because they received many messages from Chechnya residents asking to be designated injured parties.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  184. Beckow says:

    …but Russia keeps failing to subjugate Ukraine, or even to gain significant territory.

    No NATO, Crimea and 20% of Ukraine – that is a victory by any standard. What do you mean by subjugate? Winning a war is not the same as subjugation. Even Germans after WW2 were not fully ‘subjugated’, they kept two states, language, economy. In your fantasy world Russia wanted to eliminate the Ukies – no rational observer saw that. But you have a need to exaggerate into absurdity to make yourself feel better. Russia as of today has won the war, period. Ukies catastrophically screwed up.

    While I harbor no hatred for the Russian people collectively

    “Collectively”? A nice qualifier. You do have hatred for Russia, it’s everywhere in your comments: “fewer Russians, good!”, “Asiatic despotism”, bizarre “Indian Raj” stuff that a 5-year old wouldn’t produce. Have you gone mad? Russia is a large multi-cultural society but the elite has always beens substantially Russian, foreigners came in to assimilate – as they did in US or Canada. Caucasians or Tatars are as much a part of Russia as the ethnic Slavs. Same as German-Americans – Eisenhower, Trump – or Italian, Irish Americans. You don’t understand basic geography – Russia has never been primarily an ethnic state, it’s too big for that. They seem to do fine.

    Dmitry is an emigre Jew who has hard feelings for Russia. The world is full of bitter emigres, normal people don’t take their emotional outbursts seriously.

    Is all of Europe London or Paris?

    You wish…but all larger cities in UK, France, Germany, Benelux, Sweden are the same – just go there. No sane person would any longer claim that Birmingham is “English” or Marseille is “French”. The amount of recent-migrants penetration into Western Euro elites is very high. You are again denying the obvious, your specialty. What are those countries going to be in 2025? Can you do math?

    •�Agree: A123, Derer
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @AP
  185. S1 says:

    Never saw that particular sequel, but I was thinking the news story was probably inspired by it.

    The movie came out in 2000, the sequel in 2003, and the event occurred in 2006, so I think you’re probably right.


    Ever since I saw the movie Big Trouble in Little China as a young boy, I have liked the idea of movies that would have their settings in different ethnic neighborhoods. I had an idea for a sequel Big Trouble in Little Italy that would have had Kurt Russell teaming up with Stallone’s character from Over the Top.

    Thank, I’d never heard of either movie. A combination of the two could work probably.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  186. A123 says: •�Website

    Kiev aggression and Russia’s defensive SMO have definitely befuddled AP.

    I provide evidence that Pope Francis supports mass immigration to Europe, which is largely composed of MENA region Muslims. AP cannot figure out why I am complaining about his Pope. Is it not obvious how his Pope is causing problems?

    AP picks strange one-off outliers in an attempt to distract from the fact that Kiev aggression has made the Ukrainian people worse off. At some level he must know that this deflection is futile, but he does it anyway.

    I would help AP if I could. Alas, I cannot.

    PEACE 😇

  187. @A123

    I am sure you are not aware that a young Russian who publicly torched Quran was sentenced to 10+ years of hard labor as an example & expedited to Chechnya (he is from the Moscow region) & delivered to Chechen authorities to torture & humiliate him.

  188. songbird says:

    In a certain way, one can interpret Big Trouble in Little China as a woke film. The main character, played by Russell, is very foolish.


    Carpenter and Russell saw the film as an inverse of traditional scenarios in action films that featured a Caucasian protagonist helped by a minority sidekick. In Big Trouble in Little China, Jack Burton, despite his bravado, is constantly portrayed as rather bumbling; in a climactic fight sequence, he knocks himself unconscious before the battle begins. Wang Chi, on the other hand, is constantly portrayed as highly skilled and competent.

    Though her character is often in peril, Cattrall did not view Law as a damsel in distress: “I’m not screaming for help the whole time. I think the humor comes out of the situations and my relationship with Jack Burton. I’m the brains and he’s the brawn”.

    Still, it is hard to say how much of that is just the typical political rhetoric of these types. The Chinatown depicted is very alien and violent, and they must have been very sensitive to pressure groups and trying to due damage control for that.


    As I recall, Torna also enjoyed the film.

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @S1
  189. Derer says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    You do not even understand what WASP stands for: “Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestants” – fanatical imperialists of this planet. This pathological disorder was highlighted by sending soldiers and one promiscuous prince to fight for the possession of some faraway rocks near to its rightful owner Argentina – fanatical imperialists.

    (Putin) babbling of an incoherent mind, similar to Hitler’s will.

    Kaldian, you are consumed with hatred of not just Putin but of everything Russian. As far as Hitler is concerned, how come this “incoherent mind” outsmarted all your superior brethren and grabbed the power in the political debate arena.

    •�Agree: A123, Beckow
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @emil nikola richard
    , @AP
  190. Derer says:

    Russian combatants on Ukrainian soil

    Putin annexed four regions of historical Russian soil inhabited by Russians. They used to be one country. Ukraine was created by Bolsheviks from Russia. Crimea was added to Ukraine in 1954 by communists diktat.

    Here is some close analogy…Hong Kong or Taiwan to China are Ukraine to Russia.

  191. S1 says:

    Britain’s Telegraph is really whipping up the war hysteria in regards to what appears to be a generic civil defense manual to be issued to the French people by their government.


    ‘We must be prepared for the worst case scenario.’

    France issues ‘survival manual’ to prepare citizens for invasion

    New 20-page booklet outlines range of safety measures in event of both military and natural dangers

    France will issue survival manuals to prepare citizens for invasion and any other “imminent threat” to the country.

    A new 20-page booklet reportedly includes 63 measures to help the French in case of armed conflict, as well as natural disasters, industrial accidents or a nuclear leak.

    It will contain advice on how to protect “yourself and those around you”, what to do if a threat is imminent and details of how to get involved in defending your community, including signing up for reserve units or firefighting groups.

    The French government denies that the three-part booklet is being produced as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine, despite President Emmanuel Macron urging France and Europe to prepare to confront the “Russian threat” and the possibility of America disengaging from the continent.

    If approved by François Bayrou, the prime minister, it will be sent to households before the summer, French media reported.

    It will also suggest putting together a “survival kit” consisting of at least six litres of water, a dozen tins of food, batteries and a torch, as well as basic medical supplies including paracetamol, compresses and saline solution, according to Europe 1 radio, which reported the story.

    In case of a nuclear leak, residents should “lock their doors”.


    ‘We must be prepared for the worst-case scenario’

    A spokesman from the prime minister’s office said: “The purpose of this document is to ensure the resilience of populations in the face of all types of crisis, whether natural, technological, cyber or security-related,” said a spokesman from the prime minister’s office.

    Le Figaro noted that the timing of the kit’s release “could easily suggest that the state is reacting to the unstable international situation”.

    However, officials from the General Secretariat for Defence and National Security (SGDSN), who were tasked with drawing it up, were cited as insisting that the aim was “absolutely not” to uniquely prepare the population for “the prospect of war – unlike in Sweden”.

    Late last year, the Scandinavian country sent 5 million leaflets to its inhabitants encouraging them to be prepared for a possible armed conflict. The 32-page booklet “If Crisis or War Comes” also contains information about how to prepare for war, natural disasters and cyber or terror attacks.

    The updated version of a pamphlet that Sweden has issued five times since the Second World War doesn’t mention Russia, Ukraine or other country by name.

    But it warns: “Military threat levels are increasing. We must be prepared for the worst-case scenario – an armed attack on Sweden.” The tips include stocking up non-perishable food and water, keeping cash on hand and growing fruit and vegetables in gardens.

    Meanwhile, in a separate move, the government in Finland launched a website gathering information on preparedness for different crises.

    The Nordic neighbours have dropped decades of military non-alignment to join the US-led defence alliance Nato in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    “The security situation is serious and we all need to strengthen our resilience to face various crises and ultimately war,” said Mikael Frisell, the director of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) which sent out the brochures.

    In comparison, French officials reportedly said the decision to draw up the French booklet had been made in 2022 in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic as part of a “national resilience strategy” to develop the means to deal with them and “to adapt public communication to the challenges of resilience”.

    Some of the booklet’s leaked recommendations have already sparked mockery.

    Speaking on France Inter radio, comedian Matthieu Noel poked fun at its advice to “stock up” and “shut your doors” in case of a nuclear incident.

    “Putin can drop a nuclear bomb on Paris, Ebola can hit the Cantal region, we’ll be ready,” he said. He added: “While you’re at it, how about, in case of tsunami, no snorkelling?”

    “The end of the world for dummies” was unlikely to raise morale in a country renowned for its propensity for moroseness and high consumption of tranquillisers, he quipped.

    The UK Government has not indicated it has any intention of preparing a new Protect and Survive public information campaign on what British citizens should do to protect themselves during a nuclear attack. Produced between 1974 and 1980, and intended for release in case of attack, it included a 32-page booklet that advised the public to create a “fallout room” and “inner refuge” to protect from radiation, as well as painting their windows white. It was later mocked as a “charade” by critics.

    In 2004, the Home Office released a “Preparing for Emergencies” campaign, which included a 22-page booklet in the wake of the Madrid train bombings that year and the spread of foot and mouth disease.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  192. A123 says: •�Website

    The supporters of Führer Zelensky, including AP and BK, are trapped. They have a single, non-standard, extraordinary, non-repeated anecdote. They regurgitate it over, and over, and over, and over again because this one unusual, one-time event has not recurred. They have been caught trying to create a false narrative. Thus, no one believes them.

    Compare that to the broad record in Ukraine. The neo-Nazi regime explicitly banned the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church [UOC]. It systematically targets UOC members even if they have done nothing against Führer Zelensky’s authoritarian rule.

    The desperation of those who back Führer Zelensky, enemy of Judeo-Christians, is so unhinged that everyone immediately sees through their panicked bluster.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Derer
  193. @Coconuts

    It is a complex mixture of many things. I wrote earlier a few pieces on these issues- or similar ones- and I’ll just c-p some of them (for anyone having an interest in these things).



    Putin and Dugin


    As far as LBGT etc. ideology goes:

    1. it is more pronounced in Anglospheroid & Scandinavian-Germanic countries, but it seems to be vanishing as a cultural force. In Romance- and Slavic-languages’ countries it was never something significant. As far as I can see- tranny/gender lunacy is dead, remaining only in fringe pockets. It never caught on in, say, Argentina & is completely alien to Islamic, Hindu and virtually all Confucian-Buddhist countries. In the next few months it will be non-existent in most of white world.

    2. as far as (male) homosexuals go, Russia’s treatment of them is barbaric. They don’t have elementary rights & their position is a disgrace for a somewhat civilized country. Even Communist China is a better country for gays.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  194. S1 says:

    More war hysteria from Britain. The world is on the cusp of WWIII, and yet, where are the anti-war protesters?

    First and foremost the peoples of the Anglosphere countries should refuse, stand down, and not fight this impending war, unilaterally if need be. I’d suggest the same for other people’s.

    They can’t fight this rigged ‘WWIII’ if people refuse…


    WATCHING YOU, VLAD Brit spyplane buzzes Russian convoy packed with weapons stalking in Channel as UK to draw up Ukraine ‘peacekeeper’ plan

    This was the third time in six weeks the RAF was forced to swoop on Russian ships

    A ROYAL Air Force spy plane roared over a Russian warship in a dramatic Channel showdown – as Europe’s top generals swoop into London to discuss putting troops in Ukraine.

    The Poseidon P-8A patrol plane buzzed the destroyer Severomorsk as it led a Russian convoy retreating past the cliffs of Dover.

    The Russian ship was on a retreat back from Syria to the BalticsCredit: handout

    The major show of force involved Merlin and Wildcat helicopters and three Royal Navy warships, including HMS Somerset.

    Armed Forces Minister Luke Pollard said: “Russia should be in no doubt that the UK will defend our waters.”

    The Russian ships were beating a humiliating retreat from Syria back to the Baltic, after Russia was forced to abandon its Tartus naval base when puppet dictator Bashar al Assad was toppled by rebels last year.

    The choppers swooped and circled low over a the four ship convoy to glean Top Secret intelligence on the crews and their deadly cargoes.

    •�Replies: @A123
  195. A123 says: •�Website

    Oh my… The Sun

    Sun readers don’t care who is running the country as long as they have big tits.

    PEACE 😇

  196. @Derer


    It’s white, not wealthy. It is a Jew term of art, like Judeo Christian and is pretty much never used by the folks it is purported to apply to. It’s kind of opposite in that way to nigger. Negroes use that word all the time and non-negroes never use it.

    •�Replies: @Gerard1234
  197. @S1

    Does it include the information that in case of society breakdown the Africans like to eat people?

  198. I… I just can’t even talk about this.

    This young lady has just got me so gobsmacked and confounded, one doesn’t know what to do. Build a temple to her in Nepal, perhaps?

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  199. S1 says:

    In a certain way, one can interpret Big Trouble in Little China as a woke film. The main character, played by Russell, is very foolish.

    I was wondering if it might be a comedy. 🙂

    •�Replies: @songbird
  200. I have read about ten of the press reports on the JFK files release. It is not 80 000 files. It is 3000 separate files and 60 000 pages. It will be an enormous amount of tedious work (on spec–no publication is going to pay anybody up front to do this work) to see if anything is in there so if anything comes out it will be a slow process. Some of the documents are handwritten so you can ctrl-F and miss things. Optical character recognition programs involve hallucination.

    There was not one good report I would cite or recommend that I have seen. The AP headline includes the term history buffs, as if only a weirdo could be interested despite the plain fact that it is very likely (P~.9) the CIA murdered the president of the united states under the identical policy and procedures they are using right now today all over the place. Only the people acting the parts have changed. The Daily Mail says Lee Harvey Oswald was a solo act performer.

    Nobody in the government had any statement about the reason these documents have been classified for over sixty years. Nobody in Donald the Fat’s office has reported why they were not released on the day they were scheduled back in 2018 or whenever it was. Nobody in Donald the Fat’s office has commented on Judge Napolitano’s story about the “if you saw what I saw you wouldn’t release them either”.

    This is one of the two stories I actually pay close attention to. I mostly ignore everything else. There is way too much.

  201. @QCIC

    Did you watch Miley Cyrus on Joe Rogan? I tuned in for the freak show and it turned out she is clever. She has a weird thing with her speaking voice where it is low and slow which may be for longevity preservation of her vocal cord muscle cells but she didn’t explain that and Joe didn’t ask.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  202. AP says:

    …but Russia keeps failing to subjugate Ukraine, or even to gain significant territory.

    No NATO,

    No Ukrainian Mars colony or spaceships either. One needs to be desperate indeed to count something that didn’t exist previously as a “win.”


    That was lost in 2014, not 2022. 2014 was a Russian win. Ukraine didn’t fight back for Crimea.

    and 20% of Ukraine

    10% taken after 2022.

    Consolation prize for failures elsewhere.


    a prize given to a runner-up or a loser in a contest

    What do you mean by subjugate? Winning a war is not the same as subjugation.

    When the war started you were confident that Ukraine’s leaders would flee, which would bring in a pro-Russian government. A lot of Russian troops including elite paratroopers died around Kiev in the failed attempt to install a pro-Russian puppet government.

    Russia wanted a Belarus-like puppet regime with Russian as a state language and demilitarization and “deNazification.”

    Instead, Russia got a hostile government, Russian language disappearing, with 100,000s of well-armed troops, (now) missiles capable of hitting further than Moscow, it has lost dominance of the Black Sea and 1/3 of its Black Sea fleet, etc.

    But it gained 10% of territory that it won early in the war (2022) and is still holding onto.

    You do have hatred for Russia,

    You are just projecting your own negative traits onto others.

    Have you gone mad? Russia is a large multi-cultural society but the elite has always beens substantially Russian

    You don’t know what a Russian is, because you don’t even know the difference between Soviet and Russian.

    But neither 99% German Nicholas II or his father grandfather etc. etc. , nor 100% Georgian (or some other Caucasian) Stalin were Russians.

    Russia itself is multiethnic but not a melting pot like the USA where all get assimilated into one, but a patchwork of ethnic homelands ruled by a despot, like India under the Mughals and later Brits or the Ottoman Empire when it ruled numerous nationalities. That you compared it to the USA or Canada demonstrates further ignorance.

    Is all of Europe London or Paris?

    You wish…but all larger cities in UK, France, Germany, Benelux, Sweden

    I was in Frankfurt, the most multicultural city in Germany, in 2021 and it was mostly European. The city is about 50% foreign but 50% of the foreigners are from elsewhere in the EU (lots of Poles). It is probably even more European now, with the Ukrainian refugees.

    Other German cities such as Berlin or Munich are much more German than Frankfurt. Munich is 1/3 foreign, 50% of foreigners are other Europeans (lots of Croats, Italians, Greeks).

    So none of these are “the same” as London.

    Vienna and Milan were about as European as Moscow.

    I saw a lot of Africans in the interesting alleyways streets of Genoa near the port. But they seemed to have been segregated there.

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Bashibuzuk
    , @Beckow
    , @Mr. XYZ
  203. songbird says:

    I was wondering if it might be a comedy. 🙂

    It is, and a bumbling protagonist is an old comedic trope. But, then again, manipulating the levels of intelligence of different racial groups (blacks to scientists, Euro men to idiots) is a modern one, so it can be hard to know where to draw the line.


    The Green Hornet (2011) movie, a comedy with the same racial groups, was just nakedly insulting, and it was easy to understand both because that is not how the original character from the ’30s was, and progressives like to promote the idea that the ’60s TV show was racist because Bruce Lee played the sidekick.

    And to underline the point, they gave the exact same idiot treatment to the other major creation of Striker/Trendle, The Lone Ranger in 2013.

    Of course, Big Trouble was from a different time, the ’80s, when demographics were different.

    But, then again, there was a similarly-themed movie that came out at about the same time, The Golden Child, and this is how they described Eddie Murphy’s character. (Kind of numinously:)

    …Murphy’s comedy is not based on hurt and aggression, but on affection and an understanding that comes from seeing right through the other characters.


    The modern US is so obviously fraught with racial politics that it can be hard to tell where the lines of transgression are.

    It is kind of funny to compare these more modern, woke Hollywood movies to the Chinese Detective Chinatown series, where they are basically insulting every country they go to, on a certain level.

    I haven’t seen Big Trouble in many years, but I think you can also interpret it just as a play on ’80s tropes, where, this time, the musclebound star, isn’t ultracompetent.

    And also, it was clearly influenced a little by HK movies, and it is pretty common in them to have the protagonist bumble around a bit for laughs, so I would give it a pass.

    Of course, back then, the messaging would have been subtler and they were more competent at making movies, so it is ultimately hard to tell what was intended. But Kurt Russell still comes off as masculine.

    •�Agree: S1
  204. AP says:

    Russia itself is multiethnic but not a melting pot like the USA where all get assimilated into one, but a patchwork of ethnic homelands ruled by a despot, like India under the Mughals and later Brits or the Ottoman Empire when it ruled numerous nationalities.

    Of course, assimilation does occur in large cities. As in other empires with capitals. Viennese are German-speaking but they are not of much German descent.

  205. songbird says:

    Who are these black people on Sumatra and in Vietnam?


  206. Miley Cyrus right before she checked into rehab and converted to orthodox Straight Edge!

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  207. Bashibuzuk says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Emil, please don’t make me like Miley… 🙂

  208. Bashibuzuk says:

    You don’t know what a Russian is



  209. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Miley may be an interesting person though I’m not sure she is human 🙂

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  210. @QCIC

    In Sinister Forces Peter Levenda has a catalog of spooky shit about her family’s hometown Ashland KY. They have a bunch of Indian Mounds in the downtown. This is just the start. She and Rogan didn’t get into any of that but she did report her family is all a bunch of stoners.

  211. songbird says:

    GR better watch out! (Or, perhaps, I should say LatW) Pretty soon scientists will uncover the secret of turning people into Americans:

    The surgery was successful, but when the patient woke up from the anesthesia, he spoke exclusively in English and insisted “repeatedly” that he was in the U.S.

    Right now, works on a Dutchman. But they are making progress.


  212. Beckow says:

    …a prize given to a runner-up or a loser in a contest

    Who is the winner if not Russia? You can slice tiny pieces of their victory and make yourself look like a total idiot talking about Mars (let that go, it’s very infantile)…but Russia is winning. They got everything they wanted or most of it. Ukraine? Let’s not go over that, but if you think Kiev won you really need some serious therapy…:)

    Russia itself is multiethnic but not a melting pot like the USA

    Verbal distinction without a difference. Russians are substantially higher portion of Russia’s population than Americans (the old definition) are of the US, the Russian language is more dominant in Russia than is English today in the US…You just make up stuff to make yourself feel better.

    … ruled by a despot

    Who is the “despot”? Calm down, you are really climbing the madness tangent…despot?

    Frankfurt, the most multicultural city in Germany, in 2021 and it was mostly European…

    You don’t get around much, do you? I do, Frankfurt is not-European any more, but it’s better than the English cities. It’s also not the most migrant German city, that is Hamburg and Koln. Munich and Vienna are all right, but I listed Birmingham (or any large UK city), Marseille (Lyon, Strasbourg…), Brussels, Amsterdam, even Stockholm, Malmo…cities no longer European and there is no way back.

    You are bull-shiting: almost all Western Euro cities are visibly non-European, some more, some less. But the trend is unmistakable. Even Vienna (my favorite city) has today 50% of school-age kids who of migrant background. Some from the Balkans, but most not. Why do you lie to yourself? That’s no way to go through life…

    •�Replies: @AP
  213. @emil nikola richard

    History has been full of fakes about Jewish conspiracies, but surely the fame and “success” of Mark Rothko is an absolute, definite 100% Jewish conspiracy to raise the profile of a Jew who is literally a zero-talent, sub-human “artist”?

    Its that bad his works they don’t even classify under the Nazi “degenerate art” term. Sure art is subjective but this is ridiculous with the high prices bid for his garbage.

  214. Mr. XYZ says:

    Russia itself is multiethnic but not a melting pot like the USA where all get assimilated into one, but a patchwork of ethnic homelands ruled by a despot, like India under the Mughals and later Brits or the Ottoman Empire when it ruled numerous nationalities. That you compared it to the USA or Canada demonstrates further ignorance.

    India and the EU are both a bit like that even right now, but with democracy instead of dictatorship (though also both becoming more nationalistic in recent years).

  215. Mr. XYZ says:

    Russian investigators transferred his case to Chechnya. The Investigative Committee, which handles serious crimes, said this was because they received many messages from Chechnya residents asking to be designated injured parties.

    Seems like it’s a violation of the rule of law to try someone for a crime in a different location to where the crime occurs, no?

  216. Mr. XYZ says:

    EU might have qualified, if it had not been born in a secular age.

    What’s wrong with secularism, other than it promoting low fertility, excessive Islamophilia, and worship of the “noble savage”?

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  217. Dmitry says:

    It was autocracy, owned by a German family.

    Russian empire’s royal family marries each generation only Germans, and is not allowed to marry to Russians after the first generation.

    It looks for our 21st century eyes like a German racial caste, who rule over an indigenous people, who they would not have children with. This is more like pattern from Rhodesia or Brazil.

    This is very strange for people in the 20th century and later.

    But in European history, before the development of concepts democracy, republicanism and nationalism, this was not seeming extremely strange.

    For example, people in many parts of Europe of the 18th century have foreign rulers.

    Concepts of nation were not like today. Educated 18th century people will judge the rulers in terms of their competence, skills. Most of the population were peasants and they don’t have national consciousness.

    Nationalism was an educated peoples’ culture, that develops in the cities and becoming fashionable in Western Europe after the French Revolution. By the middle of the 19th century it’s one of the most fashionable European ideologies, but in the Russian empire the literate and middle class population is only a small elite, often persecuted politically. There were some fashionable nationalist articles and literature in the Russian empire, but it was restricted influence within very narrow circles of educated people.*

    German aristocracy. Names that immediately come to mind include Witte, Biron, Wrangel.

    But they often marry with local, Russians, from Russian merchant class origin usually.

    You can see these families were like “coloureds” in South Africa or “mestizo” in Mexico.

    But, the royal family of the autocracy never have children with Russians, but each generation marry the heir imported wives from Germany.

    It’s not explained clearly in school or even the wider culture, because the Russian empire is too culturally alien and exotic for us to understand today, after the rapid development of the 20th century. At least, it’s not easy to explain this for children.

    It’s result of a historical development which was accelerated in Soviet times. Even at the beginning of the 20th century over 3/4 of Russian empire population was illiterate. In 1650s, Great Britain the literacy rate was the same as the Russian empire in 1900. Illiterate populations don’t care about national representation etc, they are living to a different historical stage.

    German overlords of Muscovite Slavs were replaced by Caucasians, Jews, and Latvians who took their turn in ruling over Russians. Though Lenin was of partial German descent.

    Lenin was Russian in the normal sense, although with genealogical complexity, and his wife was Russian. Even Stalin was very notrussian, the mother of his younger children was Russian. Khrushchev and Brezhnev are simply Russians, with some Ukrainian roots. Andropov was from a Jewish adopted family (his biography is interesting), but it was not part of his political identity.

    Soviet Union was mainly ruled by Russians and more significant, when they had non-Russian ancestry like Stalin they were self-conscious about this and also happy to intermarry with Russians.

    This is unlike in the 19th century, when rulers were exclusively non-Russian and refuse to have children with Russians.

    It’s because the 20th century, there is a development of a more wider national consciousness in Russia, with the spread of literacy, with increase in the proportion of urbanized population. And although they were not called middle class, a high proportion of people were becoming like European middle class by the 1960s.

    Already in the 1930s, mass culture is very nationalist. Russia has a kind of Risorgimento stage of historical development under Stalin.

    * In the Russia empire, even in the 20th century peasants don’t have strong concepts of nationality. In the First World War, peasants were responding to foreign prisoners, as friendly guests, who they give many welcome gifts to. The majority of the population in Russian empire were likely not able to understand the war in national terms.

  218. Bashibuzuk says:

    It’s because the 20th century, there is a development of a more wider national consciousness in Russia, with the spread of literacy, with increase in the proportion of urbanized population. And although they were not called middle class, a high proportion of people were becoming like European middle class by the 1960s.

    You are correct. And the Russian nation building is completing right now. Unfortunately, in both RF and Ukraine, the nation building process has lead to a separation between the two branches of the Eastern Slav people. When the war is over, which is I hope would be soon, Russians will understand way more clearly who they are. Same about the Ukrainians. It’s sad that we needed to get through a war to get to that point. But it shows how close the two people were not long ago. Those who wanted to separate them, had to lead them to a major conflict to achieve their goals. Putin was one of those who worked hard for the separation to become irreconcilable and irreversible.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Dmitry
  219. Dmitry says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    LGBT isn’t persecuted in Russia in the way you seem to think. There are still many gay clubs in large cities.

    It’s still more of a verbal persecution and ideological virtue-signaling against the LGBT community.*

    (male) homosexuals

    I would say definitely, male homosexuals are culturally more tolerated in Russia than female homosexuals.

    The mainstream media message in the last decade, seems to female homosexuals are voluntarily choosing to be homosexual because they are radical, who hate men, oppose family, who hate traditional values.

    Of course, it is an idiotic and uncivilized lack of toleration for both male and female homosexuals, to promote those messages. But there are many male homosexual celebrities who are tolerated in the popular culture and the “royal court”.

    Male homosexual celebrities are every day on television in Russia and they like cultural princes, instead of exiles. But Zemfira was not on the main Russian television since maybe around the time of the Sochi Olympics and they seem to be culturally exiled now.

    *Mizulina’s family are anti-LGBT activists in Russia, while pro-LGBT activist in the EU.

    •�Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  220. Mr. XYZ says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    BTW, it’s only Woke secularism that really promotes excessive Islamophilia. Hardcore secularists might be even more repulsed by Islam than by Christianity, at least as currently practiced.

  221. Coconuts says:

    It looks for our 21st century eyes like a German racial caste, who rule over an indigenous people, who they would not have children with. This is more like pattern from Rhodesia or Brazil.

    The way they tend to explain it in France where it is more of a topic, under the ancien régime, society was more hierarchical and the hierarchy was more formalised; a society of ranks, orders and corporations (refers to things like guilds and merchant bodies, towns). Position in the hierarchy was more explicitly dependent on birth and hereditary factors than now. It was religiously sanctioned and religion had much more social and political power than it does now. You could judge people’s position in the hierarchy from how they spoke, how they dressed, often physical appearance, things like height and diseases.

    Racial categories derive from this original hierarchical organisation of society, with added factors of difference like greater genetic and cultural distance. (There were various early race realist views arguing that the social and rank categories in Europe had an original racial basis; like Germanic ruling caste theories.)

    You can see the difference between this society and the kind of democratic society we are more familiar with today described in a book like de Tocqueville’s ‘Democracy in America’ (1835).

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @Dmitry
  222. @Michael Korn

    the Quran’s deviations from the Old and New Testaments.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  223. Sher Singh says:


    Big Turban = ♥️

    Everyone very happy smile
    Women ask about dupatta
    Very based Aryan pill


    •�Replies: @Sher Singh
  224. @Coconuts

    There were various early race realist views arguing that the social and rank categories in Europe had an original racial basis; like Germanic ruling caste theories.


    •�LOL: Coconuts
  225. @Dmitry

    “But, the royal family of the autocracy never have children with Russians, but each generation marry the heir imported wives from Germany.”

    Wasn’t that the case for almost every European monarchy before the 20th century?

    Royals tended to marry royals, and so you pretty much HAD to look abroad for a bride (or groom). Here’s the Greek Royal family, Danish in origin.

    “George I married Grand Duchess Olga Constaninovna of Russia, and they had seven surviving children. After a reign of almost fifty years, George I was succeeded by his eldest son, Constantine I, who had married in 1889, Princess Sophia of Prussia, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria and sister of Kaiser Wilhelm II. ”

    UK royal family of German origin.

    The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is a European royal house. It takes its name from its oldest domain, the Ernestine duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and its members later sat on the thrones of Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, and the United Kingdom and its dominions.

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Dmitry
  226. songbird says:

    I read some claim once that people selected to do polar research used to be chosen on the basis of having similar personality traits to Eskimos , like conflict avoidance, exactly to prevent troubles like this.

    But I thought I also recall hearing that when there is a murder in Iceland it often involves fishermen from Greenland.

    •�LOL: Torna atrás
  227. @songbird

    One thing that has always intrigued me about Greenland is the racial dynamic.

    Why do Latin American Mestizo identify so strongly with their Western/paternal/Iberian ancestry, while Greenlandic Inuit Mestizo identify with their Eastern/maternal/Siberian ancestry instead?

    Is this simply a reflection of the modern political climate i.e. hate whitey?

    Or is this something much deeper, were the Thule people just much more resilient/capable than the Indio?


    Were the Spaniards simple more ruthless than the Norse?

  228. @Torna atrás

    I’m aware that the Scandinavian colonisation of Greenland came in two separate waves. The first wave most likely didn’t contribute to the Greenlandic Mestizo population but this is yet to be proven.

  229. Mr. Hack says:

    Putin was one of those who worked hard for the separation to become irreconcilable and irreversible.

    I tend to agree with this assessment. I was thinking about such things yesterday, and came to the conclusion that it would take at the least 30 years for any true reconciliation to take place between these two neighbors, perhaps a lot longer. Will it even matter? The world will be a much different place 30 years from now…

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Bashibuzuk
  230. AP says:

    But, the royal family of the autocracy never have children with Russians, but each generation marry the heir imported wives from Germany.”

    Wasn’t that the case for almost every European monarchy before the 20th century?

    The remarkable aspects of Russia were:

    1. The German rulers of Russia chose only Germans, specifically, as brides. So it was a fully (99.6% or so) German ruling family. British ruling family while German in origin has mixed with native aristocrats.

    2. Russia’s rulers were autocrats. Britain may have had a monarchy of largely foreign origin, but the country was run by its parliament, and this by natives. In contrast, the German family ruling Russia really owned the place.

    3. A significant percentage of “native” elites were also Germans (Baltic Germans, for example). Such as Russia’s PM, Sergei Witte.

    4. The German family that owned Russia sponsored large scale German colonisation in the Slavic lands they ruled. These German colonists enjoyed special status. German ruler Catherine II was a particular example – she expanded serfdom of Slavs and made it more severe, while bringing in large numbers of German settlers. She brutally crushed Slavic uprisings.

    I don’t recall similar things phenomena in other European countries. It is more like what one sees in the colonies, except in this case the colonial HQ was not an ocean away in London or Paris but Saint Petersburg, and the colonial rulers made a nice show of converting to the natives’ religion of Orthodoxy (while speaking French and sending out for brides from the German homeland).

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  231. songbird says:

    Housing in Singapore:


    •�Agree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  232. S1 says:


    WAR FOOTING Survival guides, mass evacuations, huge bunkers, & conscription – how the whole of Europe is preparing for World War 3

    Citizens will be called to defend the republic if France is invaded

    EUROPE is gearing up for World War 3 and is preparing survival guides, nuclear bunkers, and implementing conscription to survive a possible invasion by Russia.

    The continent is re-arming as it fears Vladimir Putin is only years away from a war to push Nato out of Eastern Europe and rebuild the Russian Empire.

    The EU believes Russia could attack at some point around 2030 if it is successful in Ukraine and the Commission has said the bloc must prepare for a large-scale war with Moscow.

    Countries are preparing their citizens for a brutal fight – with calls for Britain to join the European nations already conscripting their people into growing armies.

    Civilians are also being prepared if Russian tanks roll down boulevards and paratroopers drop onto squares.

    France is the latest country set to issue an invasion survival how-to guide for its citizens.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  233. Coconuts says:

    In the First World War, peasants were responding to foreign prisoners, as friendly guests, who they give many welcome gifts to. The majority of the population in Russian empire were likely not able to understand the war in national terms.

    This must have been the last major European war where large masses of men were recruited with a ‘pre-political’ view of war; Kings will always have wars, soldiers are needed for wars kind of thing. If you are successful or lucky in war the king may reward you with some gifts or honours, or give you a pension.

    At the same time, that period still seems on the edge of living memory. From talking to some Catholic Belarusians it seems like the lives of illiterate Catholic peasant great-grandmothers resembled each other from one end of Europe to the other. Having many children, physical labour, the family saga stuff, the saints and the priests. (Interesting that anecdotes about men were more about what work they did beyond agricultural labour, drinking and dying younger).


    An interesting extract from Marcel Gauchet’s book ‘The Democratic Knot’:

    Power (of the rulers) ordered the visible social domain in its role as mediator with the absolute superiority of society’s invisible foundations. These foundations, beyond infusing its substance to the existing order, connected it to a tradition understood as unchanging, a characteristic that reflected the intangible otherness of its source compared to the changeability that was proper to human space-time, a mutability that was a sign of its irredeemable inferiority. Power, sacrality, tradition: a knot of three things which we now artificially distinguish, because, in this context it was no more possible to conceive of them independently without the others than to contemplate one of them on its own in isolation.

    Politics, the way we understand it now did exist in this universe, but, from the point of view of its participants, was only the reproduction or extension of a higher reality to which it owed its substance. There was also a kind of ‘law’ which legitimised the norms in vigour and the social order they defined, but it was not separable from their religious and traditional justification. Evidently, there was also ‘history’ in the trivial sense of a succession of events and changes that it was possible to narrate and record, but, from the point of view of those living through them, this succession of occurrences held no significance for the fundamental ordering of their world. Instead it was witness to its finitude and the dangers inhering in it of deviating too far from its true and unchanging order.

    On 11th November there is Remembrance Sunday, which was created after the end of the 1914-18 war to commemorate the men who had died. In a much more minimal way there is still the continuation of some old-fashioned religious ceremonies for the dead, which replicate ones which would have been going all over Europe in 1918. The old Catholic ones seem stranger due to the switch to the vernacular in the 60s and the loss of a single pan-European religious language.

    The Russian Orthodox ones in Church Slavonic must have remained more consistent. The 1914 war was obviously an important stage in the breakdown of this older religio-political order.

  234. S1 says:

    France’s Le Monde

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  235. @Mr. Hack

    If I may ask, how is the map specialist doing?

    I’ll understand if you don’t reply.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  236. Coconuts says:
    @Torna atrás

    Were the Spaniards simple more ruthless than the Norse?

    Maybe more inflexible, and there was the older Latin patriarchal tradition behind them, probably going back to Roman roots.

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
  237. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    The engineered mind control we have now is new. The internet and smart phones (later) are powerful tools used in shaping public opinion after the country of Ukraine was created. Even without something like Neuralink the power of these tools is still increasing (AI, etc.).

    Post-SMO public opinion in Ukraine and Russia may be reshaped faster than we expect.

  238. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Will it even matter?

    No it won’t. Both countries are into terminal stage of a demographic transition that will lead to the eclipse of the Eastern Slavs. RF being larger and more populated, it will take longer to reach the final point of that transformation. Ukraine will reach (has reached?) the point of no return sooner. But basically, in two generations time, there will be no longer enough Eastern Slavs to perpetuate the idiotic feud that started on Maidan with little silly tunes about “jumping to not be a Moskal” and “hunging Moskals from a branch”. Historically speaking, it was possibly the most idiotic of wars and probably one of those that will have the most sinister consequences. Eastern Slavs, who three generations ago put the first man into space, have won the Darwin Award of the most idiotic ethnic group collective suicide. Congratulations to all those who cheered for that amazing performance…

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Mikel
  239. Mr. Hack says:

    Certainly, the songbirds aren’t planning to relocate to Singapore, within the tropics? Although a solid marriage relationship would work well for you in your new home.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  240. Bashibuzuk says:

    Les Français, fidèles à eux mêmes. Quelle bande d’hypocrites… 🙂

  241. Mr. Hack says:
    @Torna atrás

    He recently pased away (coincidentally on the same day that his mother had passed away, the saddest day of his life). His funeral will be held towards the last day of the month, as his wife is visiting her own frail mother in Ukraine and is still there. I’m helping with the funeral arrangements, and needless to say this is not a very cheery time in my life either. I loved the guy immensely, and feel like I’ve lost my own child…he was quite naive and childlike and innocent. I took care of him for the last 12 years.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  242. Bashibuzuk says:

    I don’t recall similar things phenomena in other European countries.

    It happened in all Slavic countries. Aren’t they European?

    The only thing that was special about Tsarist Empire is that it was supposed to be “Russian” while the other Slavic countries were outright ruled by foreign powers. Those who regained their sovereignty, did it with the help of the Tsarist Empire. I think Montenegro stayed somewhat independent, but they were so tiny and not really important anyway. And they were under Ottoman influence anyway.

    •�Replies: @AP
  243. Sean says:

    Covid: either a Chinese lab accident or a US bioweapon attack made to look like a Chinese lab accident. No other explanations are plausible.

  244. Mr. Hack says:

    Ukrainian russophobia is not a new development, but took several centuries to develop. Even the great national bard of Ukraine, Shevchenko, warned his fellow countrymen not be too quick to cozy up to the northerly neighbors (I think that your grandfather must have missed those parts written within “Kobzar”).

    This is not to mean that Russophobia within Ukraine need be etched in stone. Ukrainians at one time held a similar animus towards Poles as well, but with time this has changed. But ultimately, you are right in pointing out that it was Putler that only exacerbated this process of animosity, and has done so for a long time to come.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  245. @Mr. Hack

    I loved the guy immensely, and feel like I’ve lost my own child…he was quite naive and childlike and innocent. I took care of him for the last 12 years.

    I am so sorry, please accept my condolences for the gentleman from Bila Tserkva.

    •�Thanks: Mr. Hack
  246. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukrainian russophobia

    You realize that Ukrainian identity is arguably 200 years old, right?

    The problem with all these “ethnophobias” is that any ethnicity is somewhat of a construct. It was different when we had clans and tribes, they were organic and rooted in populations’ genetics, but today all these nations are just (empty?) symbols. It is even more evident when one considers the Russian/Ukrainian divide. That’s as fake and gay as it gets, and yet they managed to kill each other and die for it. When the Han Chinese are able to be a single civilization and country uniting two main ethnocultural groups that don’t even understand each other’s languages, and integrate a number of distinct minorities, the Slavs who understand each other perfectly well, get to kill each other for some minor cultural differences. Чудаки на букву м…

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  247. AP says:

    I don’t recall similar things phenomena in other European countries.

    It happened in all Slavic countries. Aren’t they European?

    Rzeczpospolita had a native Slavic and Baltic elite in control.

    A true Slavophile would not support historical Russia, an entity owned by a German family for 200 years with roots as a mostly Norse operation, but Rzeczpospolita. And promote Rzeczpospolita’s resurrection in some modern form, made more possible now than in a long time, thanks to Putin’s bloodthirsty blunders.

    You realize that Ukrainian identity is arguably 200 years old, right?

    Identity as Ukrainians, yes. But centuries earlier the Rus of what is now Ukraine considered themselves distinct from Muscovites. The Volhynian Chronicles describe wars between Rus, Poles, and Lithuanians versus Muscovites. This wasn’t something recently cooked up.

  248. Mr. Hack says:

    The very fact that people are dying for these “empty symbols” and “minor cultural differences” means that they stand for something important. Because this war is more existential (genocidal) for the Ukrainian side than for the Russian one, the Ukrainians are more motivated to fight to “the last Ukrainian”. Trump and Putler are just temporary aberrations.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  249. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Really don’t think I could take the climate, but IMO Singapore is a fascinating place. A modern city-state. Wealthy but with a high cost of living, and look at those land reclaimation numbers: $100 billion for 800 hectares. That seems like quite a small amount of land for the price.

    I genuinely think it would be interesting to see what an expansionist model might look like.

    How much would it cost to set up a city in the coastal Namib? Probably wouldn’t be cheap. But $100 billion would get you something.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Torna atrás
  250. @AP

    I’m surprised Russian aristocrats put up with that, or were they also all German?

    It’s remarkable how Western journalists can ascribe African-American dysfunction to slavery, but no one ever gives Russians a pass for having been serfs for even longer.

    In the UK, serfdom ended after the Black Death in the late 14th century, whereas it didn’t end in Russia til 1861.

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @QCIC
    , @Bashibuzuk
  251. Mr. Hack says:

    Southern Phillipines looks like a fascinating place too. Nice modern cities close to verdant tropical beaches and great parks for hiking etc. I often find myelf talking with financial services reps that work in these areas. Some of them work from home, and I can hear the roosters crowing in the background.

    By the time that I start working here, it’ll be 2:00 am over there. They like to brag about their high quality coffee. 🙂

    •�Replies: @songbird
  252. Mikel says:

    Historically speaking, it was possibly the most idiotic of wars

    Let’s admit that history provides a lot of competition for that prize. But if it turns into a World War, then yes, it will definitely be the most retarded self-inflicted catastrophe in human history. If I manage to survive and have to explain to someone why such an apocalypse happened just at the time humanity was making unprecedented technological breakthroughs with AI, I will not be able to provide a coherent story. So many ways it could have easily been avoided at different points in time… Perhaps I will just laugh and admit that there was no rational reason really, it just happened.

    Speaking of which, if I wanted to prevent a ceasefire in Ukraine at all costs, one strategy that would come to my mind is declaring that I will be sending thousands of NATO troops to Ukraine. And if I wasn’t sure that the announcement of such plans would prevent the ceasefire, then I would clarify that I am preparing myself to make sure that these troops enter Ukraine very rapidly as soon as any ceasefire is declared, as Keir Starmer has just done. Perhaps there is an even better way of making Russia reject the ceasefire proposal, but I can’t think of any at the moment.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think this “coalition of the willing” initiative can be stopped now. It has already acquired a life of its own. The BBC is taking it for granted and explaining its readers what it will and will not do. And we know that Macron, now joined by Starmer, has been wanting to send French troops to Ukraine for many months now. They have actually convinced some 20 countries to participate in the adventure.

    I really don’t know if Putin is willing to stop the war regardless of NATO threatening to send troops to Ukraine or not. And I would be willing to discuss how Europe must punish Russia for invading a European country. Perhaps I could even entertain a discussion on how good or bad it was for the EU/NATO to keep enlarging itself around Russia. But none of this is the point. The point is the retardation of pretending to not know what the main main reason a belligerent in a devastating war gave for starting it.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  253. @songbird

    Negroes in Antarctica is a thing?

    Maybe that’s how they want to colonize Mars. Adam Curtis needs to do a show about this.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  254. @S1

    If they get riled up enough they might have the balls to take care of their negro muslim and jew problems.

    When do the Austrians get their ass in gear?

  255. AP says:

    I agree completely with the first part of your post.

    Further on:

    German overlords of Muscovite Slavs were replaced by Caucasians, Jews, and Latvians who took their turn in ruling over Russians. Though Lenin was of partial German descent.

    Lenin was Russian in the normal sense, although with genealogical complexity, and his wife was Russian. Even Stalin was very notrussian, the mother of his younger children was Russian. Khrushchev and Brezhnev are simply Russians, with some Ukrainian roots.

    Lenin’s father was of mixed Russian, Chuvash, and Kalmyk ancestry so could be considered a Russian. Lenin’s mother, however, was the Lutheran daughter of a Swedish mother and a Jewish father who had converted to Lutheranism.

    So Lenin himself wasn’t much of a Russian.

    Lenin’s wife’s family (Krupski) were of western Ruthenian or Polish origin, with Korczak coat of arms. Though the ones in Russia were rather Russified by then.

    My wife’s Russian grandmother, when she was young, knew Krupskaya. She was her student IIRC.

    Khrushchev and Brezhnev were the first actual Russians to rule Russia in several centuries. They were not as cruel towards Russians as the early Germans and the Georgian were, but were probably worse rulers than the later Germans.

    Soviet Union was mainly ruled by Russians and more significant, when they had non-Russian ancestry like Stalin they were self-conscious about this and also happy to intermarry with Russians.

    USSR was mainly ruled by Russians only after Stalin’s death in the early 1950s. In the 1920s it was a mixture of Caucasians, Jews, Latvians, a Pole. Stalin and his fellow Georgian Beria killed most of the Jews and Balts and made it a mostly Caucasian-run enterprise in the 1930s and 1940s. Although yes, the rulers of the 1920s to 1940s didn’t mind marrying Russian women, unlike the previous German owners of these lands.

  256. AP says:

    I’m surprised Russian aristocrats put up with that, or were they also all German?

    An important subset were, and there was intermarriage at that level. And many had other foreign origins, from Rurikid to Tatar. They all spoke French with one another and were rather alienated from the Slavic masses. They tended to stick together.

    But the autocrats were pure Germans.

    The native Russian aristocrats lived well under the German rulers. When serfdom of Slavic peasants was expanded and made far more severe under the initiative of German rulers of Russia, the native aristocrats benefited from the harsher and stricter labor requirements. They may have been too well taken care of to rebel. And it may have been less disruptive to the state, to have a purely German ruling family who did not choose brides from native families but from Germany.

  257. AP says:

    a prize given to a runner-up or a loser in a contest

    Who is the winner if not Russia

    China and the USA. Though Trump seems desperate to fumble the victory by starting feuds with all of his allies.

    but Russia is winning. They got everything they wanted or most of it

    Russia wanted Kiev and a friendly pro-Russian government there. It sent to their deaths a lot of elite troops in the failed attempt to achieve that. How did that work out?

    It did not invade Ukraine for the purpose of getting a strip of land on the Azov Sea. That’s the consolation prize it got for failing in its actual goals.

    And what spectacular failures they were. Instead of a friendly demilitarised Russian puppet state, Russia has a hostile one armed to the teeth with capabilities such as a native cruise missile with 1000 km range, millions of drones produced a year, jet-powered drones, that were undreamed of in 2022. A state where the Russian language is disappearing.

    Russia itself is multiethnic but not a melting pot like the USA

    Verbal distinction without a difference

    Actually that is a huge difference. In a melting pot everyone gets assimilated. Multiethnic countries such as the USSR, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Ottoman Empire were different worlds. I know however that you know very little about any of these places.

    Frankfurt, the most multicultural city in Germany, in 2021 and it was mostly European…

    You don’t get around much, do you? I do, Frankfurt is not-European any more, but it’s better than the English cities

    Frankfurt is about 50% German but half of the non-Germans are Europeans, so the city is about 75% European.

    You are bull-shiting: almost all Western Euro cities are visibly non-European, some more, some less. But the trend is unmistakable. Even Vienna (my favorite city) has today 50% of school-age kids who of migrant background

    Frankfurt and Berlin are not visibly majority non-European. Nor Vienna. British cities may be, but UK isn’t even in the EU anymore. Your sour grapes about Western Europe is not so widely applicable.

    As for Vienna, I saw with my own eyes that it’s about as non-European as Moscow. Perhaps 10%, maybe 15% at most.

    And my perception matches reality:


    “At the beginning of 2024, 1,295,341 Viennese were Austrian nationals, while 911.152 were of foreign origin. The main countries of origin of Viennese who are foreign nationals or were born abroad have hardly changed over the past years: at the beginning of 2024, 99,627 people originated from Serbia, 76,620 from Turkey, 71,473 from Germany and 55,223 from Poland.”

    Most foreign Viennese are from Europe. Since many Viennese themselves have Czech, Croat, Hungarian etc. ancestors this is no big deal, it makes the Viennese the most attractive of “Germans.”

    Your 50% foreign student number in Vienna is for public not private Catholic schools. And again, half of these are kids with Croatian, Serb, Polish, now Ukrainian parents. So around 75% of Viennese public school students are European kids.

    Btw at least you recognize that Vienna and Montreal are great places.

    •�Agree: Bardon Kaldian
    •�Replies: @Beckow
  258. QCIC says:

    “African-American slavery” (Western European enslavement and relocation of black Africans in the Western hemisphere) was a strange thing. Most earlier slavery seems less philosophical and was often more about bad luck. The oversimplified thought process behind it was sometimes like this: our countries fought a war, your country lost, now you are a slave, but hey, we let you live! I think the Europeans recognized that African people on average seemed to be intrinsically less intelligent and were therefore deemed fair game for enslavement on this basis. By fair game, I mean the Europeans found it easier to rationalize the institution. I suppose some viewed the slaves as animals to be harvested. Every time an intelligent black person turned up the cognitive dissonance must have been world shattering.

    I used to think all slavers should be killed on sight without discussion. Then I realized that after wars some cultures might enslave the remaining attackers to allow the weakened but winning side to survive. The results of this expedient mistake might be worse than death, so maybe I can stick with the rule: kill all slavers on sight.

  259. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    means that they stand for something important

    No it doesn’t mean that. It just means that Balto-Slav people have been historically unable to transcend their petty differences and aim at true greatness that they can only achieve together. Together they opened the way to space exploration, divided they ended up killing each other for months for a few hundred square kilometres and a couple dozen hamlets. Tragically stupid.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @AP
  260. Bashibuzuk says:

    It started later in Muscovy than in Western and Central Europe. Before the Time of Troubles, Russian peasants had the right to move freely from one landlord to another. The enserfing process was gradual. It just became really hard under Peter the Great who actually copied Prussia and Lithuania-Poland, and became especially harsh under Catherine the Great, when it was expanded to modern day Ukraine and Tatarstan / Bashkiria.

    Interestingly, the hardest westernizers among the World empire rulers were also the hardest bent on enforcing and/or perpetuating serfdom. One has to keep in mind though that the Old Believers had mostly avoided the serfdom because they lived in hard to reach locations. If one looks at true Old Rus way of life, one should look at Old Believer communities.

    The Raskol was the beginning of the end for the Old Rus way of life. It survived the Mongols, but not the (Prussian descent) Romanovs. The Bolshevik – with their kolkhoze slavery – were westernizers too.

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
  261. Bashibuzuk says:

    one strategy that would come to my mind is declaring that I will be sending thousands of NATO troops to Ukraine. And if I wasn’t sure that the announcement of such plans would prevent the ceasefire, then I would clarify that I am preparing myself to make sure that these troops enter Ukraine very rapidly as soon as any ceasefire is declared, as Keir Starmer has just done.

    Just Globalist British shabbos goyim “elites” being themselves. Also, Macron started his career working for the Rothschilds. So basically, it’s the Coalition of the Willing to kill and die for Rothschilds’ interests. If you need to explain WW3 to someone in the future, just tell them that the Rothschilds wanted it. Why they want it? Perhaps something to do with the DeFi and the end of the fiat currency era. They probably hope to be the ones implement the “right” CBDC protocols after the destruction of the current monetary system during the WW3. You know that Phoenix post-apocalyptic world currency they wrote about in the Economist decades back.

    •�Replies: @Mikel
  262. Beckow says:

    Who is the winner if not Russia

    China and the USA.

    How? China is not involved and their friendship with Russia predates the Ukraine crisis. US lost with the plan to get Ukraine into NATO and it also cost huge amount of US treasure, $350 billion or close to it.

    One more time: Crimea is super-valuable and was not sustainable with Azov sea shared with Kiev. Russia took 20% of the most valuable lands…they didn’t have effective control before 2022 – it was war zone and no development was possible. The option of a neutral-demilitarized multi-ethnic Ukraine was never available – Kiev and the West absolutely rejected it before losing this war. Now they will agree to it.

    To say that “third-parties” won or that “everyone lost” is a cop-out that can be said about any war. Get real, who won if not Russia?

    I gave you a list of cities in Western Europe that are no longer recognizably European. You responded by saying that some cities in CE are not that bad. That’s irrelevant – the large cities in Western Europe I listed are all non-Euro. Why do you hide from it?

    In a melting pot everyone gets assimilated.

    Have you been to LA, Miami, most of the US Southwest? Assimilation? Riiiight….On the hand, A-H and Ottomans put all their effort into assimilation. They failed but you retroactively claim they were “multi-cultural”, weird. So if you fail to kill a person and say now you wanna be friends people should just forget about what you really wanted?

    Your responses generally no longer pass the laugh test…What’s going on, are you so distraught by the Ukie loss in the war? Are you wistful for that opportunity Kiev had to obey by the Minsk deal and avoid this catastrophe?

    •�Replies: @AP
  263. Mr. Hack says:

    they ended up killing each other for months for a few hundred square kilometres and a couple dozen hamlets. Tragically stupid.

    I agree that it is tragically stupid, but you need to ask yourself who first started this stupid killing spree. Certainly, if somebody started shooting up your home and threatened the welfare of your family, you’d do everything to try and save your family and your home from destruction?…

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  264. Amusing.

    As one former senior administration official puts it: “You try working for him and not chasing pills with alcohol.”

    Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax
    Under Trump, the White House Medical Unit was “like the Wild West,” and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives, sources tell Rolling Stone
    By Noah Shachtman, Asawin Suebsaeng; March 3, 2024


    •�Replies: @QCIC
  265. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    who first started this stupid killing spree

    The war started in 2014. And as you yourself admitted, Ukrainian Russophobia predates the war. On the contrary, there was no hatred towards Ukraine in RF before perhaps very recently. Ukrainian Russophobia led to Maidan, which led to the coup against Yanukovich, which brought the likes of Parubyi and Turchinov to power, Donbas and Crimea separatism, Russian intervention and civil war in Donbas. Eight years later, the civil war turned into a full blown war between Ukraine and Russian Federation. So arguably, those who encouraged Russophobia in Ukraine are the ones who have sown the seeds of this war. Who were those people?

    •�Agree: Beckow
  266. A123 says: •�Website

    those who encouraged Russophobia in Ukraine are the ones who have sown the seeds of this war. Who were those people?

    Angela Merkel is by far the #1 offender. She openly admitted that she caused Zelensky to break the Minsk Agreements. Other, distinctly non-Jewish, voices include European Globalist elites, notably BoJo, Macron, and Scholz. Poland has had distinctly anti-Russian attitudes for decades. Karlin posted several articles on this while he was still here.

    Obama’s cadre participated in some of the original issues back in 2014. However, for the last 8 years American Christians, including myself, sought disengagement. There was comparatively little money during Trump’s 1st term, and that was about domestic impeachment politics. Team Biden’s regime ran under orders from foreign powers and worked against American citizens. Expenditures of ~$250 billion that could have been used on domestic issues.

    Trump will eventually regain U.S. national prestige and honour by cutting support for Kiev aggression. There is no obvious money for Führer Zelensky’s forces in the Continuing Resolution. Unfortunately, it looks like there will continue to be shipments for a while longer until the money from Team Biden’s time in office is exhausted.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Mr. Hack
  267. Mr. Hack says:

    as you yourself admitted, Ukrainian Russophobia predates the war.

    As I stated, a distrust of Great Russian overlordship in Ukraine had been developing in Ukraine for several centuries, and not for nothing. I think that its normal for the subsumed nations of any imperial overreach to resent their colonial type status and yearn for more autonomy and a greater say in domestic and foreign relations.

    Ukrainian Russophobia led to Maidan, which led to the coup against Yanukovich, which brought the likes of Parubyi and Turchinov to power, Donbas and Crimea separatism, Russian intervention and civil war in Donbas.

    It wasn’t Ukrainian Russophobia that led to the Maidan and the eventual overthrow of Yanukovych. It was the abrupt about face of Yanukovych, who had for a full year been promoting a European orientation and then decided at the last moment to switch over to a kremlin led orientation (after some pretty hefty bribes from Putler to sweeten the pot for him and his family). This was a clear sign of closer Noviop cooperation, that you so often like to rail against. BTW, the European orientation that most Ukrainians desired was the same orientation that you had made earlier, to take advantage of more freedoms and opportunities that only the West could offer you.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Derer
  268. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    No doubt this is true. Still, it is cute that they pretend the drug use is unusual for a modern White House crew. Presumably the Executive branch has a research doctor who can prescribe the good stuff, i.e. Schedule 1, for “research purposes” and visiting heads of state.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  269. Mikel says:

    If you need to explain WW3 to someone in the future, just tell them that the Rothschilds wanted it. Why they want it? Perhaps something to do with the DeFi and the end of the fiat currency era.

    No, I’m afraid it’s much-much more retarded than any of that. Nobody really wants to live in a nuclear aftermath world, not even the Rothschilds. But it doesn’t matter, lots of influential people are giving firm and coordinated steps in that direction nonetheless. If it ends in nukes, it won’t be because anybody wanted it, it will be because someone miscalculated and couldn’t backtrack in time. Exactly what JFK warned may happen one day (and he knew what he was talking about, having managed the Cuban missiles crisis). I think that having Trump/Vance in the White House has decreased the risk considerably though but not eliminated it. If the Europeans send their expeditionary force to Ukraine as a fait accompli and Putin decides that this time he can’t chicken out again, we’re in uncharted territory. What exactly would be so wrong with a UN peacekeeping force??

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Bashibuzuk
  270. A123 says: •�Website

    What exactly would be so wrong with a UN peacekeeping force??

    The UN is at best useless. More often they make things worse. A large concern is that they would become targets for false flag attacks.

    The USSR and America cut deals without the need for “peacekeepers”. To me this seems like they most obvious option. Both sides can monitor with unarmed drones and bilaterally cooperate for deconfliction.

    If there has to be a 3rd party, who would it be? Russia has made it clear that NATO countries are unacceptable as they would be biased. India could be a neutral resource, but there is no obvious reason to buy into this problem.

    PEACE 😇

  271. @Bashibuzuk

    Who were those people?

    I nominate a select combo from CIA, MI6, and Mossad. They seem to be the great innovators in creating new warfare.

    •�Agree: Derer
  272. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Great Russian overlordship

    In an Empire that as AP has so aptly described as German owned?

    Where only about 1/3 of aristocracy was ethnically Great Russian…

    So who were these Great Russian overlords that mistreated the poor Malorossians ?

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @AP
  273. @QCIC

    The biggest question to me is how much risperdal they are doling out. That seems to be the tranquilizer of choice they prescribe to modern psychotic patients.

    Have you heard the Musk ketamine deal? I am not a pharmaceutical chemist but the ketamine molecule looks a lot like the thorazine molecule to me. Thorazine was the risperdal treatment before risperdal.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  274. Bashibuzuk says:

    No, I’m afraid it’s much-much more retarded than any of that.

    That would be kinda even worse.

    We live in a world where the technology is reaching an X Risk levels and we are ruled by sociopathic idiots ?

    10 000 years of civilization and countless victims of violence and strife to end up like that in the 21st century?

    I would perhaps prefer a Giant Meteor to end it already.

    At least we would have the opportunity to say it’s not the humankind’s fault.

    •�Replies: @Mikel
  275. Mr. Hack says:

    Why it was The Tsarist bureaucracy, alongside the military, the judiciary and the Russian Orthodox Church, that played a major role in solidifying and maintaining the rule of the Tsars in the Tsardom of Russia (1547–1721) and in the Russian Empire (1721–1917). Unless of course you believe that these institutions were all filled up only with Fritzes from Germany. Whoever was pulling the strings, imperial policy did not promote the local Ukrainian language, nor the development of a separate history or educational institutions.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  276. @Dmitry

    Do they have rights for some kind of civil unions, so that they could solve issues about health care, pensions, social help etc.?

  277. AP says:

    Balto-Slav people have been historically unable to transcend their petty differences and aim at true greatness that they can only achieve together. Together they opened the way to space exploration

    The same state that “opened the way to space exploration” also murdered millions of its people, kept them in quasi-servitude, and was mostly led by non-Slavs.

    No thanks, but your opinion is one held by many of our eastern Muscovite-Slav brothers. Sorry, we want no part of that, keep it east of Ukraine please.

    divided they ended up killing each other

    Correction: the Muscovites wanted to kill in order to establish their rule of their western brothers.

    The war started in 2014.

    A war started when Russia started pouring guns, ammo0 and its own killers into the neighboring country, Ukraine, because Ukrainians wanted to join their Polish brothers and definitively separate themselves from their Russian ones.

    This was not a case in which everyone – and thus no one – was at fault.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  278. AP says:

    Who is the winner if not Russia

    China and the USA.

    How? China is not involved and their friendship with Russia predates the Ukraine crisis.

    Midwit Beckow can’t think things through.

    US lost with the plan to get Ukraine into NATO

    If that were the plan, Ukraine would have been in NATO long ago.

    also cost huge amount of US treasure, $350 billion or close to it.

    This is as dumb as Zelensky having 4% popularity.

    There is no outlandish claim that you won’t believe, is there?

    One more time: Crimea is super-valuable and was not sustainable with Azov sea shared with Kiev

    Crimea isn’t sustainable even with the Azov sea coast. A third of the Black Sea Fleet has been destroyed and the rest has mostly fled to Russia.

    they didn’t have effective control before 2022 – it was war zone and no development was possible

    LOL, this has changed? Have you been paying attention?

    The option of a neutral-demilitarized multi-ethnic Ukraine was never available

    It was Russia’s goal, that’s why Russia wasted all those troops around Kiev at the beginning.

    It ended in failure.

    To say that “third-parties” won or that “everyone lost” is a cop-out that can be said about any war.

    Nonsense. USA and USSR clearly won World War II, for example. Russia lost to Japan in 1905, to the Central Powers in 1917, Soviet Russia lost to Poland in 1920, etc.

    And Russia failed in Ukraine in 2022. Everything became the opposite of its intended goals. But it got a consolation prize of some land north of the Azov sea.

    the large cities in Western Europe I listed are all non-Euro. Why do you hide from it

    I was taking pity on you and didn’t have time to look up the demographics, but since you insist:

    that is Hamburg and Koln…. Munich and Vienna are all right, but I listed Birmingham (or any large UK city), Marseille (Lyon, Strasbourg…), Brussels, Amsterdam, even Stockholm, Malmo…cities no longer European and there is no way back.

    I stated that the UK cities are gone. UK isn’t in the EU. Brexit was not only an exit from the EU but an exit from having European-inhabited cities.

    As for the rest.

    Hamburg: Couldn’t find recent data, but in 2016 34% were of migrant background. Many of these are Poles and now – Ukrainians. Majority European city.

    Marseilles: Largest foreign group are Italians. Muslims altogether are second place among residents of foreign origin. Muslims collectively (mostly from Maghreb) in 2nd place among migrants. Lots of French Algerian colonists moved here. The city is majority European.

    Brussels: 74% foreign, but most common foreign country was France, then Romania and Italy. Morocco in 4th place. Majority European. Though 57% of the kids are in Brussels are non-European.

    Amsterdam: 44% Dutch, 20% other European. So a 2/3 European city.

    Stockholm: 26% foreign-born. Largest group are Iraqis, but second largest group are Finns. Mostly European.

    Malmo: Who cares? It is the 3rd largest city in Sweden, with only 360,000 people. You are desperate.

    It’s just sour grapes from you.

    Of the cities you listed that are not in England, all have a majority European population and only Brussels is losing its status as a European city. And Malmo (lol), a small and unimportant city.

    Why didn’t you mention Berlin, the largest city in Europe (other than in Russia)?

    Because only 30% of Berlin’s population have an immigrant background, that’s why.

    And many of those 30% are Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Italians, Croats, etc.

    It is a clearly majority-European city.

    Why do you insist on failing all the time, Beckow?

    Maybe that’s why you are so sympathetic to Russia? Losers gotta stick together.

    Let me guess: when I’ve shown that you were wrong and/or dishonest, you will be tempted to shriek “autism.”


    •�Replies: @Beckow
  279. Mikel says:

    We live in a world where the technology is reaching an X Risk levels and we are ruled by sociopathic idiots ?


    But let’s not forget that people usually have the leaders they deserve. Somebody was asking above why we are possibly closer than ever to WW3 and there are no demonstrations against it anywhere. Well, the people who would normally organize those demonstrations are too distracted burning Teslas, that’s their concern du jour.

    I’ve just returned from my trail running and, as usual, on my way back I’ve passed by a house with a big Ukrainian flag on the front yard. It’s been there for 3 years now. They look like a nice middle/upper class family. One of the guys is often sitting on the front porch and we sometimes wave each other goodbye. I’ve several times thought of having a chat with him and ask him if he’s aware that the country he supports killed thousands of its own civilians. But I always decide that it’s not worth it. Based on past interactions with other people, I’m pretty sure that not only he has no clue about that but he’ll think that I’m a poor ignorant parroting “misinformation”. Why bother?

    But yes, in the meantime, I think that AI is already smarter than any human being by any sensible definition. And our WMDs are destructive enough to turn the world into a Mad Max movie in a matter of minutes.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  280. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I didn’t know ketamine was used on people except as a street drug. Looking at the wiki page it seems like a helpful compound except that it makes some people psychotic; doh! It’s comforting to know that the world’s richest person and right hand man of the president (I mean right hand puppet master) has a ketamine “habit”, oops I mean prescription. What could go wrong?

  281. AP says:

    Great Russian overlordship

    In an Empire that as AP has so aptly described as German owned?

    Where only about 1/3 of aristocracy was ethnically Great Russian…

    Even Taras Shevchenko’s owner, Engelhardt, was from a Baltic German family.

    So who were these Great Russian overlords that mistreated the poor Malorossians ?

    The point that he may be trying to make (or at least, that I will make) is that the nature of the Great Russian state has historically been to be something owned by non-Slavs, in which Slavs are placed in servitude of various types, from hapless serfs and kolkhosp workers to well-paid noble servants of the (German) autocrat.*

    And the Muscovite-Slavs generally take to such such servitude naturally. They will say that they were servants within a Great Power that could defeat enemies or go into space, as if such accomplishments justified something. Their Chechen overlords may humiliate them and beat them, but they will meekly march into Ukraine to kill and rape Slavs who dare to resist living under some Muscovite despot, and prefer to join their Polish, Lithuanians, and Latvian brothers in the eastern EU.

    The only Slav alternative to this sad state of affairs has been Rzeczpospolita, a Slavic-Baltic homeland where the elites were Slavs and Balts. No wonder the German-owned entity “Russia” hated it and conspired with Prussia and a somewhat-reluctant Austria to destroy it.

    * Pattern was set with Old Rus and its Norse overlords, continued under Mongols and Tatars where elites compered for power by best serving the Khans before becoming “Khans” themselves, then the Germans took over with the German lady Catherine killing her native husband, then Jews and Caucasians violently seized the country after the German owners had become soft and too kind. Now we have noviops.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Mr. XYZ
  282. Bashibuzuk says:

    Mikel, we clearly think along the same lines.

    I often wonder when did our timeline turn into this wrong direction.

    Any thoughts?

    •�Replies: @Mikel
  283. AP says:

    You do not even understand what WASP stands for: “Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestants”

    LOL, it is you who doesn’t understand what it stands for.

    Funny how the crazy guy, and the midwit both agreed with you.


    White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (acronym: WASP) is a term describing White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They are a social group of white protestants in the United States. They are often of British descent, and typically wealthy and well-connected.


    The acronym WASP derives, of course, from White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, but as acronyms go, this one is more deficient than most. Lots of people, including powerful figures and some presidents, have been white, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant but were far from being WASPs. Neither Jimmy Carter nor Bill Clinton qualified.


    WASPs were a caste, closed off to all not born within it, with the possible exception of those who crashed the barriers by marrying in. WASP credentials came with lineage, and lineage—that is, proper birth—automatically brought connections to the right institutions. Yale, Princeton and Harvard were the great WASP universities, backed up by Choate, Groton, Andover, Exeter and other prep schools. WASPs tended to live in exclusive neighborhoods: on upper Park and Fifth Avenues in New York, on the Main Line in Philadelphia, the Back Bay in Boston, Lake Forest and Winnetka in Chicago.

    WASP life, though, was chiefly found on the eastern seaboard. WASPs had their own social clubs and did business with a small number of select investment and legal firms, such as Brown Brothers Harriman and Sullivan & Cromwell. Many lived on inherited money, soundly invested.

    The State Department was once dominated by WASPs, and so, too, was the Supreme Court, with one seat traditionally left unoccupied for a Jewish jurist of proper mien. The House of Representatives was never preponderantly WASP, though a number of prominent senators—Henry Cabot Lodge and Leverett A. Saltonstall, both of Massachusetts, come to mind—have been WASPs. Looking down on the crudities of quotidian American politics, Henry Adams, a WASP to the highest power, called the dealings of Congress, the horse-trading and corruption and the rest of it, “the dance of democracy.” In one of his short stories, Henry James has characters modeled on Adams and his wife Clover, planning a social evening, say, “Let us be vulgar and have some fun—let us invite the President.”

    So dominant was WASP culture that some wealthy families who didn’t qualify by lineage attempted to imitate and live the WASP life. The Catholic Kennedys were the most notable example. The Kennedy compound at Hyannis Port—the sailing, the clothes, the touch football played on expansive green lawns—was pure WASP mimicry, all of it, except that true WASPs were too upstanding to go in for the unscrupulous business dealings of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. or the feckless philanderings of him and some of his sons.

    That the Kennedys did their best to imitate WASP life is perhaps not surprising, for in their exclusion, the Irish may have felt the sting of envy for WASPocracy more than any others. The main literary chroniclers of WASP culture—F. Scott Fitzgerald, say, or John O’Hara—were Irish. (Both Fitzgerald and O’Hara tried to live their lives on the WASP model.) But the pangs weren’t limited to the Irish alone. To this day, the designer Ralph Lauren (né Lifshitz) turns out clothes inspired by his notion of the WASP high life, lived on the gracious margins of expensive leisure.

    The last unashamed WASP to live in the White House was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and he, with his penchant for the reform of American society, was considered by many a traitor to his social class. He is also likely to be the last to reside there. WASP culture, though it exists in pockets of private life—country clubs, neighborhoods, a few prep schools and law firms—is finished as a phenomenon of public significance.

    Much can be—and has been—written about the shortcomings of the WASPocracy. As a class, it was exclusionary and hence tolerant of social prejudice, if not often downright snobbish. Tradition-minded, it tended to be dead to innovation and social change. Imagination wasn’t high on its list of admired qualities.

    Yet the WASP elite had dignity and an impressive sense of social responsibility. In a 1990 book called “The Way of the Wasp,” Richard Brookhiser held that the chief WASP qualities were “success depending on industry; use giving industry its task; civic-mindedness placing obligations on success, and antisensuality setting limits to the enjoyment of it; conscience watching over everything.”

    Under WASP hegemony, corruption, scandal and incompetence in high places weren’t, as now, regular features of public life. Under WASP rule, stability, solidity, gravity and a certain weight and aura of seriousness suffused public life. As a ruling class, today’s new meritocracy has failed to provide the positive qualities that older generations of WASPs provided.

    Meritocracy is leadership thought to be based on men and women who have earned their way not through the privileges of birth but by merit. La carrière ouverte aux talents: Careers open to the talented, is what Napoleon Bonaparte promised, and it is what any meritocratic system is supposed to provide.

    •�Thanks: QCIC
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Derer
  284. Bashibuzuk says:

    And the Muscovite-Slavs generally take to such such servitude naturally.

    AP you are a well read and intelligent person, why do you post such nonsense?

    Let’s see in a more or less chronological order :

    1) Bolotnikov rebellion.
    2) Time of troubles.
    3) Razin rebellion.
    4) Khovanshhina and the strel’tsy uprisings.
    5) Old Believer resistance for generations.
    6) Pugachev rebellion.
    7) Decembrist mutiny.
    8) Narodniky agitation then SR terrorism against Tsar’s regime.
    9) 1917 revolution and civil war, including a massive anarchic and socialist revolutionary resistance against the Bolshevik regime.
    10) ROA fighters against the Soviets during WW2
    12) dissident movement
    13) perestroika
    14) 1993 uprising against Yeltsin
    15) nationalist and democratic agitation against Putin.

    It’s an uprising or a social upheaval every generation or two. How many times did the Polish peasants – that you seem to consider an example of freedom-loving people – rebelled against their magnates’ overlords?

    And about the foreign overlords, what was the % of Polish kings who were Slavic in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

    Didn’t the Polish Crown also bring in Jewish and German settlers that often ended up competing against and exploiting the local Slav population?

    Didn’t large parts of Poland also end up ruled by Austrian Empire and Prussia?

    Why do you focus only on Russia and ignore the problems in the other parts of the Slavdom ?

    Stop being so one sided in your opinions. It’s becoming ridiculous. I understand that you are pissed off with Russians because of the war, but pretending that the whole 1000 years of Russian history is just some negative thing is plain stupid Russophobia.

    You can do better AP…

    •�Replies: @AP
  285. Beckow says:

    Wow, total hysteria…losing the war is really getting to you.

    But you are smarter than that, claiming that 30% non-Euro cities are somehow still European or that UK no longer counts (why, we started out discussing London?)…well, one can see you are no longer capable of even pretending to be rational.

    Small point: number of non-Euros among the young and children matters a lot more than some left-over pensioners who one never sees on the streets. That’s the future – all the cities I listed, and many more are in effect majority non-European, that’s who you see, that’s who will be the majority within a generation. Do you understand how it works? If not, pick up a high-school biology book…:)

    Another even smaller point: large share of the “other European” are people with Euro residency or citizenship but who were originally from the Third World…UK, Holland and France are particularly fruitful in that regard. When you hide behind “other Euros”, they may not be who you think they are.

    Your side lost the war and it made you incoherent, your hatred for Russia is getting better of you. The reality is that Russia won, they beat the Ukies. Your crazy nonsense about “China won” or “US didn’t spend money on the war” – was that serious or are you doing a self-parody? – is pure hysteria. And we are only at the beginning of the process…you need to calm down, Indian Raj, “Moldova was the precedent”, and dead Russians everywhere who are also “serfs” ruled by a “despot”, “there was no NATO plan!” – those are all signs of schizophrenia (not being able to see the reality or making up one’s own reality).

  286. A123 says: •�Website

    You do not even understand what WASP stands for: “Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestants”

    White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (acronym: WASP) is a term describing White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They are a social group of white protestants in the United States. They are often of British descent, and typically wealthy and well-connected.

    ROTFLMAO — AP how disconnected from reality are you?

    Do you grasp that your just admitted that Derer is correct?

    Wealthy is far more important than melanin as a criteria for the *current* operation of the WASP grouping.

    Honestly, Protestant is also slipping as a qualification. Has WASP become equivalent to the UK Church of England [CoE]? One could make a credible case.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @AP
  287. Bashibuzuk says:

    Sorry, we want no part of that, keep it east of Ukraine please.

    No problem, we’ll keep it and you can keep Bandera. To each their own.

  288. Mikel says:

    I often wonder when did our timeline turn into this wrong direction.

    Any thoughts?

    I’m kind of depressed lately, so my thoughts may be tainted by my mood. Actually thinking of giving low dose ketamine a try, although the one time I had a ketamine trip it was really bad, we’ll see.

    Having said that, I think that it’s all part of the senseless human condition. We are very smart apes. The most intelligent known species in the universe but apes nonetheless and we cannot escape our genetic limitations. Spend enough time watching the behaviors of the leaders of some groups of chimpanzees and you’ll recognize Putin, Zelensky, Starmer, Macron,… For Trump perhaps a troop of gorillas would be more apt.

  289. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    and the Russian Orthodox Church

    You mean these people:



    Whose influence in Muscovy in the seventeenth century greatly contributed to the Raskol which had tragic consequences for the freedom and cultural development of Great Russian people?

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  290. AP says:

    And the Muscovite-Slavs generally take to such such servitude naturally.

    AP you are a well read and intelligent person, why do you post such nonsense?

    Let’s see in a more or less chronological order :

    1) Bolotnikov rebellion.
    2) Time of troubles.
    3) Razin rebellion.
    4) Khovanshhina and the strel’tsy uprisings.
    5) Old Believer resistance for generations.
    6) Pugachev rebellion.
    7) Decembrist mutiny.
    8) Narodniky agitation then SR terrorism against Tsar’s regime.
    9) 1917 revolution and civil war, including a massive anarchic and socialist revolutionary resistance against the Bolshevik regime.
    10) ROA fighters against the Soviets during WW2
    12) dissident movement
    13) perestroika
    14) 1993 uprising against Yeltsin
    15) nationalist and democratic agitation against Putin.

    I wrote “generally.”

    Most of these were ineffective and geographically limited, without mass popular support. Decembrist revolt was a few thousand officers, the people were passive. Pugachev rebellion – limited to the Volga and Urals, crushed by loyal Russian servants of the German usurper Sophia Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg (AKA Catherine the Great).

    Even the successful Russian Revolution in the critical first months had a large passive population where small groups such as Latvian riflemen and Czechoslovak POWs played critical roles. German Romanovs owned Russia for centuries, and when they were replaced it was by a Jewish-Caucasians-Latvian gang, not by Russians. Except in Poland and the Baltics – natives took over. And in Ukraine too, locally the natives such as Petliura or Makhno dominated, a Bolshevik army had to sweep in from Russia to defeat the native government, forcing upon Ukraine the Jewish-Caucasian-Latvian rule that then killed millions of Ukrainians alongside millions of Russians.

    How many times did the Polish peasants – that you seem to consider an example of freedom-loving people – rebelled against their magnates’ overlords

    Polish peasants served Polish lords in a state controlled by those Polish lords, Russian peasants served ones of mostly foreign origin, in a state owned by a German family. Big difference.

    And about the foreign overlords, what was the % of Polish kings who were Slavic in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

    In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, kings were elected by the native Polish-Baltic-Rus nobles and served their interests, they were not overlords like Russian autocrats. Some were non-Slavs, but many were Slavs. And they were not overlords.

    From Catherine and afterwards every Russian ruler was a German. And he was an actual autocrat, not an elected king with very limited powers.

    Didn’t the Polish Crown also bring in Jewish and German settlers that often ended up competing against and exploiting the local Slav population?

    They (ands also Armenians) were brought in to serve the interests of the native nobility, but often exploited the native peasantry (often on behalf of the native nobility). Cities populated by them were granted self-rule but ultimate power rested with the native nobles. The Germans and Jewish traders and artisans were highly taxed while the native nobles paid no taxes, IIRC. Over time, most of the Germans and Armenians Slavicized, the Jews did not.

    So the state was controlled by native Slavic and Baltic nobility and not by foreigners. This nobility was about 10% of the population.

    Didn’t large parts of Poland also end up ruled by Austrian Empire and Prussia

    Yes. The German owner of the “Russian” state conspired with German Prussia and the German Hapsburgs to divide the only Slavic and Baltic-run state amongst themselves. It was mostly a Russian and Prussian decision.

    Do you denounce that division?

    But the Slavs living under the German Hapsburgs were more free and treated far more kindly than those living under the German Romanovs. The Russian state, property of the German Romanov family, was far worse for Slavs than was the Austrian one. So the best option for Slavs, after the fall of Rzeczpospolita, was Austrian rule. Not servitude under German Romanovs.

    pretending that the whole 1000 years of Russian history is just some negative thing

    It produced beautiful icons, and some great literature and visual arts in the 19th and early 20th centuries. So in terms of culture there was much that was good.

    But it was mostly politically negative, of course. Muscovite despots destroyed the Novgorod ethnos. The only Slavic nation that was successfully wiped out as a nation was wiped out by Muscovite Slavs. They would do the same to Ukrainians if they could, but they can’t.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  291. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Southern Phillipines looks like a fascinating place too.

    I gather you want a Pinay wife, but not a Tagalog one?

    Nice modern cities close to verdant tropical beaches and great parks for hiking etc.

    Curious preference for the South. I was thinking it could be something about avoiding nuclear fallout or something, in case of an all out war.

    Some of them work from home, and I can hear the roosters crowing in the background.

    probably gets old after a while. I don’t mind roosters myself, but guinea fowl are unpleasant to the ear and noisy, IMO.

    The Philippines is another fascinating place. Don’t they have an island named after Negritos or something? Probably some interesting museums.


  292. AP says:

    They may be wealthy, but that’s just not what it stands for.

    •�LOL: A123
    •�Replies: @A123
  293. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    Why do Latin American Mestizo identify so strongly with their Western/paternal/Iberian ancestry, while Greenlandic Inuit Mestizo identify with their Eastern/maternal/Siberian ancestry instead?

    My theory is that it is a mixture of things. Lower admixture (~30% Euro for the Greenlanders), and also I think the fathers were generally more like fishermen having dalliances.

    Then there is a certain geopolitical element. In Greenland settlements were sparsely populated and coastal. The Danes didn’t need an ironfist to control it. Whereas, Mexico is historically kind of divided and unstable.

    But I think Indio identity is definitely making a resurgence. Probably somewhat of a demographic shift. But Sheinbaum was talking about pyramids, and I kind of have the vague idea that school curriculum has changed since the old days.

    Regarding the Greenlanders, if I were one, I would probably be thinking something like “They will harvest these minerals and spend it on the ‘new Danes’”, which is basically what happened with Holland and North Sea hydrocarbons.

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  294. A123 says: •�Website

    You need to admit that you missed the humorous intent. I admit that I have made similar mistakes. Sometimes humor does not translate as intended to the internet.

    You gain nothing by doubling down on intolerance. Substituting *Wealthy* into WASP was both funny and keenly observant. Even if you disagree, a joke can be just a joke.

    Among the reasons why MAGA is winning — We can see genuinely funny things as humorous and not over react.

    PEACE 😇

  295. @Beckow

    I’m fairly sure that it was America who forced Europe into this over 404. So I see this “reversal” of roles with European lunatics screaming for war with Russia like the past 500 years have not occured, and the Americans being “peacemakers” as nothing more than absurd theatre – a giant fake.
    Orange revolution, Maidan coup, militarisation after 2014, anti-Russian laws , Nord Stream stopped, Nord Stream blownup, SMO having to continue…….this is all about 90+% American action.

    •�Agree: QCIC
    •�Disagree: A123
    •�Replies: @A123
  296. A123 says: •�Website

    this is all about 90+% American action.

    Clearly not. This is all about 90+% European action. Specifically, Islamophile European leaders including:

    • Not a Jew — Angela “Welcome Rape-ugees” Merkel
    • Not a Jew — Scholz
    • Not a Jew — Merz
    • Not a Jew — Macron
    • Not a Jew — Boris Johnson
    • Not a Jew — Starmer (*)
    • Not a Jew — Francis the open borders IslamoPope

    Everyone grasps that the Team Biden regime was run by foreign powers. Now that they have been pushed out — European Islamophiles cannot obtain new money from American taxpayers.

    If Europe insists on continuing Kiev aggression, they must carry 100% of the expense. Not a Jew Merz seems to be 100% all in. Germany is approving massive debt issuance to support Islamophile Europe’s hatred of Judeo-Christians.

    PEACE 😇

    (*). Yes. His wife is Jewish. However, Starmer is an atheist. He is doing nothing to oppose The Great Muslim Replacement of UK Jews and Christians.

  297. A123 says: •�Website

    The diversity launch of Disney’s latest offering “Snow Taupe-ia” is going badly.

    PEACE 😇

  298. songbird says:

    Didn’t realize the UK establishment had begun signaling this early about race and immigration.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
    , @QCIC
    , @S1
  299. @Mikel

    Doctor Weil says don’t look at the news because it just aggravates our depression.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  300. A123 says: •�Website

    In other media news…

    Japan’s Prime Minister Openly condemns Assassin’s Creed: Shadows

    Ouch… That is going to leave a mark.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @songbird
  301. @songbird

    They were almost all brought into line by the propaganda after world war 2. The trope was the Germans were a cultured educated sophisticated mass and if they could have death camps it could happen to anybody, even us. It is powerful.

    Race realism is a signal of less than top socioeconomic classes. We all need to avoid it and get ahead. When the facts are racist we can ignore the facts.

  302. Bashibuzuk says:

    I’m kind of depressed lately, so my thoughts may be tainted by my mood.

    I can relate.

    Spend enough time watching the behaviors of the leaders of some groups of chimpanzees and you’ll recognize Putin, Zelensky, Starmer, Macron

    I would offer some primatology details; Putin is more of a macaque, Macron is clearly a bonobo. Zelensky is a ouistiti, hard to say what Starmer would be, certainly nothing good.

    The planet of apes, some of whom are armed with nuclear weapons…

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @QCIC
    , @S1
    , @Mikel
  303. Bashibuzuk says:

    Novgorod ethnos

    The only Slavic nation that was successfully wiped


    So much hyperbole…

    Why do you keep repeating this nonsense?

    •�Agree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @AP
  304. Bashibuzuk says:
    •�Agree: S1
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  305. Derer says:

    Your long post is all about Wealthy..ASP and not the middle to low class White..ASP who are not able come up with emergency $500 (applies to 50% of Americans). I am not referring to those being fanatical imperialists. Besides, the ASP are assumed to be predominantly White anyway.

    •�Replies: @AP
  306. Derer says:

    Zelensky has convinced the world simpleminded that he is victim of Russian aggression. Initially, with the help of Western dishonest media it worked for him.

    However with the magnitude of casualties and his war conduct inability to stop Russian methodical progress the pendulum is turning against him. His stubbornest to face the reality and refusal to negotiate a settlement will cost him his life. Sending misinformed untrained Ukrainians to certain death, borderlines criminality. The public voice and opposition voices are muzzled. His narrow Kiev gang will eventually be responsible for the horrendously useless waste of life.

    Rejected early agreements, asking for autonomous Donbas region within Ukraine and no NATO did not infringe on Ukrainian sovereignty or Ukraine political conduct. Russia is nuclear power and cannot be defeated – what is he fighting for now, perhaps for staying in power, because alternative is his certain end.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Beckow
  307. Derer says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Ukraine’s European orientation started by siphoning Russian pipeline gas destined for Europe.

    …more freedoms and opportunities that only the West could offer you.

    Such as NATO uniform, Globohomo promotion; same sex marriage; unisex washrooms and showers, ME and African immigration, no energy, etc.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  308. @Bashibuzuk

    I remember reading about this many years ago, been both saddened and horrified.



    Throughout the leadup to the war and its initial stage, Goliath had been relatively friendly with the Kasakela neighbors when encounters occurred. However, his kindness was no longer reciprocated when a Kasakela patrol consisting of Figan, Faben, Humphrey, Satan, and Jomeo ambushed him. The researcher who observed this attack was shocked by the brutality and fury displayed by the Kasakela group, with Faben twisting Goliath’s leg as if he was trying to tear it off. The elderly chimpanzee probably died soon after the attack.

    These territorial gains were not permanent, however. With the Kahama gone, the Kasakela territory now butted up directly against the territory of the Kalande chimpanzee community. Goodall reasoned that the Kahama had functioned as a buffer, and the Kalande now began expanding northward into Kasakela areas.

    At the time I was reading about the Litani River and the SLA.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
  309. @songbird


    Regarding the Greenlanders, if I were one, I would probably be thinking something like “They will harvest these minerals and spend it on the ‘new Danes’”, which is basically what happened with Holland and North Sea hydrocarbons.

    YouTube has much to answer for.

    •�LOL: songbird
  310. @songbird

    If you have have a Cold adapted phenotype, you’ll never truly adapt to the heat and humidity, even with 24/7 airconditioning.


    •�Replies: @songbird
  311. AP says:


    But WASP literally stands for White Anglo Saxon Protestant. You got that basic thing, that everyone knows, wrong.

    It’s like claiming that USSR was the acronym for Union of Shitty Socialist Republics. Yes, they were shitty, but that’s not what it stood for.

    •�Replies: @Derer
  312. QCIC says:

    I like the Julia Roberts version of Notting Hill better.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  313. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Does he point out that the actual purpose of the news is to aggravate our depression?

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  314. A123 says: •�Website

    Zelensky has convinced the world simpleminded that he is victim of Russian aggression. Initially, with the help of Western dishonest media it worked for him.

    I agree. It was a political astroturfing operation intended to manufacture the appearance of support.

    However with the magnitude of casualties and his war conduct inability to stop Russian methodical progress the pendulum is turning against him

    I concur. People do not like backing the losing side. There was a fad with yellow & blue flags for a while. But, there was no way forward for Kiev aggression. They failed to drive on Moscow. They did not even reach the city of Kursk. The fad is over in the U.S. I have not seen a yellow and blue flag for ages. Money will be ending this year.

    Selling full price spares and consumables for expensive platforms will be a contentious issue. If these are:

    • Blocked — It encourages other nations to buy their systems elsewhere.
    • Permitted — It makes detente with Russia more difficult.

    My guess is that sales will continue, at least informally, on a “cash upfront” basis. For example, if a nation flying F-16’s wants to send spare parts they can. Then they can buy new replacements from the U.S. That breaks the chain in a diplomatically useful way.

    what is he fighting for now, perhaps for staying in power, because alternative is his certain end.

    Most likely, Zelensky is an actor being well compensated to play the part as directed by his Globalist puppet masters. They gain from the disorder, so they are willing to continue even though there is no path to Kiev victory. Presumably, he will flee to France or the UK at some point to receive protection.

    PEACE 😇

    P.S. I am not sure how AP keeps missing that using the W in WASP as Wealthy was a humorous play on words. I thought the joke was funny.

  315. S1 says:


    Speaking to the 13 [Estonian] soldiers chosen to meet him, William said: “It’s great to meet you guys and great to be here.”

    “How’s it working with the Brits? You don’t have to say nice things just because I’m here!”

    Prince William dons combat uniform to meet troops in Estonia

    The Prince of Wales visited Tapa camp

    The Prince of Wales spent the second day of his visit to Estonia at Tapa Camp, a military base around 80 miles from the Russian border, where he met British and Estonian troops helping to protect Nato’s eastern flank.

    Prince William, wearing fatigues and a beret in his role as Colonel-in-Chief of the Mercian Regiment, attended ceremony marking the start of their six-month deployment in Estonia as they take over from the Royal Dragoon Guards.

    The future King also rode in a Challenger tank and took part in a trench warfare training exercise. Watch below…

    He later showed off his competitive streak in the The Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) shop and canteen after being challenged to a game of table football.

    After being shown around, Company Sergeant Major WO2 Daniel Hutton, a Birmingham City fan, invited the future king to take him on in a “Blues vs Villa” match.

    “This is a big match,” joked William. “One of us can never live this down, you know that. I fear it’s me.”


    Arrival at Tapa Camp

    William is a former army officer who trained at Sandhurst military academy and joined the Household Cavalry’s Blues and Royals before training as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot.

    UK troops lead a battlegroup in Estonia and the 900 British service personnel in the country are the UK’s largest permanent overseas deployment.

    Russia is seen as a growing threat in the region following its three-year long invasion of Ukraine, and the Baltic states – Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia – which border Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nation are increasingly concerned.

    British forces are deployed to Estonia and Poland under Operation Cabrit, the UK’s contribution to Nato’s Forward Land Forces in the two countries.

    Meeting troops

    William chatted to soldiers from the 1st Estonian brigade when he arrived and asked them about the first six months of their training.

    Speaking to the 13 [Estonian] soldiers chosen to meet him, William said: “It’s great to meet you guys and great to be here.

    “How’s it working with the Brits? You don’t have to say nice things just because I’m here!”

    The soldiers told him their experience had been “good” and “very successful”.

    William replied: “I bet you guys are pleased it’s going to be spring soon. It gets quite cold here, right?”

    One soldier said: “Spring started yesterday so we are happier now.”

    After speaking with Estonian soldiers, the Prince presided over an official handover ceremony of British troops deployed at Tapa Camp, from the Royal Dragoon Guards, to his regiment, who are based at Tapa just 80 miles from Russia’s border.

    William was shown a selection of military vehicles including an Archer, a Challenger 2, a Warrior, a French Griffon, an MLRS and a Trojan, on Tapa’s parade square.

    Accompanied by the Estonian commander Colonel Tarmo Kundla and Lt Col General Sir Ian Cave, he then spoke to groups of soldiers positioned next to each vehicle.

    Speaking to soldiers stationed with the Archer, William asked: “How is it to drive? I might have a go later.”

    He also asked the group: “Is this your first time in Estonia? Well good luck, I hope it all goes really well.”

    The royal then visited the field training area to hear how the Mercians are using different weapon systems and learning new training and operating techniques whilst in Estonia.

    William donned a helmet and goggles as he rode in a Challenger 2 battle tank.

    Speaking of his experience, he said: “It packs quite a punch.”

    He added: “I’ve probably churned up quite a lot of the mid here in the Challenger 2 and the Warrior, I made a bit more of a mess.

    “We were saying it’s quite a useful exercise in itself, just viewing what’s gone on in Ukraine, seeing all the kinds of terrain they’re operating in and understanding the pros and cons of what’s gone on before.

    “It’s quite a lot of things to be thinking about while you’re operating out here and does focus the mind a little bit.. what the challenges are coming up.”

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  316. QCIC says:

    If you didn’t see it, two of the recent Anglin columns include a video clip with a soliloquy by actor Sam Rockwell describing how his character became sexually messed up (along the lines of Bruce Jenner). The description is slightly graphic and offended some of AA’s readers. It is subversive in opposing directions.

  317. S1 says:

    The planet of apes, some of whom are armed with nuclear weapons…

    Yep. Always a bad mix if you ask me. 😉

  318. Bashibuzuk says:

    William donned a helmet and goggles as he rode in a Challenger 2 battle tank.

    Speaking of his experience, he said: “It packs quite a punch.”

    I wonder if the good Prince has ever heard of Jaroslav Hašek.

    Perhaps he might have had curtesy to the BBC:

    His Royal Highness sounds a bit like the Austrian Imperial nobility characters in the Hašek’s best known novel…

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @S1
  319. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    If you have have a Cold adapted phenotype, you’ll never truly adapt to the heat and humidity, even with 24/7 airconditioning.

    I consider myself cool-adapted, rather than cold-adapted.

    If Singapore set up a colony in the coastal Namib, that would probably be a bit more towards my liking. But, I don’t know, I assume UV would be pretty strong.

    I can’t even fathom how the Inuit dealt with the cold. I know there is stuff like elimination communication and I think they held the babies closer to their skin, but it is still pretty hard to understand.

    In some of these really isolated places, I think it may have been the culture for the women to be less chaste with strangers because of the dangers of inbreeding.


    Mr Obama has won a niche in the Henson pantheon. He crops up as a favourite on family Facebook pages.

    In a prominent place in the Qaanaaq schoolhouse, so far from the White House, so near the North Pole, hangs a picture of the American first family for the 150 children to see – kids who in many cases can trace their heritage back to two Americans, black and white, who sojourned there so long ago.

    Why is America’s first mixed-race president special? A smile went around the Nuuk lunch table, until Eqilana Henson finally spoke up.

    ‘Why is he special?’ she said. ‘Most likely it’s because it’s in our blood.’

    Wouldn’t be surprised if that Henson guy brought syphilis and/or a few other STDs into the community.

  320. songbird says:

    The sad thing is that the Japanese probably invented games with these dating sim elements, and now Ubisoft is insulting them by cramming the game full of interracial homosexual relationships, and insinuations about the Japanese imperial line.

    Japan should permanently ban the entry of all the SJWs on the project.

    •�Agree: A123
  321. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    It is hard to understand why South Africans are down there. No territorial claim, and no obvious need to research cold weather technology.

    Would like to hear more details about the story, but I think they will be tightly lipped about it. Jared Taylor implies that the women on the expedition were crazy.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  322. Beckow says:

    …His Royal Highness sounds a bit like the Austrian Imperial nobility characters in the Hašek’s best known novel…

    It’s the same. Further away from the actual war, more they yell “we pack quite a punch!” in a theatre for the simple-minded.

    I wonder if Zelko is consciously playing the good soldier Svejk: he goes overboard with his emotional enthusiasm, yells and salutes wearing silly uniforms. But in reality he uses the absurdity to save himself. I suspect Macron may also be doing some of that…

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
  323. songbird says:

    Never saw that movie.

    The judge that handed out harsh sentences for the riot was called Salmon => Solomon.

    Leather Apron Club recently came up with some sort of ethnic database. According to him, 9.5% of Jews in the database of public figures have changed their name from their birth name compared to 4% of Euros.

    I want to play devil’s advocate a bit here and say that some of this difference is specifically because some Jewish names are very odd or foreign-sounding. So there is a layer of auditory abstraction beyond mere crypticism. Of course, odd combinations of sounds can also denote distance or unrelatedness, so it is impossible to peel the things apart. But one would naturally expect more of these changes among actors, where they are trying to optimize the ability of people to remember their handles.

    Though, for the record, I would like to see surnames clearly communicate ethnic info. Still, I think the most important name changes are the ones that happened like 100-200 years ago.

    Looking at old censuses, I noticed one family of Jews who fled Russia and settled in Ireland and took up an Irish surname. I can’t see how their original name could have been anything like it.


    In other news, Chinese firm Xiaomi has come up with a new product to serve in this sort of market (African): bulletproof watermelons

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  324. Mr. Hack says:

    Such as NATO uniform, Globohomo promotion; same sex marriage; unisex washrooms and showers, ME and African immigration, no energy, etc.

    These developments have not caused Bashibuzuk to return to Mother Russia. Somehow, he seems overall to be content with his life in the West, picking up his generous paycheck every two weeks and then heading off to the nearest Sam’s Club or Costco to fulfill his consumerist dreams. His brood of Western born offspring doesn’t know Russian, however unlike the idiotic Mike Averko (who also doesn’t speak Russian), will not end up shilling for Putler.

    How about you, what part of the Western world do you live in?…Or are you one of unfortunate ones that got left behind and needs to adjust his monthly budget to the meager pay of an employee of one of the many troll farms Putler’s PR team has produced?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Derer
  325. Mr. Hack says:

    Yeah, I mean these people. Did you even fully read the short article that you included?:

    At the same time, Moscow’s expanding political power and increasing interference in Ukrainian affairs threatened the academy’s freedom and well-being. Gaining control of Kyiv metropoly in 1686, the Patriarch of Moscow attempted to end the intellectual influence of Kyiv on Muscovite society by placing almost all Kyiv publications on an index of heretical books. It was forbidden to print books in Ruthenian. Although in 1693 Patriarch Adrian eased the linguistic restrictions, Ukrainian books were denied entry into Muscovy. The academy’s golden age came to an abrupt end with Ivan Mazepa’s defeat at the Battle of Poltava in 1709. The school’s properties were plundered by Russian troops. Students from Right-Bank Ukraine, which was under Polish rule, were no longer admitted. By 1711 the enrollment fell to 161. Graduates of the academy were encouraged to seek positions in Moscow or Saint Petersburg. Peter I’s ban on Ruthenian publications and religious texts in the Ukrainian recension of Church Slavonic was a heavy blow to the academy.

    So tell me brother, what good was Russian imperialism for Ukraine?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Beckow
  326. Beckow says:

    …asking for autonomous Donbas region within Ukraine and no NATO did not infringe on Ukrainian sovereignty or Ukraine political conduct. Russia is nuclear power and cannot be defeated

    Minsk agreements were a concession by Russia. They didn’t want to fight a war but couldn’t sit still while the Russian minority in Ukraine is suppressed and murdered (Odessa massacre, 3k killed Russians in Donbas). They thought Euros were civilized and would stop it. They were wrong, the Euro elites are obsessed with “defeating Russia” and for that NATO was essential. Minsk could keep NATO out so they ordered Kiev to reject it and to provoke the war.

    It was a bad call, Russia is simply stronger. After the fireworks and death Ukraine will be smaller, weaker and still not in NATO. That reality drives Euros crazy, now Bidenites are out and they are on their own. The current rhetorical escalation is the way they chose to cope, any alternative would be worse for the leaders personally. But all they are doing is looking foolish and delaying the inevitable.

    This descent into mad behavior with no limits is common when people lose big. We see it with some contributors who left out of shame (Johnson) or are childishly emotional. And AP has gone full bananas spouting nonsense about “Indian Raj”, “Novgorod” – it’s the unfullfiled hatred that has no place to go, that’s teh way they cope. Some Euros like Kallas and Baerbock are showing the same symptoms. It seems to be a female thing, or feminine men like Starmer, Macron…It is called hysteria, it will also pass…

    •�Agree: A123
  327. A123 says: •�Website

    Excellent summary on how reduced regulation, tariffs, and a stronger dollar combat inflation. More at the link below: (1)

    President Trump is rapidly untangling the tentacles of Obama’s “share the wealth” exfiltration policy, and he will achieve success on a scale most economic analysts cannot fathom. Traditional financial media, including those who follow the influences of Wall Street are constrained by their need to retain pretenses. However, President Trump and his economic team are very clear-eyed and focused.

    We are already seeing major drops in core energy prices including gasoline. These decreases will have downstream impacts on all consumer goods, and we will notice a significant drop in food prices in two steps.

    The first will be moderate and the result of harvest one cost decreases. The second price drop will be even greater and will come as a result in major farm costs for the second harvest sequence. By Thanksgiving 2025, lowered energy prices in combination with ‘food prepared at home’ price drops will be the leading cause of a major decline in inflation.

    In the background of this domestic outcome, the April 2nd tariffs will start to ripple through durable goods. Initially, there will be waves and fluctuations as some durable goods prices increase and other durable goods prices decrease. The more the components of the product are domestically manufactured, the more the price of the end product will drop in price.

    As a result, the aggregate downward pressure (higher domestic content) will exceed the upward pressure (higher import content component goods) and overall prices for durable goods will decline. This deflationary pressure point will increase over time as the end of the Marshal Plan starts to return dollars to the United States.

    The anti-American Globalist “economist” class will gibber like moneys to denounce this reality. Ignore them. Or, point and laugh if you prefer.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2025/03/21/very-important-interview-strategic-points-raised-by-special-envoy-to-russia-steve-witkoff/

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  328. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    what good was Russian imperialism for Ukraine?

    Would there be any Ukraine at all if not first for Tsarist and then Soviet Empire-building efforts?

    Arguably not.

    So I guess my answer is that it was not so bad, until the Kievan Noviop elite decided to go for a “size matters” contest (п***ками меряться) with their Moscovite counterparts.

    And lest we forget, Russians left go of Ukraine peacefully in 1991, and even offered it the most favourable economic conditions for trade and economic development, but Ukraine started immediately inexorably sliding down on all metrics.

    One wonders why… (Actually not).

    And now, there is no climbing back up for Ukraine, especially in demographic terms.

    Which is of course unfortunate and would have better been avoided.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @AP
    , @John Johnson
  329. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    These developments have not caused Bashibuzuk to return to Mother Russia. Somehow, he seems overall to be content with his life in the West, picking up his generous paycheck every two weeks and then heading off to the nearest Sam’s Club or Costco to fulfill his consumerist dreams.

    I have always worked for myself Mr Hack, and only on projects that I consider interesting and important. But I have contributed to paying salaries to a couple dozen people, most of whom are Western born, but some of whom are from other parts of the world, including Ukraine. And when it comes to consumption, I am more of a voluntary simplicity type of person, Zen minimalism and all that…

    This being said, I see that you start seeing me as a caricature of sorts. That’s probably just you looking too much at all these cartoons that you keep posting. Well, as the Russian saying goes: «каждый понимает в меру своей испорченности».

    I will keep an overall positive view of you and will treat you with due respect despite your provocations. That’s the way I have been brought up in that horrible Muscovite Mordor… 🙂

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  330. Fun.

    DOGE is going global. It needs to be stopped.


    Sitting on stage at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on March 3, Deutsche Telekom CEO Tim Höttges declared, “You know, what Europe needs is a DOGE.”

  331. QCIC says:

    The price of many products is not dominated by energy costs. What is the justification for the following claim? Not in comparison to imports with tariffs, but compared to open market prices.

    The more the components of the product are domestically manufactured, the more the price of the end product will drop in price.

    •�Replies: @A123
  332. Mr. Hack says:

    Would there be any Ukraine at all if not first for Tsarist and then Soviet Empire-building efforts?

    Arguably not.

    Arguably so. The Mohyla Academy had firm backing from the native Hetmanate state. But alas, both institutions were ultimately crushed by the Russian imperial state centered in the North…

    And lest we forget, Russians left go of Ukraine peacefully in 1991, and even offered it the most favourable economic conditions for trade and economic development, but Ukraine started immediately inexorably sliding down on all metrics.

    Maybe so, but today we see a “wait, not so fast” approach, emphasizing that the fall of the SU was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. Ukraine’s desire for greater European integration could only have helped it economically, as you have personally experienced in you own life.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  333. Mr. Hack says:

    This being said, I see that you start seeing me as a caricature of sorts. That’s probably just you looking too much at all these cartoons that you keep posting.

    I don’t ever even once recall posting a cartoon aimed at discrediting you or making fun of you as some sort of a caricature. I do recall once posting a depiction of you (or was it you who actually posted the illustration?), of a “swarthy” looking character based on your own descriptions of yourself, but this had nothing to do with either your political or religious convictions. I too hope to keep our interactions on a civil continuum, and have always found your banter here to be interesting.

  334. S1 says:

    Didn’t realize the UK establishment had begun signaling this early about race and immigration.

    Thanks for the post and clips.

    Those clips well demonstrate that after Pavlov and the early 20th century experiments he’d conducted with his dogs, that they’d learn the value of positive reinforcement, ie that you can sell almost anything, even something as rotten to it’s core as wage slavery (ie the so called ‘cheap labor’/’mass immigration’ system), by simply stamping a figurative smiley face across whatever vile monstrosity you might be trying to sell people on.

    Alas, they seem to have been all too successful this go around.

    I say ‘this go around’, as the historic slavers of the Anglosphere (ie the all too many, particularly amongst it’s Anglo-Saxon establishment, who’d been involved in chattel slavery and it’s trade) had tried the ‘Great Replacement’ scheme before with their discovery and introduction by diktat within the Anglosphere of wage slavery (ie the so called ‘cheap labor’/’mass immigration’ system) in the early 19th century.

    Wage slavery (‘cheap labor’, so called) is simply chattel slavery and it’s trade monetized, ie distilled down to it’s financial essence whilst profits were maximized, all the former costs and hassles that chattel slavery owners and dealers had formerly had to deal with now being ‘outsourced’, ie dumped upon, the general non-slaving public (the vast majority), to bear.

    In the primordial days of the ‘progressive’ Multi-Cult within the Anglosphere during the mid 19th century, they hadn’t yet discovered positive reinforcement, aka ‘positive spin’.

    So when the historically slaving portion of the Anglo-Saxon population attempted a ‘Great replacement’ of more often than not their own Anglo people with a planned importation (by diktat, just as chattel slavery had been introduced by diktat at Jamestown) of tens of millions of Chinese into Anglosphere countries, ie the US, Australia, Canada, etc, they were bit too open, and crude, for their own good about what they were doing.

    They were quite open then that race was real and made it plain that the wage slave Chinese ‘immigrants’ (aka ‘migrants’) were looked upon by them as slaves. They were also shockingly quite open about the resulting genocide to their own Anglo people via their being ‘mixed’ out of existence. [Contrary to what some might think, the vast majority of these imported Chinese wage slaves were not ‘panning for gold’ in California, but were rather washing the miner’s dirty laundry, and other menial work, at often only a third of whatever everyone else was being paid for the very same labor, which was indeed the primary point of the importation of the Chinese.]

    This openness on the Anglo slavers’ part not surprisingly created it’s own righteous pushback in the US and Australia with the Chinese Exclusion Act in the United States and the ‘Whites Only’ policy of Australia.

    As later events have shown, such as your video clips, they didn’t go nearly far enough. They (the historic slavers of the Anglosphere) should have been overthrown, easier said then done to be sure. That they weren’t doesn’t reflect very well upon the non-slaving Anglo majority.

    Adding a bit of context to this, in the entire three hundred years or so of Spanish and then Mexican domination of California, the Chinese population of California only amounted to a literal handful of wealthy Chinese traders, most (if not all) of whom would return as was custom to their beloved Chinese homeland to die and be buried.

    In stark contrast, by 1850, within only a few short years of Anglo America’s conquest of Mexico’s California, already tens of thousands of Chinese wage slaves (ie ‘cheap labor’) had been imported into California.

    Adding further context this was only after the Chinese had been crushed (ultimately twice in this regard) in the First Opium War of 1839-1842 by the British Empire.

    Not surprisingly with wage slavery, as with chattel slavery, it is the broken and defeated peoples who are preyed upon as a source of slaves.

    I should add that the same sorts within the Anglosphere, particularly amongst the elites and hangers in, who had been involved with first chattel and then wage slavery, were also at times involved in the Opium trade. The hugely influential ‘progressive’ Roosevelt family had been involved in the lucrative opium trade in China, for instance.

    It’s a truism that within the Anglosphere, all too many of the Anglo ruling elite and hangers on, who today support so called ‘progressive’ Multi-Culturalism and the associated 20th century’s world wars, with the ultimate aim of achieving a global empire, ie a ‘New Rome’, had historically either been involved in the international slave trade, both in it’s chattel and wage slave manifestations, and, or, been involved in the international drug trade, ie opium.

    These were not ‘good’ people, then or now. And they never were.

    A pretty good audio and visual representation of the ‘moral character’ of these sorts can be found in the clip below of ‘Johnny the Boy’ from the first 1979 Mad Max film.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  335. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    …Students from Right-Bank Ukraine, which was under Polish rule, were no longer admitted

    It was Poland and the Poles until at least 1939 saw it that way. Russia saved the Ukrainians from being gradually absorbed into the greater Polish nation – the Uniate Church was one of the tools invented by Polish Jezuits. You are confused about the Right-Bank Ukraine, isn’t Kiev on the right bank? How would they ban them?

    Ukraine, as many nations, has had a complicated ethno-genesis: Poland-Lithuania, Russia, and Crimean Tatar slave-raiders who murdered more Ukies than anyone else. In the 18th century Russia defeated the Tatars and liberated half of today’s Ukraine. They liberated the Western Ukies from the Poles, it only ended in 1939.

    Russia made Ukraine possible – without Russian sacrifices Ukrainians would not exist. Then they gave you an oversized greater Ukraine with lands that were not Ukrainian. Ukies instead of showing gratitude turned to the mindless hatred of anything Russian. (Poles are similar in the same ingratitude, they were almost gone in WW2 w/out Russia.)

    But now the back-and-forward story seems almost over. The result will be much weaker and smaller Ukraine than what could have been if they acted normally. You can’t stand it so you dig through 17. century to find a reason for your hatred. It changes nothing, the Ukies had more than they deserved and they threw it away…the regrets will eat them for generations. It’s very sad.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  336. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    native Hetmanate state

    Tell me more about it please what was the timeframe it was independent and which territory did it truly firmly control?

    I as it recognized as a sovereign state by its neighbours?

    How did it end?


    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  337. A123 says: •�Website

    Initially, there will be waves and fluctuations as some durable goods prices increase and other durable goods prices decrease. The more the components of the product are domestically manufactured, the more the price of the end product will drop in price.

    The price of many products is not dominated by energy costs. What is the justification for the [prior] claim? Not in comparison to imports with tariffs, but compared to open market prices.

    Energy is a significant component in raw materials extraction and refining. Energy cost feeds into manufacturing of durable goods and consumables. Energy also impacts markups as goods are transported from manufacturers to distribution centers to retail outlet (or direct to consumer).

    The full quote I provided mentions “some durable goods prices increase“. These are presumably the ones you are commenting on as “prices … not dominated by energy costs”. There are many fewer of these than you probably expect. Energy cost impacts every step in the product lifecycle. Deregulation will also take cost out of many products.

    So, yes, narrow bands of prices for specific products will potentially increase. This will lead to the economics of substitution. Consumers opting to reallocate spending towards what they perceive as better value options.

    The long term effects of MAGA Reindustrialization will take more than a decade. Capital investment and properly educating workers both take time.

    PEACE 😇

  338. S1 says:

    The original 1979 Mad Max film had it’s high points… 😉

  339. Mr. Hack says:

    You are confused about the Right-Bank Ukraine, isn’t Kiev on the right bank? How would they ban them?

    I never brought up right bank Ukraine. What are you clucking about here,anyways? Are you trying to say that Ukrainians from right bank Ukraine that were not allowed to study at the Mohyla Academy at some point, actually had no impediments to study there? Take it up with the authors of the entry, not me.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  340. songbird says:

    I remember seeing a British Pathé video on YouTube a few years back, showing crowds of English in London from some lost decade.

    The pinned comment of the account, I can’t quite exactly remember, but the meaning was this: there better not be any comments expressing nostalgia for a homogeneous England!

    I don’t think they allow comments on many of the videos now.

    •�Replies: @S1
  341. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Germans on NATO

    Re Below Linked 3/20 CGTN Show

    The dubious commentary on the Georgian and Ukrainian situations is aptly debunked by Dmitry Babich. Some follow-up:

    Klaus Larres mentions Moldova. No one asked the Romanian portion of Moldova to become part of the USSR. Conversely, no one asked Pridnestrovie (Transnistria and closely related spellings) to be put into the 1940 Soviet created Moldavian SSR. Russocentric Pridnestrovie had previously been an autonomous part of the Ukrainian SSR. The origin of the 1990s war in the former Moldavian SSR reveals culpability on the side of Moldovan government forces.

    C/o in part by foolhardy EU stances, Georgia shows signs of moving closer to Russia with Saakashvili, the early day Zelensky now in a Georgian prison.

    Countering Aurel Braun, NATO has been an aggressive anti-Russian alliance. Under Yeltsin and Putin, Russia sought NATO membership and was rebuffed as that alliance grew with anti-Russian reasoning as a basis.

    It’s absurd for Starmer and Macron to believe that French and UK “peacekeepers” will be allowed on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR as part of a formal settlement ending the NATO proxy war against Russia with the Kiev regime as a pawn.

    In Germany, the AfD and BSW serve as notice that not all Germans are on board with the German political establishment’s prevailing anti-Russian slant. It’ll come as no surprise to see this anti-Russian take diminish over time.

  342. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Justice @ IOC

    Re: https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1152430/results-are-in-coventry-to-lead-ioc

    The unanimous vote for Zimbabwean Kirsty Coventry as IOC president over the leading contenders from the NATO/G-7 grouping is indicative of a bloc that has disingenuously politicized sports in a most hypocritically bigoted manner.

    Unlike the aforementioned main competition, Coventry hasn’t willingly given credence to the bogus bannings of Russian and Belarusian athletes.



    Among the IOC affiliated heads of sporting federations, the biggest perpetrator of this discrimination is Sebastian Coe, who finished well out of the running for IOC president.

    The world is gradually wising up to the orchestrated pro-Kiev regime/anti-Russian propaganda campaign. At the UN General Assembly, the majority of the 193 nations at that body recently chose to not vote for a pro-Kiev regime/anti-Russian resolution.

  343. Mr. Hack says:

    Here, you can read about it all by yourself, knock yourself out:


  344. S1 says:

    I wonder if the good Prince has ever heard of Jaroslav Hašek…His Royal Highness sounds a bit like the Austrian Imperial nobility characters in the Hašek’s best known novel…

    Hmmm, I don’t know if he’s heard of Hašek or The Good Soldier Svejk.

    I have thought the biggest promoters of an impending WWIII, people such as Macron, Starmer, and Prince William, amongst others, should be ‘volunteered’ to fight at the hottest point of the front line in Ukraine for a solid two weeks, and then, provided they live of course, tell us how much now they are for this war.

    Hašek’s book and Svejk reminds me a bit of Catch 22 and it’s central character, Captain John Yossarian.


  345. @Dmitry

    “Romanov” was really just the name of the title they inherited in the 18th century.

    That’s the entire point of heriditary monarchy, dummy.

    Ivan the 6th ( and German regents) – eliminated in anti-German coup by Russian nobles
    Peter the 3rd – eliminated in anti-German coup by Russian nobles
    Paul I – eliminated in anti-German coup by Russian nobles
    The germanicness regarding the marriages wasn’t an issue until Germany became an actual nation in 1870. Alexander III married a dane, which then gives us Nicholas II – and when Russia was in trouble then his and the empresses Germanicness played a sizeable role in the public pressure that made him abdicate.

    As a kind of acting role, a Germany family of “von”, give themselves Russian professional name and they control the Orthodox Church. Even though they do not marry an Orthodox woman, or someone with a Russian family name.

    But they and the woman convert to Orthodoxy. Internal and external security/politics the primary reasons for these marriages. You marry a Prussian then should be less chance of war with Prussia Marrying another Russian aristocracy creates plotting and disloyalty from the other nobles whose families weren’t married into….with Russian nobles removing 3 Tsars further enhancing this view.

    Not that its relevant, because they were all Russian patriots who loved and served Russia…..but the chances that Catherine the Great’s father was Russian is equal to or probably greater then that of Trudeau’s father being Castro . All her affairs were with Russian men it should be added. Romanovs were direct descendents of Ruriks, so we are the only country with that continuous line of RUSSIAN succession for so long.

    The ancient Greeks and Egyptians were having political, cross-national marriages and this has happened non-stop across monarchies since then.

    But, nationalism is a recent ideology, important only in the 19th century with the development of democracy and increase in size of middle class.

    For Russia that is total nonsense. Russia had the national consciousness that the eurotrash countries didn’t.
    Russia is the only country that has kept its dominant religion, and its territory……..and not just that but one-way expanded their territory….. for the last 800 years. (1000 year stability for religion). Obviously now everywhere is more secular but for the last millenium religion has played a big part in shaping national consciousness. Fighting off the French, Germans, Swedes, Poles, Ottomans, Tatars and others. To say this hadn’t accelerate national consciousness far ahead of eurofags is absurd.

    Ireland has had the religious issue. Britain in the same situation as Russia but the religious issue settled about 500 years before and the land much smaller. Similar with Portugal.Russia has done what France, Holland, Spain, Sweden, Greece, Germany ,Poland, Finland ( for good reason Banderastan is not part of that conversation, LMAO) , Italy etc never could for centuries….having both the territorial and religious unifying factors.

  346. S1 says:

    I remember seeing a British Pathé video on YouTube a few years back, showing crowds of English in London from some lost decade.

    Many such videos, it’s true.

    The pinned comment of the account, I can’t quite exactly remember, but the meaning was this: there better not be any comments expressing nostalgia for a homogeneous England.

    Very believable.

    In time, to preclude something like that, they may just resort to altering the film clips to include at least a few ‘identifiable minorities’.

    That way people will learn that Britain is, will be, and always has been, a land of rootless ‘migrants’, ideally Sub-Saharan African, who in reality created and built everything of any lasting value in Britain.

    I don’t think they allow comments on many of the videos now.


  347. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    You quoted it…and it’s can’t be geographically true, Kiev is on the Right-Bank. If you disagreed, why do you quote it as a fact? How much more in that quote you posted is made up? It undermines your credibility…

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  348. @QCIC

    No. Doctor Weil is not based. When he was undergrad he narc’d on Leary and Albert because they never asked him to play in their reindeer games and he was kind of spiteful young fellow.

    The actual purpose of the news is to aggravate our depression on their good days. Every few years they have another special project to inflict post trauma stress disorder.

  349. Mikel says:

    Macron is clearly a bonobo.

    Actually, you’re right. I stand corrected.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Bashibuzuk
  350. @songbird

    Not only have I never known a woman who went to Antarctica, I have never before heard of a woman who went to Antarctica. A priori P (crazy) ~ .999.

    •�LOL: songbird
  351. Derer says:

    The difference is that I am not arguing with your shitty interpretation of the USSR, but you do argue with my WEALTHY interpretation of WASP. Instead of using ASP your “white” dogma excludes cc 90% of whites and is derogatory to them, btw “wealthy” fit perfectly well.

  352. QCIC says:

    The relationship with Brigitte begins to make more sense.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
  353. Bashibuzuk says:

    Love is love… 💕

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  354. @Bashibuzuk

    Apparently a little melanin is really great for cerebral brain vitality. The Great Big Model Railroader up in the Sky is full of surprises for the curious scientist.

  355. @Mikel

    we cannot escape our genetic limitations.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Mikel
  356. songbird says:

    Never knew that Trujillo had this Basque guy in NYC killed.


    Pretty dumb. Not a surprise that the CIA was involved in his death.

  357. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Torna atrás

    Basque Country looks rather good on that map…

  358. Mr. Hack says:

    I never said and the article quoted never stated or intimated that Kyiv was not located on the right bank. So what issue of “credibility” did I run afoul?

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  359. Derer says:
    @Mr. Hack

    needs to adjust his monthly budget to the meager pay

    Funny you say that, hear this…”half of Americans are unable to come up with $500 emergency money”. (by Steve Bannon whom I admire, although he said $400).

    I crossed the iron curtain at the heights of the cold war. My escape with friend would make a good screenplay for a 007 movie. We were floating under the trunk of tree in a river, breathing by small tubes. Unfortunately the trunk kept moving to the wrong riverbank and the tree became suspicious to the border patrol, we could feel some shooting at the tree. We did not have much time to move to the other side but eventually we made it.

    I now live on the US pacific coast; coincidentally my beautiful wife is from Peru pacific coast so we spend winters there. We visit my family in Europe almost every year.

    My family was screwed by the communist system in Europe and I resent the fact that some morons in the US, even in high political places, cannot differentiate between the defeated Soviet communist tyranny in Central and Eastern Europe and the present self-made democracy in Russia. They are blinded by the perennial hate of Russia senselessly perpetuated by the dishonest media. I believe that is the main reason the great Solzhenitsyn left the “good” life in the US and has returned to his homeland.

  360. My family was screwed by the communist system in Europe and I resent the fact that some morons in the US, even in high political places, cannot differentiate between the defeated Soviet communist tyranny in Central and Eastern Europe and the present self-made democracy in Russia.

    I’m curious to learn more about this democracy in Russia.

    Which legal powers would you say that Putin does not possess or can be overruled by the Duma?

    You do acknowledge that he started a war against their neighbor without even informing the Duma, correct?

  361. A fiery yet fiery ceasefire.

  362. Mikel says:
    @Torna atrás

    LOL. In that particular respect some people do manage to escape their genetic limitations by living in the capital city of a country, as the map shows. It happens everywhere but perhaps the effect is a little more noticeable in southern and eastern Europe.

  363. AP says:

    Looks like Russia has started importing Indians to replace the dead Russians at the front.


    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  364. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Here is what you quoted about the academy in Kiev:

    Students from Right-Bank Ukraine, which was under Polish rule, were no longer admitted.

    Kiev is on the Right-Bank. Now think…:)

    •�Replies: @AP
  365. songbird says:

    Another research project for GR:

    Would like him to uncover the origins of the surname Kurtzleben. (I take it to mean Shortlife), which was the name of the lady who they say purposely hit Trump with the microphone boom.

  366. AP says:

    Novgorod ethnos

    The only Slavic nation that was successfully wiped


    So much hyperbole…

    My wording was admittedly a bit sloppy and imprecise, but the reality is that Muscovy destroyed the Novgorodian proto-nation. Other extinct Slavic groups such as Polabians disappeared through gradual assimilation (Russia may do that to the Belarussians). Muscovites slaughtered them, scattered them and assimilated the remnants.

    But a point I had meant to make was that, barring imposition by a foreign invader, peoples have the types of governments they deserve.

    In the case of Russians, it has for many centuries meant foreign owners, natives as servants and property.

    You listed numerous cases of resistance, but in almost all cases the resistance failed, or resulted in change to new foreign owners (replacing Germans in 1917 with Caucasians, Jews and Latvians). Why did it fail? Because politically, the Russian people as a collective are most comfortable when foreigners rule them. They can fight stubbornly, and die bravely, on behalf of their foreign owners and masters, but will not resist them very much.

    Look at the current situation: Chechens beat and humiliate Russians, like that poor kid who burned the Koran. Russians do nothing. But they will meekly go by the hundreds of thousands to get slaughtered by drones in a Ukrainian field, while trying to kill Ukrainians defending their own lands, on behalf of the same Noviop ruling class.

    You mentioned a few thousand Russians bravely resisting in 1993. Far more relevant and representative of the real Russia are the 100,000s willing to kill and be killed in Ukraine, for Kadyrov, Putin, and their other masters. This is the true political face of Russia.

    And it is always like this. Russians sent to their deaths by German Romanovs (even against Germany), the Georgian Stalin, etc. In 1917, the Russians of Moscow (population around 1 million in 1917) allowed a few thousand Latvians to take over their city on behalf of the Reds. And then the Russians, having meekly waited until their new master was revealed, died by the 100,000s spreading Bolshevism to Russia’s neighbors.

    Was it the Tatar yoke that made Russians this way? Or was this phenomenon a legacy of Rurikid conquest and rule? Whatever the origin, it is a central aspect of Russian culture. Complaining about it useless – as long as there is a country Russia, it will have such a political culture. And highlighting this is no more “Russophobic” than describing a hungry bear as dangerous reflects hatred of bears.

    The only way this cycle could have been broken would have been if Muscovy had been incorporated into Rzeczpospolita in the early 17th century. Then political power would have rested in the hands of native boyars, as it did in Rzeczpospolita.

    Currently, the best thing for the world might be if the Chinese adopt the role of Russians’ overlords. The Chinese tend to be a cautious people, Russia may be less dangerous to neighbors that way if the Russian people become obedient servants to calm Chinese masters.

    The best outcome for this war would be a final separation of Ukrainian Slavs from Muscovite Slavs, with the latter becoming weak enough that the Chinese will own them. We can then join our Polish and Baltic brothers, Russians will experience the most responsible and civilized leadership they have had since the days of the last Romanovs.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Mr. XYZ
  367. AP says:

    You are a moron. The Right Bank as a political entity did not include the city of Kiev. When Ukraine was divided between Poland and Russia, the Right Bank that was part of Poland, did not include the city of Kiev (despite Kiev being on the right bank of the Dnipro river).

    I know – you do not even know Slovak history (bad schools), how can you be expected to know Ukrainian history?

    •�Agree: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @Beckow
  368. Battle of the Nations
    Serbia Australia


    There are a lot of empty seats there considering the one man is the greatest tennis player who has ever been so far.

  369. AP says:

    Would there be any Ukraine at all if not first for Tsarist and then Soviet Empire-building efforts?

    Galicians, who were never under the Tsars (other than for a few months in 1915) and briefly under the Soviets, exist and have a strong identity and developed much more than their brothers across the border. I suspect that Kashubians and Silesians, within Poland, will retain their culture better than Pomors or Belarussians within the Russian sphere.

    In fact, rule from Moscow retarded national development. Any progress occurred despite Moscow, and often in opposition to it. And often, behind lands that were ruled by non-Romanovs.

    And lest we forget, Russians left go of Ukraine peacefully in 1991

    This reminds me of a comedy sketch by Chris Rock, when he laughs at how some of his people demand to get special credit and praise for merely doing what they are supposed to do (like get a job or provide for their children).

    I guess for Russians, it is remarkable and cause for praise that at the end of the 20th century it let a people go without slaughtering a lot of them them first. Well, Russia decided to change its mind and kill after all, it just waited 35 years.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  370. Beckow says:

    When Ukraine was divided between Poland and Russia, the Right Bank that was part of Poland, did not include the city of Kiev (despite Kiev being on the right bank of the Dnipro river).

    Are you claiming that “right bank” was not really the right bank? Kiev is not some small town they could overlook. What else was excluded? The quote presented by Mr.Hacks was internally contradictory.

    It seems you are trying to manipulate again. Like you lied about Novgorod and then admitted you were “a bit sloppy” – that’s one way to put it, but given the context you were not sloppy but displaying your hatred.

    You claimed that “Russia is ruled by a despot” – who is the despot? You never answered, give us the name, don’t be bashful….:)

    And that Russia was like the Indian Raj (or is?)….haha…didn’t Queen Victoria know? Then why did UK fight the Crimean War on behalf of Turkey? Didn’t they know Russia was only a “colony” of some Schleswig duke? The things we learn from you…or learn about the sad state of your mind. Losing a war does that…

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Mr. Hack
  371. songbird says:

    No, no, send the Somali expats, like Ilhan Omar! They would be willing to take them.

  372. What an Endless Conversation with Werner Herzog Can Teach Us about AI
    Giacomo Miceli; Scientific American; Jan 2023


    Has Giacomo been lurking in Karlinstan?

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  373. Better than ketamine.

    Also you don’t have to pay anything and you can do it by yourself in your living room any time you want.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @QCIC
  374. Bashibuzuk says:

    join our Polish and Baltic brothers

    Sure, why not. Then you can have another rzeź wołyńsko-galicyjska, and this time we will not interfere…

    For the rest of your China-centric narrative, I am happy to inform you that it has been already described in a work of fiction:


    Have a look at, perhaps you will like it.

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Mikhail
  375. Bashibuzuk says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Safe with most medications…

  376. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I think this is an essential part of being an Unz commenter.

    Just say no to the special-K.

  377. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    How long before Karlinstan is full AI?

    Once the world has been paved over with solar panels and peppered with nuclear power plants our entire lives can be AI. Then the AI’s will have to keep us alive to give their pointless machine existence some purpose. Except some clever AIs will fake out the others. Maybe quantum computers will save us…or is it that quantum computers will accelerate our demise? I keep getting those two mixed up. 🙁

  378. songbird says:

    Have always appreciated Chinese fondness for pigs and pig products.

  379. AP says:

    You’ve reached the limit of your ability to reason. You are no better than a midwit, not so dumb so as to be boring to interact with, but some things are just too hard for you to understand.

    When Ukraine was divided between Poland and Russia, the Right Bank that was part of Poland, did not include the city of Kiev (despite Kiev being on the right bank of the Dnipro river).

    Are you claiming that “right bank” was not really the right bank?

    I’m not “claiming” anything. I am describing the fact that when Russia and Poland divided Ukraine, the Polish part was called the Right Bank and it did not include the city of Kiev.

    Is that too complicated for you? Does it seem contradictory, so therefore could not have happened?

    Poor simple Beckow. First you didn’t understand what a non-European city means, and now you are presented with all sorts of confusing phenomena.


    In 1667, by the Truce of Andrusovo, Ukraine was partitioned along the Dnieper River: the west, known as the Right Bank, reverted to Poland, while Russia was confirmed in its possession of the east, known as the Left Bank, together with Kyiv (which actually was located west of the river); the arrangement was confirmed in 1686 by the Treaty of Eternal Peace between Poland and Russia.

    You claimed that “Russia is ruled by a despot” – who is the despot? You never answered, give us the name

    Beckow needs for it to be spelled out that Russia’s current despot is Putin. The latest in a long line of them. Do you need the earlier ones to be named also?

    And that Russia was like the Indian Raj (or is?)….haha…didn’t Queen Victoria know? Then why did UK fight the Crimean War on behalf of Turkey? Didn’t they know Russia was only a “colony” of some Schleswig duke?

    Beckow can’t understand analogies.

    Why would Russia be less dangerous or less of a rival because it was the colony of a German family? Germans can be dangerous masters.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  380. Mr. XYZ says:

    and briefly under the Soviets,

    Galicia was under Soviet rule for 45 years? Though Galicia was notoriously nationalistic even before it came under Soviet rule.

    I suspect that Kashubians and Silesians, within Poland, will retain their culture better than Pomors or Belarussians within the Russian sphere.

    Yeah, possibly. Though they also retained their culture fairly well in the German Empire before 1918, no?

  381. Mr. XYZ says:

    And it is always like this. Russians sent to their deaths by German Romanovs (even against Germany),

    The great irony is that Russians were not willing to endure this for an extra year. That would have been very much worth in, in hindsight, since it would have avoided Russia’s Bolshevization.

    BTW, the subjects of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and every other country were also willing to aggressively bleed themselves dry in both World Wars. Though in WWII, it was primarily a Soviet vs. German bloodletting (though Austria was a part of Germany back then).

    •�Replies: @AP
  382. Mr. XYZ says:

    What’s wrong with importing Indians? The West, especially the Anglosphere, already does plenty of it, after all!

  383. AP says:

    join our Polish and Baltic brothers

    Sure, why not. Then you can have another rzeź wołyńsko-galicyjska, and this time we will not interfere…

    Poles no longer claim our lands so it is all good.

    But the people ruled by Moscow’s Georgian master, despite having no bitter conflict with Poles over the same piece of land, still managed to kill more Poles than the Galicians and Volhynians did during those years. When it came to killing Slavs, only Hitler could outdo the Muscovites.

    For the rest of your China-centric narrative, I am happy to inform you that it has been already described in a work of fiction:

    Thank you.

    Have you read Bykov’s Ж/Д? It’s about Khazars vs. Varangians in future Russia.


    Yes, he is Jewish and you prefer Slavic writers but it’s good. I have never met him, but he is a friend of a friend in Moscow, and a nice person from what I hear.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Mr. XYZ
  384. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    The others were treated much better by their governments and to various degrees participated in their rule. They weren’t property, passively being sent to the slaughter.

    In some respects this may be worse because it was a very stupid war to get into. But it was very different.

    Germans and French were fighting for Germany’s and France’s glory or whatever (stupid), Austrian subjects out of loyalty to a monarchy that provided them with a relatively good life (though some disgruntled ones may have grumbled about the whole thing), downtrodden Russians went just because they were sent to die by some German owners. Not terribly unlike today…

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  385. Bashibuzuk says:

    and a nice person from what I hear.

    He’s not a bad guy, even though he’s an alcoholic. Sometimes it’s a plus for a writer. Re. the future of RF, in its current form it has no future. It has to change to survive, just like Ukraine has to change too. Like US and EU have to change as well because liberal democratic model has objectively reached its limits. Let’s see what happens next…

  386. Beckow says:

    …Why would Russia be less dangerous or less of a rival because it was the colony of a German family?

    Not just any German family, a Schleswig duke!…:) So Russia was a “colony” but UK and France instead of fighting the owner – Schleswig province – fought a bloody war with the poor colony. You are hilarious, this is good stuff…:)

    We learned that in Ukraine “right-bank” is not always what’s on the right-bank. No wonder Ukies lose wars if they can’t tell right from left. Russia can use that Ukie geographic anomaly when ending this war…and there goes Kiev…

    You learned the term “mid-wit”, I think I used it on you long time ago when I stopped calling you autistic. Mid-wits when they learn a new cool term repeat it like a parakeet. See, there is an analogy for you…

    The term “despot” has a rather clear meaning: “absolute power used in a cruel and oppressive way.” So you think Russia today fits that definition? That’s quite mad, have you ever talked to anyone who has been there? It really is a stretch even as an “analogy”. if you accept that then almost anything can be called “despotism”.

    •�Replies: @AP
  387. Bashibuzuk says:

    Very interesting, unfortunately for Russian speakers only:

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  388. Mr. XYZ says:

    Maybe this helps explain why exactly Russian soldiers and urban dwellers (food shortages) began experiencing demoralization before soldiers and urban dwellers in other countries did, and also why they were more susceptible to Bolshevik propaganda. (Russian peasants wanted the SRs, not the Bolsheviks, but AFAIK, Russian urban dwellers and soldiers did, in fact, want the Bolsheviks in 1917-1918.) Russian soldiers and urban dwellers simply didn’t care all that much about abstract concepts like Constantinople or Galicia or Subcarpathian Ruthenia; they wanted to get back home and get a piece of land for themselves and their families and to help build a new, better political order in Russia.

    This shows that the Russian Tsar made a huge mistake in not liberalizing in 1905-1906. He could have actually let the Russian Duma do things like land reform and genuine parliamentary democracy. At least that way, the Russian people would have been much more invested in their existing government. Instead, the Russian people ended up losing their attachment to their existing government and instead relying on soviets, which of course the Bolsheviks took over and banned all other parties from, thus creating a totalitarian one-party dictatorship.

    Off-topic, but interestingly enough, WWII can be viewed as a competition between Germans (Nazis) and Caucasians (Bolsheviks/Communists) over who exactly should own the Russian people. Seriously. With the Russian people themselves experiencing extraordinarily massive demographic devastation as a result of this war. Arguably, *without the benefit of hindsight* (not knowing Hitler’s future plans ahead of time), it might have been a better idea for the Soviet people to just surrender immediately in 1941 and to accept Hitler as their new master. The surviving Jews and excess Slavs would have been deported en masse to Siberia or Central Asia or wherever, but in terms of total death toll, there’s a chance that it would have still been less than World War II’s actual, real-life death toll. Michael Mills on the Axis History Forum at least argued that Siberia had enough extra food to feed an extra several dozen million people. Was he right?

    Russians have a very long history of getting severely screwed over by their rulers, unfortunately, and this was also the case for Ukrainians back when they adopted a Russian-style mentality (1991-2013).

  389. S1 says:

    Bannon, who is perhaps something of a shady character, is pushing Trump for a ‘third term’, thus adding to the myth/legend the corporate media is creating of ‘Trump the Fascist’.

    Remember the president of last year’s Civil War movie was a ‘three term president’.

    People are being ‘played’ and manipulated.

    Don’t fight these wars, refuse, stand down, don’t go.

    They simply want you to destroy each other. 🙁


    Steve Bannon admits Maga operatives ‘working’ on third term for Trump

    Speaking of his adoration for Trump, the former chief strategist said ‘he’s on fire, and I’m a huge supporter. I want to see him again in 2028’

    In an interview with NewsNation host Chris Cuomo Tuesday, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said that Maga operatives have begun working towards securing president Donald Trump a third term in 2028.

    “I’m a firm believer that President Trump will run again in 2028. I’ve already endorsed President Trump,” Bannon said.

    “A man like this comes along once every century if we’re lucky. We’ve got him now. He’s on fire and I’m a huge supporter. I want to see him again in 2028.”

    Bannon took second place in a recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) straw poll of potential 2028 GOP nominees, although he was easily defeated by vice-president JD Vance, who received 61 percent of the votes.

    The right-wing War Room podcast host was heard chanting in favor of a third Trump term while on stage at CPAC in February, shouting: “We want Trump in ‘28! We want Trump! We Want Trump!”


    When Cuomo pressed Bannon on whether he had had anything to do with the placing of his name on the CPAC straw poll list, Bannon insisted he had not, shutting down any speculation that he would launch a surprise presidential campaign himself in three years.

    The 22nd amendment of the constitution limits any one person to a maximum of two four-year terms as president.

    When asked how Trump and his acolytes could get around the constitution, the former Breitbart editor remained coy.

    “We’re working on it,” Bannon said with a wry smile.

    “I think we’ll have a couple of alternatives, let’s say that… We’ll see what the definition of term limit is,” he added when pressed by Cuomo.

    Bannon remained bullish throughout the segment.

    “Chris, as you know, I’ve had greater long shots than this. I supported President Trump after the election. I realize you don’t believe that the election of 2020 was stolen — we do. We fervently believe that.”

    Cuomo replied: “Who’s we?”

    “We’re huge believers in democracy because we know how to get votes out,” Bannon snapped back.

    The firebrand right-winger was released from prison in October 2024 after serving a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from a congressional committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. He was convicted on two counts of contempt of Congress in July 2022.

    Tensions between Bannon and Trump’s special adviser, Elon Musk, have also been building since January.

    In a February interview with UnHerd, Bannon branded Musk “a parasitic illegal immigrant” who wants to toy with “freak experiments and play-act as God without any respect for the country’s history, values or traditions,” as reported by The New York Times.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  390. Mr. XYZ says:

    By that logic, would Great Russians (Muscovite Eastern Slavs) be akin to the lower Hindu castes, with their overlords being akin the Brahmin Hindu caste?

  391. Mr. XYZ says:

    But the people ruled by Moscow’s Georgian master, despite having no bitter conflict with Poles over the same piece of land, still managed to kill more Poles than the Galicians and Volhynians did during those years. When it came to killing Slavs, only Hitler could outdo the Muscovites.

    I think that Stalin was paranoid about Soviet Poles being potential fifth columnists in the event of a future Polish invasion of the USSR. Paranoid, no doubt, but similar to his reason for deporting the Koreans in the Soviet Far East to Central Asia (them being a potential pro-Japanese fifth column in the event of a future Japanese invasion of the far eastern USSR). It’s similar to why the Ottoman Empire forced its Christians to do death marches during WWI–specifically because it feared that they were pro-Russian fifth columnists, and Russia was already invading Ottoman territory.

  392. AP says:

    Not just any German family, a Schleswig duke!…:) So Russia was a “colony” but UK and France instead of fighting the owner – Schleswig province – fought a bloody war with the poor colony

    Midwit Beckow couldn’t figure out that the colonizer had moved the HQ to Russia.

    I’ll repost for you:

    “If you are desperately looking to an analogy in the Anglo world, Russia would not be like the USA or Canada, but might be something like India under the British East India company, if it had moved its HQ from London to Bombay. Foreigners ruling natives, making laws to more efficiently get rich off the natives and their lands. But also living amongst them and learning their language (while also hiring tutors and bringing wives from the homeland). And then, at various times, the original Brit managers were replaced by a German management team, and after a violent hostile takeover by a Caucasian-Jewish one. But the servants toil away, it’s all the same for whom.”

    We learned that in Ukraine “right-bank” is not always what’s on the right-bank. No wonder Ukies lose wars if they can’t tell right from left

    The treaty was between Russia and Poland, and the reference was from Britannica.

    Only Beckow is too dumb to figure that out.

    Russia can use that Ukie geographic anomaly when ending this war…and there goes Kiev…

    How did it work out when Russia tried to take Kiev in 2022 🙂

    You learned the term “mid-wit”, I think I used it on you long time ago

    We have already established that you employ projection.

    And I used that term long before you tried to apply it to me. Check the history.

    Accept that you are a midwit. Dmitry, who is far smarter than you, thinks I was being too generous when I identified you as a midwit. He thinks that you are simply an idiot.

    But I wouldn’t bother arguing with an idiot.

    The term “despot” has a rather clear meaning: “absolute power used in a cruel and oppressive way.”

    You couldn’t even provide the precise definition. You tried your best, perhaps, but it was too difficult.

    American English:


    a ruler with absolute power and authority

    British English:


    one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way

    a person, especially a ruler, who has unlimited power over other people, and often uses it unfairly and cruelly

    So you think Russia today fits that definition?

    Pretty much, which is close enough. Putin’s state is corrupt and dysfunctional so there are some limitations, but he can for example arrest, kill or have people tortured as he wishes. Even innocent ones. When he killed Prigozhin, he also murdered an innocent pil0t and stewardess on that plane. And no one can do anything about it.

    But he cannot prevent people from stealing and ripping off the government all the time. And he can’t mobilize everyone for the war. That might be going too far, it might lead to the fate of the autocrat Nicholas II.

    For Beckow, it may be too complicated to understand that a despotism can also not be totalitarian, due to a dysfunctional and corrupt state.

    Or as a midwit, Beckow might think for someone to be a despot, that “absolute” power is literally absolute. But that never existed. Even Stalin, for example, could not have ordered millions of commit seppuku or something like that.

    have you ever talked to anyone who has been there

    It seems you haven’t. It is not at all controversial in Russia to describe Putin as a despot, or more typically as an autocrat (it’s a nicer word for pretty much the same thing). People in Russia who like Putin will consider him to be a competent and patriotic autocrat, those who don’t like him will call him a despot.

    Beckow doesn’t understand.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  393. Mikhail says: •�Website

    On why the Banderite influenced Kiev regime can’t control all of Ukraine’s dubiously drawn Soviet boundary:


  394. QCIC says:

    The text translation works and I watched a bit. It is interesting. He comes across as a cult leader. Smart, persuasive and maybe crazy but not necessarily wrong. I guess that is what it always takes. He said he doesn’t believe elites are behind Trump and seemed to suggest Trump’s rise is organic. Does he say anything later about Trump’s Jewish puppet masters (also Zelensky’s) or does he rise above this issue?

    Initially the translator referred to the Vice President as “Jade Vance”. I guess the AI slipped up, but that name might stick. I agree with Arestovych’s implication that we may learn more when Jade’s true colors begin to show; unlike Trump JD is a new world man.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  395. QCIC says:

    This all seems fake.

    At some point there is no pressure on these people to tell the truth so there is no restoring force for sanity. Hopefully the Trump churning will roll back some of the existing insanity, but I think this will be accidental.

    How many times did Trump fly with Epstein?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @A123
  396. Bashibuzuk says:

    He also thinks that Trump is just here to ensure the transfer of power between the old and the new elite. Although he believes in his mission, Trump might be sacrificed, but Vance is (according to Arestovich ) an exceptional individual, one that has the “common good” at heart and that should have power. They didn’t discuss the Jewish influence, although supposedly Orthodox Christian (in fact strongly interested in Occultism), Arestovich is of Jewish descent on his mother’s side. It’s of course rather frequent among the Noviop…

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  397. Bashibuzuk says:

    In one of Pelevin’s novels, a minor character (a high ranking RF bureaucrat) is described as having only two traits that make him vaguely human : 1) he’s a pedophile and 2) he’s a Mossad agent.

    •�LOL: QCIC
  398. Bashibuzuk says:

    The colourful US Armed Forces…

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Torna atrás
  399. Bashibuzuk says:

    About 80% of graduate students in American computer science and engineering programs are foreign not local.

    Why does the US rely so heavily on foreign workers for the tech industry, and why is it not able to develop a homegrown tech workforce?


    •�Replies: @A123
  400. Bashibuzuk says:

    Germany’s Baerbock Humiliated: Denied Handshake (Again) By Syrian Leader

    She came to advocate the rights of women and minorities. She left without a handshake. The Syrian leader’s refusal to offer a greeting handshake during a visit to Damascus this week was predictable, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said.

    The incident nonetheless prompted a vigorous online debate over global political greeting protocols, as well as the label “handshake scandal” by German daily Bild, as Baerbock’s traveling partner, French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot, was offered a handshake.


    For once, I have to agree with a Salafi – Wahhabi cutthroat scum. If I were ever to meet that female example of sheer idiocy, I would not want to shake hands with her either.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  401. Mr. Hack says:

    It seems you are trying to manipulate again.

    Yeah, I can see how AP’s presentation of some accurate historical/geographical information could constitute “manipulation” for somebody like you, who often lives in his own fantasy world. 🙂

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  402. S1 says:


    ‘Donald Trump loves Britain and has great respect for the Royal Family, so we believe he would see the benefits of this.’

    ‘Writing on his Truth Social platform while sharing an article referencing the unprecedented offer, Trump said: “I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!”

    Trump weighs in on report King Charles will offer U.S. membership to British Commonwealth: ‘Sounds good!’

    Nearly 250 years after America declared independence from Great Britain, President Donald Trump suggested he was open to taking a small step back towards the warm embrace of the British monarchy after a media outlet reported that King Charles III intends to extend an offer for the United States to join the Commonwealth of Nations.

    The King is reportedly preparing to extend the offer of “associate membership” in the voluntary association of 56 nations, most of which have history as former British colonies. Trump, it seems, is open to the idea.

    Writing on his Truth Social platform while sharing an article referencing the unprecedented offer, Trump said: “I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!”

    First reported by the Daily Mail, the offer from Charles III would be formally extended during the planned state visit by Trump to the U.K. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer delivered a hand-written invitation from the King to the U.S. leader during a visit to the White House last month.

    A member of the Royal Commonwealth Society told the Mail that the possibility of America making entry into the Commonwealth is “being discussed at the highest levels” as “a wonderful move that would symbolize Britain’s close relationship with the U.S.”

    “Donald Trump loves Britain and has great respect for the Royal Family, so we believe he would see the benefits of this. Associate membership could, hopefully, be followed by full membership, making the Commonwealth even more important as a global organization,” the person added.


    Having America joining the Commonwealth, even as an associate member, could be a way for Charles to smooth over tensions between Washington, London and Ottawa that have erupted over Trump’s frequently-stated desire to make Canada — a Commonwealth founding member and one of the 15 nations that still counts the King as head of state — the 51st American state rather than the fully independent nation it has been since the 1982 Canadian constitution removed the country’s vestigial legal dependence on the British parliament.

    Trump’s rhetoric towards America’s northern neighbor, which which it shares the world’s largest unguarded land border, has inflamed passions among Canadians who’ve taken umbrage at what has amounted to an unprovoked trade war waged by American leaders.

    The president has imposed tariffs on many Canadian imports and threatened to raise the import taxes — which are ultimately paid by American consumers — even higher, while claiming that the U.S. trade deficit with Canada amounts to an unfair subsidy of Ottawa by Washington.

    If membership is offered and accepted, no longer would America send an ambassador to the Court of St James as it has done since John Adams presented his credentials to King George III in June 1785. Washington’s emissary to Ottawa would no longer be an ambassador, either, and neither would the top diplomats sent by the U.K. or Canada to the U.S. That’s because Commonwealth nations appoint “high commissioners” to represent each other’s interests in their respective capitals.

    The 56-member bloc has roots in the post-Second World War era when the U.K. began divesting itself of its massive colonial empire. And Canada, the subject of current tensions with the U.S., was the first member.

    Most, but not all, of the current Commonwealth members are former British dominions or colonies.

    The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Independent.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  403. A123 says: •�Website

    About 80% of graduate students in American computer science and engineering programs are foreign not local.

    It is largely specific to a subset of IT industry related degrees.

    -1- Excessive use of visas (H1B, OPT, etc.) suppress wages — American STEM students choose degrees that provide more compensation.

    -2- Work can be very unrewarding — Most career paths lead to what amounts to HR/management. Who wants to be responsible for offshore teams rather than doing actual STEM work?

    -3- Colleges want money — Foreign students pay full tuition and receive very little assistance. Many schools have a quota to meet budget. Thus, they actively recruit in fields that have the most appeal to non-U.S. candidates.

    The problem is fixable. Sharply reduce the H1B/OPT visa programs, prioritize American citizens, penalize firms that outsource heavily. If expensive degrees do not lead to U.S. residency, the number of foreigners willing to pay will dry up.

    Here is a picture from Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M

    STEM degree programs with a locked in American heavy industry base have little difficulty filling classes with primarily U.S. citizens.

    PEACE 😇

  404. A123 says: •�Website

    How many times did Trump fly with Epstein?

    To the island? NONE. This is 100% proven. Only #NeverMAGA zealot cultists would try to suggest otherwise.

    It does appear that Trump and others rarely travelled to U.S. real estate events on Epstein’s plane. Such a situation is a perfect opportunity to pitch ideas to a potentially receive audience. Thus, clearly legitimate business travel.

    Working in the New York real estate business means that one has contact with all sorts of unsavory individuals. It is an unavoidable part of the industry.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  405. Bashibuzuk says:

    Yeah, a lot of the current troubles in the world are a UK vs US tension with the Democratic Party in US being a tool for UK interests in Washington. Wokism has been financially sponsored by Soros who might be seen as a frontman and dirty job operative for the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are the British Royals’ Courtly Jews.

    So basically, paradoxically wokism in US has the approval of the British Royals. Why ? Because it weakens the American Republic enough for it to be manipulated by the (Jewish-infiltrated) British elites. It’s a tug of war inside the globalist superstructure that (still so far) dominates the world economy.

    But while the “old White (and Jewish) Men” are trying to outsmart each other for a few more tens of billions to add to their already inflated wealth, a new world is emerging somewhere else. And if the current trends continue, the decline of the West will become irreversible.

    Whether the British Royals can survive that decline by toting their offspring as having some coloured ancestry or proclaiming (falsely) that they are descended from Mohamed is a rhetorical question that can lead to many a farcical answer.

    •�Thanks: S1
    •�Replies: @A123
  406. Bashibuzuk says:

    What matters are cutting edge technologies in IT, Comm Tech, AI, Robotics, Fusion and Nuclear Energy, Biotech, Nanotech, Neurobio etc. That’s the future of technology. In these fields more than 50% of graduates are not American citizens, and even when they are American citizens, they are often times not of White or African American ancestry. Chinese, Indians, Eastern Europeans, Middle Eastern graduate students are over represented in these fields compared to the US demographics. The article explains why. You should try reading it, you might find it interesting (given that the author is a hyphenated Israeli-American, you will probably agree with his outlook).

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @A123
  407. songbird says:

    I do dislike Sci-show, but this one addresses (though I don’t think answers) something that has puzzled me for quite a long time: why did people used to report dreaming in black and white?


    Now, it would be easy to blame it on people watching black and white TV before they went to bed, but it began before TV. Sure, people tended to go the movies a lot more back before TV, but still, how could 3-4x a month make a person dream in black and white?

    It is kind of scary to think that media could influence the subconscious mind of people so much.

  408. A123 says: •�Website

    Are you still unwilling to denounce Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians in Jerusalem?

    Failure to repudiate Islamic genocide is a clear indication that you are a Muslim.

    Soros who might be seen as a frontman and dirty job operative for the Rothschilds.

    George IslamoSoros, despite his genetic lineage, supports Muslim causes. For example, he spends money on genocidal BDS, pro-genocide campus criminal occupations, and of course The Great Muslim Replacement of Jews & Christians in Europe.

    If the Rothschilds are aligned with the IslamoSoros, then you are implying that they also serve Islam. Thank you. You make a convincing case that we should refer to them as IslamoRothschilds to lock in their inherently Muslim nature.

    wokism in US has the approval of the British Royals. Why ? Because it weakens the American Republic enough for it to be manipulated by the (Jewish-infiltrated) British elites

    Let me fix that for you.

    IslamoGloboHomo wokism has the approval of the British Royals. Why ? Because it weakens the Democrat Party enough for it to be manipulated by the (Muslim-infiltrated) British elites

    Indeed, European elite SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim wokism owned and operated Team Biden for 4 years.

    Trump is willing to be polite to the royal family. He even said that Prince Harry would not be investigated for visa issues, as Harry is already being punished enough by being married to Megan Markle. However, there is no sign that the royals will obtain anything substantive from Trump.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
  409. A123 says: •�Website

    You should try reading it

    Why would I read Asia Times? They are known to be less accurate than Alex Jones and Infowars.

    Does Pepe Escobar still shill for them?

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  410. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    LMAO at this idea to promote this term and the comparison to Chesterton.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  411. songbird says:

    Suppose AP would classify the traditional marriage patterns of Austria-Hungary as being pedophilic.

  412. QCIC says:

    What’s up with the two guys/gals with the non-regulation hair? This picture may belong in the Sailer section.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  413. QCIC says:


    I don’t believe anything to do with Epstein is legitimate. Meeting him at someone else’s party is one thing, flying on his plane to anywhere or inviting him to a party are something else. These known facts do not tell us anything new about Trump, but they confirm he is compromised. This information is like Warp Speed, there is no way to fix it. As we watch the cauldron simmer and bubble the best thing is to not forget these inconvenient truths.

    •�Replies: @A123
  414. Mr. Hack says:

    Vance is (according to Arestovich ) an exceptional individual, one that has the “common good” at heart and that should have power.

    Not according to his first cousin, Nate Vance, who spent three years fighting on the frontlines within Ukraine on the Ukrainian side, who says that JD is “misguided”. Close minded JD refuses to meet and talk with his cousin. Interesting interview:

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @Bashibuzuk
  415. @Bashibuzuk

    Does the EU send women diplomats to Saudi Arabia?

  416. @A123

    So if you have one cherry picked counter example.

    So what?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  417. QCIC says:

    The numbers and statistics in the brief article are probably fine. The author focuses on developments post-2000, but the roots of the problem of fewer high caliber White US STEM students dates back at least to the 1950’s. The situation will improve if we turn the education system into a racist hard meritocracy. It may still require 10-20 years to allow more clear thinkers to grow indigenously.

    What year is the photograph from Texas A&M?

    •�Replies: @A123
  418. A123 says: •�Website

    The known facts confirm that Trump is not compromised. He did not visit Epstein’s island. only #NeverMAGA cultists believe otherwise. Their contacts were limited, publicly known, and associated with legitimate purposes.

    Watching cauldron simmer and bubble the best thing is to not forget this inconvenient truth. Only Democrats and some establishment RINO’s will be boiled by it.

    PEACE 😇

  419. @songbird

    Better than George Floyd’s criminal record. Felonious assault of one of his business associates’ pregnant baby mama whom he restrained at gunpoint while two of his flunkies searched her home for a missing drug stash. When we can build AI movies on our laptop in an afternoon we are going to get a couple of riveting bio pics of George Floyd.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  420. A123 says: •�Website

    What year is the photograph from Texas A&M?

    I believe 2013. So, relatively recent in terms of class composition. It doesn’t change that quickly.

    The situation will improve if we turn the education system into a racist hard meritocracy. It may still require 10-20 years to allow more clear thinkers to grow indigenously.

    Do you mean non-racist meritocracy instead of the current racist “equity” system?

    Certainly improving academic rigor K-12 is also desirable. Trump’s attempt to cull the Dept. Of Education DEI deep state looks promising.

    The need to breakthrough Judicial overreach is growing. The progressives have set themselves up by trying to protect criminals from deportation. It is an unwinnable battle for them.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  421. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    In the CNN interview Nate sounds like a future politician or Fox News commentator. In the video below he sounds like a stone cold mercenary or a CIA handler of mercenaries. He probably wants the US to win so he doesn’t get arrested for terrorism.


    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  422. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    You are seeing it all through too narrow a lens to understand the context and the outcomes that might come out from this tribal Eastern Slav war. JD Vance is not worried much about Ukraine because he knows that if we continue along this path, we face way more threatening realities than Ukraine losing a couple of Russian speaking regions and having to stay neutral.

    Frankly, compared to where our species is currently headed, one shouldn’t care much about what Eastern Slavs are doing to each other. In a sense Eastern Slavs are already a thing of the past. Through their own sheer stupidity they went from a superpower core ethnicity status to the main European and MENA sex worker provider status in a single generation. Why should anyone care about Ukraine?

  423. Bashibuzuk says:

    A lot of hillbillies make good cannon fodder, only some make great politicians. We have both in the Vance family.

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  424. Mr. Hack says:

    I hope that I’m not offending anybody’s sensibilities of decency here by posting this one (songbird…dripping blood)? And I don’t see any cryptic references to Bashibuzuk’s “character” within this one. It’s just that its been quite a while since I’ve posted a political cartoon here at this den of normalcy and decency, and I kind of liked this one. 🙂

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @songbird
  425. Bashibuzuk says:

    When looking at that picture, I kept thinking about the fall of the Roman Empire…

    •�Agree: QCIC
  426. Beckow says:

    … the colonizer had moved the HQ to Russia.

    What? Even for a person who is little bonkers that’s an extraordinarily stupid. You clearly suffer from an escalating schizophrenia…the Ukie defeat is too much so on to “Schleswig-Pomeranians”…

    Any analogy has to be rational. All “he-is-Hitler!” analogies are emotionally motivated and so is yours Russia=Indian Raj. So were your failed “analogies” like “Moldova=NATO attack on Serbia”. Let go off the insatiable hatred and stay rational. Your side is losing the war at a high cost, this will be tough…

    I noticed you no longer try to argue the merits: the obvious NATO plan that failed and the lost regions, collapsed population and destruction…and the silly Euro belated posturing. It’s now pure hatred for Russia.

    You and I used almost identical definitions for the despot. So your ad hominem suggests that you also have a reading comprehension issue:

    B: absolute power used in a cruel and oppressive way

    AP: ruler, who has unlimited power over other people, and often uses it unfairly and cruelly

    No Russian leader in the last 40 years fits the definition. They don’t have unlimited powers and they don’t use power randomly. Russia has similar imperfections and abuses one finds in most countries – how are Romania, Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine and many others not despotic if you place the bar so low? Life in Russia is not “despotism” and you calling it that is another sign you have lost minimal rationality.

    And don’t fabulate about “rzecs-pospolita” – it will not happen. The actual Polish r-pospolita state you worship was a miserable feudal shi..thole with real despotism. Most people suffered horribly…Poles, Galicians, Jews…nobody wants to bring it back. Only deranged outsiders with idiotic princes and maidens view of the past can write nonsense like what you write…

    •�Agree: Mikhail
    •�LOL: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @AP
  427. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    It was the manipulation by the likes of AP that got you to this sad place – the lost war, destroyed country, etc…Maybe you should reconsider following him.

    In any case, the right-bank students were banned in Kiev is on its face nonsense unless you redefine what is “right bank”. Think deeper about these things.

  428. QCIC says:

    The group in the photo is surprisingly White for 2013, even for Texas A&M. It looks more like the native Texan subset of a larger group. There have been a significant number of foreign STEM students at large universities in Texas since the 1970’s.

    If the US education system goes back to being meritocratic there will still be more highly qualified foreign applicants than local students. Keeping them out may be a good idea (culturally, not economically) and is unabashedly racist. Unfortunately that will leave a US competency gap of 10-20 years. This is why Musk wants to bring in a million H1Bs.

    •�Replies: @A123
  429. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    To quote a famous (imaginary) Ukrainian statesman: “Countries are like sausages. It is best not to see them being made.”

    •�Thanks: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  430. Mr. Hack says:

    Think deeper about these things.

    There’s really no reason to overtax your “middling” brains cells on this one Beckow, as AP was kind enough to bring it down to the lowest common denominator that anybody with even half of a brain should be able to understand:

    In 1667, by the Truce of Andrusovo, Ukraine was partitioned along the Dnieper River: the west, known as the Right Bank, reverted to Poland, while Russia was confirmed in its possession of the east, known as the Left Bank, together with Kyiv (which actually was located west of the river); the arrangement was confirmed in 1686 by the Treaty of Eternal Peace between Poland and Russia.

    Read and reread this explanation 2-3 times and it should start making some sense for you. I’d drop this one if I were you (instead of trying to stick your heels into it), because you’re really starting to show your foolishness here. 🙁

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  431. Mr. Hack says:

    Bismark, an (imaginary) Ukrainian statesman? 🙂

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  432. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Kiev is on the right-bank and the students from Kiev were not banned….what you originally posted was a manipulation. Now you hide by redefining what is right and left, but the geography is clear. Your post was manipulative, instead of admitting it you doubled-down…

    The Ukie disaster started with small lies and grew into bigger lies, it’s collapsing now…maybe if you guys would stay more accurate things would go better. Your lies, half-truths and manipulations have short legs.

    •�Troll: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  433. A123 says: •�Website

    The group in the photo is surprisingly White for 2013, even for Texas A&M. It looks more like the native Texan subset of a larger group.

    No. It is appears to be pretty much the norm. Here is a 2021 picture. (1)

    You can perform your own random sampling of search results. These are pictures that came up first when I looked.

    There have been a significant number of foreign STEM students at large universities in Texas since the 1970’s.

    Yes. However, they are hyper concentrated in certain degrees where OPT visas are prevalent. Notably programming & database IT disciplines. Also some medical fields where the ability to pay full tuition plus fees supports program viability.

    If you look at STEM fields away from visa exploitation, it rapidly becomes more representative of high quality U.S. high school graduates, largely Asian and Caucasian ethnicity.

    Keeping them out may be a good idea (culturally, not economically) and is unabashedly racist.

    Using a non-race based criteria, such as citizenship, is by definition non-racist. Accurately describing the initiative that way is highly desirable for promoting it to the general public. Incorrectly framing it as racist when it is not, harms the chances of advancing your preferred solution.

    Unfortunately that will leave a US competency gap of 10-20 years. This is why Musk wants to bring in a million H1Bs.

    One cannot fix the problem until American kids believe there is a career for them in those fields. Importing wage suppression will prevent them from making that choice. Musk will have to live with many fewer H1B’s and thus higher paid staff.

    Remember by temperament Musk is a libertarian, not MAGA Populist. He is very useful to have around targeting IslamoGloboHomo progressives. However, at some point there will be a hopefully amicable parting of the ways.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://engineering.tamu.edu/news/2021/08/pete-field-trip-gives-petroleum-engineering-students-valuable-on-site-experience.html

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  434. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    The Floyd worship was some of the weirdest shit of this entire fucking mess. The golden casket always had a “We really are doomed” vibe about it.

    Here is some SRV to take the edge off.


  435. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Putting aside the political messaging, it makes me feel somewhat nostalgic for old steakhouse that used to be popular in my youth. Back then, there were long lines going into it, but eventually, perhaps because of inflation, or growing demand from abroad, the quality dropped and it closed. I attended many wedding receptions in the function room.

    I would like to describe it better as I think it would be interesting for the non-Americans but then it would be too specific.

    One day, I was in there and the waitress was deaf and I was very surprised at that, but she didn’t make any mistakes. The people that I was with thought it was an Irish accent, which I find inexplicable, except perhaps, she may have had the dark hair/light skin phenotype.

  436. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Yeah, I know. When I check the source of that quote there is usually an explanation that it was actually not originated by Bismark. My comment harked back to earlier heated discussions of Ukrainian and Russian culture.

    Since Ukies and Russkies are almost interchangeable (on a good day 🙂 ) I think the following video applies.


  437. Mr. Hack says:

    I’ve provided you with a quotation that states that students from right bank Ukraine found it increasingly difficult to attend the Mohyla Academy. So far, you’ve not provided anything to substantiate your own wild eyed theories. I’ll go one step further and explain to you why this happened. If you’re finally ready to admit that Kyiv fell under the sway of Russian authority, after the Truce of Andrusovo and the Treaty of Eternal Peace, you’ll have to realize that before this time, Kyiv was a part of the Polish Kingdom. Although Poles never constituted more than about 25% of Kyiv’s population, they held an inordinate grip on the local culture and language policies within the city.

    Similarly, like AP I’m going to afford you some pity and try to bring you up to date about the period of history that I’m trying to convey:

    Even after Kyiv and the surrounding region ceased being a part of Poland, Poles continued to play an important role. In 1812 there were over 43,000 Polish noblemen in Kyiv province, compared to only approximately 1,000 Russian nobles. Typically the nobles spent their winters in the city, where they held Polish balls and fairs. Until the mid-18th century Kyiv was Polish in culture. although Poles made up no more than ten percent of the city’s population and 25% of its voters. During the 1830s Polish was the language of Kyiv’s educational system, and until Polish enrollment in the university of St. Vladimir was restricted in the 1860s they made up the majority of that school’s student body. The Russian government’s cancellation of the city’s autonomy and its placement under the rule of bureaucrats appointed from St. Petersburg was largely motivated by fear of Polish insurrection in the city. Warsaw factories and fine Warsaw shops had branches in Kyiv. Józef Zawadzki, founder of Kyiv’s stock exchange, served as the city’s mayor in the 1890s. Poles living in the city tended to be friendly towards the Ukrainian national movement in the city, and some took part in Ukrainian organizations. Indeed, many of the poorer Polish nobles became Ukrainianized in language and culture and these Ukrainians of Polish descent constituted an important element of the growing Ukrainian national movement.

    I don’t think that it’s that difficult to imagine that the new Russian Empire administrators of Kyiv wanted to change the Polish direction of the city. The Mohyla Academy was a first class educational institution where many students of Polish descent were schooled. I think that it’s really you that needs to “think deeper about such things” and not me…

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  438. Bashibuzuk says:

    I didn’t know that Peter Thiel was a religious person, even to the point of being worried about the Armageddon & the Antichrist and the potential of them to be quite close to our times.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  439. Mikhail says: •�Website

    A lot of hillbillies make good cannon fodder, only some make great politicians. We have both in the Vance family.

    JD being more preferable to his intelligent sounding but in substance misguided cousin. Nate has enough sense to be back in the US.

  440. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Sarah Bils Breaks Down Warning Signs In The Trump Putin Talks

  441. QCIC says:

    I don’t think money is the main driver for most high caliber STEM students. The attractions include mental challenge and creating complex real things. The salary must be reasonable, but the smart kids do not want to be Doctors, Lawyers or professors. One problem is that these kids are kept out of better universities by non-meritocratic admissions policies. Second is there are fewer of these kids in the first place due to destruction of the American family and lower TFR. Finally, the dumbing down of the popular culture has degraded kids’ ability to think (stupid schools, street drugs, low brow TV, games, pharma drugs, etc.) while at the same time devaluing intellectual pursuits. Football still seems more important to most US schools than academics.

    The culture is broken. People need to want to be parents –> more kids. People need to commit to parenting –> raise these kids properly, protect and challenge them. The healthy mind needs to be valued, perhaps as one of the highest values –> more clear thinking.

    Maybe Team Trump will improve these things. It costs little to hope.

    PS: The University of Texas and Texas A&M petroleum engineering programs historically had a substantial number of foreign students from around the world. This was easy to understand since Texas was the worldwide center of the industry and the parents of these kids had plenty of money to pay out of state tuition. Many of these kids were from the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Maybe this has changed and these imports have been replaced by Hispanic students.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  442. @Bashibuzuk

    And lest we forget, Russians left go of Ukraine peacefully in 1991, and even offered it the most favourable economic conditions for trade and economic development

    What are you talking about? Russia left the USSR in 1991. They didn’t exist as a state that had power over their neighbors.

    Russia as a nation-state did not have any more authority than Ukraine or Belarus within the USSR.

    Have a look at the constitution for yourself:

    In 1977 they defined the USSR as a single socialist state whereby no single Republic has authority over another.

    It was a Moscow based Communist dictatorship but the previous Russian state no longer existed. The Russian empire stopped existing in 1917 and modern Russia was created in 1991. There was no Russian state with sovereignty within that period. All states became administrative regions under a Moscow based dictatorship that could be led by a leader from any former state.

    And now, there is no climbing back up for Ukraine, especially in demographic terms.

    The same was once said of Germany and their population quickly rebounded after the war. They have had more population decline in peacetime.

    Even with a massive drop in the male population the women of 1950s Germany managed to get pregnant.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  443. Bashibuzuk says:

    The Ukraine war has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives, but Germany’s top intelligence chief is predicting far more carnage, and Ukraine’s opposition is reacting with outrage.

    Bruno Kahl, the head of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) made the comments in an interview, saying: “If a war in Ukraine comes to a standstill earlier than (2029 or 2030), then all the means (of Russia) – both the technical and the material – are able much earlier to provide a threat against Europe.

    In Ukraine, this portion of the interview has been met with sharp backlash.

    German newspaper Berliner Zeitung now asks: “Will the war be waged on the backs of the Ukraine?” Perhaps a ridiculous question concerning it has already been waged on their backs for the last three years.

    The paper further writes: “In Ukraine, that passage is causing excitement. The reading in Kyiv: The German intelligence chief publicly declares that the Ukraine war should not end before 2029. Otherwise, Russia could use its resources faster to pose a threat to Europe.”

    In other words, a peace deal would not benefit Europe if it happens before the next five years. Instead, the German chief hints that it is in Europe’s interest to continue sending waves of Ukrainian men to die at the front.

    The former prime minister of Ukraine, who still remains one of the most powerful voices in the country, Yulia Tymoshenko, reacted to Kahl’s statements. On her Facebook page, she wrote that “something slipped” out of Kahl’s mouth that Ukrainians “did not want to admit” to themselves.

    Did someone decide to pay for the exhaustion of Russia in the name of security in Europe with the existence of Ukraine and the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians? I never thought that it would be discussed so officially and openly,” she wrote. She then called for Zelensky to immediately end the war and sign a peace agreement.


    It took them 11 years to understand something so simple…

    It would be darkly funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @AP
  444. @QCIC

    Finally, the dumbing down of the popular culture has degraded kids’ ability to think (stupid schools, street drugs, low brow TV, games, pharma drugs, etc.) while at the same time devaluing intellectual pursuits. Football still seems more important to most US schools than academics.

    I agree with a lot of that but it should be noted that football in itself isn’t the problem. Both the high schools and colleges use football to bring in revenue.

    The main problem with football in the colleges is that standards are lowered to bring in high value players. If Americans watched soccer then football would be the intramural sport.

    I actually went to a college where I was told by a professor that the athletes on scholarship aren’t held to the same standards so don’t be a dick about it. Those weren’t exactly her words but it was close.

    I noticed that a few athletes were allowed to skip the final and she got pissed when I asked about it.

    A liberal White woman who was paid around 150k to cheat for athletes and got upset that I noticed. I was clearly the problem. Amusingly that was not the last time I had a White liberal woman get angry when I asked about grading policies for other students.

    Maybe Team Trump will improve these things. It costs little to hope.

    No hope in Trump improving anything involving schools or parenting. A complete waste of time. Trump doesn’t understand these problems as he was born into wealth.

    Maybe RFK will push back on ADD meds and anti-depressants. That would be nice but he is up against an entrenched industry. I don’t see Trump siding against Wall St in that case. There is a lot of cash being extracted from insurance companies for all of these kid pills.

    Trump talked a bit about closing the German base and now he is talking about funding a new jet plane. He wants to call it an F-47.

    It’s another 4 years of clown town.

  445. Bashibuzuk says:
    @John Johnson

    Why should I interact seriously with a war porn addicted NAFO doggy?


    •�Agree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @A123
    , @A123
  446. @Bashibuzuk

    Indeed it is probably best to not reply since your make-believe history of the area won’t hold in an open forum. Like many posters at Unz you emotionally identify with Putin out of spite for the West. Your alignment is tribal which is why you have little interest in discussing the facts.

    •�LOL: Mikhail, Bashibuzuk
  447. @Bashibuzuk

    I watched the last Joe Rogan Thiel interview pretty close as part of my current drone study. Palantir is the number two drone org.

    1. Thiel said nothing about drones.
    2. He said nothing in two hours to indicate that he was in the same division as Joe Rogan brains. Joe is not any kind of exceptional intellect. He appears to me much smarter than Thiel.
    3. His business is spying and bullying and killing. His religion is Satanism.

  448. songbird says:

    The Woke Critic said that the huntsman in the new Snow White movie looks like the guy who played Idi Amin.

    It is not the same guy, but they could make a new Idi Amin movie.

    •�Replies: @A123
  449. A123 says: •�Website

    The 12 Hours of Sebring 2025 for your viewing enjoyment (∆).

    PEACE 😇

    (∆) Much more popular than the Westminster National Dog Show

  450. A123 says: •�Website

    Based on the backlash, it appears that corporate tried to salvage something.

    It did not work. Gender swapped Lord Farquaad and the 7 CGI Abominations is being blasted by everyone who is not a corporate shill.

    If anyone uses Rotten Tomatoes, make sure to drill down in the numbers. They currently stand at: (1)

    • 27% Top Critics
    • 21% All Audience

    These are much worse than the 44% All Critics / 71% Verified Audience numbers they promote first.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/disneys_snow_white

    •�Replies: @songbird
  451. Mikhail says: •�Website
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  452. songbird says:

    Was interested to see that it currently has a 2.4/10 on IMDB.

    I thought that there was some obvious system where they inflate the numbers. You can see it when the written reviews of a movie are overwhelmingly negative, but the overall averaged score is much higher.

    But it is like Disney didn’t want to spend the money this time or something.

  453. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    What are you blabbing about? I simply said: Kiev is on the right-bank and the students from Kiev were not banned. You claimed that “students from the right bank were banned” in your original post and that is geographically wrong. Think before you get hot under the collar.

    You try to distract with Poles and their “insurrections”, but it doesn’t change the geography: Kiev is on the right bank… Your quote was wrong at least about that, maybe other things too…

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Mr. Hack
  454. A123 says: •�Website

    @John Johnson

    Why should I interact seriously with a war porn addicted NAFO doggy?

    Both of you are pro-genocide. You should get along like best mates.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  455. QCIC says:

    This sentence by Witkoff is important: “[Ukraine]..is a complicated situation, that war, and all the ingredients that led up to it.” It is a major acknowledgement from the White House and perhaps an admission.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
  456. A123 says: •�Website

    Are you still unwilling to denounce Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians in Jerusalem? (1)

    Why will you not answer the question?

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/09/05/history-repeating-itself-as-bethlehems-christians-face-extinction/

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  457. songbird says:

    How correct is Drukpa Kunley, when he implies that London’s streets are now filled with Jawas?

  458. AP says:

    for a person who is little bonkers

    You clearly suffer from an escalating schizophrenia…insatiable hatred…pure hatred for Russia..you have lost minimal rationality..don’t fabulate …deranged outsiders with idiotic princes and maidens view of the past

    Are you losing it Beckow? Why the shrieking?

    Sounds like, as usual, your accusation of someone going “bonkers” was a confession.

    3 years ago Russia had 25% of Ukraine, including one of the provincial capitals.

    After 3 years, after after having lost 180,000+ dead, Russia has 19% of Ukraine, and lost its only capital.

    Is part of you starting, dimly, to realize that “winning” may not be what it seems?

    Any analogy has to be rational


    And people who aren’t terribly bright, like you, are incapable of seeing the logic in some analogies. And because they are too proud or too dumb to see logical connections, they view the analogy as “irrational.”

    Russia was run by a German family who as supreme autocrats were owners of this country. This was similar to how other Europeans ran colonies abroad, except in Russia’s case the German owners were headquartered in Russia itself rather than in Germany. Although they made sure that their heirs would only marry people from Germany, in order not to really go native.

    “Moldova=NATO attack on Serbia

    Did you have trouble figuring that one out, also?

    I noticed you no longer try to argue the merits: the obvious NATO plan that failed and the lost regions, collapsed population and destruction

    Putin did the dirty work of Ukrainian nationalists and killed or drove into exile much of Ukraine’s Russian and Russian-speaking population.

    If it were fiction, it would be darkly funny when pro-Russians whine about the 42 people accidentally killed in the Trade Union fire in Odesa, yet take Russia’s side in a war in which 10,000s of Russian-speaking civilians were killed by Russian bullets, artillery, drones, and missiles. But there is nothing funny about such a tragedy occurring in real life. Putin has already killed more Slavs than Bandera did, when taking into account military deaths as a result of the invasion he launched in 2022. I wonder when he will surpass Bandera in civilian deaths of Slavs.

    [Despot] ruler, who has unlimited power over other people, and often uses it unfairly and cruelly

    No Russian leader in the last 40 years fits the definition. They don’t have unlimited powers and they don’t use power randomly.

    Technically speaking, no leader ever has met that definition if you are desperate enough to avoid that term. Even Stalin or Genghis Khan did not have “unlimited” power. They could not have ordered, say, every one of their subjects to kill themselves.

    Will you argue that Stalin and Genghis weren’t despots either?

    Life in Russia is not “despotism”

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Russified Belarus, Uzbekistan are Eurasian despotisms in which one ruler holds power for decades, he can make people disappear and have them killed if he feels like it, he can kill bystanders too and no one can do anything about (any justice for the poor airplane stewardess and pilot who got blown up because Putin thought it would be a fun way to kill them), etc.

    Russia is also a dysfunctional mess where Putin’s servants lie and steal from the government, and the government can’t be everywhere so people can live normal lives if they aren’t noticed. That’s how it was under the Tatar yoke too. Were the khans not despots, either? And even under Stalin, people married, had kids, went to the theater. Some artists were murdered, but others were not. Will you argue that Stalin, who was worse than Putin, was no despot, either?

    Putin is obviously not as bad as Stalin or Lenin, but he has already killed more inconvenient people than any Soviet leader since Stalin’s death. Unless you believe that people are accidentally falling form windows, Prigozhin blew up his own plane while doing cocaine, Navalny died of a cold, etc. You probably believe in Zelensky’s 4% popularity, so you might be that dumb.

    The actual Polish r-pospolita state you worship was a miserable feudal shi..thole with real despotism

    You typed out the definition several times but you still haven’t learned what the word means.

    It was a republic of nobles in which the native nobility (10% of the population – much more than in neighboring countries) had more rights than nobles did in other countries. and controlled the state. There was no despot ruling the state – it was an elected king who had to pander to the nobles in order to win the election. The burghers (mixture of natives, Germans, and Armenians) also enjoyed self-rule. But the peasants were without rights.

    In Russia, the tsar was supreme autocrat, the nobility were his first servants (Ivan Grozny used to torture them for fun, the Germans who later took over didn’t bother with that sadistic stuff usually – though Stalin restored the old tradition), the peasants were without rights as in Poland.

    Poles, Galicians, Jews…nobody wants to bring it back.

    Pilsudski came closer to getting it back. And the idea of some sort of Intermarium alliance is popular in Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Gerard1234
  459. Bashibuzuk says:

    Why will you not answer the question?

    Because it’s an idiotic question, that’s why.


    •�Replies: @A123
  460. Britain has their own home grown greta therber.

    Phoebe Plummer



    I have no idea what the bike lock around her neck signifies. Also she is a lesbian and does not want all of us to e-mail her photographs of our dicks.

  461. AP says:

    I doubt that Ukrainians would surrender to Chechen rapists just to spite the Germans.

    There is nothing particularly shocking about the admission that Putin’s stupid decision to invade Ukraine will result in Russia being rendered totally harmless by 2029, after Ukrainians have killed enough Russians. And it is really a shame that the West has not provided Ukraine with the tools to finish the Russians earlier, when they could have easily done so. Many Ukrainians have died because of that.

    And your source lied by omission about what Tymoshenko wrote on her Facebook page, implying that she wanted peace immediately at any cost.

    She stated the war must be finished as quickly as possible under maximally fair conditions.

    She was not calling for some sort of capitulation.

    So the source was propaganda. Hungarian propaganda?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  462. A123 says: •�Website

    Why will you not answer the question?

    Because it’s an idiotic question, that’s why.

    How is reality idiotic?

    The facts are objectively known and on record. Let me repeat them for you: (1)

    Seventy years ago, a significant number of Christians also called Bethlehem their permanent home; the population of the West Bank city and surrounding villages was nearly 90 percent Christian.

    In 2016, the then-Mayor of Bethlehem, Vera Baboun, warned that the figure had dropped to 12 percent, or a mere 11,000 people.

    Across the Palestinian Authority (PA)-administered West Bank, there are reported to be fewer than 50,000 Christians remaining, while in Gaza, which is ruled by the US-designated terrorist group Hamas, just 1,100 Christians are left.

    According to global Christian charity Open Doors, this is actually the result of “Islamic oppression.”

    Warning that Christians were leaving the West Bank in droves, the charity revealed that “Islamic extremist militants” were leaving Christians in fear of attacks, and said that the situation was even more perilous for converts to the religion, who face even worse brutality.

    Another international nonprofit, The Voice of the Martyrs, which defends the rights of persecuted Christians, has collated numerous accounts of appalling abuse and torture meted out by the Palestinian Authority on its Christian minority.

    One such testimony is that of Saif, a Christian convert from Islam, who lives near Bethlehem. He described how after being labeled a “Zionist infidel” by the Muslim muezzin (crier) over the mosque loudspeaker, he was summoned to the local police station. For weeks, he endured horrific torture, including being hung upside down for hours on end, threats of crucifixion, and violent interrogations.

    Despite being released, PA forces continued to target him — and eventually, Saif was forced to flee to Jerusalem using a pass he had been issued for his work as a contractor.

    Why will you not denounce Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians in Jerusalem?

    Do you want to be known for supporting genocide?

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/09/05/history-repeating-itself-as-bethlehems-christians-face-extinction/

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  463. AP says:

    Poor Beckow can’t get his mind around the fact that the historical/political region called the Right Bank did not include the city of Kiev, despite Kiev being on the right bank of the river.

    Too complicated.

    Maybe words are too hard for you.

    Will a pretty and colorful map help you to understand?

  464. Mr. Hack says:

    You claimed that “students from the right bank were banned” in your original post and that is geographically wrong. Think before you get hot under the collar.

    What I quoted in my original posting about this topic was:

    …Students from Right-Bank Ukraine, which was under Polish rule, were no longer admitted

    Which is still 100% fundamentally correct. Is it really that difficult for you to understand that the new Russian administrators of Kyiv and the Mohyla Academy wanted to limit the number of Polish sympathizers (mostly from the right bank of Ukraine) that would attend this prestigious college? After this interchange with you, I think that you’d also be banned from attending this institution if you had applied, solely based on your reading comprehension problems. 🙂

    C’mon Beckow, I dare you to double down once again on this one and dig your heels in. Naw, I double dare you! 🙂 🙂

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  465. Bashibuzuk says:

    I find it kinda funny that your meltdown started when I mentioned British interference in US affairs. Does this visceral reaction of yours have something to do with your British English orthographic preferences?


    •�LOL: A123
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @A123
  466. Bashibuzuk says:

    How many more Ukrainians are you willing to sacrifice before achieving a peace deal?

    •�Replies: @AP
  467. Dmitry says:

    We don’t really understand about illiteracy today, as today we have a lot of non-text based transmission of information.

    Today, you could have an illiterate person, but just give them a television. They could learn about all the world and modern society’s concepts, just watching television.

    But in the 19th century, information was almost transmitted only in text. There is no television, there is no radio.

    There were also paintings and sculptures. But peasants would not be visiting metropolitan art galleries.

    Maybe, they would see a few paintings in the village or if they visit their land owner’s house. These painting would just be mostly portraits, which don’t teach about the world outside.

    You couldn’t explain to peasants, about nationalism and having German rulers, as they have no concepts of Germany or Russia as nations.

    But they could understand a lot about the competence of the rulers, at least in the narrow and local way, as relates to the areas which they understand more than the rulers.

    For example, when rulers coerced to grow potatoes. https://books.rusf.ru/unzip/add-on/xussr_av/bazhop44.htm?1/1

    not the (Prussian descent) Romanovs.

    This family is more from Saxony originally I think.

    Sometimes they are Prussians like Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna

    And Tsarina Maria Feodorovna

    But other times they are from Southern and Western Germany

    Like Tsarina Elizaveta Alekseevna, was from Baden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Alexeievna_(Louise_of_Baden)

    Tsarina Maria Alexandrovna was from Darmstadt

    Another Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna was from Darmstadt

    If you look on the map of Germany, this is far from Prussia.

    So, what was the situation of the Russian empire in terms of the ownership?

    After the 18th, the Russian empire was a kind of marriage prize, which was shared among the elite German families, from different states of the Germany, which in the 19th century are becoming the German Confederation.

    This is some of the historical context which we already forgetting today, for Hitler’s theory that Russia would naturally ruled by Germans, who would be racially pure (not marrying Russians) Germanic elite.

    Problems for Hitler’s view of the natural leadership in Russia, can be counter-examples like the Nikolai II, who was incompetent in every possible way.

    But maybe, you could justify some of the rulers, as effective managers like Alexandre II.

    the (Prussian descent) Romanovs. The Bolshevik – with their kolkhoze slavery – were westernizers

    This is not really. They are all also mainly “antiwesternizers”, if you compare to the writing of the westernizers. As you see 19th century slavophile ideology and which then continues in a different form as the Soviet ideology.

    From the 19th century, there is adopted the fake dialectic between westernizers and slavophiles, which continues today.

    But we would see this as fake surface noise. Under there is a lot of servants, smaller number of master and control of the government is the difference between the two. Nobody really follows the writing of westernizers and slavophiles, who were more like distraction, or writing some useful distraction of political technology for the rulers.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  468. A123 says: •�Website

    ROTFLMAO — Your Taqiyya Troll deflection has failed… Again!

    You pressed me to answer questions. In the interest of civic discourse, I did so.

    I am now treating you 100% identically to how how you treated me. You need to answer the question (1) directly without Islamist evasion.

    Will you denounce Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians in Jerusalem?

    As a Christian if necessary I will ask the question, as directed by Jesus, multiple times every day until the end of time itself. This is a duty placed upon me by God.

    Your best option is to stop your Taqiyya Troll evasion. You need to deal with the legitimate, fact based issue directly.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/09/05/history-repeating-itself-as-bethlehems-christians-face-extinction/

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
  469. Bashibuzuk says:

    This family is more from Saxony originally I think.

    No, the original ancestor of Romanovs was supposedly an Old Prussian prince who migrated from Prussia to Novgorod.

    Гланда Камбилла, сын князя Дивона, потомок прусского короля Видевута, утомлённый в борьбе против Тевтонского ордена, выехал вместе со своим сыном и множеством подданных к великому князю Александру Ярославичу Невскому. Там он крестился с именем Иван, а его сын получил прозвище Кобыла, что объяснялось опиской писца[2]. В знак происхождения из прусского края потомкам Кобылы был присвоен герб Данцига.


    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Dmitry
    , @LatW
  470. Dmitry says:

    every European monarchy

    Yes, for example, Queen Victoria was mainly German, by nationality. Her first language was also German.

    But at this time of Queen Victoria, it’s just a symbolic monarchy, with political power controlled by the local British families.

    Queen Victoria was symbolic, not real political power. She also represented the British culture, the family speak English etc.

    But the German emperors of Russia, actually owned the empire. They have total power, in an autocracy.

    From view of the 21st century, it is culturally, the strange thing is they also like Germans when they speak. But in the 19th century this would be normal.

    They have a good education to speak many languages, including Russian language. But Russian language was still exotic for them.

    •�Agree: AP
    •�Replies: @AP
    , @Mr. XYZ
  471. Dmitry says:

    I’m not talking about the old family, but one which attains the title of the Romanov family in the 18th century.

    For example, Peter III is from Kiel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_III_of_Russia

    This is historical Saxony (although not the same as modern Saxony). https://www.britannica.com/place/Saxony-historical-region-duchy-and-kingdom-Europe

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  472. A123 says: •�Website

    ROTFLMAO — Your Taqiyya Troll deflection has failed… Again!

    You pressed me to answer questions. In the interest of civic discourse, I did so.

    I am now treating you 100% identically to how how you treated me. You need to answer the question (1) directly without Islamist evasion.

    Will you denounce Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians in Jerusalem?

    As a Christian if necessary I will ask the question, as directed by Jesus, multiple times every day until the end of time itself. This is a duty placed upon me by God.

    Your best option is to stop your Taqiyya Troll evasion. You need to deal with the legitimate, fact based issue directly.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/09/05/history-repeating-itself-as-bethlehems-christians-face-extinction/

    • LOL: Bashibuzuk

    Your Taqiyya Troll attempt at LOL does not resolve the legitimate fact based question. You need to address it directly.

    Everyone grasps your silence as supporting of Muslim genocide targeting Palestinian Christians.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  473. Bashibuzuk says:

    Yes as Buddhist, I denounce the loss of life and property by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and other heretics, just as I denounce the suffering of any sentient being from Devas above to amoebas below.

    Now explain why you are so much attached to preserving the “good reputation” of the lizard people that dominate Great Britain?

    Are you one of these shapeshifters?


    •�Replies: @A123
  474. Bashibuzuk says:

    I’m well aware of the German descent of the later Romanovs.



    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  475. @A123

    Both of you are pro-genocide. You should get along like best mates.

    Amusing coming from a Trump supporter who supports razing Gaza and building casinos.

    Do you think Trump’s rating will go up or down when the reverberations of his trade war(s) kick in?

    I’m already seeing fewer flags and red hats.

    A123 is going to be the last boomer with a red hat on.


  476. A123 says: •�Website

    Will you denounce Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians in Jerusalem?

    Yes as Buddhist, I denounce the loss of life and property by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and other heretics

    Your admission that Muslims are genociding Christians in Bethlehem is appreciated.

    Why was it so hard for you to state that?

    Now explain why you are so much attached to preserving the “good reputation” of the lizard people that dominate Great Britain?

    Are you one of these shapeshifters?

    I stand against the IslamoGloboHomo that contaminates Great Britain. I oppose your anti-Semitic, elite SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim lizard people.

    Why do you support your IslamoSoros and precious IslamoRothschilds? Are you a Muslim lizard shapeshifter?

    Your genocidal hatred of Jews and Christians is distinctly non-Buddhist. Have you considered reading the Gospels? They might help quell your rage.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  477. @A123

    For someone who speaks of shared Jewish/Christian values I rarely see any verses from you.

    How about this one?

    “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” – 1 John 3:17

    Does Trump possess the world’s goods and are Palestinians in need?

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @A123
  478. AP says:

    Russia does not offer a peace deal yet. It offers occupation, sooner or later. So it’s a nonsense question, sorry.

    I am not in Ukraine so it is not my decision and I do have the right to make the decision, whether to fight or hand over Ukrainian families and homes to Russia’s tender mercies.

    So far, most of them would prefer to fight. As is understandable.

    And long as the Ukrainian people prefer to fight rather than be arrested, tortured or executed by Russian occupiers, rather than have have their wives or daughters raped by Russian/Chechen invaders, etc. I support arming them so that they may prevent this fate. That is something I have the right to do.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  479. AP says:

    They [tsars] have a good education to speak many languages, including Russian language. But Russian language was still exotic for them.

    It was probably their third language, after German and French.

    Thank you for the recordings.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  480. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    …and the trolls eat their own.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @A123
  481. Bashibuzuk says:

    I am not in Ukraine so it is not my decision

    That’s good. 🙂

    •�Replies: @LatW
  482. LatW says:

    Bashi, your people, too, have the moral obligation to take a step forward – if you guys consider yourselves civilized people (or better – look inward) – to temper their passions – and to act not in Putin’s sneaky KGB manner, or in the rabid manner of the one Shapira (from whose propaganda your people need to be liberated and understand that they are being manipulated). But in an honest and humble manner. To go against and not be led by the crazy, megalomaniac notions produced by the likes of Surkov (a Jewish Chechen hybrid, a war criminal (by words and ideology) and pseudo-poet) who was just allowed to pour his irrational misanthropy in the French press. The French are not dumb, they allowed the world to witness this insanity.


    Your people need to wake up and self-reflect. Your people need to acknowledge that they are responsible for the actions of their government, no matter how difficult that may be. This is not about us here, but about the Universe and the justice that presides over it.

    God Perkunos / Perun / Zeus is not just the God of Thunder, he is the God of justice.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  483. Mikhail says: •�Website


    Trump-Putin call… a tale of two readouts, but let’s see the bottom line

    America’s European lackeys must also be brought to heel and relinquish their Russophobic fantasies.

    The mere fact that the leaders of the world’s two largest nuclear powers are engaging in earnest, respectful dialogue to bring the conflict in Ukraine to a peaceful end has to be seen as a good thing.

    U.S. President Donald Trump held his second phone call this week with Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was a follow-up call to the first one held on February 12.

    Lasting nearly two and a half hours (an hour longer than the previous one), it was the longest phone contact between a U.S. president and his Russian counterpart held for many years.

    That can be seen as an indictment of the irresponsible lack of diplomacy that has prevailed in Washington.

    Both men hailed the dialogue as productive and a sign of their commitment to finding a “lasting peace” in Ukraine. Those words imply acceptance of Russia’s position that a frozen conflict and a mere cessation of hostilities are inadequate and that there will have to be a historic, far-reaching new global security accord.

    The Kremlin commented that the presidents had established mutual trust and understanding about moving forward to negotiate an end to the conflict and also to pursue normal bilateral relations between the United States and Russia.

    Compared with the void of communication from Washington to Moscow under previous White House administrations, the “return to diplomacy” is a welcome development. As geopolitical analyst Fyodor Lukyanov remarked, President Trump has discarded “ideological baggage” that has thwarted sensible relations with Russia. Not just thwarting sensible relations but indeed provoking dangerous geopolitical tensions to the brink of all-out nuclear war.

    While the resumption of civilized dialogue between Washington and Moscow is commendable, there remains a lot of work to do to achieve a lasting peace. Washington has a huge trust deficit, almost as big as its national financial debt.

    The practical peace gap was reflected in the differing readouts of the phone call this week. The Russian version was much more detailed than Washington’s, which was vague and scant by comparison.

    In addition to Ukraine, both sides concurred on the benefit of U.S. and Russian cooperation for stability in the Middle East and on the non-proliferation of strategic weapons. A notable discrepancy was Trump’s purported insistence that the U.S. and Russia “shared the view that Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel.”

    The Russian readout did not mention Iran or Israel. It seems unlikely, too. It could be that Trump is projecting ulterior motives to confront Tehran, as some observers posited.

    In any case, Russia’s main concern, amply stated, was resolving the Ukraine conflict and its long-term security. Putin emphasized again the need to address the “root causes” of the conflict to achieve a comprehensive settlement.

    One important difference was that the Russian side categorically stated that there must be a halt to foreign military aid to Ukraine before Moscow could begin substantive peace negotiations. That demand is an essential prerequisite.

    The White House readout of the phone call made no mention of stopping the U.S. and NATO supply of weapons to Ukraine or military intelligence.

    A troubling anomaly is that Trump flatly denied in subsequent media interviews that the issue of halting military aid to Ukraine was raised by Putin.

    American and Russian negotiators are scheduled to meet in Saudi Arabia on March 24 to work on technical details for a possible ceasefire in Ukraine and in the Black Sea. Surely, a top priority that needs to be agreed is for the American side to cede to Russia’s condition of cutting off military aid to Ukraine.

    The Russian foreign ministry played down questions about the difference in readouts of the phone call. It was remarked that nuances are to be expected and there was nothing fundamentally contradictory between the two sides’ versions.

    Granted, Washington and Moscow seem aligned on the aspiration to find a peaceful solution. Both sides say they are committed to a “lasting peace,” which implies a willingness to address the underlying causes of the conflict in Ukraine, viz., ending NATO expansion, Ukraine’s neutrality, and allaying Russia’s strategic security concerns.

    However, there’s a long way to go before that geopolitical destination is reached. The long history of betrayal and bad faith shown by the U.S. and its NATO allies towards Russia will require onerous and verifiable commitments from the West to prove a new era of peace.

    Putin also raised the thorny matter of how an initial ceasefire is monitored. Certainly, there can be no European peacekeepers deployed to Ukraine, which would be a backdoor for NATO’s escalation of hostilities. French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer are cynically pushing the idea of peacekeepers in Ukraine as a way to undermine U.S.-Russia negotiations.

    The Russian leader, in a goodwill gesture to Trump, agreed to a partial ceasefire for 30 days, during which Ukrainian energy infrastructure would not be attacked. The Russian forces will continue to advance their ground in Ukraine and destroy the Ukrainian incursion in Russia’s Kursk region.

    Since Tuesday’s partial ceasefire announcement, the Kiev regime has launched strikes on Russian energy facilities in Krasnodar and Kursk. Moscow pointed out that it was an attempt to sabotage the preliminary ceasefire deal proposed by Trump. The attacks underscored the problems that Putin mentioned about achieving a comprehensive settlement.

    The infractions also prove Moscow’s demands that the Kiev regime must be dismantled for any lasting peace.

    The onus is on Trump to put money where his mouth is by immediately halting all military aid – weapons and intel – to Ukraine. Washington started this war by fueling a fanatical coup regime in Kiev back in 2014. While Russia is winning the conflict decisively and will prevail in victory no matter what, the U.S. side must do what it should by stopping the fuel for conflict.

    That includes Trump telling European NATO allies to also banish their plans to continue sending weapons to Ukraine and to disabuse their reckless notions about deploying “peacekeeper” troops.

    There is a fair chance of a peaceful settlement in Ukraine if Trump and Putin continue their dialogue. But for that outcome, the NeoNazi Kiev regime must be muzzled and eventually liquidated. America’s European lackeys must also be brought to heel and relinquish their Russophobic fantasies.

    Conjecturing over differing readouts is a prudent cautionary exercise. In the end, though, the bottom line is all that matters. And Russia has the cards to dictate – with intelligent diplomacy, of course – that the bottom line is for peace.

    •�Replies: @A123
  484. LatW says:

    Гланда Камбилла, сын князя Дивона, потомок прусского короля Видевута, утомлённый в борьбе против Тевтонского орден

    Videvuts or Widewuto was, according to legends (not myths, but legends, because myths have a magical element), the founding father of the Old Prussian nation. There were two brothers, Widewuto and Pruteno (it’s possible that the name Prussian derives from this name), who apparently arrived in Prussia from “across the sea” – now, that doesn’t necessarily mean they arrived from some place such as Denmark, it could just as well be another Baltic settlement further West on the coastline (their names are typically Western Baltic – they did not arrive with North Germanic names like the Rus did in today’s Russia).


    Widewuto became the chieftain of the Prussians, while his brother Pruteno became Kriwe Kriwaito (the high priest). (Note – In Latvian, krievs means “a Russian”, and it apparently comes from the krivichi tribe in Belarus, but it sounds very similar to kriwe, it’s possible that some of the priests were present in the ancient Baltic homeland of Belarus as well, maybe that’s where the name comes from, and I have also heard that there could be a lineage – not a genetic one but a religious lineage – of these priests that may have survived for a while and some of them could possibly be still out there somewhere, even unbeknownst to themselves).


    Not sure when the Russian sources date the arrival of his grandson in today’s Russia, but it’s possible that once the Germans started pushing (or maybe some general movement of peoples and tribes in Central Europe), they evacuated part of the elite eastwards.

    I’ve even read that the Old Prussian shrine of Romuva was moved to today’s Russia (but there is not enough evidence for this). Romuva / Rāmava (in Latvian, the place of quiet contemplation, a place for the soothing of the soul, ancient Baltic sacred shrine, even though most were not shrines but sacred groves, but they may have had a few religious centers).

    When they moved to today’s Russia, or this may have been Novgorod, they could’ve become some kind of boyars there.

    A note on why there are few material remnants from that time (although there is quite a bit of archeological material and a lot from the later, the mid- and later Iron Age) – the Baltic religion has a rather strong fatalistic element – one’s life and fate are already laid down and decided by the Goddess of Fate (weaver, the one weaving sacred ornaments and writings into one’s destiny). One can only try to appease Her through prayers and sacrifices but one cannot change one’s fate that was already laid down. You have what you are given. This could explain why they didn’t cling to material things as much as other, let’s say, Southern European cultures – just a guess.

    These two Old Prussian leaders, when they became really old, they sacrificed themselves in a fire ritual – what good Elders they were, unlike today’s older politicians who insist on sticking around forever, greedy for recognition, meddle everywhere without providing good advice to the young and impose themselves and try to rule over the fates of much younger people.

    About the times that no one remembers,
    We tell you this long forgotten tale.
    About how from across the sea, people came,
    And they settled for life in Prussia.

    They were led here by two brothers,
    Widewuto and Pruteno were their names.
    And they gave laws to the Prussians,
    And three Gods to hold sacred.

    Widewuto became chieftain,
    But his brother, the first wiseman, Kriwo Kriwaite,

    And when the brothers grew old and grey haired,
    They called up the people into Romuva,
    And they made them say:
    “Now the Gods are calling us to them.”

    “The two elder men took each other by hand, and, singing songs, they walked into the sacred fire and were burned. And it happened so that in all of Prussia and many places, they were worshipped like Gods”. (E.g., remembered and honored for a long time).

    Pērkons kicked a white lightning
    A sacrifice of fire the Gods received.

    To the sacred fire, they sacrificed themselves alive,
    The chieftain Widewuto
    And Pruteno, the high priest.”

    (c) Skyforger

    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @songbird
  485. LatW says:

    And, btw, most Prussian leaders did not just bail eastwards when things got tough and when the Germans came. Most of them fought and died.

  486. QCIC says:

    Thanks for linking the Sourkov interview. It is great. I don’t have any knowledge of this guy or the big picture on his thought. However, everything he said in this interview sounded highly reasonable. I can see why you might not like it, but keep in mind that the Russians did not create the nuclear stalemate, not even the dastardly commies. The “good guys” did this for blood thirsty reasons and intentionally murdered a half million innocent Japanese civilians as a brutal and unnecessary show of force. The world is still living with the fear and craziness created by this blood-soaked action. People should keep this pivotal historical turning point in mind when considering regional concerns and problems.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  487. LatW says:

    First of all, he said it is ok to murder Ukrainian (and possibly Baltic) children in their beds (I’m translating it for you). The “God willing” reference. Dude was raised in a secular commie state but now remembered God, all of a sudden.

    The “good guys” did this for blood thirsty reasons and intentionally murdered a half million innocent Japanese civilians as a brutal and unnecessary show of force.

    And old medieval, filled with great European culture German cities with kids who lived there. Don’t forget that one, don’t evade. Own it.

    Ok, does this mean that you guys finally realize that it’s time to back out? Because when Tucker says stuff like “how we manage the world”, those types of phrases… you can no longer use after this Witcoff interview. You put a Jewish real estate speculator in a top foreign policy post, you live with it.

    You wanna back out for once? I’ll believe it when I see it. So, no, don’t tell this to me – tell it to your own government. Thank you very much.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  488. LatW says:

    Regarding Stalin – someone mentioned upthread, Beckow or whoever – about how Stalin or Ivan Grozny had more power and were more authoritarian / totalitarian than Putin. Not true – Stalin had to carry out purges (chistki), every 10 to 20 or so years to eliminate the competition for power. He was constantly on the lookout and he was very modest, with meagre belongings, he had a famously Stoic life (his only pleasure was his pipe). Unlike Putin whose daughters are now loaded. Ofc, we don’t know what is happening inside the FSB and the Russian armed forces / generals right now (those vague rumblings that we hear about on and off may or may not mean something real), but it seems that he controls everyone (not to mention the “media”, the Shapiras).

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  489. Péter Szijjártó Foreign Minister for one of the most important countries in Central Europe thinks most European leaders want the war to continue because they went with a bad strategy over the 3 years of war in Ukraine.

    He stated that the sooner the war ends, the sooner they’ll have to face their own people and answer for their bad strategy that harmed their own people both economically and more importantly in needless death and suffering.


    Szijjártó has on numerous occasions been forced to defend his country’s policies from attacks by Ursula von der Leyen, Mark Rutte and Soros because the Hungarian people have chosen a right-wing populist and national-conservative path. Let’s see if this opinion grows with powerful allies in Washington.

    •�Agree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  490. @Torna atrás

    Will Elon and Trump help tip the scales?

    Austria, Market poll:

    FPÖ-PfE: 33%
    ÖVP-EPP: 22% (+1)
    SPÖ-S&D: 21%
    NEOS-RE: 12% (+1)
    GRÜNE-G/EFA: 8% (-1)
    KPÖ-LEFT: 2% (-1)

    +/- vs. 10-11 March 2025

    Fieldwork: 17-18 March 2025
    Sample size: 2,000

    •�Replies: @songbird
  491. Bashibuzuk says:
    @emil nikola richard

    He often does this. At least this time he didn’t write something about the “indigenous Palestinian Jews). But that’s part of his charm. Karlinistan wouldn’t be quite itself without his posts.

    •�Agree: QCIC
    •�LOL: A123
  492. songbird says:

    now, that doesn’t necessarily mean they arrived from some place such as Denmark

    What do you think think of the theory that Denmark is related to the Scythian word “don” meaning “water” as in the River Don?

  493. A123 says: •�Website
    @John Johnson

    For someone who speaks of shared Jewish/Christian values I rarely see any verses from you.

    There is a knack finding the right quote for the moment. Also, people tend to be annoyed when The Bible is used in that manner too often.

    “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” – 1 John 3:17

    Does Trump possess the world’s goods and are Palestinians in need?

    It works better if you scale both sides of the question so both are large populations.

    Does America possess the world’s goods and are Palestinians in need?

    Trump has released American assistance to meet the needs of indigenous Palestinian Jews. This will help them win their Hostage Rescue SMO, which is a fight against the evil of genocide.

    Alas, America does not have what the non-Palestinian Muslim colonists trapped on the battlefield in Gaza need. What would help them most is an end to their coreligionists serving as camp guards keeping them in, and authentic Muslim lands to receive them when they leave Jewish & Christian Palestine.

    In this context, Khamenei’s Iran has the world’s goods. You should call them out.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  494. A123 says: •�Website

    I am unsure why Bashi is doubling down with more Taqiyya Trolling after he got caught. Why is it so hard for him to provide a direct answer to a simple question based on objective facts? He is still being evasive and disruptive.

    Alas, as a Christian, there is only so much I can do to help him.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  495. A123 says: •�Website

    One important difference was that the Russian side categorically stated that there must be a halt to foreign military aid to Ukraine before Moscow could begin substantive peace negotiations. That demand is an essential prerequisite.

    The White House readout of the phone call made no mention of stopping the U.S. and NATO supply of weapons to Ukraine or military intelligence.

    A troubling anomaly is that Trump flatly denied in subsequent media interviews that the issue of halting military aid to Ukraine was raised by Putin.

    In a 2 1\2 hour call some differences in the takeaways are inevitable.

    Putin directly represents a side. Russia is building a stance to begin negotiations, and is thus not giving anything away for free.

    Trump is serving as a broker. American needs flexibility to mitigate collisions, like the one from Zelensky’s visit to the White House.

    Realistically, Kiev and Moscow are still too far apart to hope for a ceasefire in the near future.

    Direct American funding for Führer Zelensky’s offensive operations appears to be headed to zero. There is no obvious line item for it in the CR that passed recently. We will have to wait and see what Germany, France, and the UK actually deliver. If that falls short, perhaps Kiev will see the wisdom in being reasonable.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  496. @Bashibuzuk


    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  497. Bashibuzuk says:

    Hey, good to see you back and thanks for the Surkov’s interview. I was aware of him semi-retiring from politics, was not aware of his idea of the Great Northern cultural/economic future civilization to emerge from our current predicament. Although I don’t really like him, I must admit that he makes sense on this point. Recently, I was half-jokingly posting about the trans-Beringian economic corridor to be built to Make Alaska Great (and Orthodox) Again (МОАГА), the Northern Sea Route (северный морской путь) as the true reason for Trump – Putin жабогадюкинг (I don’t know if you have ever heard this term before, a memetic invention of the Russian millennials, look it up – it’ll make you laugh).



    I’m not sure that he has dug so deep, he has often been postmodern superficial, but what Vladik Dudayev (he belongs to the тейп Цечой on his dad’s side) is describing is of course reminiscent of the Nordic Bronze Age – the real Hyperborea. And yes, this common Northern & Cultural Economic Space has to come forth, or the Whites will end up under Islamic domination and go extinct under the pressure of the Global South. Surkov is right about that and his citation of Houllebcque is tout à fait appropriée. One only has to walk in Paris or London nowadays to witness it.

    Now I understand better why the UK Reptiloids, who have historically derived most of their power and wealth from their colonial Global South ventures, are fretting over, trying to impose their slimy presence in the жаба & гадюка Trump – Putin kamasutra and make it into a ménage à trois. Galkovsky has recently talked about the whole current situation being a tension between the (((UK))) and the (((US))) branches of the Globalist elites as they sort who’s going to be the most important pig in the international financial system’s pigpen. Something is starting to appear through the cracks of the narrative and the fog of war.

    Surkov is also right about the Westerstroika in coming that I have also alluded to many times. It just can’t continue with the current paradigm. The Western middle class that has been the fundamental piece of the system is dying out. It has to be revived or replaced. Otherwise the system is doomed.

    Overall, a very interesting read. We might dislike the man, but we have to admit that he is intelligent. And yeah, don’t forget that he was the chief пиарщик of the Банк МЕНАТЕП and was on very good terms with Khodorkovsky until Khodor’s fall from grace. Some say that Pelevin has partially drawn his Generation P Vavilen Tatarsky character from Surkov. One has to remember that in Pelevin’s imaginary hierarchy, the likes of Surkov serve the parasite Vampire elite masters of the Global World system.

    Unfortunately, the version of the movie available on the web is not the full director cut, it has been sanitized and censored. That is why it feels somewhat hollow. Despite being hollowed out, it still has been forbidden in RusFed and will probably never be allowed to be shown in the West (outside of the niche festivals) despite having an over 80% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Ginsburg took years to make the movie, I am sure he will potentially release the full version sooner or later.

    Gonna write about the Old Prussian stuff later I have watched something super interesting lately about an Onego Lake Burial. Glad reading you again, I was worried that USAID cuts would make you disappear from the Karlinistan horizons. 😋

    And please watch Benny & Joon when you have a chance. I guarantee you gonna like it. You can watch it with your kid, it’s wholesome stuff. 🙂

    •�Replies: @LatW
  498. Bashibuzuk says:

    Don is not Scythian but Baltic. Can you please post again the maps of the region ancestral genetics prior and after the 6th century that you wanted me to discuss a few weeks back? Thanks.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  499. Bashibuzuk says:


    We have produced Islam, not the other way around…


  500. QCIC says:

    Dresden was as bad as Hiroshima and helped make it possible. Unfortunately, Hiroshima and Nagasaki raised the stakes for everything which has come since then. The US and the West created the tragedy in Ukraine, but this might not have been possible without the enthusiastic support of local and regional people who were naive about the stakes of the game they decided to play. What a shame.

  501. songbird says:

    Don is not Scythian but Baltic.

    This is what I would call a “bold etymology.” (Exactly the kind I like)

    Are you connecting to the Daugava and the Dubysa? Are you proposing that LatW’s ancestors named the Danube?

    “Scythian” may be too insular a term, if we consider the broad geographic reach of dānu – in Ireland and India. But I want to give Mr. Hack’s ancestors their due for the Don.

    Can you please post again the maps of the region ancestral genetics prior and after the 6th century that you wanted me to discuss a few weeks back?

    This one?

  502. songbird says:

    Thought this was an interesting story: life found under Antarctic ice shelf. No hot vents.


  503. Mr. Hack says:

    Thanks for your sensitivities to my ego and to my lineage, but none of my ancestors lived anywhere close to the Don (as far as I know), but probably much closer to the Danube (pronounced “Dunai” in Ukrainian). I’m mostly the product of Slavic genes (Ukrainian and Polish) with probably a little bit of Balkan thrown in and perhaps a little Greek too, way back when. My father was born near the Prut river in Western Ukraine, and I was born and lived near the Mississippi in Mpls making me a modern day Tom Sawyer. 🙂

    •�Replies: @songbird
  504. @songbird

    They are one of the missing clone tribes of Dan. Ireland has another. The clone tribes of Dan got around.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @songbird
  505. Mr. Hack says:

    I was just perusing Jung-Freuds latest historiography of film over the last 75 years. Looks like a roadmap to success? A lot of films that I’ve never seen before. Here’s one that I’d view based only on the interesting placard, and for no other reason than to further expand my viewing of the “French New Waive”. I know, I know, never judge a film by its cover! 🙂

    Like good yarn that take place on a train, I’ve always been a sucker for films shot by the sea.


    •�Replies: @songbird
  506. Bashibuzuk says:

    Most hydronyms in Northern Europe can be traced back to either Balto(-Slavic) or Celtic roots.


    I’ll come back to the maps later. It’ll be a long tribal Y haplogroup rant… 🙂

    •�Thanks: songbird
  507. Bashibuzuk says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Scythians are mentioned invading the Middle East in the Book of Job. The King of Rosh is put where southern Russia is today (Krasnodar kray).

  508. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    but none of my ancestors lived anywhere close to the Don (as far as I know),

    We are all orphans to our deep history, but
    don’t we ultimately all come from the East? The medieval ethnogenic myth of the Irish connects to a Scythian king named Fénius Farsaid, who constructed the Irish language by taking the best elements from the scattered bits after the Tower of Babel was destroyed. (If you don’t claim the Don, I might!)


    Intuitively, I know your ancestors had many adventures rafting on the Don and beyond. This explains your geomantic connection to big rivers, which ties into your interests in Tom Sawyer and Teddy Roosevelt’s expedition into the Amazon. Not to mention Ibn Battuta and Harry A. Franck.

    If you searched your heart fully, you would know that the only place to retire in the Philippines is the Cagayan River valley on the northern (relative terms) isle of Luzon, as plastic-choked as it is. You could lead a campaign to clean it up, leveraging your ancient connection to these big rivers.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  509. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Torna atrás

    Something gotta give…

    Google search for « civil war in USA » has substantially increased in recent weeks…

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  510. QCIC says:

    This is a great line from Surkov:

    “Trump doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to make allies.”

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @LatW
  511. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    That is a neat film poster!

    Priss Factor has quite the knowledge of films. I wonder what sort of film he would create… Seeing a thing often ties into making a thing. I didn’t realize it before but apparently Poe got his idea of a talking raven by reading Dickens and there is smoking gun, because he wrote a review where he noted the potential of the idea.

    The last French movie I watched was this one:

    I thought it was watchable, though it didn’t make my heart sing. I have never understood the French penchant for fantastic criminals, although I gather the character was exaggerated for the movies as compared to the novels.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  512. QCIC says:

    If such a thing happens, the form may be very different from what has been seen before. People have no idea how delicate our modern industrial society is. Especially in the USA, where the illegal immigrants/invaders are the largest group of people who have ever known true hardship.

    The SMO has probably given people a very distorted view of modern war.

    •�Replies: @A123
  513. Mr. Hack says:

    I have never understood the French penchant for fantastic criminals,

    As I’ve only seen at most 3-4 French New Waive films, I couldn’t explain this phenomena to you. What I do remember about these films is that they always seem to end with very strange endings: abrupt, void of compassion and very tragic. The endings seem to come out of nowhere…

    •�Replies: @songbird
  514. Mr. Hack says:

    There’s no doubt that both Scythian and Sarmatian genetic code left a very large imprint within the formation of the Ukrainian nation. There was apparently a large confederation of both Slavs and Sarmatians that lived together on Ukrainian lands. I wasn’t aware of the Scythian imprint on Celtic origins. I am aware that the Celts left many settlements within Ukraine, but always assumed that these Celts migrated from West to East. Maybe it was the other way around?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  515. Bashibuzuk says:

    Before becoming the Mediterranean/Western European hegemonic power, Rome had to undergo a dramatic transformation.

    The Republic became an Empire through a series of civil conflicts. It had to curtail, then to erase the Punic influence in the οἰκουμένη (let’s remember where the Greek people got their alphabet from), it had to destroy Parthian Empire, it had to invade and conquer Gaul and Britain and finally it had to contend with and then submit Ptolemaic Egypt (the Westernmost end of the Silk Road).

    Now, history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes so let’s say Rome is USA, who the equivalent ancient state entities would be today ?

    What would the US need to do to become an uncontested Imperial leader of the Western World/Northern Hemisphere?

    Thiel, Musk, Vance have spent enough time « thinking about the fall of the Roman Empire ». Perhaps they have sketched out their answers to these questions.

    BTW, this is also an answer to your « civil war » reply.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  516. Beckow says:

    …Realistically, Kiev and Moscow are still too far apart to hope for a ceasefire in the near future.

    Direct American funding for Führer Zelensky’s offensive operations appears to be headed to zero.

    The war hasn’t been enough of a war to motivate peace. Not yet. But Trump single-handedly changed the previous hopeless situation. Ukies were looking at years of misery and an inevitable catastrophic defeat. Russians at a bloody victory mess the verbal Westies would forever deny. Europeans were staring into the abyss of going back to the uglier, poorer past – this time with screwed up demographics and no real industry.

    Trump threw a lifeline to Kiev: shrink, be reasonable and slowly rebuild a smaller neutral state. To Russia: take your victory, don’t be too ambitious, and let’s move on… Euros got nothing: leaders are discredited, people poorer. Temptation is to go for more, so it will take time…Trump will eventually get the (worthless) Nobel, but not this year…

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk, A123
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  517. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    There’s no doubt that both Scythian and Sarmatian genetic code left a very large imprint within the formation of the Ukrainian nation.

    It had nearly zero impact on the Ukrainian ethnogenesis. Scythians ended up Turkic, Sarmatians ended up Ossetian. Ukrainians are overwhelmingly Slavs + some Vlakhs + little Circassians + a pinch of Turkic tribes (mostly Polovtsy). In Galicia, they also have a Celtic admixture, whether through the Vlakh or through the original Celtic residual population of the Danube region. That’s it. Nearly zero Scythian ancestors, except through the Turkic tribesmen that have been assimilated to the Brodniky (they led the Mongols against the Rus) and the Cossacks who were derived from the Brodniky and the Circassian assimilated into Slavdom and converted to Orthodox Christianity.

    All the rest is pure mythology of the like of Tripolyans being ancestors of Ukrainians (only through the Vlakhs).

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @AP
  518. Beckow says:
    @Mr. Hack

    I am doubling down…:)

    I wouldn’t be caught dead in a theology seminar of any kind, so feel free to ban me for pointing out to you the basic geography: Kiev is on the right bank, the Poles are Catholic and they wouldn’t rush to an Orthodox seminary.

    The quote you posted makes little sense. It sounds like digging 300 years back to score minor-lying points. In any case, it’s irrelevant. Remember, the small lies led to the big ones, and that led your side to the current disaster. It’s time to sober up.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  519. @A123

    “We should raze their land and build casinos. Nearby Muslim countries can take them or something. I really don’t care about what happens to them”

    – Republican Jesus 4:13

    Republican Jesus gives his sermon on Fox about the need to get rid of nearby Muslims in order to help Israel.

  520. Beckow says:

    Can you elaborate on the Brodniky? I am not familiar with them…thanks.

    Ukrainians have a strong Balkan element: Celts were minor, Vlakhs were latinized Thracians and others. Ukies have up to 20% Balkan DNA, more in the west. Russians have more Finno-Uralic and Belorussians-Western Russians more Balt.

    The original Slavic core had to be substantial to prevail so fully in the languages used. As recently as 1,000 to 1,500 years ago all Slavic languages were mutually understandable. It’s a large region, without a core area and common descent from a relatively small group it’s hard to see how the languages would be so similar.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  521. A123 says: •�Website

    If such a thing happens, the form may be very different from what has been seen before. People have no idea how delicate our modern industrial society is.

    It will not get that far.

    The dems talk like fascist extremists. However, their ability to execute in red country is virtually nonexistent. They make trouble in blue cities or friendly outposts, like far left universities. Damaging their own stuff is not an effective civil war tactic.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  522. Bashibuzuk says:


    Basically the equivalent of the Cossacks before the Batu Khan invasion.

    Also, those who root for the Norse origins of the Rus nobility, forget that all Muslim traders who met the original Rus on the Volga described them as Turkic, at least from the cultural pov. Just as in the Poetic Edda, the «historical » Odin is described as being of Turkic ancestry and having lived in Thracia.


    The waterways were the highways of the time. To get from Thracia to Danemark, one had to travel by boat a lot. The first Rus were basically river pirates, just like their Novgorodian and Vyatkan offspring’s ushkuyniks were centuries later.

    The ancient Rus Khaganate had excellent relations with Hungarians when these Ugry lived in the Pontic steppes before being displaced by the Patchinaks. Now connect the dots and add the fact that all the Dniepr rapids might well have ancient Ugric etymology…


    •�Replies: @Beckow
  523. QCIC says:

    I suspect Musk or his mentors think in terms of the Singularity. In the next twenty years we will see many practical, technological challenges which changed from difficult to easy overnight. Musk’s Mars obsession is changing the game in a nice way. On the other hand, most of these guys (the control freaks) would say it is better to rule in hell than to serve in (the) heaven (s). Of course in space or on a Mars colony no one has any real freedom, at least not in the early era.

    The interplay of wealth, technology and human character make for an interesting mixture. Energy and oil have dominated the political landscape for fifty years. However, nuclear breeder reactors had been demonstrated decades before this phase. This technology can supply more energy than is needed for thousands of years and was simply set aside. The same is true of space travel. The large SpaceX rocket could have been built in the nineteen seventies before inflation completely distorted the cost structure of the world. Those who want to rule in hell like to have scarcity.

    The role of robots and AI will probably change everything. Fortunately, the people who like to rule in hell need minions to rule. This is the double-edged sword of their ‘power’: they might kill most of us as useless eaters except that these people keep score by how many useless eaters they control.

  524. QCIC says:

    Maybe, but this is a distorted outlook which may be shared by Team Trump. Russia was fighting IN Ukraine but not really AGAINST Ukraine. One risk is that the Trumpsters push a settlement which is hailed as a victory for Russia over Ukraine but is really also a victory of the West over Russia. The Euro pushback against Trump’s Ukraine perspective was extremely strong so I think it is too early to take any victory laps.

    The economic-military rhetoric coming out of the administration should scare the hell out of everyone. The idea is to replace the profitable and pointless process of murdering people in the third world back to the earlier highly profitable process of continually inventing high tech death machines. This is always justified by spinoffs and economic competitiveness. China is the poster child enemy to motivate this activity, but hey new weapons have to be tested somewhere. China is too dangerous, so let’s give the new super duper AI drone laser canon to the Ukies to murder those nasty Ruskies. Slava Ukrainistan! Altman Akbar!

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @Mikhail
  525. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I imagine Israelism seemed slightly less crazy before the 20th Century. After Jews became culturally dominant, it seems kind of slavish. But, if you ask me, it is boring. Better to stay north and go with the mysterious Scythians or go south to the famed Egyptians.

    The Aeneid is the best origin story, IMO.
    My best guess is the bicycle lock woman is signaling that she is an M, who hates cars. But I could be way off.

  526. QCIC says:

    I agree at the grass roots level.

    At the diabolical, Junior Doctor Evil level there is some real risk of a bright, crazy former Moderna-esque scientist doing real harm. There are plenty of unassimilated invader-immigrants around to turn a serious crisis into a real disaster.

    The possibilities are infinite, which I take to mean there are as many good possibilities as bad.

    Have a nice day!

  527. AP says:

    Weren’t the Antes (ancestors of Ukrainians) somewhat mixed with Sarmatians? Polish Sarmatism was mostly a fantasy but there was some tiny echo of truth to it.

    The Sarmatians who retained their Iranic culture ended up as Ossetians, but some were absorbed by the Slavs in Ukraine. This would explain occasional Iranic words in Eastern Slavic languages, such as sobaka (dog – spaka in Iranic), topir (axe), morda (snout), rai (paradise), and place names such as the names for the rivers Danube and Dnipro. These are all ancient borrowings, in contrast to Persian words that came much later via Turkish, such as Maidan.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  528. Beckow says:

    …The Euro pushback against Trump’s Ukraine perspective was extremely strong

    Hysteria often comes across as noisy and strong, but it’s still only hysteria with not much consequence. The Euro elites are stuck: they can’t sign up to Trump’s plan and are unable to continue the war without US. The Macron-Strarmer-Merz recent theatre is an attempt to reverse the US policy. But they are raising their hand against the king without the ability to get rid of him – that never ends well.

    replace the profitable and pointless process of murdering people in the third world back to the earlier highly profitable process of continually inventing high tech death machines

    Yeah, that’s the new idea since they run out of the weak Third World countries. Ukie enterprise has no future because Ukraine demographic doesn’t support the replenishment model. I saw Zelko yelling “no compromise! on to Crimea!” and it sounded like he was pleading “where is my get-away plane?”…

    The Euro pushback has nothing to work with: not enough arms, too few willing soldiers, poor economies and generally dissatisfied people who have other priorities. Macron is a goner (2027?), Starmer may be gone earlier. It leaves the Nazi-looking Finnish guy, Kaja, and the Swedes, they will not forgive Poltava and the 1920’s subs scaring them in their ports…what Sweden could have been? And what Ukraine could have been? They have a lot in common, even their vaguely homo yellow-blue colors…

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  529. Beckow says:


    Magyars came through Rus and intermarried heavily before settling in the Carpathian basin – there are a number of Rus-derived geographic names all over Hungary. But numbers matter – the current Magyars are less than 5% Ugric (including Turkic and other eastern steppe ancestry). This after a huge influx of Cumans in the 13. century and occupation by Ottomans for 200 years. The mystery is what happened to the steppe arrivals, they almost don’t show up in the data.

    They lived unsustainable lives, died early and left few descendents. Same for the river pirates of different names – the term Viking was invented by romantics in the early 19th century. The problem is that ordinary people were invisible and boring. The records focus on the drama and we forget most of the time it impacted only a small part of the geography.

    The research in CE shows most villages that have existed for close to 1,000 years were at most 1-2 times pillaged or attacked. In more remote valleys almost never. That meant sustained population growth and once we have good records (18th century) the dominance of Slavs in most areas is unquestionable. It was probably the same in the past – very few surviving Huns, Avars, etc…you settle down or you perish.

  530. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    As I’ve only seen at most 3-4 French New Waive films, I couldn’t explain this phenomena to you.

    I have seen very few French films myself. Probably due to my negative perceptions (whether right or wrong) of them being dark/artsy and morally questionable. But I am slowly trying to watch more European films.


    With regard to the French romance of thieves, I am thinking mostly of literature. Especially, the prominence of Arsène Lupin, who in fame in France is the equivalent of Sherlock Holmes, even though I consider the Lupin stories to be much inferior.

    Then there is this Fantômas character who seems to have had his origin at about the same time.

    One could probably add Jean Valjean from Les Miserables and also Papillon and other things.

    I am sure one could come up with a superficial counterargument about the English and Robin Hood, etc. But Robin Hood is more like a series of oral folktales and was never very literary, until modern times. I think there is a lot of proof in the adjectives used.


    The endings seem to come out of nowhere…

    I think I know exactly what you mean. We are used to Hollywood endings, and foreign films often feel like they go for a completely different type of ending.

    Sometimes it can be pretty refreshing. (I was laughing at a HK one the other day) Though other times, it can seem depressing.

  531. Bashibuzuk says:

    Excellent presentation on the influence of Zoroastrian faith on Abrahamic creeds.


    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @AP
  532. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Pilsudski and the Habsburgites sought a subservient “independent” Ukraine consisting of former Russian Empire territory.

    Svidomite obstinate thinking could result in a rump Ukraine, the size of what the Habsburgites once ruled over.

  533. @Beckow

    Sweden can pull out of Nato and even the EU. They made a mistake but it’s not a fatal blunder. When all the world ends up not cowering before Palmer Luckey’s promised game changer drones all the current make believe strategy is going to go up in smoke.

    We need a guy like fake Steve Jobs except he’s a fake Clauswitz who can make good jokes about politicians who trust in the new wonder weapons.

    What’s the point of having this superb military that you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?

    I bet most of us can answer that one!

  534. songbird says:

    It is kind of funny how Korea made this movie about them landing on the Moon, when this is their rocket.



    I repeat my call for them to co-develop a rocket with the Japanese.

  535. AP says:

    Yes, and Jesus is the son and incarnation of the same God recognized by the Persians.

    There is no need for a Slav seeking an Aryan faith to abandon Christianity.

  536. @AP

    Do you think AP has had previous and will have subsequent lives? Any place I have been in a church they have never brought this up for presentation or discussion.

    In Magic Without Tears Aleister Crowley has a very simple method for accessing past life data. I don’t know for sure if I accessed any past life data but it sure was spooky shit and I only did it the one time. (Google’s AI is currently having a hallucination on my computer that Crowley never wrote that.)

  537. QCIC says:

    I guess the engineers of 2nd best Korea are listening to K-Pop instead of doing rockets. They could just buy launches on the Japanese H3.

    Meanwhile Best Korea sends satellites into orbit with stone knives and bearskins.

  538. LatW says:

    Are you proposing that LatW’s ancestors named the Danube?

    Don’t know about Danube (not impossible), but they definitely must have named the Elbe (originally named Laba which means “good” or “right”, as in, on the right side).


    •�Replies: @songbird
  539. songbird says:

    but they definitely must have named the Elbe

    Wasn’t this attested in Ptolemy long before the Slavic migrations into the area?

    Frankly, I can’t follow any of the suggested German etymologies. But if I understand correctly, the Romans would have seen it as Albis, meaning white. Was it just a similar-sounding but unrelated word in German? But there are a few White Rivers in the US. And some say the banks of the Elbe are white.

    I have seen the Elbe but not navigated much of the river. Certainly, it is not a word that comes to mind to describe the part I have seen (which was pretty industrialized) but I am fascinated by the possible connection to Albion.

  540. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    Will Elon and Trump help tip the scales?

    Austria, Market poll:

    I don’t know the specific situation in Austria, but I have noticed something strange, which seems somewhat coincident with a Trump victory.


    It is like they are walking the miscegenation propaganda back ever so slightly. A very small but noticeable change.

    Before, you saw a lot of depictions of a Euro women (generally blonde) with a black man, and mulatto children. It is not gone, but you are seeing something new now, alongside it and alongside the pure black stuff.

    They are showing the mixed race couples, but now, you will often see one Euro kid as well as one mulatto, etc. Something biologically impossible. Or like it was two divorced people who got together.

    Or maybe, the blond and blue-eyed kid is slightly swarthy. Like, if you searched tens of thousands of octoroons, you might find one like him, or more likely, he is just tanned.

    Or they might make a cartoon of a redhaired person, but the skin tone and bone structure are both off.

    Or they might mix the family up into completely different races. And it is also happening outside the US. Almost like it is coordinated.


    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @Torna atrás
  541. songbird says:

    I wonder if the Korean Moon movie wasn’t somehow financed in order to influence space policy. They only put the space program under a single unified civilian agency KASA, after the movie. (Though the movie bombed)

    The movie was kind of funny.

    They had some line in it about Korea going to the Moon alone, being a fifth the cost of joining the US-led program.

    The one English astronaut was a black guy from Birmingham, although compared to Hollywood, it was pretty non-woke racially.

    Another curious part was the Korean woman at NASA, who against orders conspired to help the Korean astronaut and was initially punished for it before finally, due to public approval, being named the “first female” head of NASA.

    It definitely wasn’t a good movie. Too much focus on endless tense situations with pounding music. And it was too long for that.

    I think there is definitely a limit to what you can do at that scale spacewise.

    Japan’s H3 certainly works, but is probably too pricey and impossible to make re-usable, due to its fuel.

    Europe is certainly not very impressive at the moment either.

  542. LatW says:

    So is Surkov’s dad from the same teip as Dzhokhar Dudayev?

    Regarding Surkov’s interview, there are many inaccuracies there about Ukraine, but I don’t feel like dissecting those right now. It’s all typical Russian imperialist talking points. This part I do understand (I’ll quote him in italics):

    The war in Ukraine will separate the Russians and the anti-Russians or, to paraphrase the Gospel, the sheep and the goats. The anti-Russians will not grow up. But it will be confined to its historical territory and will stop spreading across Russian soil.

    By the way, in 1959, at least 50% of the Luhansk oblast were Ukrainian speaking. So it’s not really “Russian soil” but historically Ukrainian territory. They could’ve aimed for neutral bilingualism there. It’s normal in some border regions and some parts of the world and people live together peacefully.

    The switch to the Ukrainian language will continue and solidify, but he’s right that it may not be possible to transmit the Ukrainian idea to the eastern areas. The Ukrainian identity is more solidified now. What he calls “anti-Russians” don’t need to grow up – they will live their own lives, they are already grown up in their own way.

    The concept of “Russian world” he espouses is not that different from any other cultural space, anywhere that there is a presence of a certain culture, can be that respective world. The Russian world has shrunk because of this war, Ukrainians switched to Ukrainian, the Easterners left to Europe where they will be assimilated within a couple of generations. There is more reluctance to do business with Russia now, and your (not so) newly found American friends will not be learning to speak Russian and will not delve deeply into the Russian culture (most of them are too shallow for that or uninterested). But this is all the fault of Putinists.

    What is good about this interview is that he is openly admitting and promoting the partition of Ukraine. It’s good to have it out in the open like that so that there are no illusions about Russia’s real intentions. And the EU will never de iure recognize the partition of Ukraine, even if the US does (and, if the US does, they will collapse entirely what is left of their global status).

    Comparing the EU to the Warsaw bloc is a big mistake, because the EU was formed on voluntary basis, not on war and occupations. It is somewhat accurate in geopolitical terms, though. He needs to accept that 1991 was final. Russia can work on these other projects now (the High North, etc).


    We must give them a chance to save the great European culture, which is a cousin of Russian and American culture.

    No, we are not cousins, you two are both children of Europe and Russia is also partly a child of Asia. Another mistake.

    It is a question of the survival of the great Nordic civilisation, to which the Russian, European and American cultures belong, against a background of almost unbearable demographic pressure from the South.

    Again, the “great Nordic civilization” is predominantly a Northern European phenomenon, in Russia and in America the Nordic component is shrinking. Russia is Islamicizing and America is becoming less Nordic not only in its body but in its character when it comes to basic political and moral norms and rule of law.

    Of course, this isn’t an obstacle to develop the North once that becomes possible. Many would gain from accessing the Northern passage (including the Baltics – we’re in the subarctic zone with unfreezing ports) and it might help the Whites with the pressure in the south, like Surkov states. However, I believe it will be more broadly international and will include China. (According to this concept, a certain (((people))) shouldn’t be allowed to participate there).

    There have always been these ideas and dreams of the Ultima Thule. But to inject some realism into this – there will be extreme hardship there. It’s very difficult to drill that deep in the ocean and it will be hard to find people who will want to work in such a harsh environment. You would know this about places such as Norilsk. I’ve actually been near the Shtokmann deposit in northern Norway, they have great infrastructure there. Btw, there are interesting and very old (possibly from Stone age) rock carvings near the town of Alta.

    Here is an interesting quote:

    Politics is first and foremost the domain of emotions and passions, and is only then about tools. It always comes down to the question of power, which is the oldest, darkest and most irrational aspect of human nature. Political tools help to ride the waves, but they don’t create them.

    I would add though that politics is also about rationality and ethics (ideally). Maybe not in Russia or according to the world view of Surkov or Dugin. But there was an element of rationality in Peter the Great and in Nikolai II (although that’s not really politics but monarchism). And there was an attempt during the Yeltsin’s years, even if with problems.

    NATO may not survive these changes, but the EU definitely will and there will be a new defense alliance in Europe and it will be much stronger than what we have now.

    Make Alaska Great (and Orthodox) Again (МОАГА)

    Ofc, there is freedom of religion but the Alaska natives should return to their ancestral religion.

    жабогадюкинг (I don’t know if you have ever heard this term before, a memetic invention of the Russian millennials, look it up – it’ll make you laugh).

    I know this term very well from listening to Kyiv podcasts, and it is indeed funny. It is amusing when it happens among one’s opponents. I notice you had a little zhabogadyuking with A123 (one cannot escape that with him and I agree – I don’t know how many more times I can read the term “indigenous Palestinian Jews” – a term I had never heard before). There will be a lot of this thing in world politics now and it’s not pretty. Is that what Great Power politics is, a zhabogadyuking? LOL

    Galkovsky has recently talked about the whole current situation being a tension between the (((UK))) and the (((US))) branches of the Globalist elites

    There may actually be objective differences between the interests of the UK and the USA. Probably more so now than before. The UK is closer to continental Europe so it matters more to them. In the North, too, countries such as the UK, Norway and Denmark have interests. The US seems a bit arrogant in thinking that they don’t need to be careful in their relations with other actors, they need those actors. But it might be that they are trying to deliberately destroy the dollar, given the hostility to Europe and Canada in their current foreign policy. Whether it is just the foreign affairs inexperience of the Trump team, or it is by design, is hard to tell.

    We might dislike the man, but we have to admit that he is intelligent.

    He is not too original, but more so than others. But I wanted you and other Russophiles here to admit that his responsibility for initiating the war is great – he seems to be one of the masterminds behind the war. Real people have died and have been tormented because of him. You guys need to be honest and admit this (I know you know this deep inside, even if you don’t want to openly admit it).

    The Vampire Empire is a good concept, it seems like soon there will be a race for real hard resources since the era of cheap (fake) money seems to be over. But that movie seems to be going beyond that, into the realm of conspiracy and fantasy.

    Despite being hollowed out, it still has been forbidden in RusFed and will probably never be allowed to be shown in the West (outside of the niche festivals) despite having an over 80% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Why was it forbidden – there were references to the bankers and the Russian oligarchy? I like that kind of aesthetic, although not that overdone, it’s a bit too intense. Interesting… I wonder what they cut out.

    Glad reading you again, I was worried that USAID cuts would make you disappear from the Karlinistan horizons. 😋

    Pfff, lol. No.. I was in the mountains for a few days, stayed in a really nice lodge by a lake and went hiking in the woods. It was super beautiful with towering snow clad mountains and waterfalls, and mist rising from the lake, created by all the crushing water there. The natural world is amazing.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  543. LatW says:

    This is a great line from Surkov:

    “Trump doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to make allies.”

    Sober realism. Unlike some MAGAs (and Russian Z patriots – although those ones are more realistic) who are jumping up and down in gleeful expectation about how the US is going to gang up with Russia to screw Europe.

    Trump only cares about America’s interests (and his own). Plus, he doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of an alliance – just transactions.

  544. @QCIC

    Has anybody seen a medical report on the middle age astronauts Boeing stranded up there for 10 months? That had to have been a Near Death Experience for the books.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @songbird
  545. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Did you see the Skylab4 video posted by Anonymous534 in the comments on the Anglin column titled “…Astronaut vandalized…”?

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  546. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-jfk-assassination-part-i-what-happened/

    From 1963-2008 or 45 years Ron Unz believed in the lone gunman. For all of you who think that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, it turns out that you can. : )

    The one thing I never see mentioned on unz dot com is the point that Blink 182 UFO expert Tom Delonge made to George Knapp on Coast to Coast AM.

    If the CIA killed him I am sure they had a very good reason.

    I am not saying I agree but I sure think he has a point. Anyway it doesn’t matter that much. They got away with it. They are good at getting away with crimes.

  547. @QCIC

    You conspiracy whackos never stop.

    The one I like is where they say 1.) yes the astronauts did go to the moon but 2.) they didn’t use the hardware claimed; 3.) they took Bob Lazar flying saucer sport models or something similar.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  548. Battle of the Nations

    Serbia Argentina
    United States Russia


    Anisimova stops Andreeva at 13 consecutive match wins. Mirra Andreeva gets a couple of days off!

  549. Mikhail says: •�Website

    By the way, in 1959, at least 50% of the Luhansk oblast were Ukrainian speaking. So it’s not really “Russian soil” but historically Ukrainian territory. They could’ve aimed for neutral bilingualism there. It’s normal in some border regions and some parts of the world and people live together peacefully.

    You aren’t aware of the early S0viet era Ukrainianization campaign noted by Solzhenitsyn among others.

    What is good about this interview is that he is openly admitting and promoting the partition of Ukraine. It’s good to have it out in the open like that so that there are no illusions about Russia’s real intentions. And the EU will never de iure recognize the partition of Ukraine, even if the US does (and, if the US does, they will collapse entirely what is left of their global status).

    He’s one person entitled to his opinion. His partition point is premised on what transpired following the coup against Yanukovych.

    There is more reluctance to do business with Russia now, and your (not so) newly found American friends will not be learning to speak Russian and will not delve deeply into the Russian culture (most of them are too shallow for that or uninterested). But this is all the fault of Putinists.

    You wish. Russia since 2/24/22 is economically doing better than the Collective West. Thank the neolibs, neocons and svidos for this predicament.

    Comparing the EU to the Warsaw bloc is a big mistake, because the EU was formed on voluntary basis, not on war and occupations. It is somewhat accurate in geopolitical terms, though. He needs to accept that 1991 was final. Russia can work on these other projects now (the High North, etc).

    Both constitute centralized monstrosities propping some rather mediocre at best individuals.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  550. LatW says:

    You wish. Russia since 2/24/22 is economically doing better than the Collective West. Thank the neolibs, neocons and svidos for this predicament.

    It’s not about what I wish, I was just describing reality. Did you understand what I was talking about? I was talking about the reduction of the so called “Russian world” since 2022 – the cultural spread of Russian influence outside of Russia via culture, language, trade, military, diplomacy, human contacts, etc. I wasn’t talking about economic data from last year (although it may bleed into this issue). I was just stating facts – that more Ukrainians have switched from Russian to Ukrainian. The Russian language is being scaled down elsewhere.

    If you had been following Ukraine from the inside (or on YouTube) and if you knew both of these languages, you’d see that this has been the trend in the recent years. How many of those who speak Russian as the first language have been killed or exiled? All of that reduces the spread of the “Russian world”. As to the economy, they lost the European customers (even though trade is still ongoing, it was significantly reduced). They have made military gains but not to the extent that they desired. These gains were made at the expense of the spread of the Russian language (it’s possible that they perceived some of those Russian speakers as enemies, since they were pro-Ukrainian, and felt they need to eliminate them, but this still causes a reduction in the use of Russian).

    These are basic facts, regardless of what one may or may not wish.

    Btw, did Trump just deny entry into the US to Russians and Belarusians? He just put a travel ban on a bunch of countries, it included Russia, if I’m not mistaken.

  551. @songbird

    Almost like it is coordinated.

    Yes, I’ve noticed.



    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @songbird
  552. @LatW

    As to the economy, they lost the European customers (even though trade is still ongoing, it was significantly reduced).

    Their business in the world economy is selling oil and gas. When you patronize your neighborhood filling station and fill your gasoline tank you might as well be doing business with Russia. There is no power that could change this True Fact of the Universe. Short of firing a couple thousand nuclear weapons at them and praying their counter doesn’t take you out. I guess that could work. P~.0001.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  553. LatW says:
    @emil nikola richard

    There is no power that could change this True Fact of the Universe.

    The point is that economic ties have been reduced and not working to their full potential. Some trade is ongoing but way less than before and what could be. Is it really that hard to understand simple things that have recently transpired? So when Surkov says that the “Russian world will expand as much as it can”, it’s a little bit counterproductive to start such a huge war so close to the EU, one of your main trading partners.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  554. @Torna atrás

    Her paternal grandfather was Alfred Laing (1874–1962) of Memel, Germany (now Klaipėda, Lithuania). Songbird you’ve mentioned her before or was that someone else?


  555. Mikhail says: •�Website

    It’s not about what I wish, I was just describing reality. Did you understand what I was talking about? I was talking about the reduction of the so called “Russian world” since 2022 – the cultural spread of Russian influence outside of Russia via culture, language, trade, military, diplomacy, human contacts, etc. I wasn’t talking about economic data from last year (although it may bleed into this issue). I was just stating facts – that more Ukrainians have switched from Russian to Ukrainian. The Russian language is being scaled down elsewhere.

    If you had been following Ukraine from the inside (or on YouTube) and if you knew both of these languages, you’d see that this has been the trend in the recent years. How many of those who speak Russian as the first language have been killed or exiled? All of that reduces the spread of the “Russian world”. As to the economy, they lost the European customers (even though trade is still ongoing, it was significantly reduced). They have made military gains but not to the extent that they desired. These gains were made at the expense of the spread of the Russian language (it’s possible that they perceived some of those Russian speakers as enemies, since they were pro-Ukrainian, and felt they need to eliminate them, but this still causes a reduction in the use of Russian).

    These are basic facts, regardless of what one may or may not wish.

    Btw, did Trump just deny entry into the US to Russians and Belarusians? He just put a travel ban on a bunch of countries, it included Russia, if I’m not mistaken.

    The multi-polar world which Russia supports has increased unlike the neocon, neolib, svido preferred uni-polar world.

    The svidomite world has resulted in a geographically diminished Ukraine from its dubiously drawn Soviet boundary. You casual non-criticism of killing those speaking Russian is your ethically challenged shortcoming -not mine.

    Trumps’ policy on migration doesn’t specifically target Russians and Belarusians. Once again, Russia hasn’t economically suffered since 2/24/22 when compared to the Collective West

    •�Replies: @LatW
  556. •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  557. @songbird

    I can’t stop noticing now, it really is everywhere online!


    •�LOL: songbird
    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  558. Bashibuzuk says:

    Jesus is the son and incarnation of the same God recognized by the Persians

    I have posted it before, but I will do it again:

    1) the oldest extant manuscript of the Indian Civilization is a Gandharian birch bark Mahayana Buddhism “book”. Among other things, it presents a peculiar view of Bodhisattvas as sons of God descending from Tushita Heaven to help suffering mankind in times of great hardships.

    2) in the Book of Job, dating to 1st Temple Judaism, the sons of God are summoned to the Heaven to discuss earthly affairs, Satan is one of them.

    3) Mara, the master of Samsara in Buddhism, equivalent of the Gnostic demiurge and/or Judeochristian Satan, is also named the son of the Devas in early Buddhist texts.

    4) the Saoshyant is not a son of God in the Mazda Yasna.

    5) the Saoshyant is the equivalent of the Jewish Messiah, Islamic Mahdi, or the Dharmic Kalki.

    6) important excerpt from the Gnostic Apocryphon of John:

    One day John, the brother of James [these are the sons of Zebedee], was going up to the Temple. A Pharisee by the name of Arimanios came up to him and challenged him, asking: “Where is the teacher you used to follow?”

    John replied, “He has gone back to the place from which he came.”

    The Pharisee said, “That Nazarene misled you (plural), told you lies, closed your hearts and turned you away from your ancestral traditions.”

    When I heard these things, I, John, turned away from the temple and went off to a deserted mountainous place. I was very unhappy, saying to myself:

    “How was the Savior designated?
    Why did his Father send him into the world?
    Who is his Father?
    What kind of realm will we go to?

    For, although he told us, ‘This realm is modeled on the imperishable realm,’
    He didn’t teach us about the latter.”

    All of a sudden, while I was contemplating these things,
    The heavens opened and the whole of creation shone with a light from above,
    And the world quaked!
    I was afraid, yet

    A little child appeared before me in the light.
    I continued looking at him as he became an old man
    And then he changed again, becoming like a young man.

    I didn’t understand what I was seeing,



    As described in the 1st century CE text Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Egypt had intense trade and cultural contacts with India during the period which, combined with evidence in the Indian Edicts of Ashoka of Buddhist missionary activity to the Mediterranean around 250 BCE, has led to the hypothesis that Therapeutae might have been a Buddhist sect composed of descendants of Ashoka’s emissaries.


    8) Celsus in Against Christians writes that Jesus has joined to and learned from a “secret society in Alexandria ” and that he has taught his disciples “non honourable things such as begging and staying celibate”.

    Therefore even though Mazda Yasna has without any doubt influenced Judeochristian beliefs, Jesus can’t be the Saoshyant, but he certainly can be a Son of God in the meaning used above for the Bodhisattvas / Angels.

    At risk of repeating myself: Our Lord Jesus is/was a Great Bodhisattva that despite his (re)birth as a Semite has followed in the footsteps of the Great Sage of the Scythian Sakas, the descendant of the Solar Dynasty, Siddharta Gautama. A descendant of the Indo-European peoples doesn’t need to follow a Semitic religion that has made a Great Boddhisattva into just another god. OTOH a good Semitic person can aim to become a Bodhisattva and therefore in a sense be a son of God.

    Adam Nathaniel Yauch did nothing wrong. He will certainly experience a good rebirth. This time probably in a non-Jewish family. He has escaped the YHWH trap despite being of Jewish origin. You have fallen into it despite being of Slavic descent. Perhaps next time you will be (re)born a Jew ? 😉

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
  559. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    Pencils are now an important part of South African cultural heritage and a symbol of racism.

    The pencil always was my favorite writing implement in school.

    Btw, is it true what Shivon says, that Pubjabis have bigger eyes? Were the Japanese drawing them all along?

    Her paternal grandfather was Alfred Laing

    definitely a spelling change, but I wonder who did it. Don’t recall mentioning her.

  560. songbird says:

    Are there any theories about Priss Factor and movies?

  561. Mr. Hack says:

    You’re back…again?

    Apparently AP’s colorful map didn’t help you any?

    For your information, the Mohyla Academy was considered to be one of the most advanced institutions of higher learning in all of Eastern Europe. Students came from far and wide to study there (Poland, Russia, Byelorus, Romania, Greece) and its curriculum was not only a first class repository of the”libral arts, but science courses were also taught within its walls. Coursework was taught in Ruthenian and in Polish too. For a greater appreciation about what the Mohyla Academy meant for the wider Polish culture read:

    The Kiev Mohyla Academy in Relation to Polish Culture


    Quit acting like a boorish nincompoop! 🙂

  562. Mr. Hack says:

    Not only “somewhat” but most likely quite a bit:

    Consider that the Alans and the Roxolani were subgroups of the Sarmatians, that these contacts between the Slavs and Sarmatians went on for several centuries, so you’d think that through intermixing there’d be some cross generating of DNA structure. Unless, of course both groups practiced strict celibate lifestyles? 🙂

    •�Replies: @LatW
  563. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I think the genesis of this type of theory is easy to understand and mostly stems from the infamous candid live interview with the Apollo 11 astronauts. They were obviously uncomfortable during the filming and apparently were lying in spots. Granting them Area 51 tech is an easy way to show these military pilots were simply lying because of classification rules but they were not full swine who made up the entire mission. Different versions of this notion might be based on secret Nazi space drive technology or even good ole home brew Area 51 antigravity technology cooked up in Malibu.

    I don’t have a preferred theory for any possible intrigues of the lunar missions. There are a number of interesting questions which have not been laid to rest after fifty five years.

    I did notice that the second stage in the Skylab launch vehicle is actually the Centaur upper stage which has been used on other missions, which just slightly contradicts a side comment by the OP.

  564. songbird says:

    Someone made a parody of the new Assassin’s Creed game where you steal a bicycle in the first five minutes.

    •�Thanks: A123
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  565. Mr. Hack says:

    He has escaped the YHWH trap

    The trap that promises its followers immortality in paradise?

    God became man so that man could become god.

    What does your god promise you?

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  566. QCIC says:
    @Torna atrás

    Much of what has passed is part of the fertile soil for whatever comes next.

    After 1991, Soviet-developed science and engineering knowledge helped nurture the growth of space access technology in the USA, China, India, North and South Korea, Europe and probably Japan.

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
  567. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Probably 10 people in space right now. If space were rejuvenating, would be at least 10,000.

  568. LatW says:

    You casual non-criticism of killing those speaking Russian is your ethically challenged shortcoming -not mine.

    This just sounds a bit dense, sorry. There was no non-criticism, if you remember my posting history, I have been nothing but appalled by the killings and bombings by Russia in Eastern Ukraine. I simply posed a question: how many Russian speakers have been killed by Putin so far? This is all on the backdrop of RusFed having complained for years about the “treatment of Russian speakers in the Baltics”. And then they go and literally kill Russian speakers in Ukraine, same as they did to the Syrians. Does the Kremlin even view them as co-ethnics fully? I guess they don’t object killing of co-ethnics for a “worthy” cause.

    A multi-polar world doesn’t mean the expansion of the Russian world or Russian influence. There are more than enough takers to fill the newly created vacuums. As I stated, the RusFed gained territory, but those lands are now rather devastated and depopulated. It’s nothing to gloat about, it’s sad.

    Trumps’ policy on migration doesn’t specifically target Russians and Belarusians.

    Not specifically, but they were included in the list of “non-desirables”. Right? That’s surprising, given Trump’s love of Putin. 🙂 I actually don’t like that – I think Maga Americans should greet and accept more Russians whom they love and admire so much.

    Once again, Russia hasn’t economically suffered since 2/24/22 when compared to the Collective West

    They have not “suffered” as much (although inflation has raged) because they have a huge war economy now. It’s artificial stimulus from the state. I’m talking about something else. Russia used to be quite accepted in some parts of Europe, now they are a pariah. And to rebuild this trust, if even possible, will take a long time, even if some are trying.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Mikhail
    , @Beckow
  569. LatW says:
    @Mr. Hack

    On the map, it says Venti near Chernihiv. Interesting. That name again.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  570. LatW says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Where’s my ignore button? You’re just not aware of what I’m talking about, you have no first hand experience with it. Surkov said “God willing”, he now needs God’s help for things that were a given in the post-USSR world (wide spread of the Russian language, trade, etc), before the invasion.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @QCIC
  571. A123 says: •�Website

    @ emil nikola richard

    Where’s my ignore button?

    It is at the top of the thread above Comment #1.

    I placed ENR on my Ignore list some time ago. He hurls insults to derail civil discourse. You should announce the block publicly. Once he knows that his trolling goes unread, he will no longer try to engage with your posts.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Disagree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  572. Mr. Hack says:

    Very soon you’ll only be left with yourself to read and appreciate. I find ENR an interesting commenter here, and never seem to have any problems with him.

  573. Mr. Hack says:

    Perhaps another spelling for the Slavic tribe Venedi?…

    •�Replies: @LatW
  574. QCIC says:
    @Torna atrás

    I thought this was going to be about the Tesla stock price.

    •�LOL: Torna atrás
  575. LatW says:
    @Mr. Hack

    That’s the spelling we use in my country (for a dialect and a type of local Curonian culture).

    This is interesting:

  576. QCIC says:

    ENR’s original point seems to be that it is difficult to seriously damage an economy (Russia) which is dependent on exporting a highly-valued fungible commodity like oil and gas. If you cut their exports or production the market price goes way up and everyone hates you. Otherwise someone buys their product and they still get paid with some discount for the hassle factor created by your meddling in the market. The main way to reduce their revenue is to first either greatly increase supply or greatly reduce demand, neither of which is practical in the case of Russian oil and gas.

    Trump probably wants to fix this painful economic relationship with Russia so the oil price shocks caused by pressuring Iran will be less severe. I suspect Team Trump would also like to bring Venezuela back into the fold for the same general reason and also to divert any Venezuelan oil away from China.

    If you can’t handle ENR’s very mild snark then maybe you need some more time in the mountains (don’t we all?).

    •�Replies: @LatW
  577. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    This is apparently a critique of people being spergy about IQ written by a spergy person.

    The author of the “70 IQ list” may be dismayed to learn that some of those items belong on the 100 IQ list.

  578. LatW says:

    ENR’s original point seems to be that it is difficult to seriously damage an economy (Russia) which is dependent on exporting a highly-valued fungible commodity like oil and gas.

    While this is true (and I already mentioned “some trade is still ongoing” and obviously they have Asia), it is also true that Gazprom experienced rather notable revenue losses in 2023 and 2024. If you knew something about the region, you would also know that Gazprom money goes into cultural projects to promote “the Russian world” and to create tools for promoting this “Russian world” (or artificially propped up sports projects such as the KHL where money is paid from Gazprom, not from ticket revenue).

    And my point was not so much about oil and gas in particular, but the overall economic cooperation between Russia and the EU. Prior to 2022, this cooperation was getting stronger, and it was going up – if someone on the Russian side wanted this expansion of one important element of the so called “Russian world” to continue, then they should not have started a large war on the EU’s doorstep. Because that stopped that trend rather abruptly.

    Trump probably wants to fix this painful economic relationship with Russia so the oil price shocks caused by pressuring Iran will be less severe.

    No, this whole new US policy turn is very much in line with their interests and what they have done in the last 150 years, the US’s strategic goals align more with Russia than Europe. They always bailed Russia out at the toughest moment when Russia was on the brink of being destroyed (similarly as the US prevented the Ukrainian offensive in 2022 from succeeded by stopping aid at the most critical moment). This is geopolitics, not mere oil & gas prices.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  579. Dmitry says:

    e German descent of the later Romanovs.

    They are not “German descent”, but simply a German family that work in Russia on their property, if we are writing honestly, even they can only marry a native German woman in Germany every generation.

    Like in the 19th century, British families owned tea plantations in India, even sometimes they use Indian style of names for their children.*

    The letters between the family. They write in English and they call each other names like “my sweet kugel”.

    *Maybe, is one the reasons the non-visual elite culture can develop with creative originality in the Russian empire (although the painting is mediocre compared), as the owners of the company are not-Russian culturally, they are not so interested in micromanagement of Russian culture at least in the highest level of the emperor. So, Russian literature and music can develop more organically in the Russian empire, without the same level of direct micromanagement interfering from the Russian empire’s owner, which is oppressive to elite art in Soviet times.

  580. Republicans at Fox switch to endorsing Tesla:

    Wow they switched to electric cars faster than their switch to gay marriage.

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
    , @LatW
    , @QCIC
  581. Mikhail says: •�Website

    You casual non-criticism of killing those speaking Russian is your ethically challenged shortcoming -not mine.

    This just sounds a bit dense, sorry. There was no non-criticism, if you remember my posting history, I have been nothing but appalled by the killings and bombings by Russia in Eastern Ukraine. I simply posed a question: how many Russian speakers have been killed by Putin so far? This is all on the backdrop of RusFed having complained for years about the “treatment of Russian speakers in the Baltics”. And then they go and literally kill Russian speakers in Ukraine, same as they did to the Syrians. Does the Kremlin even view them as co-ethnics fully? I guess they don’t object killing of co-ethnics for a “worthy” cause.

    A multi-polar world doesn’t mean the expansion of the Russian world or Russian influence. There are more than enough takers to fill the newly created vacuums. As I stated, the RusFed gained territory, but those lands are now rather devastated and depopulated. It’s nothing to gloat about, it’s sad.

    The use of dense is projection. I know you express displeasure when Ukrainian civilians die as a result of collateral damage caused by Russia. On the other hand, you don’t express such when the Kiev regime kills pro-Russians, whether Russian or otherwise.

    The Kiev regime is the party culpable for the killings. They lied about the Minsk Accords agreement it signed which at the time was a very reasonable course. In the week leading up to the SMO, OSCE observers noted a sharp increase of Kiev regime shelling of rebel Donbass territory. A war like situation was already evident in the years between the SMO and the Minsk Accords signing. During that period (2015-2022), the Kiev regime killed hundreds and quite likely thousands of citizens in rebel held Donbass.

    There’s mistreatment of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia, even though that population base voted to separate from the USSR. The Estonian heading the EU in foreign affairs is an anti-Russian dimwit who isn’t taken seriously by Washington and Moscow.

    In Syria, Russia fought Jihadist extremists in support of a secular government that was preferred by Christians there. The brilliance of Russian diplomacy is shown by how the new regime there doesn’t look good, with Russia not having been completely dislodged from Syria. Syria didn’t vote for the most recent pro-Kiev regime resolution at the UN General Assembly.

    Since 2/24/22, the civilian death toll in the NATO proxy war against Russia is less that of the Israeli action in Gaza. The latter involves a lesser time period and population base.

    A multi-polar world suits Russia fine much unlike what the neocons, neolibs and svidos prefer. If you’re able to do so, take off your overly subjective and inaccurate blinders and pay attention to what’s said here in a discussion involving erudite military/geopolitical analysts from the US and UK:

    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @A123
  582. Dmitry says:

    In the 19th century, the Romanov family use at least four languages.

    They use the English language as their main writing language for internal communication.

    Within family letters, are written in English.

    For example, in the external communications in the Russian empire, the last emperor was called “Nikolai”.

    But for himself, he isn’t called this, or “Kolya”. The real name of the emperor, was “Nicky” in the English way. The empress’s real name was “Alix”.

    For example, when the emperor writes, he is “Nicky”.

    The children of the last emperor used the Russian names in their internal communication, but the language of the family for internal letters was English. For example, when they write to their parents.

    Thank you for the recordings.

    I think this sound of 19th century confidence of the voices is impossible to fake, you could guess just from the confidence of their voice these people are the autocrats.

    Does anyone sound this confidently today like the 19th century emperor?

    The most similar power today maybe Kim Jong Il or Mohammed bin Salman.

    But, even Kim Jong Il, only has one generation of power. And he owns his own Korean people, while the Romanovs owned an empire of a hundred million of linguistic, cultural and ethnic foreigners, including owning their branch of the religion of the largest groups (the Russians and Ukrainians), it was perhaps an even greater flex.

    •�Thanks: sudden death, LatW, AP
    •�Replies: @LatW
  583. Mikhail says: •�Website
    @John Johnson

    They’re expressing outrage at the terrorism being committed, while not necessarily being so gung-ho on electric cars. That’s a noble stance in line with the time when the ACLU supported the Nazis’ right to hold a demonstration.

    On the other hand, the censoring stance taken on some of the pro-Palestinian protestors is a contradiction to that position.

  584. @Torna atrás

    Donald the Fat’s grandkids’ baby mama is a mud shark. Has anybody told her not to let Tiger stick it in her without a condom?

    How many of Diddy’s parties is she at on the video?

    Tiger Woods might be the only negro in America who claims he ain’t a negro.

  585. LatW says:
    @John Johnson

    Just Jews peddling their wares.

    All these politicians, media… they’re all for sale, or at least a large percentage of them. How quickly the media folded and submitted to the new administration, was a sight to behold… not all but many of them. It’s pathetic.

    There is new media now on the Democrat side, such as Meidas Touch (but it has a light progressive slant). These might replace the old media.

    I was interested for a while in that Flippy robot, I wonder if it is better than Musk’s expensive one. And Ukraine has robots, too.

    Wow they switched to electric cars faster than their switch to gay marriage.

    Yea, Vance even uses terms like “a normal gay guy” (meaning, a non-flamboyant one who is not a leftie), because he is owned by the homosexual sugar daddy Thiel. No, dude, that’s an oxymoron – there is no such thing as a “normal gay guy”. Just the lengths to which they will go – to supplicate their owners and the ultra rich…

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  586. @Bashibuzuk

    without any doubt

    You do not enhance your arguments by going overboard.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
  587. LatW says:

    Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia, even though that population base voted to separate from the USSR.

    Come on, they did not, at least, not the majority of them. Most of them did not want to separate from the USSR (especially mentally), yet they wanted the European goodies and higher living standards than in Russia or Belarus. Do not peddle half-truths or outright lies.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  588. Mr. Hack says:
    @Torna atrás

    Thorfinnson? Looks more like Yevardian, yet another sacrifice to the annals of time?…

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  589. A123 says: •�Website

    The Kiev regime is the party culpable for the killings. They lied about the Minsk Accords agreement it signed which at the time was a very reasonable course. In the week leading up to the SMO, OSCE observers noted a sharp increase of Kiev regime shelling of rebel Donbass territory. A war like situation was already evident in the years between the SMO and the Minsk Accords signing. During that period (2015-2022), the Kiev regime killed hundreds and quite likely thousands of citizens in rebel held Donbass.

    I concur.

    Another war crime by Kiev was the construction of the Collective Punishment Dam targeting the civilians of Crimea. Farmers suffered worst, but it affected others too.

    Some commenters here have tried claiming that “Collective Punishment is legal”. That immortality cannot ever be acceptable. To the extent such a case is made, it simply proves that the law as written is wrong & thus void.

    Since 2/24/22, the civilian death toll in the NATO proxy war against Russia is less that of the Israeli action in Gaza. The latter involves a lesser time period and population base.

    The original October 7 genocide attack by Hamas was horrific. This necessitated the Israeli Hostage Rescue SMO.

    When wars happen, civilians flee over national borders. The fighting in Ukraine has led to refugees in Russia, Poland, Germany, and other nations further afield. As a concept, Christian refugees heading to Christian nations.

    The scenario in Gaza unprecedented. Muslim refugees were not allowed to flee to Muslim nations. Instead, Islamic countries serve as camp guards keeping their coreligionists in maximum danger. This is further exacerbated by Hamas who use these trapped and vulnerable people as Human Shields. Hamas is culpable for the killing of Gaza’s civilians.

    Fundamentally, Russia and Palestinian Jews will continue their respective SMO’s until they win or there is an acceptable peace deal. The Ukrainian administration and Muslim colonists are making the final outcome worse for their people by extending unwinnable fights.

    Both should head to the negotiating table to make substantial concessions, but neither seems willing to do so. This is in large part they receive foreign cash and material to continue their unprovoked aggression. Cutting off (or at least substantially reducing) funds to Gaza and Kiev would do much to push peace talks forward.

    PEACE 😇

  590. @LatW

    Yea, Vance even uses terms like “a normal gay guy” (meaning, a non-flamboyant one who is not a leftie), because he is owned by the homosexual sugar daddy Thiel. No, dude, that’s an oxymoron – there is no such thing as a “normal gay guy”. Just the lengths to which they will go – to supplicate their owners and the ultra rich…

    Thiel is just your average run of the mill gay billionaire libertarian globalist who funds Republican candidates.

    “The Democrats are funded by billionaire globalists” – A Republican

    •�Replies: @LatW
  591. LatW says:
    @John Johnson

    Thiel is just your average run of the mill gay billionaire libertarian globalist who funds Republican candidates.

    That’s right. Nothing to see here, move along. 🙂 Oh, the much younger (paid) boyfriend fell out the window? Bummer.

    But let’s impose project 2025 on everyone and make everyone a religious fundy. Oh wait… except our Hindu friends and family. Kash Patel can swear on Bhagavad Gita not the Bible.

    “The Democrats are funded by billionaire globalists” – A Republican

    How is Musk not a globalist? When he has factories in China. And wants to sell in the EU (oh wait… the sales fell by 94% in Germany, what happened… must be the fault of the “nasty Euro globalists”).

    Just don’t let them privatize the national parks.

  592. Dmitry says:

    In terms of the sociology, the Palestinian Christian are a type of marginal Arabs, who are living as a minority within the Arab Muslim or Druze villages*, without their own culture and usually being hazed or suspected of disloyalty.

    If you rent the car in Israel, you can’t drive to a “Christian village”, as the “Christian villages” don’t exist in Israel. But you can drive to the Druze villages and even the Circassian village, as these nationalities have their own villages. Even Samaritans have a village. Even African Americans living in Israel have their own village. But the Christians are living as a marginal Arab.

    They have some degree of independence in 20th century political ideologies, as Arab Christian are often the leaders of the far-left communist political parties, internationalist and secular movements. For example, the communist politicians in Israel, are usually Christians like Tawfik Toubi.

    But they are supported to be “loyal” to the nationality of their village. They are not an independent nationality, as they are marginals living as a minority in the Muslim villages.**

    When the Arab Christians want to become like modern Israeli Jews, they are also having problems.

    There is a documentary about their situation when they try to join the IDF. As the elders of the village say, they often have an “identity crisis”. They begin to identify as Jews from the mainstream national culture, while their position in the village is the same as a Muslim Arab.

    2:50 the Christian boy has an Israeli flag, in an Arab village. It’s the best way to become unpopular in your village.

    Outside Palestine – Lebanese Christian Falangists were allies of Israel IIRC.

    Maronites in Lebanon have even their own larger cities, they are like an independent nationality. They often partly French culturally, like the Jews in Algeria

    But the sides in the Lebanese civil war are extremely complicated.

    Some Maronites supported Israel. But even Maronites were often fighting against each other.

    Some of the Orthodox Christian villages were supporting Israel, some of the Orthodox Christian villages were supporting Syria.

    Eventually thousands of the Maronite fighters have to be settled in Israel, after the IDF exit Lebanon, as they are viewed as traitors within Lebanon.

    If you believe in the concept of the “Arab nation”, they are like a kind of “fifth column”. But within the civil war when Maronites are often fighting against Syrians and Palestinians, their situation was more complicated.

    *Individualism and independent views are difficult in the village. Village views are collective. The individualism and political independence historically are with the development of cities, for example in Ancient Greece.

    **Druze are more independent and nationally confident, not neurotic, as they have their own village.

    You can compare to the situation of Jewish minorities in Europe, which have both the situation similar to Druze and to Christians.

    Historically, in the Central and Eastern Europe, Jews often have their own village. Within their own village, they developed a very rich and independent Yiddish culture, called “Yiddishkeit”. But when Jews live in Christian village and city, they just become sociologically a kind of marginal Russian, marginal Ukrainian, marginal Pole, without their own culture.

    This is the “rootless cosmopolitan”, which is the situation of the educated or secular Christian in the Arab world.

    •�Replies: @AP
  593. LatW says:

    So what was the first language of Nikolai (which language did he speak first as a child)? English or German? Must be English then? There is one voice recording of Nikolai commanding troops and he has a slight accent, but it’s hard to tell if it’s English or German accent.

  594. A123 says: •�Website

    But let’s impose project 2025 on everyone

    Who keeps telling you about Project 2025? You have been badly misled. It is:

    NOT connected to MAGA, Trump, or Vance.
    • A collection of pieces by an outside think tank, the Heritage Foundation.

    Heritage has been around for a while and is far too corporatist to be linked to populist MAGA. Trump is explicitly on record NOT supporting Project 2025.

    PEACE 😇

  595. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    promises its followers immortality in paradise?

    YHWH didn’t promise that in the beta version of the Abrahamic creed, that is 1st Temple Judaism. There was no paradise, just fulfillment of man’s aspirations here on earth. Paradise (a word of Persian origin that means simply “garden” exactly as Jennah in Arabic) is directly inspired by Mazda Yasna’s Garden of Light.

    What does your god promise you?

    Please define God.


    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Sher Singh
  596. Dmitry says:

    After the 19th century, the dialectic between the slave and the master and the progressive synthesis of the two with the development of the later historical stages, was usually described in relation to the discoveries of Hegel and the further research project by Marx-Engels.

    Today, the same model is still believed, when people will usually imagine the development of robots and machine learning, called “artificial intelligence” as a marketing strategy, as the next stage of the dialectic, with different opinions if the robots will be the master or the slave (probably depending on the peoples’ preference for different Hollywood films like Terminator or Bladerunner, which is the peak of the cultural level of most people in the technology industry).

    So, the simple scheme could be like.

    Most of the people will believe, we are still in a bourgeois capitalist stage of history.

    Answer to the popular culture question today, if robots, would introduce a new stage, or just be another means of production, depends on the detail of the technology. For example, would the robots be viewed as additional subjects, or just a capital input etc.

    But in the kind of scenario when the robots will be objects, that just provide a vast source of additional productivity, then you could imagine there it will continue to be greater classless homogenization among the humans, i.e. probably would be like further precondition for communism in the Marx-Engels scheme. .

  597. QCIC says:

    I think the current US policy is so focussed on Israel and China that the policies toward Russia will have to adapt and support the geopolitical goals related to the nations our leaders view as a higher priority.

    The world economic situation with respect to China is fascinating. Restoring American and European industries is valuable because I believe people need to do something productive in their lives and work has filled this role for most people at most times. I don’t think it has to be that way forever, but people will need to adapt. However, bringing jobs home from China will make most things more expensive.

    If the petrodollar goes away, Prices for Chinese goods will rise for Americans. This will tend to reshore jobs, but prices will stilll be higher across the board. The windows of opportunity for Europe and Russia to compete with China are rapidly closing as well. The singularity changes this in the sense that technological progress drives production costs toward zero while demand increases without limit as well.

    I think Surkov was acknowledging some of the points you made about alienating EU neighbors in his comment that Russians will look inward. In general, do you think his rhetoric is sincere or is he more transactional?

    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @A123
  598. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    Widespread electric cars make nuclear power inevitable and maybe even coal.

    Some hard right person tweeted they are going to buy a Cybertruck and paint swastikas on it. They can pull it off because people will assume the symbols were painted on by deranged TDS sufferers. 🙂

    Is MDS a thing yet? (Musk Derangement Syndrome)

  599. LatW says:

    This will tend to reshore jobs, but prices will stilll be higher across the board.

    To restart industries in the US will take time, Americans build fast and they set up businesses fast when money is available, but the workforce will need to be educated and stimulated (technical education and willingness to do tough industrial jobs like in the 80s or earlier). The “White working class”, as Vance calls them, some of them have health issues, quite frankly. This could take decades.

    In general, do you think his rhetoric is sincere or is he more transactional?

    He’s quite sincere and blunt. His position is very consistently that of a Russian imperialist, in that regard there is nothing new there.

    However, the Russian imperialist position is based partly on desirables (hotelki), a wishlist, not necessarily on realism. That’s why he says “God willing” – it is mostly hopes and goals, or rather intentions, not something that is present or will come to pass. It is more of an imperative. But the Russians do possess a significant resource to carry out at least some of these intentions. It’s just that their overall ambitions are too high (control over half of Europe, control over Central Asia, etc).

    I already listed where he was a bit delusional – e.g., he’s not wrong from the pov of a Russian imperialist, but he is wrong about reality. Why this is important? Because one makes mistakes when ignoring reality. Such as when Putin (and our Toly) assumed that Ukrainians would not resist a Russian invasion. You take steps based on such mistaken assumptions or wrong calculations and you end up in an overreach, get entangled in a big mess and the longer you stay in that mess, the risks start increasing that you can lead yourself into a calamity. This happened before 1917. A war of empires turned into a civil war. It’s like drowning in a swamp, or a whirlpool that drags you in.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  600. A123 says: •�Website

    However, bringing jobs home from China will make most things more expensive.

    If the petrodollar goes away, Prices for Chinese goods will rise for Americans. This will tend to reshore jobs, but prices will stilll be higher across the board

    A stronger dollar (and associated F/X saving) works against this effect. Trump’s 1st term tariffs were deflationary.

    There will be specific products that go up. The bulk will be flat to slightly down. And, some imported goods/industries that are not being brought onshore will be substantially cheaper.

    There will need to be tweaks along the way to deal with specific constraints. However, a long term move to proper reciprocal tariffs, managed trade, and decoupling from Asia are actions that will reduce prices and improve employment. It is a virtuous cycle.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  601. Beckow says:

    …I have been nothing but appalled by the killings and bombings by Russia in Eastern Ukraine.

    It’s about the Ukrainian Russians who were killed and bombed by the post-Maidan Kiev government with an enthusiastic support of many Ukies – especially the ones in Galicia and Kiev. According to UN 2.6k Russian civilians were killed, was that ok?

    What we are seeing now is the inevitable consequence of those crimes by Kiev. Russia waited 8 years to see if the Ukies and EU come to their senses and actually behave normally – the idea that a government aspiring to EU can kill 2.6k of its own citizens and be celebrated in Brussels is a bit too much. The excuse that they were “separatists” doesn’t hold water – they have lived there for 100-200 years, spoke Russian and after Maidan Kiev as its first law banned the Russian language in schools and offices. Ukraine went from a normal semi-bilingual country to a forced mono-ethnic nightmare.

    Predictably it’s not ending well for the nationalist Ukies, Balts should learn from it – live an let live, Russians are as human as you are. Scaring people with “Russians are coming!” is absurd and getting old. Trump is trying to fix it, it’s best for all sides if he succeeds.

    •�Replies: @AP
  602. @Dmitry

    Hollywood films like Terminator or Bladerunner, which is the peak of the cultural level of most people in the technology industry

    You left out The Matrix. It’s Baudrillard!

    Those are fine graphics. How many times in real life have you used negation of the negation? I think I spent 6 or 7 years wanting to spring that on somebody but the opportunity never arose.

  603. songbird says:

    Zendaya’s father had his first child at 14. Six official children altogether, but only one mulatta.

    Dysgenics is real.

    I think it is also noteworthy that she is marrying the actor who played Spiderman.

    To be Spiderman, he probably had to agree to both be in a gay film and marry Zendaya.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  604. Bashibuzuk says:

    Surkov is a Noviop, how can he ever be a Russian imperialist?

    You are aware that he wrote a postmodern novel that can be interpreted as 88th level trolling of the RF elite?

    Finally, when he was in charge of the LDNR, he was accused by the nationalists, imperialists and patriots of all stripes as being responsible for the curtailing of the “Russian Spring”. Doesn’t seem very patriotic, right?

    •�Replies: @LatW
  605. LatW says:

    Surkov is a Noviop, how can he ever be a Russian imperialist?

    Why can’t a Noviop be an imperialist? It fits their interests, since they can extract more wealth and influence and even receive gratification from conquests. Otherwise, why would they do it? They still have greed and egotism and the country can be an instrument for them.

    You are aware that he wrote a postmodern novel that can be interpreted as 88th level trolling of the RF elite?

    No, I wasn’t aware of that, I don’t follow him that closely. Just because he wrote such a novel, doesn’t mean he does not believe in those things he said in the interview. That he is entitled to the Ukrainian land (to him, it is “Russian soil” and it is ok to murder to claim it) or that he believes that Russia should spread its influence, by military means if needed. Those are all old school imperialist notions. The veneers can be different – monarchist, Soviet, Noviop.

    Finally, when he was in charge of the LDNR, he was accused by the nationalists, imperialists and patriots of all stripes as being responsible for the curtailing of the “Russian Spring”. Doesn’t seem very patriotic, right?

    What exactly was the criticism? And at which stage?

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  606. I read everything except anonymous comments and replies-to-anonymous comments in the first Sailerville Open Thread.

    1. I didn’t see any of yuze. (youse? yous? I do not believe we yet have a stable spelling of this slang.) I didn’t see any of youze.

    2. Probably pent up demand but there were a lot of comments in a short time and Mr. Unz had a barrier entry that the user needed 25 approved Sailerville comments in last 15 months for freedom from moderation. I did not qualify. Comments requiring moderation went over one hell of a lot quicker than Sailer ever moderated that I saw.

    3. Signal to noise ratio was passable. I did not read any anonymous or anonymous-replied comments.

    4. One comment was apex. There is a medical journal report on gila monster venom where the authors infer negative cognitive side effects. Their evidence is patients going on the gila monster venom and subsequently divorcing, quitting their job, or moving within twelve months. Heh.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  607. @LatW

    If a person is Russian and they are an Imperialist does that make them a Russian Imperialist?


    •�Replies: @LatW
  608. @LatW

    “The Democrats are funded by billionaire globalists” – A Republican

    How is Musk not a globalist? When he has factories in China. And wants to sell in the EU (oh wait… the sales fell by 94% in Germany, what happened… must be the fault of the “nasty Euro globalists”).

    A hilarious irony that has been mocked by late night shows.


    •�Replies: @QCIC
  609. @songbird

    Dysgenics is real.

    Well our Christian conservative right and liberal left are in agreement that you are wrong.

    You’re either a nasty racist or a godless Darwinist. Whichever side is condemning you.

    In any case you are wrong and the True Science authorities have placed you on the suspicious persons list. Science has spoken.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  610. @A123

    A stronger dollar (and associated F/X saving) works against this effect. Trump’s 1st term tariffs were deflationary.

    Are you expecting the tariffs on Canada to reduce inflation?

    And, some imported goods/industries that are not being brought onshore will be substantially cheaper.

    Like what?

  611. LatW says:
    @emil nikola richard

    If a person is Russian and they are an Imperialist does that make them a Russian Imperialist?

    That’s just a term. They don’t have to be an ethnic Russian (Surkov isn’t). But it’s not just nominal, because Russian imperialism actually promotes Russification. Don’t try to let them off the hook for their supremacism.

    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  612. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia, even though that population base voted to separate from the USSR.

    Come on, they did not, at least, not the majority of them. Most of them did not want to separate from the USSR (especially mentally), yet they wanted the European goodies and higher living standards than in Russia or Belarus. Do not peddle half-truths or outright lies.

    If I correctly recall, the results showed they did in overall terms vote for secession. They did so on account of the USSR appearing weak, combined with the notion that Latvia and Estonia would do well when independent.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  613. AP says:

    In terms of the sociology, the Palestinian Christian are a type of marginal Arabs, who are living as a minority within the Arab Muslim or Druze villages*, without their own culture and usually being hazed or suspected of disloyalty.

    If you rent the car in Israel, you can’t drive to a “Christian village”, as the “Christian villages” don’t exist in Israel. But you can drive to the Druze villages and even the Circassian village, as these nationalities have their own villages. Even Samaritans have a village. Even African Americans living in Israel have their own village. But the Christians are living as a marginal Arab.

    But historically there were many Christian villages in Palestine.

    If these do not exist currently, it is for three reasons:

    1. Jewish settlers took the land and kicked them out.
    2. They found it easier to emigrate to the West than Muslim Palestinians do.
    3. They have lower birth rate than their Muslim neighbors.

    Here is a Christian village that was ethnically cleansed by Jews:


    At the time of their eviction in November 1948, there were 491 citizens in Iqrit, including 432 Melkites (Greek Catholics), inhabiting the entire area of the village. Some of the 59 Muslims of the village rented their homes in Iqrit while others had built houses in esh-Shafaya.

    The town of Bethlehem was 85% Christian in 1947:


    The 1945 village statistics list Bethlehem’s population as 8,820 (6,430 Christians, 2,370 Muslims, and 20 “other”)

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @QCIC
    , @Dmitry
  614. AP says:

    According to UN 2.6k Russian civilians were killed, was that ok?

    They were killed because Russia started a civil war/invasion of Ukraine in 2014. It’s not ok that Russia did that.

    What we are seeing now is the inevitable consequence of those crimes by Kiev

    Russia killing 10x more or 20x more Russian-speaking Ukrainians than Kiev did, transforming Ukraine into a monolinguistic country where Russian recedes because Russian speakers are either killed, or driven into exile because their cities are ruined.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  615. songbird says:
    @John Johnson

    Galton was actually born in Birmingham, and his family fortune came from it via the industrial revolution.

    I wonder what Chesterton would say today about eugenics, if he were alive. Back when he wrote against it, many of the people for it seem to have been radical leftists.

    To a certain extent, I think his fears of an atheistic state that promotes scientism have been borne out. There are also a few people saying crazy things now, like we should make superblacks but ban everyone else from using it.

    But I wonder whether he would be able to acknowledge that people are getting dumber, and it is going to create a major crisis.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  616. Bashibuzuk says:

    Russian imperialism actually promotes Russification.

    Does it really?

    Напомним, что Рамзан Кадыров и Владислав Сурков являются названными братьями, о чем не забыл напомнить глава Чечни. “Сурков в самые тяжелые, трудные и трагические для чеченского народа времена поддерживал первого президента Чеченской республики Ахмата-хаджи Кадырова и мне оказывал помощь, когда я обращался, и делал это, в первую очередь, в интересах России и ее благополучия”, – заявил Кадыров. “Он, по-прежнему, останется моим названным братом”, – добавил он. Напомним, что, по некоторым данным, Сурков имеет чеченское происхождение.


    Is there currently Russification ongoing in the Caucasus ?

    Were the Goths Roman Imperialist?

    The Varangian guard Byzantine Imperialist?

    The Circassian Mameluks Arab Imperialists?

    •�Replies: @LatW
  617. LatW says:

    I don’t have time to look for the exact numbers right now but in Latvia only about a half of them voted for the re-establishment of independence, while a sizable part actively agitated against it as part of the so called Interfront (The international front, in opposition to the pro-independence People’s front), an organization led by a Russian speaking Jewess. You don’t know this but all throughout the decades since 1991, the local Russian press has regularly stoked tensions and hatred against the core population.


    Anyway, that’s ancient history now. My point was that it is hypocritical of Kremlin to complain about the Russian speakers in the Baltics, when they were ready to kill Russian speakers in Ukraine and have done this in large numbers. It’s obvious they are willing to sacrifice these groups, if conditions call for it, when they want to reach their imperialist goals. And now Surkov says he wants to continue this indefinitely.

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  618. LatW says:

    Does it really?

    The USSR, a form of Russian imperialism, did this in Ukraine, Caucasus, the Baltics. The results are dismal and one of the reasons for the current war.

    As to those particular Chechens, they are servants of the empire, not of their homelands. That has happened a lot in history. The Kadyrov family was violently forced to submit to the Kremlin and chose to do this to preserve the live force of their nation. That doesn’t mean that their native nations approve of their beliefs or actions.

    Is there currently Russification ongoing in the Caucasus ?

    No, because the Chechens threw out the Russians during their brief stint of independence in the 1990s. In Ichkeria there seems to be a deal struck were they were conquered but Putin agreed to leave them alone culturally, with Kadyrov serving as the enforcer of Putin’s imperial will. You know very well that the Kadyrovs are viewed as traitors in Ichkeria. And you know that it took immense force and savage fighting to put them in these conditions. And there is actually distortion and destruction of their indigenous culture taking place, because Kadyrov is imposing a form of Islam on them that is not their native form.

    And I wasn’t talking so much about Surkov’s ethnicity, but of his words. If he is saying that Russia, God willing, will continue to enforce the so called “Russian world” anywhere it sees fit, including by military means, that is very aggressive, imperialist language. He is at least honest.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  619. A123 says: •�Website

    The town of Bethlehem was 85% Christian in 1947:


    You are correct. I have posted multiple time about Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians from Bethlehem.

    Everyone serious recognizes the dire problem in Muslim occupied Judea & Samaria. Bashi’s whole hearted cheering for genocide of Christians is typical of his worship of the Anti-Christ Muhammad.

    Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Christians generally get along. Thus, there is no driver for isolationist & exclusive “Christian villages” on the Israeli side of the line.

    PEACE 😇

  620. AP says:

    I have posted it before, but I will do it again:

    I missed it, thanks for repeating.

    The idea that Jesus became a Buddhist in Egypt is interesting but very speculative. I first heard this from a friend 30 years ago, a Burmese exile who had studied in a Buddhist monastery.

    So it is less relevant for considering Jesus in the contest of Persia.

    In the Book of Job, dating to 1st Temple Judaism, the sons of God are summoned to the Heaven to discuss earthly affairs, Satan is one of them.

    The Persians taught the Jews to worship the Persian God, but they allowed the Jews to use the name of the god they had previously worshipped when doing so. And they also retained the old stories. But the faith had changed fundamentally. The old faith did not even have an afterlife, for example, nor was the old god universal like the one that the Persians knew.

    Perhaps the Jews were taught the Persian faith, because the One True God wanted to incarnate among the Jews? In this way, His faith spread amongst the Greeks, Romans, and throughout the world.

    the Saoshyant is not a son of God in the Mazda Yasna.

    Jesus was not only the son but also the incarnation of God. And also a son of Man.

    Saoshyant was also supposed to be born of a virgin. Although his father was supposed to be Zarathustra, through a seed preserved by angels. The angel Gabriel told Mary something different:


    Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary.

    And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”

    But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was.

    Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.

    And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS.

    He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.

    And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”

    Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”

    And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.


    I am not troubled by contradictions here and there. People are fallible, details may not have been recorded perfectly; the Persian texts are centuries older than the Christian ones. But it seems obvious, given the history and the congruencies, that it is the same God and most likely the same person. The three Magi were not wrong.

    The link to Buddhism is much more of a stretch.

    Our Lord Jesus is/was a Great Bodhisattva that despite his (re)birth as a Semite has followed in the footsteps of the Great Sage of the Scythian Sakas, the descendant of the Solar Dynasty, Siddharta Gautama.

    The incarnation of God is far greater than a mere follower in the footsteps of the great Scythian prince. You are demoting Him.

    A descendant of the Indo-European peoples doesn’t need to follow a Semitic religion that has made a Great Boddhisattva into just another god.

    Jesus was not “just another god” but the incarnation and son of the One True God. Not merely an avatar, not a great teacher, but God made flesh.

    This is unique.

    He is Light of Light, True God of True God.

    The same God, called Ahura Mazda by the Persians, was also Light.

    And – it is not a Semitic religion. The universal God was not the Semitic one, and the Church that He founded was developed and grew, through the Holy Spirit, for 2,000 years amongst non-Semites including, for more than 1,000 years, by your (our) own people. So if one seeks the faith of one’s ancestors, there is no need to look for a half-brother in India. We already have it.

    Islam and Judaism (after the destruction of the Temple, Judaism underwent a lot of changes and seems to have reverted more something more like its pre-Persian faith) are Semitic religions.

    Christianity is much more than that.

    Do as you wish, but I pray that you will return home.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  621. Beckow says:

    …Russia started a civil war/invasion of Ukraine in 2014

    Civil war requires two sides in the same country…why did Kiev take away the Russian minority language rights after Maidan? Would France stay quiet if the Flemish majority in Belgium would ban the French language in offices-schools? You know the answer….Internal disputes don’t allow the government to kill 2.6k of its own citizens because they are asking for equal rights. That’s why Ukraine will shrink.

    Russian speakers are either killed…

    You like that, don’t you? You would like all of them dead or gone. Unfortunately for you the dead are majority Ukies – POWs are 80-90% Ukies, casualties must be similar. Only a few thousand civilians were killed in the war, very low number compared to the way NATO fights wars. There are 10 million or more ethnic Russians in Ukraine, this will not destroy them. But the Ukies will end up with a much smaller and emasculated state.

    It’s not pretty and in wars everybody suffers, what matter are the results. What are the odds of a mono-Ukie language 1991-borders-Ukraine in NATO-EU and with no Russian minority? Zero. What are the odds of a rump-Ukraine with half the population of 1991 and neither NATO nor EU? Quite likely…

    •�Replies: @AP
  622. QCIC says:

    This is scary.

    Now you and A123 are almost in agreement, at least on an ad hoc basis! OK, not really. Maybe if you sniff some glue you will get there.

    Who knows what’s next?

  623. Bashibuzuk says:

    The USSR, a form of Russian imperialism, did this in Ukraine, Caucasus, the Baltics.

    USSR was an internationalist state that oppressed Russians as much or more than it oppressed other ethnic groups.

    The first hymn of the Soviet Union was literally the International.

    Jews, Caucasians, Latvians were overrepresented in the top ranks of the early Bolshevik regime compared to the demographic distribution of the ethnic groups in Soviet Union. In comparison, Slavs were underrepresented.

    So how can you call it “a form of Russian Imperialism” ?

    Were Red Latvian riflemen Russian Imperialist ?

    Were the Chinese Bolshevik (that later went back home to continue their fight and form the CCP) Russian Imperialist?

    Were Stalin, Beria, Kamo (Simon Arashkovitch Ter-Petrosyan), Kaganovitch, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Rykov, Dzerdzhinsky (usually described as a Pole with ancestry from Lithuania, but in fact the descendant of Litvak Jewish (Frankist ?) converts to Catholicism), Russian Imperialist?

    If they were, why people were sent to Gulag and shot for “Great Russian Chauvinism” ?

    Why Russian nationalists were shot during the Civil War for “antisemitism” ?

    Why the Bolshevik promoted korenizatsya in Ukraine and Belarus?

    Why didn’t Russian people have their own regional/ethnic Communist Party faction, while all other republics did ?

    You know what happened when ethnic Russian communists tried to organize a Russian faction in Leningrad, right?

    Хотя ранее в 1947 году в СССР была отменена смертная казнь, 29-30 сентября 1950 года центральные фигуранты «Ленинградского дела» были приговорены к смерти и расстреляны сразу же после вынесения приговора.

    So while after 1947, the Soviets did no longer shoot surviving Ukrainian nationalists, but shot ethnic Russian communists who impudently dared asking for a Russian faction inside the CPSU.

    That’s Russian Imperialism and then some… 😉

    •�Agree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Dmitry
    , @LatW
  624. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Anyway, that’s ancient history now. My point was that it is hypocritical of Kremlin to complain about the Russian speakers in the Baltics, when they were ready to kill Russian speakers in Ukraine and have done this in large numbers. It’s obvious they are willing to sacrifice these groups, if conditions call for it, when they want to reach their imperialist goals. And now Surkov says he wants to continue this indefinitely.

    In Latvia, Russian speakers haven’t been killed en masse. That’s not the same in the former Ukrainian SSR prior to 2/24/22.

    Just as post-Soviet Latvia hasn’t been attacked, the same could’ve been so with post-Soviet Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  625. Dmitry says:

    Christian village that was ethnically cleansed by Jews:

    Those are Arabs in the 1948 Arab-Israel war, not an independent side in the war. Arab Christians in Israel are just a marginal type of Arab until recently, they are not an independent nationality, beyond a lower status level of Arabs. Sometimes they were the most loyal to the Arab nationalism movements. The most partisan Palestinians were sometimes from the Arab Christian origin.

    It is the difference between ethnicity and religion. Arabs who are Christian are almost exactly the same people as their Muslim neighbors. They didn’t fight against their own people in 1948 and they were patriotic and loyal Arabs.

    While Circassians in Israel who have the Sunni Muslim religion, but are from a different race, were fighting against the Arabs in 1948. The Sunni Muslim Circassians are Zionists who fight the Arabs, while many of the Arab Christians were Palestinian nationalists.

    Even today, the Arab Christians are part of the Arab nation. They are also even quite tolerated and supported by the Muslim religious Arabs, although also hazed if they will try to separate.*

    The Israel-Arab conflict isn’t a religious war between Jews and Muslims, it’s more like an ethnic war.

    Arabs with Christian origin, were often were the most anti-Israel group in terms of secular Arab nationalism, anti-colonial and anti-communist movements in the Arab world.**

    At the same year of 1948, the Sunni Muslim Circassians were fighting in the Israeli army against the Arabs.

    Circassians are the same sect of the same religion as the majority of Palestinians. But Circassians are a different race from the Palestinians so they strategically choose to fight for Israel against the Arabs in 1948.

    The town of Bethlehem was 85% Christian in 1947:


    The 1945 village statistics list Bethlehem’s population as 8,820 (6,430 Christians, 2,370 Muslims, and 20 “other”)

    The inner city could be Arab Christian as the largest nationality, but the society is Muslim, which is why the Arab Christian is a marginal Arab, who was integrated (without independent culture).

    This is one of the reasons they prefer the secular nationalist, communist and internationalist politics in the 20th century.

    In Cold War, the Arab Christians are often the most aligned with the Soviet Union and they are an important part of the communist politics in all the Arab countries.

    For example, the leaders of the Jordanian communist party are also from the Arab Christian community.

    * In the Islamic religion, Arab Christians are “people of the book” who should be tolerated. In many Arab countries, the Arab Christian is a type of marginal middle man, nerday nationality, who is usually dominating the left-wing politics.

    **Many of the Palestinian militant leaders were historically Arab Christians. For example, George Habash https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Habash

    The inventor of the postcolonial movement and politics in the West, was an Arab Christian called Edward Said, from a middle class Arab origin.

    The Arab Christians were an important of human capital for the Palestinian nationalism, because they were attracted to the secular Arab political movements like pan-Arabism and communism, also they are marginals in their own society so they are not part of the more mainstream, religious or aristocratic Arab politics.

    •�Replies: @AP
    , @A123
  626. Dmitry says:

    So how can you call it “a form of Russian Imperialism” ?

    As we wrote about already today, the owners of the Russian empire after 1762 were German.

    Russian imperialism doesn’t relate to Russian nationalism. It’s historically closer to the opposite of Russian nationalism, as the Russian empire was not based on interest of the titular nationality, but on the interest of the Russian empire which was multinational, owned by non-Russians and becoming transcontinental.

    Russian imperialism was owned by a German family after 1762, while some of the most important 18th century military heroes of Russian imperialism like Peter Bagration are from the ethnicity of later Stalin, which we are talking about the Georgians.

    When Georgia is merging with the Russian empire, the Georgian aristocrats have some of the largest estates in Russia. Just Bagrationi family own tens of thousands of Russian serfs in the early 19th century.

    The Russian imperialism was more supporting the interests of Georgian Bagrationi family, than the tens of thousands of Russian serfs they owned, as the ideology was not prioritizing the interest of the titular nationality, but the interest of the empire and its owners.

    •�Agree: Bashibuzuk
    •�Replies: @LatW
  627. LatW says:

    USSR was an internationalist state that oppressed Russians as much or more than it oppressed other ethnic groups.

    It only oppressed certain types of Russians. And it oppressed all other nationalisms even more. That’s not an exclusively USSR thing either, because russification began already in the late 19th century, that was one of the reasons why the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 happened.

    The first hymn of the Soviet Union was literally the International.

    Yea, but the later hymn literally encouraged and stated the supremacy of the Rus. And not the Ukrainian Rus, mind you. So for years, literally, young kids of various ethnicities were forced to sing this anthem that contains lyrics such as “velikaya Rus’”, even though they had nothing to do with it.

    Jews, Caucasians, Latvians were overrepresented in the top ranks of the early Bolshevik regime compared to the demographic distribution of the ethnic groups in Soviet Union.

    That’s just the result of overcoming the ancien regime and that’s essentially a remnant of the previous era. The tsar and the German barons should not have ganged up to screw over Latvians (and Finns, etc), then that wouldn’t have happened. And you know very well that that changed very quickly.

    Were Stalin, Beria, Kamo (Simon Arashkovitch Ter-Petrosyan), Kaganovitch, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Rykov, Dzerdzhinsky (usually described as a Pole with ancestry from Lithuania, but in fact the descendant of Litvak Jewish (Frankist ?) converts to Catholicism), Russian Imperialist?

    Yes, because they supported and in fact implemented russification as a form of ethnic cleansing in order to control the conquered peoples. It’s not about the ethnicity, it’s about the goals they were trying to implement. These people fought ethnonationalism and self-determination of various nations.

    If they were, why people were sent to Gulag and shot for “Great Russian Chauvinism” ?

    Only a certain set of people, and it wasn’t just Russians that were sent to Gulag.

    One couldn’t leave the Soviet Union, that’s the problem.

    Why Russian nationalists were shot during the Civil War for “antisemitism” ?

    Were they shot for anti-semitism or for backing the ancien regime and the monarchy? It could be both. How come the Jews in the late Soviet Union were no longer speaking Yiddish (or respective local languages) but all spoke Russian? How come all these Jews and Slavs as well, ended up living so far away from their original ancestral lands, and ended up inserting themselves among ethnicities were they had never been before, like the above mentioned Ichkeria?

    Why the Bolshevik promoted korenizatsya in Ukraine and Belarus?

    I haven’t read about this, but if I were to go by what happened in the Baltics right after the war and the first decade of the Soviet occupation, then the reason would be to swamp them and bring them into the fold closer. The goal was to re-engineer society, to produce pro-Soviet propaganda in the native languages and malign the genuine, organic, authentic local culture that was based on other values than the Soviet ones. Most of Ukraine spoke Ukrainian before they were incorporated in the USSR, I would guess. And Belarusian was still used before the USSR, now it’s almost gone. You don’t consider that russification? That’s all because of the SU.

    Why didn’t Russian people have their own regional/ethnic Communist Party faction, while all other republics did ?

    Because if the “other republics” were not given their own party, with their own local government, they would be kindly asking to be separated from this union.

    You know what happened when ethnic Russian communists tried to organize a Russian faction in Leningrad, right?

    You can’t have your cake and eat it, too, Bashi. You either have an ethno state and then you shrink to your natural biological borders of where your ethny historically lived, or you have a bigger colonial empire where you colonize large land mass and subjugate foreign peoples, but in that process of subjugation you have to give these peoples some say over their lives (otherwise you have to genocide them or fight rebellions indefinitely).

    That’s Russian Imperialism and then some… 😉

    Why was it not allowed to leave the Soviet Union peacefully? Why is it only the Russians that pine after the fall of the USSR, not Azeris, Ukrainians or Balts?

  628. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Am thinking a lot of the people who meet the Sailer-community OT no-mod threshold are just the people Sailer already had preapproved years ago.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  629. LatW says:

    Just as post-Soviet Latvia hasn’t been attacked, the same could’ve been so with post-Soviet Ukraine.

    Probably not, because Russia needs Ukraine more than it needs Latvia. And Latvia was attacked, just not as openly and aggressively as Ukraine. Russia wants Latvia, too, but it’s in the second layer of hotelki, not the most immediate one. What matters is that Latvians are largely Protestant, not Orthodox.

    •�Disagree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  630. LatW says:

    When Georgia is merging with the Russian empire, the Georgian aristocrats have some of the largest estates in Russia.

    You know what’s amusing? Caesar (Maximillian Andronnikov), the commander of the Svoboda Rossii Legion, claims to be a descendant of some Georgian prince and he is from St Pete.

    The Russian imperialism was more supporting the interests of Georgian Bagrationi family, than the tens of thousands of Russian serfs they owned, as the ideology was not prioritizing the interest of the titular nationality, but the interest of the empire and its owners.

    That’s just the feudal economic system (and, yea, no one should be allowed to own tens of thousands of serfs that can be sold like furniture). Why then were russification policies introduced at the end of the 19th century? And imposed on peoples who had never spoken a Slavic language before or used Cyrillic, or had never been Orthodox?

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
    , @AP
  631. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Probably not, because Russia needs Ukraine more than it needs Latvia. And Latvia was attacked, just not as openly and aggressively as Ukraine. Russia wants Latvia, too, but it’s in the second layer of hotelki, not the most immediate one. What matters is that Latvians are largely Protestant, not Orthodox.

    And non-Slav as well.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  632. LatW says:

    And non-Slav as well.

    That’s a factor but not the main one. Chechens are also non-Slav. Ukraine only did in 2014 what the Baltics did in 1988. So when they finally did it, it may have come as a surprise to Russia, but also a convenient moment to try to annex them because there was political instability.

    I would say it’s Ukraine’s size, geographic location, the historic center of the Rus. Arestovich used to say that Ukraine and Russia are in an existential struggle over which one of them holds the title of the true heir of the Kyivan Rus.

    It’s interesting that in the Caucausus republics, such as Azerbaijan or Georgia, the Russians (and Ukrainians) who had setled there during the USSR years, a lot (or most) of them left after 1991. So it’s kind of sad that it’s largely just the European former republics who retained a Russian population in their midst, that are having issues with Russia now.

    •�Disagree: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Dmitry
    , @Mikhail
  633. @songbird

    There are also a few people saying crazy things now, like we should make superblacks but ban everyone else from using it.

    Both Sailer and I reached the same conclusion independently which is that liberals will admit that race is real when they have the ability to alter certain genes on a massive scale.

    They will tell us that race can be fixed and to just forget about decades of lying to the public and blaming White men.

    It will be their own Great Leap Forward.

    I’ve even been in a thread where a liberal admitted to supporting the plan and lying about race until it is possible.

    I asked if he had really thought out the idea of making all babies super geniuses when most jobs are boring.

    He basically said he didn’t care and that fixing inequality had to be done. Of course he believed that Whites should have limited access to such technology.

  634. @songbird

    There can’t be that many people who had to wait 1-2-3 days for Sailer to approve their post who did it 25 times. That seems self-abusive. I wonder what the people who sent money to his last unz dot com begging bowl thought when he scooted. Maybe he sent money back.

    It’s possible. P~.0001.

  635. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    Has SNL picked a Mini-Me for their Dr. Elon character yet?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  636. @QCIC

    You’ll have to tell me if there are any SNL clips worth watching.

    I haven’t sat through an entire episode in years. Too many cringe sketches that fall flat.

    I sometimes get a political SNL sketch in my youtube feed. The Mike Myers Elon was pretty funny.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  637. Dmitry says:

    descendant of some Georgian prince

    Georgia’s ruling families were some of the most wealthy, prestigious people of the 19th century in Russia, in Petersburg. Many of the officers in the Russian army were Georgian elites.

    Georgians were one of the important parts of the upper class in Russia.

    And Russian empire’s elite culture was produced from this.

    Composer Alexandre Borodin was a Russian empire’s mestizo, illegitimate child from an elderly Georgian prince living in Petersburg having romance with a young Russian woman around 1832.

    were russification policies introduced at the end of the 19th century?

    It’s a technology for expanding the power, governance, solving some of the problems of ruling multinational areas. In Russian history, it’s usually more non-consensual and has negative backlash.

    In the interwar years, in Western Ukraine, Poland follows the similar policy, using polonization (https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/blogs-russian-40787563) policies against the Jews and Ukrainians, which possibly could be some of the background for the Ukrainians later massacring Polish people in the region.

    I was writing above to AP about the Arab Christians.

    How does Israel now resolve the Arab Christian so they will become loyal to the Israeli state power, instead of loyal to the Arab nationality? Unlike the Russian and Soviet power, Israel avoids using an Israelization policy to its minorities, which could be wisdom if you worry about backlash from the minorities.

    But too much laissez-faire to the minorities like in Israel, allowing the Arabic education system to teach its own children, also doesn’t attain always great results,

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
    , @LatW
  638. Dmitry says:

    Riga was in the 18th, 19th and 20th century century, one of the Russian empire’s and the Soviet Union’s most beautiful and important cities.

    From this point of view of the perspective of Russian and Soviet Union external policy, it’s today cultural and historical failure, that Riga becomes an “enemy city”, in the EU and NATO.

    Personally, I think Riga looks more attractive and desirable than Kiev. Putin could have missed an opportunity, going to Kiev instead of Riga.

    But obviously, from their own and probably objective perspective, Riga is happier in the EU.

    I don’t think Königsberg is exactly a great example for them to follow, to live in the Russian Federation instead of the EU. The most historically intellectual and beautiful Prussian city, is just Kaliningrad today, somewhere culturally infertile and not even very popular for tourism.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  639. AP says:

    Civil war requires two sides in the same country

    This was a hybrid civil war/invasion. The leaders were Russian invaders rather than locals, and the locals were marginals rather than legitimate elected local leaders.

    …why did Kiev take away the Russian minority language rights after Maidan?

    The majority of the Ukrainian people wanted to remove the 2012 law and restore the circumstances that had existed 2 years earlier. The government followed.

    However Russia intervened and started the civil war before the repeal of the 2012 language policy was even signed into law.

    Russian speakers are either killed…

    You like that, don’t you?

    There you go again, projecting your own bloodthirstiness onto others.

    I was noting that, according to you, the consequences of Kiev killing 2,6000 Russian-speaking civilians is that Putin outdid Kiev by killing 10 or 20 times more Russian-speaking civilians than Kiev did.

    Unfortunately for you the dead are majority Ukies – POWs are 80-90% Ukies, casualties must be similar.

    You are back to your fantasies, like 4% support for Zelensky.

    In the 21st century, deaths are recorded, obituaries are printed online, etc. There are now about 180,000 dead Russian soldiers, and a smaller number of dead Ukrainian ones (150,000?).

    UN confirms over 10,000 dead civilians but insists that this is an undercount because they cannot count most of the dead in Mariupol and other occupied cities.

    These dead civilians are mostly Russian-speakers.

    Even more – the cities most bombed by Russia are the Russian-speaking ones near the borders. So the Russian-speakers flee these cities. Some move to Western Ukraine, where they become Ukrainianized. Many move to Poland or Germany where, if they stay, the children will become Polish-speaking or German-speaking.

    So these people lose Russian, thanks to Putin’s war.

    So if Putin’s war was caused by 2,600 dead Russian-speaking civilians, we can say that the result of Kiev killing 2,600 Russian-speaking is that Putin “finished the job” by killing 10,000s more, ruined their cities, and forced them to flee Ukraine. Putin has decided to ethnically cleanse eastern Ukraine of much of its Russian-speaking population. Something that Kiev itself, would never have done.

    There are 10 million or more ethnic Russians in Ukraine, this will not destroy them.

    In 2001 there were 8 million, but the population was declining. There was no later census, it might have been 7 million by 2014.

    In 2014 – Crimea removed another 1 million. Donbas, another 2 million or so.

    So that would leave around 4 million ethnic Russians in Ukraine in 2015. Most of them live in places near the war – Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Odesa. Odesa is not as bad, but Kharkiv and Zaporizhia have lost a lot of people. Of the 6-8 million people who have fled Ukraine since the war began, I would expect at least 2 million if not 3 million Russians among them.

    The remaining will be assimilated.

    •�Agree: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Beckow
  640. Mr. XYZ says:

    I was noting that, according to you, the consequences of Kiev killing 2,6000 Russian-speaking civilians is that Putin outdid Kiev by killing 10 or 20 times more Russian-speaking civilians than Kiev did.


    In 2001 there were 8 million, but the population was declining. There was no later census, it might have been 7 million by 2014.

    In 2014 – Crimea removed another 1 million. Donbas, another 2 million or so.

    So that would leave around 4 million ethnic Russians in Ukraine in 2015. Most of them live in places near the war – Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Odesa. Odesa is not as bad, but Kharkiv and Zaporizhia have lost a lot of people. Of the 6-8 million people who have fled Ukraine since the war began, I would expect at least 2 million if not 3 million Russians among them.

    The remaining will be assimilated.

    Worth noting that politically nowadays a lot of eastern Ukrainians also have views relatively similar to those of western Ukrainians, albeit also with less of a willingness to actually fight Russia (at least voluntarily). Nowadays even a majority of eastern Ukrainians support both EU and NATO membership for Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @AP
  641. Mr. XYZ says:

    Islam and Judaism (after the destruction of the Temple, Judaism underwent a lot of changes and seems to have reverted more something more like its pre-Persian faith) are Semitic religions.

    What about Karaite (as opposed to Rabbinic) Judaism?

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  642. Mr. XYZ says:

    Though worth noting that the mentality of some of the later Russian Tsars was certainly Russian. Alexander III, for instance. Possibly also Nicholas I and/or Nicholas II.

  643. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I was never a fan of SNL and haven’t watched an episode in decades. I like some of the over the top movies made by graduates of SNL academy if they don’t get too gross. I was referring to the Mike Myers’ Musk/Dr. Evil which is totally on the nose. The last time the algorithms sent me old clips it was fake Sean Connery on a game show. There was a skit I saw once with Jason Sudekis trying to do damage control for Biden being handsy. If I recall, the bit was unintentionally creepy enough that they buried it.

  644. Dmitry says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Semitic is just a language group, which relates to the ancient languages of the Middle East. It could also relate to the polytheistic Iron Age religion of the ancient people who spoke semitic languages, these religions were described in the Bible usually from the negative point of view as polytheism, idolatry etc.

    The Early Christianity was a semitic language religion until around the destruction of the Second Temple (70AD), as the original biography of Jesus was probably written by Aramaic language, until the Gospel of Mark is re-written by an unknown writer in Koine Greek and this is believed to market the new branch of cult to multinational audience.

    According to the linguistic analysis, the Synoptic Gospels are all written in Koine Greek by people who were not native in the Greek language, these were Aramaic-speaking Jews who were not writing Greek very perfectly.

    But the Gospel of John (110 AD) could be written by someone or collective of people who were more native in the Greek language, as the writer has a higher skill level in the Greek language.*

    Karaite is probably a medieval origin stream of Judaism, when the liturgical language was Hebrew, so it would be another semitic language religion.

    *It also has reference to more Greek theological concepts which are probably part of the fashionable Hellenistic Judaism of the time.

  645. Mikhail says:

    And non-Slav as well.

    That’s a factor but not the main one. Chechens are also non-Slav. Ukraine only did in 2014 what the Baltics did in 1988. So when they finally did it, it may have come as a surprise to Russia, but also a convenient moment to try to annex them because there was political instability.

    I would say it’s Ukraine’s size, geographic location, the historic center of the Rus. Arestovich used to say that Ukraine and Russia are in an existential struggle over which one of them holds the title of the true heir of the Kyivan Rus.

    It’s interesting that in the Caucausus republics, such as Azerbaijan or Georgia, the Russians (and Ukrainians) who had setled there during the USSR years, a lot (or most) of them left after 1991. So it’s kind of sad that it’s largely just the European former republics who retained a Russian population in their midst, that are having issues with Russia now.

    Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are descended from Rus. Kievan Rus is a latter day academic term. The Novgorod prince Oleg moved his base to Kiev. Just prior to the Mongol subjugation, there were signs that Kiev was in decay with the future better placed north. After the Mongol subjugation, the territory of modern Russia became the freest and strongest part of Rus.

    Ivan the Terrible and the czar after him were Riurik descendants. In 1862, Russia observed its 1000th year of existence. Ukraine as a national construct came after (not before) Russia.

    Post-Soviet Ukraine could’ve existed as an independent entity within its dubiously drawn Communist boundary as long as it remained neutral and respected its pro-Russian community. Odessa was founded by Catherine the Great. Tiraspol was founded by Alexander Suvorov. These are inconvenient facts for the globalist likes of Sandu, Sikorski and svidos.

  646. Mikhail says: •�Website

    I know someone of Russian and Georgian aristocratic background who told me that the recently voted out of office former Georgian president (also of an aristocratic background) had been Russophile prior to her transformation into a Sorosian globalist, anti-Russian leaning hack.

    This gentleman was very pro-Russian.


    I’ve his book on pre-Soviet US-Russian relations:


    On the flip side, Russian and Georgian Communists were on generally good terms with each other. Post-Soviet Russia has numerous people of Georgian background who’re Russian patriots.

  647. LatW says:

    Composer Alexandre Borodin was a Russian empire’s mestizo, illegitimate child from an elderly Georgian prince living in Petersburg having romance with a young Russian woman around 1832.

    Oh, I like Borodin very much, especially Prince Igor. It has an Oriental theme but I like it because of the period it is set in. Had no idea he was part Georgian, since the name sounds Russian. Yea, 19th century Petersburg was quite a place, many Balts went there to study (and they put out a newspaper – they had to have connections to be able to pull that off). It harbored a nationalist movement, in the 19th century sense of the word, not the today’s definition.

    It’s a technology for expanding the power, governance, solving some of the problems of ruling multinational areas. In Russian history, it’s usually more non-consensual and has negative backlash.

    I know that. It was just a rhetorical question (to put Bashi on the spot). But it was still too harsh.


    How does Israel now resolve the Arab Christian so they will become loyal to the Israeli state power, instead of loyal to the Arab nationality? Unlike the Russian and Soviet power, Israel avoids using an Israelization policy to its minorities, which could be wisdom if you worry about backlash from the minorities.

    It’s a sensitive topic and quite a difficult issue (even without the current context). I’m aware that the Arab Christians are quite well educated, but one thing that might possibly help is to make things more egalitarian from the economic point of view. It could mollify any possible tensions or decrease alienation. And they have their own traditions and should have agency. And it’s a very difficult situation right now. I don’t know much about this, but I was following the Druze issue (because of Neo-Platonism). It’s a very sensitive situation there with the Syrian territories (but that’s more of a regional issue, not internal).

    But too much laissez-faire to the minorities like in Israel, allowing the Arabic education system to teach its own children, also doesn’t attain always great results

    No, because minorities will still do what they want and what they feel. You have to start very early, at the kindergarten level, and you have to do things very carefully, lovingly – it has to be well organized (not laissez-faire) but loving and caring, with ownership but also respect, instead of alienation or condescension. It’s a lot of work and you have to invest a little, time, resources, etc. Not everyone can achieve this.

    Riga was in the 18th, 19th and 20th century century, one of the Russian empire’s and the Soviet Union’s most beautiful and important cities.

    Riga was, if I’m not mistaken, the third most industrialized city in the Empire? Well, it was up there. Some capital was coming in from the West, especially to set up factories. They founded the Riga Polytechnic Institute in 1862, for architecture and engineering.

    The Tsar’s family used to vacation in my home town.

    From this point of view of the perspective of Russian and Soviet Union external policy, it’s today cultural and historical failure, that Riga becomes an “enemy city”, in the EU and NATO.

    I know, it sucks and shouldn’t be that way, but that’s what happens when you have people like Zhirik and Karaganov who use aggressive language and threaten our livelihoods.

    Putin could have missed an opportunity, going to Kiev instead of Riga.

    Oh, yea? You enjoy seeing beautiful places getting wrecked? 🙂

    Btw, the pic you posted – I know that spot very well.

    is just Kaliningrad today, somewhere culturally infertile and not even very popular for tourism.

    I want to go there but feel very scared now. 🙁

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  648. LatW says:

    But obviously, from their own and probably objective perspective, Riga is happier in the EU.

    P.s. Yes, we should be in the EU.

    You might find it interesting that the first electromagnetic telegraph line in the whole Empire was built in Riga in 1852 (by Siemens). It also happened to be the longest telegraph line in Northern Europe (besides Britain probably).

  649. Dmitry says:

    Georgian, since the name sounds Russian.

    His father, who was Georgian Prince Gedevanishvili, has registered him as the child of one of the Russian serfs he owned. Because he was registered as the son of a serf, his real father had to officially free him from the bondage.

    His real name should have been Prince Gedevanishvili. It’s like a background for the Cinderella fairy tale.

    It’s a sensitive topi and quite a difficult issue.

    It is topic also related to Russia directly, not just as analogy, this discussion about the “problem” of the Arab Christians in Israel and also why it begins to resolve, without any competence from the Israelis.

    In the Arab village, the Christian boomers are communists, Arab nationalists, pan-Arabist etc. They are often more anti-Israel than even their Muslim neighbors. But in the same village, the younger generation of Arab Christians, are joining the IDF and many just want to be normal Israelis.

    It’s part of the effect on the generations of Arabs of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the communist and secular Arab ideology continued like a zombie without a head, in the educated boomer and Gen X.

    Often, Arab Christians speak some Russian. Even quite a few have Russian and Ukrainian wives, as a significant proportion of the Arab Christians were educated the Soviet Union.

    But those old ideologies are dying for the younger generation. And even when young Arab Christians go to study medicine in Ukraine or Russia, they won’t find those ideologies today.

    This is one of the reasons the national question resolves for them. Related reason is the Middle Eastern conflicts becoming more religious coded, as political Islam increases market share as the secular Arab ideologies’ popularity falls after the collapse of the USSR.

    could mollify any possible tensions or decrease alienation. And they have their own traditions and should have agency. And it’s a very difficult situation right now.

    Intermarriage of the national minority with the majority is the accidental or non-governmental Russian Federation solution. This is how many of the traditional national minorities are dissolving in Russia.

    The cost is the loss of the cultural diversity and the reduction of possibility for minority nationality survival, like we see with many of the minority nationalities, like Mordva population lose their identity when they intermarry with Russian majority.

    Christian Arabs in Israel would probably be assimilated by intermarrying with the Jews, as the Jewish side would be the more dominating culture in the local context. That would be a successful assimilation policy.

    One of the main female presenters on the first channel (state television) in Israel, is 50% Polish Jewish and 50% Arab Christian. When she behaves more like Polish woman internally.

    but I was following the Druze issue (because of Neo-Platonism). It’s a very sensitive situation there with the Syrian territories (but that’s more of a regional issue, not internal).

    It’s like the “Chad vs Virgin” meme in the Middle East. Druze are the Middle Eastern Chad vs the Christian Arab are the Middle Eastern Virgin, something like this (I’m not excellent with memes).

    Arabs generally more respect the Druzim or at least scared of them. But Arabs are generally not respecting the Christian Arabs, or scared of them.

    Druzim are stereotyped as jocks and warriors. Similar with the Circassians and Bedouins. But the Arab Christian are viewed as stereotypically leftist nerds and the Arabs majorities haze them with impunity.

    In the documentary, the Maronite Israeli soldier says the Bedouin Muslim girl in the village has no problems joining the IDF because everyone is scared of Bedouins. But if the Arab Christian joins the IDF, everyone beats them, because they are not scared of the Arab Christians, they are too polite and well behaved. https://youtu.be/Vm9-jGNS1vE?feature=shared&t=956.

    Riga was, if I’m not mistaken, the third most industrialized city in the Empire? Well, it was up there. Some capital was coming in from the West, especially to set up factories. They founded the Riga Polytechnic Institute in 1862, for architecture and engineering.

    Well, you know, the high number of most famous musicians, scientists, writers, probably more than Peter relative to population.

    If you just think about the Deutsche Grammophon website, there is quite few of the Riga cityfolks you can guess there. (Sad until I checked now I didn’t know Mariss Jansons is already dead).






    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @LatW
  650. Coconuts says:

    After the 19th century, the dialectic between the slave and the master and the progressive synthesis of the two with the development of the later historical stages, was usually described in relation to the discoveries of Hegel and the further research project by Marx-Engels.

    The Marx-Engels research project seems to have eclipsed the original Hegelian one for a long time, the possibility of social and economic revolution was at the centre of European politics for many decades. But then, surprisingly, it wasn’t anymore and in a relatively short space of time the possibility of revolution became difficult to conceive.

    This is one reason people turned back to de Tocqueville and his description of American society, where a strong egalitarian spirit seemed able to incorporate large differences in wealth.

    Most of the people will believe, we are still in a bourgeois capitalist stage of history.

    Or, we are within the new version of Liberalism and the ‘second moment of the Rights of Man’. From the pov of this current time Marx can seem as much like a religious prophet of former times as an economist.

    But in the kind of scenario when the robots will be objects, that just provide a vast source of additional productivity, then you could imagine there it will continue to be greater classless homogenization among the humans, i.e. probably would be like further precondition for communism in the Marx-Engels scheme.

    It looks like a difficult problem, looking at Hegel or even Marx-Engels idea of Communism, it was something more than an endless supply of goods made with minimum effort (definitely in the case of Hegel, this does not seem like the Final Wisdom or Science he thought lay at the end of the dialectic). Darwinian objections to certain versions of Marxism may also re-emerge, if this new environment produces weird effects on human behaviour because it is too much at variance with what was the norm through nearly all of human evolutionary history.

  651. AP says:

    It is the difference between ethnicity and religion. Arabs who are Christian are almost exactly the same people as their Muslim neighbors

    Genetic studies have shown that Palestinian Christians are significantly different from their Palestinian Muslim neighbors, they are closer (actually, closest) to the ancient Israelites than are any other people in Israel. Their Muslim neighbors are mixed with Arab invaders and the Ashkenazi Jews are about 50% European.*

    The inner city could be Arab Christian as the largest nationality, but the society is Muslim

    My point was that prior to 1947 there were Christian villages and towns in Palestine. The phenomenon that you (probably very accurately) describe, of Christians just being marginals embedded within majority-Muslim communities, seems to be a recent one.

    *It may be similar to Egypt; there are still Christian towns in Egypt, and Egyptian Christians are genetically closer to ancient Egyptians than Muslim ones are.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  652. Mr. Hack says:

    YHWH didn’t promise that in the beta version of the Abrahamic creed, that is 1st Temple Judaism. There was no paradise, just fulfillment of man’s aspirations here on earth.

    You should know perfectly well by now that I am not an observant Jew that follows 1st century Temple Judaism, but an Orthodox Christian. Paradise is mentioned several times by Jesus in the New Testament, here’s one of those times:

    He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”

    Please define God.

    As an Orthodox Christian I believe in the God described within the Nicene Creed (I thought that you knew a thing or two about Holy Orthodoxy?).

    So can we now return to my original question to you, “What does your god promise you”?

  653. A123 says: •�Website

    In the Islamic religion, Arab Christians are “people of the book” who should be tolerated.

    This is simply not true. All non-Muslims are infidels, to be targeted by Jihad. Pretending to tolerate Christians, but not actually doing so, is part of the Muslim tradition of Taqiyya deception.

    This is on display in Muslim occupied Judea and Samaria where the government ignores attacks on Christians. (1)

    • “The fact that the Palestinian Authority continues to make sure that there is a Christian mayor in Bethlehem is only window dressing… It’s a show used to convince the world that Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christianity is still a Christian town. It is not Christian. It is Muslim in every regard.” — Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation, November 21, 2022.

    • This Christmas, it is important to remember that, due to ongoing but silenced persecution, Christianity is on the verge of disappearing in the place of its birth — Bethlehem, the scene of the Nativity. It is a silence that gives the Christmas song “Silent Night,” an ominous meaning.

    After noting that there “has been a marked uptick in religiously motivated attacks by Palestinian Muslims on Christians in Bethlehem,” a report from November 21 offers these examples:

    “Just over two weeks ago, a Muslim man was accused of harassing young Christian women at a Forefathers Orthodox Church in Beit Sahour near the city of Bethlehem. Soon after, the church was attacked by a large mob of Palestinian men who hurled rocks at the building while congregants cowered inside. Several of the congregants were injured in the attack.

    The Palestinian Authority, responsible for security in the area, did nothing.

    In October, unidentified gunmen shot at the Christian-owned Bethlehem Hotel after a video on social media associated the hotel with a display that included cardboard cutouts of a Star of David and a Menorah. …

    No arrests were made in connection with the shooting.

    Perhaps the greatest shock to the community came in April when the Palestinian evangelical pastor, Johnny Shahwan, was arrested by the Palestinian Authority security forces on charges of ‘promoting normalization’ with Israel. …

    In January, a large group of masked men carrying sticks and iron bars attacked Christian brothers, Daoud and Daher Nassar, on their farm near Bethlehem. The Palestinian courts have been working to confiscate the farm that has been owned by the family since the Ottoman Empire.”

    I am not sure why Bashi supports this sort of criminal activity. He refuses to directly condemn the Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians from Bethlehem.

    How does Israel now resolve the Arab Christian so they will become loyal to the Israeli state power, instead of loyal to the Arab nationality?

    There is no such thing as “Arab nationality”. All Arab nations are Muslim and thus inherently inimical to Christianity.

    This makes it relatively easy for Christians and Druze to integrate into the Israeli state. They see Israel as a place that actually will protect them.

    The limited number of “Christian villages” in Israel reflects a lack of need. Christians easily coexist with the more moderate branches of Judaism. Both groups often share similar concerns about the growing ultra-Orthodox population.

    There are no segregation laws keeping groups physically apart. Perhaps unintentionally, Israel’s marriage laws protect Christian communities. Intermarriage between a Christian and a Jew is rare. It is extraordinarily difficult to obtain the necessary marriage license. Two Christians marrying is relatively straightforward. This prevents Christians from being assimilated into the larger Jewish population.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) From 2022 — https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19239/bethlehem-christianity-death

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  654. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Worth noting that politically nowadays a lot of eastern Ukrainians also have views relatively similar to those of western Ukrainians, albeit also with less of a willingness to actually fight Russia (at least voluntarily). Nowadays even a majority of eastern Ukrainians support both EU and NATO membership for Ukraine

    Correct. Not only has Putin killed or driven into exile many of Ukraine’s Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians, he has also installed a hatred of the Russian state in many of the remaining ones. Anatol Lieven, a very pro-Russian academic who is descended from exiled Russian Whites, was forced to admit this when describing his visit to Zaporizhia.

    I got acquainted with a young refugee couple with children from a city in Eastern Ukraine, near the Russian border, at a charity event for Ukraine. They are Russian-speaking, of mixed descent, with close relatives in Russia with whom they broke off all contact for awhile but resumed it (no one discusses the war though). Their city has been heavily damaged by Russian forces, from time first weeks of the war.

    They still often speak Russian with one another but speak Ukrainian with the kids and send their kids to a Ukrainian nationalist Saturday school.

    If not for the war, they would just be another Russian-speaking family in eastern Ukraine with family ties to Russia and warm feelings towards Russia. But thanks to Putin, they are no longer in Ukraine and their kids will be English and Ukrainian speaking anti-Russians. They still hope to return to Ukraine when the war ends, but already have high paying jobs here so who knows? They donate a lot to the war effort.

    Bashi, what do your friends in Odesa think of Russia nowadays?

  655. AP says:


    The Russian imperialism was more supporting the interests of Georgian Bagrationi family, than the tens of thousands of Russian serfs they owned, as the ideology was not prioritizing the interest of the titular nationality, but the interest of the empire and its owners.

    In Ukraine, it was similar with Polish magnate families who owned lots of Orthodox Rus (Ukrainan) serfs. The Russian government, personal property of a German family, sided with the Polish magnates against the Orthodox eastern Slavs.

    Until the Polish rebellions against the tsar.

    Although the richest Polish magnates were loyal to the German Tsar, many lesser Polish nobles rebelled against him and this resulted in beginnings of support for pro-Russian national policies.

    Why then were russification policies introduced at the end of the 19th century? And imposed on peoples who had never spoken a Slavic language before or used Cyrillic, or had never been Orthodox

    Partially it was for purposes of modernization and centralisation as Dmitry wrote in his response to you.

    But it was also inspired by Polish nationalism and a perceived need to respond with Russian nationalism. This was a devil’s bargain, it would eventually lead to the idiotic participation in the First World War and the destruction of the entire state.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  656. S1 says:

    For a wide variety of reasons it’s best for all sides involved to avoid what are termed ‘atrocities’ during time of war. Probably the biggest atrocities of all are wars themselves, of course, and far more should be done to avoid them.

    Having said that I’m not too much into the idea of the prosecution of what are termed ‘war crimes’ of defeated, and, or, captured enemy soldiers, as there is simply too much gross hypocracy involved in the matter.

    If a country wishes to pursue war crimes charges against enemy combatants, to show how to do it right, they should set the example by first trying their
    own soldiers who may have committed war crimes, of which, sad to say, there are often all too many instances.

    Alas, as described in the link below, that has not been the case, but instead it has been just the opposite. ‘Allied’ troops in the world wars are given what amounts to a free pass to commit any and all atrocities they may wish to commit via an almost blanket assurance of what amounts to non-prosecution, even if caught red handed.


    For the enemy of the Allies, this is not so, for if they are captured they will be prosecuted for war crimes to every last jot and tittle, and then some. [The Allies at the conclusion of WWI attempted to try prosecuting elements of the defeated German army for war crimes, but as Germany had signed an armistice, they had some (albeit limited) rights to defend their accused men, of which they ably did. For every alleged ‘war crime’ a German soldier was said to have committed, the Germans were able to well demonstrate that the Allied soldiers had done exactly the same thing. This put the kabosh on these would be WWI war crimes trials and the Allies quietly dropped the endeavor.]

    So, it appears that once again, as in WWI and WWII before it, the Allies (in this case Britain) will have what amounts to a free pass to commit atrocities.

    For the enemy, it will be a different story…


    ‘The Prime Minister is facing calls to authorise a blanket exemption from the European Convention on Human Rights for [British] soldiers sent to deter Russia.’

    ‘It comes amid fears that Moscow could look to exploit Britain’s adherence to the ECHR to pursue soldiers through the courts and undermine military morale.’

    Putin will weaponise the ECHR against British troops in Ukraine, Starmer warned

    British troops sent to Ukraine as part of a planned peacekeeping force could face “vexatious” human rights prosecutions, Sir Keir Starmer has been warned.

    The Prime Minister is facing calls to authorise a blanket exemption from the European Convention on Human Rights for soldiers sent to deter Russia.

    It comes amid fears that Moscow could look to exploit Britain’s adherence to the ECHR to pursue soldiers through the courts and undermine military morale.

    James Cartlidge, the shadow defence secretary, has written to ministers urging them to “maximise protection for our forces” against human rights claims.

    In a letter to John Healey, the Defence Secretary, he wrote: “You will be aware that British troops who served in Iraq faced a large number of vexatious claims about their conduct.

    “This has led to uncertainty among military personnel and veterans, who are naturally concerned about vexatious claims being made against them in a potential Ukrainian theatre of war.

    “To maximise protection for our forces, I would urge you to consider derogating from the ECHR for the duration of Britain’s deployment in Ukraine.”


    British troops and veterans who served in theatres including Afghanistan, Iraq and Northern Ireland have faced a wave of prosecutions in recent years.

    Boris Johnson passed a law in 2021 – the Overseas Operation Bill – which was designed to limit vexatious claims and end witch hunts against military personnel.

    The initial Bill would have forced ministers to consider derogating from the ECHR when sending troops into combat, but the clause was stripped out by the Lords.

    Mr Cartlidge said the Defence Secretary “must now make such a consideration if we are to show we’ve got the back of our soldiers, and are truly committed to minimising the risk of lawfare”.

    He added: “In recent weeks, a number of veterans have expressed to me their concern that the kind of vexatious lawsuits brought against our armed forces on previous deployments might be a risk in Ukraine.”

    Russian nationals in the UK have been accused of engaging in “lawfare” in particular by using London law firms to try and silence critical journalists.

    In 2023, the Solicitors Regulation Authority had to warn lawyers not to act as “hired guns” for oligarchs who were making “meritless claims” of libel.

    A Labour source said: “This government is focused on supporting our Armed Forces, who stand ready to deploy to Ukraine to secure a peace and the future of European security, while the Tories are focused on playing politics.”

    A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “The Government is leading detailed military planning, along with allies and partners, to develop potential for security guarantees for Ukraine.”

    “This work is in the operational phase and will continue next week at PJHQ [Permanent Joint Headquarters].

    “As a long-standing practice over many decades, the UK complies fully with UK and international law whenever it conducts military operations at home or abroad.”

    It comes after Sir Keir said he was prepared to put “troops on the ground and planes in the sky” as part of a future peacekeeping force.

    The Prime Minister has assembled a “coalition of the willing” of 26 states who are prepared to guarantee Kyiv’s security in the event of a peace deal

    Last week, military planners from those countries gathered in London to discuss which capabilities each would be able to provide to any mission.

    Sir Keir warned afterwards that Vladimir Putin would break any agreement with Ukraine that was not “defended” by such an international coalition.

    Mr Cartlidge said the Tories were “proud of Britain’s continued support for Ukraine” but that the plans for a peacekeeping force raised “several questions”.

    In his letter to the Defence Secretary, he asked whether the Army, Navy and RAF would all be deployed as part of the UK’s contribution to the initiative.

    He also queried how much progress has been made in replenishing military stocks, especially of munitions, which have been donated to Kyiv.

    Mr Cartlidge asked whether Downing Street had set out “the potential rules of engagement” for British troops if they were stationed in Ukraine.

    No 10 has so far batted away questions over whether UK soldiers would be allowed to fire back on the Russians in the event of hostilities.

    It comes against the backdrop of ongoing talks between the White House and Moscow over Donald Trump’s proposals for an immediate 30-day ceasefire.

    European countries are preparing for an eventual situation where the US and Russia agree to a permanent peace deal which would have to be enforced.

    Sir Keir has said the Continent should provide the manpower and equipment for a peacekeeping force, but that a US “backstop” would be needed.

    That would mean the White House agreeing that it would come to the aid of European allies if their troops were to be attacked by Russian forces.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
    , @A123
  657. AP says:

    Remember in 2014 when Russians were laughing at Ukrainian attempts to improvise weapons?

    •�Replies: @LatW
  658. Spanish prime minister telling Kallas she ain’t going to be speaking for EU at the Trump Putin Ukraine party.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  659. @S1

    Who has ever prosecuted their own soldiers for war crimes?

    I can think of one example. Fucking Donald the Fat ought to brag about that.

    (I am an American ignoramus. Surely somebody else did it in the history of the Universe.)

    •�Replies: @S1
  660. songbird says:

    How did Mr. Hack, who likes to call Putin “Putler”, know his haplotype beforehand?

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  661. A123 says: •�Website

    ‘The Prime Minister is facing calls to authorise a blanket exemption from the European Convention on Human Rights for [British] soldiers sent to deter Russia.’

    ‘It comes amid fears that Moscow could look to exploit Britain’s adherence to the ECHR to pursue soldiers through the courts and undermine military morale.’

    The entire idea of international courts is bogus.

    Every serious country refuses ICC jurisdiction over their troops — Russia, America, China, India, Israeli, etc.

    The UK is headed the correct direction. They should fully withdraw from both ECHR and ICC.

    PEACE 😇

  662. Mr. Hack says:

    Me?…E-M35…I don’t even know what it stands for? Another one of your pranks? 🙂

    •�Replies: @songbird
  663. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    I do find something inherently funny about these celebrity haplotype rumors and the idea of putting them into groups, based on haplotype. It is almost like astrology.

    Speaking personally, I must admit that I don’t feel a deep sense of kinship with Skippy Gates (of Obama’s beer summit fame, and host of that PBS ancestry show). But then again, I think it is quite likely we have different branches of R1b)


    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  664. @songbird

    Are Obamas on any Diddy videos? Somebody could do a reality show from Diddy and Sam Bankman Fried’s unit. Friends 2.

    •�LOL: songbird
    •�Replies: @songbird
  665. @AP

    In Russia, the tsar was supreme autocrat, the nobility were his first servants (Ivan Grozny used to torture them for fun,

    ROFLMFAO – In a post of yours full of unrelenting BS, its too much to go through all of your spastic cretinism, but that one is particularly amusing.

    Literally the only nobility who were the tsars total servants were the Baltic Germans you dumb bimbo retard. The Russian nobles were hugely independent and influential…..hence why serfdom was lifted 50 years later for Russian nobles than the German ones you stupid idiot. The Tsar was effectively extorting the Baltic Germans in removing their political and financial power by abolishing serfdom ( though the Baltic earthwork local vermin remained inept, slave dimwits it should be added) and forcing them to try and recover this status by being ultra-loyal by service in the military and civil service.
    As proven with the 800 year history before then, and Peter 3rd, Paul 1st and Ivan 6th then later the Decembrists……the tsars were too afraid to remove this political and financial power from the Russian nobles you idiot.

    How can a retard bimbo as yourself spend all this time writing about the subject and still not have ANY f**king idea?!!

    And LMAO – Ivan Grozny was a saint in treatment of nobles and compared to all his rival monarchs at the time you thick POS – the Kings of France, Spain, Sweden, and of course Henry 8th of Britain. All those rivals actual despots you thick POS – Ivan Grozny fake “reputation” relying on western “historian” spastic mistranslation more than anything else.

    Further amusing when considering that the entire plaigirised from Wikipedia and other fantasist retards view of “yours” claimed about why “Ukraine” wasn’t able to seperate from Russia ………is founded exactly because the nobleman Khmelnitsky changed which side he served( again) against Polish vermin…….primarily because Polish “magnate” subhumans abducted ( and probably raped) his wife, burned down his property, set fire to his land, slaughtered his animals , and killed his son

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  666. @Gerard1234

    To be fair Poland has always been and seems will always be between rock and hard place. Just imagine how desperate you gotta be to suck up to NATO.

    •�Replies: @Gerard1234
  667. @LatW

    Fun Fact Chinese Taipei runs a huge trade surplus with the mainland but they block a lot of mainland goods being imported like cars. Therefore Chinese Taipei’s Tesla’s are made in Fremont California instead of Shanghai which is funny.

    can you really blame Balts for liking Taiwan when they have things such as these over there

    Imagine believing that Lithuanians/Balts, which are so far away from China, genuinely care about anything Chinese Taipei related. They are simply using Chinese Taipei as a piece of anti-PRC virtue signaling.

    Lithuania in particular basically mastered neoconservative obnoxiousness, to try to get as much US protection and subsidization as possible. To be clear that means tens of thousands of US troops deployed across the Baltic states, dug into a permanent state of high readiness, along with nearby US airpower deployed somewhere like Poland.

    It’s all an act put on by Lithuania to get more free gibs from Uncle Sam for what they *actually* care about: Russia, not China. Lithuania has to live next to Russia for the rest of eternity.

    European officials in particular the Germans see right through Lithuania’s ploy. They have simply grafted their hatred of Russia onto China.

    “This [the Lithuania-China standoff over Taiwan] is not about China. It’s about the US and Russia,” one Senior German diplomat said famously.

    The problem with this US Russian rapprochement under The Donald is that US no longer wants to foot the bill and instead will be laser focused on China instead, So countries like Lithuania will instead be expected to subsidize American interests in the Western Pacific, whether directly or indirectly. Landsbergis and Co miscalculated the balance of power.

    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @LatW
  668. @songbird

    You would think with her resources she (or he or whatever) would hire top tier public relations professionals. There could be Diddy videos. P > .1. Did you read Ron Unz’ article on Mrs. Macron and Mrs. Obama? If not it is worth a skim. I hope Ron Unz lives a long life.

    When he banned Karlin without even a mention that was all-time-top-ten funniest days in the history of the internet.

    •�Replies: @songbird
    , @QCIC
  669. songbird says:

    Over the past nine years, China has enforced an unofficial ban on K-pop over SK’s deployment of U.S. THAAD missile defense system.

    The main exception for movies seems to be 2020, Oh! My Gran (have not seen) which was given a theatrical release.

    But there is speculation the ban is ending as they have released the film Mickey 17 (though, which was a bit international.)

    I say they should have banned Mickey 17 for being woke.


    Oh! My Gran seems to violate Confucian precepts

  670. S1 says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Who has ever prosecuted their own soldiers for war crimes?

    The United States has, ie Abu Ghraib for instance, amongst other instances.


    But those involve the ‘lesser’ wars of recent times, and even some of those, such as Vietnam, not much was done in regards to what they refer to as war crimes:


    But the pattern with the world wars, including this likely impending WWIII, is that the US/UK grants itself a free pass in regards to war crimes. In what amounts to ‘victor’s justice’ this is decidedly not the case for the ‘enemy’.

    I hear tell hypocracy is something to avoid, and that’s why I don’t much care for this whole ‘war crimes’ business.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  671. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    Therefore Chinese Taipei’s Tesla’s are made in Fremont California instead of Shanghai which is funny.

    That doesn’t contradict the point I made – the MAGA & Thiel tech bros are just as much a globalist as those they criticize, maybe even more aggressive towards the world, they seek domination everywhere in the world, but, hey, that’s going to end now. Many will be cancelling and in the future they could lose market access. And I actually used to like all those techies back in the day and their fun products.

    Imagine believing that Lithuanians/Balts, which are so far away from China, genuinely care about anything Chinese Taipei related.

    The artist who went there and recorded her album really cared about that concert hall – that’s all I was trying to say, we have similar relations with Japan. It’s beautiful culture on both sides. And hopefully with China and others as well, something good was made and she just appreciated that, why tie politics into everything?

    They are simply using Chinese Taipei as a piece of anti-PRC virtue signaling.

    Actually, they don’t like lesser parties being overrun against their will. And many Lithuanians do not like Communism. I also don’t like what Vance is doing with Denmark, even more so than anything that China could do. Many Euros don’t like it when the weak are abused, that’s just basic decency. (I don’t speak for Landsbergis, because, while he makes a lot of good points that I agree with, my positions in general are not as liberal as his and I felt his activity with regards to China was too forceful).


    To be clear that means tens of thousands of US troops deployed across the Baltic states, dug into a permanent state of high readiness, along with nearby US airpower deployed somewhere like Poland.

    What kind of a silly fantasy is this? There are no tens of thousands of US troops in the Baltics, there have been a few hundred on rotation. There are tens of thousands of native Baltic troops, special forces and reserve. As to airpower, it is not going to be just American, Euros have their own jets, in fact, the Euros will be rejecting the F35 given the US’s recent behavior and attitude (and of course the kill switch). No, you’re blowing it out of proportion. There were never significant US assets in the Baltics – and that was done on purpose, to not antagonize Russia by the likes of Obama, etc. Of course, things have just recently changed so dramatically that there is no point in even discussing what was happening just 5 years ago.

    It’s all an act put on by Lithuania to get more free gibs from Uncle Sam

    There weren’t all that many gibs, especially given what the US asked in return. It worked, and still does, but the US has decided to go in another direction now. You should be rejoicing, why do you still sound so butthurt and full of hostility?

    So countries like Lithuania will instead be expected to subsidize American interests in the Western Pacific

    They don’t have to and eventually they won’t. Because we’re building our own Euro force now.

    •�Disagree: Torna atrás
  672. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    So countries like Lithuania will instead be expected to subsidize American interests in the Western Pacific

    And you’ve gotta get your basics right – which one is it then – Lithuania gets “gibs from Uncle Sam” or is Lithuania subsidizing American interests overseas? Your claims are inconsistent.

    •�Disagree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  673. @S1

    How many people thought Kurtz in Apocalypse Now was an admirable character? Since there hasn’t been any real war in the United States since 1865 a lot of people here think it’s like a professional wrestling show. Donald the Fat asks Putin to spare mercenary prisoners and gives the Israel Jews more bombs to obliterate civilians. Nobody calls him out on it except a few Muslims and they are going to deport every one of those if they can find an excuse to do it.

  674. @LatW

    You still don’t understand the situation has changed and rightly so.

    Have you been listening to the announcements coming out of the White House and the butthurt and full of hostility responses from the Euro Chicken Hawks?


  675. Dmitry says:

    e closer (actually, closest) to the ancient Israelites

    Nobody knows how was the genetics of the ancient Israelites, as there is no sample of the genetics of the ancient populations (unlike some frozen bodies in the Alps and the preserved bodies of Ancient Egyptian mummies).

    So, claims about who is more genetically close to ancient populations, is just a fantasy.

    We could infer that visually they looked as Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, because the classical authors don’t write anything about their appearances. While the classical authors write about the appearance of people who looked different to them. For example, a lot of descriptions about the “strange” physical appearance of the Ancient Northern Europeans (“large bodies”, “red faces”, “blonde hair” etc).

    My point was that prior to 1947 there were Christian villages and towns in Palestine. The phenomenon that you (probably very accurately) describe, of Christians just being marginals embedded within majority-Muslim communities, seems to be a recent one.

    It depends on the historical epoch and with some exceptions (like Maronites in the mountain regions, who had more autonomy). But they were integrated in the Ottoman system, as the Islamic society tolerates them and they had many important functions, although they have some independence in the millet system, lower status, low prestige, lower status in legal court, they often had to wear special clothes to identify their religion etc.

    Later Arab nationalists like Edward Said exaggerate the harmony and it changes in the different historical epochs.

    The Maronites were more self-confident and more of a separate nationality, and then later they become more connected to European colonial power.

    Of course, Arab nationalist movement and Arabism in the late 19th century was created a lot by the Christian Arabs, as a kind of escape from being a separate and lower status group in Muslim world. It was a kind of assimilation strategy for them to Muslim majority.

    And after there was a lot of investment in the Arab nationalist movement, which Jews more avoided, as the Arab Christian intellectuals trying to appropriate the Arab classical literature as a secular identity etc.

    It’s like if there is the movement of Slavic nationalism, led by Russian Muslims, based on the secular appropriation of Russian Orthodox texts.

    Later Edward Said and others are spreading part of this project to the Western universities, while the Soviet Union becomes the manager locally.

    •�Replies: @AP
  676. LatW says:

    Partially it was for purposes of modernization and centralisation as Dmitry wrote in his response to you.

    Again, I know why, it was a rhetorical question – to counter Bashi’s claims about poor Russians suffering in the Empire.

    When this happens at the expense of a very large portion of the Empire’s subjects, then it is overreach.

    But it was also inspired by Polish nationalism and a perceived need to respond with Russian nationalism.

    There you go – Russian nationalism. And not some Russian ethnonationalism which would’ve been bad enough – but a toxic mixture of feudal and cultural oppression. So the Russian Empire is already oppressive large masses of people and when those people are unhappy, instead of working with them, you decided to oppress them even more at the most fundamental level – native language and religion. Good luck with that. The result is predictable – then don’t whine a 100 years later about “muh Empire” and “muh Russian rights”.

  677. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Did you read Ron Unz’ article on Mrs. Macron and Mrs. Obama?

    he mentions it in passing in the Candace Owens/Ryan Dawson piece. I must say that I find it very surprising that Candace Owens produced over six hours of podcasts focusing on Mrs. Macron, and that Mr. Unz has claimed to have watched all of them.

    I don’t really get it and Big Mike as a conspiracy.

    IMO, people think that Obama is gay merely because he is an East African mulatto in an obvious marriage of political convenience, and because he supports gays as part of a coalition. (IIRC, there is some picture where he appears to be looking at the backside of a teenage girl, though it might be accidental)

    Macron is obviously gay, but marrying a beard is pretty standard practice, or used to be. Before Obama, there was interest in former black governor of MA Deval Patrick, but he was probably seen as too gay for America, even though he has a wife. (No children)

    I hope Ron Unz lives a long life.

    I also wish him good health.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  678. @emil nikola richard

    They are very, very sensitive to criticism from people they perceive as higher status than them (hence the reactions to Trump and Vance’s comments).

    •�Replies: @LatW
  679. @Torna atrás

    That look on her face is priceless. One half-second before or one half-second after and they would have missed it. I’m amazed such capable professional photographers are still working. I did a google image search but could not locate the identity of the photographer.

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
  680. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Did Ron really ban Karlin? I thought that was an Unz Review comments inside joke of some sort and that AK had simply flown the coop.

  681. @QCIC

    No, he really did ban him.

    He has to try and sneak back in under a pseudonym.

    I suspect he’s too proud for that and someone will out him to Mr Unz pretty quickly, if he tried.

    So I guess he can’t be bothered, which is a pity.

    •�LOL: Mikhail
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  682. QCIC says:

    Even if the Big Mike idea is a bogus conspiracy theory you have to admit that the Joan Rivers bit and the two Obama “My Michael” slip ups are pretty funny.

  683. QCIC says:
    @Torna atrás

    What was AK’s transgression?

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  684. @QCIC

    It’s not my business, so I won’t go into depth.

    But I will say it was wrong of Mr Karlin to disparage Mr Unz, even if they departed on poor terms and disagreed on the future of his blog here.

    •�Thanks: QCIC
  685. Dmitry says:

    Christians They see Israel as a place that actually will protect

    Yes for the younger generation of the Arab Christians in Israel.

    But the elders in the Arab villages, are from the generations when their community were leaders of the project of Arab nationalism, pan-Arabism and the Arab communist movements, as the way to assimilate.

    These projects of Arab nationalism were partly led by Arab Christians for over a century and they also worked as an educated layer of Arab society with the Soviet Union and the international communist movements.

    This is simply not true. All non-Muslims are infidels, to be targeted by Jihad. Pretending to tolerate Christians, but not actually doing so, is part of the Muslim tradition of Taqiyya deception.

    The non-Muslim “people of the book” (Christians and Jews) are tolerated, but with lower social status, because of the religious law.

    It’s the reason the Arab Christians were promoting and developing the Arab nationalist movement, even the concept of Arabism.

    By creating the Arab identity above the Muslim identity, the Arab Christians would assimilate to be ordinary citizens, based on their ethnic identity as Arabs.

    From the traditional Muslim society perspective, the Christians and Jews are tolerated, but they are supposed to be a quiet, well behaved minority, that accepts a lower status, lower prestige and non-equal role in the legal system.

    When Europeans often elevated the status of the minorities, this is a source of the tension.

    segregation laws keeping groups physically apart. Perhaps unintentionally, Israel’s marriage laws protect Christian communities. Intermarriage between a Christian and a Jew is

    It’s easy for them to intermarry, as Israel recognizes secular marriage abroad, so it’s the cost of the ticket to Cyprus. Alternatively they can convert one side to Christianity in a few hours just for marriage paperwork.

    The barrier for intermarriage in Israel, is cultural for religious Jews. And Muslims do not like to intermarry their women, but the Muslim men are allowed to marry Christian and Jewish women.

    Druze are also not liking to intermarry, for religious reasons which are probably related to theory of re-incarnation. But the Arab Christians marry any religion, although perhaps the Arab nationalist ones would avoid marrying Zionist Jews.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @AP
    , @A123
  686. Beckow says:
    @Torna atrás

    That’s the witchy look, it comes naturally to Kaja. As with all of these weird officials who the f..ck thought it was a good idea to appoint her? She is an aging ideologue and she has become too fanatical. They will drop her, nobody wants to talk to her so she is of no use…

    •�Agree: Torna atrás, Mikhail
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  687. @QCIC

    It happened almost so fast that if you blinked you missed it.

    One day Karlin showed up with a new user id; I forget the verbatim but it was along the lines of Gay and Proud of it. He posted ~ six comments over two days. Definitely absolutely less than 30 posts over five days. He was summarily banned by Ron Unz with one of those five word statements no sock puppets permitted on unz dot com.

    A couple days later one of his twitter followers showed up and begged Karlinstan for some solidarity but that went absolutely no where. There were one or two mildly supportive people but it was all so quiet that you did not even notice it.

    The only other person I know of Ron Unz banning who posted a lot of comments (a lot of people show up out of nowhere and behave like total jerks and get banned but that is something else) was Trilexia whatever. Their offense: sock puppet comments. That annoys Mr. Unz max.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  688. Beckow says:

    From the traditional Muslim society perspective, the Christians and Jews are tolerated, but they are supposed to be a quiet, well behaved minority, that accepts a lower status, lower prestige and non-equal role in the legal system.

    Isn’t that exactly what Israel does with non-Jews? But they have a broader definition of tolerance with a medieval touch: they kill them when they need their space…

  689. LatW says:

    In the Arab village, the Christian boomers are communists, Arab nationalists, pan-Arabist etc. They are often more anti-Israel than even their Muslim neighbors. But in the same village, the younger generation of Arab Christians, are joining the IDF and many just want to be normal Israelis.

    One might want to look to what extent this Arab nationalism is based on legitimate interests or political circumstances and how much this was the result of the Cold War influences (meddling essentially). I wouldn’t count on all the youth becoming “normal Israelis”, even though this trend (of them integrating) is understandable. But the violence against the Palestinians, unfortunately, has been extreme so…


    Arabs generally more respect the Druzim or at least scared of them. But Arabs are generally not respecting the Christian Arabs, or scared of them.

    That’s a kind of a primitive dynamic and universal, I guess it pays off to be an aggressive primate in this world. Everyone has to defend their place under the Sun. But I’m sure the Druzim are not that bad. 🙂

    But the Arab Christian are viewed as stereotypically leftist nerds and the Arabs majorities haze them with impunity.

    If they all got super educated and if everyone received better nutrition and medical care, do you think they would become peaceful and not haze each other? Some primitive virility is good, but you don’t want to be just a society of simplistic jocks (who also happen to be religious fundies, of whichever religion).

    In the documentary, the Maronite Israeli soldier says the Bedouin Muslim girl in the village has no problems joining the IDF because everyone is scared of Bedouins.

    I like how the guy says that if someone tried to touch the Bedouin girl, her brothers would come and beat the hell out of that guy or guys, that’s awesome. That’s one of the benefits of a traditional society, essentially just natural behavior.

    But if the Arab Christian joins the IDF, everyone beats them, because they are not scared of the Arab Christians, they are too polite and well behaved.

    Would an Arab Christian defend his female relative with physical force? Or call the police? (Assuming there is police nearby).

    They should not be abused, ofc, but I think the ideal human being is someone who is cultivated and educated (and creative and refined), but also a bit aggressive (bold) if needed – and that’s actually a rare combo. And physically fit through some lifting (not just cardio which makes one look weak).

    Well, you know, the high number of most famous musicians, scientists, writers, probably more than Peter relative to population.

    Very high, and not just Germans and Jews. There was always a lot of publishing, and Latvians developed their own architectural tradition, the result of which is quite decent modern architecture now.

    Did you know that Richard Wagner lived in Riga for a couple of years (during the time that he was starting to write Rienzi)? His apartment used to be not too far where I used to live. Isaiah Berlin was born in Riga and lived there for a while. Herder, too. This all began already before the 18th century. Later – architecture, pharmaceuticals, electronics, etc.

    On the Orthodox end, there are quite a few Old Believer icons (some might be quite valuable), those must’ve been created over 300 years or so.

    Sad until I checked now I didn’t know Mariss Jansons is already dead

    Yes, unfortunately he passed away just recently (in 2019). He won a Grammy for Best Orchestral performance in 2006 for his recording of a Shostakovich symphony with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. His performances of Beethoven are just so beautiful.

    There are a few other good, world renowned conductors currently active, the one I like is Māris Sirmais, he is a choral conductor though, not for symphonic orchestra. Exceptional precision, very delicate, but can produce some dramatic emotions. He does a lot of interesting contemporary pieces, and sacral pieces. Such as by Sofia Gubaidulina (who, interestingly, is a Volga Tatar, hence the surname). (And, yes, a lot of this work is recorded by the Deutsche Grammophon).

    He conducted the soundtrack for the Blizzard of Souls (a WWI movie). Sorry to inundate you with these tracks, but they are just so good.

    Here is a contemporary Latvian composer whom I really like, Ēriks Ešenvalds, here is his interpretation of O Salutaris Hostia, one of the most beautiful hymns in human history:

  690. @Beckow

    By the way I recently found out Slovakia is the world’s largest producer of cars per capita.

    993 thousand in 2024 compared to 780 thousand for the United Kingdom.

    I believe that’s the fifth year in a row they’ve achieved that, impressive!

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  691. AP says:

    By creating the Arab identity above the Muslim identity, the Arab Christians would assimilate to be ordinary citizens, based on their ethnic identity as Arabs.

    This is mostly true of Palestinian Christian Arabs, but less so of those from Lebanon and Iraq.

    The ones from Lebanon do not consider themselves to be Arabs, but descendants of ancient Phoenicians. They view (Muslim) Arabs are disgusting invaders and barbarians.

    The ones from Iraq call themselves Chaldeans, and claim descent from the native Babylonians. They also view (Muslim) Arabs are dirty, barbarian invaders from the South who took over and stole their lands.

    Source: I once lived in a place with many of these emigres (and their children and grandchildren), and knew quite a few at the time. A close friend dated a Chaldean girl for awhile.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  692. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    You still don’t understand the situation has changed and rightly so.

    I was talking exactly about the changing situation.

    What is the annual export volume of US produced weapons – 300B? What percentage of that is European contracts? They can keep antagonizing Europe at their own risk – or they can have a meeting with more serious people from Raytheon and Lockhead Martin who will explain the reality to them.

    Have you been listening to the announcements coming out of the White House and the butthurt and full of hostility responses from the Euro Chicken Hawks?

    Have you checked the most recent status of the pseudo-Molotov-Ribbentrop talks? There are no tangible results, and the results that will be “achieved” will not bring a lasting resolution.

    Could you please answer my question that I asked above:

    And you’ve gotta get your basics right – which one is it then – Lithuania gets “gibs from Uncle Sam” or is Lithuania subsidizing American interests overseas? Your claims are inconsistent.

    Which one is it then?

    •�Disagree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  693. LatW says:

    I just heard about this thing this morning – apparently, the Ukrainians have created some kind of a mini-aircraft carrier, that brings the drones into the Black Sea and the firepower is so strong that it can take out much larger systems (that they even blew up an S300). This must be it. They should keep the tech secret (only share with the closest and the most trustworthy).

  694. You’ve done me wrong songbird, I can’t stop noticing now.


    It’s only fair, she did accuse you of been attracted to Asiatic Women.

    •�LOL: songbird
    •�Replies: @QCIC
  695. AP says:

    Nobody knows how was the genetics of the ancient Israelites, as there is no sample of the genetics of the ancient populations (unlike some frozen bodies in the Alps and the preserved bodies of Ancient Egyptian mummies).

    No, they have found various genetic data recently. For excample:


    Here is a detailed article. Actually, the Samaritans are most closely related to ancient Israelites, as are Lebanese Christians. But Palestinian Christians are far more closely related than Palestinian Muslims, or European Jews.


    You can click the link for the ancestry percentages based on genetic data.

    But the Palestinian Christians are genetically far more distinct from Palestinian Muslims than, say, the Slavic nations are distinct from one another.

    From the article:

    So let us talk discuss the actual history of Palestinians, not the fairy tale Arab replacement version. A good starting point is when the region was named Palestine. In 63 BCE the Romans conquered Israel from the Hasmonean dynasty. In 132-136 the Bar Kochba revolt takes place. The Romans arguably commit a genocide against the Jews with some historians placing the number of deaths north of half a million. The population of Israel collapses. The Romans name the area Syria-Palestina to spite the Jews. The survivors of the genocide would be the first Palestinians.

    It is important to note that this war in Israel was between the Jews and the Romans. The surviving Christians and Samaritans would be ethnically Jewish/Israelite. Christianity was originally a Jewish sect after all. To reiterate almost all these Christians in Israel are Israelites/Jews who converted to Christianity.

    The next big demographic change occurred in the 500s. The Samaritan population reached hundreds of thousands. As a result, they decided to rebel against the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire in an attempt to create their own Israelite state. Emperor Justinian mercilessly crushed the rebellion and the Samaritans as well as what was left of the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity. The region was now firmly Christian.

    In 634 the Rashidun Caliphate conquered Israel/Palestine. In 1099 the crusaders took most of Israel. Records suggest they killed and expelled most of the non-Christian population.

    The Crusader Kingdoms retained control of Israel until 1187 when Saladin defeated them. In 1260 the Egyptian Mamluks conquered Israel. It is likely at this point when we start to see major foreign admixture enter the Palestinian genetic pool and when the “Palestinian Muslim” ethnogenesis forms. It is also at this point that the Palestinian Christian samples stopped changing. It would have been punishable by death for a Muslim to convert to Christianity, so Palestinian Christians were only able to marry other Palestinian Christians. Geneticists believe that Palestinian Christian genetics are frozen at the level found around the year 1200. Again, to reiterate Palestinian Christians are almost entirely Jewish/Israelite and appear usually between 88-97% Israelite on genetic tests.

    The Palestinian Muslim genetic ancestry would have likely begun to shift starting from this Palestinian Christian core around the year 1200.

    What we see [among Palestinian Muslims] is elevated Natufian coming from an Arab source (probably Bedouin), some Sub-Saharan coming from the African slave trade, and European Hunter-Gatherer from probably a Kurdish source.

    •�Replies: @Dmitry
  696. Beckow says:
    @Torna atrás

    In western Slovakia there are about a dozen large car manufacturers, VW is the biggest, they also make Porsche SUVs. They pay well but locals don’t stay long, 2-3 years to save for a bigger house then most quit. It’s a boring work. They get Serbs, Romanians, and even Ukies. The companies constantly agitate for more cheap migrant workers…

    My view is that nobody owes them a business. If they can’t make it with the local workforce in Germany or CE, maybe they should do something else.

    •�Agree: S1
    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
  697. @LatW

    Transitioning from the first to the second. Trump, Vance and Hegseth are hammering home that point at every opportunity. Simply because you don’t like the deal doesn’t mean you can pretend you don’t understand it.

  698. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    They are very, very sensitive to criticism from people they perceive as higher status than them (hence the reactions to Trump and Vance’s comments).

    Trump and Vance (and much less the likes of Hegseth and Gabbard) are not of the same, what you call “higher status”, as the previous US administrations. They voluntarily gave up on their previously inherited (but unearned), much higher Pax Americana derived status. The Euros are just peeved because they don’t appreciate this level of rudeness. And cheating (the F35 kill switches).

    Btw, the real American level (of competence, integrity, etc) is higher than what this administration is demonstrating.

    Simply because you don’t like the deal doesn’t mean you can pretend you don’t understand it.

    What exactly is the “deal”?

    Please, answer my above question. I’m waiting.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
    , @A123
  699. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Thanks. I guess I saw that happening but didn’t know what to make of it. Whatever.

    That makes the memorial Karlinstan section slightly cooler. The King is Dead. Long live the King!

    I’m still hoping that Ron and Miles will have lunch together. They can argue about which one is really a project.

  700. A123 says: •�Website

    There is no such thing as “Arab nationality”. All Arab nations are Muslim and thus inherently inimical to Christianity.

    Christians see Israel as a place that actually will protect them

    Yes for the younger generation of the Arab Christians in Israel.

    But the elders in the Arab villages, are from the generations when their community were leaders of the project of Arab nationalism

    OK… I see the disconnect.

    • You are talking about THEN.
    • I am much more focused on NOW.

    Yes, Lebanon was supposed to be a paragon of Arab nationalism. The experiment with forced 3 sided governance has led to something quickly approaching a failed state. Despite all 3 being theoretically “Arab” the religious & cultural differences overwhelmed the Arab concept.

    Persecution of Christians in Turkey and Egypt is high. Syria is unwinding with the targeting of their Christian populations.

    The concept of Arab nationalism has failed and is irrevocably headed to the ash heap of history. The replacement is Muslim nationalism.

    This is simply not true. All non-Muslims are infidels, to be targeted by Jihad. Pretending to tolerate Christians, but not actually doing so, is part of the Muslim tradition of Taqiyya deception.

    The non-Muslim “people of the book” (Christians and Jews) are tolerated, but with lower social status, because of the religious law.

    Taqiyya permits lying to infidels. One of the key deceptions is the non-existent concept “people of the book”. It is not actually practiced by Islamists. The lie is intended to make controlled Christians and Jews more placid and docile to Muslim authoritarian rule.

    Would you please answer this question directly:

    If the Christians of Bethlehem are “people of the book”, why do Muslims systematically abuse and ethnically cleanse them?

    Fact based observations of Muslim conduct unequivocally demonstrate that your proposition does not exist NOW.

    If you want to claim such a thing functioned THEN, many generations ago, you may do so. However, that has no relevance to the current situation on the ground.

    Perhaps unintentionally, Israel’s marriage laws protect Christian communities. Intermarriage between a Christian and a Jew is rare. It is extraordinarily difficult to obtain the necessary marriage license.

    It’s easy for them to intermarry, as Israel recognizes secular marriage abroad, so it’s the cost of the ticket to Cyprus. Alternatively they can convert one side to Christianity in a few hours just for marriage paperwork.

    It is not as easy as you suggest.

    I posted about overseas and cruise marriages in the past. They are not fully equivalent to domestic marriages. Can this work around be used for some scenarios? Yes. However, it opens the door for all sorts of future issues if the foreign marriage is found “defective”.

    Conversions, both into & out of Judaism are closely controlled by religious authorities. Attempts take years and can be rejected for trivial reasons.

    Intermarriage between Christians, Druze, and Muslims all fall outside of state Jewish religious authorities. These would be legally straightforward. However, persistent Muslim abuse & violence towards Christians effectively heads off most of these potential associations long before they approach marriage.

    PEACE 😇

  701. @LatW

    The one they keep lecturing to you at every opportunity they get. The one that makes you so butthurt and and full of hostility towards this MAGA administration.

    You can’t place them on a ignore list.

  702. Battle of the Nations

    Bulgaria United States
    Poland the Ukraine


  703. A123 says: •�Website

    Trump and Vance (and much less the likes of Hegseth and Gabbard) are not of the same, what you call “higher status”, as the previous US administrations.

    This is 180° backwards.

    Europe appreciated the low status of the previous Team Biden administration. They used their higher status, and bribery, to extract value from the U.S. and sent over the pond to themselves.

    These European elites are horrified that the U.S. now has high status leaders like Trump, Vance, and Hegseth. This status in America enables them to reject European globalism.

    High status meetings between Putin and Trump push Europeans to junior tier. Or worse, no seat at the table. Low status European elite resistance to their demotion in the new order is inevitable, but ineffective.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @Torna atrás
  704. LatW says:

    Vance: “I just hate bailing out Europe again.”

    Nah, buddy, you’re doing Israel’s bidding here, not “bailing out Europe”.. own it. You can at least be honest to yourself. But maybe you’re incapable of it…

    Stephen Miller: “If Europe doesn’t remunerate, then what?”

    Hahahahaha! Wow. Greedy much? Stephen Miller is delusional. Did Europe ever ask for these strikes to be made?


    •�Replies: @songbird
  705. LatW says:

    They used their higher status, and bribery, to extract value from the U.S. and sent over the pond to themselves.

    I’m really sorry to hear you feel this way. But I agree that nothing should be forced. Everything should be based on mutual benefit, as to the status – one doesn’t get to keep unearned status.

    •�Replies: @A123
  706. @A123

    This is a high status reply, well thought-out.

    How did you come to this conclusion?

    Please, answer my above question. I’m waiting

    •�LOL: QCIC
    •�Replies: @LatW
  707. A123 says: •�Website

    Vance: “I just hate bailing out Europe again.”

    Nah, buddy, you’re doing Israel’s bidding here


    The Houthis are bad at targeting. Their shipping strikes have had minimal impact on Israel. They even managed to strike a tanker, Cordelia Moon (1), linked to the Russian oil transport industry.

    The big losers are Europe, China, and Egypt. High status Vance made a good case that bailing out these folks, especially lower status Europeans, should not be a U.S. priority: (2)

    “Whether it’s now or several weeks from now, it will have to be the United States that reopens these shipping lanes. Per the president’s request we are working with DOD and State to determine how to compile the cost associated and levy them on the Europeans,” Waltz said.

    Vance then reportedly wrote to Hegseth, “if you think we should do it let’s go. I just hate bailing Europe out again.”

    Hegseth responded: “VP: I fully share your loathing of European free-loading. It’s PATHETIC. But Mike is correct, we are the only ones on the planet (on our side of the ledger) who can do this. Nobody else even close. Question is timing. I feel like now is as good a time as any, given POTUS directive to reopen shipping lanes. I think we should go; but POTUS still retains 24 hours of decision space.”

    One wonders if Team Waltz intentionally leaked to force the issue, “perception of U.S. inaction”. If so, he and his inner circle are being investigated right now.

    Another possibility is that the entire thing was staged. This seems less likely to me, but they may be looking for a treasonous handoff between the reporter and foreign intelligence operations.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.myshiptracking.com/vessels/cordelia-moon-mmsi-352003305-imo-0

    (2) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2025/03/25/national-security-advisor-mike-waltz-invited-leftist-journ-o-lister-jeff-goldberg-to-group-chat-on-signal-discussing-houthi-attacks/

    •�Replies: @LatW
  708. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    You were the one who used the term “high status” or “status” first, not me. 🙂

    Torna, you’re going to be stingy today? 🙂 And not give me a well thought out, long awaited response of adequate status to my not so difficult question: A) “Does Lithuania receive endless gibs from Uncle Sam” or B) “Is Lithuania capable and willing of subsidizing US’s interests in the West Pacific?”. C) Both.

    Multiple choice (easy) – which answer do you choose? 🙂

    •�Disagree: Torna atrás
  709. LatW says:

    One wonders if Team Waltz intentionally leaked to force the issue, “perception of U.S. inaction”.

    Who exactly is “Team Waltz”? Aren’t they all one team (Team MAGA)? 🙂

    And why would he do something like that intentionally? And why did they decide to bomb Yemen exactly now…? What’s the issue there with “timing”?

    This seems less likely to me, but they may be looking for a treasonous handoff between the reporter and foreign intelligence operations.

    Yea? Who?

    Poor Gabbard, am starting to feel pity for her – they deliberately stuck her in this important post, knowing full well she’s not qualified for it, just because she would be compliant with Trump’s new ideology, and now that this happened, she’s the one getting held most accountable.

    Apologies if my use of “status” came off as churlish. That was not my intent. I thought that was how you were framing the discussion.

    Not really. But it’s funny.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @emil nikola richard
  710. A123 says: •�Website

    @ Torna atrás
    You were the one who used the term “high status” or “status” first, not me.

    As Torna is on my Commenters to Ignore list, I had no idea he originated that language choice.

    Apologies if my use of “status” came off as churlish. That was not my intent. I thought that was how you were framing the discussion.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
  711. Mr. XYZ says:

    A close friend dated a Chaldean girl for awhile.

    Was she attractive? And traditional or promiscuous?

    BTW, in regards to your point about the Jews adopting the Persian God. In that case, why not personally become a Zoroastrian or at least some kind of mix between a Zoroastrian and a Christian?

    •�Replies: @AP
  712. A common explanation of the Hubble tension and anomalous cold spots in the CMB

    A. Kovacs 1,2‹† R. Beck,3,4 I. Szapudi,3 I. Csabai,4 G. Racz ´ 4 and L. Dobos4
    Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomy Society, Sep 2020

    Note: this is a common explanation for the little-appreciated-fact that Hubble’s Law has enough holes in it that you could drive a Tesla cybertruck through it. If it was charged up. And if domestic terrorists don’t take you out with a rocket propelled grenade. I’m sure the chinks are on it.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  713. A123 says: •�Website

    One wonders if Team Waltz intentionally leaked to force the issue, “perception of U.S. inaction”.

    Who exactly is “Team Waltz”? Aren’t they all one team (Team MAGA)? 🙂

    Every major leader has a personal cadre. Waltz’s wife is perceived as a free agent in some circles. He almost certainly has additional close confidants.

    And why would he do something like that intentionally? And why did they decide to bomb Yemen exactly now…? What’s the issue there with “timing”?

    If you review the conversation, some wanted to go early/now. Others preferred later/never.

    You should read this linked article. One concern was: (1)

    [Hegseth] reportedly added, “Waiting a few weeks or a month does not fundamentally change the calculus. 2 immediate risks on waiting: 1) this leaks, and we look indecisive;

    So Team Waltz, and others who were most hawkish, had knowledge that any potential leak could possibly flip Hegseth to the early/now side.

    This seems less likely to me, but they may be looking for a treasonous handoff between the reporter and foreign intelligence operations.

    Yea? Who?

    The reporter that received the information, Jeffrey Goldberg from The Atlantic, is a known scum bag who operates outside the lines journalistic integrity.

    One way of testing if an individual (or an associate) is comprised — Give that person unique dialogue/concepts when you have access to the other side’s take. If that then shows up in the enemy state dossier, counter intelligence has a strong lead on the illicit information flow.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2025/03/25/national-security-advisor-mike-waltz-invited-leftist-journ-o-lister-jeff-goldberg-to-group-chat-on-signal-discussing-houthi-attacks/

    •�Replies: @Mikhail
  714. @LatW

    Poor Gabbard, am starting to feel pity for her – they deliberately stuck her in this important post, knowing full well she’s not qualified for it, just because she would be compliant with Trump’s new ideology, and now that this happened, she’s the one getting held most accountable.

    Manager of government spooks is a bizarre occupation. Your job is to keep secrets. And tell lies. Every secret is accompanied by a set of lies to keep it. So anything that she says is some sort of a lie. That is why they want her to talk and they can gotcha her and act like they are doing something.

    The spice must flow.

  715. songbird says:
    @emil nikola richard

    A lot of people in the space news community seem to be fearing a Chinese takeover of the Moon.

    The UN treaty that says no country can appropriate the Moon has a clause which allows any state to withdraw from it, after giving 12 months notice. Saudi already has withdrawn.


    I don’t think the Moon really has that much potential.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  716. AP says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    A close friend dated a Chaldean girl for awhile.

    Was she attractive? And traditional or promiscuous?

    Very attractive, and traditional.

    BTW, in regards to your point about the Jews adopting the Persian God. In that case, why not personally become a Zoroastrian or at least some kind of mix between a Zoroastrian and a Christian?

    Because Jesus is the incarnation of God, not merely a prophet, and therefore Christianity the ultimate fulfillment of Zoroastrianism. Plus, it is my tradition.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  717. songbird says:

    Nah, buddy, you’re doing Israel’s bidding here, not “bailing out Europe”

    Can’t it be both? Britain and France sent their troops to Suez in 1956. (of course, I am against US involvement)

    Did Europe ever ask for these strikes to be made?

    Wouldn’t this thing typically be secret? I mean we don’t have the Israeli order to strike the Houthis, do we?

    •�Replies: @LatW
  718. QCIC says:

    They should be more worried about the Chinese taking over the Earth!

    I have a fun theory that someone snuck up to the moon before Apollo 11 and planted a flag before the Outer Space and Moon Treaties were in force (not counting Nazi starships). Whatever country claimed it has not allowed others to land unless they pay the toll. On Earth, Bouvet Island was one of the last claims and was snagged by Norway around 1928 which is only 41 years before Apollo. Maybe China will get a long lease.

    Probably Musk’s play is similar. He doesn’t just want to colonize Mars, he wants to own it.

    The moon is nearby in the event Earth is turned into a zombified wasteland. Mars schmarz. Just call up Grand Fenwick for a visa.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  719. LatW says:

    Wouldn’t this thing typically be secret?

    Of course, it would be secret. However, there would be something floating around, an inkling of this, way before this. There would be some conversations about it, expressed as a need or a recognition of this problem (there was some press about Norwegian ships being attacked but it was relatively minor news).

    Often when they do these bombing raids, they do not announce them but then the French fly along with the Americans (the way they did with that recent one to “defend” Israel). But here it was just the US. The Houthis are only active because Israel was tormenting Gaza, and Europe was not part of that (and many in Europe were against it).

    Congressman Ron Paul:

    •�LOL: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @songbird
  720. LatW says:

    Hey, Dima, check out this piece by Sofia Gubaidulina – The Canticle of the Sun: II. Glorification of the Creator, the Maker of the Four Elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. The lyrics are a prayer by St Francis of Assisi. The conductor is Sirmais (and this is one of our best chamber choirs).

    It’s really amazing avant-garde, no wonder she had problems with the Soviet system. At the 9th minute something truly incredible begins. Very unconventional, mystical.

    She’s from Kazan’ (Chistopol’).

    Laudato sie, mi Signore, cum tutte le tue creature..

  721. Mikhail says: •�Website

    Two good videos on Goldberg:

    He’s a bit of a drama queen. From the mean streets of Malverne NY (LMFAO!) to the world of Washington establishment punditry.


    He hosts the weekly Washington Week in Review on PBS. At one time, this show had more of an eclectic spirit before getting dominated by The Atlantic outlet he manages.

  722. @LatW

    D) Trump will be the one who decides that. 😄


    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
  723. Sher Singh says:


    They talk of Indo-Slavic stuff in there.
    The Heidemann guy is cool. 🙂

    •�Thanks: Bashibuzuk
  724. He loves her, I can tell, it’s by the way he looks at her.


    He wouldn’t do that for just anyone.

    •�LOL: Bashibuzuk
  725. Bashibuzuk says:

    @ LatW, songbird, AP and Mr Hack, sorry for my lack of response. I’m increasingly busy as of late but will try to catch up and do some effort posting that you certainly deserve. I appreciate your comments even though we sometimes disagree. In the meantime, this is something I found interesting while reading the media today:

    Putin isn’t naive. He knows that with Trump in office, the deep-seated Western consensus against Russia – including a robust, if leaky, economic sanctions regime – isn’t going away anytime soon.

    In Trump’s first term, the US president likewise appeared to be cozying up to Putin, but there is an argument that he was even tougher on Russia, in terms of sanctions, than the administrations of Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

    So, while Putin would likely gladly accept a Trump-brokered peace deal that sacrifices Ukraine’s interests in favor of Russia, that doesn’t mean he would be rushing to embrace some kind of broader call to unite against China.

    Putin will know the extent to which Russia is now reliant economically on China, and subservient to it militarily. In the words of one Russian analyst, Moscow is now a “vassal” or, at best, a junior partner to Beijing.


    We can all thank the (((Neocon))) for helping to rebuild something that in its territorial extent and its military capabilities would be a worthy heir to the Great Mongol Empire of yore. How is the hedonistic, dumbed down and nihilistic West going to repair the mistakes made by its “ideological parasite” overlords ? I don’t know and I lament that my homeland (which includes both RF and Ukraine) has been bloodied and bruised in the process. They brought us division, violence and death. They probably do not have any longer anything better to offer…

    Kinda relevant:

    It seems that they found the burial place of the Great Khan. It also appears that some of his descendants knew where it was and worshipped him there for all these centuries.

    •�Thanks: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @songbird
    , @Mr. Hack
    , @A123
    , @songbird
  726. A) Balts join European Union and NATO to access German Welfare State on both a Macro and Micro level.

    B) Western expansion to the borders of Russia leads to Germany spending 5% of GDP to finance massive re-armament, German Welfare State now dissolved on both the Macro and Micro level.

    C) Both.

    D) Germany will find a way to wiggle out of NATO mutual defense obligations to Baltics.

    Multiple choice (easy) – which answer do you choose? 🙂

  727. songbird says:

    Bouvet sounds like the bottom of the barrel:

    It has an area of 49 km2 (19 sq mi), 93 percent of which is covered by a glacier.

    On 23 February 2006, the island experienced a magnitude 6.2 earthquake whose epicentre was about 100 km (60 mi) away,[41] weakening the station’s foundation and causing it to be blown to sea during a winter storm.


    It is too bad there are no new continents, though some say the world needs new men.

  728. @LatW

    Too lazy to be always responding to his silly spamming, but some time ago it was posted as some greatly compromising reveal that Lithuania got several hundred cumulative millions bucks over five years as a military aid from USA lol

    Meanwhile just this one single contract has been worth roughly the same, which will be paid to US for the produced military stuff, while there were plenty other these types of separate contracts (helicopters, javelins, stingers, hummers etc.) signed and fulfilled over those years too;)


    •�Agree: LatW
    •�Disagree: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  729. songbird says:

    Often when they do these bombing raids, they do not announce them but then the French fly along with the Americans (the way they did with that recent one to “defend” Israel). But here it was just the US.

    I think it is pretty plausible that France/UK don’t have the missile stocks to comfortably participate in an operation like this.

    I’m not sure that their standing back doesn’t speak to their diminished abilities. Politically-speaking, modern war in the West seems to be only possible with standoff weapons, and this probably favors the US by a wide margin.

    If we take Zeihan (who I acknowledge to mostly be a fool, and worse), keeping the seas open to trade is the primary reason for America’s international hegemon status, and why other countries look up to it.

    I don’t think it is entirely impossible that this was being planned from the time Trump got into office.

    But I tend to agree with you though that mentioning Europe and leaking it was most likely misdirection. Personally, I don’t think Trump would try to help Europe, unless it was part of some deal.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  730. songbird says:

    There have been a lot of expeditions and TV crews sent to Burkhan Khaldun, at least since the 1989 Three Rivers Expedition, which was joint Japanese-Mongol.

  731. @sudden death

    It will take time for Germany to ramp their defense spending/industries. The problem is Germany/EU has fallen behind, just look at the gap in tech between US and Europe, 20 years ago US and EU were not that far apart, but now the US is considerably more technologically advanced than EU/Germany, military tech especially.

    How much sovereignty does the EU/Germany have left is an open question that the world will find the answer for over the next decade will they be allowed to rebuild their defence industrial base?

    Whether the Balts sit at the table or end up on the menu depends on how well positioned they are, Landsbergis made many poor choices, so he had to go.

    The Trump administration understands conflict in Europe is occupying the mental energy of all it’s top leaders and consuming valuable American political/economic capital, this has a major opportunity cost for them. That’s why their so insistent that peace must come and soon.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  732. Mr. Hack says:

    “Hidden in plain sight…absolutely!”

    •�Agree: Torna atrás
  733. A123 says: •�Website

    So, while Putin would likely gladly accept a Trump-brokered peace deal that sacrifices Ukraine’s interests in favor of Russia, that doesn’t mean he would be rushing to embrace some kind of broader call to unite against China.

    The article is a bit of a strawman argument. No one on any side has suggested Russia will instantly flip sides to unite against China.

    MAGA, starting with Trump’s 2nd term, is beginning to restore normal relations with Russia. This would best translate as “stop pushing Russia towards China”. There are are many areas where Christian Russia and Christian America could cooperate.

    This will not happen over night. It took decades for IslamoGloboHomo to dig this hole. It take years for Judeo-Christian Americans to fill it back in.

    MAGA will have to prove that it can win multiple elections. Fortunately the DNC is floundering.

    They are actually trying to cancel Bernie Sanders for not being sufficiently leftist. How dare he suggest borders should be secure!!!

    I hope AOC runs for President.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  734. Beckow says:

    …stop pushing Russia towards China

    If there is no state of war the proximity of different countries matters a lot less. We have a de facto state of war between the West and Russia, and in wars there are eventually only two sides. If the madness ends we will be back to normal with changing friendships and alliances. Who will care who is dancing with whom? Starmer and Macron can stage their own wrestling match…:)

    But Germany re-arming is a fun thing, blood always follows steel. Last time they lost 8 million people. This could be it, centuries of diligent work, waking up at 6 am, manuals and notary stamps…a big puff and back to the swarthy hirsute barbarians running around the Black Forest. Maybe it’s better that way…

    •�Replies: @A123
  735. songbird says:

    James Lindsay is trying to make me get an Instagram account, but I won’t!



    I don’t even like these Chinese netizen criticisms about Snow-white, except for the first one comparing her to Bruno Mars.


  736. LatW says:

    I think it is pretty plausible that France/UK don’t have the missile stocks to comfortably participate in an operation like this.

    In that first operation, I think it was in the beginning of the Gaza war, France simply flew in with destroyers and I think the Jordanians provided some kind of cover locally. That’s different from this bombing raid on Yemen.

    I’m not sure that their standing back doesn’t speak to their diminished abilities.

    Maybe, but I have not seen the Euro states being that eager to attack Yemen directly, even if they have complained about the ships. Iirc, the Houthis stopped attacking ships when the Gazans were left alone, so this is largely the reaction to Gaza. So hypothetically, Europe could negotiate directly with the Houthis for them to leave the Euro ships alone (I know the ships are all international with different flags, but this could hypothetically be arranged).

    If we take Zeihan (who I acknowledge to mostly be a fool, and worse)

    What do you mean “worse”? That he’s pushing someone else’s talking points, and not his personal thoughts? Well, he’s been talking interesting things lately. “The Russian reach”. I find him so, so – about 70% sounds reasonable of what he says, but not all, ofc. Sounds a bit too confident in the US power.

    keeping the seas open to trade is the primary reason for America’s international hegemon status, and why other countries look up to it.

    Well, there is also control over the financial systems, the dollar, treasuries. But seas is part of it, ofc. Open trade benefits most, not just the US. It benefits many Arab countries as well. China.

    Politically-speaking, modern war in the West seems to be only possible with standoff weapons, and this probably favors the US by a wide margin.

    Europe will only need that for Russia (and the US possibly in the North), and we will have drones. The Americans have a bigger need to “defend Israel” and wreak havoc in the Middle East than do the Euros. The Euros do not need chaos and war in the Middle East. One can engage there pro-actively without war.

    I don’t think it is entirely impossible that this was being planned from the time Trump got into office.

    I’m absolutely sure of this. The whole “no more wars” was a complete lie.

    But I tend to agree with you though that mentioning Europe and leaking it was most likely misdirection.

    So you think it was deliberately leaked? Yea, it seems suspicious, especially the added person being a journalist, out of all possibilities. 🙂 Yes, it was an attempt to derail attention from the real goal, the real intention. And to put it on Euros. Seriously, what scum. But most likely, Trump also gave them directions that there should be “remuneration” for anything that they do for Europe. So that part, I think they genuinely feel that way.

    Personally, I don’t think Trump would try to help Europe, unless it was part of some deal.

    I agree, I don’t think he would. At least not in a big way. There is just a small percentage of possibility that he would. Rubio met with our Foreign minister yesterday and it went well, but I don’t feel that it is worth much.

    We have to arrange and prepare everything in such a way that they don’t even need to be there.

    I like how Merz is quiet. It’s the right way to be. Be quiet, don’t make any loud (or any) statements, just work quietly.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  737. Beckow says:

    There is no such thing as a “hybrid war”…You lost an argument so you make up silly terms. Donbas had a regular civil war. In all civil wars outsiders assist both sides, it has been like that since time immemorial.

    Russia helped Donbas Russians and NATO helped Kiev. After Maidan – coup or revolution, it doesn’t matter – the new nationalist Ukie government passed laws to take away language rights from half of its people who voted for Yanukovitch. They took away Russian schools and Russian language in offices – Ukraine was 50% Russian speaking.

    I asked you what would France do if that happened to the French speakers in Belgium? Why did you fail to respond? Swedes in Finland? Catalans in Spain?

    In 2001 there were 8 million, but the population was declining.

    All of Ukrainian population has been declining – 50 million in 1991, now under 30 million. There are also a lot fewer ethnic Ukies in Ukraine. Why do you cherrypick?

    But my point was about the Russian-speakers, not only people declaring Russian ethnicity (17%). Close to 50% of people declared Russian as their native-primary language…they are also a part of the Russian world. In Crimea, Donbas…it was 70-90%. How can you ban them? Isn’t that on it face madness?

    About 5 to 7 million of the Ukie Russians are now in lands outside of Ukraine in Russia. With them around 2 million Ukies who will be assimilated or leave. There are still very strong Russian communities in Odesa, Kharkiv, Dnipro…and Kiev (most still speak mainly Russian). What the Galician Ukie-fanatics have accomplished is to ethnically cleanse Galicia and most of Western Ukraine. Great, what now? A small rump-Ukraine with maybe 15-18 million people and few resources that nobody wants – EU will stay away, so will Poland. What was the mad nationalist circis good for?

    •�Replies: @LatW
    , @AP
  738. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    The problem is Germany/EU has fallen behind, just look at the gap in tech between US and Europe, 20 years ago US and EU were not that far apart, but now the US is considerably more technologically advanced than EU/Germany, military tech especially.

    There is enough tech to defend against Russia (plus Ukraine will bring in more), it just needs to be scaled. It’s the volumes that are the issue, not the tech itself. French, German, Swedish, Ukrainian tech is excellent. We have even purchased Israeli gear.

    As to the High North, it might be more complicated, but neither the US nor Russia themselves are that well positioned to fight up there. It’s an extremely harsh environment across a very wide territory and you need very robust soldiers. Norway, Finland, Sweden has those. Not so sure about US, RF.

    •�LOL: Torna atrás
  739. LatW says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Nobody anywhere on the planet likes gypsies who come around with the intention to steal. Normal gypsies at least hide their intentions instead of announcing them to the whole world.

    •�LOL: Torna atrás
    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  740. songbird says:

    What do you mean “worse”?

    I consider Zeihan to be a scoundrel of the first order. Lots of examples, but he really likes to use words like “racist” and “anti-Semitic.”. What I find so galling about it is that he talks a lot about demographics, but only about age cohorts, not about race.

    He spoke about the UK election and didn’t once mention immigration. He left twitter or threatened to (i don’t know whether he is on it or not), and said it was because Musk was an antisemitic Apartheid supporter.

    About a year or two ago, Zeihan suggested that Germans will “choose morals and ethics” and “pass into this good night.”

    He recently called AfD “neo-Nazis” and was beating the warning drum about Germany rearming, when you combine it with AfD.

    He was once asked before an audience of Indians why Russia doesn’t let in hordes of Indians into Siberia as they “have the technology”, and he readily called them racists.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  741. Pro-Russia propagandist killed just hours after mocking Ukraine as not existing

    Putin propaganda star killed on visit to Russian front line hours after mocking Ukraine

    I guess it does exist if they are able to kill you.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  742. LatW says:

    Lots of examples, but he really likes to use words like “racist” and “anti-Semitic.”. What I find so galling about it is that he talks a lot about demographics, but only about age cohorts, not about race.

    Oh, I never expected him to be a race realist or identitarian or even conservative, he is a typical PC liberal American. Some of his analysis is interesting and crisp, but not all – he has biases. He also doesn’t gather that much info about places like Russia and Eastern Europe.

    I do like how he often runs his podcasts in a natural setting, while hiking, like, he’d be in some nature park in Colorado and then recently he was in New Zealand and you can see beautiful views in the background.

    About a year or two ago, Zeihan suggested that Germans will “choose morals and ethics” and “pass into this good night.”

    That’s just wishful thinking. This type of abusive language from mainstream Americans will soon mean nothing and it will be safe and easy to ignore it.

    He also called the French “arrogant”. Which is funny – as if these old, large European kingdoms with long history should supplicate to the US.

    He was once asked before an audience of Indians why Russia doesn’t let in hordes of Indians into Siberia as they “have the technology”, and he readily called them racists.

    LOL The Indians should go to Russia and experience it themselves.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  743. LatW says:

    Close to 50% of people declared Russian as their native-primary language…they are also a part of the Russian world.

    A big portion of these Russian speakers are not part of the “Russian world” because they are Ukrainian patriots and pro-Ukraine. But a certain percentage might be (not 50% for sure, much less). These are just Russian speaking Ukrainians who are bilingual – they are Russian speakers because of the long Soviet years of russification and they all know Ukrainian as the second language and more of them choose to speak Ukrainian now – their children will have Ukrainian as the first language. They are patriots of Ukraine and not part of the so called “Russian world”. The reason this war is happening is exactly because there was an attempt to push these people into the “Russian world” – against their will.

    A lot of Russian speakers use Russian freely and it’s not a big deal – just open the Ukrainian YouTube. Of course, the Russian speakers should not be abused. But neither should the Ukrainian ones.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @John Johnson
  744. Beckow says:

    …The reason this war is happening is exactly because there was an attempt to push these people into the “Russian world” – against their will.

    When? By whom? You are making up things – since 1991 independence Ukraine was bilingual: Ukrainian language was primary and dominant in the west and center, Russian in the east and south. Who and when was “pushing” Russian?

    The post-Maidan government of questionable legitimacy banned Russian language in schools and offices. You could still use Russian in private conversations, but the media was Ukrainized and the Russian culture gradually banned…

    That is not the way a normal country that wants into EU behaves – it is against what EU stands for. But the EU bosses chose to look the other way, their hatred for Russians triumphed all else. It led to the war and the current dead-end for Ukraine. Considering the other sides’ views and interests would had been a better strategy.

    It’s too late now, the damage has been done – Ukraine will never be what it could have been. The same is true about EU and I like EU. Some mistakes are catastrophic, one can’t recover from them. Maybe Ukraine’s main purpose is to show others what not to do.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  745. LatW says:

    Who and when was “pushing” Russian?

    The Russian side wanted Ukraine to have two official or state languages – and that always comes at the expense of the core nation. De facto this would mean that every Ukainian child would be forced to learn Russian just to get a job (especially a government job) – that’s just continuation of russification. And Ukrainian being a slightly smaller language than Russian and Ukrainian being on its own historical and ancestral soil, is more unjust to Ukrainian. After all, Russia does not respect minority languages on her own territory, they do not reciprocate and do not show an equal level of kindness.

    Similar arguments for historic interpretations and narratives. Russia wanted to impose her narratives, on Ukrainian soil, which differ significantly from those that many Ukrainians hold.

    The post-Maidan government of questionable legitimacy banned Russian language in schools and offices.

    As you and AP spoke above, there was a law to be rolled back that was put in place in Yanukovich’s time, that disadvantaged Ukrainian on its own soil. One can discuss the details of the new laws, but the truth is that Russian was still widely used. It has had a privileged position. That will change now after 2022.

    You could still use Russian in private conversations, but the media was Ukrainized and the Russian culture gradually banned…

    Not true. There is a lot of Russian language media in Ukraine, even now. And lots of YouTube channels. The advisors of the government sometimes use both languages. Also, why should Russian dominate when most of the population is pro-Ukrainian? Why should the minority oppress the majority?

    That is not the way a normal country that wants into EU behaves – it is against what EU stands for.

    In the EU we look at each country’s situation separately, there are caveats. However, I would not put the countries that were formerly colonized by the USSR / Russian Empire in the same box as the Western or even Central Euros. It’s a specific post-colonial situation, that needs to be treated as such.

    Considering the other sides’ views and interests would had been a better strategy.

    Of course, they should’ve taken it easy, but the push from the Russian side was very intense. Do you not remember how Dugin was screaming on the Russian tv, agitating for men to raise a militia and go fight in E.Ukraine? And calling Ukraine rabid and what not, needing salvation? Complete insane religious fundy hate speech.

    It’s too late now, the damage has been done – Ukraine will never be what it could have been. The same is true about EU and I like EU.

    The whole world changed too much to have these supposed dream goals. We have to be realistic now.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  746. A123 says: •�Website

    We have a de facto state of war between the West and Russia, and in wars there are eventually only two sides.

    There is a war between Russia and the European Globalist nations (primarily Germany / France / UK).

    Neutrality is a third option. Populist MAGA is not allocating new funds for Kiev aggression. Sanctions on Russian fertilizer & associated Ag products will be reduced as part of the Black Sea shipping ceasefire. If (when?) Zelensky breaks that deal, the improved U.S./Russia status will stay in place.

    There are all sorts of grey areas along the way. For example, cutting off full price sales of spare parts is bad for long-term business. Therefore, some U.S. goods will likely reach Ukraine. However, they will be paid for by others, not America.

    The question for Ukrainians is much the same as the one for Gazan colonists. When will they stop fighting at the direction of external forces?

    Both Hamas and Führer Zelensky’s operations almost fully funded & controlled by outsiders. Neither has any chance of winning. Their situations are deteriorating. Civilians will have less the longer the respective futile fights go on. Both peoples would do better with new leadership.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @LatW
  747. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Where is Greta when they need her? Oops, wrong country.

  748. @LatW

    They are patriots of Ukraine and not part of the so called “Russian world”. The reason this war is happening is exactly because there was an attempt to push these people into the “Russian world” – against their will.

    This can be confirmed by looking at the 2019 election results whereby the pro-Russian candidates had minimal support.

    The idea that Russian speaking Ukrainians naturally desire to be part of Russia has no basis in reality.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  749. @A123

    The question for Ukrainians is much the same as the one for Gazan colonists. When will they stop fighting at the direction of external forces?

    The Ukrainians have developed their own cruise missile.

    They will have a few dozen ready and can hit targets in Moscow. It is intentionally designed to have a low manufacturing cost and is supposedly difficult to track by S300/400s.

    Ukrainians don’t want to be ruled by a totalitarian dwarf and will soon by voting by cruise missile. They are not being forced by external forces to fight for independence.

    HIMARS/ATACMS was already in limited supply. They are effective but the missiles take time to produce. Your cheeto hero needed to be president in the last term. Biden and the Senate Republicans already shipped them the ATACMS inventory. Biden also shipped them our 1970s/80s mines that were sitting in storage. A lot of Rooskies will need to lose a leg for the dwarf’s glorious legacy of fighting for a small chunk of their neighbor who didn’t have a Navy and barely had an air force.

  750. LatW says:

    Both Hamas and Führer Zelensky’s operations almost fully funded & controlled by outsiders. Neither has any chance of winning.

    Both Russia and Israel are committing huge war crimes, violating international law, and the US is assisting them both. You might want to think about how you’re perceived by the world.

    When will they stop fighting at the direction of external forces?

    A lot of us will fight to death, because we’re fighting for our freedom – a concept the likes of you do not grasp.

    •�Replies: @A123
  751. A123 says: •�Website

    ROTFL — Let me Fix That For You:

    Both Hamas & Führer Zelensky are committing huge war crimes, violating international law, and European Globalists are assisting them. You might want to think about how you’re perceived by the world.

    Hamas and Ukrainians are not fighting freedom. They are dying in service of genocidal foreign powers such as Iran. A concept the likes of you do not grasp.

    PEACE 😇

  752. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    NeoNazi thugs like the Azov group insure that people vote for the correct candidate. That is a major purpose for having NeoNazi thugs. Once these thugs are tacitly or even officially sanctioned by the government, people will generally confirm that the voting was legit, “totally legit, I tell yah!” Once the Azov brigade achieved partial legitimacy, the elections and press cannot be trusted at all because murder, kidnapping and torture against innocent civilians may go unpunished.

    The fact that some or even most of these guys are seen as a fine upstanding nationalist national guard (with a lot of face tattoos) does not change the fact that some are violent street thugs and others have directly embraced genocidal tactics inspired by Bandera and their other icons. These thugs are extremely potent tools against a civilized populace at certain times during a regime change operation. This is why foreign groups like the CIA foster their existence. At the present time it looks like most of the ones in Ukraine will be gradually exterminated except the ones who move to the West to join organized crime here. Maybe the overachievers will go to work for (((Kolomoisky))).

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  753. songbird says:

    Even if you disallow Mr. Hack any pride in Scythian or Sarmatian ancestors, I am glad you see fit to recognize his Turkic strain, so that he can at least compete in the pan-Turkic games, and be accommodated among the Mongol hordes, under the rubric of “people who dwell under felt tents.*, if they ever retake inner Mongolia and get all that thorium.

    *I assume the Scythians and maybe Sarmatians also dwelt under felt tents, and would have been accepted, if the Mongols had had an earlier outpouring.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  754. @QCIC

    NeoNazi thugs like the Azov group insure that people vote for the correct candidate. That is a major purpose for having NeoNazi thugs.

    Totally ridiculous.

    Azov is a mechanized infantry brigade which means they train full time when not in war.

    Or go ahead and provide a source on how they changed the 2019 election through voter intimidation. We both know you made that up.

    But more importantly there were pro-Russian sections of Ukraine that supported pro-Russian candidates with their votes in 2019.

    The pro-Russian sections are in blue:
    Red is Poroshenko which means the CIA was unable to force the pro-NATO through Nuland’s witchcraft and sorcery.

    So you’re wrong on multiple levels, again.

    Most Russian speaking Ukrainians do not want to be part of Russia. You and others have a very hard time with that simple reality. You want to imagine Ukraine as divided in order to help rationalize what is age old Russian imperialism. The majority of Ukrainians voted for Zelensky and not the pro-Russian or pro-NATO candidate. Face reality like a man and move on.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  755. There is a googly eyes manager who claims their new quantum computer is linking to the multiverse. This tool:




    One of these days he is going to find out dealing with the Pentagon is where the real money is to be made. What he needs is a way to zap-pow Russians and Muslims and Russian Muslims from a parallel universe.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  756. Russia has open positions for propagandists if anyone is interested

    Three of them were killed by HIMARS. I actually remember the guy on the left.

    That’s odd since Scott Ritter told us that Russia has rendered HIMARS useless through super duper advanced Russian jamming techniques. Maybe they had a jammer on a donkey that got loose and walked off.

    Speaking of Scott Ritter I read that he did a short pro-Trump stint with the hope of getting a job. He went on some rant against Iran and how Trump is doing the right thing by threatening them. What a shameless whore. He should have taken my advice and switched to truck driving.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  757. songbird says:

    Oh, I never expected him to be a race realist or identitarian or even conservative, he is a typical PC liberal American.

    I think he is something worse. It is like fanservice, like he is playing to people with an ethnic animus. People involved in state policy or regime adjacent.

    This type of abusive language from mainstream Americans will soon mean nothing

    Don’t know about today, but once there was a time, when anyone with haircut like Zeihan (often a “man bun”) would have been considered an extreme weirdo and probably gay. (Am not saying he is.). Less than 30 years ago, even in Massachusetts. At one time, you could practically only see a haircut like that in Cambridge.

    He also called the French “arrogant”. Which is funny – as if these old, large European kingdoms with long history should supplicate to the US.

    this is a pretty strong stereotype about Parisians. But Zeihan’s thoughts on the French are among his most amusing.

    He basically thinks that, when globalsim collapses and the US draws back, the French will steamroll a lot of people because they have good agricultural land and make their own tractors, seemingly including North and West Africa, unless Nigeria becomes a client state to them.

  758. LatW says:

    I think he is something worse. It is like fanservice, like he is playing to people with an ethnic animus. People involved in state policy or regime adjacent.

    I care very little about his ideological convictions, I only care about his analysis and, yes, on occassion it is tainted by his ideology. Is Zeihan a Middle Eastern surname? What’s his heritage?

    Don’t know about today, but once there was a time, when anyone with haircut like Zeihan (often a “man bun”) would have been considered an extreme weirdo and probably gay.

    The guy has to be quite attractive and rather confident to pull off that hairstyle (and have good hair). But I’m assuming a lot of those types of guys do not really care what others think of them (and they live in their own environment that is friendly to such guys) and they mostly go for women who likes those types of guys. Those women are granola types and such.

    this is a pretty strong stereotype about Parisians. But Zeihan’s thoughts on the French are among his most amusing.

    Actually, neither Parisians nor Londoners seem arrogant to me, not in my experience at least. There is an air of a metropolitan confidence and the French refuse to speak English, and the French objectively have a more advanced and developed culture than many others (art, architecture, music, cuisine, literature, poetry, military history, etc). Not sure whether it’s objective to call that sort of reality based confidence “arrogance” but maybe he meant something else. It wasn’t meant in a hostile way, it was just a short remark, I do appreciate that he is open about other nations.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @songbird
  759. songbird says:

    Don’t recall AP mentioning this guy in the debate on English vs. Spanish/French colonization:


  760. @LatW

    The guy has to be quite attractive and rather confident to pull off that hairstyle (and have good hair). But I’m assuming a lot of those types of guys do not really care what others think of them (and they live in their own environment that is friendly to such guys) and they mostly go for women who likes those types of guys. Those women are granola types and such.

    That is no longer the case. It’s no longer just the surfer guy who doesn’t care.

    You see all kinds of guys with the man bun. It’s very weird to Christian conservative dads with them.

    I don’t mind the return of the mullet but the man bun has got to go. Very few guys can pull it off. Kind of like the handlebar mustache.

    Actually, neither Parisians nor Londoners seem arrogant to me, not in my experience at least. There is an air of a metropolitan confidence and the French refuse to speak English

    Well my experience with the French matched the stereotype. I had to spend time around this Frenchmen who could not go an hour without talking about how ze french wine and ze french food is ze best and all you eat is ze mcdonalds or whatever you have in your crass country. I was actually more understanding of why the Germans wanted to rule over the French after being around them. In all fairness the women were fine.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  761. @songbird

    Zeihan is a silly man who says silly things people in the Department of Defense leadership and top military contractor managers want to hear. I thought his idea of the British biggest growth industry was going to mercenaries for the Saudis was pretty hot though.

    Swap out Americans and Chinese. Being the muscle doing the security for Chinese trade caravans would be a fitting Destiny for America.

    •�LOL: songbird
  762. songbird says:

    Is Zeihan a Middle Eastern surname? What’s his heritage?

    based on Iowa, where he grew up, most likely a German ethnic name (variant of “Zeihen”). though probably a few Jews with it somewhere.

    Much like Nikki Haley’s husband and Steve Jobs, he was adopted, which opens up interesting possibilities. Frankly, it is hard for me to believe he is German, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he, like Sailer, had taken a DNA test.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  763. LatW says:
    @John Johnson

    That is no longer the case. It’s no longer just the surfer guy who doesn’t care.

    I live in a very progressive town (although there are quite a few conservatives, Trumpeters and even fundies out in the county), and, while I do see them, it’s not like they are everywhere. Or maybe I’m just used to them and don’t notice anymore. We have one upscale progressive neighborhood where you see these types with good clothing and one upscale business neighborhood where we see more groomed guys with short hair and in suits. Those each are literally within a 5-10 minute drive from each other. In between and downtown there are a lot of somewhat frumpy, or should I say, relaxed types. 🙂 Or just normal.

    In 2016 I saw a young cute guy with a man bun wearing a Trump t-shirt, believe it or not. I was in the co-op (which is a super progressive and woke place) and when I saw his t-shirt I laughed, he saw it and was like “Oh, I better not wear that inside of the co-op”, and he walked back to his car and wore a sweater over his Trump shirt. So you never know.

    They have to have good, long hair and preferably a beard, too, to pull off this look. A lot of English and Nordic men can because they have thick beautiful hair. What they can do is wear that style for a while, like a few months and then cut it and go back to normal hair. But when they’re young, their hair just grows so quickly. I wonder if some of the younger guys don’t have enough money to go to a hair dressers every other month.

    It’s very weird to Christian conservative dads with them.

    I’m getting a little tired of Christian fundies. However… some grooming is good. 🙂 Some of the younger men’s beards are out of control. 🙂

    handlebar mustache

    Some hipsters do it on the West coast, but I find it a bit pretentious. As if, they’re thinking they’re super cool and “different” and old school classy. *eye roll*

    I had to spend time around this Frenchmen who could not go an hour without talking about how ze french wine

    Pull out a bottle of a Columbia Valley wine, have a glass and pretend you don’t hear him! 🙂

    The French will like Americans even less after all these recent shenanigans.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  764. Beckow says:

    The Russian side wanted Ukraine to have two official or state languages – and that always comes at the expense of the core nation.

    Belgium, Finland, Canada, Spain… – have two or more official languages. It’s not a big deal and they are not forced to learn all of them. It works, you don’t want it because it’s “Russian”. The law that Maidan passed was a direct attack on the Russian minority. They objected and now most will not be a part of Ukraine.

    AP as usually tells half-truths: until 2012 both languages were used in schools and offices depending on what people preferred, the ethnic equality is part of Constitution. Yanuk passed a law making that reality a legal requirement. Maidanistas banned that law and started to dismantle bilingualism. It triggered a civil war and now a real war.

    …lots of YouTube channels. The advisors of the government sometimes use both languages….Why should the minority oppress the majority?

    Please, YouTube channels? That’s supposed to be a valid argument? That’s informal media. Why should a majority oppress the minority?

    in EU we look at each country’s situation separately, there are caveats.

    That’s is equivalent to: “in EU we have no laws, we make it up as it suits us“….It doesn’t work that way, Ukies don’t get to make it up, they are paying a high price for trying.

    The whole world changed too much to have these supposed dream goals. We have to be realistic now.

    I agree, it’s different now. If you go back 12 years the idea that Ukraine would shrink so much and lose so many people, Crimea-Donbas gone, no hope of NATO. At the cost of hundreds of thousand killed and maimed and millions who left permanently.

    Sure, the world has changed…and it may not be over yet. Starmer is loading up his rifle, Macron put on his boots, Germans are re-arming…it could still be quite a circus, but it can only end one way.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  765. LatW says:

    We already spoke of this – the EU accession talks for Ukraine are at an early stage now, so they don’t have any obligations right now pertaining to the language policy. But as I said, this is a wider issue that needs to be viewed in a post-colonial context.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  766. Condolences because of several USA soldiers who seem to have died in accident during the exercise in Lithuania as their heavy military towing vehicle crashed/slipped upwards into some small local waterway. Not yet fully officially confirmed, but might be most likely sadly mundane course of such unfortunate event chain…

    •�Replies: @LatW
  767. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I think when the most powerful criminal Jewish Ukrainian oligarch (and others) support actual avowed NeoNazi criminal groups it is an important part of the puzzle.

    When the same powerful criminal Jewish Ukrainian oligarch manufacturers a Presidential candidate with a TV show and then the candidate wins it is important and highly suspicious.

    When the same powerful criminal Jewish Ukrainian oligarch is lauded for creating the largest Jewish community center in Europe and also funds NeoNazi groups which proudly wear swastikas I think it is important.

    When that same guy is put under house arrest I assume it is a scam, but I guess Yulia actually went to jail so maybe it is possible. No honor among thieves, that sort of thing.

    It is true that the cake was already baked by 2019. I mis-skimmed your message and thought you wrote 2015 instead of 2019, yet I stand by my point. Zelensky is as fake and as queer as a three dollar bill.

    “Those who count the vote decide everything.”

    There was a lot going on in Ukraine, going back a thousand years, going back to the Polish Commonwealth and Russian Empire, going back to the commies and now with Noviops and Western Imperialists and miscellaneous other creeps. Nonetheless, Maidan was a coup. It was intended to break Ukraine away from Russia as part of a proxy war. The NeoNazis were a fairly standard tool in this sort of bloody meddling and they were tailor made for the job.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @John Johnson
  768. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Neven’s wiki photo shows the “Further Future” event which is apparently Burning Man for the 1%. A Further Future link has pictures of Eric Schmidt which in general make me want to puke. The festival sounds right up AK’s alley, too bad he got cancelled.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  769. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    Another report suggested the girl with the pretty face died on the Russian side of the border due to a land mine. This would make a solid war story as long as the mine was not Russian. No word on what happened to the kitten.


    Speaking of combat reporters what is up with Fred Reed? Is he still alive? I haven’t read anything by Fred in a couple of years.

  770. A123 says: •�Website

    I think when the most powerful criminal Jewish Ukrainian oligarch (and others) support actual avowed NeoNazi criminal groups it is an important part of the puzzle.

    There is no serious puzzle. Key to understanding is the complete absence of serious practioners of Judaism.

    • Not a Jew — Führer Zelensky is a Neo-Nazi post Judaic apostate who hates Jews. Remember, he visited Jerusalem to personally insult indigenous Palestinian Jews.

    His key supporters include other non-Jews such as:

    • Not a Jew — Angela “Welcome Rape-ugees” Merkel. She hates Jews and supports The Great Muslim Replacement that targets Jews and Christians. As a non-Jewish she tanked The Minsk deal as partners f her plan to harm Jews.

    • Not a Jew — Scholz
    • Not a Jew — Merz
    • Not a Jew — Macron
    • Not a Jew — BoJo

    Do you notice the complete absence of a Jewish presence in this lengthy list of puppet masters running Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews? It is extremely clear to everyone else.

    Packaging one questionable oligarch who keeps live sharks in his office into some “Jewish menace” is clearly not reasonable.

    If you want to generate action against the problem, you must recognize the issue is IslamoGloboHomo. All you achieve by frothing at the mouth, screaming JJJJjjOOOoooZzzzz is discrediting yourself and distracting attention from the real problem.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @John Johnson
  771. songbird says:

    How much of Bell Beaker came from these swamp people?

  772. Mr. XYZ says:

    Very attractive, and traditional.

    Why did they break up?

    Because Jesus is the incarnation of God, not merely a prophet, and therefore Christianity the ultimate fulfillment of Zoroastrianism. Plus, it is my tradition.

    The claim to Jesus’s divinity would be much less strong if one rejects the claim that his resurrection and subsequent accession actually happened, no?

    Interestingly enough, Bentham’s Bulldog, a former atheist turned theist (Deist?) of Jewish descent, doesn’t rank the miracles argument for God all that highly:


    He argues that the best argument for God is the anthropic argument, specifically that one’s own existence would be much more likely if all possible people existed somewhere in the multiverse, similar to one should presume that tails was the outcome of a coin toss if everyone would have woken up with tails and you would have woken up while with heads only several people worldwide would have woken up while everyone else remains asleep.

  773. LatW says:
    @sudden death

    Warm hugs… did they find them yet? Or is the search still ongoing?

    •�Replies: @sudden death
  774. QCIC says:

    So do you think Kolomoisky tricked the Jewish editors at Haaretz into writing good things about him or are they all actually not Jewish?

    Kolomoisky is not any sort of basis of Jewish history in the area. Nonetheless his role in the contemporary scene was non-trivial. The Pale of Settlement is much more interesting, followed by pogroms, holodomors and what have you. What a mess. I do not read Hebrew so I don’t expect to sort it out and you lot are not very helpful.

    I wonder if the shark had a swastika tattoo?

    •�Replies: @A123
  775. AP says:

    There is no such thing as a “hybrid war”…You lost an argument so you make up silly terms. Donbas had a regular civil war

    A regular civil war in which one side’s military and its PM are both from a different country?

    Can you describe any other “civil war” like that?

    In all civil wars outsiders assist both sides

    They do, but in this case it was not mere assistance but actually creation. The first PM and one of his 2 deputy PMs were Russians from Russia (one may have been born in Latvia), with prior experience setting up the republic in Moldova. First military commander was also a Russian.

    Name a civil war anywhere else that had such circumstances.

    I asked you what would France do if that happened to the French speakers in Belgium

    If France invaded Belgium, and the Belgian government killed French in Belgium while fighting back against the French invaders?

    France hasn’t sent generals into Belgium to start a war, so it’s an absurd question.

    In 2001 there were 8 million, but the population was declining.

    All of Ukrainian population has been declining – 50 million in 1991, now under 30 million. There are also a lot fewer ethnic Ukies in Ukraine. Why do you cherrypick?

    You mentioned only Russians so I wrote about only Russians.

    Were you cherry-picking?

    But my point was about the Russian-speakers, not only people declaring Russian ethnicity (17%)

    That was not what you wrote.

    If you meant “Russian-speakers” then I underestimated your stupidity.

    Close to 50% of people declared Russian as their native-primary language.. they are also a part of the Russian world

    So? Many if not most of them are anti-Russian. Kiev was 80% Russian-speaking and 75% were voting for Ukrainian nationalist parties.

    You think that Ukraine’s Russian-speakers don’t have a right to decide to make the Ukrainian schools Ukrainian-language only?

    Your side already bombs and kills Russian-speakers, so I guess it makes sense that you would also deny them the right to decide language policy.

    Or force them to be part of some “Russian world” they do not want to be part of.

    This is almost as stupid as trying to force Irish nationalists to be part of Britain because 95% of them use English as their primary language.

    In Crimea, Donbas…it was 70-90%. How can you ban them? Isn’t that on it face madness

    Crimea was a special case. As for the rest – no more mad than the French, Balts and Americans having one state language.

    About 5 to 7 million of the Ukie Russians are now in lands outside of Ukraine in Russia

    That would mean that only a million Russians are left in Ukraine.

    Or are you confusing “Russians” and “Russian speakers” again?

    Maybe in your midwittery this is too hard to understand?

    There are still very strong Russian communities in Odesa, Kharkiv, Dnipro…and Kiev

    Kharkiv has been heavily depopulated (it has maybe half of its prewar population of 1.5 million, it is now smaller than Lviv), Dnipro is mostly Russian-speaking Ukrainians that hate Russia (it is the base for the Russian-speaking anti-Russian Right Sector movement), Odesa still has some Russians but they are also getting bombed heavily by Russians.

    Great, what now? A small rump-Ukraine with maybe 15-18 million people and few resources that nobody wants

    You love sour grapes, don’t you. Estimates of the number of people in government-controlled Ukraine range from 25 million to 30 million (in 2022 before the invasion it was around 38 million or so). When the war ends, a few million will return, but millions will not.

    So 15-18 million is a fantasy. Russia would have to capture Kiev, Odesa, Dnipro, Kharkiv for that to happen. Instead, it is losing Toretsk.

    Most of Ukraine’s agriculture is under government control, as are most of the lithium and uranium deposits (most in Europe), and gas deposits. Ukraine still has 3 large nuclear plants. Ukraine still has its tech industry (IT research and development – not call centers, those are for Indians and Slovaks) and will be a world leading arms producer, with state-of-the-art drone technology and massive production capacity, and plants for building native missiles and rockets and German tanks.

    Politically, because Putin has taken Crimea and urban Donbas, and killed or driven off so many ethnic Russians in Ukraine, the country is much less divided and therefore politically stronger. A Russian minority of 5% is much less disruptive than one of 20%.

    And a lot of factories and R&D firms that moved from Kharkiv or Zaporizhzhia to Lviv or Kiev aren’t going back. So the economic and demographic shift from East to West will have been accelerated.

    So overall, Ukraine will be much better off, provided that it will have security after the war ends.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
  776. A123 says: •�Website

    I think that 99%+ of the supporters of Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews… brace yourself for this TRUTH… hate Jews.

    There is good question. Why is anti-Semite Kolomoisky building synagogues? It is an unusual activity for someone who hates Judaism and supports Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews.

    the Jewish editors at Haaretz

    Are the anti-Semitic Islamophile editors of Haaretz practioners of Judaism? This seems unlikely. It is a ultra-left socialist, secular remnant of the moribund (or defunct) Labour/Gesher movement.

    It is entirely unsurprising that Haaretz is tied to anti-Semitic post-Judaic apostates. “Haaretz hates Judaism” falls in the same category of obvious facts as “water is wet”.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  777. @Bashibuzuk

    Your other points not withstanding. The execution squad of Romanovs was not mostly Jewish:

    The White Army investigator Nikolai Sokolov erroneously claimed that the execution of the Imperial Family was carried out by a group of “Latvians led by a Jew”.[151] However, in light of Plotnikov’s research, the group that carried out the execution consisted almost entirely of ethnic Russians


    So far as counterfactuals goes, if prior to 1904, Nicholas hadn’t refused Japan’s proposal for exchange of Korea for Manchuria, a lot of later tragedies could have been avoided.

    And, in 1895 Russia allied with Germany and France to deny annexation of Liaodong by Japan, who considered it a profound humiliation.


    Qing China ceded both Liaodong and Taiwan to Japan in 1895. The annexation should have been fair game, per rules amongst the Great Powers at the time, exactly like Germans annexing Alsace-Lorraine in 1872.

    Japan got it back in 1905, lost it again to Russia in 1945. Russia returned it to China in 1945 with some American pressure.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  778. Battle of the Nations

    Phillipines Poland


    Eala is:
    1. unknown # 140 a week ago
    2. has 3 consecutive wins over top players
    3. from the Phillipines but has spent the last 8 years at the Rafael Nadal tennis academy in Spain
    4. left handed and noisy like Rafael Nadal
    5. hit the crap out of Swiatek’s 2nd serve which is Nadalist

  779. @QCIC

    I think when the most powerful criminal Jewish Ukrainian oligarch (and others) support actual avowed NeoNazi criminal groups it is an important part of the puzzle.

    Avowed means openly stated.

    I actually haven’t seen any statements from Azov on being NeoNazi. They have lightening runes in their symbol that predate Nazism. How about a source on them being avowed NeoNazis.

    When the same powerful criminal Jewish Ukrainian oligarch manufacturers a Presidential candidate with a TV show and then the candidate wins it is important and highly suspicious.

    You are saying the election of Zelensky is a Jewish conspiracy?

    What is the conspiracy exactly given that he defeated the pro-NATO candidate that had Western funding?

    Would you be supportive of NeoNazis in Ukraine if they went after the Jews?

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  780. songbird says:

    The French will like Americans even less after all these recent shenanigans.

    genuinely hard to imagine Europe without anti-Americanism.

    I have always been something of a Buchananite, but I wonder what a Europe with such an America would look like, whether they would still talk about us negatively. My guess is yes. Who else could be the whipping boy?

  781. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    After 1990 the Ukraine should have been left alone by the West instead of being turned into a pawn in a proxy war. Much of the anguish was churned up as part of this proxy war. There were lots of existing grievances, some real and some imagined. Everyone was trying to find their way in a new world. The West wanted to feast on these people (Ruskies and Ukies) in their vulnerable situation. I’m not saying post-Soviet Russia was any better, but it is their area, not that of the USA or Western Europe.

    My understanding is that Ukrainian Nationalists aligned with Bandera and others during WW2 who worked with the Germans and were therefore Nazi fellow travelers at least. Modern groups who channel Bandera and his activities are therefore often considered NeoNazis. As I understand it Azov is firmly in this category, one of several organizations in Ukraine. I think the Wolfsangle is one popular symbol in addition to the Swastika and it is known to symbolize the Waffen-SS. Like all these old symbols it has other meanings as well, but that is not the point. It is generally viewed as a Nazi symbol when collected with the Swastika and the Deathshead. Stop lying.

    But don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate the Nazis or the Jews, I am just against manipulative murderous actions which can get us all killed. Since I don’t really understand the Nazis or the Jews, especially in Ukraine, I can’t hate them. On the other hand, I know that if the two groups are working together something is up since they are supposed to be incompatible like matter and antimatter. Jews are the master geopolitical manipulators and this mess has their bloody fingerprints all over it. Post Cold War US imperial ideas are part of the mix and those have transcended Jewish roots. The same is true for RusFed. I just think that people should be more realistic about the risk of nuclear and biological war stemming from this massive tragedy which was willfully created. My preference is that leaders who cooked up, instigated and implemented this mess should be charged with treason, arrested, tried and very likely executed. There are some of these idiot monsters on all sides, but sadly more seem to be in the “freedom loving” West.

    PS: No, I am not supportive of the NeoNazis going after the Jews in Ukraine. I am also not supportive of the Jews going after the NeoNazis and that is MUCH more likely.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @A123
  782. S1 says:

    While this is a hypothesis that can’t be proven, applying Occam’s Razor and the political masterminds Joseph P Kennedy’s maxim that ‘There are no accidents in politics’, I do not believe that it was ‘a coincidence’ that the respective 1776 and 1789 American and French proto-Capitalist and proto-Communist revolutions, which initiated the now centuries old Capitalist vs Communist dialectic, an imo manufactured and broadly controlled dialectic where all roads ultimately seem to lead to London, occurred immediately following the conclusion of the Seven Years War in 1763.

    I believe upon the conclusion of that war in 1763 that powerful elements and hangers on within the Anglo-Saxon hierarchy of the British Empire, as empires are often wont to do, made a political decision to make a push for the obtainment of total world power.

    This final push was initiated with the proto-Capitalist 1776 American Revolution, a revolution that while launching a manufactured and broadly controlled (by London) Capitalist vs Communist Hegelian dialectic, would simultaneously act as cover for a strategic false split between London and it’s thirteen North American colonies.

    Under this false split, while Europe and the rest of the world (as intended) soundly slept, the former thirteen colonies now known as the United States and the British Empire would each relatively unhindered gather for themselves untold levels of power. With the closing of the American frontier in 1890 signalling the consolidation of Anglo-Saxon power over the rich heartland of North America, as planned the strategic false split was concluded with the circa 1900 formation of the ‘special relationship’ between the US and UK, a relationship only just short of an outright political union.

    The world in 1900 was thus presented by the US/UK with the fait accompli of a practically overwhelming global hegemony on it’s part. Since 1900 the US/UK, using the same formula in each instance, has instigated two world wars, and is now in the process of instigating a third one. I believe the political hierarchy of the US/UK see these world wars as ‘mopping up’ from their perspective.

    I recently came across the American science fiction writer Edgar Rice Burroughs and his 1926 book The Moon Maid. He apparently had perceived much the same thing I have in this book which is described below:



    Britain and the US thereupon become co-rulers of the planet, London and Washington being the twin planetary capitals and the US president and British monarch acting as co-rulers.

    Washington and London

    Burroughs was writing in the early 1920s, several years after the end of the First World War in 1918; clearly, however, he did not regard the war as having truly ended but only changed in intensity….As envisioned by Burroughs, there would follow many decades of unceasing worldwide fighting at various locations and at various intensities until a great outburst in 1959, leading to eight years of all-out war.

    In Burroughs’s vision posterity would not divide this into a “first war”, an “inter-war period” and a “second war”; rather, one single war, “The Great War” would be deemed to have started in 1914 and lasted until 1967.

    In Burroughs’s vision, this decades-long war would culminate in April 1967 with the total victory of the Anglo-Saxon Powers, Britain and the US, and the complete defeat and surrender of all other powers.

    Britain and the US thereupon become co-rulers of the planet, London and Washington being the twin planetary capitals and the US president and British monarch acting as co-rulers. The British-American domination of the world is imposed by the International Peace Fleet, made up of airships, which is given a complete global monopoly of armed force.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  783. @QCIC

    I’m not saying post-Soviet Russia was any better, but it is their area, not that of the USA or Western Europe.

    You are saying that Ukraine should not be allowed to join the EU if they wish?

    What makes you think post-Soviet countries want closer relations with Russia given the fact that none of them wanted to join the USSR and many had also been forced into Imperial Russia?

    In other words if it is the natural way for Eastern European countries to align themselves with the West then why should Russia be able to restrict them? Should Canada be allowed to seek closer relations with Europe or Russia? Or should they be restricted given their proximity to a large country with influence?

    As I understand it Azov is firmly in this category, one of several organizations in Ukraine.

    So you don’t have a source of them being avowed NeoNazis. You either made that up or don’t understand the definition of avowed:

    You told us that a powerful Jewish oligarch manufactured Zelensky as a candidate. Were you going to elaborate on that or was it your imagination at work again?

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  784. @A123

    Not a Jew — Führer Zelensky is a Neo-Nazi post Judaic apostate who hates Jews. Remember, he visited Jerusalem to personally insult indigenous Palestinian Jews.

    Well the Jews would vote him as a member.

    And unlike you he would automatically qualify for citizenship in Israel.

    As with other Evangelicals you are allowed to buy stuff at the gift shop but you cannot be a citizen. They will take homosexual atheists over dedicated Christians. However they may have a “judo-Christian” values t-shirt you can take home. For 19.99 they will share the values.

  785. A123 says: •�Website

    I don’t really understand the Nazis or the Jews, especially in Ukraine, I can’t hate them. On the other hand, I know that if the two groups are working together something is up since they are supposed to be incompatible like matter and antimatter.

    Let me help you understand. It is straightforward:

    • Jews are these who practice Judaism.
    • Non-Jews (regardless of genetic lineage) are those who do not practice Judaism.

    They are *not* working together.

    Does Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews, practice Judaism? Clearly not. Post-Judaic apostate Zelensky is a non-Jew.

    Sophists, such as JJ, intentionally distort reality. Could Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews, theoretically obtain entry to Jewish Palestine despite his hatred of Jews? In a purely hypothetical scenario, this appears to be possible.

    Substitute reality for absurd sophistry… Where will Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews flee? It will not be to Jewish Palestine. According to the Pandora Papers, Zelensky has tens of millions of GBP stashed in UK real estate. Other anti-Semitic Islamophile European nations, such as Germany and France, would also be appealing options for Führer Zelensky.

    PEACE 😇

  786. S1 says:


    ‘The Russian Civil War which followed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 is a particularly good example. It is a form of war in which people suffer raw cruelty and fanaticism not for what they have done but for what they are.’

    Civil War Comes to the West

    The major threat to the security and prosperity of the West today emanates not from abroad but from its own dire social instability, structural and economic decline, cultural desiccation and elite incompetence which is leading to civil war. It is vital to understand the causes of this and to anticipate the likely conduct and strategic logic of the violent eruptions of civil conflict which loom on the West’s horizon. […]

    Factionalisation is another main concern, but extremely heterogeneous societies are not more prone to civil war than very homogenous ones. This is put down to the high ‘coordination costs’ between communities that exist in the former, which mitigate against the formation of mass movements.

    The most unstable are moderately homogenous societies, particularly when there is a perceived change in the status of a titular majority, or significant minority, which possesses the wherewithal to revolt on its own. By contrast, in societies comprised of many small minorities ‘divide and conquer’ can be an effective mechanism of controlling a population.

    In my view, there is no good reason to fault the main thrust of extant theory on civil war causation as described above. The question, rather, is whether the assumption of the conditions which have traditionally placed Western nations outside the frame of analysis of people concerned with large-scale and persistent eruptions of violent civil discord are still valid.


    The evidence strongly suggests that they are not. Indeed, as far back as the end of the Cold War some perceived that the culture which ‘won’ that conflict was itself beginning to fragment and degenerate. In 1991, Arthur Schlesinger argued in The Disuniting of America that the ‘cult of ethnicity’ increasingly endangered the unity of that society. This was prescient. […]

    To conclude this section, it can be said that a generation ago all Western countries could still be described as to a large degree cohesive nations, each with a greater or lesser sense of common identity and heritage. By contrast, all now are incohesive political entities, jigsaw puzzles of competing identity-based tribes, living in large part in virtually segregated ‘communities’ competing over diminishing societal resources increasingly obviously and violently. Moreover, their economies are mired in a structural malaise leading, inevitably in the view of several knowledgeable observers to systemic collapse.

    The intimacy of civil war, its political intensity, and its fundamentally social quality, plus the acute accessibility to attack on all sides of everyone’s weak points can make them particularly savage and miasmic. The Russian Civil War which followed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 is a particularly good example. It is a form of war in which people suffer raw cruelty and fanaticism not for what they have done but for what they are. […]

    Identity politics may be defined as politics in which people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group. It is overtly post-national. It is this above all that makes civil conflict in the West not merely likely but practically inevitable, in my view.

    The peculiarity of contemporary Western multiculturalism, relative to examples of other heterogenous societies, is threefold. Firstly, it is in the ‘sweet spot’ with respect to theories of civil war causation, specifically the supposed problem of coordination costs is diminished in a situation where White majorities (trending rapidly toward large minority status in some cases) live alongside multiple smaller minorities.

    Secondly, thus far what has been practiced is a sort of ‘asymmetric multiculturalism’ in which in-group preference, ethnic pride, and group solidarity — notably in voting — are acceptable for all groups except Whites for whom such things are considered to represent supremacist attitudes that are anathematic to social order.

  787. S1 says:

    With the organized terrorism being directed at Musk and his Tesla, and the beginning of the ‘Fighting Oligarchy’ tour of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are we seeing the rumblings of a coming Communist revolution in the United States?

    Did Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer deliberately uncharacteristically recently ‘compromise’ with Republicans, for the specific purpose of inflaming the easily suggestable radical ‘woke’ progressives?


    “We’re not going to allow you and your friend, Mr. Musk, and the other billionaires to wreak havoc on the working families of this country,” said Sanders.

    What is Fighting Oligarchy Tour? Bernie Sanders, AOC rally to fight oligarchy schedule

    In President Joe Biden’s farewell speech, he warned of the dangers of an oligarchy of the rich gaining power. Two months later, we have Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) rallying on a ‘Fighting Oligarchy’ tour across the U.S.

    Progressive duo Ocasio-Cortez, 35, and Sanders, 83, joined forces at a rally in Arizona on Thursday and accused President Donald Trump and billionaire special government agent Elon Musk of “screwing over” working- and middle-class Americans as they turn the country into an oligarchy.

    “We’re not going to allow you and your friend, Mr. Musk, and the other billionaires to wreak havoc on the working families of this country,” said Sanders. “No, you’re not going to destroy Social Security. You’re not going to destroy Medicaid. You’re not going to destroy the Veterans Administration.”

    Ocasio-Cortez came out swinging “We’re going to throw these bums out and fight for the nation we deserve.” Sanders chimed in, “You know who the biggest criminals are in this country? They are the CEOs of major corporations who are robbing us every single day.”


    The Arizona rally came after an earlier event in Las Vegas and on Friday two other events were taking place in Denver, Colorado, as part of the “Fighting Oligarchy: Where We Go From Here with Bernie Sanders,” a national campaign where they organize to discuss the future of the country.

    Ocasio-Cortez also took aim at Democrats, “This isn’t just about Republicans, either. We need a Democratic party that fights harder for us, too.”

    Biden’s farewell address, he warned “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that really threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedom.” His warning referred to these billionaires as a “tech-industrial complex” and warned of a “dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a few ultra-wealthy people” that could hold “dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked.”

    Here’s what to know about oligarchies , Sanders’ ‘Fighting Oligarchy Tour’ and the schedule.

    What is an oligarchy?

    An oligarchy is a form of government in which a small group of people are in relative control. Often based on wealth, oligarchies can exist within larger political systems like a constitutional republic, but they typically restrict participation to those in power and limit broader democratic influence.

    President Joe Biden’s warning seemed to reference people such as tech billionaire Elon Musk, a staunch supporter of President-elect Donald Trump, or Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerburg, both of whom have made recent attempts to improve their relations with the incoming president.

    Tech billionaires, including Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg lead the list of the wealthiest Americans.

    What is ‘Fighting Oligarchy’ tour?

    Sanders created a website that promotes a progressive agenda and asks people to join the movement. In this tour he called “Fighting Oligarchy” he announced six different rally locations, dates and times where he was going to have real discussions across America on “how we move forward to take on the Oligarchs and corporate interests who have so much power and influence in this country.”

    •�Replies: @QCIC
    , @emil nikola richard
  788. @LatW

    AFAIK the vehichle itself isn’t seen clearly as it was fully submerged at least several meters under water/soft mud, only the tracks leading there were visible. The ground is very unstable for the heavy rescue equipment too, so everything is going not so fast and no any potential bodies have been recovered yet.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  789. @songbird

    Spot on with the Steve Sailer comparison, both have Swiss German adoptive fathers. But no DNA tests, that they are willing to reveal.



    •�Replies: @songbird
  790. @LatW

    Do you remember this?

    You’ve probably been here longer than everyone with the exception AP and Philip Owen.


  791. Mr. Hack says:

    My oh my, years of model glue addiction has finally really taken its toll on poor kremlinstoogeA123 (I’ve repeatedly warned him to stay away from the stuff):

    Here’s a photo that includes the “99%+ of the supporters of Führer Zelensky, enemy of the Jews… brace yourself for this TRUTH… hate Jews.” This pathetic creep should retire soon and revert to playing car racing video games…get some help, kremlinstoogeA123!

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  792. Mr. Hack says:

    *I assume the Scythians and maybe Sarmatians also dwelt under felt tents, and would have been accepted, if the Mongols had had an earlier outpouring.

    You would be correct to think so. Under their felt material tents, these related nomadic groups would famously practice imbibing the fumes of cannabis seeds burned within metalic cauldrons in religious/spiritual ceremonies. There are several articles about these ceremonies that you can read about if interested, just type in “Pazyric funeral rites in eastern Siberia. Still, I question the whole thing. The wild hemp grown in the area has been shown to have a very marginal THC level. Also, I’ve been told that the seeds have the lowest THC levels in the plant, that the greatest highs are to be found within the leaves and the flower tops.

    •�Thanks: songbird
  793. songbird says:
    @Torna atrás

    Thanks. I didn’t realize he was so obscene. (Another indicator?)

  794. songbird says:

    Have always liked Burroughs’s story Beyond Thirty.

    In that one, America becomes part of a union with South America, while ignoring Europe, which falls into chaos and decline, and then is invaded by Abyssinians and finally by the more civilized Chinese.

    It is kind of hard to understand exactly what politics are coming through, or whether it is just incidental to a quickly thought up plot.

    But I wonder why it was never turned into a movie. Perhaps, the racialist aspects. Or antiwar message. Or maybe it was thought to not have mass appeal. I guess he wrote a lot of stories that were never turned into films.

    •�Replies: @S1
  795. songbird says:

    Irish people are sharing clips of the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin vs. Boston

    •�Replies: @S1
    , @QCIC
  796. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I think the political situation which now exists in Ukraine is not organic, meaning it was a direct result of extensive foreign manipulation and meddling. If I were a citizen of a neighboring country I would not view this situation as entirely legitimate. Opinions in the USA might be similar with regard to serious meddling in Mexico by China, assuming the meddling was intended to undermine the USA. Western meddling in Ukraine has always obviously been intended to undermine Russia and is only tangentially intended to benefit Ukrainian people.

    The Azov group have never hid their position so there is no need for you to make smokescreens to protect them. Yes, it is true that signs of their roots may not be a very photogenic part of the current narrative, but don’t try to steal their ideals.

    Zelensky played an actor in a Ukrainian TV series where a little-guy teacher became the president of Ukraine running on a platform to reduce corruption. Prior to that Zelensky was a comedian famous for some quirky gay dance numbers and vaudeville-style bits. He is reportedly a lawyer in real life as well. The TV network was owned by Kolomoisky and friends so they funded the studio which made the TV series and ran the shows on their network. What followed is considered by many to be a case of life imitating art when Zelensky won the actual presidential election. I consider it a better example of a cynical and highly manipulated propaganda situation where wealthy crooks with outside support can do whatever someone wants. In my opinion Zelensky is an actor and has been acting the entire time. He did pretty good at the White House where Trump and Vance were also acting. Your mileage may vary.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  797. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    They are all offering to pitch in and buy him a suit and hat.

    •�Agree: Mr. Hack
    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
  798. S1 says:

    Irish people are sharing clips of the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin vs. Boston

    Judging from that first clip it just goes to show that the term ‘progress’ doesn’t always mean progress.

    The African colonists shown, besides for their presence being divide and rule, far more importantly for the invasion’s promoters they are there to forever breed out of existance (ie to truly genocide) the organic real Irish people.

    It rather nakedly well demonstrates the present state of modern so-called ‘progressivism’, ie that as an ideological movement it is crude, barbaric, and sick.

    •�Agree: songbird
  799. Mr. Hack says:

    Are these guys really the ones that “hate Jews”? Why would they be visiting Zelensky if they think that he and his supporters hate Jews so very much? It’s clear to me that sniffing glue is deleterious to ones cognitive functions.

    •�Agree: QCIC
  800. @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

    Rule Britannia! God bless the Anglo American Alliance.


    “Building up China, was for a long time, a strategic objective of the West, building them up as a society, praising their achievements, history, and running us (India) down was equally a strategic compulsion of the West,” Union Minister Dr S Jaishankar.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  801. QCIC says:

    I went to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade once or twice around 15 years ago. It is a nice part of the Boston experience. The parade seemed to include a lot of hung over cops and firemen. The crowd seemed to have a lot of hung over college kids. I was a hung over middle-aged adult.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  802. S1 says:

    Thanks. I’d never heard of Burrough’s Beyond Thirty.

    Some aspects of it remind me of the 1967 Star Trek episode ‘The Omega Glory’, and also of the 1968 movie ‘Planet of the Apes’, both of which may have borrowed from the Burrough’s often used ‘decline of civilization’ altered history premise.

    •�Replies: @songbird
  803. QCIC says:

    Public Service Announcement

    Dear Tesla enthusiasts: There is no need to set fire to these vehicles. Most likely they will burst into flames on their own.

    PS: Intentionally starting fires does NOT reduce your carbon footprint.

    •�Replies: @A123
  804. A123 says: •�Website

    Leftoids are morons. Which leads to felonies.

    How do people not know that Teslas have large numbers of always on cameras?

    PEACE 😇

  805. @S1


    Don’t be so serious man. This is a pro wrestling show.

    The plan, which ain’t ever going to happen, is no NPC driver’s licenses and robot cars in Peoria IL. The robots will never do what the robots have been planned to do in the next six months for the last sixteen years. It’s like energy too cheap to meter, flying cars, and hotels on Mars. Looks great on paper and that is all it is.

    Do you remember google glass? KayfabeGPT is the real killer ap.

    Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, you’re gonna go far
    You’re gonna fly, you’re never gonna die
    You’re gonna make it if you try, they’re gonna love you

    •�Agree: Mr. Hack, Beckow
    •�LOL: S1
    •�Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Beckow
  806. @Torna atrás

    Running India down would be a waste of time and energy. Ask yourself: where are the Himalayan ski resorts? The mountains in Davos are barely a bunny hill if you put them side by side. Aspen Schmaspen.

    The CIA has incredible literature on India for what it’s worth.

    •�Thanks: Torna atrás
  807. @emil nikola richard

    Strongly disagree. It’s has been a far harder geographic position for us in Russia than for Polish retard-loser-megalomaniacs over history. Poland’s geographic position is no worse than the rest of continental Europe. Their delusions of grandeur and ( failed) repeated militarism are the reason for their pitiful history.
    Obviously countries as the UK and USA have perfect geographic position to be safe, but it takes a special level of incompetence to be a$$raped by 3 different and competing countries/empires at the same time in the 18th century despite having a large, by European standards, country and military.
    ” rock and a hard place” doesn’t explain Poland having had a non-existant Navy over the centuries either.

    In time before WW2 , Polish dickheads managed to anger Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union, their benefactor ally France, Lithuania, their collaborator ally Nazi Germany. Sane agreement with the Soviet Union, or France with Czechoslovakia would have prevented WW2 probably and certainly Polands fate. As evil as it would be – the Polish Nazis having a Sweden in WW2 position of being “neutral” but supplying raw material and weapons to the Nazis or as ….Italy of being involved on Barbarossa but not so much in the sadistic stuff and then opportunistically switching sides as Romania and Bulgaria – would have been better for them than the idiotic position and series of actions they did.

    Being a backwards idiocracy still in union with the Vatican while all the other Northern European countries were either orthodox as Russia or switching to Protestantism was also unwise……Poles are Catholic on paper on nowhere else.

  808. songbird says:

    Burroughs might have made for an interesting Star Trek writer.

    •�Agree: S1
  809. Mr. Hack says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Although there are a a lot of Waymo driverless cabs driving around in Scottsdale, AZ.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  810. Damn you, what is seen cannot be unseen!


  811. @QCIC

    Burning Man is a fountain of information. There was a Steve Outtrim twenty six hour Secret History of Burning Man in seven parts for the die hards. I downloaded his power point slides and checked his citations for 2-3 hours. I think I got to around the 60th or 70th consecutive citation which checked out as legitimate before I gave up. Maybe he is clever and just makes sure his first N citations are cool before he just begins making shit up?

    I also counted the total number of citations. I don’t remember the number exactly but it was way over 500.

    The most interesting trivium in there is Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Lady Gaga, and whats-her-face-who-runs-Burning-Man all went to the same CIA John Hopkins summer school for gifted high school seniors. Not all in the same year. The project was a big one for many consecutive years. I felt kind of fortunate my parents never sent me to any summer school for gifted students when I saw that.

    Eric Schmidt was on Fridman podcast number 8. Fridman also is a project as if that isn’t obvious.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  812. S1 says:

    While I’m a bit indifferent about Ilon Musk, one can’t help but notice how the media can’t bring themselves to use the word ‘terrorism’ in regards to the Tesla dealerships being shot up and Molotov cocktailed, and instead uses the word ‘vandalized’ to describe it.

    One can be sure that if it was the media’s press offices being shot up and burned down they would be quick to use the word ‘terrorism’ and not the milquetoast ‘vandalized’. 🙂

  813. @Mr. Hack

    There are zero Waymo driverless cabs driving around municipalities with significant rain and snow.***

    *** the last time I checked which I do not do on a daily basis

    If worse comes to worse I suppose the masters of the universe have a contingency plan to move all of us people to Arizona. : )

  814. Beckow says:
    @emil nikola richard

    The robots will never do what the robots have been planned to do in the next six months for the last sixteen years. It’s like energy too cheap to meter, flying cars, and hotels on Mars.

    Most people like the endless marketing…it distracts, comforts, and takes away our responsibility. Why bother if nirvana or dystopia is coming soon?

  815. Beckow says:

    …EU accession talks for Ukraine are at an early stage now, so they don’t have any obligations right now pertaining to the language policy.

    Work in progress? Then it’s all right…:) they can kill and oppress at will because in “early stages” it doesn’t count. They will invoke a statute of limitations.

    It reminds me of that paragon of virtue St.Augustine who before going saintly was partying, gambling, whoring to high heavens. He actually said: give me chastity and virtue, but not yet… Because in the early stage anything goes. Did you know Russians call this war an early stage? It will not count…:)

    •�Replies: @LatW
  816. Beckow says:

    I asked you what would France do if that happened to the French speakers in Belgium

    If France invaded Belgium, and the Belgian government killed French in Belgium while fighting back against the French invaders?

    You failed to answer and you don’t get to twist it. Simple question: Would France stand by if the Flemish-dominated Belgian government banned the French language?

    Yes or no? Don’t make up stuff and answer. Even better, would the French-speaking Belgians sit idly if their language was made “unofficial”? Would they ask France for help?

    Don’t play stupid and answer the simple point.

    Ukraine will be much better off, provided that it will have security after the war ends.

    Your other response is your usual cherry-picked nonsense. Ukraine will not have “security” for at least a generation – the attack on its Russian minority and wanting to join NATO have made any real “security” impossible. Russia is not going anywhere.

    Don’t lie to yourself, is Ukraine better off with the coming settlement or would they be better off with a much larger, richer, neutral, bilingual state? It’s not even close…

  817. The Greeks and Bulgarians will both massively increase their military spending over the next few decades, but not for the Russians.

    Let’s see whose military industrial complex they choose to subsidize.


    Turkey has the 2nd largest land army in NATO after the US, they are also developing their own stealth fighter.

    •�Replies: @Beckow
    , @LatW
  818. Matra says:

    Don’t know about today, but once there was a time, when anyone with haircut like Zeihan (often a “man bun”) would have been considered an extreme weirdo and probably gay. (Am not saying he is.)

    I think he has a ‘husband’.

  819. songbird says:

    Haven’t been to the parade in quite a long time.


    I still remember crowds of Irish people yelling “faggots” at the marching gays. But I think I was too young to understand that there were such people and that they would organize.

    I once saw an old Irishman with eyes so blue that it was like something out of Dune. I mean, my boyish mind was literally shocked by how light they were, and I was in awe of the fact that he could see and wasn’t blind. I suppose I felt like that old Arab lady who saw Lawrence of Arabia and thought he had two holes in his skull, through which she could see the sky.

    The first time I saw a different ethnic group marching in block formation, it was Guatamalans, and I had the abstract thought they were looking for some Catholic saints day to celebrate.

    But the clips out of Dublin’s parade are totally incredible. It is like different clans of orcs marching one after another, under different banners. Many flags, but literally, some of them with cardboard signs like bums, with crudely written words demanding free stuff, and I think even foreign interventions.

    It is so alien to relate any of it to the past. Here is the closest thing I can come up with:

    I heard that there was some guy who used to bully one of my uncles and he disappeared at Jadotsville, and I suppose he would very much recognize the marching Congolese.

  820. songbird says:

    Wow, thanks, I didn’t know that. Might explain some things.

    Vaguely I thought he had children, I wonder if they were born through surrogacy or adopted.

  821. @Matra

    I was 99% Huberman was gay and all of the Costello references were to his boyfriend. Turns out he scores pussy like Tiger Woods so appearances can be deceiving. **

    ** I haven’t actually seen any of either of their women but this is the buzz. Costello was actually his dog.

  822. LatW says:

    It reminds me of that paragon of virtue St.Augustine who before going saintly was partying, gambling, whoring to high heavens. He actually said: give me chastity and virtue, but not yet… Because in the early stage anything goes. Did you know Russians call this war an early stage? It will not count…:)

    You’re sounding awfully moralistic here. Yet you do not hold other actors besides the EU and Ukraine to those equally high standards – you do know that Russia and the US don’t respect human rights and rule of law either. Unless you hold them to those same standards, your criticism isn’t worth much.

    Ukraine wasn’t really gambling or partying, they were attacked from outside.

    As to the EU accession, there is a war going on right now, in case you didn’t notice. This war will define the future arrangements. The realities of 2004 no longer hold. Quit pretending to not see it.

    And btw, even with all that, the EU wills till have higher principles and a higher living standard. Ukraine will be a part of that, as the Eastern frontier, and will be given some slack because of that difficult status. Ultimately, it’s for their own benefit to re-instate the norms. For Russia and America I do not hold such hopes.

  823. LatW says:

    The Azov group have never hid their position so there is no need for you to make smokescreens to protect them. Yes, it is true that signs of their roots may not be a very photogenic part of the current narrative, but don’t try to steal their ideals.

    You don’t understand Eastern European nationalism. It is ethnonationalism and not worship of Hitler. It’s more about defending, not expansion. Azov are way more benign than the crazy MAGAs who are running around with their hate (calling women names) and with their untamed, primitive foreign land grabbing instincts.

    And, btw, what is wrong with not wanting one’s land to be swamped with foreigners and non-Europeans? Does that automatically make one a “Nazi”? Are you a commie?

    He is reportedly a lawyer in real life as well. The TV network was owned by Kolomoisky and friends so they funded the studio which made the TV series and ran the shows on their network.

    Prior to becoming president, Zelensky was a successful manager and he knows well how to deal with the Jews from Kriviy Rih and Dnipro. So he should also be able to deal with the likes of Witkoff (even if they have the whole power of the US behind them, except the 50-60% of the US population who support Ukraine).

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  824. Beckow says:
    @Torna atrás

    …Greeks and Bulgarians will both massively increase their military spending

    It’s about time they do it with so much undeserved prosperity and no spare ammo…

    My guess is with all the new arms somebody is going to get it in Europe. The weapons have to be used but almost certainly not on Russia (they are not that stupid).

    You can’t spend $800 billion and then just let it go, they would lose face. Maybe Greenland Liberation Front, or they can destroy Libya one more time. When all else fails, there are the Alsace-Lorraine and Transylvania disputes…

  825. LatW says:
    @sudden death


    The vehicle was probably too heavy (they should learn about the terrain before sending these types of vehicles – this is one of the heaviest ones out there). Our military learned through training recently (and many knew all along) that these really heavy vehicles are not the best for our terrain (plus we have mostly forested areas). We now have a small, maneuverable vehicle. Even the most heavy one we have, the Finnish Patria AMV, is lighter by a half than this M88 Hercules.

    The idea for the training exercise was probably correct (rescue and recovery of heavy vehicles), just maybe not on such moist ground (even though this poligonas is huge, from what I understand, and there would’ve been plenty of space for exercising).

    (Bummer, four is a lot… God loves everyone.)

    Incidentally – and maybe not good to compare, but – during the Crusades, apparently the German Knights had heavy armor and this gave the Lithuanians, who had lighter equipment, an advantage as some of these heavy Knights got stuck in swamps (once a Knight was stuck, it was easy to ambush him). In fact, the Lithuanians deliberately led them into water or swampy areas, and for navigating such areas, the Lithuanians themselves used secret rock paths at the bottom of small lakes and streams called kūlgrindos (“stone pavements”).


  826. LatW says:
    @Torna atrás

    Let’s see whose military industrial complex they choose to subsidize.

    The German one.

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  827. @LatW

    I forget whose take this is but it isn’t mine. The force behind re-arming Europe is to save the German mills. With skyrocketing Euro energy costs they can’t afford to make market products any more but this can be swept under the rug with the prices for tanks and whatnot.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  828. Yanis Varoufakis thinks we should buy both the botulism neurotoxin meme coin and the gila monster venom meme coin.


  829. LatW says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Everything will be fine, mills and not just the mills – just let the German work. He knows very well how to do it.

    •�Replies: @QCIC
  830. QCIC says:
    @emil nikola richard

    I want to watch this but don’t know if I can make it through, what with the puking and all. The old story about Schmidt visiting the Obama Whitehouse N+1 times (N = a large number) was very alarming. I guess now I have to reframe with Musk living in the Trump Whitehouse. Dear Lord!

    What is the point of checking the Burning Man references, do you think the information in the “secret history” is important?

    Is Burning Man the crossover point between human sacrifice and transhumanist cyber experiences?

    •�Replies: @emil nikola richard
  831. @QCIC

    What is the point of checking the Burning Man references, do you think the information in the “secret history” is important?

    No. It isn’t really scientific and Outtrim was a Burner for years and he has a spurned-lover-ax-grinding thing going on. But if you are a die hard it’s great. There is also a greatest hits version which is around an hour and 20 minutes. I checked his references because he provided them and I wanted to verify they said what he claimed they said. He has a theory of the Burning Man Festival as an intelligence agency project to study man in large groups. He has a fantasy that they have drones up above with 20-years-advanced recognition software and they follow all 80 000 burner individuals 60 seconds of every minute of every hour of every day from their arrival at the site to their departure.

    He might also believe that google’s quantum computer accesses the multiverse but he hasn’t posted lately.

  832. QCIC says:

    I was actually thinking about your perspective when I wrote those words about Azov. I suspect groups like Azov have at least four recognizable subpopulations: criminal thugs, vaguely criminal thugs trained by NGOs to cause trouble, sincere people who are defending values and resonate with the ideas you often promote and the largest subgroup who are people fighting in the war for a variety of reasons and are superficially attracted to the iconic images of their side of the conflict (nothing wrong with that). I think the Azov group overall is used as a tool energized by the West ((($$$))) to cause trouble for Russia in the form of regime change, civil war and whatever. As I have said before when the more ideological among these people are no longer needed I expect their masters will kill them off. I like your gritty ethnonationalist perspective, I just wish you could recognize the much more dangerous and cynical world which we are embedded in. Any group working to “cause trouble” for a nuclear armed superpower has a very hardened cynical outlook toward human life. Your regional ideals mean nothing to these power brokers. They would be happy to burn all of your people (EE Balts, Slavs, whatever) to dust in a heartbeat if it suits their power play.

    •�Replies: @LatW
  833. LatW says:

    vaguely criminal thugs trained by NGOs to cause trouble

    Do you have any factual proof of this or is this just another one of those things you speculate about (e.g., you just made up and accuse normal people of – what gives you that right to smear us, there is literally nothing that makes you better as a human being than us)?

    They would be happy to burn all of your people (EE Balts, Slavs, whatever) to dust in a heartbeat if it suits their power play.

    What makes you think that people like Thiel or Bezos care about the wellbeing of people such as yourself? You don’t think that those types of people look down on people such as yourself and your neighbors and would not just sell you out in a second but will do everything to fleece you?

  834. QCIC says:

    Tank girl speaks!


  835. Dmitry says:

    The claims become less plausible, as they seem to include this incorrect historical story in the text.

    They are using the Arab Christians as the genetic reference because they are the Arab population who is relatively more endogamous in the recent centuries. But they were not endogamous in the past, when a high proportion of the Arab tribes were Christians. Even today some of the Bedouin tribes that transit the deserts are Christian, one of the Bedouin tribes in Israel is still Christian.

    Arab tribes and kingdoms were spread over the region, trading across the region and today’s Arab Christians could have endogamous in the last few centuries, but certainly not in the previous epochs when these were trade routes and a large part of the Arabs were mobile populations.

    Arab Christians today have non-European appearance, which is often closer to Saudi.
    But in the classical evidence, we can assume the population probably looked European, as there is no classical source that says there appearance was different than the Romans.*

    rebellion and the Samaritans as well as what was left of the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity. The region was now firmly Christian.

    The text misses context, the significant part of the Middle East was Christian at this time.

    A large portion of the Arab tribes were Christian in Saudi Arabia, in Yemen, in Arab, in Lebanon. In Yemen, there was even a war in 6th century between the Jews and the Christians (these were Arab tribes who were Jews and Christians).

    In area of modern Israel/Palestine, there was a collapse of the population, with progressively abandoned settlements.

    Arab Christians today are Arabized, partly because they descended from the Ancient Christian tribes.

    There were many Ancient Christian tribes before the Islamic invasions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salihids#Genealogy

    * For example, visit the Ancient Jewish village of Sepphoris for tourism, only 6000 metres from Nazareth, where Jesus was born.

    They draw possibly blonde people on the synagogue floor, at least they were pictures of light people.
    A few centuries later (300s AD) this is on the floor in the wealthiest house in the village in Roman style (destroyed in 363AD).

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