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This article is about the theme song. You may be looking for the location or the series.

The Amphibia Main Title Theme[1] is an instrumental theme and a leitmotif that was mainly used for the opening of Amphibia. It was composed by Doug Petty and TJ Hill. The first two seasons' openings were animated at Studio Yotta while the third season's opening was animated by Saerom Animation, a studio that works on the main series.



The original theme consists of animated footage which introduces the audience to the characters. Studio Yotta handled the animation.

  • Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu glance at the Calamity Box while Anne opens it at a playground on Earth. The chest bursts open with flashes of light, which transport the girls to the lily-pad shaped continent, Amphibia.
  • Anne is seen face-first in a puddle, then she stands up to realize she is not home. The cam pans out to show the whole of Amphibia from above.
  • Creatures, amphibians, and more are seen as the camera passes to Anne ducking under the Plantar family house's small door and standing straight up with her hands on her hips. She is interrupted by a bunch of dragonflies zooming over her head.
  • The camera follows the dragonflies to an upper window which opens and introduces Sprig Plantar, who trips out the window when looking through a handheld telescope. The cam enters a room where Hop Pop Plantar is reading and looks out the window to see Sprig falling for his life. Sprig lands in a wooden bucket then he is hit in the air by Polly Plantar, who uses the bucket to stay cool in her water.
  • Sprig joins Anne and points the way. Anne and Sprig travel to various locations in Amphibia and meeting different characters. Hop Pop and Polly appear in some scenes.
  • An old printed image appears of the same three human girls from the first shots with the image being subtitled with "BFFs!!" and a heart. It appears to be stuck in the branch of a tree while the wind blows it as it storms. Lightning flashes and reveals an ominous-looking tower in the background.
  • The main characters meet in front of a pond located in Wartwood, joined by other supporting characters (specifically, Ivy Sundew, Maddie Flour, Bessie, Wally Ribbiton, Mayor Toadstool, Sadie Croaker, Felicia Sundew, Ginger Flour, Lavender Flour and Rosemary Flour), joined by random background amphibians who appear closer to the screen.
  • The Amphibia logo appears, then a shine streaks across it with nature background sounds. The theme ends there. The short version also revolves around this, though the nature sounds are absent, and the camera pans differently. Behind the logo is a stone carving of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy all armed with weapons fighting against a giant toad-like creature with flames in its hands.

Season 2[]

  • The scene where the family is fishing is shortened.
  • Some sound effects are placed earlier.
  • A scene of Anne and Sasha sword fighting at Newtopia on a tower, which transitions out to Marcy holding the Calamity Box behind the silhouette of Anne and Sasha. It replaces the scene where Anne and Sprig high-five and the BFFs image is stuck in a tree branch.

Halloween version[]

A Halloween-themed version of the theme song was made for "The Shut-In!", which has the entire theme song purple and red, with random flashes of scary images appearing on-screen.

Season 3[]

To reflect the events after "True Colors", such as the Plantars being transported to Anne's home, Los Angeles, an entirely new theme was made for Season 3. As such, most of the theme song has new scenes that are set in Anne's home and introduce new characters as well. This time, Saerom Animation handled the animation, making the art style more consistent with the show.

  • The theme was remixed with a more percussion, bassy, techno, acoustic, and rock heavy theme to fit the city.
  • First time to have Anne's parents and Domino with their residence from the outside and inside of their house is shown during the daytime.
  • A girl is walking her dog, birds are flying away, and construction workers are fixing an area.
  • Anne opens the front door to let Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly inside her house.
  • Hop Pop and Polly run inside Anne's house while Sprig hops inside.
  • Sprig falls out of the freezer with a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone like he used a handheld telescope from the previous intro, which then lands on his head. Anne's parents and Hop Pop all look over at him.
  • Mr. Boonchuy is at the sink while his wife is holding dishes to put them away inside the opened cabinets.
  • Anne's phone is seen being used by Hop Pop at the residence's kitchen area.
  • In the living room of the house, Polly jumps on the sleeping Domino, which upsets the cat. She then chases Polly as Anne laughs. Then Sprig jumps on Anne's head and points the way, like the Season 1 and 2 theme song.
  • Anne and Sprig jumping on umbrellas and other items during the daytime located at some beach in LA is the same exact way that both of them are jumping on glowing mushrooms shown in both opening themes of season 1 and season 2 respectively.
  • Anne holding Polly by her right arm with Sprig by her left arm as the three escapes from the Cloak-Bot that's chasing them in a 'No Parking' alley way at night. This alley appears to have Sasha's graffiti with Anne's little splodge on the "a" back during the flashback of the Season 1 finale "Reunion".
  • The Plantars disguise themselves as visitors while evading a male night guard inside the Museum of Natural History at an area showing different dinosaurs.
  • The Wat Thai of Los Angeles in Coldwater Canyon being seen[2] in the video inspired Thai Temple shows three shocked elderly women looking up to see lots of Dragonfly Drones already unleashed by the Cloak-Bot in formation up during the daytime sky of LA.
  • Anne wears a blue helmet while riding her dad's red scooter as she and the Plantars are being pursued by two police cars alongside two police helicopters from the LAPD and a fake ice cream van disguised as a surveillance van driven by Jenny alongside Mr. X from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on a street during the broad daylight.
  • Characters like King Andrias and his Frobot military force including the giant model are now depicted.
  • Scenes of Sasha's right arm holding her pink heron sword and Captain Grime holding Barrel's Warhammer in Wartwood alongside its citizens as the Wartwood Resistance ready to fight against Andrias are shown.
  • A scene of Mr. Boonchuy, Mrs. Boonchuy, Jess, Ally, Dr. Jan, Terri, Humphrey Westwood, Mr. X, and Jenny from Los Angeles are shown.

Amphibia - Season 3 Intro-2

Amphibia Main Theme Season 3 Version 2.

  • Andrias pulling out his sword and swinging it, while Marcy is shown in a comatose state who has wires attached to her body inside the rejuvenation tank after Andrias stabbed her from behind at the near end of the episode "True Colors" and she's in front of the mysterious entity from the episode "The First Temple".
  • Three Frobots from the air fired their missiles at Anne (wearing her "armor" combined with her SJMS school uniform) and the Plantars on the ground who were behind destroyed cars stacked up like bricks at a junkyard under the LA night sky. So Anne uses her Calamity Box gem power to destroy some incoming missiles while catching one then slinging it back at one of the Frobots, which means her powers are now shown in action, implying that, after the events of "True Colors", she can now call upon and properly use her powers at will without much side effects.
  • Anne is wearing her "armored" outfit from "Bessie & MicroAngelo", "The Third Temple", "True Colors", and "The New Normal" then lands in an open road with the background of LA's night sky scene while returning to ordinary state after not using her powers and behind her is the supporting cast as well as her parents with Domino and King Andrias.
    • Same as above, for episodes 8–15 (with the exception of episodes 9, 10 and 14), the Core-possessed Marcy is shown, with King Andrias being smaller and his cape doesn't blow by the breeze of the wind.

Christmas version[]

A Christmas-themed version of the theme song was made for "Froggy Little Christmas," which has a Christmas lights border, lens flares, and Christmas-themed decorations and setpieces. It appears to be a blend between the Season 1/2 and the Season 3 theme.

Disney Channel timing version[]

The third season theme song but just edited for timing on the channel.

Behind the scenes[]

Proposed versions[]

I was given around 60 of these (all with lyrics & from different writers) and was told I HAD to pick one. For a while I pretended to be okay with "Welcome to Amphibia" until I could find the political leverage to fight the mandate.
—Matt Braly


An early, partially completed version of the original theme was used when the intro was first revealed at San-Diego Comic-Con 2018. As such, the instrumentation is incomplete and sound effects not being presents present.

  • The Disney text at the end of the intro is much smaller compared to the final version.
  • The first half of the music is completely different, although an identical portion of it is reused for the Halloween intro. Ironically, it is used for the behind the scenes of the title card.[5]

Early intro footage[]

Season 3 original[]

Amphibia Main Theme Season 3 (Complete Version)

There are several minor differences between the initial version of the intro that aired at the end of "True Colors," and the final version actually used for season 3. These differences include:

  • Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop's eyes were in a different position than in the final, showing them looking at the fallen music box instead of Marcy.
  • The sound effects for the vehicles, jackhammer, and Andrias' sword are absent from the initial version.
  • A Gravity Falls' Li'l Gideon doll was added as a background item in the final version of the alley scene.
  • Marcy's rejuvenation tank was changed from blue to green in the final version to color-match her Calamity gem.
  • Marcy is present in the initial version of the group shot at the end of the intro. However, she is absent in the final version of the group shot, with Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, and Domino being moved to take her place.
    • This likely foreshadows her possession by the Core.


  • The pilot version of the opening uses an instrumental version of the song "Rather Be" before the main theme replaces it in the series version.
  • The Plantar Farm door and window effects, as well as the yellow terrain and the boulder effects of the original theme, are animated in CGI.
  • The two scenes where Anne and Sprig are surrounded by mudmen and where Anne and Sprig are running from a boulder in a temple are based on Amphibia's Next Time On reel.
  • In a video where Kermit the Frog reacts to the intro, the panned-out shot of Amphibia is longer to allow Kermit to comment on the island's lily-pad shape.
  • Footage of the beginning of the original theme was used in "Best Fronds" and "If You Give a Frog a Cookie".
  • A short version of the intro is used in "Toad Tax"/"Prison Break", "Reunion", "The First Temple", "True Colors", "The New Normal", "Escape to Amphibia", "The Root of Evil"/"The Core & The King", and "The Three Armies"/"The Beginning of the End". This intro uses a short version of the "Anne's Theme" leitmotif.
  • Sprig's violin performance, "Flight of the Moth", is similar to the theme song.
  • In several airings, the song was shortened during marathons.
  • In Season 1 of the French dub, the "BFFs" caption is removed from the picture of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.
    • In the Hebrew dub, the caption is translated, despite not being translated in any episodes.
  • The beginning melody of "Welcome to Amphibia" is used for the Halloween intro.
  • The stone behind the show's logo is shown inside the first temple.
  • In the Season 3 intro, when Sprig comes out of the freezer door, he is holding a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. According to Matt Braly's pre-show, mint chocolate chip is Marcy's favorite ice cream flavor.[citation needed]
  • The Boonchuy family's Wi-Fi password is shown on the freezer door before Sprig opens the door from the inside. The password is Boonc-1567.
  • When the show airs late on Disney Channel, the theme song is shortened.
  • Matt Braly confirmed a fan-theory about the mural shown as the background when the logo of the series appears. The frog monster isn't a monster that has to be fought by Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, but a symbolic representation of Amphibia's greed and corruption.[6][7]
  • A rendition of this theme plays when the trio thinks of their memories of Amphibia in "The Hardest Thing".
  • The opening sequences have scenes that foreshadow important events of the show:
    • Season One: Anne opening the Calamity Box with Sasha and Marcy that teleports them to Amphibia with Anne finding herself in Wartwood in "Anne or Beast?", Anne living with the Plantars, Anne and Sprig going on adventures and their encounters with dangerous wildlife, Anne and Sprig facing against Mudmen in "Anne Vs. Wild", and Anne reuniting with Sasha and fighting her on Toad Tower in "Reunion".
    • Season Two: Anne and Sasha's continued conflict, and the revelation in "True Colors" of how Marcy purposely got herself, Anne, and Sasha trapped in Amphibia.
    • Season Three: Anne and the Plantars getting transported to Earth, Anne reuniting with her parents and the Plantars living with them in "The New Normal"; Anne and the Plantars' adventures throughout the city; Anne and the Plantars being hunted by the Cloak-Bot; Anne and the Plantars breaking into the Museum of Natural History in "Fight at the Museum"; Anne and the Plantars being hunted by Mr. X, Jenny and the FBI in "Mr. X", "Hollywood Hop Pop" and "Escape to Amphibia"; the Thai Temple being attacked in "Temple Frogs"; Sasha and Captain Grime protecting Wartwood, fighting the Giant Frobot and forming the rebellion in "Turning Point"; Anne's parents and allies, along with Mr. X and Jenny; King Andrias' incoming invasion; Marcy being possessed by the Core in "Olivia & Yunan"; and Anne using her Calamity powers to fight Andrias' invasion in "All In".


  • In the season 1/2 theme, when Sprig passes by Hop Pop's window, Hop Pop's button on his outfit changes color.
  • In the season 1/2 theme, when the lily pad shoots up from the water as a giant monster emerges, the colors of the characters' mouths are off.
  • In the season 3 theme during the bird's eye pan, the right side helicopter transitions a second late, causing it to quickly snap into the paused scene.
  • Although Mrs. Boonchuy having the golden ring on her right ring finger in the season 3 intro looks fine, Season 3 shows her ring on her left ring finger, meaning the right ring finger might be an error.


Click here to view the gallery.

See also[]


  1. Amphibia credits sequence
  2. Matt Braly on Twitter (Tweet). Twitter (May 23, 2021). Archived from the original on 2021-05-23. “Correct! I miss that food market ; . ;”
  3. Matt Braly [@Radrappy] (June 23, 2024). "I was given around 60 of these (all with lyrics & from different writers) and was told I HAD to pick one. For a while I pretended to be okay with "Welcome to Amphibia" until I could find the political leverage to fight the mandate." (Tweet). Twitter.
  4. Matt Braly [@Radrappy] (December 16, 2022). ""No Big Deal" was one of about SIXTY compositions with lyrics that we listened to back in 2018 while searching for a theme song ("Welcome to Amphibia" was in that batch as well)" (Tweet). Twitter. Archived from the original on 2022-12-17.
  5. Disney Television Animation (August 13, 2019). Believe it or not, the #Amphibia Title Card is an actual wood carving! Watch how it transformed from its first sketch to what you see at the start of each episode. (Tweet). Twitter. Archived from the original on 2021-04-09.
  6. Bartolo, Zachary (April 9, 2022). "At last, the prophecy is revealed... | Amphibia S3E13: Mother of Olms" (Comment) (English). YouTube. Zachary Bartolo YouTube channel. Retrieved on 2022-04-11. “NOW I understand the frog monster in the mural! It's not the Core or some monster the girls are gonna fight, it's a symbolic representation of Amphibia's greed and corruption. The girls are fighting for Amphibia's soul!”
  7. Braly, Matt (Apr 9, 2022). I don’t normally comment on stuff like this because I believe it’s good to keep certain things vague/open…but there’s nothing that warms this creator’s heart more than when a clever fan hits the nail RIGHT on the head (Tweet). Twitter. Archived from the original on 2022-04-10. Retrieved on 2022-04-10.
ve Music
Season 1 Score Taking Charge (Suspicious Isling) • Sprig Vs. Hop Pop (Troublemaking Montage) • Contagi-Anne (Soup Making Montage) • Lily Pad Thai (Hard Work Montage) • Grubhog Day (Grubhog Day Montage) • Hop Pop and Lock (Sylvia BAEHop Pop And Lock Dance Battle) • Fiddle Me This (Flight of the Moth) • Combat Camp (Combat Camp Training Montage) • Anne of the Year (No! You'll Never Make Me Go) • Reunion (Troublemaking Montage, Lean on Me)
Season 2 Score Handy AnneFort in the RoadThe Ballad of Hopediah Plantar (Sprig's Battle Song) • Anne Hunter (Hunting Song) • Truck Stop PollyA Caravan Named Desire (Hops and Dreams) • Quarreler's Pass (The Impossible Two) • ToadcatcherSwamp and SensibilityWax MuseumMarcy at the GatesScavenger HuntThe Plantars Check InLost in NewtopiaSprig Gets SchooledLittle FrogtownHopping MallThe Sleepover to End All SleepoversA Day at the AquariumNight DriversReturn to WartwoodThe Shut-In!Ivy on the RunAfter the RainThe First TempleNew WartwoodFriend or Frobo?Toad to RedemptionMaddie & MarcyThe Second TempleBarrel's WarhammerBessie & MicroAngeloThe Third TempleThe DinnerBattle of the Bands (HeartstomperNo Big Deal) • True Colors (Anne's Power)
Season 3 Score The New Normal (The Quarantine SongSupermarket Rumble) • Hop 'Til You DropTurning PointThai FeudAdventures in CatsittingFight at the MuseumTemple FrogsFixing FroboAnne-sterminatorMr. XSprig's BirthdaySpider-Sprig (Tarantulad End Credits) • Olivia & YunanHollywood Hop PopIf You Give a Frog a CookieEscape to AmphibiaCommander AnneSprivySasha's AngelsOlm Town RoadMother of OlmsGrime's PupilThe Root of EvilThe Core & The KingNewts in TightsFight or Flight
Froggy Little Christmas Deck the HouseWe're Just Happy You're HomeBoonchuy Holiday TraditionsAnne Hatches the PlanTriple B & AndriasA King and his ToysThe Float of Their DreamsRobot X-mas PartyA Stressful HolidayVisiting Dr. JanA Festive LectureMaking The FloatAnne's GiftThe ParadeJolly Ol' St. AndriasSanta Strikes BackSlaying SantaThat Was PatheticYou're My HeroOur Special Time of YearWriting Letters
The Three Armies Rallying The TroopsThey're HereCompeting StrategiesTeam BuildingTension Increases, Anne Steps inUnified
The Beginning of the End Suit Up and Move out, peopleLeaving The ValleyA Final StandGet in, Get The Music Box, Save Marcy, Got it?Sasha Anne Super Dance Fusion FightMeeting DarcyAndrias, Portal, NowMarcy's Theme, End Credits
All In As If It's Your LastPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6
The Hardest Thing The Core's Final GambitA Humble Request For HelpYou Have Only But To AskAllow The Stones to Resonate With Your HeartsOne Last Hurrah (NBD big band remix)Standing Up To YouAmphibia's Greatest TreasureThe GuardianFor Every Heroic Sacrifice, I Make A Hundred Dumb MistakesA Life Fully LivedSay Our GoodbyesBuild a Better World, TogetherJust In Time For The CeremonyNew AdventuresYou'd Be Surprised What Makes Its Way Back To YouExtended End Credits
Misc. Songs Welcome to AmphibiaMuddy WaddersWays We Feel AnxiousEvil As Can Be
Leitmotifs Amphibia Main TitleAnneFriendshipSprigSashaCalamity BoxYunanMarcyDomino 2
Theme Song Takeover 8-bitSashaMarcy