Today I light the signal to ask for help for a blogger who is being sued in federal court in Fort Worth for writing about and criticizing a thoroughly creepy AIDS denialist. By AIDS denialist, I mean someone who promotes the belief that HIV does not cause or lead to AIDS. The lawsuit is contemptible. The defendant needs help. Can you step up?�}ÌClark BakerÌOffice of Medical and Scientific Justice, IncÉÍAIDSÛè_̼ÉA·g»Ûè_EN`©ÂÇÖA_EN`Ûè_EOe©ÂÇÖA_ÈÇlXÈl^ªÚÁÄ��éB
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In this case, the target of the abuse is a man named J. Todd Deshong, a blogger and HIV-positive AIDS activist. He's a vocal critic of AIDS denialism. The online back-and-forth between denialists and their critics is often | as you would expect | characterized by harsh rhetoric. DeShong himself is often the target of rough language, but hasn't sued anyone over it.
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But Clark Baker has. Baker | represented by Mark Weitz of Weitz Morgan PLLC in Austin, Texas | has filed a federal lawsuit against Deshong. I've uploaded it here for your inspection. In it, Baker and his business | the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice, Inc. | sue DeShong for trademark infringement, defamation, "business disparagement," and for injunctive relief.
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[Popehat Signal: Vengeful AIDS Denialist Sues Critic In Texas (2013/07/23) on Popehat Signal]
ÅAPopehat SignalàYGgÅGêÄ��éªA�}êÜÅàjZãäªá»Òði¦ÄÙç¹æ¤Æµ½ï¿½}ƪ éB½Æ¦Î...
- Andrew Wakefield vs pãwwpBMJ
Andrew WakefieldÍApÌãwwpBMJÅ©ªÌs³s�~ðǤLðÆ«Ç«fÚµÄ��éBian DeerðA½Ì©A»ÝÌÝZnÅ éeLTXBÌnÙɼ_ü¹Åi¦Ä��½B»µÄA»ÌÙ»Í2012N83úÉAåO\��ÉIíÁ½B - pJCvNeBbN¦ï vs Simon Singh
2010N41ú_ÅApJCvNeBbN¦ïÌuÓ©ÅÍÈÀvÆ��¤å��ªFßçê¸AÀãAÙ»ÍpJCvNeBbN¦ïÌskªmèµÄ��½B»µÄA2010N415úÉpJCvNeBbN¦ïÍ®SPÞBæ¤âA"Trick or Treatment"ðß®éí��ÍI¹µ½B - AIDSÛè_ÒCelia Farber vs Richard Jefferys (2012/01/31)
In 2008, an obscure US group named the Semmelweis Society decided to give an award to AIDS denialists Celia Farber and Peter Duesberg, and attempted to include them in a conference about whistleblowers in Washington DC in which several US Congress members were participating. Farber announced this development on page six of the New York Post on 25 April. After reading this article online, Richard sent a comment using the feedback form on the whistleblower conference website in which he wrote that Farber and Duesberg "are not whistleblowers, they are simply liars who for many years have used fraud to argue for Duesberg's long-discredited theory that drug use and malnutrition –not HIV– cause AIDS." The case was dismissed in November.
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