- oÍÏíç¸A1886NÌpLancetÌLi·MÒsÚAÀ�}ÌêEãsÚj
- tXêÖÌ`dÍALancetLÌøpÅA1886NB�}ÌÆ«upEO��IvªÁ¦çê½B�}êªFlammarion(1900)pêÅÉøp³ê½ÆvíêéB
- ¼sÚENãsÚÌChÌãÃnèú��s�NÉLÚ³êÄ��½Æ·éChnñÌ��ÝB�}êª1936NÉnÜèA�~®íJÒÅ éLownÌ1996NÌìÅøp³êÄLÜÁÄ��éB
- uuA[hvÆ��¤¼ÍA}ª(1998)ÈOÉ©½çÈ��B
[The Lancet Vol 127 No 3277 Jun 19, 1886, p.1175 "CAN IMAGINATION KILL?"]�}êƯêÌLª¼ÌGÉàA1886NÉfÚ³êÄ��éB
The writer of the article in our contemporary, we think wrongly, brings forward two remarkable instances of what may be regarded as practical jokes with melancholy terminations. In the case of the convict delivered up to the scientist for the purpose of a psychological experiment (the man was strapped to a table and blindfolded, ostensibly to he bled to death; a syphon containing water was placed near his head, and the fluid was allowed to trickle audibly into a vessel below it, at the same time that a trifling , scratch with a needle was inflicted on the culprit'a neck ; it is said that death occurred at the end of six minutes), fear must have played no inconsiderable share in the fatal result, and we do not knew whether all the vital organs were in sound condition, though they were presumably so.
»ãÉ��«éA�}ÌLÌMÒÍAäXªëÁÄl¦éAÀpIÈW[NÆÝȳêéAQÂÌßµ��ðñ¦µæ¤BSwÀ�}ÌÚI̽ßÉÈwÒÌàÆÖAêÄ�}çê½úliäÉèt¯çêAÚBµð³êA\ü«Ío³¹çêé�}ÆÉñÁÄ��½BÞ̪ÌßÉ ÌüÁ½TCtHªzu³êA ª¹ð��ÄÄAºÌeíÉ¿éæ¤ÉÈÁÄ��½B¯ÉAúlÌñÉjÅ�}�~Ȫ¯çê½B»µÄúlÍA6ªªoß·éÆS·éÆ��çê½Bjv½IÈÉ�N��Ä��|ªÈ©çÊððʽµ½Í¸¾BúlÌ·�~ÄÌíªSÈóÔ¾Á½©í©çÈ��ªA�N»ç»¤¾Á½¾ë¤B
- The Legal News, Volume 9 (1886)
- Maryland Medical Journal, Volume 15 (1886)
- Public Opinion, Volume 1(1886)
- Chicago Tribune (1886/08/21)
- Scientific American (1886/07)
[Columbus Medical Journal: A Magazine of Medicine and Surgery, Volume 7, p.214 (1889)]
©EªzÉæéà̾Æ��¤_ðx·éàÌƵÄApÍ2ÂÌáðQƵÄ��éB¤¿êÂÍãwn��MÆÉÍAæmçêÄ��éàÌÅ éBÐÆÂßÌáÍAÀ�}ÚIÅãwÖWÒÌèÉÏËçê½YúBÞÍÚBµ³êAo³¹çêéÆM��ܳê½BÞÍÃ��Éð¯çê½Æv��Aû©ço·éÌð�L��A»êªºÌeíÉ¿é¹ð®��½BÞÍàbÉæéàÌÅ é©Ìæ¤ÉASµ½B
[Items of Interest, Volume 8, p.361 (1886)]
�}êð©éÆALancetÉfÚ³ê½AJTÈð}¦½ÀpIÈW[NÆÝȹé©àµêÈ��2ÂÌáðv��o·BÐÆèÌYúªSwÀ�}̽ßÉAÈwÒÌÆ�}ëÖAêÄ�}çê½BjÍä(table)ÉÅè³êAÚBµð³êAo³¹çêéÆv��ܳê½B ðüê½TCtHªÞ̪̤Éu©êAºÉu©ê½eíɹð��ÄÄ ª¿éæ¤ÉÈÁÄ��½B¯ÉAYúÌñÉÍAí¸©Éð¯çê½B6ªãÉÞÍSµ½Æ¾íêéB...
[Chambers's Journal, Volume 64 By William Chambers, Robert Chambers (1887)]
NOAtXcéi|I3��ÍA étXÌãtÉYúÉηéÀ�}ðµ½BYúÍãtÌÆ�}ëÖAêÄ�}çêAä(table)ÉÅè³êAÚBµð³êAo³¹çêéÆv��ܳê½B¤È¾ê½ªÌßÉ Ìeíªu©êATCtHÉæÁÄA¹ð��ÄĺÌ��É¿éæ¤ÉÈÁÄ��½BƯÉAYúÌñÉèIÅ�}�~Ȫ¯çê½B®SÈÃâªÛ½êA6ªãÉjÍSµ½B
ùÉA�}Ì_Åi|I3��ÆutXÌãtvªt¯Á¦çêÄ��éBܽA"some years ago"Æ;¤àÌÌAÀÛÉÍi|I3��ã17NãÌLÅ èAu¼ßÌovÅÍÈ��Æ��¤LqðµÄ��éB¼ß¾Æ[¾�LªÈ��Ì©àµêÈ��B
The Lancet rapproche de ce cas tout récent deux exemples de cruelle mystification, ou la mort survint également sous le coup d'une profonde terreur.�}Ìæ2pOtÍA»ÌãAñAtXêÌGÉoêµÄ��éB
The LancetÍA[����|Ìe¿ÌàÆÅÌAcÈ_é é��ÍSÌAÅVÌáð2Â��Ä��éB
Le premier est le cas classique d'un condamné anglais du siècle dernier, livré à des médecins pour servir à une expérience psychologique, dont la mort fut le résultat. Ce malheureux avait été solidement attaché à une table avec de fortes courroies; on lui avait bandé les yeux, puis on lui avait annoncé qu'il allait être saigné au cou et qu'on laisserait couler son sang jusqu'à épuisement complet; après quoi, une piqûre insignifiante fut pratiquée à son épiderme avec la pointe d'une aiguille, et un siphon déposé près de sa tête, de manière à faire couler sur son cou un filet d'eau qui tombait sans interruption avec un bruit léger, dans un bassin placé à terre. Au bout de six minutes, le supplicié, convaincu qu'il avait dû perdre au moins sept à huit pintes de sang, mourut de peur.
æêÍO��IÉpÅLß»ðó¯ASwÀ�}̽ßÉãt½¿ÌàÆÖçêÄSµ½ÃTIÈáÅ éBÀ�}Ìí�}ÒÍävÈxgÅäÉèt¯çêAÚBµ³êÄAtðñ©çÅãÌêHÜÅ��o³¹éÆ��çê½B»Ì ÆAjÌçÉjªh³êAÚ��½È��¹ð��Äçê½B»µÄAjÌñð½ÁÄ ª��êA��É¿ÄÚ��Á½¹ð��Äéæ¤ÉApCvªzu³ê½B6ªãÉAÈÆà7`8pCgÌtð¸Á½ÆM��½YúÍA��|ÅSµ½B
[Annales médico psychologiques (1886)]
- Rochas A.: L'état de crédulité, Revue scientifique, 1887
- Albert de Rochas d'Aiglun:"Les états superficiels de l'hypnose", 1893
- Petites annales de Provence (1894)
�}ÌtXêÌLªACamille FlammarionÌL'inconnu - The unknown (1900)(pêÅ)ÌàÆÆÈÁÄ��éæ¤Å éB
An idea, an impression, a mental commotion, while entirely internal, can produce in another direction physiological effects more or less intense, and is even capable of causing death. Examples are not wanting of persons dying suddenly in consequence of emotion. The power which imagination is capable of exercising over life itself has long been established. The experiment performed in the last century in England on a man condemned to death, who was made the subject of a study of this kind by medical men, is well known. The subject of the experiment was fastened securely to a table with strong straps, his eyes were bandaged, and he was then told that he was to be bled from the neck until every drop of his blood had been drained. After this an insignificant puncture was made in his skin with the point of a needle, and a siphon arranged near his head in such a manner as to allow a continuous stream of water to flow over his neck and fall with a slight sound into a basin placed on the floor. At the end of six minutes the condemned man, believing that he had lost at least seven or eight quarts of blood, died of terror.
ÐÆÂÌl¦AÐÆÂÌóÛA»µÄÐÆÂ̸_I®hªAàIÅÍ ÁÄàAÊÌûüÌ��»ÛðåÈè��Èèø«N�}µAÆ«ÉÍÉçµßé�}Æà éB�LîÌAƵÄËRµ½lXÌáÉÍ©È��B��½³¦àDÁĵܤzÌÍÌ��ÝÍm��³ê½ÀÅ éBO��IÉpÅAãt½¿ÉæéA�}Ìí̤Ìí�}ÒÆÈÁ½YúÉεÄsíê½À�}ÍæmçêÄ��éBÀ�}Ìí�}ÒÍävÈxgÅäÉèt¯çêAïÑÅÚBµ³êÄAtðñ©çÅãÌêHÜÅ��o³¹éÆ��çê½B»Ì ÆAjÌçÉjªh³êAÚ��½È��¹ð��Äçê½B»µÄAjÌñð½ÁÄ ª��êA��É¿ÄÚ��Á½¹ð��Äéæ¤ÉATCtHªzu³ê½B6ªãÉAÈÆà7`8NH[gÌtð¸Á½ÆM��½YúÍA��|ÅSµ½B
Une idée, tout intérieure, une impression, une commotion mentale peut, à lfinverse, produire des effets physiologiques plus ou moins intenses, et même amener la mort. Il ne manque pas dfexemples de personnes mortes subitement à la suite dfune émotion. La preuve est donnée depuis longtemps des effets de la puissance de lfimagination sur la vie elle-même. Personne nfa oublié lfexpérience faite à Copenhague en 1750 sur un condamné, livré à des médecins pour une étude de ce genre, et qui fut observé jusqufà la mort inclusivement. Ce malheureux avait été solidement attaché à une table avec de fortes courroies ; on lui avait bandé les yeux ; puis on lui avait annoncé qufil allait être saigné au cou et qufon laisserait couler son sang jusqufà lfépuisement complet ; après quoi une piqûre insignifiante fut pratiquée à son épiderme avec la pointe dfune aiguille, et un siphon déposé près de sa tête, de manière à faire couler sur son cou un filet dfeau qui tombait sans interruption avec un bruit léger, dans un bassin placé à terre. Le supplicié convaincu qufil avait dû perdre 7 à 8 litres de sang, mourut de peur.
ÐÆÂÌl¦AÐÆÂÌóÛA»µÄÐÆÂ̸_I®hªAàIÅÍ ÁÄàAÊÌûüÌ��»ÛðåÈè��Èèø«N�}µAÆ«ÉÍÉçµßé�}Æà éB�LîÌAƵÄËRµ½lXÌáÉÍ©È��B��½³¦àDÁĵܤzÌÍÌ��ÝÍؾ³ê½ÀÅ éB1750NÉRyn[QÅsíê½A�}Ìí̤̽ßÉãt½¿ÌàÆÉçêAÊÜÅÏ@³ê½YúÉηéÀ�}ÍNàYêÄ��È��¾ë¤BÀ�}Ìí�}ÒÍävÈxgÅäÉèt¯çêAÚBµ³êÄAtðñ©çÅãÌêHÜÅ��o³¹éÆ��çê½B»Ì ÆAjÌçÉjªh³êAÚ��½È��¹ð��Äçê½B»µÄAjÌñð½ÁÄ ª��êA��É¿ÄÚ��Á½¹ð��Äéæ¤ÉApCvªzu³ê½B6ªãÉAÈÆà7`8bgÌtð¸Á½ÆM��½YúÍA��|ÅSµ½B
[Camille Flammarion: "Línconnu" quoted in Blog União Fraterna Bezerra de Menezes]
1922NÌThe Toledo News-BeeÌLÅÍApÌãÈåwÅN«½�}ÆÉÈÁÄ��½B
1926NÉuNOÉtXÌãtvªsÁ½À�}ƵÄA»Tampa Bay TimesiSt. Petersburg TimesjªÐîµÄ��éB
pÌãÈåwÅA³Òªbµ½è®��½èÅ«¸A�LoàÈÈéæ¤Éòð^³ê½BáÉÍïѪª©ê½BOÈãÍëÁ½cÅAÞÌSßÌçðȼÁ½B»µÄA®��ðØfµ½Æ©ñ¾Bg©�� ªÞÌ¡ðH追B³ÒÍAo·éÆM��ÄAèpäÌãÅSµ½BzªÞðEµ½B
[The Toledo News-Bee - Oct 25, 1922 "All in the mind" by Toledoan]
NOA¼ÈtXÌãtªAY»ðó¯½úlÉεÄAzÌøÊðØ·éÀ�}ð³ê½BjÍÚBµð³êAäÉèt¯çêA®��ðJ«AÊÜÅo³¹éÆ��çê½AÞ̪ÌßÉÍ ðüê½{Eªu©êAÇð浀 ª��êoÄA��ÌôÊíÉ¿éæ¤ÉÈÁÄ��½Bõª®¤ÆAãtÍúlÌñðjŵ¯½BRbNªJ¯çêÄA ª|^|^|^Æ¿Ä��Á½B5ªªoßµARbNªÂ��çê½BjÍäÌã©ç~ë³ê½BjÍñÅ��½B
[St. Petersburg Times - Feb 21, 1926 (Currently Tampa Bay Times)]
[Arthur Brisbane: "THIS WEEK" Appleton review Vol. 1, no. 11 (March 28, 1930), also on Cass City Chronicle (March 27, 1930), and Rochester Evening Journal - Mar 18, 1930]
What people think decides what they are. Prosperity is to a considerable extent a matter of psychology.
Once a man was fastened in a chair, his feet put in warm water, and as a practical joke he was shown a razor of which the blunt end was drawn across the soles of his bare feet. He was told, "You will bleed to death painlessly in this warm water." He didn't lose a drop of blood, but he died.
Don't let prosperity die in that fashion, killed by imagination.
lÍ©ªÅl¦é�}ÆÅA©ªðKèµÄµÜ¤BK^ÍöxÉSwÌâèÅ éB
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Flammarionnñ©ªòµ½Ì©Ç¤©í©çÈ��ªAArchives of Neurology and PsychiatryÆ��¤wpÉA¯lÌl^ðuChÌãÃnGÉfÚ³êÄ��½l^vµÄLÚµÄ��éLª Á½B
Emotions as the Cause of Rapid and Sudden Death. Dr. N. S. Yawger.zèo|CgªñÅÍÈlæ[ÉÈÁÄ��éªA»êÈOÍFlammarionÌLqÆáÁÄ��È��ÌÅAChÌãÃèú��s�NÍ��ݹ¸AFlammarionÌl^ð»êÁÛêÁ½¾¯Æ��¤^��à éB
Years ago, a medical periodical in India published an article entitled 'Killed by the Imagination'. In substance it stated: A celebrated physician, author of a work on the effects of the imagination, was permitted to try an astonishing experiment on a criminal who had been condemned to death. The prisoner, an assassin of distinguished rank, was advised that, in order that his family might be spared the further disgrace of a public hanging, permission had been obtained to bleed him to death within the prison walls. After being told 'Your dissolution will be gradual and free from pain', he willingly acquiesced to the plan. Full preparations having been made, he was blindfolded, led to a room and strapped onto a table near each corner of which was a vessel containing water, so contrived that it could drip gently into basins. The skin overlying the blood vessels of the four extremeties was then scratched, and the contents of the vessels were released. Hearing the flow of water, the prisoner believed that his blood was escaping; by degrees he became weaker and weaker, which, seemingly, was confirmed by the conversation of the physicians carried on in lower and lower tones. Finally, the silence was absolute except for the sound of the dripping water, and that too died out gradually. 'Although possessed of a strong constitution (the prisoner) fainted and died, without the loss of a drop of blood.'
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[PHILADELPHIA NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY: Stated Meeting, Nov. 22, 1935. F. C. Grant, M.D., President, in the Chair, Arch Neurol Psychiatry. 1936;36(4):869-890. (1999K) (via Gary Bruno Schmid & Bernardo N. De Luca)]
GfÚÌNã·çLÚ³ê¸Aêàãàí©çÈ��L¾ªA�}êðM��½ÌªA1921N��ÜêÅA�~®íÌJÒÅ èA1985NÉm[x½aÜðóܵ½jíh~ÛãtïcÌñ\ÒÅ éABernard LownÅ éBÞÍA1996NÉoŵ½uThe Lost Art of HealingvÌÅ...
My interest in the psychological was constantly rearoused by clinical observation and by studying the encyclopedic literature. A report in an Indian medical periodical, "Killed by the Imagination"* left and indelible impression early in my carrier.�}êÉæèAChÌãtÆ��¤�}ÆÉÈÁ½B
Õ��Ï@âSÈTILq̤ÉæèAÌSwÖÌ»¡ªA試µA©«½ÄçêéBChÌãÃnèú��s�NÉfÚ³ê½uKilled by Imagination"ÍAÁ¹È��óÛðÌLAÉcµ½B
A Hindu physician was authorized by prison authorities to conduct an astonishing experiment on a criminal condemned to death by hanging. The doctor pesuaded the prisoner to permit himself to be exsanguinated -- bled to death -- assuring him that death, though gradual, would be painless. The convict, on agreeing, was strapped to a bed and blindfolded. Vessels filled with water were hung at each of the four bedposts and set up to drip into basins on the floor. The skin on his four exremities was scratched, and the water began to drip into the containers, initially fast, then progressively slowing. By degrees the prisoner grew weaker, a condition reinforced by the physician's intoning a lower and lower voice. Finally the silence was absolute as the dripping of water ceased. Although the prisoner was healthy young man, at the completion of the experiment, when the water flow stopped, he appeared to have fainted. On examination, however, he was found to be dead despite not having lost not a drop of blood.
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Over the centuries, a wealth of similar anecdotes has been amassed. The medical profession has long known that nervous activity influences every part of the body. Nearly 350 years ago, William Harvey, discoverer of the circulation of the blood, stated: "Every affection of the mind that is attended with either pain or pleasure, hope or fear is the cause of an agitation whose influence extends to the heart."
ô��IÉàí½èA¯lÌíbª½ÏÝã��çêÄ«½BãÃ]ÒÍ·«Éí½èA_o®ªgÌÌ çäéêÉe¿·é�}ÆðmÁÄ��½B350NÙÇOAtzÂÌ©ÒÅ éWilliam HarveyÍuSÌ çäée¿ÍAêµÝÅ êyµÝÅ èAó]Å ê��|Å êA»�}ðø«�}N�}µA»Ìe¿ÍSÉàyÔvÆ��Ä��éB
*N.S. Yagwer, "Emotions as a Cause of Rapid and Sudden Death", Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 36 (1936), 875.
[Bernard Lown:"The Lost Art of Healing"(1996/09/30), pp.31-32]
In 1936, in India, recounts Nobel Laureate Bernard Lown in "The Lost Art of Healing," an astonishing experiment was conducted on a prisoner condemned to die by hanging. He was given the choice instead of being "exsanguinated," or having his blood let out, because this would be gradual and relatively painless. The victim agreed, was strapped to the bed and blindfolded.Nãs¾¾Á½ÌªA1936NÌbÉÈÁ½B�}ÌbÍA³çÉøp³êÄLÜÁÄ��éB
Unbeknownst to him, water containers were attached to the four bedposts and drip buckets set up below. Then after light scratches were made on his four extremities, the fake drip brigade began: First rapidly, then slowly, always loudly. "As the dripping of water stopped, the healthy young man's heart stopped also. He was dead, having lost not a drop of blood."
m[xÜóÜÒBernard LownÍ©"The Lost Art of Healing"ÅAu1936NÉChÅAiñY»ðó¯½óYÒÉεÄAÁ�~«À�}ªsíê½v�}ÆðêÁÄ��éBóYÒÍAuúv·Èí¿AoÉæéðIð·é ð^¦çê½B»êÍärIAÉ©ÂÉÝÌ��³��ÉûÅ Á½©ç¾BóYÒͯӵAxbhÉÅè³êÄAÚBµ³ê½B
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[Bill Sones & Rich Sones Ph.D.: "Strange but true: Loud drips can scare you to death" (2004/01/05)]
Another dramatic example of the power of expectancy involves an inmate who was in prison and sentenced to be executed, He was offered a chance to participate in a research project and told that if he lived through it his sentence would be reduce to life in prison. The prisoner consented and the experiment was conducted. They wanted to find out how much blood a person could lose and still live.
The researchers placed the prisoner in a darkened operating room and made a very slight incision. Very little blood was lost through the incision. But they arranged for sound effects to simulate the dropping of blood which the prisoner believed was his own blood. The next morning, the researchers came into the operating room and found the prisoner had died, He died of his belief that he was bleeding to death. By the way, this study was conducted in the early 20th century and certainly wouldn't be sanctioned under our new AMA guidelines.
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[Berge Minasian: "The Power of Choice: Living the Life You Always Wanted and Absolutely Deserve" (2010)]
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oT | l¼ | ê | Nã | jÌê | Åèê | ��oµ½ÆM��½Ê |
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