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Hahnemann saw things with an independent, timeless eye, but he was forced to speak and express himself in the language spoken by all those around him. A vast number of most necessary physical and physiological conceptions were still lacking. The law of the "conservation of energy" had not yet come into existence. Thus Hahnemann was compelled to take over the conception of the "dynamic" from the highly suspect natural philosophers, in order to avoid the danger that the increased effects he had observed in his homeopathic medicine would be classed as mere magic. The first revealed facts of colloidal chemistry were thus veiled in the cloud-high abstractions of Schelling, the "philosopher of medicine." The "dynamic" idea, premising a strange, immaterial, "spirit-like" function, satisfied a medical science which was beginning to turn away in ... from the humoral pathologists' "atomic" material world of ideas.
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Hahnemann already knew that "although theories may imagine that they can observe a weakening of the action of a dose of medicine by its dilution with a large quantity of liquid, experience asserts exactly the opposite, at all events in the homeopathic employment of medicines."
Schelling taught the infinite divisibility of matter. The more unsubstantial the matter became by dilution, the purer and more effective could be its "spirit-like" and "dynamic" functions. Hahnemann discovered the increased power of shaken or grated medicines, which constitute the basis of homeopathic preparations;
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[Martin Gumpert: "Hahnemann: The Adventurous Career of a Medical Rebel", p.147, 1945]
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