- u©ÂÇÆMMRN`ÌÖAð¦·v_��Ìf[^ªtFCN¾Á½ by Times (2009/02/08)
- u©ÂÇÆMMRN`ÌÖAð¦·v_��ðß®ÁÄ (2009/02/10)
- utFCNÈA©ÂÇÆMMRN`vÌñ¹ª©¯ß®é (2009/02/12)
- tFCNÈf[^ÌDr. Wakefield̤sû@ÉÂ��ÄÌpGMCÌ»f (2010/01/30)
- Lancetªu©ÂÇÆMMRN`ÌÖAð¦·v_��ðPñµ½ (2010/02/03)
- uN`ª©ÂÇÌ�LövÆ��¤ãtÉεÄApÍãîðÖ��½ (2010/05/25)
- Andrew Wakefieldªêààø©ÈÄà (2011/01/14)
- Andrew Wakefieldðß®éÅßÌ®« (2011/11/16)
Andrew WakefieldÍApÌãwwpBMJÅ©ªÌs³s�~ðǤLðÆ«Ç«fÚµÄ��éBian DeerðA½Ì©A»ÝÌÝZnÅ éeLTXBÌnÙɼ_ü¹Åi¦Ä��½B»µÄA»ÌÙ»Í2012N83úÉAåO\��ÉIíÁ½B
Andrew Wakefield, who was stripped of his British medical license in 2010 for autism research that ignited a worldwide vaccine scare, cannot sue a U.K. medical journal, its editor and a British reporter for defamation in Texas, a judge in Austin ruled today.ܾܾAAndrew WakefieldÍÄŤð�}sµÂÂAá»ÒðÙç¹é�~Ù»ð�}¯éàæ¤B
AustinÌÙ»¯ª{ú(2012/08/03)Au��EIÈN`��|ÉÎð¯½A2010NÌ©ÂǤÉæèpÅÌãtÆðD³ê½Andrew WakefieldªApÌãwwpði¦½Ù»ÅAeLTXBÅÍÒWÍyÑpÌLÒð¼_ü¹Åi¦é�}ÆÍÅ«È��vÆ̻𾵽
In a one-paragraph order, Travis County District Judge Amy Clark Meachum said Texas courts donft have jurisdiction over the parties Wakefield sued. She tossed out the case.
Wakefield, who is 55 and lives in Austin, vowed to pursue it. gWe think we have a very good argument, and we plan to appeal,h he said.
Wakefield, pictured at right, has previously sued reporter Brian Deer in the U.K., but he withdrew those suits because, he said, he was dealing with a hearing on his medical license before the U.K.fs General Medical Council, which regulates doctors. The council found Wakefield guilty of serious professional misconduct, citing dishonest, irresponsible research he performed in 1998; actions contrary to the interests of children; conflicts of interests regarding his involvement in a lawsuit against a measles-mumps-rubella vaccine; and failing to disclose his involvement in seeking a patent for a rival vaccine.
Wakefield has said he was innocent of those charges. In January, he sued Deer for a 2011 article in the British Medical Journal and an editorial by Editor Fiona Godlee, claiming they had defamed him by calling his work fraudulent.@...
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[Mary Ann Roser: "Wakefield canft sue U.K. journal, editor and reporter in Texas" (2012/08/03) on Stateman]