[Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals]_Å é#66ÌêÂð©éÆ...
Who are "clinical ecologists"? Õ��«ãÆÍN©H
"Clinical ecology", while not a recognized conventional medical specialty, has drawn the attention of health care professionals as well as laypersons. The organization of clinical ecologists-physicians who treat individuals believed to be suffering from "total allergy" or "multiple chemical sensitivity" -- was founded as the Society for Clinical Ecology and is now known as the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. Its ranks have attracted allergists and physicians from other traditional medical specialties[66].
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66 See Ducataman et al. "What is Environmental Medicine?" Journal of Occupational Medicine 1990; 32: 1130-32. Also see American College of Physicians Health and Public Policy Committee. "Occupational and Environmental Medicine: The Internist's's Role". Annals of Internal Medicine 1990; 113:974-82.
[American College of Physicians Health and Public Policy Committee. "Occupational and Environmental Medicine: The Internist's's Role". Annals of Internal Medicine 1990; 113:974-82.]È�NAÈOæèã��½æ¤ÉAÄÌ«ãw¤ÌwïÅ éAmerican College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)Ì��êÍA«õ�N¿ÆMCSÌÖAÍؾ³êÄ�Nç¸AMCSÉøʪ éÆÈwIÀسê½ÁÙI¡Ã@Í��ݵÈ��Æ��¤àÌÅ éB
As a clinical specialty, environmental medicine is in its infancy. It is distinct from the controversial practice known as gclinical ecology,h which often relies on unproved theories of genvironmental illnessh
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ܽA�}êÜÅàæèã��Ä«½æ¤ÉAÕ��«ãwÌ"wï"Å éAmerican Academy of Environmental MedicineÍ^íµ��ãÖãÃðy³¹Ä��éJÆãcÌÅ éB
- MCSÌ¡ÃÉzIpV[àgÁÄ��éçµ��William Rea, MD
- urCKXðóßµÄd\CIóeµ©cÁÄ��È��tš÷éWilliam Rea, MDv
- ãÖÃ@ðLßéAmerican Academy of Environmental Medicine
- MCS¡ÃÉRnChZs[ðñ·éãÖãÃ@Ö
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