黒人差別をなくすためには、黒人自身が他人から嫌われるようなことを止めるべきです。 In order to solve black racism, blacks themselves must stop behaving in ways that are hated by others.
黒人が嫌われることを止めないと、黒人は嫌われたままになるでしょう。 If black people don't stop the hated behavior, black people will remain hated.
黒人が嫌われるのは、自業自得です。 The cause of black people being hated is cause and effect.
黒人は、黒人男性が合法的に白人女性をレイプできるようにするために、ポルノを制作しています。 Black men produce pornography so that they can legally rape white women.
白人の中には、黒人男性が白人女性をレイプすることを快く思わない人もいるでしょう。 Some white people may not be comfortable with black men raping white women.
黒人差別をなくすには、黒人自身が黒人の仲間たちに野蛮な行為をやめさせるべきでしょう。 In order to end discrimination against blacks, blacks themselves should stop their fellow blacks from committing barbaric acts.
●黒人によるレイプ事件 Rape incident by blacks
黒人差別問題は、決して対岸の火事ではありません。 The issue of discrimination against black people is not just a matter of the opposite shore.
日本国内でも、在日米軍の軍属である黒人男性が、日本人女性をレイプしています。 In Japan, black men who are members of the U.S. military in Japan have been raping Japanese women.
黒人は、白人を襲撃するだけでなく、黄色人種である日本人も襲撃してきます。 Black men not only attack white people, but also Japanese people, who are yellow.
A group of black American soldiers in Kokura escaped from the base in Kokura (now Kita-kyushu) on July 11, 1950. African-American (black) soldiers of the U.S. military in Japan deserted en masse and assaulted residents of the surrounding area. Disturbance Incident. On July 11, 1950, during the Allied occupation, from the U.S. supply base at Jono Supply Base, Kokura, where U.S. troops were stationed. About 75-250 armed black soldiers escaped, split up into several groups and entered downtown and surrounding homes. He repeatedly committed criminal acts, including destruction, looting, assault and rape.
The 1995 Okinawa rape incident took place on September 4, 1995, when three African-American U.S. servicemen, U.S. Navy Seaman Marcus Gill and U.S. Marines Rodrico Harp and Kendrick Ledet, who were all serving at Camp Hansen on Okinawa, rented a van and kidnapped a 12-year-old Okinawan girl. The families of the defendants initially claimed that Japanese officials had racially discriminated against the men because they were all black and coerced confessions from them, but later retracted the claims.