Big Brother Wiki
Big Brother Wiki

Adam Jasinski is the winner of Big Brother 9 (US).

At the start of the game, Adam was initially a potential target for eviction in Week 1 after constantly bickering with his soulmate Sheila Kennedy, although they were spared by Power Couple Parker Somerville and Jen DiTurno after Jacob Heald called Parker a snake, resulting in him and his partner Sharon Obermueller being evicted. Luckily, due to his fun and friendly personality, Adam became very liked inside the house, which allowed him to fly under the radar for the majority of the game after his rough start. Later, Adam and Sheila reconciled and would join Team Christ, which would go on to dominate the season. Using his strong relationships in the house, Adam was able to make it to the final two against his close ally Ryan Quicksall. Adam would go onto win the game against Ryan due to his strong relationships with the jury in a 6-1 vote.


Retrieved from

Public Relations Manager
Del Ray Beach, Fla. via Cherry Hill, N.J.

Adam has a Master's Degree in Fashion Design/Marketing. He studied at Camden County College in New Jersey, Parson's School of Design in New York and Fashion Art Italy in Italy. He currently works as a PR Manager where he arranges events, does publicity and is the Sponsorship and Creative Director for a foundation.

Adam is very close to his mother. He sees himself as an "in the moment" kind of guy when it comes to relationships and likes aggressive women who know themselves well. He talks a big game with women and considers himself to be quite the Casanova. He prefers to settle disagreements sooner rather than later and doesn't hold back during an argument. He is not easily intimidated.

He describes himself as stylish, trendsetting and a good person and is very proud to have his own clothing label.

Adam's birth date is April 30, 1978.[1]

Player History - Big Brother 9 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 Power Couple Loss
Co-HOH Loss
Co-POV Not Picked
Week 2 Co-HOH Loss
Food Loss
Co-POV Not Picked
Week 3 Co-HOH Loss
Food Win
Co-POV Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss
Food Win
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 6 HOH Win
Luxury Loss
POV Loss
Week 7 HOH Previous HOH
Food Win
POV Not Picked
Week 8 HOH Win
Food Win
POV Loss
Week 9 HOH Previous HOH
Week 10 HOH Loss
Luxury Loss
POV Loss
Week 11 HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Win
HOH Part 3 Loss

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Ineligible
Jen Diturno & Parker Somerville Yes
2 Alex Coladonato & Amanda Hansen Yes
3 Post-POV Nominee
Allison Nichols Yes
4 James Zinkand Yes
5 Returning HG James Zinkand Yes
Ryan Quicksall No
7 Joshuah Welch Yes
9 Used POV on Self Sharon Obermueller No
10 Sharon Obermueller Sole Vote
11 Nominated
Finale Winner

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 6
Chelsia Hart
Week 8
James Zinkand

Post Big Brother[]

  • Adam and Big Brother 9 housemate Matt McDonald attended the Big Brother 10 (US) finale.
  • Following his season, Adam used his winnings to fund a drug ring. On October 19, 2009, Adam was arrested by the DEA for the possession of 2,000 oxycodone pills with the intent to distribute.[2] Sheila Kennedy, who had voted for Adam to win, stated that she felt betrayed by him, as he had said while in the house that he would donate $100,000 of his winnings to an autism charity.
  • After pleading guilty to his charges in October 2010, in January 2011 Adam was sentenced to four years in federal prison for possession with intent to distribute and for tax evasion.[3] He was released in 2015.
  • Adam is currently involved in providing guidance to those in sobriety and helping parents cope with the destruction of addiction.[4]
  • In June 2017, Adam released a book titled My Kid's On Drugs, Now What? which is an addiction resource for parents on how to guide their child down the path of long-term recovery after drug treatment.[5]



Preceded by
Season 8
BB8 Dick
Dick Donato
Season 9
BB9Small Adam
Adam Jasinski
Succeeded by
Season 10
BB10 Dan Small
Dan Gheesling
Big Brother 9 (US) Houseguests
BB9Small Adam
BB9Small Ryan
BB9Small Sheila
BB9Small Sharon
BB9Small Natalie
BB9Small James
BB9Small Joshuah
BB9Small Chelsia
BB9Small Matt
BB9Small Allison
BB9Small Alex
BB9Small Amanda
BB9Small Jen
BB9Small Parker
BB9Small Neil
BB9Small Jacob