This article is from my last book, Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.(Nov., 2020). Although it was written in 2018, it still seems appropriate on this anniversary of the evil U.S. bombing of Hiroshima.
“Ahab is forever Ahab, man. This whole act’s immutably decreed. ‘Twas rehearsed by thee and me billion years before this ocean rolled. Fool! I am the Fates’ lieutenant; I act under orders.”
– Herman Melville, Moby Dick
“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint…But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voice.”
– C. S. Lewis, author’s preface, 1962, The Screwtape Letters
American history can only accurately be described as the story of demonic possession, however you choose to understand that phrase. Maybe radical “evil” will suffice. But right from the start the American colonizers were involved in massive killing because they considered themselves divinely blessed and guided, a chosen people whose mission would come to be called “manifest destiny.” Nothing stood in the way of this divine calling, which involved the need to enslave and kill millions and millions of innocent people that continues down to today. “Others” have always been expendable since they have stood in the way of the imperial march ordained by the American god. This includes all the wars waged based on lies and false flag operations. It is not a secret, although most Americans, if they are aware of it, prefer to see it as a series of aberrations carried out by “bad apples.” Or something from the past.
Our best writers and prophets have told us the truth: Thoreau, Twain, William James, MLK, Fr. Daniel Berrigan, et al.: we are a nation of killers of the innocent. We are conscienceless. We are brutal. We are in the grip of evil forces.
The English writer D. H. Lawrence said it perfectly in 1923, “The American soul is hard, isolate, stoic and a killer. It has never yet melted.” It still hasn’t.
When on August 6 and 9, 1945 the United States killed 200-300 thousand innocent Japanese civilians with atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they did so intentionally. It was an act of sinister state terrorism, unprecedented by the nature of the weapons but not by the slaughter. The American terror bombings of Japanese cities that preceded the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – led by the infamous Major General Curtis LeMay – were also intentionally aimed at Japanese civilians and killed hundreds of thousands of them.
Is there an American artist’s painting of Tokyo destroyed by the firebombing to go next to Picasso’s Guernica, where estimates of the dead range between 800 and 1,600? In Tokyo alone more than 100,000 Japanese civilians were burnt to death by cluster bombs of napalm. All this killing was intentional. I repeat: Intentional. Is that not radical evil? Demonic? Only five Japanese cities were spared such bombing.
The atomic bombings were an intentional holocaust, not to end the war, as the historical record amply demonstrates, but to send a message to the Soviet Union that we could do to them what we did to the residents of Japan. President Truman made certain that the Japanese willingness to surrender in May 1945 was made unacceptable because he and his Secretary-of-State James Byrnes wanted to use the atomic bombs – “as quickly as possible to ‘show results’” in Byrnes’ words – to send a message to the Soviet Union. So “the Good War” was ended in the Pacific with the “good guys” killing hundreds of thousand Japanese civilians to make a point to the “bad guys,” who have been demonized ever since. Russia phobia is nothing new.
Satan always wears the other’s face.
Many Baby Boomers like to say they grew up with the bomb. They are lucky. They grew up. They got be scared. They got to hide under their desks and wax nostalgic about it. Do you remember dog tags? Those 1950s and 1960s? The scary movies?
The children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who died under our bombs on August 6 and 9, 1945 didn’t get to grow up. They couldn’t hide. They just went under. To be accurate: we put them under. Or they were left to smolder for decades in pain and then die. But that it was necessary to save American lives is the lie. It’s always about American lives, as if the owners of the country actually cared about them. But to tender hearts and innocent minds, it’s a magic incantation. Poor us!
Fat Man, Little Boy – how the words echo down the years to the now fat Americans who grew up in the 1950s and who think like little boys and girls about their country’s demonic nature. Innocence – it is wonderful! We are different now. “We are great because we are good,” that’s what Hillary Clinton told us. The Libyans can attest to that. We are exceptional, special. The next election will prove we can defeat Mr. Pumpkin Head and restore America to its “core values.”
Perhaps you think I am cynical. But understanding true evil is not child’s play. It seems beyond the grasp of most Americans who need their illusions. Evil is real. There is simply no way to understand the savage nature of American history without seeing its demonic nature. How else can we redeem ourselves at this late date, possessed as we are by delusions of our own God-blessed goodness?
But average Americans play at innocence. They excite themselves at the thought that with the next election the nation will be “restored” to the right course. Of course there never was a right course, unless might makes right, which has always been the way of America’s rulers. Today Trump is viewed by so many as an aberration. He is far from it. He’s straight out of a Twain short story. He’s Vaudeville. He’s Melville’s confidence man. He’s us. Did it ever occur to those who are fixated on him that if those who own and run the country wanted him gone, he’d be gone in an instant? He can tweet and tweet idiotically, endlessly send out messages that he will contradict the next day, but as long as he protects the super-rich, accepts Israel’s control of him, and allows the CIA-military-industrial complex to do its world-wide killing and looting of the treasury, he will be allowed to entertain and excite the public – to get them worked up in a lather in pseudo-debates. And to make this more entertaining, he will be opposed by the “sane” Democratic opposition, whose intentions are as benign as an assassin’s smile.
Look back as far as you can to past U.S. presidents, the figureheads who “act under orders” (whose orders?), as did Ahab in his lust to kill the “evil” great white whale, and what do you see? You see servile killers in the grip of a sinister power. You see hyenas with polished faces. You see pasteboard masks. On the one occasion when one of these presidents dared to follow his conscience and rejected the devil’s pact that is the presidency’s killer-in-chief role, he – JFK – had his brains blown out in public view. An evil empire thrives on shedding blood, and it enforces its will through demonic messages. Resist and there will be blood on the streets, blood on the tracks, blood in your face.
Despite this, President Kennedy’s witness, his turn from cold warrior to an apostle of peace, remains to inspire a ray of hope in these dark days. As recounted by James Douglass in his masterful JFK and the Unspeakable, Kennedy agreed to a meeting in May 1962 with a group of Quakers who had been demonstrating outside the While House for total disarmament. They urged him to move in that direction. Kennedy was sympathetic to their position. He said he wished it were easy to do so from the top down, but that he was being pressured by the Pentagon and others to never do that, although he had given a speech urging “a peace race” together with the Soviet Union. He told the Quakers it would have to come from below. According to the Quakers, JFK listened intently to their points, and before they left said with a smile, “You believe in redemption don’t you?” Soon Kennedy was shaken to his core by the Cuban missile crisis when the world teetered on the brink of extinction and his insane military and “intelligence” advisers urged him to wage a nuclear war. Not long after, he took a sharp top-down turn toward peace despite their fierce opposition, a turn so dramatic over the next year that it led to his martyrdom. And he knew it would. He knew it would.
So hope is not all lost. There are great souls like JFK to inspire us. Their examples flash here and there. But to even begin to hope to change the future, a confrontation with our demonic past (and present) is first necessary, a descent into the dark truth that is terrifying in its implications. False innocence must be abandoned. Carl Jung, in “On the Psychology of the Unconscious,” addressed this with the words:
It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses – and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this; to him, as an individual, it is incredible that he should ever in any circumstances go beyond himself. But let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster; and each individual is only one tiny cell in the monster’s body, so that for better or worse he must accompany it on its bloody rampages and even assist it to the utmost. Having a dark suspicion of these grim possibilities, man turns a blind eye to the shadow-side of human nature. Blindly he strives against the salutary dogma of original sin, which is yet so prodigiously true. Yes, he even hesitates to admit the conflict of which he is so painfully aware.
How can one describe men who would intentionally slaughter so many innocent people? American history is rife with such examples up to the present day. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. – the list is very long. Savage wars carried out by men and women who own and run the country, and who try to buy the souls of regular people to join them in their pact with the devil, to acquiesce to their ongoing wicked deeds. Such monstrous evil was never more evident than on August 6 and 9, 1945.
Unless we enter into deep contemplation of the evil that was released into the world with those bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we are lost in a living hell without escape. And we will pay. Nemesis always demands retribution. We have gradually been accepting rule by those for whom the killing of innocents is child’s play, and we have been masquerading as innocent and good children for whom the truth is too much to bear. “Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one,” Screwtape, the devil, tells his nephew, Wormwood, a devil in training, “the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” That’s the road we’ve been traveling.
The projection of evil onto others works only so long. We must reclaim our shadows and withdraw our projections. Only the fate of the world depends on
The flaw in this article is its reliance on the false concept of collective guilt.
Bombs bad. US bad. Fine, let me invade and I’ll kill everything down to the last ant to include presidentially approved chemical weapons against crops. I’ll fight with anger against kids with pointy sticks and such. No prisoners to be taken and all gold teeth pliers removed while still alive. But remember, US and Bombs bad. They actually ate our POWs. Let that sink in. Live vivisections on POWs. Let that sink in. After we were through, nothing but the sound of a few birds. But US bad and bombs bad. You know nothing of history so lesson #1: research Operation Downfall.
In Blood Rites Barbara Ehrenreich makes an anthropological, unfalsifiable case that mass violence is an artifact of homo sapiens’ evolution as prey of macrofauna. The puny apes banded together to chase away the sabertoothed tigers. The implication is that the species is hardwired to gang up on enemies, and nowadays all the best enemies are human. Izzies are Exhibit A. But despite their batshit genocide gene NDST3, there are lots of inoffensive skitzos. Jew psychosis is more nurture than nature. Graeber’s Dawn of Everything is a coherent counterargument. Humans don’t always fuck everything up.
This look into your soul business is not helpful for any likely audience. It will not help decapitate the civil-military command structure. It will not impede or stop path-dependent use of force. Because we are not doing this shit. A rickety assemblage is doing it. We just need to wreck it and shitcan it.
…we being the outside world and members of the US subject population who find themselves in a position to pull the plug. The relevant instrument is the Santiago Declaration (not the UN resolution that leaves out all the good stuff.)
Since legally, peace is the sum of all rights, and states have a duty to fulfill them, this attitude makes peace a greedy objective like profit. Instead of you being on a treadmill to pay for assholes blowing shit up, the state is on the treadmill, overwhelmed with demands for more-more-more peace.
If I bust out a vape store to pay my kosher nostra loan sharks, you don’t gain much by making me grovel for some dipshit judge and “take responsibility.” Your underlying problem is the criminal enterprise. And now the relevant criminal enterprise is the CIA impunity regime. You got to wipe it out, that’s all. Don’t beat yourself up.
And what about the satanic nature of this author simplistic, manichean, delusional writings ?
If what the author posits is true, what is the solution? It is the unthinkable – a dismemberment of the US federal government. The Fed is operated for the benefit of the racial enemies of Whites. No one would “fairly and dispassionately” act for the best interests of complete strangers if that person could act for their own interests. But that is exactly what American boobs believe a sub-Saharan African, or a Jew, or a Pakistani, will do when those people have the power of the treasury. The System is the problem.
As an aside, to mention “MLK” as any type or kind of equal to Twain is nauseating.
partly agree with this essay: because Zionist stooge Churchill & FDR forced the Pacific War in order to backdoor America’s entry into the anti-German war.
but as re nuclear weapons: if evil old America had not used the Bomb to end WW2…
thus providing a searing demo if its existential wickedness…
a nuclear WW3 would have occured long ago.
Curtin would never have written this essay.
and we would not be here to read it.
Remember the context of the times. Those gallant real Americans in the 1940’s were fighting a vicious war against the japs for over 3 1/2 years suffering hundreds of thousands of causalities, I mean dead and wounded. So in the context of the times better dead japs then dead Marines and Soldiers. Besides they started it even before bombing Pearl Harbor they were rampaging through Asia in the 1930’s, plus engaging in battles against the Russians in Manchuria in the late 1930’s against one General Zhukov and the armies he was leading and getting a drubbing at that by the Russians.
There’s a lot of evidence that the “Atomic” bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were really fire bombs, the same as the ones that devastated Tokyo and Dresden.
If nuclear bombs are real, why is it nobody hasn’t used them in 80 years? One would think that after the breakup of the Soviet Union, at least one or two would’ve fallen into the hands of “terrorists”. In the past 75 years, you’d think that the mad nation of Israel would’ve used them against their enemies, but they haven’t. Supposedly, we’ve had suitcase nukes for years, Israel has absolutely no, scruples, there’s absolutely no rules stopping them from doing anything they want to the Palestinians and the horrors go on and on, but they don’t use nukes.
We’re always told that Israel has nukes, and if they had used them to blow up Palestinians, nobody except the non-western nations would say anything about it. Why haven’t they used them, up to now they’d of been able to get away with it? If they used them today, there would be repercussions, but not before.
There’s probably more evidence for the moon landing than the existence of nuclear bombs and yet a large proportion of the world’s population questions the existence of the moon landings, why not nukes?
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” The Fed is operated for the benefit of the racial enemies of Whites.”
That’s the funniest one I’ve heard in a long time.
All wickedness lies at the feet of the Jews, who have caused most of the world’s problems, including financing wars. Presently, the Jewish project is eventually gaining world control. When thinking of the horrors the Jewish Bolsheviks perpetrated on the Russian people and now the Palestinians in Gaza, I shudder at the thought of the world in their hands.
A reading of the Talmud offers an insight into how Goym might fare in such a world.
90 percent of Americans wanted no war as of 1941.
When war was shoved up their pipe anyway they said fine. Lets’s get it over and done with.
A criminal REGIME wanted that war, dropped the bombs, and then as now do not give a damn what “Americans” think.
Stop gulling people into believing we have any control over the regime. We don’t and never did.
When CIA loses this world war they started and they’re sitting in glass booths in Khabarovsk, my guess is nukes won’t be in the top ten counts. After all, the CIA impunity regime has used nukes since, at Baghdad Airport and in the WTC. Now it’s like so what.
The headline charge will be CIA germ warfare. That is beyond the pale in ten dimensions: inherently indiscriminate and disproportionate, with unlimited destructive potential. The world will have to make an example of the CIA mad scientists and germ warriors.
And the open-and-shut slam dunk conviction of Kimber, Pompeo, Daszak, and Haines takes one exhibit to make defense attorney Judy Clark announce, “They did it.”
The very concept the Americans have used as justification for their murder of MILLIONS since their arrival to the “New World”
This author is the dumbass of the day. He’s so f***ing stupid that it’s remarkable. The war started in 1939 and it was 1945. An estimated 50,000,000 to 60,000,000 people died. At the time, the US estimated 500,000 casualties to invade Japan. You don’t kill 500,000 of your men when you have a weapon capable of vanquishing your enemy. Dropping “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” made sense then and it makes sense now unless your mind has a parasite eating it. Both of those bombs saved millions of American and Japanese lives in all likelihood. And despite suffering two atom bombs, Japan still took until August 15 to announce their surrender. The formal end occurred September 2. The author is unbelievable.
We show that the atomic bombing of Nagasaki is perfectly consistent with everything the Hebrews are and have been since the time of Moses:
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This is a difficult subject for Americans saturated in statist Exceptionalism. For many of us, it’s personal; we or our family members, simply as a result of living under a government with hundreds of military installations around the world to destroy other countries that it can’t control, likely have been in the armed forces. I think that may explain the anger in comments like yours.
As to the facts, there’ve been many pieces on this website alone bolstering the author’s views with more specific evidence. But even if your assertions are correct, why (i) two (ii) civilian targets (iii) just three days apart?
My father was an officer in the USAAF, earned his bombardier wings at Carlsbad, NM AAF, which is about 146 miles east of Trinity Site. Had the nuclear weapons not existed, or not worked properly, he would have been given orders to bomb Japan, probably with incendiaries, as bombardier on a B-29.
As my parents’ first born son, my DOB is 2 September 1949, the fourth anniversary of VJ Day. Air crews had notoriously short life expectancy. It is possible to assert, though I do not do so, that I owe my life to the atomic bomb.
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Soon the 1868-1998 period (Meiji, Taisho, and Showa) will be seen as a 130 year anomaly as Japan sinks back in to irrelevance.
So Japan’s gdp is shrinking and the yen is devaluing at the same time. This would mean their economy is shrinking quickly.
Did you know Argentina used to be one of the world’s richest countries in the 1910s? Most people don’t. Most people in 2100 might know as little about Japan.
I don’t think there is any evidence of a moon landing. The more one shines a light on the subject, the more ridiculous the idea becomes.
No need to invade the Japanese home islands. No need to nuke cities either.
By 1945 the US could have won the war with Japan at any time.
All the US had to do was stop demanding unconditional surrender, and end the war the way normal wars have always ended, with negotiations.
People don’t realize how weirdly the US behaved in WW2. It was almost historically unprecedented. Normally, when you’re winning a war against a rival great power, and you want to end it, you invite the other side to a negotiating table and you make reasonable demands, such as “we want you to retreat from China and the other countries you’ve occupied, and recognize you have no claim on those countries, and disarm to a reasonable degree, and maybe pay war reparations”.
But the Allies demanded unconditional surrender, free rein to do literally anything they wanted with Japan, free rein to put on trial and execute Japanese leaders, even the Emperor had the Allies decided so. These demands were so absurdly high, you can’t possibly expect Japan to agree easily.
So the whole logic that the US had no choice but either destroy cities or a land invasion is a fallacy. All the US had to do to win the war was demand something less than unconditional surrender.
To nuke cities was a war crime according to the already existing Hague conventions.
The Americans weren’t the only ones to commit war crimes obviously. But we must avoid thinking of them as the eternal good guys of history who can do no wrong.
Interesting, this CIA bullshit about Burns making “rules of the road” for CIA’s let’s-you-and-him-fight proxy war. Clearly every word out of Burns’ mouth is the war crime of perfidy, since his satellites are trying to decapitate the Kremlin. The defining criminality of the CIA impunity regime is not that they’ll use nukes, or banned biological weapons, or torture, etc., etc.; rather there is nothing CIA won’t do. These psycho fuckers are gonna get us nuked.
Turtle, I’d trade you for all the hot Hakata Bijin breeding stock your daddy blew up or turned into mutants. In a second.
“nuclear weapons don’t exist”
you are either a (((hasbara))), or a stupid, lazy crackpot who spends most of his time scoping Jewtube vids put out by other crackpots. Either way, lie’ing pomos like yourself are one large reason this site and many others are spiralling downward. Still – assuming you can read words other than your own destructive spew – obtain, study, and think about
A) these narratives:
Herken, Gregg: Brotherhood of the Bomb – The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller (NY, 2002)
McPherson, Malcolm: Time Bomb – Fermi, Heisenberg, and the Race for the Atomic Bomb (NY, 1986)
Pais, Abraham: J. Robert Oppenheimer A Life ()xford, 2006)
B) these anthologies of firsthand accounts:
Badash, Lawrence et al. eds.: Reminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943-1945 (Dordrecht, 1980)
Kelly, Cynthia, ed.: The Manhattan Project – the Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators, Eyewitnesses, and Historians (NY, 2010)
C. other firsthand accounts:
Anderson, Herbert: “The Day the Atomic Age was Born”, pp. 104-108 in Reader’s Digest War Stories (London, 2012)
(Gen’l) Groves, Leslie: Now It Can Be Told NY, 1962)
Bush, Vannevar: Pieces of the Action (NY, 1970)
Laurence, William: Dawn Over Zero (NY, 1946)
Teller, Edward: Memoirs (Cambridge, 2001)
Jungk, Robert: Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (NY, 1956)
Fermi, Laura: Atoms in the Family (Chicago, 1954)
Serber, Robert: Peace and War….on the Frontiers of Science (NY. 1998)
Alvarez, Luis: Adventures of a Physicist (NY, 1987)
York, Herbert: Arms and the Physicist (Woodbury, 1995)
probably, being lazy and stupid, you won’t. But perhaps some other Unz reader(s) will.
Call me a Luddite, but Nuclear Physics was and is a bridge too far.
‘Humans’ have not yet reached sufficient levels of wisdom to use properly, the results of Nuclear Physics.
We’re still at the five year old kid with a new toy stage – he just can’t get enough of it.
Bombs, Downwinders, Fallout, Ionizing radiation-caused cancers and other illnesses, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Bikini, Eniwetok, . . . all ‘bridges too far’.
The Manhattan Project is the single most cause of the Decline of Humanity; classification of information; the federal blackball; security clearances, secrecy, et al.
My father was a machinist in the Nuclear Weapons Testing Industry; he died of massive Cancers determined by the US Department of Labor to have been caused by exposures to Ionizing Radiation while on the job in Las Vegas.
I have had four Cancers removed from my bladder and one from my nose, all determined by the US Department of Labor to have been caused by exposures to Ionizing Radiation I received while employed by the US AEC at the Nevada Test Site.
One of my friends died shortly after receiving massive doses of Ionizing Radiation during the Baneberry Event that spewed 10,000 R of Strontium 90 and Cesium 137 into the atmosphere.
Better that Pitchblende had never been found, and the Curies had never accomplished what they did.
The Day After Roswell, Col. Philip Corso, (Ret.)
The Secret Team, L. Fletcher Prouty, Col.
UFO’s and the National Security State, Richard M. Dolan
The Curve of Binding Energy, John McPhee
Alien Interview, Spencer
American Ground Zero, Carol Gallagher
The Myths of August, Udall
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Richard Rhodes
Dark Sun, Richard Rhodes
Critical Assembly, Hoddeson, et al
Fallout, Fradkin
Under The Cloud, Miller
The German Atomic Bomb, David Irving
Los Alamos Primer, Serber/Condon
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, Glasstone
The CIA and the Media 50 Facts the World Needs to Know, James F. Tracy
Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, Hayes & Klehr
You stay right in that valley, Jim. You’re better off there.
Funny Jew shit at the anniversary of the bombing. Naturally the Japs protested, What the fuck are Izzies doing here? Guess in Japanese culture it’s impolite to have blood-guzzling Jew supremacist genocidaires at your genocide memorial. So the USAssholes who did it boycotted it. One less kike! Jew supremacist genocidaire Rahm Emanuel has to stay home and comb his tzitzit or drain the blood out of a baby or whatever.
Eisenhower would beg to differ. He was against dropping the Bombs. The much-debunked falsehood that the US would lose 500,000 troops if it entered the Japanese mainland was War Propaganda to justify the barbarity. After all the Evil that the US has done in its endless wars, I’m surprised that anyone still believes it. Truman was possibly the greatest war criminal of All Time. If anyone had “parasites” eating his brain, it had to be Truman.
The Japanese are better people now. They learned from the bombings, as was intended.
You, sir, are disgusting.
Also in imaginging that invisible entities are responsible for human actions and natural phenomena. Having evolved from an aggressive primate species that hunted in packs is a much better explanation of why we behave as we do.
In reality, the bombs were dropped for a combination of two reasons:
No. 1 The Japanese were waiting for the Russians to enter the war in order to surrender, fearing American reprisals.
No. 2 The scant American participation in the fight against Nazi Germany and the relevant victory of the Russians kept the USA out of the halo of victory.
And with the two bombings, the Japanese surrender to the Russians was resolved and the atrocity committed put them at the head of a terrified world with a terrifying weapon.
By the way, the German scientists, knowing that they did not have the time and resources to produce the bomb, passed the information to the English via Norway and from there to the United States so that the West would destroy the USSR.
The fact that a city that had been selected as a victim was eliminated by another due to a sentimental matter of one of those who decided where to kill, indicates that there was no military need for the bombings.
I found a reasonable indictment of FDR’s Far Eastern diplomacy from an unlikely source.
Source: Ben-Zvi, A. (1998). Decade of Transition: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the Origins of the American-Israeli Alliance. United Kingdom: Columbia University Press.
It’s easy to believe that the FDR administration had already accepted a potential war with Japan long before December 1941. Something not mentioned here was that the U.S. was also supporting Chiang Kai-Shek economically and militarily, and thus America was seen by Japan as the ultimate supportive force behind the Kuomintang.
Did FDR intend for China to become a quagmire that would bleed Japan dry? I think the most probable answer is “yes”. Although the situations are different, the eras are different, I think there is a strong similarity between America’s support of Ukraine over the past few years and the support given to “nationalist” China back in the 1930s and 40s.
Japanese culture is both authoritarian (downwards) and obsequious (upwards) to an absurd degree: deference bordering on self-abasement is a vile concept, Many in the Japanese Right belong to the ‘Japan did nothing wrong in WWII’ crowd. They are totally crazy.
Japan really does not understand the Western mindset, and probably never will. They’ve had a weird, violent, surreal crash course in Westernism for the whole 20th century, and it resembled a twisted relationship more than anything else. They critically misunderstand most Western concepts and simply adapt them to their own unique uses. They did the same thing with Chinese and Indian religious influences. Soon they will retreat entirely from globo strategic significance, and go back to being what they’ve always been: strange and isolated.