Races, like individuals, have interests. Some of those interests are of major importance whereas others are of minor or even trivial importance. The most important interest of all is continued existence, which includes the conditions required for continued existence, which can be properly referred to as existential interests, those necessary for continued life. The next most important interest, for a race as for an individual, is control of its own existence, which is properly described and defined by such terms as freedom, liberty, independence, self-rule and sovereignty.
For races, the condition required for both their continued existence and their control of their own existence is separation and independence from other nations and races. In multiracial conditions, where different races exist in close proximity over enough time, they intermix so that one or more of the different races are genetically submerged into a new blended population and cease to exist. Also, so long as the population remains multiracial the different ethno-racial groups typically have opposing and competing interests. Most importantly, in the current situation, the European populations, whether in their new homelands in North America and Australia or their ancient homelands in Europe, have an existential interest in separation, which means keeping their countries monoracially European. The interests of the non-Europeans in the historically European countries are the exact opposite. They are based on multiracialism and racial integration, thereby justifying, securing and promoting their increasing presence and power, and denying Europeans their existential interest in the separation necessary for their continued existence.
It should be noted that these conflicting racial group interests are not equivalent. The European interests involved are existential, as separation is required both for their continued existence and control of their own existence. The non-European interests involved are not existential as they can continue to exist, and control their own existence, in countries of their own, separate from Europeans as they normally have in the past, which can be regarded as the natural order. Rather than existential, their interests here are racially invasive and a violation of the natural order — an interest in dispossessing and replacing the historical European populations in their homelands.
A major difference between Europeans and non-Europeans in this situation is that the non-Europeans tend to be well aware of what their interests are, whether at a conscious or sub-conscious level, and asserting them with a great vigor and intense subjectivity that has no regard for the adverse effects on the existential interests of the Europeans.
In contrast to this is the phenomenon of Europeans being opposed to their own race and its interests. Indeed, most Europeans seem to be unaware of having racial interests, or what their racial interests are, and to have little or no identification with, or appreciation of, their race and its existence. Obviously, this renders them very passive and ineffective in the defense of their racial interests, causing them to lose the conflict of competing racial interests by default. To the extent that they do engage in this competition, rather than be seen defending the existential interests of their own race, they are much more likely to be seen promoting the non-existential interests of other racial groups against their own as part of the ruling Anti-White Coalition, an alliance of all those who promote the causes of European racial dispossession, replacement and destruction — e.g., multiracialism, non-White immigration and racial intermixture — consistent with the larger program of global homogenization or “globohomo.” Their stance can be regarded as either anti-White or pro-non-White, i.e., as benefitting the non-European races, but either way their stance is blind to the existential interests of their own race while intensely focused on the non-existential interests of the other races, in conformance with the dominant culture. Although the present course leads to their racial oblivion, they are almost universally unaware of any alternative course or choice.
Every racial population has its own unique “gene pool” which contains all the genes in the population. This gene pool is the source of the race from which all members of the race receive their genetic traits. The genes that exist in that pool, their proportions and distribution, combination and recombination, provide the genes for a racial population and all its individual members. All the Europeans who exist today and in the past were the product of a certain gene pool, and without that gene pool they could not exist and could not have existed. All Europeans came from a European gene pool, and if they have children, their genes will return into that pool. If they don’t have children, their genes will continue to exist so long as the gene pool they came from exists, and continues to make people like them. As long as the European gene pools continue to exist in the form of in-breeding populations there will continue to be individuals of the particular European populations and of the European racial group in general. But if these gene pools are destroyed then such people, and their works, will be seen no more. The works of Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Shakespeare, Newton, Bach, Beethoven, Hugo, Tolstoy, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, etc., ad infinitum would not have existed without them, and they in turn would not have existed without the particular gene pools that contained and provided the genetic material, the stuff of life, they were made from.
Multiracialism, by destroying racial gene pools through intermixture, is the destroyer of races, an engine of racial destruction. Those who accept, support or promote multiracialism, in whatever degree and whether knowingly or unknowingly, are accepting European racial destruction. Awareness of this tends to be low because racial dispossession is not publicized, discussed or acknowledged by the dominant Anti-White Coalition that supports and promotes it, whether in the media, schools, entertainment, churches, political parties or any mainstream social, political or cultural institution. Indeed, the subject is among the most forbidden, and there are both strong inculcated inhibitions and disincentives — social, economic, and in many countries legal — against raising it.
But however much the subject is suppressed, the fact remains that multiracialism destroys a people’s existence as a racial population and also, through the intermixture it promotes, surely alters the gene pool by blending it with the genes of other races, and so destroying the source of racial existence. Thus in the long term a race cannot long exist in multiracial conditions. It must have separation from other races to preserve its gene pool and its own existence. Separation preserves races. Multiracialism destroys them. Or, as Lincoln put it, in his June 26, 1857 speech in Springfield, Illinois: “A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation [i.e., intermixture].”
The Black (sub-Saharan African) population that was brought into U.S. territory before 1808 is the only non-European racial group that did not enter the country of its own free will. All other non-European racial groups who migrated to the U.S., the great majority since the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, did so knowing it was historically, and still at least nominally, a European country. The same is true of the huge and racially invasive migration of non-Europeans into Europe since the Second World War, which is projected to make Europeans in Western and Central Europe minorities in their own ancient homelands before the end of this century, replacing and dispossessing the indigenous European populations and transforming the populations from European to non-European: a non-British Britain without the British, a non-French France without the French, a non-German Germany without the Germans, etc.
However, this situation is ignored, censored, and denied by the dominant anti-White culture, so it can be promoted with minimal awareness and resistance. But it should be obvious that it has created an existential problem for the European peoples, meaning a problem that threatens their continued existence. Indeed, in the United States, Canada and the countries of northwestern Europe, the populations can no longer be accurately described as European, but rather as multiracial, as the Europeans no longer exist at the population level, as racial populations, but rather their racial existence has been reduced to the level of small communities and groupings, families, and sometimes only of individuals. But a race that exists only at the individual level cannot exist for long. The continued existence of a race requires that it exist as an essentially separate in-breeding population with its own particular “gene pool” through which its traits are preserved and passed on generation after generation.
Separation is not only required for the continued existence of a race, it is also required for it to have control of its own existence. As stated at the beginning of this essay, all racial groups have interests, of which the most important is its continued life or existence. The next greatest interest, to which its continued existence is very often connected, and on which its well-being is almost always connected, is control of its own existence. Normally racial groups, and certainly healthy ones, act in accord with their group interests, and especially their most fundamental and vital ones.
In the historically normal state of monoracial existence, this did not result in significant conflict between group interests, but in the increasingly prevalent multiracial conditions in the West, and especially since the Second World War, there has been a proportionate increase in competition between conflicting group interests. The countries most afflicted were White — or in the case of the U.S. at least predominantly White — before the war, but within several decades transitioned into multiracial societies in which only non-White group interests were recognized as legitimate matters of concern, and the only interests promoted and served as the culture became increasingly centered around them. White group interests were dismissed as unimportant, discredited as illegitimate or denied as non-existent, and in no case a proper matter of concern, and so either ignored or condemned. Throughout the formerly White countries of the West the White populations submitted to this abrogation of their fundamental group interests with little effective resistance, and were soon largely converted to beliefs and practices that were diametrically opposed to the interests of their own racial group.
It is natural for all groups to want to be in control of their own existence, in fact to have exclusive power and control of their own existence, and to not share this power and controlwith any other group, i.e., to not allow any other group to have any control over them. This is the optimal condition for their existence and so in their best interests. In fact, it is one of the two main conditions, along with the prevention of intermixture, that is required to secure continued racial existence, and why it is best for races to be separated into independent countries. In a system of true monoracial societies or environments the races in each society enjoy uncontested exclusive control of their own existence. When two or more separate peoples, ethnic groups or races with conflicting interests inhabit the same society or environment there will be a contest or struggle for more power and control, with each group seeking dominance or supremacy to have maximum control of their own existence. This contest is necessarily a zero-sum game. The greater the degree of one group’s power and control the less the degree of power and control possessed by the other groups over their own existence.
Jews and Their Racial Interests
In this matter, until relatively recently, Whites (i.e., Europeans) have based their power and control over their environment, and their existence, on living in environments that were either all White or nearly so, with Whites being such a great majority of the population that their control and interests could hardly be challenged. The Jewish experience of the diaspora has been much the opposite, living as a small minority amid a much larger population whose group interests, most importantly control over the environment in which they both existed, conflicted with their own. The Ashkenazi Jews of Europe, being a semi-European Caucasian people genetically about half European and half Middle Eastern Caucasian, and with strong religious and cultural traditions going back to their Middle Eastern heritage, preserved their existence by seeing and maintaining themselves as a separate people from the much larger European populations that surrounded them, with different, competing, and often conflicting group interests.
Control and security tend to go together, so to gain security the Jews had to adapt their methods of obtaining power and control of their environment to the fact that they were a small minority in that environment. Separation into their own segregated semi-autonomous communities or ghettos solved this problem at the lower level but not at higher levels. Gaining power and control at higher levels despite being a small minority required highly mobilized, organized, coordinated and energetic group effort toward this common goal. These methods, tactics and goals continue today, and it is no secret that Jews have a highly developed, and in fact unrivaled, network of interacting and mutually supporting organizations that promote their interests, including their power and control over the larger society:
The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (commonly referred to as The Presidents’ Conference or the CoP) is an American non-profit organization that addresses issues of critical concern to the Jewish community, and the state of Israel in particular. It comprises 51 national Jewish organizations. It was founded to develop a consensus voice among Jewish organizations in dealings with the
The Jewish population as a corporate ethnic entity is the most highly organized and networked ethnic group in the world at both the national and international levels, with hundreds of well-funded and coordinated organizations energetically and aggressively promoting Jewish interests. In every country in which Jews are a minority (i.e., all except Israel) multiracialism is regarded as a core Jewish interest or value and intensely promoted as such, creating a fundamental conflict and adversarial relationship between core Jewish interests and the diametrically opposed vital racial interests of the White population.
To repeat, this matter is necessarily a zero-sum game, and as it is played for the highest stakes, it involves an adversarial and even hostile relationship between the players. The greater the degree of Jewish power and control, the less the degree of White (i.e., European) power and control. In a multiracial society when a racial group has control over its own existence it necessarily also exercises power and control over the existence of the other races in the society. So as Jews (and to a lesser extent other non-Whites) increase their share of power and control there is a corresponding decrease in the White share, as the White population is progressively subjugated to the power and control of other races, with the Jews being historically in the forefront, aligning themselves with the non-White races against the White population and presiding at the core of the Anti-White Coalition. Racial separation and independence is the only way to prevent one racial group from exercising power and control over others, and without them the existence of the White race, dispossessed of power and control, is terminal.
Jews tend to be inculcated with a powerful sense of a collective identity and destiny separate from Europeans and other races which gives them a quasi-instinctive sense of their group interests, which often conflict with the interests of other groups. But that should not be regarded as a fault, as it is true of all healthy ethno-racial groups, albeit Jews seem to possess this ethnocentrism to an exceptional and often hyper-subjective degree. For some time, at least since the Second World War, Whites in general have been an exception to this, leaving them powerless in the group competition. Thus even when Jewish populations are very small minorities in a multiracial society, the level of energy, activism, wealth (providing control of corporations, media, academia and politicians), agitation, argument, propaganda, etc., devoted to promoting their interests is greater than that generated by much larger populations, thus centering the society around them and their interests and enabling them to move the society in the direction of their interests.Since the Second World War, and especially since the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960s, racial nihilism has been the dominant mainstream position on racial relations publicly supported by Whites.
Nihil is Latin for nothing, and so racial nihilism literally means the reduction of race to nothing, rejecting it as a matter of no value or importance or even denying its biological reality, asserting it is merely a “social construct,” although it has not yet been credibly denied that race is genetically determined (i.e., transmitted through the genes of parents and ancestors), and anything determined by genes is biologically real, and thus a genetic and biological, not social, construct. Claims to the contrary are more examples of the gaslighting that is so pervasive in the false narratives of the Anti-White Coalition.
Philosophically and hypothetically, racial nihilism would reduce all races to nothing, with no races or racial diversity, just a global uniform human population without any separate group differences. But in practice, and in practical effect, this suicidal view of race is expected only of the White race. Non-Whites who express support for racial nihilist values almost never apply them to their race, only to other races, and often only to Whites. But the only true racial nihilists are those who have no objection of the reduction of their own race to non-existence, and even welcome and support it.Whites are inculcated with the anti-White culture of racial nihilism to minimize their resistance to their own racial dispossession, the opposite of the positive inculcation experienced by Jews. They are socialized from an early age to reject any racial identification, to view their race and its interests — including its continued existence and control of its own existence — as a matter of no importance, value or concern, and to consider contrary views to be evil and hateful.
This is the essence of the anti-White morality that has been dominant since at least the 1960s. Support for the causes of White replacement and destruction is presented as morally good and motivated by love while opposition to them is seen as morally evil and motivated by hate. Consequently, while other racial groups have advocacy organizations to assert their interests, the White race essentially has none, or at least none that are permitted to present their case in the mainstream media or the main social media platform. The advocacy of White interests, and any alternative to White destruction, is effectively censored and suppressed, and removed from the public square.Racial nihilism is essentially the position advocated by the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960s, and most Whites now not only conform to it but are intolerant of and reject those who do not, or their ancestors who did not. The supposedly most “White-friendly” movements that are still officially tolerated, such as civic nationalism and populism, have no racial basis, support multiracialism, and embrace the teachings, values and results of the Civil Rights revolution — which denies Europeans the condition of separation needed for their continued existence and control of their own existence — as gospel.
Movements such as these are not concerned with the continued existence of the White race. By definition, only a movement based on race, such as racial nationalism or racial populism, would address that issue in any meaningful sense. Both Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson, in spite of all the accusations of racial “dog whistling” or supporting White interests (i.e., the actual currently applied definition of “racism”), frequently give public expression of their conformance to the racial nihilist teachings and values of the Civil Rights revolution. But they are still criticized because this is no longer anti-White enough. The Anti-White Coalition has moved beyond the racial nihilist teachings and values of the Civil Rights revolution, in which racial or “color” blindness was the ideal, and has become ever more explicitly anti-White, more strident in its criticism of Whites, and more hostile to White interests as it escalates its advocacy of conflicting non-White interests.
The “Kumbaya” moment heralding the dawning of a “New Age” based on racial nihilism and multiracial harmony, that was promoted following the victory of the Civil Rights revolution, turned out to be just a stage in the progression of anti-Whiteness, which is what the misnamed ideology of “Progressivism” really is. The anti-White animus at the core of that ideology and movement has “progressed” well beyond the teachings of Martin Luther King and the Kumbaya delusion of the 1960s. Now it is much more in line with the explicitly anti-White ideas and spirit of Noel Ignatiev than those associated with MLK Jr. and Kumbaya. By the 1990s Ignatiev’s children had transformed academia with the proliferation of university departments devoted to the teaching of anti-White ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and “Whiteness studies,” of which critic David Horowitz observed, Black studies celebrates blackness, Chicano studies celebrates Chicanos, women’s studies celebrates women, and white studies attacks white people as evil.”
Often times people who come together find that their relationship is not mutually beneficial. However much that is good in the relationship, that which is bad is so harmful, so much greater than the good, to one of the parties, that a separation is needed for that party to fulfill their life, or even to continue their life.
As we have learned from our own historically recent experience, it is often the same with peoples, especially when they come together in the same country where their interests conflict and even existential interests are threatened. There is a scene in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments where Ramesses (played by Yul Brynner) places copper weights on one of the weighing pans of a scale each time an accusation is brought against Moses (played by Charlton Heston). Moses responds to the accusations with a single overriding point, and places a brick that is heavier than all the copper weights on the other weighing pan, causing it to drop to the table.
So it is with our current experience of multiracialism. Most non-Whites are good and productive people, with many doing things of great value and benefit, but all the weights the positives of multiracialism placed on one of the weighing pans of the great scale of White existence are outweighed by the one single brick of the great negative of multiracialism causing our destruction. The same would apply to the interests of the non-White races against separation compared to the interests of Whites for separation, as the White interests are existential and so outweigh the non-White interests which are not.
It is important to provide Whites with an alternative, to show there are other options that would preserve the White race. Unfortunately, many Whites are successfully gaslighted by our adversaries on this point as on so many others, leaving them unable to trust their own mind and disagree with those who are promoting their ruin.
The populations of the European racial group were many thousands of years in the making, yet all that could be undone, and the White race could be unmade, in just a few generations, if the racially destructive process caused by multiracialism is allowed to run its course. Normally, when faced with a choice between preservation and destruction, the default choice is in favor of preservation. Sadly, but I think realistically, I do not expect most non-Whites to make that choice in our favor, as it would require separation which most of them do not consider to be in their interest, which it probably is not. But separation does not threaten their, or anyone’s, existential interests. All races can live and be free separate from other races. This is still the normal state of human existence. It is multiracialism that is the destroyer of races. Separation is the preserver. Still, Whites cannot count on non-Whites for our racial preservation. That choice and task is up to us.
It might help us in making that choice if, rather than taking a leap into the dark, we had a good idea of what an alternative to multiracialism would be, preferably something that can be visualized and clearly delineates both physical and racial boundaries. But first it should be considered that the difficulties of the task involved with separation have grown enormously since the 1960s as the non-White population has grown from about 38.4 million or 19 percent of the 203.2 million total in the 1970 census to about 144.4 million or 43.6 percent of the 331.45 million total in the 2020 census, and this number may have grown by another 10 million or more during the unrestrained illegal immigration of the first three years of the Biden administration. It is often said that every generation blames the previous one for the problems they have inherited. So it could be with the problem of multiracialism from the first importation of Black (i.e., sub-Saharan African) slaves in 1619, to the Civil War and the Reconstruction, to the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960s, to the huge expansion of the non-White population through immigration, to our present terminal situation, with every generation seeing the problem worsen, so that a preservationist solution becomes more difficult. With this problem, we today are the do-nothing (so far) heirs of many generations of do-nothing ancestors, and if we continue to do nothing a possible solution might be removed beyond our grasp and the doomed generations of the future will blame us most of all.
I can still remember my reaction to reading a section of essays on the race question in the November 18, 1963 edition of U.S. News & World Report. The section was entitled “Intermarriage and the Race Problem — As Leading Authorities See It.” Among these “authorities” were such notorious champions of racial intermixture as Ernest van den Haag, Gunnar Myrdal and the ubiquitous Boas disciple Margaret Mead. It seemed to me that their common purpose was to lessen White opposition to the impending Civil Rights revolution with soothing assurances that racial integration would not noticeably increase racial intermixture. Even at the age of fourteen I knew this was false and that these supposed “authorities” were actually either ignorant or were engaging in the form of lying we now call “gaslighting” to mislead the readership. The same could be said for the Kennedy brothers who a couple years later testified before Congress that the proposed Immigration Reform Act would not change the racial balance of the country. As the problems become ever greater, so the falsehoods and gaslighting have ever increased to lessen opposition. Just four years after the publication of the U.S. News & World Report edition, its gaslighting was revealed for what it was by the 1967 film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, released after the legislative victory of the Civil Rights revolution. After this “progress” of racial nihilism the message in the media Kool-Aid regarding increased intermixture changed from “It’s not something that’s going to happen,” to “It is happening and it’s not something any moral person should be concerned about or object to.” The objections to intermixture that were addressed — however deceptively — as morally respectable and legitimate concerns in 1963 were by 1967 portrayed and categorized as morally reprehensible and worthy only of censure.
Assuming we choose the alternative of racial preservation over the racial destruction and oblivion that will come from multiracialism, the task before us would be a geographic (i.e., physical) and political separation of the European and non-European racial groupings. To address that task and purpose I offer the proposal below.
A Proposal for Racial Separation
In this proposal there would be a partition into two major racial states or nations, one exclusively for those who are racially, genetically and phenotypically European (White), which is here identified as White, and the other would be for those who are racially non-European, but including Europeans who have non-European spouses, children or grandchildren who choose to live in the non-European country with them. It would also include any other Europeans who choose to live there dependent on the approval of the non-European state’s government. A separate autonomous nation reserved for indigenous Amerindians would be associated with the multiracial non-European nation, with Amerindians being free to live in either one. The physical boundary between the two states starting in the east would run from the Gulf of Mexico along the Atchafalaya, Mississippi and Arkansas rivers, and from there westward by the southern state lines of Kansas, Colorado and Utah, and the northern county lines of Lincoln, Nye and Esmeralda counties in Nevada and Inyo, Fresno, San Benito and Monterey counties in California.
- A White (European) American nation with a contiguous area of 2,225,841 square miles, 75.1 percent of the “lower 48” area of 2,962,031 square miles, for the racial group that was 81.1 percent of the U.S. population in 1970, i.e., at the beginning of the massive non-White immigration promoted by the Anti-White Coalition. Alaska would be retained by the White nation. Hawaii would be divided, with the White nation retaining the 597 square mile island of Oahu as a White state — to secure the lines of communication across the Pacific to Australia and New Zealand — and the 4,028 square mile “Big Island” of Hawaii as a place for non-Whites that may be born or arrive in the White nation after the partition. The other islands (Maui, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, etc.) totaling 6,306 square miles would be an autonomous, and possibly independent, state for the native Hawaiians and other Polynesians. The White American nation would be the continuation of the historic American nation with the national capital and all of the original pre-1803 territory, and most of the post-1803 territory, where circa 82 percent of the White population currently lives. Its territory would include about 40 percent of U.S. oil production and 50 percent of natural gas production, although this has the potential to be substantially increased by the expansion of fracking and offshore drilling, etc.
- A multiracial non-White (non-European) transcontinental and bicoastal nation with a contiguous area of 669,392 square miles, making it the 17th largest country in the world by area at 3.19 times the size of France. Its territory would include about 60 percent of U.S. oil production and 50 percent of natural gas production. It would be assigned all non-Whites except those Amerindians who choose to live in their separate nation, including all mixed-race or multiracial persons who are part-White but who are outside of the normal European phenotypic range, i.e., those with visible non-European ancestry. White Hispanics who identify as Hispanic rather than White could choose to live with the non-White Hispanics in the non-European nation. White parents and grandparents of non-White children (including part-White mixed-race children, of whom over 14 million were born in the half-century 1970–2020), and White spouses of non-Whites, would be permitted, but not required, to live with their children and spouses in the non-European nation. Other Non-Hispanic Whites who might prefer to live in the non-European nation could make their own arrangements to do so dependent on the nation’s consent.
- An autonomous Amerindian (American Indian) nation with an area of 66,798 square miles would be reserved as an exclusive homeland for indigenous Amerindians, but they would have a dual citizenship permitting them to live in the multiracial on-European nation, and move between the two.
The future of the new White American nation would gain by enjoying a close relationship with a White Europe of friendly kith and kin instead of suffering a difficult coexistence with a multiracial Europe dominated by hostile anti-Whites. The opposite situation, with Canada and Europe continuing on the path to become non-European majority regions, would be a very dangerous geopolitical situation for a European America, not to mention the great loss to the larger European racial group from the loss of these populations and territories.
Based on the 2020 census the U.S. non-White (non-European) population was about 144.5 million or 43.6 percent, up from 38.4 million or 19 percent in 1970. (This number could have grown by as much as ten million by the end of the third year of the Biden administration with its unrestrained non-White immigration.) This includes the semi-European Caucasian Jewish population, who organizationally and institutionally regard themselves in word and deed as a population separate from Europeans and closely aligned with non-Europeans, and with interests that are diametrically opposed to the most fundamental and existential racial interests of the European population, most importantly in their energetic promotion of multiracialism, intermixture, and non-White immigration, with Alejandro Mayorkas in the U.S., Barbara Roche in the U.K., Barbara Lerner Spectre in Sweden, and Miriam Faine in Australia being prominent examples. In fact, the multiracial non-European nation created by this partition would, in terms of its racial demographics, be essentially what they have long advocated and worked for as a core Jewish interest.
On the assumption that a racial separation could occur concurrently in one grand common effort with Canada, Europe and Australia it would constitute a comprehensive solution to secure the continued existence and independence of the White racial group as a whole. This would add the 8.2 million non-Whites in Canada (7.7 million “visible”) making a North American non-White population of 152.7 million. This would also add the 49 million non-Whites in Europe (43 million in northwestern Europe, 2.5 million in Italy, 1.5 million in Spain not counting Hispanic non-Whites from Latin America, 2 million elsewhere) and 3.2 million non-indigenous non-Whites in Australia, making at least 204.9 million non-Whites to be geographically and politically separated from Whites for a sufficient solution that would fully secure White racial preservation. The 4.3 million indigenous Amerindians would have their own separate nation, leaving 200.6 million non-Whites for the new non-European nation. Many of the postwar immigrant non-Whites, including many Hispanics and Asians in the U.S. and many Turks, Arabs, Africans and Asians, etc. in Europe, are still citizens of their countries of origin, or dual citizens, and even vote in its elections. Many others still have strong family connections in the “old country.” It might be presumed that many would have the option to return there if they chose to do so. How many have this option, and how many of them would choose to exercise it rather than resettle in a new non-White country? It could be ten million or more among the non-Whites in Europe, and twenty million or more in North America and Australia. If 20 million non-Whites (e.g., 12 million from the U.S., 6 million from Europe and 2 million from Canada and Australia) with the option to return to their original countries chose to do so, 18 million White parents, grandparents and spouses of non-Whites (circa 15 million from the U.S.) chose to live with their relations in the non-White nation, and 3 million White Hispanics chose to live there with the non-White Hispanics, it would have a population of 201.6 million, with about 146.2 million of this total from the United States.
Based on the 2020 census the U.S. White (European) population was about 187 million or 56.4 percent of the 331.45 million total population, including 9 million Hispanic European Whites, up in absolute terms from 164.8 million in 1970 but down proportionally from 81.1 percent in 1970. Per the same scenario as the previous paragraph, if 15 million White parents, grandparents and spouses of non-Whites chose to live with their relations in the non-White nation, and 3 million White Hispanics chose to live there also with the non-Hispanic Whites, the White American nation would have a post-partition population of 169 million.
About 33.6 million European Whites (including Hispanic European Whites), or about 18 percent of the total European White population of circa 187 million (including Hispanic European Whites), and about 39.1 million non-Whites, or about 27.1 percent of the total non-White population of circa 144.5 million, currently reside in the area designated for the non-European and Amerindian nations.
This plan would require the relocation of circa 131.2 million people — 33.6 million or 18 percent of Whites and 105.4 million or 72.9 percent of non-Whites — and their personal property. As large as these numbers are, in a previous essay I calculated that the transportation logistics of relocating 150 million people and their personal property in a time frame as short as a year is feasible, although considering other factors such as the likely need for increased infrastructure in some areas, equivalent exchanges of real property ownership, matching relocated people with new employment, etc., it would be more realistic to expect a humane process proceeding at all reasonable speed to take at least five years.
Except for the aboriginal Amerindian population, for which I propose a separate autonomous country of their own with dual citizenship in the larger non-European nation, the other non-European populations would share the same single large contiguous territory and government. In the current and past context of the United States, or the other White countries suffering multiracialization, the non-White and Jewish groups have always supported, promoted and voted for multiracialism, rightly identifying it with their group interests and themselves as its beneficiaries. It therefore seems more likely they would prefer to be joined into a large multiracial state that was a major country at the world level rather than be separated into smaller states for each racial group. But if in a post-partition context that historical preference were to change in favor of separate racial nations they could accomplish that by a sub-partition of the larger non-European nation.
This proposal aims to attract maximum White support consistent with the goal of racial separation and independence, uniting on this existential issue and avoiding non-existential and potentially divisive non-vital issues. Territorially this means retaining most of the country, and especially the areas that are the more historically and culturally significant and where the great majority of Whites live. Ideologically and politically this means that, other than as required for the purpose of racial preservation, there should be no changes to the American constitutional, institutional and governmental system, or its programs, benefits and policies, until after the completion of the partition, when any proposed changes to their country would be decided by the newly all-White population consistent with its sovereign prerogatives.
race is but one demographic what about gender? orientation? age? religion? no, we are going to need far more than a one state, two state, red state, blue state solution. how about returning to city states? i think escape from new york, gives us a good example of how to achieve this goal.
yes, trump had the right idea, but thought at far too small a scale, we need to build walls around every american city and allow home rule, let freedom ring, one bullet, one vote, get back to the founding fathers original intent. if you don’t like the new rules of your city state you can get out, if you have enough money to pay the $2500 fee to become an ex-pat (or can bribe a border guard). slava usa #1.
Too much victimhood. Most immigration is due to foreign policy, endless wars, colonization, etc. Everything is “Jews”. In reality, Jews is European. A simpler solution would be ethnostates. Europeans return to Europe. Everyone else return back to where they came from. The only people allowed to remain are Native Americans & who they allow.
Not a chance. You’d just be handing the invaders a secure, gigantic, beachhead. If you could muster the power to accomplish this separation, you could much more easily deport or sterilize and enslave the non-Whites.
Mexico doesn’t even want the Hispanics from the US, they surely don’t want the Blacks and Moslems. They will pay Israel to build them a wall. This country you propose will be a new Gaza strip.
What will all these non-Whites do without Whites to support them? Make a deal with China? How long before the Chinese Eastern Pacific fleet has basing rights in San Diego and Long Beach, and are pumping out all the oil and gas in Texas?
And what of all the Whites who have been inviting the foreigners in for all this time? They surely don’t want to move to this new country, as can be seen by their insistence on living in White neighborhoods and sending their kids to private schools if the local schools are too diverse. Shall they be permitted to ruin the new USA?
How will we treat border crossers? Infiltration by saboteurs? Border “incidents”? There will be constant agitation for “humane” this and that, “temporary” laborers, tourist visas, foreign exchange students, ad infinitum.
Better to declare our internationally recognized borders are inviolate, jail those who serve foreign interests, expel those with foreign loyalties, and put the remaining undesirables behind barbed wire. We still have lots of space for labor camps in our deserts.
My ideal world would be hunter-gatherer-nomad lifestyle, zero government. The next best thing is small government and ethno-states.
Hitler must be laughing in hell listening to how the racists who have presumed that they defeated him have worse intentions towards the non-white population than he had.
Not true but not some huge deal to me in this context. There were smaller groups of indentured servants, yes Irish but also English as well as others.
Slavery is not to me some racial issue, it’s a wealth / stratified society issue as it was just our eternal enemy – the rich using Blacks against us economically so they could squeeze us off our smaller shittier plantations by plummeting the price of labor.
The fact that the rich, decadent whites support the Democratic party which is using Blacks against the poor and middle class whites STILL is of course not lost on me.
My ancestors didn’t own land and were at best serfs / farm machinery. Where do Black people think that names like “Cook” and “Smith” come from? Were these optional occupations? Or were those people simply born on the wrong side of the castle walls???
As for the secession map I don’t know what it will look like. The Spanish-speaking parts of America have always been “at play” so to speak as they were not forcibly colonized to speak English. The same with Quebec. This is simply the time period during which those conquests took place – militia was still a powerful force and the New Mexicans, Quebecois etc. were armed peasants and going to war with them wasn’t a top priority for countries that were barely staying together with duct tape at the time.
American Blacks should be given somewhere. Why not Georgia?
As for the idea of “giving THEM a foothold” that is very short-sighted. The impact of this kind of split on the Euro / White population, will be very polarizing in my opinion. I expect 30% of the Whites / Euros to be deported to the Brown and Black zones. We have for the first time, online forever history and whoever called for this or that collective punishment for whites, will be remembered.
Idaho and parts of Washington are already halfway there!
Fifteen years ago when “La Raza” was all the rage I predicted a “Fourth Reich” and a WALL (a real wall) on the southern Cascadia border as the only logical response. I doubt very much anyone will scale its snowy heights, given the attitude of the people on the other side.
Bring it on Spics – your descendants are not going to like their new neighbors. They will be technologically advanced, they won’t have an empire abroad to worry about, and they will be 100% JEW FREE!
I predict also that we as a people will blow this fucking popstand and head to space, leaving this ragtag chicken run blasto-rama of humanity in the fucking dust. It can be ruled by Jews for all I fucking care. Imagine homo stellaris, all European descended? How else could it REALLY be?
shouldn’t any European nation be in, you know, Europe?
I have written off United States and Canada as non-European. History, geography, demography,economics would have predicted this way back in 1492.
North America also gets swept by glaciers, at least down to Chicago, which would make Mexico chilly too I imagine.
Look at the ancient past – evidence has been found:
– 30,000 – 40,000 years ago – Polynesian DNA recovered (California caves?)
– 15,000 years ago Clovis culture
– 14,000-13,000 years ago Asiatic migration (land bridge Russia)
– there’s DNA in South Americans that used to be called “X” or something, hasn’t that been identified with another group? I can’t remember (the “Atlanteans”? The Canary Island / Berbers / Basques?)
– various groups from Europe, Phoenicians mining copper in Michigan, Celts 1100s, Vikings 700-800 years ago (midievel warming period 1300 AD the polar ice northwest passage), Arab exploration, Chinese trading posts
– statues of very African-looking people by the Toltecs (the “rubber people” – are those helmets rubber?). Did Africa make contact with SA? Pharoahs had cocaine in them so it seems probable, at least in that case north of the sahara.
It all sounds a bit like now, doesn’t it?
Then the glaciers come and scrub it
Then people from all over show up because the high plains, the huge flat interior, is a superior place to raise livestock or farms
I’d say the ancient past is the same as the present, same as the future. It’s land and it’s open and it’s partly cold (compared to other regions) and so it’s occasionally emptied by nature and its cycles.
Grab a chunk and hold on. Look out for the glaciers!!!
Jews have actively worked to undermine whites and their interests.
Jews are NOT white! One look at their ugly features can tell you that.
Only after all the infrastructure built by Europeans is destroyed and removed.
Jews is European? It may be time to double up on your meds.
If Hitler is laughing in hell, it’s because Jew brainwashed White morons destroyed the last chance the White race had.
Just love your racial separation map. Who’s going to tell all those Texans they have to move?
The smaller the political unit, the greater the freedom.
Consider that your voice is much more likely to be heard in your town or neighborhood than in your state or national capital.
Trouble is, the wealthy and powerful have no interest in your voice being heard, or indeed in your freedom. Quite the contrary.
The only good looking jews are the ones who resemble Aryans. The typical dark curly hair and big hook nose is as ugly as sin.
I live in a city in SoCal that is less than 2% congoid (according to latest available statistics) and there are plenty of cities up and down this state with similar demographics. I’m all about separating from the basketball-americans (one has only to view my commenting history to confirm this), but if you think I’m giving up my home to this non-White section you are dreaming about, well son, you had better just dream on.
Blacks get the blackest parts of the southeast. And that’s it. Jews of course will continue to be allowed to lord it all over the northeast (and Florida minus the panhandle for that matter). As to our local mestizos, we’ll work it out, one way or another.
But California remains part of the westernmost fringe of the heartland, as it always has been.
I see 3 possible futures for the USA et al:
WW3, i.e. No future.
Massive population reduction engineered by the WEF type elitest groups using various covert methods and their reset, i.e. Hunger games scenario.
A continued slow burn like we have right now resulting in a lawless 3rd-4th world country run by your local warlords as per South American countries in the 70’s.
Ultimately it will be each man for himself, might is right, prepare accordingly.
You’ve got the shoe on the wrong foot, inasmuch as it’s the BIPOC’s who want to exterminate whites, not the other way around. And, btw, don’t worry. Everything will run itself forever once the whites are gone and you’re in charge, just like in Zimbabwe, or those other Wakandas, pre-white China and India where human life of the masses had as much value as a vegetable.
I love the way you guys write these long articles about what “we” should do to fix things.
Let me ask you a question that you may have yet to ponder;
Do you still really believe you have any rights.
Video Link
Let me give you big dummies a few hints:
They do not listen to what you think.
They do not care about your opinion.
Your ideas are going to go unheard.
Your slavemasters are going to do what they want, and you will do what they tell you to, Kunta-Kinte. So why do you be a good slave, shut up, pick that cotton and come back with a full sack at the end of the day so Massa’ won’t give you a whuppin’!
*That is of course, until you are ready to be REAL (white) men, and sacrifice your lives for the greater good, yes, give up your lives for the next generation, like soldiers do.
Those are your choices, Slave or Martyr.
So I
Really inspiring but I’m sure I’ve heard this somewhere before, but where? Now I remember, you’re Ray Epps!
Confession: I enjoy playing fantasy nation as much as the next guy. But this kite won’t fly.
What’s happening now will keep happening till a big, unambiguous bloodletting finally physically divides what should never have been joined in the first place.
White men with many guns will take such parts of the former USA as they can and turn it into a livable new nation. The leftover scrublands will go to all the losers. But memories will be ugly and maybe the winners will keep shooting till the losers have no survivors left. And the same goes for Canada.
History rarely shows examples of humane planning and cunning execution. It won’t this time either.
Had to look him up though.
You mean the ones who spent a year walking around with face diapers and lined up for the lethal injection? The once I see in cue to get opioids at the local Walgreens every time I buy a bottle of aspirin? The 25-year old White Guyz asking me for a dollar at the intersection? Thee goofballs here who spend half their time waxing poetic about marrying Chinks? man you guys are hilarious!
I spit Dr. Pepper all over my computer.
Give it time — it ain’t terminal yet.
No family is forced to give their 12-year-old daughter to a black rape gang yet. We can’t seriously think the day won’t come. Things are worse in places like Philly and LA than anyone thought it could get and tempers are starting to rise.
We keep forgetting the white man always waits too long and then kills too brutally.
But we always get reminded.
Been saying it often, people are still way too comfortable. The rhetoric coming from our “slave masters” to quote Truth, is peppered with hints and some other things that are tests in a wearing down process to feel out a breaking point for the people that don’t see the government as their proverbial tit that we can’t live without. The transgender scenarios playing out more and more often are obvious proof of how easy it’ll be when the SHTF. You really do have to marvel at the ease of how something so obviously counter intuitive to reality was sold to the retard brigade (Leftists) in this country. I, and many here probably won’t live long enough to see the downfall that’ll probably play out as some sort of limited civil war which will end up killing most that refuse to play ball with the current budding oligarchy. The hostages and the Ashli Babbitt execution in the Jan 6th setup are simply a message to those that might be thinking about bringing change have waiting for them behind door number one. When you hear the POTUS chiming in on gun control saying “what good is an AR-15 against an F-16” what is the message there?
Tejas has long been a White minority state….and the brown-blackening there and elsewhere continues to accelerate. But this windy essay is in any case irrelevant. Because:
the Jews intend to use the growing non-White majority to exterminate the White minority. IOTW, the (((parasite))) will kill the Host rather than allow it to separate and survive.
As a non-white, you understand nothing. Mass immigration is not due to foreign wars or colonialism – for the most part. It is due to an AGENDA from a tiny globalist mafia who wants to get rid of Europeans wherever they reside, in their delusional goal of an utopian world where they would rule forever with their ” messiah ” on inept masses of mixed-race bastards and non-whites.
And Jews are not European. That’s why they are hostile to europeans. Or they would have assimilate a long time ago.
Mishlings are a different story. Some assimilate, the ones who look like the Europeans the most, but never in great numbers.
This article is irrealist. You made good points.
I think it is one of the main reasons for their agenda of smoking white people, they are racially envious.
Notice that the good looking Jews ( the ones looking like europeans ) are never, never as virulent in their anti-whites hatred.
It occurs to me that, since Mexico has been sending all their unwanteds here, we might just as well send all our unwanteds there. Turnaround is fair play, right? Let this new, vibrant country be established south of the Rio Grande.
Except that the “native” “americans” need to then go back to Asia, from whence their ancestors came.
One way to “prepare” is not to sit and wait for the inevitable.
Help your children or grandchildren to leave rather than go down with the ship.
It takes a lot of nerve — and a moral double standard — to criticize Chinese or Indians for their lack of respect for human life. It’s human beings generally who do not respect and value innocent human life, especially when the innocent people are of a different, race, color, or religious cult. Or when the innocent people are getting in the way of a bigger profit.
How much value have white Americans, in particular, placed on innocent human life in the past century-plus?
Many millions of people murdered thousands of miles from the dominant white country, the USA, who were not harming or able to harm Americans here — usually women, children, the elderly and other noncombatants — plus many more millions maimed, starved, malnourished, terrorized, and forcibly displaced.
Here at home, tens of millions of innocent pre-born babies chopped up by “doctors” at the behest of their white mothers through “legal” “elective abortion” in the past half-century, 1974-2024.
Sadly, it’s human beings who seem to be no damn good overall, not just non-whites.
Citation needed for the 10s of millions of “white” mothers. Everything I have ever read about abortion stats is not in alignment with that statement. Which leads me to believe it’s sensationalism. Abortion is a horrid way of birth control and one needs not sensationalize to make that point. It only takes away from the truth behind it. Just the facts maam as Joe Friday would say. That said I agree with everything else you wrote. I add that it’s the system of organization that humans have succumbed to that drives this anti-humanity. First it was religion, & that morphed into government. Some out of the box thinking will be required to dislodge the idea that government is benevolent. More info here….
During wartime, every military “dehumanizes” its enemies. This is necessary in order to get military men to do things that they would normally be loath to do. This dehumanization generally diminishes when the enemy is defeated.
After the conclusion of just about every military conflict, quite often former enemies get together and share experiences. This meeting of one’s former enemy is therapeutic and also has the effect of wiping away some of the guilt associated with the dehumanization of one’s enemies.
There is one major “exception to the rule” regarding “dehumanization” in the world that needs to be addressed and dealt with on a worldwide scale.
Jews have taken the concept of dehumanization to heights unmatched by every other group.
Every gentile is seen as the “enemy”, talmudic teachings reinforcing jewish supremacy above and beyond that of any other group.
According to jewish teachings, their enemies are not confined to one race, culture, creed or belief system but comprise the whole of gentile humanity.
“Gentiles are created in human form, given long lives in which to serve the jews”. “Gentiles are human in form but are of a lower spiritual level whose only purpose is to serve the jews”.
These are talmudic statements that reinforce the jews beliefs that they are supreme and destined to rule over the rest of humanity. These jewish supremacist beliefs are thousands of years old and are reinforced in all jewish life, even today.
This ties in with the psychotic belief that jews are hated just for being jews, rather than for the behavior of their brethren which is often criminal and condescending in nature.
Both victimhood and persecution complexes are useful psychological tools that jews use to keep their fellow jews in line.
Jews also revel in extreme torture methods. The jewish communist bolshevik takeover of Russia offers prime examples of extremely painful and gruesome torture of their “enemies”. It seems that jews consider torture to give them power over their enemies, not unlike the “bloodletting” ceremonies that jews use to this day, the adrenochrome harvesting industry that is wholly a jewish business.
To jews, all gentiles are considered to be the enemy.
Now, how do we break jewish supremacism?
You’re right, there’s no need to sensationalize, and I’m trying not to do so.
Looks like women / “doctors” in the USA have murdered about FIFTY (50) million human beings before birth through “legal” abortion from 1973 to the present.
This source goes only from 1973 through 2001:
Of the fifty million human beings murdered through “legal” abortion in the USA in the past half century, it’s likely that about (20) million were murdered at the behest of their white “mothers”:
For example, this source states that 38.7% of legal US abortions in 2014 murdered non-Hispanic white babies:
Of course, no innocent person of any age or race or color deserves to be murdered, by abortion or otherwise.
Thank you for the caution, and for the link. I’ll check it out.
Luckily, slave and martyr aren’t the only choices for decent non-violent Americans.
There are at least two other choices.
Choice #3 is to work your way up within this evil US regime. But that is increasingly hard to do if you are a normal, non-jewish, non-african, heterosexual person, especially a white man. And how “decent” can one be, building a career working for the thieves, liars, warmongers, perverts, and propagandists in US government, corporations, media and universities?
Choice #4 is to LEAVE.
Get out for good, or at least prepare children or grandchildren to do so.
Leaving need not be an immediate, all-or-nothing affair. Millions of productive, peaceful, civilized, reasonably intelligent Americans are spending increasingly more of their time and money abroad. Not just retirees anymore; also people who can do their work effectively online.
These Americans are gradually moving savings into other currencies, held in banks outside the US / canada / eu. These folks are mostly white, especially among the oldest generations (65-plus), which are overwhelmingly nonHispanic white. But there are some asian and hispanic Americans making the move too, like my wife, and several couples of our acquaintance.
For anyone who spends time in expat-heavy areas of Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador, this burgeoning exodus becomes apparent. Also observable, on a smaller scale, in places like Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, western/Mediterranean coastal Turkey (Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya), Eastern Europe, and the Balkans.
Our kids won’t live as slaves or die as martyrs in this dying and vicious country.
Well, OK, you got me on that one, but as you hinted, some guys balk at the fellatio they have to perform.
I’ll have to quarrel with this one, on principle. You see, you can in fact move. The problem is that ANYWHERE you see people who look like you (read; white people) has already been spoiled.
Do you think I am exaggerating? ANYWHERE.
What I read from a lot of people here is that they plan to move amongst Piefaces (read: Asians). The first problem with that is, which way do you think that Asians strange inferiority/superiority conundrum with whites is going to flip when the value of your savings plummets 90% (which it will, and soon)?
The second problem is, you will simply be kicking the can down the road. I’ll give you a hint here; to avoid the coming problems your best option is… drum roll please…
All of the electronic, and biological surveillance infrastructure is not yet in place there, and never will be.
But, the word “apocalypse” in Hebrew simply means “uncovering” and NO ONE escapes God’s judgement.
Your only true answer is to find the only true God, apologize, and accept that he sent his son to die for your sin.
I’m sorry to inform you of this.
And blacks need to go back to the jungle, from whence their ancestors came.
“Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to public opinion. This is the weak point of our defenses, and the part to which the enemies of the system will direct all their attacks. Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of the nation to appear insignificant, and the trifles of moment; in a word, the right the wrong, the wrong the right. In a country where opinion has sway, to seize upon it, is to seize upon power. As it is a rule of humanity that the upright and well-intentioned are comparatively passive, while the designing, dishonest, and selfish are the most untiring in their efforts, the danger of public opinion’s getting a false direction is four-fold, since few men think for themselves.” -James Fenimore Cooper, in The American Democrat, 1838
Appreciate the comment and concede the merit in some of it, too.
Of course, you’re right that when the USD loses much more of its value relative to many other currencies, people relying on the USD abroad will have a much harder time maintaining their standard of living. They may have a hard time avoiding outright poverty, in fact, when the dollar really plummets and stays down. My wife and I worry about this ourselves.
And like anyone of any race anywhere, people without real money (meaning money with substantial credibility and purchasing power) will garner less respect and generally be treated with indifference or worse by more people.
Good reason for sensible Americans to be converting their USD savings into the currencies of several other countries. (Better late than never, no?) Specifically, countries that have much less government debt. Countries that spend / print / borrow money less recklessly. Countries with no modern track record of starting or provoking non-defensive wars that cause the “need” to create money out of thin air, borrow, and otherwise devalue their currency.
As for anywhere with a lot of white expats being spoiled, that’s not our experience overall. It’s usually not hard to rent or buy a good place that’s affordable, just by looking a bit away from the concentrations of higher-income / net-worth foreigners. This usually means away from the ocean/lake, which is fine. The more of the local language you learn, the more feasible it is to live away from the big concentration of foreigners who speak English.
You make a great and overlooked point about Africa not yet having surveillance states like “advanced” authoritarian countries such as China, Russia, the USA, the UK, etc. But I wouldn’t be confident about things staying that way. I hope but don’t expect them to resist the surveillance trend. We’ll see.
You needn’t be sorry to inform me of the need to worship God, repent and seek forgiveness for my sins. I have and will continue to do so.
But all the irrational and creepy pagan business about God having sons, worshipping a human being as God, believing in the necessity or goodness of scapegoating and human sacrifice (“the” crucifixion), innocent babies and toddlers being inherently sinful (“original sin”), God choosing one race or tribe over all others (Judaism and christianity), God commanding some people to terrorize and murder other people and their children (the maniacal “old testament”), “messiahs” promising to murder everyone who doesn’t want to be ruled by them (“loving” jesus’s threat in Luke) — that’s another story. No thanks.
I ask God alone for forgiveness and guidance, not any human being — whether living, or long dead like jesus. I don’t pray to God in any human being’s name, either. God bless you and best wishes. Hope we meet someday, and not in Hell or the like.
My family and I have had serious problems with that group, none provoked or justified. On balance, and with regret for the good people whom we’d lose, we wish that they weren’t here at all.
But most of their ancestors never asked to be brought here. They were dragged here as part of the vile practice of enslaving people who were living thousands of miles away and posing no threat to “British” / European people here on this continent.
The majority of Africans and Halfricans in the USA didn’t choose to be born or raise their kids here. (Growing voluntary immigration of Africans into the USA in the past few decades is changing this. Overall, however, most substantially-African people in the USA are still descended from slaves.)
For starters, I’d like to see the peaceful, legal, negotiated creation of new States within the USA. Each State will need express constitutional authority to restrict the travel and migration of non-citizens (individually or categorically) into its territory. Something like the special immigration authority that Canada allows Quebec, but far stronger.
Of course, States, counties and cities need to freely exercise their right to protect their people without federal interference and coercion. This means the right to exclude people with convictions for violent felonies, at a minimum. This must entail the right to SEVERELY punish people for public filth and disorderly conduct, intimidation, harassment, theft, and especially threats and outright violence. Experience and statistics both suggest that African-“americans”, as currently constituted, will be by far hardest hit by severe enforcement of laws against violence, intimidation and the rest of the society-destroying behavior listed above.
If you say that the federal government will never allow this, well, that’s hard to argue with. I’d just like to see the necessary changes peacefully, legally negotiated and effected.
When it comes to creating new States and giving them the powers mentioned, it’s better to “separate and stop the hate.” Better than continuing to force disparate, often hostile peoples to live together in the existing enormous States, with some being ruled by the others. Better than the violence and racial and cultural division and distrust we have now. Better than the much worse tension and violence that seem to be in our future otherwise.
We need more States, with smaller, more similar, more cohesive populations, and autonomy. A realistic peaceful separation and devolution of government powers, not violence.
Speaking of a miserable life for people relying on US dollars, which country or countries do you live in and do you rely on US dollars for much of your income or savings?
As for moving to Africa, do you honestly believe that white and asian people will be safe and decently treated in most of Africa? Where? Perhaps if those new white or asian settlers are visibly observant Muslims, speak Arabic, and settle in North Africa, I suppose. Like Kevin Barrett.
Other than moving to Africa, do you have any serious recommendations for people who are heavily reliant on the USD for the purchasing power of their savings or retirement income? Which countries seem to you to be their least-bad options?
Well, Old Sport, one must weigh one “creepy and pagan” business against another. What I am about to ask you is probably the most important question that you will answer moving forward:
Are the things above actually more “creepy and pagan” then one believing that his car runs on dry dinosaur bones, that your great grandmother was a monkey, that you live on a spinning volleyball traveling willy-nilly through space, that you never see “the dark side of sphere known as “the moon” because it rotates at the exact same speed we do, or that you can see the so-called “Sun” from 93 million miles away?
But these dalliances are all accepted as common truths, right?
Short etymology lesson: The word Brit, in Hebrew means roughly “contract.” (B’nai B’rith; children of the contract). British means, roughly “contracted men.” By whom? For What? I leave that up to you to research.
Written on your US Seal is the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum, look it up. That translates to “New Secular Order.”
Again, this is on the US state seal. Well what can one make of this? In a nutshell, what you have written above dovetails directly with why your people were brought to the US in the first place… to destroy God’s influence, not just here but everywhere, and you’ve done that for which you were… that’s right… contracted.
What you have written above dovetails with that great fingernails-on-the-blackboard saying; I’m spiritual but I’m not religious! You want the benefits of the Lord Almighty, but you sacrifice nothing for them, right?
I could, of course go into this for hours (literally: hours) without notes, but truthfully I only come here to make jokes.
Best of luck.
I live in the wonderfully chaotic US State of New Mexico. I have lived in Asia and the Middle East, and have been to many countries. I have been open to moving for a few years, but Truth’s mom is not 80 and has two children, the other living in New Hampshire, and she doesn’t want to move. C’est la Vie.
As you US currencies vs foreign. Interesting to think about, but again, the best investment advice in this field is simply can-kicking. In a few years, there will be announcement given that currency is worthless, and you will need an implant to conduct business, so kindly turn it all in and you will receive credit. This is where I have to laugh at all of the foolish honkees who have moved to that Great Valhalla known as China…
At that point, it’s all over but the shouting. I have some gold and silver, and some money in the bank, and half a shed of low-level barterable goods (along with a few 401-k’s I will have to figure out what to do with).
Be safe in Africa? In most places other than Nigeria. Will you enjoy your lifestyle? Probably not.
Is there a magical country you can relocate to Where all is going to be good? No.
Again, you are going to a place where men like you have come for over a century to have sex with their 14 year old daughters (and, yes: sons). Of course your slavemasters all have huge speads in multiple places (The Bush Family is the largest landowner ins Paraguay), but they can afford private security.
The funniest thing on this site is when I read, and I mean read repeatedly; how terrible the life is here, and how wonderful it is in blah-blahstan.
Dummies, the life in Blah-blahstan is wonderful after you’ve been living here for fifty years and have sucked blood out of the pig for that time With the education system, the University system, the pensions, and bloated salaries from the place you HATE, yes, life is fine somewhere else. If it were not like that, why would you see so many of those people moving here? The problem with that, as I noted above is that your advantages will soon disappear. Then what?
So in a nutshell, if you want to move for the sun, sure do it. Otherwise, just stay here, and do your best.
Although I don’t agree with you thanks for your honest and well written reply.