Writing A Psychological Report (Finished)
Writing A Psychological Report (Finished)
Writing A Psychological Report (Finished)
Psychological Report
By Lester R. Sagun
Masteral in Clinical Pyschology
1. To be acquaint on the basic concepts about psychological Report Writing
◦ It represents the clinician’s effort to integrate the assessment date with a functional whole so that the information can be used by the
client in solving problems and making decisions.
◦ It involves analyzing synthesizing and integrating numerous sources of data, including the examinee’s test scores, previous test scores,
teacher’s report, behavioral observations, interview, social and family history, and medical findings.
◦ Should clearly present findings, interpretations and recommendations and should meet acceptable writing standards.
Content of a Report
◦ 1. Demographic Information or Identifying Data – It includes the name and sex of the examinee, date of birth, age, address, race,
grade/school, course/year level, date of examination, name of parents or guardian, and date of report.
◦ 2. Reason for referral and relevant background information – It includes the purpose of testing: the problem indicated by the referral
source (such as suspected retardation, speech difficulty, behavior pattern, or perceptual motor handicap.)
◦ Name of person(s) referring the client (parent, teachers, counselors, physicians, employers) should be included.
◦ Relevant educational, social, medical information: family history, previous testing results and other personal information are also
presented in this section. If the purpose of testing for clinical diagnosis, a separate section for Social Case History is appropriate.
◦ 3. Behavioral Observations – It incudes a brief description of the examinee during testing such as appearance, adjustments to the test
situations, degree of cooperation, effort and attention, attitude toward the test and examiner, and abilities in accomplishing the test.
◦ Other areas includes the client’s speech, including pitch of voice, vocabulary level and it gives a general impression of the client. Any
unusual testing condition that occurred during should be recorded here. Observations in non testing situations, in classroom or work
settings may be included.
◦ 4. Assessment Procedures or Test Administered – It includes the different test administered to the client and the dates of testing, other
assessment procedures like observation, mental status examination, interview, if conducted are also mentioned here.
◦ 5. Test results – The results should be presented clearly and succintly. Any doubts about the reliability and validity of the test should be
clearly stated. In reporting the results of the mental ability test, it is advisable to note the precision range associated with the obtained
IQ. The precision range is based on the standard error of measurement and the confidence level selected.
◦ The chronological age; IQ; Precision range; classification, total, scale and subscale scores; percentile rank and representative should be
presented. For the standfor binet test, MA and basal ceiling
◦ for the WAIS-R, WISC and WPPSI, the verbal and Performance IQ’s and Full Scale I. the variability of items passed and failed, if
needed should be included as well as any factors that may have distorted the results.
◦ The examiner should consider how educational, emotional, and cultural factors may have affected the examinee’s performance.
◦ 6. Diagnostic Impressions or Test Interpretations – In addition to reporting the test results, it is necessary to interpret the findings to
arrive at some synthesis of the overall pattern of scores and test performance. Diagnostic statements should never be made based on
sufficient data.
◦ This section should discuss the examinee’s strength and weaknesses, intellectual functioning, diagnostic implications of findings and
other related information.
◦ 7. Summary – optional; if included it should be short, one paragraph integrated statement of test findings and recommendations.
◦ 8. Recommendations – the important part of psychological evaluation as it gives specific answers to the referral question. In making
predictions, caution, remarks and recommendations, the examiner should indicate his/her level of confidence in the prediction and in
the recommendation.
◦ In some cases, the recommendations are based on the client’s pattern of strength and weaknesses and on the implication that pattern
has for remediation, treatment and rehabilitation.
◦ Reommendations can focus on many different factors: covering specific suggestions for stimulating and enhancing the person’s
psychological growth and development; provides information on possible patterns of development disturbance; indicates a need for
retesting for further evaluation; suggest specific forms of treatment point out vocational aptitudes and areas of strength; makes
prediction future behavior.
◦ Recommendation should enable the reader to plan a program suitable to the client’s needs and level of functioning.
◦ 9. Name and Signature of the Psychologist/Psychometrician/Counselor – It includes the PRC number and PTR number
Summary of Content of Psychological Report