Format of Writing A Psychological Report
Format of Writing A Psychological Report
Format of Writing A Psychological Report
I. Identifying Data - – It includes the name and sex of the examinee, date of birth, age,
address, race, educational attainment, course/year level, date of examination, name of
parents or guardian, and date of report.
II. Reason for Referral - it includes the purpose of testing: the problem indicated by the
referral source (Such as suspected retardation, speech difficulty, behavior problem, or
perceptual motor handicap.)
III. Behavioral Observation - This usually focuses on a number of different areas. It includes the
brief description of the examinee during the testing such as appearance, adjustment to the test
situations, degree of cooperation, effort and attention, attitude toward the test and examiner, and
abilities in accomplishing the test.
• Other areas includes the client’s speech, including pitch of voice, vocabulary level and it gives
a general impression of the client. Any unusual testing condition that occurred during should
be recorded here. Observations in non testing situations, in classroom or work settings may
be included.
IV. Test Administered (Right Side: Date administered) - It includes the different test administered to
the client and the dates of testing. Other assessment procedures like observation, mental status
examination, interview, if conducted, are also mentioned here.
VI. Summary of findings. - - it should be short, one paragraph integrated statement of test findings
and recommendations
VII. Recommendations Important part of the psychological evaluation as it gives specific answers to
the referral questions. In making predictions caution, remarks and recommendations, the examiner
should indicate his/her level of confidence in the prediction and in the recommendation.
• In some case, the recommendations are based on the client’s pattern of strengths and
weaknesses and on the implication that pattern has for remediation, treatment and
• Recommendations can focus on many different factors: covering specific suggestions for
stimulating and enhancing the person's psychological growth and development; provides
information on possible patterns of developmental disturbances; indicates a need for
retesting or further evaluation; suggest specific forms of treatment point out vocational
aptitudes and areas of strength makes prediction of future behavior.
• Recommendations should enable the reader to plan a program suitable to the client’s needs
and level of functioning.