Intel ISEF Rules and Guidelines 2020 2021
Intel ISEF Rules and Guidelines 2020 2021
Intel ISEF Rules and Guidelines 2020 2021
The International Rules and Guidelines for Science Fairs is available at in multiple formats. Familiarity with the rules is
critical for students, parents, teachers, mentors, fair directors and local and affiliated fair Scientific Review Committees (SRC) and Institutional Review Boards
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
The full text of the International Rules and forms in html and as a
downloadable pdf.
• Integrity. Honesty, objectivity, and avoidance of conflicts of interest are 2. A student must be selected by an ISEF-affiliated fair, and meet both of the
expected during every phase of the project. The project should reflect following:
independent research done by the student(s) and be free of fraudulent data a. be in grades 9–12 or equivalent; and
and/or plagiarism and represent only one year’s work. b. not have reached age 20 on or before May 1 preceding ISEF.
• Legality. Compliance with all federal, state and local laws and
regulations is essential. In addition, projects conducted outside the U.S. 3. English is the official language of ISEF. Student project boards and
must also adhere to the laws of the country and jurisdiction in which the abstracts must be in English.
project was performed. All projects must be approved by a Scientific
Review Committee (SRC), and when necessary must also be approved 4. Each student is only allowed to enter one project. That project may include
by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and no more than 12 months of continuous research and may not include
Use Committee (IACUC), and/or Institutional Biosafety Committee research performed before January 2020. NOTE: Projects that were
(IBC). Native, genetically-altered, and/or invasive species, (e.g. insects, conducted between January 2020 and March 2020 that competed at an
plants, invertebrates, vertebrates), pathogens, toxic chemicals or foreign ISEF-affiliate fair, may not be presented in 2021 without meeting the
substances reintroduced into the environment is prohibited. It is continuation criteria.
recommended that students reference their local, state or national laws
and regulations. 5. Team projects must have no more than three members. Teams competing
• Respect for Confidentiality and Intellectual Property. Confidential at ISEF must be composed of the original members who competed at the
communications, as well as patents, copyrights, and other forms of ISEF-affiliated fair and must all meet ISEF eligibility.
intellectual property must be honored. Unpublished data, methods, or
results may not be used without permission, and credit must be given for 6. Students may compete in only one ISEF affiliated fair, except when
all contributions to the research. proceeding to a state/national fair affiliated with ISEF from an affiliated
• Stewardship of the Environment. It is the responsibility of the regional fair.
researcher and the adults involved to protect the
environment from harm. Introduction or disposal of native, genetically- 7. Projects that are demonstrations, ‘library’ research or
altered, and/or invasive species, (e.g. insects, plants, invertebrates, informational projects, ‘explanation’ models are not
vertebrates), pathogens, toxic chemicals or foreign substances into the recommended or appropriate for ISEF.
environment is prohibited. It
is recommended that students reference their local, state or national 8. All sciences and engineering disciplines are represented at ISEF and
regulations and quarantine lists. projects compete in one of the 22 categories.
• Acknowledgment of Risks. All projects involve some amount of risk. Review a complete list of categories and sub-categories with definitions.
Everyone is expected to recognize the hazards, assess the risks, minimize
the risks, and prepare for emergencies. 9. A research project may be a part of a larger study performed by
• Animal Care. Proper care and respect must be given to vertebrate professional scientists, but the project presented by the student must be
animals. The use of non-animal research methods and alternatives to only their own portion of the complete study.
animal research are strongly encouraged and must be explored before
conducting a vertebrate animal project. The guiding principles for the
use of animals in research includes the following “Four R’s:’ Replace, General
Reduce, Refine, Respect. 1. All domestic and international students competing in an ISEF-affiliated
• Human Participant Protection. The highest priority is the health and fair must adhere to all rules as set forth in this document.
well-being of the student researcher(s) and human participants.
• Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (PHBAs). It is the 2. All projects must adhere to all of the tenets of the Ethics
responsibility of the student and adults involved in the project to conduct Statement.
and document a risk assessment, and to safely handle and dispose of
organisms and materials. 3. It is the responsibility of the student and the Adult Sponsor to evaluate
the study to determine if the research will require forms and/or review
Scientific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or and approval prior to experimentation.
competition. This includes plagiarism, forgery, use or presentation of other
researcher’s work as one’s own and fabrication of data. Fraudulent projects 4. Projects competing at ISEF must have an exhibit that adheres to ISEF
will fail to qualify for competition in affiliated fairs and ISEF. Society for Display & Safety requirements and is visible during
Science and the Public reserves the right to revoke recognition of a project all operable hours of the exhibit hall without reliance on electricity
subsequently found to have been fraudulent. or internet connections.
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
5. All projects must adhere to the requirements of the affiliated fair(s) in
10. All signed forms, certifications, and permits must be available for review
which it competes to qualify for participation in ISEF. Affiliated fairs
by all regional, state, national and international affiliated fair SRCs in
may have additional restrictions or requirements. Knowledge of these
which the student(s) participate.
requirements is the responsibility of the student and Adult Sponsor.
This review must occur after experimentation and before
Approval and Documentation competition.
1. Project documentation should begin before experimentation with the
Digital Paperwork and Signatures
current forms available. Projects involving human participants, vertebrate
Submission of forms generated by a digital system are allowable under the
animals, and potentially hazardous biological agents must be reviewed and
following conditions:
approved by a local or regional Institutional Review Board (IRB) or
1. The forms must have the same content and order as ISEF forms.
Scientific Review Committee (SRC) prior to the start of experimentation.
urrent at the start of the project which may in some cases be prior
2. Digital signatures must have a verification system via login and have a
to experimentation begins, a local or regional Institutional Review Board
time and date stamp to indicate this authentication.
(IRB) or Scientific Review Committee (SRC) with the ISEF-affiliated
fair must review and approve most projects involving human participants,
3. Paperwork submitted to Society for Science & the Public for ISEF must
vertebrate animals, and potentially hazardous biological agents. Note: If a
be scanned and submitted via the online portal.
project involves the testing of a student designed invention, prototype
or concept by a human, an IRB review and approval may be required Continuation/Research Progression of Projects
prior to experimentation. See Human Participants Rules for details. 1. As in the professional world, research projects may build on work
performed previously. A valid continuation project is a sound scientific
2. Every student must complete the Student Checklist (1A), a Research endeavor. Students will be judged only on laboratory experiment/data
Plan/Project Summary and Approval Form (1B) and review the project collection performed over 12 continuous months beginning no earlier
with the Adult Sponsor in coordination with completion by the Adult than January 2020 and ending May 2021.
Sponsor of the Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1).
2. Any project based on the student’s prior research could be considered a
3. A Qualified Scientist is required for all studies involving Biosafety Level continuation/research progression project. These projects must document
2 (BSL-2) potentially hazardous biological agents and DEA-controlled that the additional research is a substantive expansion from prior work
substances and is also required for many human participant studies and (e.g. testing a new variable or new line of investigation). Repetition of
many vertebrate animal studies. previous experimentation with the same methodology and research
question, even with an increased sample size, is an example of an
4. After initial IRB/SRC approval (if required), any proposed changes unacceptable continuation.
in the Student Checklist (1A) and Research Plan/ Project Summary
must be re-approved before laboratory experimentation/data 3. The display board and abstract must reflect the current year’s work only.
collection resumes. The project title displayed in the finalist’s booth may mention years (for
example, “Year Two of an Ongoing Study”). Previous year’s databooks,
5. Projects which are continuations of a previous year’s work and which research papers and supporting documents may be at the booth if properly
require IRB/SRC approval must undergo the review process with the labeled as such.
current year ResearchPlan/Project Summary prior to experimentation/data
collection for the current year. 4. Longitudinal studies are permitted as an acceptable
continuation under the following conditions:
6. Any continuing project must document that the additional research is a. The study is a multi-year study testing or documenting the same
new and different. (Continuation/Research Progression Projects Form variables in which time is a critical variable. (Examples: Effect of
(7)). high rain or drought on soil in a given basin, return of flora and
fauna in a burned area over time.)
7. If work was conducted in a regulated research institution, industrial b. Each consecutive year must demonstrate time-based change.
setting or any work site other than home, school or field at any time c. The display board must be based on collective past
during the current ISEF project year, the Regulated Research conclusionary data and its comparison to the current year data
Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C) must be completed and set. No raw data from previous years may be displayed.
displayed at the project booth.
5. All projects must be reviewed and approved each year and forms must
8. After experimentation, each student or team must submit a (maximum) be completed for the new year.
250-word, one-page abstract which summarizes the current year’s work.
Team Projects
The abstract must describe research conducted by the student, not by the
1. Team projects compete and are judged in the category of their research at
supervising adult(s).
ISEF. All team members must meet the eligibility requirements for ISEF.
9. A project data book and research paper are not required, but are strongly
2. Teams must have no more than three members. A team with members from
recommended for judging purposes. Regional or local fairs may require a
different geographic regions may compete at an affiliated fair of one of its
project data book and/or a research paper.
members, but not at multiple fairs. However, each affiliated fair holds the
authority to determine
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
animal research and research involving potentially hazardous biological
• Providing direct supervision of the student experimentation
agents and/or hazardous chemicals, activities or devices
• Completing the required documentation — the Designated Supervisor
• Compliance with ISEF ethics statement
box on the Qualified Scientist Form (2) when applicable
• Use of accepted and appropriate research techniques
• Reviewing and completing the Risk Assessment Form (3) when
• Evidence that risks have been properly assessed
• Evidence of search for alternatives to animal use
REVIEW COMMITTEES • Humane treatment of animals
• Documentation of substantial expansion for continuation projects
To avoid conflict of interest, no Adult Sponsor, parent or other relative of • Evidence of appropriate literature search and attribution
the student, the Qualified Scientist, or Designated Supervisor who oversees
the project, may serve on the IRB reviewing that project or any other FOR HUMAN PARTICIPANT PROJECTS
committee. Additional members are recommended to help avoid a potential
conflict of interest and to increase the expertise of the committee.
Affiliated Fair Scientific Review Committee (SRC) An Institutional Review Board (IRB), is a committee that, according to federal
A Scientific Review Committee (SRC) is a group of qualified individuals that regulations (45-CFR-46), must evaluate the potential physical and/or
is responsible for evaluation of student research, certifications, research plans psychological risk of research involving humans. All proposed human research
and exhibits for compliance with the rules, applicable laws and regulations at must be reviewed and approved by an IRB before experimentation begins. This
each level of science fair competition. Affiliated Fairs may authorize local includes review of any surveys or questionnaires to be used in a project.
SRCs to serve in this prior review capacity. The operation and composition
of the local and Affiliated Fair SRCs must fully comply with the Federal regulations require local community involvement. Therefore, it is
International Rules. Directions for obtaining preapproval are available advisable that an IRB be established at the school level to evaluate human
from the affiliated fair. A list of fairs can be found at https://findafair. research projects. If necessary, the local or ISEF-affiliated SRC can serve as an IRB as long as it has the required membership. An IRB must consist of a
minimum of three members including the following:
Most proposed research projects involving vertebrate animals and/or • An educator
potentially hazardous biological agents must be reviewed and approved • A school administrator (preferably principal or vice principal)
BEFORE experimentation. Local or regional SRC prior review is not required • A medical or mental health professional. The medical or mental
for human studies previously reviewed and approved bya properly constituted health professional may be a medical doctor, nurse
IRB. practitioner, physician’s assistant, doctor of pharmacy, registered nurse,
psychologist, licensed social worker or licensed
ALL projects, including those previously reviewed and approved by an IRB clinical professional counselor. The medical or mental health professional
must be reviewed and approved by the SRC after experimentation and before on the IRB may change depending on the nature of the study. This
competition in an Affiliated Fair. person must be knowledgeable about and capable of evaluating the
Projects which were conducted at a Regulated Research Institution, physical and/or psychological risk involved in a given study.
industrial setting or any work site other than home, school or field and which
were reviewed and approved by the proper institutional board before Additional Expertise: If an expert is not available in the immediate area,
experimentation, must also be approved by the Affiliated Fair SRC. documented contact with an external expert is recommended. A copy of all
An SRC must consist of a minimum of three persons, including the correspondence with the expert (e.g. emails) must be attached to Form 4 and
following: can be used in lieu of the signature of that expert.
• a biomedical scientist with an earned graduate degree
• an educator IRBs exist at federally Regulated Research Institutions (e.g., universities,
• at least one additional member medical centers, NIH, correctional facilities). Prisoner advocates must be
included on the IRB when research participants are incarcerated. The
Additional expertise: Many project evaluations require additional expertise institutional IRB must initially review and approve all proposed research
(e.g., on biosafety and/or of human risk groups). If the SRC needs an expert as conducted at or
one of its members and one is not in sponsored by that institution. The Adult Sponsor and the local IRB are
the immediate area, all documented contact with an external expert must responsible for ensuring that the project is appropriate for a pre-college student
be submitted. If animal research is involved, at least one member must be and adheres to ISEF rules.
familiar with proper animal care procedures. Depending on the nature of
the study, this person It is the responsibility of the members of the IRB to thoroughly review the
can be a veterinarian or animal care provider with training and/or experience Research Plan and collectively decide whether to approve the project, request
in the species being studied. revisions to the methodology/require more oversight (e.g., QS) to reduce risk
to participants, or to determine that the project is not appropriate for student
A Scientific Review Committee (SRC) examines projects for the research. An IRB documents the determination of risk level on Human
following: Participant Form 4.
• Evidence of proper supervision
• Completed forms, signatures, research dates, and preapproval dates (when In reviewing projects just prior to a fair, if the SRC serving at that level of
required) competition judges an IRB’s decision as inappropriate,
• Evidence of proper team composition
• Compliance with rules and laws governing human and/or
ISEF SRC, like an Affiliated Fair SRC, is made up of adults knowledgeable about
research regulations. In addition to the review of all projects at ISEF, committee
members answer questions about the rules throughout the year from students and
teachers. The ISEF SRC can be contacted at [email protected].
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Rules involving human participants
The following rules were developed to help pre-college student researchers
adhere to the federal regulations governing professional scientists and to A letter from an adult mentor and/or Qualified Scientist is not
protect the welfare of both human participants and the student researcher. sufficient documentation of the RRI IRB review and approval
Health and well-being is of the highest priority when students conduct process.
research with human participants.
3. The student must comply with all determinations made by the School or
According to Code of Federal Regulation 45, CFR 46, a human participant RRI IRB before beginning any interaction with human participants (e.g.,
is a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research recruitment, data collection).
obtains (1) data or samples through intervention or interaction with a. If the IRB requires a Qualified Scientist (QS), Form 2 must be
individuals(s) or (2) identifiable private information. completed by the QS before any interaction with human
participants. The School IRB will review this completed form
Examples of projects that are considered “human participant research” before approving the project.
include: b. If the IRB requires a Designated Supervisor (DS), Form 3 must be
• Participants in physical activities (e.g., physical exertion, ingestion completed before any interaction with human participants. The
of any substance, any medical procedure) School IRB will review this completed form before approving the
• Psychological, educational and opinion studies (e.g., surveys, project.
questionnaires, tests) c. See rule #4 below regarding required procedures for obtaining
• Studies in which the researcher is the subject of the research informed consent/assent and/or parental permission.
• Testing of student designed invention, prototype or computer application
by human participants other than student researcher 4. Participation in research may begin only after research participants have
• Data/record review projects that include data that are not de- voluntarily given informed consent/assent (in some cases with parental
identified/anonymous (e.g., data set that includes name, birth date, phone permission). Adult research
number or other identifying variables) participants may give their own consent. Research participants under 18
• Behavioral observations that years of age and/or individuals not able to give consent (e.g.
a. involve any interaction with the observed individual(s) or where the developmentally disabled individuals) give their assent, with the
researcher has modified the environment (e.g., post a sign, place an parent/guardian providing permission.
b. occur in non-public or restricted access settings (e.g., day care The School IRB will determine whether the consent/assent/ parental
setting, doctor’s office) permission may be a) verbal or implicit or b) must be written. See the
c. involve the recording of personally identifiable Risk Assessment information on page 9 and the online Risk Assessment
information. Guide (https://sspcdn.blob.core. Assessment-
Rules Guide.pdf) for further explanation of informed consent.
1. Student researchers must complete ALL elements of the Human a. Informed consent requires that the researcher provides complete
Participants portion of the Research Plan/Project Summary Instructions information to the participant (and where applicable, parents or
and evaluate and minimize the physical, psychological and privacy risks to guardians) about the risks and benefits associated with participation
their human participants. See Risk Assessment information on page 11 and in the research study, which then allows the participants and parents
the online Risk Assessment Guide (https://student.societyforscience. or guardians to make an informed decision about whether or not to
org/human-participants#riskassess) for additional guidance. participate.
b. Participants must be informed that their participation is voluntary
2. Student research involving human participants must be reviewed and and that they are free to stop participating at any time (i.e., they
approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) (See page 5) before may participate or decline to participate, with no adverse
any interaction (e.g., recruitment, data collection) with human consequences of non- participation or aborted participation).
participants may begin. It is the responsibility of the IRB to evaluate c. Informed consent may not involve coercion.
potential physical and/or psychological risks of the project and make a d. When written parental permission is required and the study
determination includes a survey, the survey must be attached to the consent
about whether the project is appropriate for student research and safe for form.
the student researcher and participants. e. The student researcher may request that the IRB waive the
a. Projects that are conducted at school, at home or in the requirement for written informed consent/parental permission in
community that are not affiliated with a Regulated his/her research plan if the project meets specific requirements. See
Research Institution (RRI) must be reviewed and approved by the section on IRB waivers for more information about situations in
School IRB before the student may begin recruiting and/or interacting which written parental permission and/or written informed consent
with human participants. The School IRB must assess the risk and can be waived by the IRB.
document its determination of risk on Form 4.
b. Projects that are conducted at a Regulated Research Institution (RRI) 5. The research study must be in compliance with all privacy laws (e.g., U.S.
(e.g., university, hospital, medical center, government lab) must have Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the U.S. Health
IRB approval from the RRI. A copy of the IRB approval for the Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)) when they apply to
project must be obtained. the project (e.g. the project involves medical information).
8. All published instruments that are not in the public domain must be
Human Participant Involvement in Student-designed Invention,
administered, scored and interpreted by a Qualified Scientist as required
by the instrument publisher. Any and all use and distribution of the test
Prototype, Computer Application & Engineering/Design Projects
Student-designed invention, prototype, computer application and
must be in accordance with the publisher’s requirements, including
engineering/design projects that involve testing of the invention by any human
procurement of legal copies of the instrument.
participant require attention to the potential risks to the individual(s) testing or
trying out the invention/prototype.
9. Studies that involve the collection of data via use of the internet (e.g.,
1. IRB review and pre-approval is necessary when the student- designed
email, web-based surveys) are allowed, but researchers should be aware
invention, prototype, application, etc. is tested
that they can pose challenges in
by human participants other than the student researcher(s) or a single
a) collecting anonymous data, b) obtaining informed consent and c)
adult guardian or Adult Sponsor/QS/DS when the testing requires an
ensuring that participants are of the appropriate age to give informed
adult tester. This includes surveys conducted regarding potential use,
consent. See the Online Survey Consent Procedures (
review of the product and/or opinions regarding the project as defined
by the FDA
or Medical Practices Act) and is tested on human participants must be
supervised by a Qualified Scientist.
2. A Risk Assessment Form 3 is recommended for all student- designed
10. After initial IRB approval, a student with any proposed changes in the
inventions or prototypes.
Research Plan must repeat the approval process and regain approval before
resuming interaction (recruitment, data collection) with human Exempt Studies (Do Not Require IRB Preapproval or
participants. Human Participants Paperwork)
Some studies involving humans are exempt from IRB pre-approval or
11. After experimentation and before competition, the Affiliated Fair SRC additional human participant forms. Exempt projects for ISEF and affiliated
will review for compliance with all rules. fairs are:
1. Student-designed Invention, Prototype, Computer Applications or
12. The following forms are required for studies involving human Engineering/Design Project in which the student researcher is the only
participants: person testing the invention, prototype or computer application and the
a. Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1), Student Checklist (1A), Research testing does not pose a health or safety hazard. The only exception is
Plan/Project Summary, and Approval Form (1B) a single adult guardian or Adult Sponsor/QS/DS when the testing
b. Human Participants Form (4) for projects reviewed by school requires an adult tester. It is recommended that a Risk Assessment Form
IRB or IRB approval documentation from an RRI and all (3) be completed.
applicable consents and survey(s)
c. Regulated Research Institution Form (1C), when applicable 2. Data/record review studies (e.g., baseball statistics, crime statistics) in
d. Qualified Scientist Form (2), when applicable which the data are taken from preexisting data sets that are publicly
e. Risk Assessment (3) when applicable available and/or published and do not involve any interaction with
humans or the collection of any data from a human participant for the
IRB Waiver of Written Informed Consent/Parental Permission purpose of the student’s research project.
The IRB may waive the requirement for documentation of written informed
consent/assent/parental permission if the research involves only minimal risk 3. Behavioral observations of unrestricted, public settings (e.g., shopping
and anonymous data collection and if it is one of the following: mall, public park) in which all of the following apply:
1. Research involving normal educational practices a. the researcher has no interaction with the individuals being
b. the researcher does not manipulate the environment in any way
2. Research on individual or group behavior or characteristics of
individuals where the researcher does not manipulate the
c. the researcher does not record any personally identifiable data.
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
4. Projects in which the student receives pre-existing/ retrospective data in a
de-identified/anonymous format which complies with both of the
following conditions:
a. the professional providing the data certifies in writing that the data
have been appropriately de-identified before being given to the
student researcher and are in compliance with all privacy and
HIPAA laws, and
b. the affiliated fair SRC ensures that the data were appropriately
de-identified by review of the written documentation provided
by the supervising adult(s).
All human participant projects are considered to have some level of risk.
No more than minimal risk exists when the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater (in and of
themselves) than those ordinarily encountered in everyday life or during performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
More than minimal risk exists when the possibility of physical or psychological harm or harm related to breach of confidentiality or invasion of privacy
is greater than what is typically encountered in everyday life. Most of these studies require documented informed consent or minor assent with the
permission of parent or guardian (as applicable).
3. Privacy Concerns
a. The student researcher and IRB must consider whether an activity could potentially result in negative consequences for the participant due to
invasion of privacy or breach of confidentiality. Protecting confidentiality requires measures to ensure that identifiable research data are not
disclosed to the public or unauthorized individuals.
b. Risk level can be reduced by protecting confidentiality or collecting data that is strictly anonymous. This requires the collection of research in such a
way that it is impossible to connect research data with the individual who provided the data.
4. Risk Groups
If the research study includes participants from any of the following groups, the IRB and student research must consider whether the nature of
the study requires special protections or accommodations:
a. Any member of a group that is naturally at-risk (e.g. pregnant women, developmentally disabled persons, economically or educationally
disadvantaged persons, individuals with diseases such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, AIDS, dyslexia, cardiac disorders, psychiatric disorders,
learning disorders, etc.)
b. Special groups that are protected by federal regulations or guidelines (e.g. children/minors, prisoners, pregnant women, students receiving
services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
See the online Risk Assessment Guide ( Risk-Assessment-
Guide.pdf) and Online Survey Consent Procedures ( Documents/SEP/ISEF/Resources/Online-
Survey-Consent-Procedures.pdf) for more detailed information on risk assessment.
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Rules involving vertebrate animals
The following rules were developed to help pre-college student researchers
adhere to the federal regulations governing professional scientists and to that were considered, and the reasons these alternatives were
protect the welfare of both animal subjects and the student researcher. unacceptable; explanation of the potential impact or contribution this
Health and well-being is research may have on the broad fields of biology or medicine.
of high priority when students conduct research with animal subjects. b. Description of how the animals will be used. Include methods and
procedures, such as experimental design and data analysis;
The Society for Science & the Public strongly endorses the use of non- description of the procedures that will minimize the potential for
animal research methods and encourages students to use alternatives to discomfort, distress, pain and injury to the animals during the
animal research, which must be explored and discussed in the research plan. course of
The guiding principles for the use of animals in research include the experimentation; identification of the species, strain, sex, age,
following “Four R’s”: weight, source and number of animals proposed for use.
• Replace vertebrate animals with invertebrates, lower life forms, tissue/cell
cultures and/or computer simulations where possible. 2. All vertebrate animal studies must be reviewed and approved before
• Reduce the number of animals without compromising statistical experimentation begins. An Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee,
validity. known as an IACUC, is the institutional animal oversight review and
• Refine the experimental protocol to minimize pain or distress to the approval body for all animal studies at a Regulated Research Institution.
animals. The local OR affiliated fair SRC serves in this capacity for vertebrate
• Respect animals and their contribution to research. animals studies performed in a school, home or field. Any SRC serving in
this capacity must include a veterinarian or an animal care provider with
If the use of vertebrate animals is necessary, students must consider training and/or experience in the species being studied.
additional alternatives to reduce and refine the use of animals.
3. Students performing vertebrate animal research must satisfy US federal
All projects involving vertebrate animals must adhere to the rules for all law as well as local, state, and country laws and regulations of the
vertebrate animal studies AND to either Section A or Section B rules, jurisdiction in which research is performed.
depending on the nature of the study and the research site.
4. Research projects which cause more than momentary or slight pain or
A project is considered a tissue study and not a vertebrate animal study if distress are prohibited. Any illness or unexpected weight loss must be
tissue is obtained from an animal that was euthanized investigated and a veterinarian consulted to receive required medical care.
for a purpose other than the student’s project. (Use of tissues obtained from This investigation must
research conducted at a Regulated Research Institution requires a copy of an be documented by the Qualified Scientist or Designated Supervisor, who is
IACUC certification with the name of the research institution, the title of the qualified to determine the illness, or by a veterinarian. If the illness or
study, the IACUC approval number and date of IACUC approval.) In tissue distress is caused by the study, the experiment must be terminated
studies, a student may observe the vertebrate study, but may not manipulate immediately.
or have any direct involvement in the vertebrate animal experimental
procedures. 5. No vertebrate animal deaths due to the experimental
procedures are permitted in any group or subgroup.
a. Studies that are designed or anticipated to cause vertebrate
Vertebrate animals, as covered by these rules, are defined as: animal death are prohibited.
1. Live, nonhuman vertebrate mammalian embryos or fetuses b. Any death that occurs must be investigated by a veterinarian,
2. Tadpoles the Qualified Scientist or the Designated Supervisor who is
3. Bird and reptile eggs starting three days (72 hours) prior to hatching qualified to determine if the cause of death was incidental or
4. All other nonhuman vertebrates (including fish) at hatching or birth. due to the experimental procedures. The project must be
Exception: Because of their delayed cognitive neural development, zebrafish suspended until the cause is determined and then the results
embryos may be used up to seven days (168 hours) post-fertilization and not must be documented in writing.
be considered a vertebrate. However, regardless of time of treatment, survival c. If death was the result of the experimental procedure, the study must
past the 7 days must be considered a vertebrate animal and the entire study is be terminated, and the study will not qualify for competition.
subject to all of the rules below.
6. All animals must be monitored for signs of distress. Because significant
Rules for ALL Vertebrate Animal Studies weight loss is one sign of stress, weight must
1. All vertebrate animal studies must have a research plan that includes: be recorded at least weekly with 15% being the maximum permissible
a. Justification why animals must be used, including the reasons for the weight loss or growth retardation (compared to controls) of any
choice of species, the source of animals and the number of animals experimental or control animal. Additionally, body conditioning scoring
to be used; description, explanation, or identification of alternatives (BCS) systems are available for most species of animals utilized in
to animal use research and are an objective method for assessing the overall health
status of the research subject, with or without weight loss. A BCS system
should be included in the design of any study utilizing live vertebrate
animals and results regularly recorded.
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Affairs Medical Centers and the Centers for Disease Control. In
addition, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and research Exempt Studies (Do Not Require SRC Preapproval)
institutions that utilize research animals that are not covered by the 1. Studies involving behavioral observations of animals are exempt from
Animal Welfare Act but have an operational Institutional Animal Care prior SRC review if ALL of the following apply:
and Use Committee (IACUC) and are in compliance with U.S. federal a. There is no interaction with the animals being observed,
laws are included in this definition. For projects conducted outside of b. There is no manipulation of the animal environment in any way, and
the United States, a Regulated Research Institution would c. The study meets all federal and state agriculture, fish, game and
be a comparable research institution that adheres to country laws wildlife laws and regulations.
governing the care and use of vertebrate animals.
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International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
d. Risk Assessment (3), when applicable
6. Introduction or disposal of non-native, genetically-altered, and/or
e. PHBA Risk Assessment Form (6A), when applicable
invasive species (e.g. insects or other invertebrates, plants, vertebrates),
f. Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue Form (6B) – for all studies
pathogens, toxic chemicals or foreign substances into the environment is
involving tissues and body fluids.
prohibited. Students and adult sponsors should reference their local, state
A. Additional Rules for Projects Involving Unknown and national regulations and quarantine lists.
Studies involving unknown microorganisms present a challenge C. Additional Rules for Projects with Tissues and Body Fluids,
because the presence, concentration and pathogenicity of possible including Blood and Blood Products
agents are unknown. In science fair projects, these studies typically Studies involving fresh/frozen tissue, blood or body fluids obtained
involve the collection and culturing of microorganisms from the from humans and/or vertebrates may contain microorganisms and
environment (e.g. soil, household surfaces, skin.) have the potential of causing disease. Therefore, a proper risk
assessment is required.
1. Research with unknown microorganisms can be treated as a BSL-1
study under the following conditions:
1. Research involving human and/or non-human primate established cell
a. Organism is cultured in a plastic petri dish (or other standard
lines and tissue culture collections (e.g., obtained from the American
sterile non-breakable container) and sealed.
Type Culture Collection) must be considered a BSL-1 or BSL-2 level
b. Experiment involves only procedures in which the petri dish
organism as indicated by source information and treated accordingly. The
remains sealed throughout the experiment (e.g., counting presence
source and/ or catalog number of the cultures must be identified in the
of organisms or colonies).
Research Plan/Project Summary.
c. The sealed petri dish is disposed of via autoclaving or
disinfection under the supervision of the Designated
2. If tissues are obtained from an animal that was euthanized for a
purpose other than the student’s project, it may be considered a tissue
2. If a culture container with unknown microorganisms is opened for any
a. Use of tissues obtained from research conducted at a Regulated
purpose, (except for disinfection/disposal), it must
Research Institution requires a copy of the IACUC certification
be treated as a BSL-2 study and involve BSL-2 laboratory
with the name of the research institution, the title of the study,
the IACUC approval number and date of IACUC approval.
b. Use of tissues obtained from agricultural/aquacultural studies
B. Additional Rules for Projects Involving Recombinant DNA require prior SRC approval.
(rDNA) Technologies
Studies involving rDNA technologies in which microorganisms, 3. If the animal was euthanized solely for the student’s project, the study
plants and/or animals have been genetically modified require must be considered a vertebrate animal project and is subject to the
close review to assess the risk level assignment. Some rDNA vertebrate animal rules. (See vertebrate animal rules.)
studies can be safely conducted in a BSL-1 high school laboratory
with prior review by a SRC. 4. The collection and examination of fresh/frozen tissue and/or body
fluids, (not including blood or blood products;
1. All rDNA technology studies involving BSL-1 organisms and see rule 7) from a non-infectious source with little likelihood of
BSL-1 host vector systems, including commercially available kits, must be microorganisms present must be considered Biosafety level 1 studies and
conducted in a BSL-1 laboratory under the supervision of a Qualified must be conducted in a BSL-1 laboratory or higher and must be supervised
Scientist or Designated Supervisor and must be approved by the SRC prior by a Qualified Scientist or trained Designated Supervisor.
to experimentation. Examples include cloning of DNA in E. coli K–12, S.
cerevesiae, and B. subtilis host- vector systems. 5. The collection and examination of fresh/frozen tissues or body fluids or
meat and meat by-products NOT obtained from food stores, restaurants,
2. An rDNA technology study using BSL-1 agents that may convert to BSL- or packing houses may contain microorganisms. Because of the
2 agents during the course of experimentation must be conducted entirely increased risk from unknown potentially hazardous agents, these studies
in a BSL-2 facility. must be considered biosafety level 2 studies conducted in a BSL-2
laboratory under the supervision of a Qualified Scientist.
3. All rDNA technology studies involving BSL-2 organisms and/or BSL-2
host vector systems must be conducted in a Regulated Research 6. Human breast milk of unknown origin, unless certified free of HIV and
Institution and approved by the IBC prior to experimentation, where Hepatitis C, and domestic unpasteurized animal milk are considered
applicable. BSL-2.
4. Propagation of recombinants containing DNA coding for human, plant or 7. All studies involving human or wild animal blood or blood products
animal toxins (including viruses) is prohibited. should be considered at a minimum a Biosafety level 2 study and must be
conducted in a BSL-2 laboratory under the supervision of a Qualified
5. All genome editing studies that include alteration of germline cells, Scientist. Known BSL-3 or BSL-4 blood is prohibited; human capillary
insertion of gene drives, use of rapid trait development systems (RTDS®), blood is exempt. Studies involving domestic animal blood may be
etc., should be categorized as a BSL-2 study and must be conducted at an considered a BSL-1 level study. All blood must be handled in accordance
RRI and approved by the IBC from the institution. Qualified scientists are with standards and guidelines set forth in the OSHA, 29CFR,
expected to ensure that student research protocols address appropriate
intrinsic and extrinsic containment precautions.
1. The following types of studies are exempt from prior SRC review,
but require a Risk Assessment Form 3:
a. Studies involving protists and archaea.
b. Research using manure for composting, fuel production, or other
non-culturing experiments.
c. Commercially-available color change coliform detection test kits.
These kits must remain sealed and must be properly disposed.
d. Studies involving decomposition of vertebrate organisms (such as in
forensic projects).
e. Studies with microbial fuel cells.
• The following types of studies involve BSL-1 organisms and are exempt
from prior SRC review and require no additional forms:
a. Studies involving baker’s yeast and brewer’s yeast, except in rDNA
b. Studies involving Lactobacillus, Bacillus thuringiensis,
nitrogen-fixing, oil-eating, and algae-eating bacteria introduced into
their natural environment. (Not exempt if cultured in a petri dish
c. Studies involving water or soil microbes not concentrated in media
conducive to their microbial growth
d. Studies of mold growth on food items if the experiment is terminated
at the first evidence of mold.
e. Studies of slime molds and edible mushrooms.
Page 17
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Use this information to complete PHBA Risk Assessment Form (6A)
Risk assessment defines the potential level of harm, injury or disease to plants,
animals and humans that may occur when working with biological agents. The 6. Assignment of a biosafety level for the study based on risk group of
end result of a risk assessment is the assignment of a biosafety level which then biological agent, level of biological containment available and the
determines the laboratory facilities, equipment, training, and supervision expertise of the Qualified Scientist or Designated Supervisor who
required. Risk assessment involves: will be supervising the project
1. Assignment of the biological agent to a risk group 7. Documentation of review and approval of study prior to
2. Studies involving a known microorganism must begin with an initial a. If a study is conducted at a non-regulated site (e.g. school),
assignment of the microorganism to a biosafety level risk group based on the SRC reviews the Research Plan/Project Summary.
information available through a literature search. b. If the study was conducted at a Regulated Research Institution, and
was approved by the appropriate institutional board (e.g. IBC,
3. The study of unknown microorganisms and the use of fresh tissues IACUC), the SRC reviews the institutional forms provided and
relies on the expertise of the supervising adult(s). documents SRC approval (Form(6A)).
c. If a PHBA study was conducted at a Regulated Research Institution
4. Determination of the level of biological containment available to the student but the institution does not require review for this type of study, the
researcher to conduct the experimentation. (See “Levels of Biological SRC must review the study and document approval on Form 6A
Containment” for details.) that the student received appropriate training and the project
complies with ISEF rules.
5. Assessment of the experience and expertise of the adult(s)
supervising the student.
ikely to cause disease in healthy laboratory workers, animals or plants. The agents require Biosafety Level 1 containment. Examples of BSL-1 organisms
a laboratory situation, the risk of spread is limited and it rarely would cause infection that would lead to serious disease. Effective treatment and preventive measu
umoniae, Salmonella choleraesuis.
BSL-3 containment is required for infectious agents that may cause serious or potentially lethal diseases as a result of exposure by inhalation. Projects in
BSL-4 containment is required for dangerous/exotic agents that pose high risk of life-threatening disease. Projects in the BSL-4 group are prohibited.
Page 19
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Includes DEA-controlled substances, prescription drugs, alcohol & tobacco, firearms and explosives, radiation, lasers, etc.
The following rules apply to research using hazardous chemicals, devices and
activities. These include substances and devices that are regulated by local, Additional Rules for Specific Regulated Areas
state, country, or international law, most often with restrictions of their use by There are additional rules for the following regulated areas:
minors such as DEA- controlled substances, prescription drugs, alcohol, A. DEA-controlled Substances
tobacco, firearms and explosives. Hazardous activities are those that involve a B. Prescription Drugs
level of risk above and beyond that encountered in the student’s everyday life. C. Alcohol & Tobacco
D. Firearms and Explosives
These rules are intended to protect the student researcher by ensuring proper E. Regulated Drones
supervision and the consideration of all potential risks so that the appropriate F. Radiation
safety precautions are taken.
Students are required to meet all standards imposed by ISEF, school, A. DEA-Controlled Substances
local, and/or regional fair(s). The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) regulates
chemicals that can be diverted from their intended use
to make illegal drugs. Other countries may have similar regulatory
Rules for ALL Projects Involving Hazardous Chemicals, Activities bodies; students outside of the U.S. must adhere to their own
and Devices country’s drug regulatory agency requirements in addition to U.S.
1. The student researcher must conduct a risk assessment in DEA regulations. DEA- controlled substances and their schedule
collaboration with a Designated Supervisor or Qualified Scientist number are at the DEA website under Sources of Information. It is
prior to experimentation. This risk assessment should be documented the responsibility of the student to consult this list if there is a
in the research plan to include the possibility that substances used in experimentation could be
risk assessment process, supervision, safety precautions and appropriate regulated.
methods of disposal. This risk assessment is also documented on Risk 1. All studies using DEA-controlled substances must be supervised by
Assessment Form 3. a Qualified Scientist who is licensed by the DEA (or other
international regulatory body) for use of the controlled substance.
2. The use of hazardous chemicals and devices and involvement in hazardous
activities require direct supervision by a Designated Supervisor, except 2. All studies using DEA Schedule 1 substances (including
those involving DEA-controlled substances, which require supervision by marijuana) must have the research protocol approved by DEA
a Qualified Scientist. before research begins. Schedule 2, 3 and 4 substances do not
require protocol approval by DEA.
3. Student researchers must acquire and use regulated substances in
accordance with all local, state, U.S. federal and country laws. For B. Prescription Drugs
further information or classification for
Prescription drugs are regulated by federal or country laws to protect
these laws and regulations, contact the appropriate regulatory agencies.
against inappropriate or unsafe use. Special precautions must be taken
in their use for a science project as follows:
4. For all chemicals, devices or activities requiring a Federal and/ or State
1. Students are prohibited from administering prescription drugs to
Permit, the student/supervisor must obtain the permit prior to the onset of
human participants.
experimentation. A copy of the permit must be available for review by
adults supervising the project and the local, affiliated, and ISEF SRCs in
2. A veterinarian must supervise student administration of any
their review prior to competition.
prescription drugs to vertebrate animals.
5. The student researcher must minimize the impact of an
experiment on the environment. Examples include using
C. Alcohol and Tobacco
The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulates the
minimal quantities of chemicals that will require
production of alcohol and distribution of alcohol and tobacco products.
subsequent disposal; ensuring that all disposal is done in an
Many such products are restricted by age for purchase, possession and
environmentally safe manner and in accordance with good laboratory
1. Fermentation studies in which minute quantities of ethyl alcohol
are produced are permitted.
6. The following forms are required:
2. The Designated Supervisor is responsible for the acquisition, usage
a. Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1), Student Checklist (1A), Research
and appropriate disposal of the alcohol or tobacco used in the study.
Plan/Project Summary and Approval Form (1B)
3. Production of wine or beer by adults is allowable in the home and
b. Regulated Research Institution Form (1C), when applicable
must meet TTB home production regulations. Students are allowed
c. Qualified Scientist Form (2), when applicable
to design and conduct a research project, under direct parental
d. Risk Assessment Form (3)
supervision, involving the legal production of the wine or beer.
4. Students are prohibited from conducting experiments where
consumable ethyl alcohol is produced by
3. Potato guns and paintball guns are not considered firearms unless
they are intended to be used as weapons. However, they must be
treated as hazardous devices.
E. Regulated Drones
Projects involving unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)/drones must follow
all state, Federal and country laws. See the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) for more details (www.faadrone.
F. Radiation
Projects involving radionuclides (radioisotopes) and X-rays must
involve a careful examination of the risks associated with the study
and appropriate safety precautions must be taken. Depending upon
the level of exposure, radiation released from these sources can be a
health hazard.
1. All studies may not exceed the dose limits set by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission of 0.5 mrem/hr or 100 mrem/year of
Page 21
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Please find below guidance on conducting risk assessment when using the following:
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous Devices
1. Hazardous Chemicals
d. Corrosiveness — the tendency of a chemical, upon physical
A proper risk assessment of chemicals must include review of the
contact, to harm or destroy living tissues or physical
following factors:
a. Toxicity — the tendency of a chemical to be hazardous to
human or environmental health
When assessing risk, the type and amount of exposure to a
• Human health toxicity includes acute and chronic hazards
chemical must be considered. For example, an individual’s
when inhaled, swallowed, injected or in contact with the
skin. allergic and genetic disposition may have an influence on the
• Environmental health includes aquatic toxicity (both acute and overall effect of the chemical. The student researcher must refer
chronic), toxicity to mammals and birds, and impact on to Safety Data Sheets
ecosystems. provided by the vendor (SDS) to ensure that proper safety precautions
b. Reactivity — the tendency of a chemical to undergo chemical are taken. Some SDS sheets (e.g., Flinn)
change, including instability and reactivity with other substances rank the degree of hazard associated with a chemical. This rating
or conditions (i.e., reaction with water, air, temperature, may assist students and adult sponsors in determining risk
pressure). associated with the use of a chemical.
3. Radiation
A risk assessment (documented on Form 3) must be conducted
when a student’s project involves radiation beyond that normally
encountered in everyday life. Non- ionizing radiation includes the
spectrum of ultraviolet (UV), visible light, infrared (IR),
microwave (NW), radiofrequency (RF) and extremely low
frequency (ELF).
Vertebrate Animals
Does your project include any interaction with vertebrate animals in any phase of the project? If yes, please refer to the full Vertebrate
Animal Rules.
Page 23
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
1. United States Patent and Trade Office Customer
Service: 1-800-786-9199 (toll-free); 571-272-1000
(local); 571-272-9950 (TTY) regulations/45-cfr-46
• Conducting a Patent Search - 2. NIH tutorial, “Protecting Human Research Participants”
• 3. Belmont Report, April 18, 1979
2. USPTO Resources
• 7 Step Search Strategy Guide and Video Tutorial 4. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. (1999). Washington, DC: AERA, APA, NCME.
• 5. American Psychological Association
dl2ia9lgtZ3o8KJYh_JPVQF 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 phone: 202-
• 336-5500; 800-374-2721
• Pro Bono Program legal-
services/pro-bono/patent-pro-bono-program Information for students:
• Law School Clinic Certification Program Information public- regarding publications:
• USPTO Pro Se Assistance Program 6. Educational and Psychological Testing legal- Testing Office for the APA Science Directorate phone: 202-
services/pro-se-assistance-program 336-6000
email: [email protected]
3. European Patent Office
7. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) (15
4. ANS Task Force U.S.C. §§ 6501–6506)
Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force Vertebrate Animals Animal Care and Use
1. Laboratory Animals, Institute of Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR),
5. APHIS Commission on Life Sciences, National Research
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Invasive Species List 2. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th Edition (2011) and-Use-
6. Invasive Species Specialist Group of-Laboratory-Animals.pdf record_id=12910
The Global Invasive Species database contains invasive species
information supplied by experts from around the world. 3. Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and
Behavioral Research (2003), Institute for Laboratory Animal Research
7. Invasive Species Information (ILAR) Provides the-care-and-use-of-mammals-in-neuroscience-and-
information for species declared invasive, noxious, prohibited, or behavioral-research
harmful or potentially harmful.
To order these ILAR publications contact: National
8. Success with Science: The Winner’s Guide to High School Academies Press
Research 500 Fifth Street, NW
Gaglani, S. and DeObaldia, G. (2011). Research Corporation for Science Washington, DC 20055
Advancement. phone: 888-624-8373 or 202-334-3313; fax: 202-334-2451
ISBN 0-9633504-8-X
Human Participants
1. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Title 45 (Public Welfare), Part 46-
Protection of Human Subjects (45CFR46)
3. Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR) provides a • American Society for Microbiology
variety of information on animal sources, housing and
handling standards, and alternatives to animal use through annotated
bibliographies published quarterly in ILAR Journal. ILAR — The Keck • Microbiology Society
Center of the National Academies Charles Darwin House 12
500 Fifth Street, NW, Keck 687 Roger Street London
Washington, DC 20001 WC1N 2JU
phone: 202-334-2590, fax: 202-334-1687 UK
email: [email protected] [email protected]
Page 25
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
7. NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA
7. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Molecules. Published by National Institutes of Health. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Guidelines.pdf Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
8. OSHA — Occupational Health and Safety Administration
8. Radiation
Radiation Studies Information (CDC)
Hazardous Chemicals, Activities or Devices
General Lab/Chemical Safety
1. Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories, Volumes 1 and 2, 9. CDC Laboratory Safety Manuals
2003. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.
Order from (first copy free of charge):
American Chemical Society 10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Publications Support Services 1155
16th Street, NW Washington, DC Safety and Health Topics:
phone: 202- 872-4000 or 800-227-5558
email: [email protected]
5. Pesticides
National Pesticide Information Center
Describes the various types of pesticides and the legal requirements for
labelling. Provides links and phone numbers to get additional
The ISEF Display & Safety inspection process can be initiated only when all items are present at the display. The Display & Safety Committee Committee will
offer guidance on Display & Safety issues for projects approved by the SRC to compete in ISEF. Occasionally, the ISEF Display & Safety Committee may require
students to make revisions to conform to Display & Safety regulations. Persistent issues will be directed to a committee of individuals which may include Society
for Science & the Public (SSP) personnel, Display & Safety (D & S) and/or Scientific Review Committee (SRC) executive committee members.
The following regulations must be adhered to when a finalist exhibits a project at ISEF. All projects must adhere to the Display & Safety requirements of the affiliated
fair(s) in which they compete to qualify for participation in ISEF. Affiliated fairs may have additional restrictions or requirements. Knowledge of these requirements is
the responsibility of the Finalist, Adult Sponsor, and Fair Director.
Maximum Size of Project
Depth (front to back): 30 inches or 76 centimeters Width (side to Forms required at all projects:
side): 48 inches or 122 centimeters Height (floor to top): 108 1. An original Official Abstract and Certification as approved
inches or 274 centimeters (stamped/embossed) by the ISEF Scientific Review Committee.
a. Upon SRC approval, the stamped/embossed Official Abstract
Please be aware when ordering posters that the mechanism that supports
and Certification will be provided.
the poster should conform to the maximum size limitations stated above.
• The abstract must be the official International Science and
• All project materials and support mechanisms must fit within the project
Engineering Fair Abstract and embossed/ stamped by the ISEF
dimensions (including table covers).
Scientific Review Committee.
• No other format or version of your approved Abstract &
• Fair-provided tables at ISEF will not exceed a height of 36 inches
Certification will be allowed for any purpose at ISEF. Abstract
(91 centimeters).
handouts to judges and to the public are limited to
UNALTERED photocopies of the official abstract and
• If a table is used it becomes part of the project and must not exceed the
allowed dimensions.
b. The term “abstract” may NOT be used as a title or reference for
any information on a finalist’s display or materials at the project
• Nothing can be attached to the rear curtain.
except as part of displaying the official stamped/embossed
• All demonstrations must be done within the confines of the finalist’s
• It is the recommendation of the Display & Safety Committee
booth space. When not being demonstrated, all project components
to NOT include the word “abstract” nor the abstract itself
must be returned to the project display and must fit within allowable
when preparing backboards or posters prior to the fair.
dimensions as defined above.
However, it is reasonable to leave a blank space (8 ½” x 11”)
on the backboard/ poster so as to facilitate the addition of the
• Projects can be continued under the table BUT this area is not to be used
official abstract. Keep in mind this document can also be
for storage.
displayed vertically on the front edge of the table or in a free-
Position of Project standing acrylic frame.
The fair provided table or freestanding display must be parallel to, and
positioned at, the back curtain of the booth. Projects may NOT lean against 2. ISEF Project Set-up Approval Form (received on-site at the Fair)
the back curtain. a. This form documents the project as approved by the Scientific
Review Committee and is used to document the Display & Safety
Committee’s review process and final approval.
Forms Required to be Visible and Vertically Displayed at the b. This form must be signed by the finalist and the Display & Safety
Project Booth Committee member at the time of inspection.
The placement of the required forms may include the front edge of the table,
the display board, or in a free-standing acrylic frame placed on the table top. Additional Forms required (only when applicable):
1. Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C)
a. If work was conducted in a regulated research institution, industrial
setting or any work site other than home, school or field at any time
during the current ISEF project year, the Regulated Research
Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C) must be completed and
vertically displayed at the project booth.
Page 27
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
b. The information provided by the mentor on Form 1C may be
must be available upon request during the set-up and inspection
referenced to confirm that the information provided on the project
process, but may not be displayed
board is that of the finalist. Only minimal reference to a mentor’s or
c. Sample release text: “I consent to the use of visual images (photos,
another researcher’s work is allowable and must only reflect
videos, etc.) involving my participation/my child’s participation in
background information or be used to clarify differences between
this research.”
finalist’s and others’ work.
2. Finalists using any presentation or demonstration outside of a project
2. Continuation/Research Progression Projects Form (7)
board must be prepared to show the entire presentation to the Display
a. If a study is a continuation/research progression, the
& Safety Inspectors before the project is approved. All
Continuation/Research Progression Projects Form (7) must be
aforementioned rules apply to this
completed and vertically displayed at the project booth.
presentation and the presentation may not be altered in any way after the
b. The display board and abstract must reflect only the current year’s
final Display & Safety inspection. Examples of presentations that require
work. The project title displayed in the finalist’s booth may mention
approval include, but are not limited to PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote,
years of continuing research (for example, “Year Two of an
software program/simulation and other images and/or graphics displayed
Ongoing Study”).
on a computer screen or other non-print delivery method.
c. Reference to past work on the display board must be limited to
summative past conclusory data and its comparison to the current
year data set. No raw data from previous years may be publicly
Items/Materials Not Allowed on Display or at Project Booth
displayed; however, it may be included in the student research
1. Any information on the project display or items that are
notebooks and/or logbooks if properly labeled.
acknowledgments, self-promotions or external endorsements
Forms Required at Project but not Displayed are not allowed in the project booth.
1. Forms, excluding those listed above, that were required for the Scientific a. The use of logos including known commercial brands, institutional
Review Committee approval should not be vertically displayed, but must crests or trademarks, flags unless integral to the project and
be available in the booth in case asked for by a judge or other ISEF approved by the SRC via inclusion in the Official Abstract and
official. These forms include, but are not limited to, Checklist for Adult Certification.
Sponsor (1), Student Checklist (1A), Research Plan, Approval Form (1B), b. Personalized graphic/logos that are developed to indicate a
and a photograph/video release form. commercial purpose or viability of an established or proposed
business associated with the project. The only exception is a student-
2. A photograph/video release form signed by the subject is required for created logo may be displayed at the project once.
visual images of humans (other than the finalist) displayed as part of the c. Any reference to an institution or mentor that supported the
project. finalist’s research except as provided in the official ISEF
paperwork, most notably Form 1C.
d. Any reference to patent status of the project.
Forms NOT to be at the Project Display Booth or in the Exhibit
e. Any items intended for distribution such as disks, CDs, flash drives,
Hall brochures, booklets, endorsements, give- away items, business cards,
Completed informed consent/assent forms for a human participant study are printed materials or food items designed to be distributed to judges
NOT to be displayed and should NOT be present at the project display. The or the public. Once again, handouts to judges and to the public are
Finalist may include a sample (incomplete) form in their logbook or research limited to UNALTERED photocopies of the official abstract and
notebook but under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should the completed informed certification.
consent/assent forms for a human participant be in the Exhibit Hall.
2. Any awards or medals, except for past or present ISEF medals that may
Photograph/Image Display Requirements be worn by the finalist.
1. Any photograph/visual image/chart/table and/or graph is allowed if:
a. It is not deemed offensive or inappropriate (which includes 3. Postal addresses, World Wide Web, email and/or social media addresses,
images/photographs showing invertebrate or vertebrate QR codes, telephone and/or fax numbers of a project or finalist. Note:
animals/humans in surgical, necrotizing or dissection situations) by The only personal information that
the Scientific Review Committee, the Display & Safety Committee, is permissible to include on the display is information that is also included
or Society for Science & the Public. on the Official Abstract and Certification (Finalist Name, School, City,
b. It has a credit line of origin (“Photograph taken by...” or State, Country). Information regarding finalist’s age and grade are not
“Image taken from...” or “Graph/Chart/Table taken from…”). If permitted.
all images, etc. displayed were created by
the finalist or are from the same source, one credit line prominently 4. Active Internet or email connections as part of displaying or operating
and vertically displayed on the backboard/ poster or tabletop is the project at ISEF.
sufficient. All images MUST BE properly cited. This includes
background graphics, photographs and/or visual depictions of the 5. Any changes, modifications, or additions to projects including any attempt
finalist or photographs and/or visual depictions of others for which a to uncover, replenish or return removed language or items after the
signed photo/video release form is in a notebook or logbook at the approval by the Display & Safety Committee and the Scientific Review
project booth. These signed release forms Committee has been received is prohibited.
a. Display & Safety inspections will include recording photographic
evidence of the approved Project Display and Project booth.
15. Drones or any flight-capable apparatus unless the propulsion power 3. Handheld lasers are NOT permitted.
source removed.
4. Lasers will be confiscated with no warning if not used in a safe manner.
16. 3D Printers unless the power source is removed.
Page 29
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
The categories have been established with the goal of better aligning judges and student projects for the judging at ISEF. Local, regional, state
and country fairs may or may not choose to use these categories, dependent on the needs of their area. Please check with your affiliated fair(s)
for the appropriate category listings at that level of competition.
At the bottom of the Abstract & Certification form 3. I/We worked or used equipment in a regulated research institution or industrial
there are six questions. Please read each carefully setting.
and answer appropriately. The ISEF Scientific yes no
Research Committee will review and approve the
abstract and answers to the questions.
4. This project is a continuation of previous research.
Revisions are permitted via the online portal yes no
through late April (please reference the system for
current year deadlines.)
5. My display board includes non-published photographs/visual depictions of humans (other
Once approved, two copies of the ISEF Abstract & than myself):
Certification will be provided with a gold embossed yes no
seal; only this version of the abstract may be
displayed or distributed. 6. I/We hereby certify that the abstract and responses to the above statements are correct and
properly reflect my/our own work.
NOTE: Your abstract must be on the International yes no
Science and Engineering Fair Abstract &
Certification form and have the ISEF Scientific
Review Committee approval seal before it is
displayed or handed
out. No other format or version of your approved
Abstract will be allowed for any purpose at the
Page 31
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1)
This completed form is required for ALL projects.
Student’s Name(s):
Project Title:
1. I have reviewed the ISEF Rules and Guidelines, including the science fair ethics statement.
2. I have reviewed the student’s completed Student Checklist (1A) and Research Plan/Project Summary.
3. I have worked with the student and we have discussed the possible risks involved in the project.
4. The project involves one or more of the following and requires prior approval by an SRC, IRB, IACUC or IBC:
Humans Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents
Vertebrate Animals Microorganisms rDNA Tissues
Additional forms required if the project includes the use of one or more of the following (check all that apply):
Humans, including student designed inventions/prototypes. (Requires prior approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB); see full text of the rules.)
Human Participants Form (4) or appropriate Institutional IRB documentation
Sample of Informed Consent Form (when applicable and/or required by the IRB)
Qualified Scientist Form (2) (when applicable and/or required by the IRB)
Vertebrate Animals (Requires prior approval, see full text of the rules.)
Vertebrate Animal Form (5A) - for projects conducted in a school/home/field research site (SRC prior approval required.)
Vertebrate Animal Form (5B) - for projects conducted at a Regulated Research Institution. (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(IACUC) approval required prior experimentation.)
Qualified Scientist Form (2) (Required for all vertebrate animal projects at a regulated research site or when applicable)
Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (Requires prior approval by SRC, IACUC or IBC, see full text of the rules.)
Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Risk Assessment Form (6A)
Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue Form (6B) - to be completed in addition to Form 6A when project involves the use of fresh or frozen tissue,
primary cell cultures, blood, blood products and body fluids.
Qualified Scientist Form (2) (when applicable)
The following are exempt from prior review but require a Risk Assessment Form 3: projects involving protists, archae and similar microorganisms, for
projects using manure for composting, fuel production or other non-culturing experiments, projects using color change coliform water test kits,
microbial fuel cells, and projects involving decomposing vertebrate organisms.
Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices (No SRC prior approval required, see full text of the rules.)
Risk Assessment Form (3)
Qualified Scientist Form (2) (required for projects involving DEA-controlled substances or when applicable)
Risk Assessment Form (3)
I attest to the information checked above and that I have read and agree to abide by the science fair ethics statement.
Phone Email
Email: Phone:
2. Title of Project:
School Address:
5. Does this project need SRC/IRB/IACUC or other pre-approval? Yes No Tentative start date:
8. Source of Data:
Collected self/mentor Other Describe/url:
9. List name and address of all non-home and non-school work site(s):
10. Complete a Research Plan/Project Summary following the Research Plan/Project Summary instructions and attach to
this form.
Page 33
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Research Plan/Project Summary Instructions
A complete Research Plan/Project Summary is required for ALL projects and must accompany Student Checklist (1A).
• Some studies, such as an engineering design or mathematics projects, will be less detailed in the initial project plan and will change through the course of
research. If such changes occur, a project summary that explains what was done is required and can be appended to the original research plan.
Items 1–4 below are subject-specific guidelines for additional items to be included in your research plan/project summary as applicable.
1. Human participants research:
a. Participants: Describe age range, gender, racial/ethnic composition of participants. Identify vulnerable populations (minors, pregnant women,
prisoners, mentally disabled or economically disadvantaged).
b. Recruitment: Where will you find your participants? How will they be invited to participate?
c. Methods: What will participants be asked to do? Will you use any surveys, questionnaires or tests? If yes and not your own, how did you obtain? Did it
require permissions? If so, explain. What is the frequency and length of time involved for each subject?
d. Risk Assessment: What are the risks or potential discomforts (physical, psychological, time involved, social, legal, etc.) to participants? How
will you minimize risks? List any benefits to society or participants.
e. Protection of Privacy: Will identifiable information (e.g., names, telephone numbers, birth dates, email addresses) be collected? Will data be
confidential/anonymous? If anonymous, describe how the data will be collected. If not anonymous, what procedures are in place for safeguarding
confidentiality? Where will data be stored? Who will have access to the data? What will you do with the data after the study?
f. Informed Consent Process: Describe how you will inform participants about the purpose of the study, what they will be asked to do, that their
participation is voluntary and they have the right to stop at any time.
The SRC/IRB has carefully studied this project’s Research Plan/ Project
Summary and all the required forms are included. My signature indicates
approval of the Research Plan/Project Summary before the student begins
Page 35
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C)
R experimentation by the adult supervising the student research conducted in a regulated research institution, industrial setting or any
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
To be completed by the Supervising Adult in the Setting (NOT the Student(s)) after experimentation: (Responses must be on the
form as it is required to be displayed at student’s project booth; please do not print double- sided.)
2. Is the student’s research project a subset of your ongoing research or work? Yes No
Use questions 3, 4 and 5 to detail how the student’s project was similar and/or
different from ongoing research or work at your site. If this project is under a grant and needs to be
acknowledged, please list the grant statement here.
Student’s Name(s)
4. Detail the student’s role in conducting the research (e.g. data collection, specific procedures performed).
Differentiate what the student observed and what the student actually did.
I attest that the student has conducted the work as indicated above and that any required review and approval by institutional regulatory
board (IRB/IACUC/IBC) has been obtained. Copies are attached if applicable. I further acknowledge that the student will be presenting
this work publicly in competition and I have communicated with the student research regarding any requirements for my review and/or
restrictions of what is publicized.
Address Email/Phone
Page 37
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Qualified Scientist Form (2)
an participants, vertebrate animals, potentially hazardous biological agents, and hazardous substances and devices. Must be completed and sig
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
Position: Institution:
Address: Email/Phone:
1. Have you reviewed the ISEF rules relevant to this project and the science Yes No
fair ethics statement relevant to this project?
To be completed by the Qualified Scientist: To be completed by the Designated Supervisor when the Qualified
I certify that I have reviewed and approved the Research Plan/ Project SummaryI prior
the Istart
haveofreviewed the Research Plan/Project Summary and have been
the experimentation.
If the student or Designated Supervisor is not trained in the necessary procedures, I will ensure her/his training. I will provide advice and supervision during the
that a Designated Supervisor is required when the student is not conducting experimentation under my direct supervision.
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
To be completed by the Student Researcher(s) in collaboration with Designated Supervisor/Qualified Scientist: (All
questions must be answered; additional page(s) may be attached.)
1. List all hazardous chemicals, activities, or devices that will be used; identify microorganisms exempt from pre-approval (see Potentially
Hazardous Biological Agent rules).
2. Identify and assess the risks and hazards involved in this project.
3. Describe the safety precautions and procedures that will be used to reduce the risks.
To be completed and signed by the Designated Supervisor (or Qualified Scientist, when applicable): I agree with the risk ass
Page 39
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021,
Human Participants Form (4)
l research involving human participants not at a Regulated Research Institution. If at a Regulated Research Institution, use institutional approval forms for documentation of prior r
(IRB approval required before recruitment or data collection.)
IRB SIGNATURES (All 3 signatures required) None of these individuals may be the adult sponsor, designated supervisor, qualified scientist or related to (e.g.,
mother, father of) the student (conflict of interest).
I attest that I have reviewed the student’s project, that the checkboxes above have been completed to indicate the IRB determination and that I agree
with the decisions above.
Medical or Mental Health Professional (a psychologist, medical doctor, licensed social worker, licensed clinical professional counselor, physician’s assistant,
doctor of pharmacy, or registered nurse) with expertise related to this project.
School Administrator
Instructions to the Student Researcher(s): An informed consent/assent/permission form should be developed in consultation with the
Adult Sponsor, Designated Supervisor or Qualified Scientist.
This form is used to provide information to the research participant (or parent/guardian) and to document written informed consent, minor
assent, and/or parental permission.
• When written documentation is required, the researcher keeps the original, signed form.
• Students may use this sample form or may copy ALL elements of it into a new document.
If the form is serving to document parental permission, a copy of any survey or questionnaire must be attached.
Student Researcher(s):
Title of Project:
I am asking for your voluntary participation in my science fair project. Please read the following information about the project. If you would like to
participate, please sign in the appropriate area below.
If you have any questions about this study, feel free to contact:
Voluntary Participation:
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide not to participate there will not be negative consequences. Please be aware that
if you decide to participate, you may stop participating at any time and you may decide not to answer any specific question.
By signing this form I am attesting that I have read and understand the information above and I freely give my consent/ assent to participate or
permission for my child to participate.
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
2. Describe completely the housing and husbandry to be provided. Include the cage/pen size, number of animals per cage, environment,
bedding, type of food, frequency of food and water, how often animal is observed, etc. Add an additional page as necessary.
5. The ISEF Vertebrate Animal Rules require that any death, illness or unexpected weight loss be investigated and documented by a letter
from the qualified scientist, designated supervisor or a veterinarian. If applicable, attach this letter with this form when submitting your
paperwork to the SRC prior to competition.
To be completed by Local or Affiliate Fair Scientific Review Committee (SRC) BEFORE experimentation.
Level of Supervision Required for agricultural, behavioral or nutritional studies (select one):
Designated Supervisor REQUIRED. Please have applicable person sign below.
Veterinarian and Designated Supervisor REQUIRED. Please have applicable persons sign below.
Veterinarian, Designated Supervisor and Qualified Scientist REQUIRED. Please have applicable persons sign below and have the Qualified Scientist complete Form
The SRC has carefully reviewed this study and finds it is an appropriate study that may be conducted in a non-regulated research site.
Local or Affiliate Fair SRC Pre-Approval Signature:
SRC Chair Printed Name Signature Date of Approval (must be prior to experimentation) (mm/dd/
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
Title and Protocol Number of IACUC Approved Project
2. Describe, in detail, the role of the student in this project: animal procedures and related equipment that were involved,
oversight provided and safety precautions employed. (Attach extra pages if necessary.)
3. Was there any weight loss or death of any animal? If yes, attach a letter obtained from the qualified scientist, designated supervisor
or a veterinarian documenting the situation and the results of the investigation.
6. Attach a copy of the Regulated Research Institution IACUC Approval. A letter from the Qualified Scientist or Principal
Investigator is not sufficient.
Printed Name
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
To be completed by the QUALIFIED SCIENTIST/DESIGNATED SUPERVISOR in collaboration with the student researcher(s). All
questions are applicable and must be answered; additional page(s) may be attached.
1. Identify potentially hazardous biological agents to be used in this experiment. Include the source, quantity and the biosafety level risk
group of each microorganism.
3. Describe the procedures that will be used to minimize risk (personal protective equipment, hood type, etc.).
4. What final biosafety level do you recommend for this project given the risk assessment you conducted?
5. Describe the method of disposal of all cultured materials and other potentially hazardous biological agents.
1. What training will the student receive for this project?
2. Experience/training of Designated Supervisor as it relates to the student’s area of research (if applicable).
DESIGNATED SUPERVISOR - Check the appropriate box(es) below:
Experimentation on the microorganisms/cell lines/tissues to be used in this study will NOT be conducted at a Regulated Research Institution, but will be conducted at a
(check one) BSL-1 or BSL-2 laboratory. [This study has been reviewed by the local SRC and the procedures have been approved prior to experimentation.]
Experimentation on the microorganisms/cell lines/tissues to be used in this study will be conducted at a Regulated Research Institution and was approved by the
appropriate institutional board prior to experimentation; institutional approval forms are attached.
Origin of cell lines: Date of IACUC/IBC approval
Experimentation on the microorganisms/cell lines/tissues to be used in this study will be conducted at a Regulated Research Institution, which does not require pre-
approval for this type of study. The SRC has seen and approved the research plan and supporting documentation and acknowledges the accuracy of the responses
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
1. What vertebrate animal tissue will be used in this study? Check all that apply.
Fresh or frozen tissue sample
Fresh organ or other body part
Body fluids
Primary cell/tissue cultures
Human or other primate established cell lines
2. Where will the above tissue(s) be obtained? If using an established cell line include source and catalog number.
3. If the tissue will be obtained from a vertebrate animal study conducted at a research institution attach a copy of the IACUC certification
with the name of the research institution, the title of the study, the IACUC approval num- ber and a of IACUC approval.
Title Phone/Email
Student’s Name(s)
To be completed by Student Researcher: List all components of the current project that make it new and different from previ- ous research. The
information must be on the form; use an additional form for previous year and earlier projects.
2. Change in goal/
3. Changes in
4. Variable studied
5. Additional
Attached are:
Abstract and Research Plan/Project Summary, Year
I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the current year Abstract & Certification and project display board properly reflect work done
2019 Society for Science & the Public. All rights reserved. International Science and Engi-
neering Fair is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Society
for Science & the Public. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of
others. Printed in USA Please Recycle.