Rotter's Incomplete Sentence Blank Test
Rotter's Incomplete Sentence Blank Test
Rotter's Incomplete Sentence Blank Test
blank test
• Developed by Janet Rafferty, Julian B. Rotter, and Michale Lah
• It was published in 1992 by psychological corporation
• The incomplete sentence blank test consist of forty items revised from
a form used by Julian Rotter and Benjamin Willerman.
• The original RISB was published in 1950 and the most recent revisions,
including separate forms for clients in high school, college and
adulthood, were published in 1992.
• The sentence completion method of studying persolaity is a semi-
structured projective technique in which subject is asked to finish a
sentence for which the first word is supplied.
Purpose of RISB
• The ISB is an attempt to standardize the sentence completion method
for use at the college level.
• Forty sterns are completed by the subject.
• There completions are then scored by comparing them against typical
items in empirically derived scoring manuals for men and women and
by assigning to each response a scale value from 0-6.
• The total score is an index of maladjustment
• Measuring adjustment and maladjustment is the aim of RISB, with the
goal of identifying both the presence and relative absence of
• Intended to help and guide an initial interview, formulate a diagnosis
and arrive at a treatment plan
• Used for screening purpose with college students
• Used in vocational guidance center to select students requiring
broader counseling
Psychometric properties
• Most valid among Sentence completion tests
• Reliability
• As items are not equivalent the odd-even technique to determine
reliability was not applicable and tend to give minimum reliability.
• Items were divided into halves deemed as nearly equivalent as
• This yield a corrected split half reliability of .84 when based on the
records of 124 male college students and .83 when based on 71
female students.